Meet your Posher, Stephanie
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Hi! I'm Stephanie. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)

113 others
like this

Welcome to Poshmark!😊
Nov 12Reply

Welcome to Poshmark!!! 😊 Hi I am Gloria. Welcome to a community of great people and awesome deals. I am a Poshmark Ambassador, Top Seller, Top sharer and Poshmark Mentor. If you have any questions feel free to ask, I will be glad to help. I also invite you to check out my closet. Happy Poshing 😃
Nov 22Reply

Hello I’m Veronica, Posh Ambassador 🧚♀️welcome to Poshmark!!🛍🤑
Dec 07Reply

Welcome to Poshmark and my closet and thank you for stopping by and liking my great dress. Please don't hesitate to ask questions. Happy poshing and shopping. 🌲👗👢
Dec 07Reply

Welcome! Thank you for checking out my closet, feel free to make an offer or bundle items for a larger discount. Happy Poshing :)
Dec 07Reply

Nice to meet you on posh. Hope you are loving it! 💕
Dec 07Reply

@stephanie6683 welcome to posh and thanks so much for the like on my swimsuit 😊💕❤
Dec 07Reply

Thank you for all the likes, feel free to make an offer on anything !
Dec 07Reply

Hi Stephanie, thank you so much for the sweet comment on your purchase! Your awesome! The things you liked from my closet, if you want to bundle it up I will make you a fantastic deal on them. ;)
Dec 13Reply

Hi Stephanie! Welcome to the greatest online clothing marketplace in the world!!! You are cordially invited to come and shop in our closet! Bestbargain does $40 worth of clothes for $20!!! Just bundle till you reach $40 and you'll get the $20 Offer from us. Everything benefits our rescue dogs!!! ❤Dee with bestbargain❤
Dec 24Reply

Hi Happy Holidays and welcome to Poshmark. Please take a look in my closet offers are welcomed. Free gift with every purchase. Thanks and happy poshing😙
Dec 24Reply

@jesusheir great closet. I will look into making a few buys maybe later this week. Great taste!!!!
Dec 25Reply

@bestbargain ty I will look into making a few buys later this week. Great closet. 😊
Dec 25Reply

@stephanie6683 💋thank you sweet heart please have a merry merry Christmas 💋
Dec 25Reply

Hii Stephanie! Thank you SO much my dear. Hope you and your s are having a very Merry Christmas!!! Dee with bestbargain
Dec 25Reply

Hi Tia, hope your Xmas went well! Were you still interested in the red pumps in my closet? We can work on an offer that’s best for us both if you do! Let me know ❤️
Dec 26Reply

If you’re interested about the heels I can ship them tomorrow morning!!
Jan 06Reply

Hi! Welcome to Poshmark! I hope you have fun here! Please let me know if you have any questions, I’d be happy to help 🌸
Jan 14Reply

Hi there! 💗💗 I would love for you to stop by and take a look at my closet 💗💗 Let me know if you have any questions! 💗💗
Jan 30Reply

Thank you for your purchase! Your shoes will ship on Monday!
Feb 02Reply

Feb 02Reply

Thank you so much for your kind feedback. Enjoy your new heels. Blessings!
Feb 04Reply

@stephanie6683 Hello there 💕😊Thanks for popping in! if you would like to bundle your likes I can send a discount and ship with your gifts 🎁 asap
Feb 11Reply

hey! thank you for showing interest in an item i am selling. i am currently having a big sale and trying to get rid of as many things as i can tonight. feel free to bundle up and clothing you like so i can send you a bundle offer!
Feb 11Reply

hey! thank you for showing interest in an item i am selling. i am currently having a big sale and trying to get rid of as many things as i can tonight. feel free to bundle up and clothing you like so i can send you a bundle offer!
Feb 11Reply

Thanks for the like make sure to make your best offer
Feb 11Reply

Thanks for liking any questions please feel free to ask Happy poshing 🙂
Feb 15Reply

Thanks! This dress is gorgeous in person, the fit, the material the softness of it. I had it listed for $28 and I dropped the price today at $23. Since I dropped the price the shipping automatically qualifies for $3.99. I’m truly sorry it’s priced to sell
Feb 17Reply

In response to your question about my name, it is short for Methuselah, the oldest man that ever lived. I didn't mean for it to be offensive to anyone. Have a great Sunday !
Feb 17Reply

@methuse, please forgive me, I've had two people already comment on a buy I made with deceivable titles ,however they intentionally did it for the neg att.. you have done no wrong. I should have scrolled right by but I got a big mouth, I'm sorry. This is a gorgeous Sunday. Please enjoy yours as well and keep on poshing☺️
Feb 17Reply

Thank you so much for your kind response. I didn't take any offense to your inquiry. If you didn't ask, u wouldn't have known. Glad that you're having a great Sunday !
Feb 17Reply

@methusebless your heart, xoxo
Feb 17Reply

Feb 17Reply

Hi there, thank you for checking out my closet and liking ❤️ please let me know if you have any questions 🌹
Feb 18Reply

I’m sorry those shoes were sold in my other site hun .
Feb 21Reply

@dlopez212. Oops ok, I'm sorry, some lucky lady got a deal of a lifetime, you practically gave them away, very sexy shoe, ty anyway.❤️❤️❤️ XOXO..
Feb 21Reply

@stephanie6683 Hi there 😀🥰 So happy you came by! Please bundle your likes for an extra discount and fun new 🎁 gifts with purchase! 💕
Feb 21Reply

Aw yay thanks a bunch! If I can help you with anything else just let me know, I’ll make sure you get discount on shipping as well! Have a blessed day 🥰🥰🥰🥰 -Cristina.
Feb 21Reply

Welcome to Poshmark!!!🎉🎉🎉if you have any questions feel free to ask. Happy poshing!!!🎉🛍🛍🎉
Feb 27Reply

Hi There thank you hope you love the black heels 👠 I also have them in red 💕
Feb 28Reply

@stephanie6683 hello..thanks for liking the Pink Stilettos. I made you an offer plus reduced shipping fees. If you're interested in these I will ship them out first thing this morning. Hope to hear from you soon and thanks for checking out my closet. Crissy
Mar 01Reply

Good morning Stephanie.I just wanted to ask you if you ❤ any other items because you can get the very best DEALS when you bundle❗Happy March 🌹✌💟
Mar 01Reply

Hi Stephanie I’m working on the bundle, can’t locate white halter,
Mar 02Reply

Welcome, thanks for the like, my closet is full of sexy unique pieces used for photo. shoots. everything is mint. Please take a peek. I offer huge discounts. have fun
Mar 02Reply

@stephanie6683 hi, welcome. If you’re interested in the 2-pc I have, it’s $25 & $4.99 shipping 🎈
Mar 06Reply

Hey I saw you were interested in the nails? Where do you live?
Mar 08Reply

Hi! Welcome to posh mark! I hope your day is going well! I just wanted to let you know I am trying to clear out my closet & im having a 3 for $20(or less) on certain items! feel free to check it out! Tip: share others listings so they share yours!! I'm open to offers, bundles & shares!! Happy poshing❤️❤️❤️
Mar 13Reply

Thanx boo ... it means a lot ♥️... I try to do everything with excellence ... thank you again 😍
Mar 15Reply

@tricietaylor561❤️❤️❤️ XOXO
Mar 15Reply

Hello!😊💕 feel free to visit my closet to see amazing finds!👚👗👙👘👠👡👢👜👛👝🥿
Mar 19Reply

hi! did you receive the silver shoes?
Mar 19Reply

Okay 👌🏾 just making sure ♥️
Mar 20Reply

Hey there Gorgeous! I wanted to stop by and say hi! If you get the chance come by and have a look at my closet. A lot of my items have never been worn and still have tags attached. Brands such as Lululemon, Nike, Victoria’s Secret, Spanx Leggings, and so much more! So come take a look, if there is something you like, but not the price, make an offer. Love giving discounts!
Xoxo, B.
Mar 24Reply

🌹Hi, Sending Posh ♥️♥️♥️ your way . Feel free to checkout my Closet when you have a Minute . Happy to answer questions on Sizing , Texture etc. Not Happy with the listing Price ? Don’t be Shy ☺️, Use the Offer button . I will either Accept or Counter offer . So do Stop by 😊. Thanks and Happy Poshing 🛒🛍🎉🧚♀️
Mar 25Reply

Hi there! If you are interested in multiple pairs of shoes we can work something out! Thanks for looking!
Mar 27Reply

Many thanks for stopping by the best closet early on in your PM experience: afraid it’s all down hill from here.
All seriousness, pls let me know if I can help w selling & will give you a great discount on any items- the more you buy the lower the discount. Please let me know. All the best to you.
Apr 03Reply

Should you truly want all 4 items; $360.00. Hope that’s a help. Best,
Apr 03Reply

Hi Stephanie 😀 welcome to Poshmark. All good wishes to you. Thanks for the like. Check back often for new arrivals.Bundle 2 or more items & recieve discount too 💕 Thanks again & have yourself a beautiful day! 🌞🤩
P.S. The Fuschia you liked are beautiful! For the "like" I would like to give you a special offer of 15% off, That's $34 00! If you agree make the offer & I will accept. Mention this offer please. Thanks hope to hear from you.
Apr 03Reply

Good morning Stephanie would you like to bundle now for extra savings❓♥💋
Apr 04Reply

@stephanie6683 .good morning Stephanie. Thanks for stopping by and liking my great shoes. Please don't hesitate to ask questions. I sent you a private offer and hope you will love it. Have fun shopping and poshing. 🎈🌹❤👠
Apr 08Reply

Hi! I'm Gina & my "mutt", Woofs, & I want 2 introduce ourselves & thank u 4 the "likes" on items from our closet. Just a reminder that our ENTIRE CLOSET is BOGO FREE, so shop all u want, bundle ur likes, & let me know when u r done. I'll do the rest. Purchase $35 or more & get FREE shipping. As a thank u, we'll send u a nice little 🎁 too. It's a great time 2 score big 4 a little bit of $. Any ?'s don't hesitate. Thanks!
Apr 11Reply

Hi!! Me again lol!! Just wanted to stop by and let you know I have a super deal going on! Any item with a ⭐️ is a 2FOR25 listing! If interested in any of those items just bundle the 2 and send offer of $25! And as always offers welcomed!😊😊😊 Happy Hump Day!!
Apr 24Reply

Thanks for stopping by my closet🤗All reasonable offers are considered and bundles are welcomed😉
May 02Reply

Hello snd Tha nk yoy for liking an item in my closet.
May 03Reply

Hello,Thanks for the like. Feel free to take a look at my closet and make an offer ! I ship same day as long as purchase is made by 3pm. Bundles get better deals 🤗 don’t forget to follow so you can be first to see my new listings ☺️
May 04Reply

Hi dear,thanks for liking the shoes in my closet,please feel free to make an offer....happy porshing😍
May 07Reply

Hello thank you for stopping by and the like Feel free to offer if you like thank you
May 08Reply

Thanks for checking my closet and liking my listing, please feel free to bundle and make offers...
May 08Reply

@stephanie6683 .. thank you for stopping by and checking out my closet. Thanks so very much for your soòooo many likes I really appreciate that. Please let me know if you have any questions. 🌹❤
May 09Reply

Welcome to Poshmark!!👋🏻👋🏻You will LOVE it here where Everything is ONLY RELATED to FASHION (💄💅🏽👗👙👖👔👘👠👒👜💍👓👗) I am a POSH AMBASSADOR ❤️ 🌹If you need any help reach out, It would be my pleasure to help you. WELCOME. ❤️ Hint: At Poshmark follow others, share your items and also theirs if you want to buy an item like it and you will probably get a better offer on that item. Welcome and wishing you many sales and great deals🌹😍❤️😍🌹
May 09Reply

Thanks for the like 😊 Let me know if you ever consider purchasing the top. Also have it listed on Vinted under jaredesparza where shipping would only be $3.89 ❤ If you have any questions feel free to ask
May 09Reply

welcome to poshmark! I am one of the ambassadors here 🎉 if you have any question or concerns I will do my best to answer them. feel free to check out my closest I offer discounts of 15% on bundles of two or more! Happy poshing! 🎊
May 09Reply

If you're really interested in the shoes, I'm open to realistic offers, I can take $5 off, pretty much New, worn once and not a full day.
May 09Reply

When you're ready to put in a bundle🌸
best deals are made 🌸
May 09Reply

Good morning, I'm ready to offer deals on all orders, just let me know what you like and make me an offer
May 09Reply

Hello there I noticed you liked my shirt if you are interested let me know I don’t mind giving you a good price on it but I do not pay shipping on anything $15 or under to put it under a bundle I don’t offer you a special price. Thank you so much for looking in my closet I appreciate you taking the time. Alicia
May 09Reply

Good morning family, I've marked down all the items that you've liked, but still willing to take offers
May 11Reply

@stephanie6683 Thank you for visiting my closet ang for liking ❤. Feel free to make an offer or bundle. Have a great weekends!🛍🧚♀️❤❤❤
May 18Reply

Welome to poshmark, beautiful!!:) Let me know if you need any assistance! Hopefully you can check out my closet and maybe shop as well!!♡
May 22Reply

thank you sooo much for the likes, love!!!:) feel free to bundle your likes and I’ll definitely give you big discounts!!♡
May 22Reply

@stephanie6683 thanks for the like on those red heels 👠 .
May 27Reply

Welcome to Poshmark you will love it . Please let me know if you need anything
Jun 03Reply

Hello there! I just wanted to stop by to say hi : ) hope you are having a wonderful time here on Poshmark 🤗 and I hope you can find some time to visit my closet 💜 feel free to send an offer if you see something that you like 🤗 have a blessed day!
Jun 06Reply

Greetings from the Magnolia State ❤️ if you get the chance, check out my closet 😁 I have brands such as: BCBCMaxAzria, Sherri Hill, Terani Couture, Express, Ann Taylor, Banana Republic and Rachel Allen—And the highest thing listed is $100 soo everything else is less than $100 for great steals and deals ❤️Happy Poshing 😊
Jun 09Reply

Tanx for visiting my closet hope you have a happy poshing...
Jun 25Reply

Hi 👋 Sending Posh 💜💜💜🦋your way . Feel free to checkout my Closet when you have a Minute . Happy to answer questions on Sizing , Texture etc. Not Happy with the listing Price ? Don’t be Shy ☺️, Use the Offer button . I will either Accept or Counter offer . So do Stop by 😊. Thanks and Happy Poshing 🛒🛍🎉🧚♀️
Jul 06Reply

Hi just wanted to let you know I can do buy one get one free if there’s anything else you like in my closet 😊
Jul 31Reply

Thanks for all your LIKES. Happy to sell all to you at a great price
Jul 31Reply

Hey girly!!:) I see you've liked some Free People goodies!! I have lots of Free People and other similar items in my closet if you would like to take a peek!!:)
Aug 09Reply

Hello🤗 Happy Poshing!! Everything in my closet must go😊 If you see something you like you can always send me an offer💐 and if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to ask❤️ thank you🌹
Sep 07Reply

@stephanie6683 Thanks for checking out my closet! Hope you saw some things you like 💘happy shopping
Sep 19Reply

Hi there. I just sent you an offer for 18 on those shoes. Thats a mistake. If you wanna decline it i'm. Open to lower offers. They are in great condition but the inside has some peeling. Probably can fix with some nail polish.
Oct 05Reply

It shows in the pics.
Oct 05Reply

@maryseifert I didn't know I even offered anything
Oct 05Reply

If your interested in the heals if you offer 2$ less I will accept!!
Oct 05Reply

@samanthanusbaum i offered 18. You have to decline my offer first. Thats the only way it will work.
Oct 05Reply

@maryseifert i am confused I don’t see the offer!
Oct 05Reply

Hey @stephanie6683 I see that you like 3 pairs of shoes from my closet!! Currently I have 15% off 3+ items, FREE SHIPPING on orders over $50, and AUTOMATIC FREE SHIPPING inclusive of the 15% off for 5+ items (DOUBLE DEAL!); so feel free to BUNDLE & SAVE! Happy Poshing!! 🤗
Oct 09Reply

@samanthanusbaum welcome 2 Poshmark 🙋 im Kay... thank u 4 liking an item from my closet 🛍 im very flexible on pricing so if ur interested... make me an offer anytime 🙂
Oct 11Reply

@stephanie6683 thank u 4 liking items from my closet 🛍 im very flexible on pricing so if ur interested... make me an offer anytime 🙂
Oct 11Reply

Hi there! I just wanted to stop by and invite you to come check out my closet! Most items are 5/$25 ~ so you can bundle and save! Items are priced very low for quick sale :-) feel free to make offers ❤️
Oct 25Reply

Welcome to Poshmark and best of luck!
Nov 05Reply

Hi Stephanie... if you would like to purchase these items, make a bundle to pay for only one shipping charge, and I will give you 20% discount on the shoes and the tank for $3. let me know if you have any questions. happy poshing! 😊
Nov 13Reply

Hi Stephanie, let me know when you have completed your bundle, so that I can send you the offer. Thanks
Nov 13Reply

Hi Stephanie, I have sent you an offer with 20% discount and FREE shipping. Thanks for bundling. 😊
Nov 13Reply

Happy Poshing Doll!! 💰💰🛍
Nov 21Reply

any 2 items bought in my closet get an equal or lesser valued item for free. just put in a bundle and, I'll send an offer. thanks!
Nov 24Reply

put items in a bundle. can offer you combined listing. you add to a bundle by hitting the hanger on top of the listings.
Nov 25Reply

meant the bag icon, my apologizes
Nov 25Reply

Thank you for all your shares!! Happy Holidays Doll!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Nov 25Reply

thanks for all the likes, Steph! I'm currently running a 5 for $25 deal, so def consider bundling for a discount. 🙃
Nov 29Reply

@fashionqueen561 welcome. love all the dresses. they're stunning
Dec 21Reply

@fashionqueen561 you too
Dec 21Reply

@snear98 yes I always need more under gar
Dec 21Reply

Hi and welcome to Poshmark 💕
Jan 04Reply

@manchacaboutiqu I've been here for a while but thank u luv❤❤❤xoxoxoxo
Jan 04Reply

@stephanie6683 oh my💕 obviously longer than me 💕
Pleasure to meet you 💕💕💕💕
Jan 04Reply

If you would like to bundle the boots you liked I can send you a great offer! Happy poshing!
Jan 06Reply

Hello and Happy New Year! ✨✨Just sending some posh love and welcoming you to check out my closet! I have something for everyone! Bundle and save!
Happy Poshing! 😘😘Hope you have a chance to stop by! 💋
Jan 18Reply

@stephanie6683 hey hon bundle up as much as you want happy to make you a deal you can’t refuse to save even more I have other buying options I’ve been on posh since 2014 and you can see all my reviews. I do 🅿️🅿️ eb@y and direct message if you’d rather my # is 22four-53two-720four
I appreciate all the shares and likes 🥰
Jan 23Reply

Hi :) I saw you liked some PINK and VS stuff and I wanted to let you know I have some listings up NWT(VS, PINK, and Aerie). I’m running a special deal today, all Panties are buy two get one free. If you’re interested make a bundle and I’ll send a shipping discount 💕
Jan 26Reply

Hey lovely🥰 I would love if you dropped over at my closet for a visit. For amazing deals🎁If you have any questions free to ask me🎉 Happy Poshing❤️
Jan 31Reply

Hi!! I would love you to go through my closet !! I accept offers😀
Feb 08Reply

Hi!! I would love you to go through my closet !! I accept offers😀
Feb 13Reply

hi thanks for liking my closet feel free to make me a offer 😁 if you don't like the price happy poshing I ship fast
Mar 04Reply

@stephanie6683 Hi. Just wanted to let you know that I could do $38 on both pairs of bebe heels. If interested just counter my offer with $38. Have a great night💕🙃!
Mar 08Reply

Thanks for all the love <3 I see you’re in Columbia, SC that’s about an 1hr 45min from me. =) I’m flexible with pricing on everything, especially if you’re interested in a few goodies so feel free to send offers or whatever.
Mar 09Reply

L❤️VE your closet. So glad I found it on Poshmark. Hope you will check out mine and follow me back 💕💕💕
Mar 12Reply

L❤️VE your closet. So glad I found it on Poshmark. Hope you will check out mine and follow me back 💕💕💕
Hope you find some goodies in my closet 🎉
Mar 13Reply

thanks for the love if you're interested in this item feel free to make an offer I'm always open for negotiation and offers thanks for interesting happy poshing
Mar 13Reply

hi posh friend I noticed you liked a listing and may be interested in item or two if so we are always offering discounts from 25% to 45% off if still interested offers are welcomed...
Mar 14Reply

Hello!! Welcome to poshmark!!
Thank you for stopping by my closet! If you have any questions on listings please let me know! I’m currently accepting offers!! Happy poshing!! 😊🛍
Mar 16Reply

Hey doll! I noticed you liked my swimsuit! I'm down to make a sale work for you sir, please let me know what you might need from me! thanks in advance darling!
Mar 24Reply

@b_lacy 😢
Mar 25Reply

@stephanie6683 oh my goll I didn't nab 'sir'! sorry I didn't speak check first! I'd still love to get you in this cutie patootie bathing suit though!
Mar 25Reply

*mean geez! my spelling is far off course here!
Mar 25Reply

@b_lacy what bathing suit? I only saw one on your sale page and it's 3 sizes to big, I get the mistakes on the comments, it happens, oh well no biggie, happy poshing!!!
Mar 26Reply

@b_lacy hold on I see now what's going on, you think I'm a man? lol. 😂😂😂😂😭😭😭, yeah ok I'm a man if that's what your looking for on posh, I'll send you some sweaty socks for 6.99 plus shipping, my man gets home in an hour or so I'll ship tonight so they'll be damp when you get them, lol. thanks for the laugh I needed that. Your too much!!!.hahahaha😂😂
Mar 26Reply

@stephanie6683 I’m from Columbia also, take care.
Mar 31Reply

Hey I can give you a discount on my louboutin heels if you’re interested
Mar 31Reply

@luxetripn ❤
Apr 01Reply

hello thanks for liking an item in my closet just to give you a heads up all of our prices are negotiable and reasonable offers are welcomed...even if you doesn't have any interested in buying what's more important is to be safe out there..together we can all get through this.. happy poshing...
Apr 05Reply

Hello! Thankyou for checking out my closet! I'm currently running a 5 for $20 & 7 for $27 sale on all items marked🌹
Also I'm offering 40% off total bundle prices of 2 or more, not available to combine with the above offer!!
Apr 16Reply

Hi! Thank you! And thanks for the like! ❤ They're real stunners...these pictures don't do them justice. Feel free to make an offer. 😀
Apr 25Reply

Hi @stephanie6683 I know you recently liked my velvet shirt with see through sleeves and I was wandering if you were still interested in the shirt? Please let me know if you are by commenting on the post with the shirt. Thank you and stay safe!!!😀🤩🙏🏽
Apr 27Reply

Happy poshing 😊💕be sure to check out my closet
May 03Reply

Hi! Feel free to make an offer. 😀
May 11Reply

Hey Stephanie 🙋🏻♀️ I want to introduce My closet @Rosepetals3 to you! I have styles for everyone: Women, Men, and Kids. I love offers, and give major discounts on bundles+ Free Shipping🛍Check it out- I may have what you are looking for! ✨I hope to hear from you soon!🌹
May 15Reply

Hi Stephanie,
Welcome to Poshmark🤗. Thanks for stopping by my closet and liking my Red Patent pumps. I see you have style, I sent you an offer w/free shipping. If you accept my offer I'll pack these beauties up and ship them out today!😊 Happy Poshing!!!!❤
May 20Reply

Hi Stephanie,
Thanks for liking items in my closet! If there are items you decide to bundle I will offer you a bigger discount. If there are any items you're interested in make me an offer, and I will accept all reasonable offers!!!😊 Happy Poshing!!!😇
May 20Reply

Hi love,
I saw that you liked a VS floral bodysuit . I’m selling one for cheaper if you’re interested:)
May 24Reply

💐Thank you for the like on the high heels. For some reason I am having a problem with the offer going through. I will let trying. The offer is $18 and $4.99 shipping. Please let me if you have any questions 💐
May 27Reply

Hi I can give you a better discount on the shoes if interested
May 27Reply

Let's bundle all those wonderful items and I will definitely give you a wonderful deal
May 28Reply

Stephanie, hi! Thanks for your like! I give discounts if you bundle, the more you bundle the bigger the discount!
May 28Reply

💐💐Thank you for the likes. I have created a bundle for you. Please let me know if you have any questions. Feel free to make a counter offer💐💐
May 28Reply

💐💐💐Hi, good afternoon. I created a bundle for you. Just let me know if you have any questions. I could ship these items n Friday. Thank you again for shopping in the closet💐💐💐
May 28Reply

Hey Doll! I’d love for you to take a look at my closet @king_kouture 👑. I carry a lot of the brands you love ❤️ 💕... great discounts on bundles... 5 ⭐️ Posh Ambassador and fast shipper! Happy Poshing!
Jun 01Reply

Feel free to check out my closet! :-)
Jun 06Reply

welcome happy poshing, 😀 make me an reasonable offer on any item you like and bundle for more savings, Have a blessed day!
Jun 11Reply

Hi Stephanie if you like the lip glosses put them in a bundle and I will give you 35% off plus free shipping !!
Jun 14Reply

Good Evening, how you doing today. Can you please take a moment to check my Closet. I'm a Silversmith, all my items made by hand, many of my items one of the kinds exclusive handmade. I always working on new pieces, also have other designers as well... You can find something that you may like. I sincerely appreciate your interest. Thank you, George
Jun 14Reply

Hi!! I would love for you to check out my jewelry store if you get the chance! I am having a sale right now on all my jewelry and accessories and would love to offer you a discount if you like any items!! 2 for $18 or 3 for $25!! If you’re interested just bundle the items!! 🌞🌞
Jun 16Reply

Check out our closet!
Jun 27Reply

@stephanie6683 name your own price sales all weekend so make your best offer on the item you like and I see you like a few items in my closet bundle and save on shipping thanks again for checking out my closet ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Jun 28Reply

Hey there beautiful! Check out my closet where i sell brands like PINK, MICHAEL KORS, VERSACE, COACH, NIKE, VANS, CONVERSE, & more for a affordable price!!😘❤️🥰🥰🙏🤩
Jul 05Reply

Hi there!! My name is Dorieh. I just wanted to introduce myself and invite you to check out my closet 😊 Happy Independence Day, by the way 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Jul 07Reply

@stephanie6683 I am having a name your price sale in my closet so feel free to send me your offer on your likes most offers will be accepted if I don’t loose money if am loosing I will counter offer thanks again for shopping my closet 🙏🙏🙏
Jul 10Reply

Thank you for the likes 💕 Feel free to bundle and save or place an offer. I can ship today:)
Jul 27Reply

stephanie beautiful quotes pictures, wishing you health happiness and prosperity. Enjoy 50% off your next purchase of $50 or more.( free shipping on $25 purchase. Expires 8/31/20 . l also wholesale purchase any items in my closet priced $19 or less for $5 ,minimum purchase of $100.Get your business started or add to your inventory for $100.Check out the poshmark videos on YouTube
Jul 30Reply

HAPPY Poshing :)
Aug 08Reply

Hi there! Please feel free to check out my closet - I have a beautiful Michael Kors dress I think you would love! Let me know if you have any questions and happy poshing! 😊💕
Aug 27Reply

Hi. Welcome to Poshmark! Thanks for checking out my page! :)
Oct 09Reply

Thank you for the 'Like' on the white stilettos. Please visit my closet again; hopefully you'll find something of interest that you'll like to purchase.
Nov 02Reply

Stephanie Beautiful feet picture,hope you are well and in good spirits.Please enjoy a 50% discount on your next purchase of $50 or more (free shipping on $25 purchase).expires 11/31/20.l also wholesale ,purchase any item in my closet priced $19 or less for $5 with a minimum purchase of $100. Start your closet or replenish your inventory.
Nov 03Reply

@unclaimed thank you, your very professional and well togeather.❤
Nov 03Reply

Hi Stephanie! I see you have liked several of the shoes in my closet..:). I am unsure how to put a bundle together, so if you would like to do that, I can make an offer of all 6 pairs for $70. Let me know if that works! 😀
Nov 03Reply

Hi I Can give you a discount on my louboutin heels if you’re interested
Nov 09Reply

@stephanie6683 thank you for all your like:) I created a bundle for you! However, you can send me an offer as well:) thank you! 😊
Nov 16Reply

🌻Hi Beautiful don't miss my sale! Buy 3 items and get 30% off🌻
Nov 23Reply

Hey I saw you like some items in my closet! I would absolutely love to sell to you. Feel free to make offers! Have a wonderful day:)
Dec 15Reply

Hello! My name is Natalie! I have some gorgeous Christian Louboutins that you might be interested in! Feel free to check out my closet! Open to all offers 💗💗
Dec 17Reply

@stephanie6683 Hi. If interested in the blue sparkle skirt,purchase when ready.
Dec 27Reply

Selling an awesome set of platform heels if you’re interested!
Jan 02Reply

hi there! Thanks for your interest in the hi-low gown! I sent you an offer but wanted to let you know I consider all reasonable offers on my adult gowns, so feel free to make one :) This could be yours!
Feb 07Reply

Hi Stephanie! I hope you're having a wonderful night!! Please don't hesitate to ask me anything at all! Thank you!
Feb 16Reply

Customer Alert, My biggest sale ever, additional 30% off already reduced prices.
Everything from Ralph Lauren to Giorgio Armani. Over 1,500 girgeous high-end items to choose from. Click the heart under the item you want to buy and I will send you the discounted offer. Come shop till you drop! You won't be disappointed. Pennies on the dollar!
Feb 16Reply

Hello 👋, Sending Lots of Posh❤️❤️❤️❤️your way . Feel free to checkout my Closet when you have a Minute ⏰ . Happy to answer Any questions you may have Regarding any item you interested in . And if you Not Happy with the Price ,Don’t be Shy ☺️ Make me an offer ,I will either Accept or Counter offer .Stop by please 🥰. Happy Poshing and Please Stay Safe . 🛒👗👠👔👖👙🧢👟
Feb 16Reply

Stephanie if you want your new likes added to the additional 30% off sale please decline the previous offer so I can add the ones you have chosen. Poshmark only allows one offer at a time.nplease decline the first offer. TY
Feb 17Reply

Hello, Welcome to Poshmark please feel free to check out my page and if you see anything you like don't be afraid to send me an offer. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask. 😊
Feb 23Reply

Thànk you for liking my item. I do accept offers and if you like any other items I do offer a 15% discount on two items and I'll offer an extra discount on more than two items in a bundle.
Feb 23Reply

Thanks for liking the fabulous heels in my closet I’ll send an offer
Feb 27Reply

Hi👋, I'm @chytown26 and thought you'd be interested in Aldo, Jimmy Choo, BCBG and Bebe items. Spring closet downsizing and can ship next day. Hope you find a item you love. 💕
Mar 29Reply

Hi👋, I'm @chytown26 and thought you'd be interested in Jimmy Choo, Aldo and Tory Burch items. Hope find a item you love. Ship next day. 💕
Mar 30Reply

💜💜💜💜 Hello! We noticed you liked a product we also carry. Just wanted to invite you to check out our closet. We have thousands of sexy items and the best prices on Poshmark!!
Mar 31Reply

hey there. I'm in some major need of closet space so I have posted a variety of sizes, brands, and styles and will continue to post more over the next few days all for $10 or under. So make sure to scroll all the way down. I ship same or next day depending on the time. if you have some time check it out and see if you can help me clear out my closet. 😊 Happy Poshing
Apr 23Reply

@stephanie6683 Well hello, I was just checking in my closet & saw you liked a pair of shoes. I have to say I think this is the first time I've ran into another Stephanie Russell! That is so neat... I'm up in Ohio though, anyways nice meeting you & love the profile pic 😉👠
May 06Reply

Hi!🖐 Happy 2021. Feel free to check out my closet someHi!🖐 Happy 2021. Feel free to check out my closet sometime.
Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Maternity, Pet's, Accessories, bags, shoes & Jewlery. Thanks 😊
* Adding new stuff weekly, stop by often
May 31Reply

Make a bundle , I’ll send a discount!
Jun 04Reply

Thank you for continuing to browse my closet. Keep in mind that for every 2 pairs of shoes, the 3rd pair is FREE. I'll also include FREE shipping for this deal. Happy Poshing! 😊
Jun 04Reply

Hello Stephanie. Nice to meet you on Poshmark. I saw that you liked a shoe in my closet.
Make me any offer and I will mail it out to you today.
Sep 04Reply

@stephanie6683 offer sent for both pair of shoes! 🤗🤗🤗
Sep 04Reply

Hey Stephanie, thanks for checking out my closet!🤗🌼
Sep 04Reply

Welcome, welcome 🤗 Happy Poshing 💃🕺🎊 ~Cate
Sep 27Reply

Welcome! Come check out my closet whenever you get a chance! I’d love to see some new faces on my page 😁 Happy Poshing!
Nov 11Reply

Thank you for stopping by Stephanie, am Charles . And if you have any questions please feel free to reach out
Nov 15Reply

Offers welcome on anything you liked going out of business
Dec 09Reply

Hi Stephanie 🎉, I’m Susan, Posh Ambassador, 5 star rated seller with over 100k followers- become one & get free shipping when you bundle 2 or more items plus a discount off already reduced prices 🎉 all the art & earrings are created by me here in North Carolina & have received 5 star reviews 🌟perfect for gift giving🛍
Dec 13Reply

New Roxy Red White Floral Casual Lace Sneakers Shoes Size 4
Dec 14Reply

Hello Welcome to Poshmark! Happy poshing..
Dec 14Reply

Hi!!! Please feel free to check out my closet!!! Accepting low offers, let me know if I can help with anything or you have any questions at all!!❤️❤️❤️
Dec 28Reply

Thanks for the like 😊
I have something in my closet for everyone!
Please feel free to make a fair offer, if you are only interested in 1 item or bundle 🛍 and save! If you buy 2 or more items from my closet you get 10% off in addition to a combined shipping discount.
Fast shipping 🚚💨
I also send special surprise gifts to all my customers. 🎁😉 Happy Poshing! 💕💜
Feb 22Reply

Very sweet and understanding person. I'd love to send an extra discount if possible.
Feb 23Reply

Hi I seen you liked several corsets if you would like to place an order send me your offer. I give bundle discounts
Feb 25Reply

🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋Welcome to Poshmark 🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋 have fun shopping and selling 🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋 I wish you luck 🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋
Mar 06Reply

If you add a bundle I'll definitely make it worth it.
May 16Reply

🌞Take time to smell the flowers🌷
Shop w/confidence~5🌟 Seller😍
🖤MissInk's Closet🖤
Cordially invites u to a unique place
that sells QUALITY items, many sizes, styles, colors, & patterns.
~💗Prompt replies.
~💕Orders handed by me w/care,
~📫Ships within 24hrs
🚫No pressure or rush, & right here when u have any ?'s, or concerns😊
🤗Thank u for stopping by💕
May 16Reply

@stephanie6683 Thank u for your interest,💕likes in my closet💕🙏
~Sent offer if interested darling💕
May 16Reply

@stephanie6683 nice to meet you we are Emma’s way boutique
May 21Reply

hello welcome so glad to have you join us it's a very fun couminty let me know if you need anything😊
May 25Reply

hola welcome to posh
Jun 12Reply

Jul 21Reply

@stephanie6683 welcome 🌸
Jul 30Reply

Hello feel free to make an offer! I’ll accept on the shoes there so pretty
Aug 17Reply

Thank you for your purchase and your kind feedback!
Aug 20Reply

saw your interest in the skirt? would you like?
Aug 20Reply

Aug 20Reply

Welcome to Poshmark!!!🛍🛍🛍 Stop buy to shop! Happy Poshing!!!🛍💕📦🛍
Sep 09Reply

hey! feel free to check out my closet✨ welcome to poshmark!
Sep 09Reply

Hello! Welcome to Poshmark. Be sure
to check out my closet for some awesome deals & feel free to leave me an offer as I accept most reasonable offers! Happy poshing💕💕
Sep 23Reply

Hey Babe! Come check out my closet 😘 I think I have some things you would be interested in 💜
Sep 25Reply

Hi there, please check out my Boutique when you get a chance 💕 Happy Poshing 💕
Oct 25Reply

Hello! I do press on nails, if you are interested just check my closet. Maybe you can find the perfect design for you)) Happy poshing!
Oct 26Reply

Hi ! I’m Talia 👋🏼 i have high quality designer clothing, lingerie, shoes and accessories you might be interested in for sale in my closet. Lmk if you have any questions! Happy holidays 😁
Dec 16Reply

There is a item ( shoes $10 ) inside my closet you like. I am getting rid of the item tomorrow, if you want it, buy it today before it is gone.
Jul 31Reply

hey it's me lol
Dec 21Reply

Hi I have studded Bebe belt you like on sale
Apr 17Reply

Hey,there. You bring sunshine to the Poshmark Family. I like men's style jewelry. Because they bring me good luck. I hope the luck will always be with you. Happy Poshing.
Jul 27Reply

Hi I have the pleasure boots you like on sale
Jan 07Reply
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