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Updated May 12
Updated May 12

Meet your Posher, Anthony



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Hi! I'm Anthony. I am really excited to be here. My items are made in Africa by local African artisans. The styles are inspired by contemporary and traditional designs worn in the streets of Africa. We donate a portion of our profits to Charities in Africa, particularly charities related to Children. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)


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venturesociety Welcome to Poshmark!
Nov 12Reply
blackcatmoon Happy Poshing! Have a great weekend! 🐾🐾
Nov 24Reply
aasare @venturesociety Thank you. Have a great weekend
Dec 01Reply
aasare @blkcatfashions Have a great weekend too.
Dec 01Reply
venturesociety @aasare no problem, appreciate it.
Dec 01Reply
chercm Hello Anthony! I just want to say welcome to poshmark! I love all your items and im so happy that you have found this platform to sell your items!😊 I hope and pray you do well selling your things and also that God blesses you beyond measure!!!!!😊🙏Happy Poshing!!and happy New Year 2019!!!😁🎈🎉✌💞💯
Dec 31Reply
aasare Amen
Jan 02Reply
sweetladylibra Hello I'm Tonya and thankyou for sharing my closet! I just want to say I love what you are doing here. I would love to learn more about your mission, and to possibly be a part of it. I can't but right now, but I will when I can.
Jan 10Reply
aasare @rosedoe Thanks Rose. Have a wonderful week.
Jan 10Reply
aasare @sweetladylibra Hi Tonya, Thanks for your kind words. You can always learn more by visiting my main website Have a wonderful week.
Jan 10Reply
sweetladylibra @aasareI will look it up. Thankyou
Jan 10Reply
aasare @ rivkah240 Hi Rebecca, Thank you for your Kind words and great review. I am glad you like the Outfit. Hope you have a great trip the next time you visit Uganda. Best, Anthony
Jan 12Reply
aasare @1harmonyo This business is pretty new. We are just about a year old. We have donated food, money, clothing, and other things to charities in Ghana. We focus on charities that focus on Children in Africa, particularly disadvantaged children. A number of the charities are trying to build bigger and better facilities for the children. As we grow, we plan to contribute towards building those facilities and continue to provide other resources to the children’s homes.
Jan 15Reply
kamikundu Welcome 😘 Check out my closet 🌺 A lot merchandise for sale for reasonable prices 🎁 Thank you ☀️
Jan 15Reply
hitide Hey beautiful closet! It's awesome that you donate some of your proceeds to help others! I will be sharing your closet with my fellow Poshers! Love the earrings, will be keeping an eye on your wonderful closet! Happy Poshing💞🌟
Jan 16Reply
hitide @secondhandgypsy Great cause and really cool stuff!
Jan 16Reply
secondhandgypsy @hitide beautiful items and gorgeous models! Amazing textiles ❤️
Jan 16Reply
aasare @hitide Thank you for your kind words. Happy Poshing to you too. Anthony
Jan 16Reply
eranamayes123 Love ❤️ your closet and your reason for opening the closet!! I wish I knew how to tie the wraps. Will you have items for plus size women.
Jan 21Reply
aasare @eranamayes123 Thank you. I am working on plus sized items. There are a lot of videos on YouTube that show how to tie wraps and they are pretty easy to do.
Jan 21Reply
eranamayes123 @aasare Thanl you!!
Jan 21Reply
daintyb Thank you for stopping buy my closet you have gorgeous items here with a wonderful Flair
Jan 22Reply
aasare @daintyb Thank you for your kind words. Have a great week.
Jan 22Reply
daintyb @aasare continued blessings!
Jan 22Reply
girlthattwirls Hi Anthony! I love your site and your mission! I’ll be sure to share your items to others on Poshmark. 😘
Jan 22Reply
aasare @buymybuys Thank you
Jan 24Reply
savichick Beautiful closet! Wishing you speedy sales 🐥
Feb 02Reply
aasare @savichick Thank you. Wish you speedy sales too
Feb 02Reply
bethanymcafee Thank you so much for the message! I was admiring your closet as soon as I started following you! African prints are absolutely gorgeous! The color, the rhythm, the boldness!!! 🌼💝
Feb 03Reply
closetclear_out Thank you so very much for sharing my closet. Your collection is breathtaking.😍 I will be coming back to visit again very soon.
Feb 10Reply
aasare @cnhgch Thank you for your kind words. I keep adding new things to my closet so feel free to continue visiting.
Feb 10Reply
1soulsaver Nice to meet you Posher. Thank you and I love all the African Pieces. I’m watching 💯🙏🏾😊
Feb 12Reply
fana73 Hi Anthony, thank you for reaching out to me, I will definitely take a look through your boutique. The African culture is a part of my heritage!!
Feb 16Reply
dunamus2018 Great rising Anthony thanks for sharing my closet I really appreciate it. I hope this finds you doing well today. You have a very nice closet coupled with an impressive bio bro. Happy selling and shopping ok 🙋‍♂️🤜🤛👍🤑😉
Feb 17Reply
yourbestyou I love all of the prints in your closet! Happy poshing!
Feb 19Reply
aasare @yourbestyou Thank you for sharing and your wonderful comment. Happy Poshing too.
Feb 19Reply
hit111 Hey welcome 🙏 to Poshmark....amazing closet........
Feb 19Reply
bklynjade These pieces and designs are gorgeous! I am liking this listing so I can find you easily and came back to share some more. Wishing you much success and blessings!
Feb 19Reply
aasare @bklynjade Thank you. You have very beautiful pieces too. I will keep visiting and sharing yours too. Have a wonderful week
Feb 19Reply
sunnimoments @aasare - Thank You for the Visit, Follow and kindly Sharing❤. I've returned the gesture of 💜. May you continue to have Amazing Buys🛍🛍🛍 and Awesome Sells💵💵💵💵...but most 💢Importantly Have Fun😜, Sparkle💎 and Stay Beautiful💝.
Feb 20Reply
katzkoz Great cause! Hi & WELCOME to Posh! It's a very supportive & social community and if U have any questions there's always a Posher to answer them.  Or... ...visit my closet and I'd be happy to help you! More questions? On anything more specific U'd like to know? Just ask me....🌞
Feb 23Reply
sweber49 Your closet is STUNNING!!
Mar 03Reply
aasare @sweber49 Thank you
Mar 03Reply
jamilad123 Waiting for more earrings to show up in your closet. I received a lot of compliments from the earrings I purchased along with gift( another pair of earrings) that you had sent me 🤗
Mar 06Reply
aasare @jamilad123 Hi Jamila, I am expecting a parcel from Ghana any day now of matching earrings and head bands. I will list them soon. Most likely by early next week. By the way, I still have some earrings that are really pretty in my closet.. The prices are really low now. So you can check them out. If you want to wait for the new shipment. That is OK too.
Mar 06Reply
jamilad123 @aasare the earrings that I would like to purchase is something similar to the earrings you sent as a gift, not the round big ones, do you remember? I can try and post a pic if I can when I get home.
Mar 06Reply
aasare @jamilad123 if you could send me a pic or describe it, that would be great
Mar 06Reply
jamilad123 @aasare unsure on how to upload pic but it was kind of oval shape about 2 inches fabric material, round on top and oval on bottom with African print
Mar 06Reply
aasare @jamilad123 I know which ones you are writing about. Unfortunately I do not have any more of those. I have smaller earrings but they are all round.
Mar 06Reply
stanettafaison Thank you for the invite to your closet. You have lovely items. Unfortunately, even your largest plus size is too small for me. I'll refer friends to your closet. Be blessed.
Mar 08Reply
aasare @stanettafaison Thanks for visiting my closet Stanetta. I do have some gorgeous accessories that will look great on you. You could rock some of the matching head wraps and earrings real well. I am actually going to add a few more very soon. Also, I am working on a plus size African print line for my plus size sisters. I will let you know when it is available
Mar 08Reply
stanettafaison @aasare Ok and thank you!
Mar 08Reply
onemoretime_ @aasare Thanks soooo much . I truly appreciate this. Blessings to you. Again , Thank you!!😊
Mar 17Reply
aasare @onemoretime_ Hi, Thank you very much for purchasing the African Print dress. It is a very nice dress. She will love it. Since the post office is closed on Sunday I will ship it on Monday. I will add some goodies, I am sure you will like them. Let me know if you have any questions/issues/comments. Thank you again. Anthony
Mar 17Reply
danasdoings Hello Anthony what a lovely Closet you have very classy and your pics are excellent I took a few minutes and looked through your closet I loved your items so I shared a few . Come by anytime and have a visit HAPPY POSHING💍
Mar 18Reply
aasare @danasdoings Hi Dana, Thank you for your kind words and for sharing the items from my closet. I shared a few of your items too. You have very unique and beautiful pieces. Happy Poshing too.
Mar 18Reply
kriss10fashion Beautiful ocean backdrop with lovely pucs of locals. Fantastic, original one if a kind items, value priced, with your heart giving back to charities. Please make sure you are sharing your cliset every nights party so you can achieve more coverage & host pics. All the best success!
Mar 20Reply
aasare @kriss10fashion Thank you Kristen. Happy Poshing too
Mar 20Reply
densko Hi Anthony! What a gorgeous closet you have. I love how your photos are like a magazine! Gorgeous and colorful and I wish you all the best! 😊❤️🙏
Apr 18Reply
aasare @densko Thank you. I work with photographers and models in Ghana. And they have done s very good job. The models are actually ordinary Ghanaians with no modeling training. The little girl for example is the child of the lady who does the clothes. They love to do it.
Apr 18Reply
densko @aasare I’m so honored to share your closet and to have it! Your mission is awesome and you are a blessing to help them. I will share your closet as much as I can. I wish y’all the best of luck with all your Poshmark ventures! 😊🙏
Apr 18Reply
trendybeauties Beautiful closet and pictures!! 😍 I wish you have quick sales!! Happy Poshing!!! 🥰
May 05Reply
carolt02 I absolutely love these fabrics. I look forward to seeing more dresses and skirts! Thank you!
Jun 19Reply
aasare @carolt02 Thank you Carol. I will keep adding more so please feel feee to keep visiting.
Jun 19Reply
plummerb1 Hi Anthony Thanks for the offers I was just ckn out your closet to see what was new. I was wearing one of the sets I got from and got so many complaints and questions about where I got it so did give them your Poshmark information. But I do intend to purchase next week I see one set that I REALLY REALLY ❤️ if it’s still available. I will definitely be making a purchase thanks again for the reaching out and offer. Talk to you soon 😀
Jun 22Reply
thestunningone Nice closet
Jul 17Reply
aasare @thestunningone Thank you. Let me know if you have any questions
Jul 17Reply
qiascloset You have a wonderful closet! It's filled with beautiful models and good merchandise... for a great cause. Wishing you many sales. 📦💰👊🏾
Aug 26Reply
aasare @qiascloset Thank you for your kind words
Aug 27Reply
aasare @iaymommie3 Thank you Tish
Sep 08Reply
aasare @mysuzis I just checked out your closet. Your jewelry is very beautiful and unique
Dec 18Reply
candigirl899 Your closet is so beautiful and full of color!! I love it! Happy holidays!!
Dec 25Reply
candigirl899 You are just as beautiful♥️
Dec 25Reply
aasare @candigirl899 Thank you Candace. You are beautiful too. Great that you love and care for animals
Dec 25Reply
candigirl899 @aasare ♥️♥️♥️
Dec 25Reply
watsonlilmommy @aasare hello check out my closet I have some nice things you may be interested in getting send me a offer an I will definitely help you out thanks an have a wonderful day
Jun 21Reply
watsonlilmommy @aasare hello how are you check out my closet see something you interested in send me a offer all offers accepted
Sep 14Reply
hdlady7120 Gorgeous collection…I’ll share❤️.
Sep 18Reply

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Last Active: Jan 29

Springfield, MA
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Last Active: Jan 29

Springfield, MA
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