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Good morning, @theresab can you please please help share this (sigh) Hope your morning is off to a better start.
Nov 21Reply

@classychicka yes of course. Sorry this has happened to you. Have a great Thanksgiving
Nov 21Reply

@theresab Thank You 😊 I am in Mama Bear mode these were my sons. Have a Happy Thanksgiving as well.
Nov 21Reply

Anything over 500 is authenticated by postmark what did they say before shipping to the buyer?
Nov 21Reply

@misshair62 my initial listing was for $500 the buyer offered $400 and I accepted. After buyer keeping for 3 days with no complaints, buyer made claim with Posh on last day the funds were due to be released.
Nov 21Reply

@misshair62 the pic with over $661 (ish) amount is from my RealReal account where I initially purchased in 2016
Nov 21Reply

@misshair62 typo $551 amount is from my RealReal account
Nov 21Reply

@classychicka I just want poshmark to get a live person to discuss legitimate complaints instead of only email
Nov 21Reply

@misshair62 exactly. There response “we can’t confirm authenticity” but I sent original shipping receipt (from Neiman’s) as well my receipt from RealReal. I trust the shoes are not going to come back in the order they were received.
Nov 21Reply

I always go and look at their page to see what is on it
Nov 21Reply

@misshair62 I do as well, truth be told I have had buyers with no listings and had absolutely no problems with the orders. You’d think posh would look at my transaction history as a buyer/seller but nope. Learning lesson for sure.
Nov 21Reply

@misshair62 And always video record the condition as I am packing the item for precaution.
Nov 21Reply

Nov 21Reply

Nov 21Reply

I’m so sorry hon! I know how it feels! Posh ALWAYS sides with the buyer it’s so unfair, I’ve fought on a few items and lost when I was in the right
Nov 22Reply

@cinnastuff thank you, very disappointing indeed. Posh need to be better in handling customer concerns the e-mail only correspondence is not working.
Nov 22Reply

@classychicka this has happened to me as well I posted a pair of true religion jeans with every picture of Tags and all and the buyer was a first timer and upon arrival posted the same 2 pictures that I had of the inside tags and all she typed was these aren’t authentic . It was completely false and she didn’t “prove anything” that wasn’t in my listing already she just said they weren’t real.
Dec 28Reply

@classychicka in the end posh said “can’t prove authenticity” and issued the return! Stupid I would be more upset in your case though where you have receipts and everything and they still go with the buyer
Dec 28Reply

Also that buyer doesn’t even make sense !!
Dec 28Reply

I think that they should at least allow us to upload video !
Dec 28Reply

@wholeheartdwife exactly 🙄 I provided all the receipts –offered video but Posh still sent the same “can’t prove authenticity” email. They really need to have live customer service to speak with. Posh definitely make enough revenue to be able to afford such options the e-mail only response is not good enough. Sorry this has happened to you as well- we need better protection.
Dec 28Reply

Wow! I am 5 months in (Newbie) I love this community! Still learning too. I just happened to stumble on this. But, I agree, better communication with Posh has to be taken serious! I did not know it was that bad! So Sorry Luv!❤️ I Shared. Good Luck with your future sales! Rock 2019! 💕😘
Jan 04Reply

@lunasoul7137 Welcome to Posh... this is a very good platform to meet awesome ppl & sale/buy. I have been a buyer&seller for 5 years before this happened will not let one bad apple spoil the bunch. First time dealing with a fraudulent claim on Posh and was very disappointed in their customer service.
Jan 04Reply

@lady14977 thanks, posh definitely need to do better. I enjoy this platform met some awesome ppl on here so I’m not going to let one bad apple spoil the bunch.
Jan 26Reply

@lady14977 very true.... more shocked/disappointed with posh customer service interactions (like really) one fraudulent complaint after being on posh for 5 years. I had a bountiful of sales and buys thereafter 🥂.
Jan 26Reply

Wow @classychicka , this absolutely sucks. So how does this work? They don’t issue you payment and you don’t get your item back?
Jan 30Reply

@nicoleval1984 The seller receive no payment and the buyer send the item (s) back in devalued condition 🙄.
Jan 30Reply

@classychicka , that is horrible. I hope that doesn’t happen to you again. Good luck
Jan 31Reply

@nicoleval1984 thanks ... one fraudulent claim after 6 yrs on Posh is enough for me. Plus I am no longer selling to ppl with no buyer nor seller history as a precaution.
Jan 31Reply

@classychicka , that’s a great precaution to have. Reading your story, I think that’s a precaution I might have to put into play. Thanks so much
Jan 31Reply

@nicoleval1984 you’re welcome.... this is a good platform i have met some nice ppl and had great transitions both ways so one monkey won’t stop the show. Firmly believe if Posh customer service system was better this claim would have worked in my favor. Just hope my story can prevent this from happening to someone else.
Jan 31Reply

Similar situation only for less money!!!!
I just said keep the item and give them the $$$$ back cuz she definitely played everyone
And it wasn't worth the nasty comments
Feb 05Reply

@kellygates58 Sorry that happened to you as well. I think if posh had a better customer service policy a lot of this rubbish could be avoided.
Feb 05Reply

@classychicka agree!
What got me was I had pictures of the inside and there was a small spot and it was stated
She said it was totally stained and basically destroyed it so I didn't want it back!!!!
A lot less $$$$ involved
But how could they not see my listing ????
And what she showed was ridiculous
I just blocked her!!
Feb 05Reply

@kellygates58 I honestly think Posh do not want to do the leg work involved in actually checking/following up on claims. It’s probably easier for them to return money to buyer and items to seller then to investigate. Hope I am wrong but until hearing wise that is how I feel.
Feb 05Reply

@classychicka 💕
Feb 05Reply

Hi. Sorry that happened to you. To help protect myself from fradulent buyers on my higher priced items. I attached self destroyed tags to my items. It needs to be attached where it has to be cut off. If the buyer attemps to remove the tag. It will not reseal. I also indicate in the listing why It's on the item. I purchase them on ebay. I also write my closet name on the tag. Good luck
Feb 05Reply

❤Hi. I am a newbie to the selling aspect of Posh. I was totally unaware of such things happening around the community. I am still sorting through things to post and sell. This makes me hesitant as I have a few very expensive items to sell (LV. Chanel, and Tru Religion) but definitely dont want to go through this without a live person. I would want my voice to be heard versus going back and forth via emails. I am sorry this has happened. Share Share Share❤
Feb 05Reply

@annekhan thanks... made the post to prevent this from happening to someone else. I have had more positive interactions on Posh as a buyer/seller before and after this happened. It’s unfortunate people with bad intentions are on this platform they need to be banned.
Feb 05Reply

@tagyourit Thanks! Welcome to posh this is a cool platform like everything good in life there’s always a bad seed(s) trying to ruin it. I had a good six year run before this occurred so the bogus fraudulent claim didn’t hinder me. Just wanted to post so no one else will deal with this buyer and bring attention to Posh customer service policy it needs a overhaul.
Feb 05Reply

Feb 09Reply

That’s so terrible
Feb 09Reply

Poshmark didn’t help me either, although in different scenarios. I feel your pain. The person who scammed me blocked me from posting messages on her listing so I can’t warn others. Poshmark shouldn’t allow that. There’s a lot of scammers out there.
Feb 19Reply

Thank you for sharing 🙏🏻 The negative energy that some people create for others will come back to them ten-fold. Your strength & your story are admirable 🖤
Feb 20Reply

Did you get the shoes back?
Feb 27Reply

@barnezv yes.
Feb 27Reply

@classychicka oh good, I was thinking you meant you didn’t get them back either. I’m sorry that all happened. :/
Feb 27Reply

Well I thought posh vouched for purchase over $500. They would have seen condition right? I would get that persons address and take to small claims.
I’m so sorry, I will share
Mar 11Reply

I’ve had something similar happen with me as well. I’ve considered leaving Posh because they so willingly side with the buyer and not necessarily with the seller especially if we have proof.
Mar 26Reply

@mac_vixen28 posh is a good platform although customer service dept need to be revamped. I have had more positive transactions on both ends to allow one to stop my flow. Made the post so no one else can be scammed by this fraudster.
Mar 26Reply

Hi! So sorry to hear about your experience and thank you for sharing. Has Poshmark rectified the situation?
Apr 21Reply

@lighty1776 hello thanks definitely a learning experience Posh returned my shoes to me and the funds back to the buyer. Sharing to warn sellers to avoid the buyer hopefully it has helped.
Apr 21Reply

I saved this post and will share it everyday. That is very unsettling to know how Poshmark treats sellers. I read other seller experiences in the comments and I am very disappointed in Poshmark:
Apr 21Reply

@lighty1776 thank you.... Posh customer service is very lax they need to implement a “live” call-in department. Otherwise this is a nice platform as stated before more good than bad and I’ve been fruitful in both ways since then. Thanks again... Happy Easter!
Apr 21Reply

@classychicka happy Easter to you as well! Thank you for spreading awareness of this issue 🐰💕💕💕💕
Apr 21Reply

I am so nervous sometimes to send my items because of this situation right here. I’m so sorry this happened to you.
Apr 27Reply

Jul 01Reply

OMG! Sorry this happened to you and it’s truly frustrating. You know after they approve the returns they give the buyer a whole week to return the item? So if the person waits until the 3d day to request return, then about 3-4 days for posh to investigate and then if approved about a week to return item. So the buyer gets to use your item for good 2 weeks until you get it back. CRAZY!
Jul 01Reply

Wow, i really appreciate you listing this info! So sorry...but way to take a stand👌
Jul 16Reply

@chanelvlover thanks... very crazy indeed- doing my share to alert fellow Poshers. Thanks for sharing.
Jul 16Reply

@vintageandsass thanks & thanks for sharing unfortunately we have to lookout for fellow Poshers since they are not protecting this site from scammers very well.
Jul 16Reply

This is simply terrible! Like...how much proof is too much proof that the customer is obviously being dishonest. I don't have very many high end items for sale but I'll tell you, this really makes me want to sell ONLY to those with active closets & buying *love notes* history.
Jul 26Reply

Wow so sorry this happen to you
Sep 05Reply

@annekhan Thank you good idea . Question where do you get such stickers with printed words necessary and not easily removable ? just reg. glue on your on stickers ?
Jan 19Reply

@annekhan sorry just saw it , you buy them on ebay
Jan 19Reply

@orchideia think you are posting & tagging under the wrong listing.
Jan 19Reply

@classychicka Hi thank you for putting out your story for all to see . Its very important. I had no idea this could happened here . Because of you I read so many good comments for prevention of a counterfeit claim etc.
I my self also was under the pressure several time people asking to email call directly so they make an offer . My answer to those , “NO THANK YOU “ transaction will take place only on Poshmark site .
How was your case solved anyway with Louboutin red sneakers??
Jan 19Reply

Thank you again , for bringing this unpleasant mind bugling story to us . I share your post on Facebook!!
Jan 19Reply

@classychicka I was just asking questions to other responder seller . Where has she buy tag and stickers to use before shipping an item . Then I saw it in her long warning ⚠️ note , she buys on eBay
Jan 19Reply

@orchideia oh okay- things like this happen quite often on Posh you just have to follow your gut it was truly a learning lesson for me- I now only sell to Poshers with active buying/selling history. Posh is not great in the customer service department (yet). If I see a account where they are asking someone to email etc- I immediately go to their page and report as well block them from mine.
Jan 19Reply

@orchideia Posh is a good site to connect with people as well make extra cash but like all things in life there are bad actors/ posers that try to take advantage.
Jan 19Reply

@classychicka I should of done that , to block them . How though 🙃
Jan 19Reply

@orchideia to block: go to their page in the right hand corner there are three dots click on it - will prompt you to report & block etc.
Jan 19Reply

@classychicka Thanks just did it !!! All the best !
Jan 19Reply

Very top of the right hand corner
Jan 19Reply

@orchideia no problem- let the block button be your guide.
Jan 19Reply

@classychicka sure will , have done it 3 times as we speak already !
Jan 19Reply

@classychicka that’s awful! I’m so sorry that happened to you. I’ve had someone claim (on different site) that a pair of Dansko clogs were replicas and let them return them. First she told me they were too big them when I told her you cannot return for fit she claimed they were fake! I mean come on lol they were not Chanel. They took her word over mine without checking into it , then apologized after it was too late.
Mar 17Reply

@poshtiffyz sorry this has happened to you as well. I am baffled by Posh customers service protocol (sigh) took the proper steps to protect myself by limiting to only selling to those whom have buyer/seller history. Just waiting to sell my last few items then I will only buy- it’s too much of a hassle to sell and now there are a lot of fake accounts etc.
Mar 28Reply

@poshtiffyz Thank you. Well wishes to you and your loved ones during this difficult time.
Mar 28Reply

I’ve been very disappointed with POSH as well
Don’t use them as much anymore and better off with EBAY .
Jul 28Reply

@niulka yeah I am just clearing out my last items then only buy from here.
Jul 29Reply

posh did the same stuff to me. I bought a tiffany necklace off posh, resold it on posh, and they yelled at me for selling a fame. sorry I didn’t know someone else on here sold the fake?! I can’t believe they didn’t trust you when you have all this proof. they don’t care how long we’ve been on here- or how much money we’ve made them.
Dec 13Reply

@leliian sorry that happen to you as well. I had MORE positive experiences with the people on here outside of that one scammer was just taken aback by the lackluster response from Posh.
Dec 13Reply

So sorry this has happened to you!! 🙁 I appreciate you bringing awareness so we can all be more careful. Hopefully Poshmark will review your claim again and revise their decision. 🤞🏻💞🤞🏻
Dec 17Reply

@posh_fever thanks ..... incident happened in 2018 doubt Posh will reverse course. I shared for awareness at this point to limit it happening to someone else.
Dec 17Reply

Hi. Thank you for posting this. I am new to selling and buying on Poshmark. Pretty much just started my closet couple of months ago and I was just wondering about this type of situations and how they are handled by Poshmark. This thread with other users comments does not leave me any doubts that I can be easily scammed and have no protection as buyer.
Dec 24Reply

What even concerns me more is how Poshmark is conducting business. They charge outrages fees for selling here which must have made them very rich since they going to release their IPO and offer little to none customer service.
Dec 24Reply

I believe this a subject for class action lawsuit. Since it’s a holidays season I will leave this negativity aside but after New Ye ars I will research this subject more.
Dec 24Reply

It frustrates me that US organizations like this get richer in expense of regular citizens. Shame on you Poshmark!!! Happy Holidays to you and your family. I will be sharing this post everyday.
Dec 24Reply

This is horrible and very disturbing. I am so sorry this has happened to you. I am reading the thread, and I agree, we all need to file a report w BBB or class action law firm BEFORE the IPO. The investors need to know how the company is run. BTW: the RealReal has had many complaints about fakes that make it through their authentication process. I agree, Poshmark charges way to much commission to treat sellers this way! Any idea about other platforms?
Jan 03Reply

@gigimodel yeah. according to other Poshers there are a lot of “bad actors” on this site. Hence, why I try to alert on fraudulent buyers. I have had more positive transactions than the one scammer. Far as the R/R goes – thx for the heads up (wasn’t aware of them being prone to selling fakes) have not purchased from them in a few years. Guess... u never know unless u buy direct. I recall a big scandal with Hermès being accused of knowingly selling “high end” replica’s out of the brick & mortar.
Jan 03Reply

Wow, o.k., I was getting ready to sell some expensive items. This was really informative. I just purchased 75 tags for $7 and small labels $5 on Amazon. Still going to be very causus but this will help.
Jan 27Reply

This is horrendous... very disappointing. It’s really unfair that you’ve been scammed. It’s happened to me multiple times.
I normally have positive interactions with the customers here. The buyers can be hostile and conniving quite often.
Apr 22Reply

It’s sad it’s people out here like that.. sorry this happen to you on a platform like this that’s supposed to protect us and have wonderful shopping and selling experiences.
May 13Reply

I strongly agree 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽
Nov 29Reply

My concern is any item sold over 500is supposed to be authenticated from posh ! Did they not do this or did you go under 500 . Just curious ?
Dec 23Reply

@dotnicholson hello. Yes, posh authentic items over $500 - these particular shoes were sold for under ($400). I have sold designer items for under $500 before never had any issues. First time for everything- definitely a learning lesson. Now, I only sell lower listed items to Poshers with buying & selling history (this person had neither.) All designer items now go through Posh.
Dec 23Reply

@dotnicholson *authenticate
Dec 23Reply

@dotnicholson I’ve been on Posh since 2013 this incident happened in 2018 (first & last time -thus far)
I continue to share to bring awareness.
Dec 23Reply

I have had similar experiences! Even had my account temporarily frozen! So I had no income for 3 months! I can see you have VERY quality items in your closet! I would trust someone like you 100%! Most people on Poshmark are good, but the bad ones (scammers) ruin it for ALL! I’m sorry you had this experience and hope that that never happens to you again! Good luck in the future!😊
Feb 25Reply

So sorry this happened to you. Dishonest people are ugly. ❤️❤️❤️🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🌷
May 11Reply

I’m sorry you had to deal with that but your right we need more sellers protection from use losing money and our merchandise More screenings should be in place
Aug 21Reply

@pookiecsi45 Thank you. Crazy but I’ve been here for 10 yrs now and have had more positive experiences than that one. However to protect myself, now, I only buy & sell from Poshers with buyer/seller history.
Aug 21Reply

That’s not right!!!! Sorry you had to go through that.
Nov 03Reply

Without sellers, you have no buyers! They need to he better than this. Happened to me over the Christmas time with men’s UGGS chukka boots of all things! Waited 3 days, claimed FAKE, had worn and dirtied them up something awful and blamed me for that too in the comment back. I didn’t even try to challenge it when they were returned. I was so upset and was too busy with Christmas travel to argue over a $60 sale SMH
Jan 26Reply

My husband had bought them never worn them because he decided he didn’t like them! They were literally new without tags and it was a steal! Made me consider leaving Posh all together and I live in fear of the next time it happens honestly because sellers are chopped liver clearly.
Jan 26Reply

Wow!! So sorry this happened to you!!
Apr 22Reply

@lovelabels808 thanks… it happened 6 yrs ago (I’m no longer a seller BUT leave it here to warn the masses)
Apr 22Reply
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