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Updated Nov 26
Updated Nov 26

1 criminal chestnut horse

US$50,000 US$50

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Ha! He’s only half a criminal, the grey mare is solid gold.... posted these for my fellow Fur People to enjoy- if you happen to need tack- message me! I don’t bother to list extra tack here, but have boatloads of it that I should sell. May the sun shine upon your every ride....💕❤️
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zipperblonde Hi, so much fun🐴🐴
Nov 27Reply
funwithleather @jbarc2 why thank you! My horses & dogs certainly all FEEL special & beautiful....😁🤩 the orange horse has a dirty streak, though!! I seem to like degenerates.
Dec 23Reply
funwithleather @jbarc2 I’ve just had lots of significant head injuries that apparently affect my judgment...!!🙄
Dec 23Reply
funwithleather @jbarc2 -oh, and I’m chronically cheap so I deliberately buy big, athletic horses that are bucking people off. Sometimes I buy them with change if they’re really bad!
Dec 23Reply
funwithleather @jbarc2 you’re smart!! I started colts & rode laid up racehorses when I was a kid- took “problem “ horses & youngsters for years...all my million injuries are horse related... foals can get you, too! Those little feet are sharp. Happy holidays to you & your beloved Fur!!
Dec 23Reply
funwithleather @jbarc2 😍🐴😈☠️😜
Dec 23Reply
lbgraz Love the chestnut and your grey. I I ever find another horse that is sound I will check your tack. I hate buying a horse. One purchase, Two prepurchase exams, and two leases later I am still without. Five years since I lost my the best horse ever.
Oct 03Reply
funwithleather @lbgraz I’m so sorry... unfortunately your dilemma is too familiar. If it makes you feel any better- I routinely have to inject hocks, stifles, and a bit of kissing spine on the chestnut. The grey is still young, but she paddles a little... probably ought to start her on Adequan now. My best advice- once your horses are over 10, you’d better be sleeping with either the vet or the farrier!!! If you actually use them enough to teach them something, even the nice ones eventually need maintenance.
Oct 03Reply
funwithleather @lbgraz seems like it might be fun....🤣🤣🤣
Oct 03Reply
lbgraz @funwithleather my vet my farrier and myself are all happily married (to separate partners lol) so I have to be content with paying their kids way to college and for their work trucks. And they say a good man is hard to find. Try finding a sound horse. Maintenance comes with the territory. I just don’t want a navicular nightmare, epm, stifles from satan. Still looking
Nov 29Reply
funwithleather @lbgraz yes- soundness is a huge bonus! In Colorado, if they know enough to be decent, they’ve been going on some punishing footing (for an Event horse or cow horse...dressage not so much. They stay in cushy arenas!) so maintenance is just a thing. I’m also deadly cheap when it comes to buying horses... I get given some Widowmakers. That chestnut bucks something terrible now & then!! He was a dollar🙄
Nov 29Reply
funwithleather @lbgraz ....good luck- there is a good one out there for you! Hard not to blow half the budget looking, though.
Nov 29Reply
notbuddha7 I am in serious need of a CC saddle for my 17.3hh shark wither having TB! If you have anything 16.5” or 17” please let me know. Thank you!
Dec 26Reply
funwithleather @notbuddha7 ooohhh- nothing that small. The Black Country is called a Medium Wide tree, but it’s the equivalent of a medium tree in County- probably fit a dorsal fin with some padding (sheepskin or whatever) but I don’t have any narrow trees. My issue is that I need wider than these two... good luck- I’m ready to go horse shopping for something that fits in my existing tack. Probably less expensive than finding saddles for extremes!🙄
Dec 26Reply
funwithleather ...and both saddles ride like 17.5” seats... if I stumble upon one in a smaller seat/sharky tree soon- I’ll message you where!
Dec 26Reply
notbuddha7 @funwithleather thank you so much for your reply! I really appreciate you keeping a look out for a saddle for me and my sharkfin boy! Lol! And you’re probably right, it’d be easier to find a horse for the saddle than visa versa. 🤦🏼‍♀️ 4.25” gullets are hard to find! Sheesh...As are super wide ones! I will likewise send any I see your way if I come across the wider ones! Have a great New Year! Happy Poshing and Horsing!!
Dec 27Reply
funwithleather @notbuddha7 indeed! I’ve been riding for 45 years & I’m sick to death of fitting saddles!! I can ride whatever so I try to just take horses that fit in my tack options.... however, my husband is now riding & the PERFECT horse for him is a mutton withered half draft mare. Good luck with your horse- 4.25” gullets are not easy to find-my Black Country measures 4.75” gullet. Check out Pelham Saddlery site & Tack Trader- I’ve bought good saddles there. Happy new year!!
Dec 27Reply
funwithleather @notbuddha7 ...there is a used County Innovation with narrow tree for just under $2000 on ebay right now... that would fit gullet. Check it out!
Dec 27Reply
funwithleather @notbuddha7 it’s a 17” seat, kinda reddish brown...
Dec 27Reply
sarahmedler @funwithleather any 5” Mullen eggbutt snaffles? Thanks
Dec 30Reply
funwithleather @sarahmedler I’m pretty sure I got rid of most of my 5” bits... I’ll check a trunk in my trailer tomorrow & lyk. I used to have 2...
Dec 30Reply
sarahmedler @funwithleather good morning. Any luck on bits? 🦄 thanks so much
Jan 02Reply
funwithleather @sarahmedler I have a 5.5” Herm Sprenger correction mullen- it’s a loose ring & ported not a straight bar.... the straight eggbutt mullens seem to be gone. Sorry! I tore up trailer....
Jan 02Reply
jillianlagreca @funwithleather any headstalls? Also on the pictures u have of the custom chaps are those custom belts as well? do u make custom headstalls? breastcollars?
Apr 01Reply
funwithleather @jillianlagreca Good Morning. Are you looking for Western headstalls? I don’t make tack, I do make custom belts & chaps on a very limited basis. Used to be a full time thing, but now I’m my husband’s vet tech & horse trainer, too🙄.
Apr 01Reply
funwithleather @jillianlagreca I do have a few belts made & a bin full that need to be made & I could customize length on those. When I have time to make chaps, I generally make chinks & armitas because they’re adjustable. I only make full chaps & half chaps for local people that I can measure. I have a FB page called Vaquero Leather Ware with YEARS of photos of custom & semi custom work. Thanks for your interest! Lisa
Apr 01Reply
9028201 Do you have any English saddles
Nov 19Reply
funwithleather @9028201 Hi there- I have a Black Country Vinici cross country jumping saddle for sale- it’s a medium-wide tree, 17.5” seat, and fabulously secure jumping up & down hills. That do anything for you? It’s black with green piping…. Anything else on your wish list? Lots of tack that I should sell but am too lazy to list. Best, Lisa
Nov 19Reply
roeliff Hi I am interested in your Black Country saddle. Could you send me pictures and price?
Dec 19Reply
lillyhaberer Hi! I was wondering what tack you have.
Aug 30Reply
funwithleather @lillyhaberer hi there- I sold most of the extra tack that I wanted to part with…. I do have several extra sets of new or almost new black leather reins. Some flat with hand stops, raised, plaited, probably 2 flat black curb reins. I have way too many bits in different sizes- What do you need? My bosal & hair rope collection is fancy & extensive, I should probably sell those but some are irreplaceable so I’m looking for a horseman who will really use & appreciate the handmade gear. Thanks, Lisa
Aug 30Reply
lilyk1564 @funwithleather I am in dire need of some tack! I have a mustang/quarter horse stallion that I am training to jump, and I am hopefully getting another horse soon! (saving up, donation link in my closet description) But, I am looking for pretty much anything haha,
May 22Reply
funwithleather @lilyk1564 oh boy- sounds like a big project! I have a few nice black bridles, reins, several bits in different sizes… mustangs are usually on the small side- lots of my tack is warmblood sized. I might have a few 5” bits but I need to look. How big is this horse? Sheepskin pads? Boots? Im in a trailer-cleaning mood!! Thanks, Lisa
May 22Reply
lilyk1564 @funwithleather he is barely 14h tall, no idea on weight, but he is very proportionate other than his cresty neck lol. I am in search of nearly everything, but I am looking for sport boots and a 5´¨ snaffle!
May 22Reply
funwithleather @lilyk1564 Hims a pony!! 🤩 I will look at my snaffles- my boots are probably too big. I will lyk late tomorrow when I get home from the barn. Thanks!
May 22Reply
lilyk1564 @funwithleather ok thank you! he is just the cutest horse honestly, he has the goofiest personality- lol
May 22Reply

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