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Updated Nov 05
Updated Nov 05

Suspense*Posher Author = Espionage styling shadows

Meet the Suspense Posher

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Well hello there 🕵️‍♀ I'm KatePilarcik, suspense author/posher/ intrigue promoter. And my noirvella. THE DAMP FEDORA *is* for sale, where thriller books sell (👁👁web⬆link). Noir read 🕵️‍♀️1940's gal gumshoe with gumption + secret OSS agent (shh) ~ Detective Nelle Callahan. Nelle has moxie. World needs more moxie. Nelle also detects fashionizing👗👔 swanky days. On our carousings? We sleuth & SHARE stylish sensations♠️. ~ Grace o'Thanks for browse♦️shares of our joint ... Kate✒ & 🕵️‍♀Nelle
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jaytaybry Welcome welcome!!! If you have any questions feel free to reach out, I'll do my best to help you. Happy Poshing ❤
Feb 02Reply
missdeesweett Welcome to Poshmark! I'm an avid reader and I love anything vintage, I will definitely have to check out your novel!
Feb 03Reply
absolutelykate @missdeesweett Well Miss DeeSweett ~ It's easy as pie, lemon pie, with a good cup o' joe ~ to see why you're sweet. Grace o' my thanks for your kind look into intrigue . . . and know I'll be urging worlds 'round Posh'ville your way. ~ Kate, absolutely
Feb 03Reply
atisticcutters Hello and welcome to Poshmark 🤗🥰🙋🏼‍♀️
Feb 18Reply
absolutelykate @atisticcutters Well thankyou most kindly, great Posh femme . . .
Feb 19Reply
sluvscats Hi Kate, I forgot that the post office was closed yesterday for Presidents Day. Remembered when I got there 🙄 So sorry for delay in getting these to you. And I’ve still not found the orange bag. I threw away a sandal when I couldn’t find it’s mate, & of course it “turned up” a week later. Brand new, Posher wanted to buy them. I used to be very organized, not so much anymore.
Feb 19Reply
absolutelykate @sluvscats Breathe. All be fine. 🌹 You SHOW you care about the folks you provide packages of joy to. Thanks . . . for letting me start to meet a good dame. ~ Kate, absolutely
Feb 20Reply
richchrisash Hello Kate Welcome to Posh Mark!!! So exciting to hear of your novel! Thank you for the likes from my closet! I do automatically offer a 15% discount on bundles of 3 or more plus reduced shipping! I also do consider reasonable offers. If you have any questions please feel free ask! 😊
Feb 21Reply
absolutelykate @richchrisash Christine ~ It was like windchimes when you blew in the open back door. 🤩 Appreci'kate your kind cheer and open door offers. Never know when I'll be carousing my browse around your place. ~ Kate✒ absolutely
Feb 22Reply
bgail17 Hi Kate. Thank you so much for your likes and shares. If you have any questions please let me know. Hope you have a great day 🙂🙂
Feb 24Reply
absolutelykate @bgail17 Hey there Brenda. Absolutely appreci'kate your grand shares as well, good lady. Wonders to your week and successes
Feb 25Reply
aliciainbagland Hi Kate!🙋🏻‍♀️I’m Alicia. Thanks for visiting my closet!🤗 Welcome to Poshmark!💐💐💐 Please feel free to buy, MAKE OFFERS or Bundle. Or you can put ❤️ on items you Like and I will send you an OFFER. BTW... I’m a Posh Ambassador, so feel free to ask me any questions!
Mar 01Reply
absolutelykate @aliciainbagland Gracious dame thou art, Alicia. I shall keep an eye your way . . . And keep a Q in my hep hop pocket for you to illuminate when the time comes. 🌷 Grace o' my thanks
Mar 02Reply
aliciainbagland @absolutelykate I’m not sure exactly what thou said, but it says really good though! 😍🥰
Mar 02Reply
klkm127 You are the best🌻
Mar 02Reply
absolutelykate @aliciainbagland I said you are wonders-full. I said will be JOY to know you in life. I said *thanks*. I am happy you are out there. ~Kate ✒ absolutely
Mar 02Reply
absolutelykate @klkm127 🗨 "Hah! Takes one to know one." ( Humbly, she blushes, scuffs her shoes on the ground . . . And smiles warm inside )
Mar 02Reply
aliciainbagland @absolutelykate I see you are an excellent writer! I have written little, but not Shakespeare for sure like thou, though... 😆
Mar 02Reply
laylay3000 Hi Kate! Thank you so much for your purchase! I will drop off Monday morning to the post office :) Have a great weekend ❤️💕
Mar 03Reply
absolutelykate @laylay3000 You are most welcome, classy, gracious dame. Your posh Potter is going to make my daughter surprised and happy. Weekend with good gusto 😎
Mar 03Reply
absolutelykate @aliciainbagland Ah, Alicia ~ Kind words from a classy lady. I can tell you have many successful talents. Wonders to your weekend.
Mar 03Reply
aliciainbagland @absolutelykate I think you are a writer and a psychic too! 😂 I’m a Poetry interpreter/Actress and Mom of 4! Spend a few mins in my closet & LMK what you like! I will give you a great deal! I’m artsy, so I have UNIQUE Handbags and post every 3 days. Yay! 💃🏻
Mar 03Reply
absolutelykate @aliciainbagland 🎬🎥 Alicia ~ I knew you had stage presence! (And yes, my beloved mother was psychic and kept my vibes up too) -- Sure wish you lived closer for coffee or wine *clink*. Good vibes your way ~ Kate✒ absolutely
Mar 03Reply
aliciainbagland @absolutelykate Thank you Sweetie! No way! My father was psychic too! A private detective 🕵️‍♂️ ,photographer and songwriter/ composer. I had an interesting childhood w him!
Mar 03Reply
absolutelykate @aliciainbagland We have detectives in common and loving colourful childhoods . . . Stories abound I am sure.
Mar 03Reply
crpicks Thank you for the continued support and very kind words, very much appreciated. Wishing continued success in POSH and Book Sales 😉
Mar 05Reply
absolutelykate @crpicks Clay&Robyn ~ Who am I confabbing with when I'm connecting with you guys. Love the energies I'm sensing from your Crossroads of PoshTowne. Damn glad you're out there. And thanks in kind for the gracious thoughts. ~ Kate, absolutely
Mar 06Reply
crpicks @absolutelykate Hi Kate, it’s Clay. Glad you asked, I’m changing over to the crpicks real soon. The Posh adventure has been mostly my roller coaster with some fashion lessons from Robyn. I appreciate you asking , no secrets here but I’m sure most have assumed I was not the primary communicator here😀. The communications and sharing have been truly appreciated. That’s one of the appealing things on Posh to me, the more we all help each other- the better we all do.
Mar 06Reply
absolutelykate Hey Clay -- crpicks a strong recall name, carrying subliminal positives on multi-levels as well. Good for you guys. /// Remember, I have seen your handwriting, so I know a communicator who can get to the point o' the point and mean it. /// And yep, just like the tides -- taking each other the higher is the best stuff of Life stuff. Stay thee cool, nonfool. ---> Do you just carry that board around or do you "Kowabunga" from some shore? ~ Kate
Mar 06Reply
cwishrn 🎶 You put the lime in the coconut 🥥
Mar 07Reply
cwishrn Thanks for the shares! You’re awesome and I still 💗 the blue suede shoes! Gotta sell to buy 💰
Mar 07Reply
absolutelykate @cwishrn So now you're singing from the old tune box, groovy dame. ♦️ Awesome bounces backatcha -- Guess I'll have to keep your shares up in the air so you can switch to crooning Elvis 🎶🎸. Stay thee cool, nonfool - grins jump running into you. ~ Kate, absolutely
Mar 07Reply
cwishrn @absolutelykate oh, but I can’t help falling in love with you 🎤 My puppy loves that song and always gives me tons of kisses when I sing it to him.
Mar 07Reply
danasdoings 💍Hello Kate Thank you for the Follow. I took a walk through your shop and left some Shares Visit anytime HAPPY POSHING 💍
Mar 08Reply
blackrosemum Welcome to Poshmark ❣️ May your closet be prosperous. Blessings Be to Thee⭐
Mar 08Reply
absolutelykate @blackrosemum Grace o' my Thanks, groovy Mum. This made more enjoyable when I run into the likes of jaunty spirits like yours (grin inclusive) --》 Your apt captions read like mini vignette glimpses into your lifeways. ~ your new pal, Kate✒ absolutely
Mar 08Reply
blackrosemum @absolutelykate 🌌🌟 🧚‍♂️🧚‍♀️
Mar 08Reply
absolutelykate @danasdoings I saw you doing your doings Dana, taking that walk. Sure hope you found the hot chocolate and fresh baked butterscotch brownies I left you. 😊 Your closet, certainly showcases your indomitable talents, Artiste lady. 💠 Best to your zest. ~ Kate, absolutely
Mar 08Reply
danasdoings @absolutelykate I did Kate for that cake and sent it onto my poshy Friends. I’m so glad to find a person who has such tenacity and a playful soul. best wishes on your lovely shop and all those stars that pass by 💍💖💍
Mar 08Reply
kimlane88 Love your vibes!!! 💕🙌🏻🌹
Mar 10Reply
absolutelykate @kimlane88 Right backatcha grand dame! 🌹
Mar 10Reply
kl020225 Hello, I want to sell the item to you. Remember your already getting. 15% discount for the bundle and then I’m offering another $10 below that. Counter at a fair price and it’s yours! 😊
Mar 14Reply
michcroasdale Thanks so much for your purchase! You’re going to love these sneakers! Will ship ASAP for you 🥰🥰
Mar 14Reply
absolutelykate @michcroasdale Aw shucks -- I was already lovin' your bright vibes thru PoshTowne . . . Now I'll get to step out and work out in my fave pop o' color ... from your definitive vibes ((You *understand* the switch to seasonal colours)) ~ Kate✒ absolutely
Mar 14Reply
danasdoings Hi Kate I sent you that mermaid teardrop again I have been dealing with my sons Eye injury last few days so I missed your offer I will except the 15 just go ahead and re-offer it it is a beautiful piece thank you so much💍💖💍
Mar 15Reply
absolutelykate @danasdoings It is beautiful, and naturally I thank you . . . But know prayers / good energies zap out your way around your son's healing and your ease, good Lady. ~ Kate✒ absolutely
Mar 15Reply
danasdoings Thank you Kate I will text you when I ship 💍💖💍
Mar 15Reply
danasdoings Hi Kate your order has shipped your necklace should be to you on Monday the 18th thank you so much you have a wonderful weekend
Mar 15Reply
absolutelykate @danasdoings 🌷 Ever best to you, dear Dana ... Grace o' my thanks ... ~ Kate✒ absolutely
Mar 15Reply
flkat76 Thank you for sharing my closet!!💕😊
Mar 16Reply
absolutelykate @flkat76 You are most welcome, good Lady. Taking each other the higher is what Life is all about. ~ Kate✒ absolutely
Mar 16Reply
trendygoat @absolutelykate Hello Kate. Thank you so much for your purchase. I wanted to say I’m so sorry but I forgot to put the free shoes in the box before I closed it and sent it off. I am sending them separately, again I apologize for the mistake.
Mar 16Reply
absolutelykate @trendygoat Thankyou kind Naz. You are great. ~ Kate✒ absolutely
Mar 16Reply
ladyarachnid @absolutelykate Your rating of my items that I sent you has officially blown me away! you're a poet and I appreciate every single kind word!
Mar 17Reply
absolutelykate @andrewssweetie Ann, oh Ann ~ Gypsies are in sync ... that's all there is to it. (grin inclusive) Simply, this strongly an author who let's wordplay have it's way when good folks make great hunks of happiness happen. 💠 Appreciate your in kind response ... Kate✒ absolutely
Mar 17Reply
alhopki Hi thanks for the shares nice to meet you
Mar 19Reply
danasdoings Hello Kate what an absolutely wonderful write up you gave me I truly was blown away. I Am thrilled you are happy with your lovely Necklace a favorite of mine for sure Much💖 Posh love 💖my Dear stay in touch my Friend 💍💍
Mar 21Reply
absolutelykate @danasdoings Oh Dana, folks are s'posed to take good care of great folks when pathways cross. No such thing as a coincidence on those kind of meetups and when they occur. Will share*wear your spirit proudly, fondly, my own new friend. World should know of your goodness. ~ Kate✒ absolutely
Mar 21Reply
danasdoings @absolutelykate you said that Perfect 💍💖💍
Mar 21Reply
absolutelykate @danasdoings Aw Dana -- you're gonna mist me all up. 😊 Sensed your spirit. ● What section of AZ are you? May seem natural that one of my best mentors in this world moved from the CT shores to your state a few years back. She's a sculptor-designer and you two may have been intended to meet up. Will be in touch after this grand wedding I'm taking your magic necklace to. ~ Kate✒ absolutely
Mar 21Reply
danasdoings @absolutelykate I can see Mexico from my back porch. Southern Az near Tombstone and Bisbee Az That would be awesome to meet up
Mar 21Reply
absolutelykate @danasdoings Laughing at your backporch viewability. Jackie Austin is in Tucson area now. Find me on Facebook @ Kate Pilarcik and I'll connect you two. I'm thinking it's a meant-to-be. You take care, good lady
Mar 21Reply
sheshed1 OH Kate..I must say..what a lovely report I got today! With all the fling you have in your zing.. your surely to turn some of therm flings back into things if u catch my drift!! Wink Wink..thanks so much..cant wait to do business again with you..its been a definite delight!!LOVES
Mar 22Reply
amyraescloset Oh my gosh such a sweet and unique note! Thank you so much and so glad you are enjoying the shirt! Best of luck with your writing!
Mar 26Reply
seastar3 Congrats on your novel! I’m retiring from teaching this June and am finally going to finish one of mine. 💕
Apr 08Reply
absolutelykate @seastar3 ☆ Rosanna ~ YAY YOU! Definitely know how you feel as my superb husband retires from teaching in June as well . . . Adding in the side•hustles now as you are too. (grin). Hook up with me on FB { Kate Pilarcik } so I can stay in touch and get the full pizzazz of your own telling tales. I'm working 3nd noirvella of the 8-part series now. International publishing conference in TX this fall. Damn glad to meet you, Dame.
Apr 09Reply
seastar3 Congrats to your hubby!!! Ooh! When/where is the conference? Damn glad to meet you too, my Dear! <3
Apr 09Reply
absolutelykate @seastar3 Yowza! DALLAS ~ google "Bouchercon" for intrigue retirement gift 🎁 I just gave you. Joint will be teeming with publishers and agents too. *Clink* a Good Fortunes toast ?
Apr 09Reply
seastar3 @absolutelykate 🥂 🍾 Looking forward to meeting you💕
Apr 09Reply
valjohnhank 🤗Hi, I’m Val! Welcome to PoshMark! I would like to personally welcome you to place of endless opportunities & where unique purchases can be made & sold! Please read the Do’s & Don’t(s) of what you CAN & CANNOT SELL! Don’t worry about being perfect, just GET STARTED! Make sure you’re knowledgeable of Policies & Procedures! If you have any questions please feel free to ask me! Best wishes & much success! Happy Poshing & Shopping!🛍 Val, PoshMark Ambassador💃🏽🛍
Apr 11Reply
absolutelykate @rsuyaba Posh darn it Dame ~ Pleasure swirls rightbackatcha. ● Designer 👁 here is joying at your presentation styling . . . Kinda wishin' to share a good cup o' joe or vino *clink* at the end of a well•placed shoot and say, "Yeah! Nailed it!" ~ Kate✒ absolutely
Apr 12Reply
kmbaluarte @absolutelykate your an author man I wish I could tell you my life story! Thank you for all the shares and the love. I think your closet is awesome and wish I could fit everything! Lol have a blessed weekend...
Apr 18Reply
absolutelykate @kmbaluarte Dear Khadijah ~ Can you find me @ Facebook or Instagram @ Kate Pilarcik / AbsolutelyKate to send me a private direct message so that I may pass on my email as well? ▪ I would love to hear the life story you have to tell . . . And likewise let you know I am watching out for simple, thus strong energies to be around you. 🌷 Your very kind words touched me. ~Kate✒ absolutely
Apr 18Reply
kmbaluarte @absolutelykate absolutely! I sent you a friend request! How can I purchase your book? Do you have one for sale on here?
Apr 18Reply
absolutelykate @kmbaluarte Once again, what you said about "wishing to fit into all in my closet" here @ the lovely w🌎rld of Posh made me grin sooo wide. Glad we have connected (ala FB) and shall stay so. ● Selling only fine and intriguing fashion here at Posh . . . My books are a google away at all the places fine books are sold; my Amazon author link above in profile. 🌷 You stay wonderful and in touch, good lady.
Apr 18Reply
greyhound612 Kate, that was "absolutely" the most beautiful posh note ever 😍 I read it over and over. Thank you! I think my next purchase will be a copy of your book 😊 !!!
Apr 21Reply
greyhound612 I found it on Amazon and I look forward to a wonderful read! 🤩
Apr 21Reply
spreadlove Hi, I’m Melissa! I wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I’m always looking for new posh friends to shop, share and invite to my closet- so I wanted to say hello! Have a great day!
Apr 22Reply
themerchmart Thanks for the follow, Kate! 👍🏼. Hope you have a great week!
Apr 25Reply
absolutelykate @themerchmart Having a better week already, oh mighty MerchMart -- for I just met your cool retro style 😎
Apr 25Reply
themerchmart @absolutelykate Ha, I appreciate it! 🤘🏼
Apr 25Reply
greatbuy1 For the next 15 minutes, Choose ANY 2 shirts from the shirt section in my closet for only $10.00. Just bundle your 2 favs and I will send you an offer for $10.00
Apr 26Reply
greatbuy1 For the next 15 minutes, Choose ANY 2 shirts from the shirt section in my closet for only $10.00. Just bundle your 2 favs and I will send you an offer for $10.00
Apr 26Reply
notaclue53 Hi Kate. I countered your offer with a more than 15% bundle discount. Thanks for shopping my closet!
Apr 27Reply
notaclue53 Top o, the evening to you Absolutely*Kate! I mailed 1 of the 3 packages Saturday and will post out the other two tomorrow morning. I trust your weekend is relaxing and carefree🙆! I'll post you tomorrow with an expected delivery time! 🏁🏎
Apr 29Reply
jewelsbysara Hey lovely🥰 I would love if you dropped over at my closet for a visit. For amazing deals🎁If you have any questions free to ask me🎉 Happy Poshing❤️
Apr 29Reply
absolutelykate @s27a ... Hey ~ Rightbackatcha. Follow along as well . . . Best to your zest and journey of success. ~ Kate✒ absolutely
Apr 29Reply
absolutelykate Grace o' my Thanks, dear WonderWoman. I even went back and shopped a little more. Not quite carefree this weekend, but always putting positives highest, to live life bestest ways possible. ▪ Good energies swirl back your way. ~ Kate✒ absolutely
Apr 29Reply
notaclue53 Hope you're enjoying your littke holiday! Just wanted to assure you that all 4 pakages have shipped. Thank you for your business🌹🎀
Apr 30Reply
absolutelykate @notaclue53 Grinnn ~ At your kindness and absolute efficiency. "Day enjoyed" was time off to fix up an eye injury with a good doc ~ But life's all about how you handle the journey, eh? ▪ My front porch anticipates your treasures, good Lady. Thanks ... ~ Kate✒ absolutely
May 01Reply
thejellybeanjar Hello Ms. Kate, What a kick a** page you have! I, "stopped by," to apologize for the duplicate offer sent on the onesie set; it was sent in error. Blessings to you, Connie TJBJ
May 02Reply
prettyeasy4you 🦋🦋🦋🦋Thank you for your beautiful comments about the scarf. Your words touched my heart and made my day. Thank you so much!
May 02Reply
absolutelykate @prettyeasy4you Well heck, Dame ~ Sure hope you've more going for your day then word-spiel on spiral delight of what you put in the world just right, via merchandising & energies -- Yep. Feel 'em in coastal big-hearted little Rhody. Stay thee cool, non-fool. I find it intriguing to grin at your *poshentation* when I browse/carouse your corner of PoshTowne.
May 02Reply
absolutelykate @prettyeasy4you (( Per the above and how you're greater-reaching-the-world for Posh*abilities ~ ~ * I'm writing PoshTales. -- Would love interviewing how your mind dances . . . Most likely to the flitter-flutter of imported butterfly wings o' the spirited soul, I'd bet. )) > Find me on FB or Insta .... Kate Pilarcik / absolutely*kate
May 02Reply
ldmtreasures Hey I’m Linda I Make One Of a Kind Jewelry If you are Buying or Selling.... New to Poshmark or Been here awhile Best of Luck to you.....💖and Stop in to see me! **** Jewelry Makes the Outfit***💋
May 03Reply
absolutelykate @ldmtreasures Well thanks for the promo Linda. Nice stuff, your stuff. ▪ Best to your zest and journey of success. ~ Kate✒ absolutely
May 03Reply
star228 Thanks for your purchase! I will ship it in the morning!!🤗💖
May 05Reply
absolutelykate @star228 Michele the St☆r ~ Yoy are most welcome. Enjoy the rest of your weekend and know I didn't include the restful photo if your husband in my Bundlerama. (grin inclusive)
May 05Reply
star228 At this particular moment,I'll throw him in for free!! Ugh! MEN!!!🙄
May 05Reply
absolutelykate @star228 (( Don't know if you heard my laughter out there I Texas 😎 ))
May 06Reply
star228 I shipped your package!! 🤗💖❤💙💚💛🧡💜🖤
May 06Reply
absolutelykate @star228 Wow, Speedy Gonzales -- Hope you kept your husband -- I have one. 🌹 And I'm psyched.▪ Stay in touch, we're having fun.
May 06Reply
star228 We are!! I like you! We can be "Posh Pals"!! 😊😊 🛍👗👔🧣👕👘👜👛👚👙👖👞👟👠👡
May 06Reply
absolutelykate @star228 ... P👗SH PALS it is, great Dame! ▪ Can only promise you never a dull moment 😎
May 06Reply
star228 Thanks for the offer!! I'm browsing this morning, but WILL get back yo you!! I want to tell you I was about to look right past the pink striped tank,but read your description and took a other look and realized how darling this top is! So your descriptions ARE working and getting attention! Just wanted to let you know!!!👚💖😊💰
May 06Reply
therapistkay Thanks for all the shares Kate!!!🙂🎈
May 06Reply
absolutelykate @therapistkay 🌹 You are most welcome Lady Kay. Always good to take care of the good people in this here world . . . Best to your zest and journey of success. ~Kate✒ absolutely
May 06Reply
arianne_s Thank you for all the shares!! I greatly appreciate it!! You have a wonderful variety of items.:-)
May 06Reply
absolutelykate @arianne_s 🗨 Aw shucks -- good folks should always be around for good folks. And thanks back for kind words on my offerings and the nifty return shares, good lady. Stay in touch as we both carouse around PoshTowne. ~ Kate✒ absolutely
May 06Reply
krippie89 Thank you for all the shares 😊🌸
May 09Reply
vineyardbeauty Hello @absolutelykate! I absolutely love the fun and imagination you injected into your closet! We are almost neighbors...just know you have a fellow coastal Poshmark friend cheering you on in all your endeavors! Have a great day today ☀️🌸🧜‍♀️
May 09Reply
absolutelykate @vineyardbeauty ... Dear Dame! Did you ever kick my Thursday up a pile of notches! ▪ Began reading your supra coolest of cool words AS I TURNED RADIO TO STATION THAT STAYS THERE 🎶 MV!!! We ARE so neighbors! I'm southcoast Wakefield/Narragansett, 20 min fr Newport Bridge. Ferry we must! 🌹 And grace o' my thanks for your graciousness. ~ Kate ✒ absolutely
May 09Reply
glitzylife Hi, My name is Jan. How are you enjoying Poshmark? Are you able to get your head out of your phone. I know I can't! Lol. It's soo addicting. If you get a chance check out my closet . I have major designers for a fraction of the cost! Happy Poshing!
May 10Reply
smaroulis Love your pics & your closet ❤️
May 11Reply
absolutelykate @smaroulis ... 🗨 Ah Susan -- that meant a lot. I was already admiring your goods and the significance of how you make the world a better place. My son is in Charlotte. Our paths may pass one day. ~ Best to your zest and journey of success ... Kate ✒ absolutely
May 11Reply
llathleticwear Hi!! Hope you’re enjoying the Poshmark community! Feel free to check out my closet 😁🎾🏃‍♀️👖👕🏌️‍♀️beautiful closet!!
May 11Reply
jsdesigns86 @absolutelykate heyyy girllll I love the way you present your products !!!! Exquisite! Xoxo
May 11Reply
zloteaeco Absolute Kate, thanks so much for your charming, witty, and generous review. I thought to myself, this lady must be an author...AND YOU ARE! So cool!! I plan to purchase one of your books. Can’t wait to read more of your creative ideas. Glad you were pleased with your bundle.💙♻️🌎💚
May 11Reply
uneekbuys Hi there, I noticed that you liked my item and I hope that you also noticed that I have greatly reduced all my prices. Also if you buy two items you get an additional 20% off. Have a wonderful day and thank you for visiting my closet.
May 11Reply
nicholepruitt73 There r 12 pair of shoes in this bundle. Can't go any lower. Thank you
May 13Reply
absolutelykate @victoria_star You are most welcome, good lady . . .
May 13Reply
nicholepruitt73 Hello again. Sorry to tell u this but I have to cancel the order. Due to weight issue. If u still want items we need to do 2 orders. Have spoken to posh.
May 13Reply
nicholepruitt73 Just wanted to make sure u don't look for package. Contact me for details. Needs to b 2 orders.
May 13Reply
nicholepruitt73 I'm fixing to post them again and u can put 3 items in one bundle and 3 in another. So 2 separate orders
May 13Reply
nicholepruitt73 Just sent offer on first one😀
May 13Reply
nicholepruitt73 I've never had that happen to me. I had all items packed, then weighed it. I'm sure my things will. You have a really real nice night
May 13Reply
vineyardbeauty @absolutelykate Thou hast left me Absolutely Speechless. 🌸 Bless you a million times over. 💐💜🙏🧜‍♀️
May 15Reply
absolutelykate @vineyardbeauty ... YOU? Speechless? ... With the grace and finesse of fine expression? Nah. Never gonna happen. (grin inclusive) -- But Lady, you touched the way my spirit dances when I opened that swell assembled package. Posh darn it if I didn't feel as if I'd already known you for years and you were smiling to yourself, knowing, "This is gonna surprise that Kate". Sure did. -- Absolutely.
May 15Reply
shopnewengland Love your cover photos! ❤️
May 23Reply
absolutelykate @shopnewengland ▪ Thanks a'plenty ~ Means a lot coming from one running a class operation such as yours. ▪ Stay for coffee? There's pie too . . .
May 23Reply
jayci63 Good evening, Kate. As I was putting the order together, I could not locate the Teddy bear brooch. With your permission, may I send a lovely KC snowman brooch? I am so sorry for this inconvenience. Tracy
May 23Reply
absolutelykate @jshoeandco Dear Tracey ~ Are you / were you an auctioneer? And I had already sensed your quiet dignity. I see it now in communications. ▪ Ahhh, the teddy brooch was for a first time Grandmother, but I understand these things occur. No on the snowman as replacement -- Go instead with the textured pewter stretch bracelet. Am on the road a short while . . . Kate, who thanks uou
May 23Reply
jayci63 @absolutelykate Thank you. I will ship first thing in the morning. Have a wonderful evening🤗
May 23Reply
blueprint101 Such a fun closet! Thanks for the shares.
May 27Reply
saraposhsf Hello there! Thank you for stopping by my closet! Happy poshing! ✨
May 28Reply
absolutelykate @blueprint101 ▪ Thanks & right backatcha ~ Your closet exudes the class you put into it ~ Kate✒ absolutely
May 28Reply
absolutelykate @saraposhsf ▪ Same to you, good Dame about PoshTowne . . . I'm sure we'll be seeing each other 'round cross*sharing flow ~Kate ✒ absolutely
May 28Reply
walshkck Gonna have to check out your work!
May 28Reply
absolutelykate @walshkck 🗨 HONOURED I BE!!! Something tells me you'll find some of your own moxie in Detective Nelle Callahan 👁
May 28Reply
walshkck @absolutelykate I look forward to the adventure 👍💖😊
May 28Reply
sluvscats @absolutelykate Kate, I don’t know why I just now saw the undeserved praises you sent my way. You are too kind. You know I still haven’t come across that darn orange bag you originally liked, but when I do, I’ll let you know & if you still want it, it will be very inexpensive. I know that it’s here some place in my 900 sq ft. Apt. I’m so unorganized I can’t stand myself. Thank you again & we’ll be in touch ❣️
May 30Reply
intocute 🌸Hi there! I’m stopping by to ask if you would like to take a look at my closet.😊 I have been adding a lot of new items. Maybe you will find something you like ❤️👍 Happy shopping 🛍 ❣️😘
May 30Reply
sheshed1 Hello Kate!! I saw your likes and made u a bundle!! You know for KATE, the rate is GREAT!!
May 31Reply
absolutelykate @99zx7r_ Oh you angel with the dirty painted face . . . I bet a bottom dollar you paint Vans.
Jun 01Reply
absolutelykate @99zx7r_ Backatcha Bub. T'anks for speakin' my lingo, come a doughnut and dollar day. ~ Kate✒ absolutely
Jun 01Reply
cbenjgiz Your comments were very kind and more than I feel I deserve. Thank you for such a generous review. Here's to small kindnesses!
Jun 02Reply
absolutelykate @cbenjgiz Kindness comes around . . . I sensed yours.
Jun 02Reply
simplychicposh Hi Kate! I’m Kari. Spring is finally here and I just got back from buying trips in NYC and Palm Beach. If you need anything to complete your wardrobe, please let me know if I can help. I’d love for you to visit my closet. I shared your closet for you. Happy sales!
Jun 02Reply
absolutelykate @simplychicposh ▪ "Hearty Hello" right back at you, Kari. Mutual shares 👗 browsings and carousings of each other's swell offerings shall be enjoyable. Absolutely. ~ Kate✒
Jun 02Reply
jlsdomster Omg, your comment on the bundle your purchased from me. That was the very first thing I read this morning and you made my morning. Thank for the 5 stars and sweet comment, I am really glad you love your bundle. Thank for the tip on my thank you card as well, i may need to alter those. I really appreciate you and your purchase.
Jun 03Reply
treasureweb Congrats on the book!!! 🎉👍 🤗💕
Jun 04Reply
absolutelykate @jlsdomster ▪ Dear Jaimie, that appreciation runs mutual. I always smile when I see your fine family; reminds me of growing up my three. Also, I purposely stopped overnight to break up my drive from RI to Ashtabula, OH so that I could tell my aunt and uncle "I got a hamburg in Hamburg." (Cont'd)
Jun 04Reply
absolutelykate @jlsdomster ▪ As for your ThankYou card ~ You ROCK presentation / first impression (matters) with the slim grosgrain black ribbon. Your card attached sets it off nicely but YOU need impressed on purchaser's mind. Typog of name should be at least 18pt and colour easy seen at once. (Advertising & Design/Promotion biz share from decades career) ~ Kate, absolutely
Jun 04Reply
absolutelykate @treasureweb ▪ THANKS there TreasureWebbers ~ I dig your style of a good group o' dames getting together for fun and profits. Sure hope there is coffee and or wine involved. 😁 Will be sharing your offerings often. ~ Kate, absolutely
Jun 04Reply
meginthebox Thank you so much for checking out my closet and for all the likes!!! If you would like to bundle any or all of your likes I will make you an awesome deal!!!
Jun 05Reply
cwishrn Kate! You definitely caught my attention with your adorable closet!! Intriguing for sure! Nice to meet you. I will check out your book. You are very creative! 💕💕 Cathy
Jun 06Reply
absolutelykate @cwishrn 🌹 As a Kathleen who has been both a Kathy and a Kate, I salute your likewise positive nature, dear dame. Gotta have intrigue to colour our worlds more distinguished. (But you knew that) ▪ HONOURED I would be to have you read THE DAMP FEDORA while I work on next noirvella, MAGIC SPY. Thinkin' you may find some of Nelle Callahan in your own spark.
Jun 06Reply
cwishrn @absolutelykate Although I’m just a plain ‘ole Cathy, I look forward to finding the Nelle in me !!!
Jun 06Reply
absolutelykate @cwishrn 🗨 AIN'T NO PLAIN OLD IN A CATHY! Our Moms knew their stuff when they named us girls. (Knew we'd have fun in Lifeways)
Jun 06Reply
demise69 Hi Sista🙋‍♀️ No... I haven't fallen off a bridge or anything. I’ve had a funeral. A church event and trying to post more items in my closet since I'm having a big sale this weekend. Lalalalala!!! Anyway. I still need to decide on the dress. How are you today? I told my best friend about you and read to her our msgs. She was rolling. 😁😁😆😂🤣
Jun 07Reply
demise69 I've missed you.
Jun 07Reply
absolutelykate @demise69 Likewise. Like your friend now too. Doing"History's Hero" (husband) birthday weekend ... reworking home and offices for his retirement into our next enterprises next week ... then readying all my worlds for National Holiday (humbly known as my birthday), and publishing stuffs ... so ... find you later in weekend.
Jun 08Reply
demise69 Yes ma’am. Happy Birthday Hubby!🎂🍰🍧🥧🍷🍾🍪 And when is your Birthday?
Jun 08Reply
absolutelykate @demise69. SORRY for loss in family or friend -- once again, like your pal too. Kindly tell her. (And let your Dad know you've a friend in south coastal RI) Easier to communi'Kate ala FB or Insta direct messaging @ Kate Pilarcik / Absolutely*Kate -- Find me there? (You'll also glimpse more of . . . Well, never a dull moment) yeah ... miss you. Stay thee cool nonfool.
Jun 08Reply
demise69 Ok. FB it is. I'll look you up now
Jun 08Reply
demise69 I'm on FB as Deanna (Dee) Myers
Jun 08Reply
vineyardbeauty @absolutelykate Kate! How dost thou this fine Saturday?! 💕
Jun 08Reply
absolutelykate @vineyardbeauty Dosting, not dusting . . . which is a real good thing as far as a day in June is concerned. Works then pool then gardens around history hero birthday husband's last week of grading before retirement into our Chapter Next Enterprises . . . (where a Sequoia gift comes in handy) . . . { cont'd }
Jun 08Reply
absolutelykate @vineyardbeauty And you? Missing the Vineyard from Capeside? Your music plays from my radio -- and these message scenarios are cumbersome in the long scroll along -- Will you kindly find me at FB or Insta as Kate Pilarcik / AbsolutelyKate . . . I'd love to stay in touch and walk a beach with you one day . . .
Jun 08Reply
danasdoings Hello Kate hope you remember me. Things have been very crazy with my husband and his transplant problems I’m just now catching up on all the folks have sent me beautiful love notes and you are definitely one of them I wanted to thank you very very much for that Hope everything is going well for you. Love your new pics stop by and say hi 💍💖💍
Jun 09Reply
absolutelykate @a_girl_thing WELL NOW YOU'VE GONE AND DONE IT!!! With mutual admiration doing happy dance feet-moves under my desk ~ I can only give my wholesale biz to the renowned enterprise of A_Girl_Thing. Loyalty - It's a development builder . . . (cont'd due to that word-count thing -----
Jun 11Reply
absolutelykate @a_girl_thing Now -- WHERE IS YOUR VACAY so I can picture you finding some illusion-identity with the wisecrackin' smarts of Detective Nelle Callahan. Send me a postcard review from after your reading pleasure place. *** Hmmm, may work you into a storyline one day, pullin' that caper . . . Yep, I can see it in the future shadows. *** "ThankYou" doesn't say it for my humble happiness . . . (but I think you knew that -- You get stuff) ~ Kate, absolutely
Jun 11Reply
absolutelykate @a_girl_thing ▪︎ A Panama hat at a rakish angle will sub for a fedora . . . And what a beautiful relaxing beach locale. Plus one of those souvenir hurricane glasses if you finish your drink ~ Glad to be tucked in the suitcase . . .
Jun 11Reply
absolutelykate @beckbradford Aw geeez ▪︎ Now I'm liking you more & more, creative lady. Nah, hold-in-your hands and kindle version is out there @ all major outlets -- But if you come across an Audible (or record you reading Detective Nelle Callahan's voice out loud 😎) - you'd better let me know! (grin inclusive)
Jun 11Reply
vineyardbeauty Bonny Kate (Taming of the Shrew?!😊) Hope you had a lovely vacation....Re: your request for FB....not fond o’ FB. If you still have email that I sent you, am far more comfortable with that. Would love to plan beach walk, town walk, anything.... pls be in touch whene’er you wish! 🎶
Jun 15Reply
absolutelykate @vineyardbeauty (Taming of the Shrew! - Hah - you dear Lit Wit) -- Rather than vacation, twas the CT Retirement Honours Celebration Dinner for historian hubby, beginning full *Chapter Next* Lifeways tomorrow, cascading into National Holiday (my birthday - grin). Following figuring new lifepaths out . . . beach / town / adventure / discovery walk is a likewise desire to become a recharge feature in our lives. Shall resleuth that email.
Jun 15Reply
vineyardbeauty Let me get this right....a red headed Gemini you are?
Jun 15Reply
absolutelykate @vineyardbeauty Right you are, Biker extraordinaire ~ And thecwell-loved Gent receives his (chockfull) USS Seqouia bag this day 😎
Jun 15Reply
vineyardbeauty Sweet! 💜
Jun 15Reply
qtboss1 Thank you for all your shares I really appreciate it. Happy poshing😁💕
Jun 20Reply
ninak59 You're absolutely awesome, wanna thank you for the 5 stars and the wonderful review. You've been absolutely delightful to deal with. Take care absolutely Kate!!😊😊😉💕💖💕💖💖💕💕💕💗💗💕💗💕💕
Jun 21Reply
absolutelykate @ninak59 Aw Nina ~ Thankyou for your sweet thankyou for my thanks and high regards. It's so good when folks connect for all the right working reasons. ▪︎ My best to all you are creating in your lifeways. Absolutely ✒ Kate
Jun 21Reply
absolutelykate @maplegrovelane Thankyou for your thankyou for my *thankyou* ~ as well as your swell well▪︎wishes. ♻️ This is truly a case of the world going round . . .
Jun 21Reply
absolutelykate @qtboss1 Same to you, superb Posher . . . And onward, taking each the other . . . all the higher in our message & reach. ~ Kate ✒ absolutely
Jun 21Reply
danasdoings Hello Kate how are you my dear? The Heat has finally come to our Arizona skies along with the Monsoons not quit in full swing yet but rainy afternoons. We have to sidestep thoughts huge raindrops . Thanks for stopping by 💍🦋💍
Jul 01Reply
absolutelykate With you, good artful Dana ~ a smile shall always be your umbrella. ~ Kate ✒ absolutely
Jul 01Reply
badkatbeads Thank you for the super kind words. ....and.... I want to be on that boat !!!
Jul 01Reply
absolutelykate @badkatbeads You are most welcome, fine Lady . . . and your good taste is showing once again ~ "That Boat" was one of my 'happily ever laughter' moments -- Honeymoon in Prague with a jazz dinner cruise going on, and the love of my life dancing me close. You're viewing True Happiness in that pic. GO. Make your own *magic* Adventures ever happen. ~ Kate, absolutely
Jul 02Reply
shelbysqueen Thank you so much for your rating and sweet comment 💕 hope you love your items!!
Jul 02Reply
absolutelykate @shelbysgibson You are most welcome gracious Shelby . . . and "yes" ~ it's easy to love the quality you share with the worlds we posh.
Jul 02Reply
captaincouture Your rating of my bundle ABSOLUTELY made my day! Thank you for your kind words and thoughtful review! Your Closet is wonderful, as are you! Thank you❣️
Jul 02Reply
absolutelykate @captaincouture *blush* ~ Well . . . "aw shucks, Captain" -- Glad to have met you on the swanky navigation of PoshTowne. Wonders to your good ol' summertime, fine lady ~ Kate, absolutely
Jul 02Reply
danasdoings Hi Kate here is the Dragonfly I put on A simple Chain and as promised it you want this I’ll price it at 18 for you let me know I’ll send a bundle price as I have it not for sale to give you first choice. Take care 💍🦋💍
Jul 08Reply
steadythreads @absolutelykate Kate, thank you so much for your gift! It's on my night stand ready to read :) Looking forward to once we meet...
Jul 08Reply
absolutelykate @steadythreads Oh Dame Deb ~ you are most welcome . . . But I'm interested on finding out if you sense some of Nelle's moxie in the ways and means of *You*. Do Enjoy with good gusto -- this is Noirvella #1 of an 8-part intrigue series. INTRIGUE? Kinda like you. ~ Kate ✒ absolutely
Jul 09Reply
absolutelykate @geauxongurl Man oh man -- Other than Drew Brees, my *extra daughter* Jeannie, and my fellow author sister-pal Kristen Fouquet who took me to Napoleon's hangout ~ YOU are toast o' town, Belle o' NOLA to me with your warm, lively enthuse. ▪︎ You deserve all goodness comin' your way! Stay in touch, will'ya?
Jul 09Reply
blckpicktfnce Hurry lots of Bundles are going for 50% off or more! Dont miss out! BUNDLE YOUR FAVS for your hot summer savings! #BlackPicketFence
Jul 09Reply
absolutelykate @blckpicktfnce 🚫 DO NOT ADVERTISE ON FELLOW POSHERS -- Tackier than Tackier that is ▪︎▪︎▪︎ Quite unPosh as well. 🚫 geeez oh manners
Jul 09Reply
kaysuniverse hello im Kay 👋 im still pretty new to Poshmark so im actively trying 2 meet other poshers and build up my following. other than just clicking the "blue buttons" i like to formally introduce myself. i wanna invite u 2 visit my closet anytime and follow if u choose. i welcome likes, shares, comments, and offers... 🙂 Happy Poshing!
Jul 19Reply
yvonnestreasure @absolutelykate hi Kate! Had to say hello again, when I realized some of the things we have in common! I am also a published author my book is listed in my closet under “Home” my son will be attending his first year at Vassar the sister school to Yale, my daughter went to URI and lived on Narragansett Bay. I too am a sailor/boater with a passion for fashion and also a g-ma. Nice to meet another Dame with MOXIE!
Jul 19Reply
absolutelykate @yvonnestreasure I believe you and I both know intrinsically ~ THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A COINCIDENCE -- When you stack up all you stacked up -- my grinnnnnn was gettin' bigger and bigger -- URI just up the road (geeez) / We're 5 min from Narragansett Bay and actually married on the Bay @ N. Beach. ***
Jul 20Reply
absolutelykate @yvonnestreasure Will check out your book -- If our genres overlap too, I'll be inviting you to the international publishing conference held each year of 40,000 or so authors & readers -- but wonder -- Have you fave places to re-visit in big hearted little Rhody?
Jul 20Reply
yvonnestreasure @absolutelykate My daughter and I would go to the Umbrella Factory almost every time I visited! Of course visiting Newport for the day... Loved the Cliff Walks and Mansion tours, Never got a chance to do Waterfire and always wanted to, so badly! I just generally loved RI so much because it reminded me a lot of out east on Long Island many years ago. Truly the best part... it was the time my daughter became my best friend. I never had more fun in my life! I would love to go back again!!!
Jul 21Reply
absolutelykate @yvonnestreasure Yvonne, as we wax ecstatic on our RI loves, we may run out of room here . . . find me more easily @ Kate Pilarcik / Absolutely*Kate on FB & Insta for direct messaging -- for now I'm moving this commentary to new promo I just put in -- Think the dame writer soul in you shall get a few grins up in her eye places there . . . you just . . . Mae
Jul 21Reply
kb571960 @absolutelykate thank u for your shares🌷
Jul 22Reply
absolutelykate @kb571960 You are most welcome Ace Daddyo
Jul 22Reply
nildin7 Hi, check out my closet I have pieces to fit any style. You can find both NWT and preowned.Like or bundle to save money. Get a 10% automatic discount on bundles of 3 or more items . I also ad a deeply discount to these bundles. I respond quickly and ship quicker. I can’t wait to hear from you.
Jul 23Reply
absolutelykate @nildin7 VERY very TACKY to do Your Advertising on Other Poshers' personal profiles. CEASE & DESIST ~ I do believe Posh Management has a worthwhile decree against this -- Kate, absolutely
Jul 23Reply
nansea57 @absolutelykate well hello again, just noticed that you’re a sailor too! What can’t you do 🤣. I’m going to read your book. I love suspense novels.
Jul 24Reply
absolutelykate @nansea57 Posh darn nice o' you to say all that swell stuff Matey! And geeeez, we all know with the right wind in our sails we can glean ever for blue skies, following seas. My eyes right now, be grinning big time -- to know that you'll be reading into my pages . . . Somethin' tells me you're going to relate to the moxie of Nelle Callahan. Let me know when you find a bit of your own inner nature there, will you? And geeeez, thanks a'gazillion. Made my night! ~ Kate, absolutely
Jul 24Reply
cosmicmoon26 Hey I noticed a bundle that you have gathered. Are you in a gosh poshing mood? If so, I will tell you that the black/white dress is quite tight around the "girls" and they aren't happy about that.😉
Jul 25Reply
auntpatty Hi I see you started a bundle I sent you an offer let me know if your interested or was it a mistake lol, enjoy your vacation
Jul 28Reply
poodoo69 Thank you so much! Have a very Merry Christmas 🎄🎁!
Aug 04Reply
absolutelykate @poodoo69 Hah! And all year long "Ho Ho Ho's" to YOU too! ~ Kate, absolutely
Aug 04Reply
cosmicmoon26 Kate! You are a gem! Thanks so much for the lovely and detailed thanks and rating. So very kind of you. Merci beaucoup! Glad you're back from a whirlwind mix of different emotional heart string pulling events.
Aug 04Reply
absolutelykate @cosmicmoon26 Heart-comprehensive-understanding thou art . . . ( but how could it be otherwise? ) . . . And *absolutely* ~ you are most deserving / welcome ... Summer Swell livewire! ~ Kate, absolutely
Aug 04Reply
ilovegod2023 Happy Poshing....thank you so much for the shares....May God bless you and may your journey here be a success...I give discounts and make feel free to stop by my closet at anytime...I will be sure to stop by your closet as well❤🌻🤗
Aug 05Reply
absolutelykate @ilovegod2019 Lovely it is . . . that we shall ever be stops on each others' journeys forward. Bless*zings be to you as well and the shares and cares, I am sure . . . shall flow. Summer swell, sweet Lady. ~ Kate, absolutely
Aug 05Reply
absolutelykate @becomewinners Hi there back, Mr Winner. Thanks and you ain't too shabby yourself. Good poshing vibes your way ~ Kate, absolutely
Aug 05Reply
ilovegod2023 @absolutelykate ❤❤❤❤🤗🤗🤗
Aug 05Reply
fltrbygrl55 Women lifting others up🌹thanks for the support🦋 Girl power!
Aug 05Reply
absolutelykate @fltrbygrl55 Ain't nuttin' finer than takin' the good folks in this world all the higher, oh mighty dame! ~ Be seein' you 'round the swirls and satins o' PoshTowne . . . and . . . grinnin' ~ Kate, absolutely
Aug 06Reply
cosmicmoon26 Oops, I was sharing an item to followers and my trigger finger bumped into your pic and off it went a flyin! Hope all is well in Kate's universe!
Aug 09Reply
stormiesposh Welcome to the PoshMark Community !!!
Aug 10Reply
absolutelykate @stormiesposh Why Thankyou kindly, Lady Stormie . . . I've been careening around PoshTowne for half a year now and know there is never a dull moment 😎 ~ Kate ✒ absolutely
Aug 11Reply
barginsherry Great pictures...
Aug 13Reply
absolutelykate @barginsherry Grace o' my thanks cool dame. 😎 I want folks to have fun ~ Kate ✒ absolutely
Aug 13Reply
barginsherry @absolutelykate thanks for the cool tips. 🤩❤❤❤❤
Aug 13Reply
absolutelykate @barginsherry 😎 GO FOR IT!!! (I'm grinning)
Aug 13Reply
nanavic185 Wow! Thank you for buying such a beautiful bundle. I had just dropped my prices & you helped me considerably to make room for a Fall Closet. Your profile is amazing & I love your creativity❤️ God Bless
Aug 14Reply
absolutelykate @nanavic185 Well geeeeez, good Lady ~ I love you too, and Blessings be. Thankyou as well for kind thoughts. Sending you ever great energies in your onward successes Lady Vic. ~ Kate ✒ absolutely
Aug 14Reply
demise69 Hi Kate. Missed you my friend❣️ First thing I have to say is... I TOTALLY ENJOYED YOUR BOOK❣️❣️ You write as if you're flowing down a river. Fabulous my dear. I've been telling my husband he needs to read it because I know he’ll love it too. He’s leaving for Singapore this weekend on business. So he’s taking it with him. We both love baseball and Bill LOVES fact based literature. Thank you so much for sharing this lovely write with me. 😁🥰🎈‼️
Aug 15Reply
sinsofcyn 🧸🧸DOUBLE,DOUBLE DARE YOU KATE...........TO LEISURELY 🍷STROLL My ever so slowly, yet always expanding virtual closet with Unique JUNQUE, thousands of COLLECTIBLES, VINTAGE LINENS, PREcious TREASURES & TRINKETS, GORGEOUS GLASSWARE 🛍🛍🛍🛍🛍 🏍🛍🛍🛍🛍🛍Real PURPOSE for 🏍SIDECARS🛍🛍🛍
Aug 16Reply
absolutelykate @sinsofcyn Very VERY UNCOOL and TACKY to USE ANOTHER POSHER's Profile to Promote / Sell / Pimp your own goods. *** Consider yourself Blocked, and most likely by other good Posher Folks who see this. *** Thinkin' what you are doing is vastly against the policies of Posh Management Declarations. ................... CEASE & DESIST .................
Aug 16Reply
loftwardrobe This is so far the best review I’ve received. You made my day 😃😃😃😃
Aug 18Reply
absolutelykate @loftwardrobe You gotta be kiddin' me! Your offerings and superbo attention-to-delightful-details sooo rocks. You kinda ace *quality*, Ace. ---- Oh yeah, You are most welcome. ~ Kate, absolutely wishin' best to your summer and onward success . . . for . . . how could it be otherwise?
Aug 18Reply
demise69 Hello my dear friend. Thank you so much for the great rating. I'm so pleased you like your items. Your words are priceless! I'll message you in a bit❣️🙋‍♀️
Aug 19Reply
absolutelykate @demise69 You had me @ "Priceless" my dear friend. How damn cool is that -- I'll take it! Wonders to you swirlin' through these summer days. ~ Kate * absolutely
Aug 19Reply
ninshoo2 Hi, I’m new at selling on Poshmark. Can you explain to me why everyone “follows” everyone else and shares my listings with other people? I don’t understand the concept. Thanks!!
Aug 20Reply
absolutelykate @ninshoo2 OK Colette, here we go ↔️ what I figured out when I started out ↔️ When you list your cool stuff, the folks who follow you can see them. When they "share" those same listings (a posh darn good thing), then THEIR FOLLOWERS can see them too 🌟
Aug 20Reply
absolutelykate @ninshoo2 Presto! You've just expanded your Reach and potentials for Sale$. 🌟 SHARE YOUR OWN LISTINGS so they appear in the realm of what people are looking for. Share others' and your own Followers grow. ▪︎
Aug 20Reply
absolutelykate @ninshoo2 Pour a fave cup o' coffee or glass o' wine and do this now and then and your profits grow. And you meet cool folks along the way. ▪︎ See? I just met you. 😎 ... Also hit the main Posh site and read their explanations of how this grows your successes. Or google "What works and why on Posh" and see if I explained it as swell as others. MOST OF ALL ~ HAVE FUN! ~ Kate ✒ absolutely
Aug 20Reply
ninshoo2 @absolutelykate oh, I see!! Thanks so much.
Aug 20Reply
absolutelykate @ninshoo2 YAY YOU!!! ▪︎ Now rock on when moments happen. 🤩
Aug 20Reply
monascollection @absolutelykate @lillylife 🌾☘️Trish sent me over To meet you, Kate. She is quite a dear lady so, I know that you must be special too. I couldn’t resist sharing some of your listings from your lovely closet. I look forward to sharing in the future. 🌿
Aug 20Reply
nanavic185 Hi - you purchased a 9 piece bundle from me recently. Just wondering if you are satisfied with it - there was not a review. PM did deposit my money after the 3rd day you had received it but if there’s a problem with it please let me know. Thanks - Nanavic
Aug 20Reply
nanavic185 You have a beautiful heart & way with words. A rare blessing for sure. I am very thankful that you like your purchase & your review is amazing. Grateful ❤️ Hope you’ll shop my closet when you are looking again sometime🙂
Aug 20Reply
absolutelykate @nanavic185 Miz Vic ~ "Aw shucks" ~ Takes a warm heart to sense/know another and I sure felt that emanating from you. Words are my pure joy and business as an international author. So twas indeed (absolutely even) to speak to others 'round PoshTowne of your goodness. *** Trust we shall both shop the joys to be discovered in each others' closetaramas.
Aug 20Reply
absolutelykate @nanavic185 ~ How many grandchildren are fortunate to know your Nana love? My first, little Grace was born last October. Ahhh, that new kinda love, sure is somethin. Do stay in touch, good Lady. *** And your review? Posh darn it -- so True. ~ Kate * absolutely
Aug 20Reply
nanavic185 @absolutelykate There is nothing that compares to the love I feel for my grandchildren - you are so right about that. We have 7! Four boys & three girls. Only 1 of them lives close to us the other six are several hours away. We just had them all here 2 wks ago for our oldest granddaughter’s 18th birthday. Hold Grace close as long as you can - they grow up faster than our children did🙂 We have a Grace also - beautiful name in so many ways. Blessings❤️
Aug 20Reply
absolutelykate @nanavic185 My heart be smilin' right back at you dear Lady. And it's so fine and full. What a glorious milestone occasion to celebrate with your brood. Fortunate the family growing up with all that love . . . and . . . I'm sure figgerin' -- laughter ever after. Grace o' my thanks at sharin' of our Graces. ~ Kate*absolutely
Aug 20Reply
absolutelykate @fabricflock 🌟 You are most welcome oh wise one ~ Kate ✒ absolutely
Aug 23Reply
auntpatty Hi, I have so much to list, adding new mdse everyday. If you see anything just make offer or start a bundle.
Aug 23Reply
sherman2250 Welcome to Poshmark! Feel free to check out my closet. I have women’s and men’s clothing plus home goods. Happy Poshing 🌻👗👠👖👔🌻
Aug 27Reply
absolutelykate @sherman2250 ▪︎ Uh Sherry, I've been around good ol' PoshTowne for awhile, but sure appreci'kate another warm welcome. LIKEWISE ❇ Absolutely look forward to shopping each other ~ Kate ✒ absolutely
Aug 27Reply
absolutelykate @fenton0987 Man oh man . . . *Works in Progress* are the stuff of Journey-Makers, and I figure you know as well ~ We never come back quite the same person from a damn good journey. You are most welcome good sir ~ Stay in touch and I'll fuel your listings or your spirit (grin) . . . Best to your summer lingering enjoyments and of course, success-drives. ~ Kate * absolutely
Aug 27Reply
msneverending1 Kate just wanted to stop by and thank you so much for following my closet & sharing my listings. You have a wonderful closet and beautiful pictures. I hope you had an awesome day today!!! Love & Peace Carol
Aug 27Reply
msneverending1 That’s awesome that you also wrote & published a book. When my mother -in -law decided to start writing after she retired She wrote a couple of Romance Novels & then was hired by a travel magazine that paid for her to travel to different places & write articles about her experiences. She was part of a crew on of a Clipper Ship that sailed out of Nova Scotia. She loved it, they paid her take the trip & then paid her
Aug 28Reply
msneverending1 to write an article about her adventure. It was great because she wanted to travel but didn’t have the money to travel, they paid for all her expenses & she got to see the world. I was really happy for her, because in her late 80’s she was diagnosed with a glioblastoma which is an inoperable brain tumor & died within 2 months of her diagnosis. She was such a great person & I miss her. Love & Peace Carol
Aug 28Reply
mw_online May you be blessed with much success.
Aug 30Reply
bsilverm Thanks for the follow 😊
Sep 01Reply
saldanacele @absolutelykate Thank you soo much for kind and wonderful rating. So glad you were satisfied with your purchased! Really appreciated it 😉 happy poshing and count on me for sharing!😊💐
Sep 03Reply
tennessee1201 Thank you for your reply to bundle! Stay safe!!
Sep 05Reply
skyrubin23 😍😍😍
Sep 07Reply
irwinsammy Thank you for visiting my closet and all of the encouragement. 🤗😻🐾 Happy Poshing!
Sep 11Reply
absolutelykate @irwinsammy Oh Lady Marleta • You are most welcome 🍁 Here's to stunning season ~ Kate ✒ absolutely
Sep 11Reply
joebilly753 Thank you Kate for accepting offer. Sorry I could not take the others right now. 💖
Sep 12Reply
absolutelykate @joebilly753 ▪︎ Oh Wanda ~ sorry? No, no. I am happy to add to Your wearing happiness -- in these cheerful, stylish picks. Thankyou for joy in dealing together. Good energies to you this changing season. ~ Kate ✒ absolutely
Sep 12Reply
absolutelykate @sue_sells Hey 😱 PIMPING YOUR OWN CLOSET on other good POSHER'S PROFILES is tacky ▪︎ rude ▪︎ and unacceptable by Posh standards -- I'm thinking you're gonna be blocked by all fellow Sellers and Buyers whose 👁👁 caught this.
Sep 13Reply
j4woody Hello Kate! My Betty and I owned and operated a 40’ yacht for years on Puget Sound and Canadian waters. Seeing your picture brought back wonderful memories. And our finance did not come from ministry but a wealthy relative. Be blessed beyond measure! 🙏💯
Sep 14Reply
absolutelykate @j4woody ▪︎ Ahhh, Pastor John ~ What tales your times gliding waves your heart*spirit must hold. Grace o' my thanks for sharing a J☆y with another non•landlubber. Absolutely ~ bless'zings be! ~ Kate
Sep 14Reply
mittens_kittens Hello mate!! How are the seas? Hope you are sailing away!!! In a good way!!!! Lol ,catch ya later,❤💞❤💞❤💞❤
Sep 17Reply
danasdoings Hello Kate Thank you ever so much for such a lovely lovely love note I sure enjoyed your Whimsical way you write makes reading love notes fun and a joy Glad to Hear your Sweetie is on the Mend Take Care and use those stones they are very awesome 😎
Sep 19Reply
absolutelykate @danasdoings Oh Dana ~ A true, strong, thoughtful JOY thou art. Meant what I said about stones and gems and crystals and meanings into little book form > You can include it with your sales (said this advertising agency / promotional marketing firm director). Will be in touch -- and I DO hope you and my spirit/metaphysical pal Jackie in AZ get in touch. ~ Matthew was deeply touched and brought your notes outside to read to me. Appreci'kate you
Sep 19Reply
irwinsammy Hi, I wanted to thank you for sharing my listing. 🤗 Happy Poshing!
Sep 19Reply
absolutelykate @irwinsammy Hi ~ You are most welcome. We'll let the world know you're out there 😎
Sep 19Reply
gaby9747 Hello! My name is Gaby, it’s so nice to meet you on Poshmark! Please check out my closet! 😊👗👠
Sep 20Reply
absolutelykate @navarro95 Geeeez, dear Dame ~ How could it be otherwise? You so 🎶 rock as promotional▪︎merchant. Do stay in touch as we applaud each others' biz growth and happiness balance the more. ~ Kate ✒ absolutely
Sep 21Reply
absolutelykate @navarro95 Yeah -- KEEP AT IT! Phone's almost out of juice but would like to talk to you further when @ computer over weekend or early next week 》 FB @ Kate Pilarcik / AbsolutelyKate for direct msg and email ... as I work with - connect and promote authors. Not easy in these cut off commentaries to find more of your works and genre. Damb glad you reached out. I already dug your spirit. ✒ Kate
Sep 21Reply
bathreadz Hi!!!!😊💛 Your closet is filled with great items so I'm following you and shared some of your listings to help boost your sales!💲💲💲 Feel free to stop by my closet, follow me, and share too! Wishing you much success!! Happy Poshing!!!
Sep 24Reply
raytchell Ooooh my type of friends!!! Love the subject!!! Once I am caught up with this avalanche of goodies to post I should take time and read your collection! Absolutely right up my alley. Your eyes with their shards of grey have that same je ne sais pas of a kiwi topaz with beautiful inclusions of some intriguing grey gemstone which just holds your attention and draws you in. I can see we would have some incredibly fun times! 💖🤩💝
Sep 25Reply
uptowndowntown1 Your order was mailed yesterday. It should start tracking later today.
Sep 26Reply
sojo323 Thank you for all of your shares! You have a beautiful closet. Wishing you many sales! 💕🌻👍🏽⭐️😊
Sep 29Reply
poshlove100 Hi! Fab closet! I enjoyed sharing it! Many speedy sales to you! 🕷🎃☠🕷☠🎃🕷
Oct 03Reply
absolutelykate @poshlove100 Posh darn cool you be! You'll ever hear the swish and swoosh of my satin and silks as I do the Share'o'rama dance your ways. Ain't life grooving when you come across the good folks in this here world? Grace o' my thanks ~ Kate * absolutely
Oct 03Reply
sojo323 Hi Kate, I apologize for the delay in your shipment but will be sending your package out tomorrow. Are usually ship within the first two days but was unable to. Thank you for your patience and thank you for your purchase! ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Oct 03Reply
absolutelykate @sojo323 Hey ~ GO EASY!!! No problems -- Take care of what Life has on your plate first . . . Appreci'kate your thoughtfulness ~ Kate * absolutely
Oct 03Reply
sojo323 @absolutelykate I truly appreciate your understanding. You’re very kind🌻
Oct 03Reply
chrmdhrtsbtq Thank you so much for sharing my items! 😊💕
Oct 04Reply
kbbpope Thank you for all the shares and follow❤️ Let me know if anything catches your interest. 😊
Oct 04Reply
absolutelykate @kbbpope You are most welcome . . . and the same here ~ Kate * absolutely
Oct 04Reply
wliam ❤️
Oct 10Reply
absolutelykate @wliam Bilal -- *thanks!* ... means a lot ~ Kate * absolutely
Oct 10Reply
williamdyer Hello Katie how are you doing today
Oct 11Reply
williamdyer Would love to get a copy of one you’re books autographed
Oct 11Reply
absolutelykate @williamdyer Hey there Mr Raleigh Man -- I'm doin' pretty darn good, 'cept for news of my Coach Tomlin goin' down DC way (Steelers dame I am). Annnnd -- Watch for notice of your next message at Signed Book Site. (Your lucky day, Bub) ... grin inclusive ~ Kate * absolutely
Oct 11Reply
williamdyer Thank you beautiful anytime you’re in Raleigh I’ll take you to dinner thanks
Oct 11Reply
deemarie54 Very thankful for sharing my closet!! Your closet is beautiful!! I’ll be back😉
Oct 14Reply
absolutelykate @deemarie54 ▪︎ Glad that makes me, good dame. Quite happy to have begun the beguine of getting to know you. Wish you were around for a cup o' joe ☕☕
Oct 14Reply
bfashion1 @absolutelykate 🍁Hi when you get the chance come take a look at my closet I have a great selection of women, men and children items.  I have all different sizes in many different colors and choices. Please come back often as I love to shop to bring fresh product to my closet all the time. Today sale: All items marked with a 🍁are on sale for $35.00 Thanks in advance for looking🤗 💕
Oct 16Reply
absolutelykate @bfashion1 Benida -- IT IS QUITE YUCKY▪︎TACKY to USE a fellow POSHER's PROFILE SITE to hype your own sales. ⛔🚫⛔ I do believe POSH GUIDELINES are AGAINST SNEAKY SALES push like this. ⚠️ You be blocked by me and fine fellow Poshers. ⚠️ Play nice. ~ Kate * absolutely
Oct 16Reply
outdoorclothing @absolutelykate I enjoyed looking at your closet I’ll be back
Oct 16Reply
outdoorclothing @absolutelykate I enjoyed looking at your closet I’ll be back
Oct 16Reply
absolutelykate @jewelryxo ▪︎ YAY! Glad that makes me ▪︎ L☆ve your own poshy joint's class and distinction ~ and the new naming going on! ~ Kate ✒ absolutely
Oct 16Reply
yraddyction @absolutelykate - you use IG about as much as me, yeah? LOL look at your IG. My #theDampFedora arrived. My eyes are gonna start shreddn pages tonite! 🤗
Oct 18Reply
absolutelykate @yraddyction ▪︎ I F☆UND Y☆U! Yeah -- Been life-caught-up . . . Will go back and *dazzle* there -- just 'cause I know you're peekin' in 😎📸😎. SO dang psyched to think of you easing into Nelle Callahan's patter. Let me know if you find some sense of yourself in those pages. (And please don't slide it off your magic, tumbling PoshTable ... It could get hidden in your vast treasures) ~ Kate ✒ absolutely
Oct 19Reply
yraddyction @absolutelykate 💕😁 lov'n Nelle from first paragraph in Prologue! Then company arrives 🤨. Can't wait to continue - will prob finish the book over the wkend. Will give you the honest skinny as soon as I'm done. 😇😉☺🤗
Oct 19Reply
joaniez You recently liked a number of my items. If you bundle, I'll send you a nice offer. Been Poshing for a year and i still can't figure out how to start a bundle for someone!
Nov 09Reply
egoesemma Yale good for you. Thanks for visiting my closet. Love if you send an offer my way.
Nov 11Reply
muratdogru23 Thanks for shares 🙏love your closet and pictures are awesome 👏
Nov 13Reply
absolutelykate @muratdogru23 CheapCharly ~ Your presentation is lookin' pretty posh darn cool on its own. Go with good gusto ~ Kate ✒ absolutely (and you're welcome)
Nov 13Reply
fredafashion Hi Kate! Thanks for sharing my closet! Happy Poshing😉
Nov 14Reply
momof2boys621 Salam, please check out my closet! I have gorgeous dresses from the Middle East and hijab friendly clothing 💕
Nov 17Reply
absolutelykate @momof2boys621 Very bad taste to advertise your merchandise on another's profile. Against Posh policy. Let folks come to you on their own. Have a good life.
Nov 17Reply
summersk1 thanks for the shares!
Nov 20Reply
ksstonis16 Thank you so much for your sweet review. I’m so glad you enjoyed your experience with me, and your kind words just made my day! I hope you have an amazing day and happy Poshing! ❤️
Nov 25Reply
auntpatty Thank you so much for that heartfelt note. It brought tears to my eyes. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and hope to see you again. 🥰😊
Nov 25Reply
Nov 25Reply
makeyoulaugh67 I'm so very sorry. Is there anything to make amends? It's no problem 🙀
Nov 25Reply
absolutelykate @makeyoulaugh67 No, no, no Cora -- please don't be sorry. I don't want you to make amends . . . just have a superbo ThanksGiving. I don't judge, just didn't know about the smoke and was surprised. You stay the happy, make-folks-laughing person that you are. ~ Kate, absolutely
Nov 25Reply
absolutelykate @ksstonis16 Well you are certainly a person worth making a day for. You keep rockin' your lovin' life and have a great ThanksGiving weekend of soft focus for all the goodness you stir around you, kind lady. ~ Kate, absolutely
Nov 25Reply
absolutelykate @jenicqua Natch, you are most welcome and deserving ~ Happy ThanksGiving for all that matters and swirls up your own worlds, good dame of class and distinction. ~ Kate, absolutely
Nov 25Reply
absolutelykate @auntpatty Tears? No way. You're one class act I wish lived around the block for a hit of coffee or whatever from time to time to sort out the world until we went back to balancing all we are involved with, Patty. Quite glad to know you from time to time. Wonders to you ~ Kate, absolutely
Nov 25Reply
ksstonis16 @absolutelykate I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving as well! Much love to you! ❤️
Nov 25Reply
she_is Thank you for the kind comment/rating. You're so precious! <3
Nov 25Reply
sojo323 Hello again! Many thanks for all of your shares! I truly appreciate it. 👜🥼🌻👛
Nov 25Reply
izzstorage Thanks for the shares and of course for The likes
Nov 30Reply
impeachtrump Hi Kate I’m looking really turning my avalanche of Posh mountains upside down and I cannot find the enamel bracelet! Can I substitute two other really beautiful pieces of jewelry that I think you might like? They’re actually way nicer and real antique pieces! Waiting to hear, so sorry for the inconvenience BJW
Dec 05Reply
absolutelykate @impeachtrump Keep those Posh mountains intact and rightside up. Trusting your good judgement and wishing you great impeachment days. 😎🤩🇺🇸
Dec 05Reply
luvmee40 30% OFF the already low prices for the next week. Its my 1 Year Anniversary on Poshmark. My Closet is truly something incredible. Over 1000 items with everything thing from Giorgio Armani to Michael Kors. Lots of very unique Vintage Glamour. Stop in asap and take a good look. YOU will find lots of things you love. Just like the item and I will send you a 30% discount. You can also bundle. Just take off 30% and I will accept.  This sale is one week only. Thanks!
Dec 08Reply
absolutelykate @luvmee40 Not At All Cool to use another's profile to hype your own goods ▪︎ Congrats on a year in good ol' PoshTowne but this kinda goes against grace of Poshin' guidelines.
Dec 08Reply
findsbyerica Beautiful Closet! I Love to read! Your book looks intriguing and very suspenseful. Yes! indeed! The world definitely needs more moxie. Happy Poshing & Much Success Always. Tamara
Dec 08Reply
absolutelykate @tgriff64 Tammy ~ you are most welcome ▪︎ SOAR dame, soar!
Dec 08Reply
coastwink You’re so sweet! Thanks for the rave review. Happy holidays! 😉
Dec 10Reply
poshcasso @absolutelykate thank you for all the shares. You have a lovely closet.
Dec 17Reply
ladyhustle1920 Hi, I am Cintia 🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️stop free by to my closet 👗👚👢and checking out if you like something 🥰🥰 and get benefits for the 30% bundle and shipping discounts, 4 pieces and more free shipping. Let’s spray some posh💕 love 💕with keeping sharing.
Dec 20Reply
_motleyscloset lovely closet! Stop by my closet sometime :)
Dec 28Reply
heygbr_88 Hello- thank you for the follow and share!! 💕
Jan 13Reply
countedthoughts @absolutelykate You are so incredibly sweet. Thank you so much! I’m so glad you liked everything and thanks again for the amazing love note. Made my week!! 🥰🥰🥰
Jan 13Reply
jobie01 Happy Wednesday, thank you so much for sharing several items from my closet. I GREATLY appreciate it. Have a fabulous week.
Jan 15Reply
healingbeauty Hello🌷Sending Warmth and Welcome Please come visit my little closet of sweet treasures when you have a moment to wander 💚🌿 Wishing you a Year filled with Promise and Beauty! katheryn
Jan 16Reply
absolutelykate @aufiem19 ⛔ VERY NOT COOL TO USE A FELLOW POSHER'S PROFILE TO HYPE YOUR OWN STUFF ⛔ This is shoddy and against Posh guidelines ⛔ Consider yourself #Blocked by all who come across your crass display. ⛔ Share/Sell fair & nice ... absolutely
Jan 16Reply
absolutelykate @healingbeauty ⛔ VERY NOT COOL TO USE A FELLOW POSHER'S PROFILE TO HYPE YOUR OWN STUFF ⛔ This is shoddy and against Posh guidelines ⛔ Consider yourself #Blocked by all who come across your crass display. ⛔ Share/Sell fair & nice ... absolutely
Jan 16Reply
absolutelykate @alicedmrn7 Oh creative Alice 🌹 You are most welcome ▪︎ And I truly wish you read my 1940's book and let me know where YOU identity with Detective Nelle Callahan and *moxie* (world needs more moxie) ~ Grace of my thanks, Kate ✒ absolutely
Jan 17Reply
pamwali Thanks for the Shares 🌸 totally appreciated!!! My motto is Sharing is Caring!!! Let’s continue to help each other WIN!!! 😃
Jan 20Reply
lisasdeals337 Just read your feedback again, so warm, made my night! How are the shoes?
Jan 22Reply
absolutelykate @julialee644 Nothing at all to forgive, good dame -- As I told the tale, I sensed, and I feel others shall too that YOU know your merchandise and your pride in it shines through. Glad I am, I stuck by you. *** Wonders to your successes. ~ Kate, absolutely
Jan 28Reply
absolutelykate @julialee644 You are most welcome good dame -- now S O A R !
Jan 29Reply
lady_goodman1 Hi Kate!! I couldn’t love your closet and style. Your photos are just like the ones I have saved on my phone. I too agree that the world needs more MOXIE!! Thanks for the fun!!💎💎
Jan 31Reply
piccolaposh Thanks so much for returning my shares - I really appreciate it! 😍
Feb 09Reply
absolutelykate @pshmrklvr 🌹 Ahhh, fellow Ambassador ~ That's so what it's all about ▪︎ Taking each other the higher ▪︎ Wonders to your Valentining ~ Kate ✒ absolutely
Feb 09Reply
jbodressho Hiiii!!!! Enjoy and happy poshing!! 😉💐
Feb 11Reply
bijoubel Stumbled in here once - lost you - you found me - Ahah! Thanks for the shares but more than that, thanks for the entry into your grey matter. Never have I come across anyone this funny. Thank you - you brighten up the day or is it night? Dear, dear, really must tear meself away from this thread. But what keeps me here - invisible coils of tart & comedic humor - wrapping around me poor ol' eye....Going but not to Amazon to meet with fair Nelle C. I'll certainly be back. Au revoir
Feb 11Reply
absolutelykate @bijoubel ◇ Oh you lively, lovely dame ~ You had me @ invisible coils of tart and comedic humour and 😎 ▪︎ How I wish you were at the door for kicking back with a robust cup o' joe ... a little Ms Billie playin' 🎶 up the background ■ You so made my own night ... and to know you're off to discover what moxie you share with Nelle? Ahhhhhh ~ Now that's somethin' mighty fine ~ Kate ✒ absolutely
Feb 11Reply
vineyardbeauty Ohhhhh Kate!! Thank you for your splendid and most generous shares! You happen to have Liked something that only a brilliant and famous author could do justice....ah darlin’, if you ever would like to send an offer or have me send you an offer, you need only let me know. It IS fabulous....Absolutely!!💜💜💜
Feb 12Reply
alexchris20 Thank you so much for the very kind review!
Feb 13Reply
sarahs567 Thanks for putting a smile on my face and a little happiness in my life today.
Feb 18Reply
absolutelykate @sarahs567 ▪︎ Oh Lady Sarah ~ I'd like to know you're smiling your day into *happy* . . . every day. Sure glad you had fun here, on the carouse of your browse▪︎ You are most welcome and keep up your soar! ~ Kate ✒ absolutely
Feb 18Reply
sschanks @absolutelykate Hello! Thank you for your kind words! Best wishes to you as well!
Feb 24Reply
reenielee Hi Kate! Thank you for your wonderful message! I love your zest for life! I am also a wild and crazy redhead! Your “noirvella” sounds intriguing! I’ll have to look for it! Maureen 💚🍀🐴🐶
Feb 24Reply
absolutelykate @reenielee 🗨 Oh Maureen! The world as we know it definitely *needs* us wild & super cool crazy redheads 》 Gusto ☆ Moxie ~ And YES, Detective Nelle Callahan from the 1940's, I'm thinking, probably identifies with your brand of spirit too. 《My noirvella is for sale here too, personally inscribed》... ✒ Main thing ~ Fun to meet you ▪︎ I'll be watching your soar of success ~ Kate ✒ absolutely
Feb 25Reply
sbc1955 Hiiii Kate!!! Wow!! What a Gal you are❣️❣️❣️😎👏🏻 Thanks soooo much for your purchases!! I’ll get these out to you first thing in the morning. GREAT pics by the way!!😉 😘 Sue
Feb 28Reply
absolutelykate @gabbys_style ~ Hey Gabby! Easy to do ---- You look FUN! You are most welcome on the share'alongs . . . Wonders to your weekend, swell dame ~ Kate, absolutely
Feb 29Reply
sbc1955 Hi Kate, I’d appreciate it I you would go ahead & accept the order I sent to you. Hope you like everything!! 😉Sue
Mar 05Reply
sbc1955 Kate(y) YOU HAVE TO BE THE SWEETEST POSHER EVER❣️❣️❣️ THANK YOU for the beautifully expressed, kind thoughts you’ve sent my way❣️❣️GEEZ GIRL YOU ARE AN ANGEL❣️❣️& THANKS SOOO MUCH for the 5 star rating❣️I WON’T forget the pleasure of hearing from you SWEETHEART❣️ You’re what makes Poshmark so FUN & SPECIAL❣️ 🙏🏻💐💞😘🥰👩‍❤️‍👩Sue
Mar 06Reply
lilika0001 Thank you so so much for your beautiful feedback. You are the best. ♥️
Mar 06Reply
absolutelykate @sbc1955 🗨Aw shucks, Sue ~ I tell 'em not only like I see 'em, but like I sense 'em. Shows that You *care* and I wanted fellow fine Poshers to know. ▪︎ You made me smile so 😎 ~ Kate ✒ absolutely
Mar 06Reply
absolutelykate @lilika0001 🗨 Well geeez, You are pretty much rockin' the best for saying such goodness. ▪︎ Glad I am to have met you and your way of styling life. ~ Kate ✒ absolutely
Mar 06Reply
sbc1955 🕵️‍♀️
Mar 06Reply
sbc1955 🕵️‍♀️ 👍🏻 💞
Mar 06Reply
co_spgs_closet shared 20+ items from your closet with my followers 😉
Mar 08Reply
absolutelykate @kamakazikat Oh Yvette ~ You are most welcome and most enjoyable ▪︎ A gazillion thanks for your kind thoughts . . . and YES, I'll keep 👁👁 on your own success☆flow and whisper good applause•tops along your way ⚘ Wonders to your springtime ~ Kate ✒ absolutely
Mar 08Reply
absolutelykate @angang04 🗨 "Hi rightbackatcha Lady Angela, who is soaring just *ducky* 'round our PoshTowne. Wonders to your springtime ⚘ Kate ✒ absolutely
Mar 08Reply
absolutelykate @co_spgs_closet 🗨 👁👁 I saw that. I 😁 grinned. ♻️ I reshared the grand flow of offerings ▪︎ Absolutely you have aced PoshTowne in your 2.5 month surge ▪︎ Brava ~ Kate ✒ absolutely
Mar 08Reply
yeghisapet Thank you for the share love 💕💐🌺
Mar 09Reply
onegirlforever Hey friendly author!
Mar 19Reply
absolutelykate @yeghisapet 🌷 You are So very welcome ▪︎ Now keep up that SOAR! ~ Kate ✒ absolutely (and stay mighty safe out there)
Mar 20Reply
absolutelykate @onegirlforever ☆ 🗨 Hey backatcha, cool Lady! Stay thee happy*safe ~ I'd like to keep exchanging quick wit and wonder your way. ~ Kate ✒ absolutely
Mar 20Reply
cduggar Thank you for your enthusiastic comment. I Love the sailboat, used to race and would Love to come be crew sometime! I make great Cuba Libras, too.
Apr 05Reply
sbratshores Hi Kate, I’m Nancy and I Love Your Closet !!!!!!! Gorgeous items.
Apr 18Reply
absolutelykate @sbratshores 🗨 Well Nancy ~ You sure and shore rocked this dame's night with the way your enthuse does excite ▪︎ Gazillion thanks ▪︎ And stay thee happy*safe & sensational 》 Your Cape's not so far from my southcoast ⚓ RI. Gotta make it thru and find each other. Still grinning. Kate ✒ absolutely
Apr 18Reply
sbratshores @absolutelykate It is rough here on the Cape with people running around with so much uncertainty. The weather is bad today also. You stay safe and we will talk again.
Apr 18Reply
antoniawooda874 Hi thank you for sharing my closet!! If you see something you like feel free to make an offer!! 🦋🦋🦋happy Poshing!!
Apr 22Reply
hokienclt Thanks for the likes! Bundle your likes for a 10% discount.
Apr 23Reply
rbetsy711 it's betsy, lol! I have no listings!
Apr 24Reply
tresconejos Hi Kate! Thanks for all the shares! Since you liked the Cosmic Book I wanted to let you know that I just posted some great flash cards on space.😊😺🌸
Apr 27Reply
kfab333 @absolutelykate Hello!🥰 We are so happy you popped in! Please Bundle Your Likes for One Time Shipping- Extra Discount and Gift W/Purchase 🎁💕- My Best! - Kimberly
Apr 27Reply
marchday_317 Hello there!Thanks for the nice Posh Post Card (I like to call it)♤💜I will definitely explore your your listings 🌞Have a blessed week on purpose stay safe and aware🤝🏽😷🎈🎈
Apr 28Reply
gigi11155 Wow Yale, an Author!! I’d say you got that Moxie!!❤️👍😊🌹🌹🌹🌹
Apr 30Reply
ally_marc @absolutelykate well done dear Kate, glad to know you, Congratulations on your book 🎉🎊🎉🎊😍
May 04Reply
polka5dots Thank you for the shares. Happy Poshing!
May 06Reply
jinxy231 Thank you for sharing my items. Have a wonderful day 😊
May 08Reply
truffles1011 thanks for all of the shares!
May 13Reply
absolutelykate @truffles1011 🗨🙋‍♀️ Rightbackatcha, oh mighty Truffles!
May 13Reply
artsy_mojo Thank you again for the welcome!😊
May 14Reply
vinylvixen67 Thank you 🙏 for sharing my listing 🥰🥰🥰
May 14Reply
woahellegirl3 Hey! Got a “clear the closet” sale going on 😊 $9 and under items are 4 for $20, $10 items 3 for $20, and $15 items 2 for $20! Just bundle and I make the discounts in cart. Hopefully you get a chance to check it out while items are selling fast💕🌷
May 14Reply
absolutelykate @woahellegirl3 ⚠️⛔⚠️ HEY THERE- There's a classy Posh decree that says N⛔ hyping ▪︎ pimping ▪︎ pushing your own sale$ on other fellow 👗 Poshers' profiles. ▪︎ Tacky ▪︎ Yucky ➡️ Consider yourself blocked by those that read this . . . stay safe tho
May 15Reply
myafiasco The way you talk down to people is disgusting. Saw through your comments how you rudely tell people what not to post on SOCIAL MEDIA! You’re way too mature to not understand that This is what social media is all about, or maybe social media is not for you. But how dare you ignorantly dismiss someone who’s trying to make an honest living just like yourself. Keep your turned up nose off such a positive spreading platform and humble yourself TackyKate. Very childish and ignorant. BLOCKED.
May 15Reply
absolutelykate @myafiasco 🗨 Since l♡ving good folks is my life•j♡y . . . bringing out the Best of one's zest is how I roll. Absolutely. ▪︎ I see you are new (welcome!) to our PoshTowne and possibly unaware of the grace of the classy rule to "pitch your poshing" from your own platform, not others. ▪︎ Now that's good business . . . and mighty posh darn nice. 🌸 ~ Kate ✒ absolutely
May 15Reply
truffles1011 thanks again oh..thank you for the shares!
May 16Reply
absolutelykate @truffles1011 Oh Carol ~ I'd say, "You are most welcome" and likewise thank You for spiral of shares . . . but it's posh darn fun swishing thru all the colours you place up on my screen 😎 Stay thee safe and sensational ~ Kate ✒ absolutely
May 16Reply
absolutelykate @tjvlasnik Good dame ~ You are most welcome and absolutely most deserving. ENJOY your weekend with good gusto. *** Glad I am we got to "meet up" ~ Kate, absolutely
May 17Reply
albertonyc I don’t have anything listed, Im not selling anything. Im buying things that i like.
May 19Reply
absolutelykate @albertonyc Well, that's superb for you. Enjoy yourself with good gusto as you purchase what makes you feel good ~ and posh darn it . . . Stay safe our there. Nice almost meeting you 😎 ~ Kate ✒ absolutely
May 19Reply
coppergirl101 AWESOME CAREER🦋🦋🦋 I look forward to reading your book. Having been in law Enforcement for 35 years I love reading suspense thrillers. Have a blessed and happy weekend. Arlene🦋💕🦋
May 21Reply
absolutelykate @coppergirl101 YOWZA! I may just have met a lively dame with a career•pack of in-action storylines ~ HONOURED Detective Nelle Callahan and I shall be to have you back in the 1940's with our suspense intrigue, traipsing into history along the way. THE DAMP FEDORA , inscribed, is available here on Posh -- Though I am intrigued past intrigued to know some of your own telling tales. ▪︎ Can we connect on FB, IG or Tw? ❇ Stay thee safe and sensational Copper 👮‍♀️ Arlene ~ Kate ✒ absolutely
May 21Reply
erikakessler1 @absolutelykate Thanks for sharing
May 21Reply
essentialrose Thank you for the kimono love. Reading your bio makes me want to go don a fedora! Abundant Poshing. Thank you so much for all the shares.
May 23Reply
absolutelykate @essentialrose You had me @ *abundant* good dame. ▪︎ GO ~ go for a fedora. Life looks better coming from rakish angles. More moxie that way ~ world needs more moxie 🌹 Sharing with your presentations are a distinct pleasure ▪︎ Be seeing you 'round PoshTowne ~ Kate ✒ absolutely
May 23Reply
eserenabeana Thanks for sharing my closet 😊 Happy Poshing 🥂 and Stay Safe 😷
May 26Reply
mash1141 Thank you sooo much for the much appreciated ‘shares”.
Jun 04Reply
manyseasonsofme Thank you soooo much for the rave review! I'm happy you enjoyed the little treat I included for the movie. LOL, it seemed appropriate.
Jun 08Reply
blueangel25 Hi, Kate Thanks for sharing my closet 💕💕 Happy Poshing 💕💕💕
Jun 11Reply
_caitscloset_ Hi! Thank you for the follow. I am having a Bundle Sale. All NWT items are 2/$65 and non-NWT items are 2/$12. Have a great day!
Jun 15Reply
absolutelykate @_caitscloset_ Hello ~ Not at all cool to plunk your sales promo▪︎pushes on other PoshFolks' profiles ~ (And I had'nt even followed you) ⚠️ Goes against Posh guidelines
Jun 15Reply
gypsy_moontft Thank you for the follow!!🙋🏼‍♀️ feel free to browse around my closet. If you have any questions on any items please don’t hesitate to ask! I’d be happy to help. Also I’m having a sale. 15% off 2 or more items. Thank you and I hope your staying safe and healthy during these times. Happy Poshing🛍🙏🌻
Jun 16Reply
mlaurie49 Happy birthday 🎉🎂🎈!!!!!
Jun 16Reply
absolutelykate @gypsy_moontft Hey there, That was partially a nice message and naturally, absolutely-even, Likes & Shares are my nature. You have a sweet family and good zest goin' for your nature, so I'll find you in shareathons again after time off for Birthday Celebration. *** --> However, kindly REFRAIN FROM HYPING YOUR OWN SALES ON OTHER GOOD POSHERS' PERSONAL PROFILES -- Tis tacky and goes against worthy Posh guidelines, bylines and plain ol' "play fair" quotient. *** Stay thee safe and sensational
Jun 16Reply
absolutelykate @mlaurie49 THANKS you crazy cool sexy strong Rocker with Moxie and J'Brown vibes -- means the world my way -- Wish you were here . . . but hey -- Let's make it happen when world spins less crazy via your Sheri pile just up N from big-hearted little Rhody. ~ Kate, absolutely
Jun 16Reply
gypsy_moontft @absolutelykate Thank you so much for the tip! I need other Poshers to teach me these things. I now feel embarrassed that I have send this message to other amazing poshers. So I thank you for letting me know of this! I hope you have a great week and stay healthy and safe!!
Jun 16Reply
absolutelykate @gypsy_moontft DearLady, you've got class and distinction and your warm and wonders-full heart enters the room before you do. I'll be in touch after birthday time off, then take you likewise the higher, with back & forth and forth & back sharearama I do with a slew of great others. You summer on happily . . . Kate, absolutely (find me on FB / IG / Tw as Kate Pilarcik - Absolutely*Kate for easier communications as you build your stylish empire (grinn))
Jun 16Reply
gypsy_moontft @absolutelykate Awe! Thank you! Your too kind! I hope you have a wonderful birthday! Happy birthday! 🎂🎊🎈Enjoy your time off! 🤗
Jun 16Reply
sabrinaserenity Kate! Love your Shop! I noticed that you leave the some of the most fun-to-read reviews I have ever read! Turns out, naturally, you are a writer! Thank you for making my day a little brighter with your creativity! Happy Poshing ! Best Wishes to you and yours, 💜 Sabrina
Jun 19Reply
absolutelykate @sabrinaserenity (coolest of names) 🌹💙🌹 Yowza! I'm taking time off for ongoing Birthday Celebration of Life . . . and I've gotta sneak in the side door just to let you know you SO made dances happen up in my eyeplaces, good Dame who I greatly look forward to lo'kating on return. ▪︎ Stay thee happy*safe and sensational ~ Kate ✒ absolutely
Jun 19Reply
leprof_74 Thank you. I will get it in the mail today
Jun 19Reply
dierks24 Just sharing my customers and posh friends closets and stopping by to tell you to have a great week! Diane
Jun 29Reply
nichailajacques Hello! Just checking in to say: You are absolutely, positively amazing. Keep being awesome! Blessings! 🥰🌟🙌🏾.
Aug 02Reply
katecarroll6 hi hun! I'm looking to clear my closet out so will be accepting all offers today! Feel free to check out my closet and bundle/offer on anything in my closet! Thank you so much and have a great day :)
Sep 25Reply
salced2525 🌻Hi Beautiful don't miss my sale! Buy 3 items and get 30% off🌻
Nov 20Reply
liledeglace have fun on vacation! lovely meeting you,Katie!
Dec 09Reply
scorpiomvp Hi, I'm Angel ! I just wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I'm always looking for new Posh friends to shop and share, so I wanted to say hello. Have a nice day! ∞ Sнoppər|#ShopSmall ∞,#ShopMyCloset for way less ∞ #ShopLocal + ✅ Verified #Google Business Owner 🌍❤️ #follow #explore🔑 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ @scorpiomvp ┈┈┈┈╱▔╲▂▂╱▔╲┈┈┈┈ ┈┈┈▕╮╱▔╲╱▔╲╭▏┈┈┈ ┈┈┈╱╋▏┊▕┊┊▕╋╲┈┈┈ ┈┈▕╋▕━▅━━▅━▏╋▏┈┈ ┈┈▕╱▔╲▔╭╮▔╱▔╲▏┈┈ ┈┈▕┊┳┊▔╰╯▔┊┳┊▏┈┈ ┈┈┈╲╰━━╯╰━━╯╱┈┈┈ ┈┈┈╱▔╭┈┈┈┈╮▔╲┈┈┈ ┈┈ 🛍🛒🎀 👚👡👔👖👕👟🎩👙🧤🧣👒👜🧢👘👢👗👡👠💼👜👛🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Feb 07Reply
av7x hola author hope you're having a good day
Mar 27Reply
bestdressed995 Cool, 🙋‍♀️Hi. 🍍It’s nice to meet you 🍍
Jul 26Reply
uturnqueens Hello! Thanks for following my closet! Here is my latest special. Most items $25 or less! All tops 3 for $15 and a All pants & Jeans 2 for $20. NEW items listed Daily!
Aug 12Reply
greyhound612 Thank you for your lovely review and stars ⭐️ and for shopping my closet. I bought your book last year and have enjoyed it thoroughly 😍
Oct 27Reply
absolutelykate @uturnqueens Hello Dyan ~ I honour keeping Profile gliding with personal communications vs posher sales pitching. Best to your brand of zest.
Oct 27Reply
absolutelykate @greyhound612 🌹 Ahhh. The lovely kindred spirit who admires Enchantment has stopped by. I have only begun the beguine of slinging your praises in raving your review. (Wanted to quickly acknowledge do fund$ were released your way). ▪︎ I do remember you about to read into THE DAMP FEDORA ~ A happy grin was up in my eyes that your caliber would be seeing how I love bringing words out to play. (*YAY* She enjoyed meeting Nelle! 📘)
Oct 27Reply
absolutelykate @greyhound612 Wondering tho ~ How much of a sense of *you* did you find in Detective Callahan? May you ever have robust cups o'joe. Grace o' my Thanks for your super▪︎kind words ✒Kate, absolutely
Oct 27Reply
greyhound612 You and your writing are a double pleasure 🥰
Oct 28Reply
absolutelykate @greyhound612 🌹Aw geeeez ~ Now you've done it 🤩 ~ When the w🌎rld gets better, we gotta walk a beach someday ~ One never comes back quite the same person from a splendid beachwalk
Oct 29Reply
atl14420 @absolutelykate 🍃🍁Happy Fall🍃🍁Stop by my closet for $10 SALE🍃🍁 Name Brands 🍃🍁 Offers Accepted 🍃🍁Happy Poshing 🍃🍁
Oct 30Reply
absolutelykate @atl14420 YIKES!!! PROFILES are for interactive J🌟Ys, personally, whimsically, with care ~~ NEVER EVER for sales hyping your merchandising in another's social space. ▪︎ Pretty posh darn sure Poshmark ain't too keen on that brash scene also. Kindly cease & desist and best to your sales zest IN YOUR OWN SPACE place.
Oct 30Reply
atl14420 @absolutelykate MY APOLOGIES !!! Its done buy 90% of the Poshers on Poshmark and honestly Poshmark only cares about the money they make from all our sales. I also share from all pages that I visit and that helps promote YOUR sales as well. I will block you so I do not visit your page again. Happy Poshing !
Oct 30Reply
absolutelykate @atl14420 🌹Absolutely Appreciate & wish successes your posh'along way. ▪︎ Glad we all are PoshMark provides the massive 45,000,000 Buyers and 5,000,000 Sellers' platform with efficient distribution scenario we flow and grow from. 20% well deserved. ~ Posh Ambassador and happy▪︎proud to joy with you all ✒Absolutely Kate
Oct 30Reply
greyhound612 Absolutely ♥️ Kate, we shall someday if we are lucky.
Nov 01Reply
greyhound612 ♥️😉😎♥️
Nov 04Reply
lucyland Please open your closet!!
Jan 23Reply
candy258 Hi 🙋🏽‍♀️Happy Poshing‼️🛍
Mar 25Reply
yoshie2018 🙋 There, Stop by my closet and check it out when you have time 🤠 Smoke free 🏠 Happy Poshing and God Bless 🙏
Jul 08Reply
watsonlilmommy @absolutelykate Hello how are you check out my page all offers accepted also have some beautiful bracelets set as well
Jul 16Reply
watsonlilmommy @absolutelykate hello how are you check out my closet see something you like send me a offer all offers accepted
Sep 02Reply
cutehosiery @absolutelykate Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Jun 11Reply
starplunep 🥰😍😘🥰😍😘🥰😍😘🥰😍😘🥰😍😘
Oct 29Reply

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