Meet your Posher, Angelica
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Hi! I'm Angelica. Some of my favorite brands are Jeffree Star, MAC Cosmetics, and Louis Vuitton. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)

8 others
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Hi! I wanted to welcome you to Poshmark. It's a great site. I noticed that you asked if I would take $30. for my Jordan's, and I wanted to let you know that any offers have to go thru the offer button. If you have any questions about anything I can help you as I am a Posh Ambassador and would be glad to help. Happy Poshing.😊😍
Feb 05Reply

@angelicalauren I can do 90$ for it plus shipping but not here
Unfortunately here they take too much from me and it honestly is a bummer
Feb 11Reply

Do you have another platform you're getting rid of it on?
Feb 11Reply

I sent you the makeup offer again. Let me know if you got it.
Feb 27Reply

I can do $44. Here is $40 on Merc.
Feb 27Reply

Do you by any chance have the androgany pallette too @labellala
Feb 27Reply

@angelicalauren i don’t right now. I have the brushes, sponges. james Charles, Jaclyn Hill, And just about everything anyone could want .... I have 6 tubs with drawers full of makeup. Search my name on Merc a ri
Feb 27Reply

I don't know what Merc is(lol)
Feb 27Reply

@angelicalauren the other selling app. M e r c a r i. Site.
Feb 27Reply

@angelicalauren I resent the offer. Did you get it?
Feb 28Reply

@spinmomster Thank you very much hun. I just recently started selling hopefully it goes as good as buying has😄
Mar 06Reply

@spinmomster Absolutely!! It's addicting buying off here. And so far everyone has been so nice and the products are amazing. I could go broke from this(lol)
Mar 06Reply

@spinmomster more then likly that's what ill do(lol)
Mar 06Reply

@spinmomster I do have a question. I get sent offers when i like items sometimes. How do i send people who like my things those special offers?
Mar 06Reply

@spinmomster where does it give you the option to offer to likers? I have been looking everywhere(lol) cuz it sent me a notification that I could do it but I don't see a offer to likers option at the bottom of my listing. Maybe I'll just do it the other way. Thank you very much hun!!
Mar 06Reply

@spinmomster I finally figured it out. Thank you so much again for your help and kindness!!
Mar 06Reply

@angelicalauren Welcome to Poshmark!
Mar 07Reply

Thank you for your like on the great jeans and for sharing from my closet!! Welcome to Posh and I hope you have many sales!!😄
Mar 07Reply

@angelicalauren hey! Beautiful pic! Feel free to stop by and take a look! 💕💫
Mar 07Reply

Hi! I have a LV purse available if you’re interested :)
Mar 07Reply

Hey my lowest is $32 but I can ship immediately 💜
Mar 08Reply

@cubanprincess07 I read all your love notes so I know its 100%. Please resend me the offer for 32 and I'll accept it😊
Mar 08Reply

@angelicalauren yes of course I dont deal with fake makeup 💜
Mar 08Reply

@cubanprincess07 Thank you so much hun. I have been dieing to try this!!
Mar 08Reply

@angelicalauren it's like life changing lol. I was hesitant to put an oil on my face but I have been using it for 2 years and cant live without it now. 💜
Mar 08Reply

@cubanprincess07 you'll prolly have a repeat customer now then.
Mar 08Reply

Welcome to poshmark🥰
Mar 13Reply

@kellyyy44 Welcome to you too hun😊
Mar 13Reply

Hi ♥️♥️♥️♥️ are you still interested?
Mar 18Reply

I should have known I got played lol
Mar 20Reply

@cottonsplace I don't understand your comment at all. Not trying to be rude but i in no way played you hun. If i made a deal with you to perchase im sorry I don't recall any deal with you. I do know I asked about your Kylie palette a few days ago but some personal things happened. Im sorry I never ment any disrespect to you. Im sorry if I did. I never ment to.
Mar 20Reply

@cottonsplace you know the more I sit and think the more rude as hell i think you are to post that comment on my closet. You never know what's happening in peoples lives and to leave a rude comment even tho we didnt have any kind of binding agreement is just disrespectful as hell. Enjoy your day
Mar 21Reply

Hi love! Tomorrow at 1pm Eastern Time, the blue collection from Jeffrey drops on his site and it goes for $52... I know I saw comment somewhere you are interested ^_^
Mar 28Reply

@folivo1980 I am very interested. But I always miss out on his website because they sell out so fast. Hopefully someone on here will sell one for a good price. Thank you for letting me know😊
Mar 28Reply

Hey girl! I’m down to take offers on the blue blood! I bought two!
Mar 29Reply

@keezey_ whats the lowest you'd take. I dont want to low ball anyone with an offer they dont like(lol)
Mar 29Reply

@angelicalauren honestly girl I’d rather you make an offer. I don’t want to show people what I’d be willing to take if they aren’t actually interested. How much are you willing to pay.
Mar 29Reply

@keezey_ I actually snagged one off his website. Some one told me they weren't sold out in his site and thank God i snagged one up!!
Mar 29Reply

@angelicalauren yeah girl. They literally sold out like an hour ago. I thought you just didn’t wanna buy it hahah!
Mar 29Reply

@keezey_ no, i work at the same time he always releases and I miss put every time. But this time someone told me he wasn't sold out yet and I was do excited to finally get it from his site for once!!
Mar 29Reply

🎉Hey! Thanks for visiting my closet! I noticed you liked a lot of items! If you’re interested in bundling, it is 10% off every bundle today! 🎉
Apr 05Reply

@kdrake94 who the hell are you? I attacked no one sweetheart. Did I thank a great person for pointing out a fake that could harm people hell yes I did and ill do it again with a smile on my face.
May 22Reply

@kdrake94 people like you make me laugh. Truly, because i didnt say your name once. I said its b.s. people selling fakes because it is. And I thanked jenna because shell call out fakes every time. And I love her for it.
May 22Reply

are you still interested in the abh highlight pallet?
May 23Reply

@jackiejamae i am but im waiting for people to accept their items so I can get it(lol)
May 23Reply

@saintpaulmary31 I'm so appalled by what you tried to pull and say about me. How dare you demean my character. id never hurt someone in that way. I have all the pics, info and video I need to prove you sold me something under false pretenses. You knew damn well it was used and now unusable. I was so kind to you. All i wanted was a Damn refund nothing more. I wasnt disrespectful like you. I should have been. But my return was approved. And I won't let some elses loose morals make me lose mine.
May 24Reply

Heyyy it’s me from merrrrr couldn’t said anything anymore or I will be in trouble lol
Jun 01Reply

@beautyjax20 hey I follow you on here already😍💖
Jun 01Reply

@angelicalauren 😘❤️
Jun 01Reply

@beautyjax20 yea I had that merc app for about 10 hours and they already sent me a warning because i apperently made a post that had an item i didn't intend to sell. I was showing the girl the bag I was sending her(lol)
Jun 01Reply

@angelicalauren omg be careful! Lol! Its very monitoring app. I lost everything once there and trying not to ruin again that I build all over again. ❤️ I never sell here. Been trying few time and still bad at it. So I’m Just a buyer and trade in here.
Jun 01Reply

@beautyjax20 I just got that merc app. It's not bad I herd it took less so I wanted to try it but haven't even listed my stuff yet(lol) I did find that double zip bag I've been really wanting. I have made a few trades on her and have been happy with them.
Jun 01Reply

@beautyjax20 girl your iso is hard to find. All I found was her plastic hand held mirrors. But I'll keep an eye out for you.
Jun 01Reply

@angelicalauren very glad you got that bag. It’s like speak of devil we spoke about it then it pop up haha!
Jun 01Reply

@beautyjax20 yes!!! And i got it at such a good price I think. 105 was good. Thr other 2 people selling wanted 200 or over!! So I had do snag it up.
Jun 01Reply

@angelicalauren exactly!!!!! Hard to find below $150 happy for you!
Jun 01Reply

@beautyjax20 thank you So much!! I love jeffree star. I have a collection. I have an issue(lol)
Jun 01Reply

@angelicalauren lol Awwwe I have that issues too plus KVD lol
Jun 01Reply

@beautyjax20 I have never used KVD makeup. I have always wanted to try her lipsticks. Mostly because I like studded decoration(lol)
Jun 01Reply

@angelicalauren omg yes! Me too I do have like 3 studded. I’m not fan of her lipstick but smooth tho. I love her liquid lipsticks omg but I have like maybe over 100 of them lmao. Barely used tho. You should try her glimmer veils omg sooooo amazing but I use it as eyeliner that’s it. On lips rarely.
Jun 02Reply

@beautyjax20 I don't wear lipstick often but i have here hers are good. i like the way she decorates her items. Its always so interesting(lol)
Jun 02Reply

@angelicalauren me too. I love her thoughts and taste. Darkness like that. Her home. “Classic old castle” my type too ha
Jun 02Reply

@beautyjax20 be careful of all the fakes floating around hun. I have found tons in just 2 days. Its crazy.
Jun 02Reply

@angelicalauren which one you talking about? KVD liquid lipsticks? I bought mostly from Sephora.
Jun 02Reply

@beautyjax20 not one kind in general just alot of fakes of everything. Huda palettes, jeffree star lippies, and basically everything(lol)
Jun 02Reply

@angelicalauren oh yes definitely notice. Realllllly bad and got worse but more people making reporting on posts that are fakessss if seller aren’t being honest. Even we have good people in poshmark spreading out fast warning many of us too. ❤️
Jun 02Reply

@angelicalauren and thank you. I appreciate it
Jun 02Reply

@beautyjax20 i almost bought fake shape tape once. I was so pis*ed.
Jun 02Reply

@angelicalauren oh my. That’s terrible. Shape tape replica are everywhere now and read many people on f/b sharing their upset experiences. Terrible. Lucky you catch before boughtb
Jun 02Reply

@beautyjax20 someone warned me. I actually put my order in when somone said to cancel it because they were fakes.
Jun 02Reply

@angelicalauren thank god. Lol
Jun 02Reply

@beautyjax20 right(lol) girl, your ISO is so hard to find!! I have been looking for it for you but its no where!!
Jun 02Reply

@beautyjax20 I did find and autographed train case of hers. I don't know what that is but I guess it limited(lol)
Jun 02Reply

@angelicalauren 😂😂 oh yes it’s very very very hard!!!! One lady reached out to me that she has one and would selling for $250 or $150. I was like 😳😳 nope. Sad it’s hard. I felt I have been harassment these KVD lovers asking around if they had one for a while and stopped and gave up haha
Jun 02Reply

@beautyjax20 250!! Wow it must be limited for 250. I figured id at least find one on like eBay or Amazon. No just the plastic one.
Jun 02Reply

@angelicalauren Wow thank you so much for the shares. I tried to keep up and share yours as well 😘 Very much appreciated!! 💕
Jun 03Reply

@carribeanjewels thank you hun. You have such beautiful rings. I love your closet!!
Jun 03Reply

@angelicalauren Thank you very much! 🌴⛱️💕
Jun 03Reply

30% OFF the already low prices for the next week. Its my 1 Year Anniversary on Poshmark. My Closet is truly something incredible. Over 1000 items with everything thing from Giorgio Armani to Michael Kors. Lots of very unique Vintage Glamour. Stop in asap and take a good look. YOU will find lots of things you love. Just like the item and I will send you a 30% discount. You can also bundle. Just take off 30% and I will accept. This sale is one week only. Thanks!
Oct 20Reply

Thank you love for tagging me!! I really appreciate it! If you ever decide you want to get something from my closet, I will give you an an extra discount!! You’re the best! Xo!
Dec 07Reply

@gypsijame I thought it looked alot like your pic but I wasnt 100% sure.
Dec 07Reply

@gypsijame umm...did you look at her closet? they are all your pics or really good copy cat ones. not your first listing pics but like your second or 3 or ones.
Dec 07Reply

@angelicalauren umm, ya they are helllla copycat pics, BC you can tell she had to try and work with the lighting and the holographic paper to make the rainbow ring around the product. I need make a watermark, or someway for people to 100% know a listing is mine...
Dec 07Reply

@angelicalauren thank you so much for looking out! good eyes, love!
Dec 07Reply

@gypsijame it's kinda insane the lengths people will go through(lol) you're welcome hun. I love your closet so much.
Dec 07Reply

Hey lovely🥰 I would love if you dropped over at my closet for a visit. For amazing deals🎁If you have any questions free to ask me🎉 Happy Poshing❤️
Dec 23Reply

Hi there!❤️ I would love it if you checked out my closet and let me know if anything sparks your interest!🌟😊
Jan 24Reply

Thanks so much for the super sweet love note!!!! ❤️❤️❤️ I’m so happy you loved everything! 🥰
Feb 01Reply

Hi there!❤️ I would love it if you checked out my closet and let me know if anything sparks your interest!🌟😊
Feb 02Reply

Hey!! It's Tara! I made an account for my Mom!!!🦄🦄🦄 She has unis.. lol
Feb 03Reply

Hey!! It's Tara! I made an account for my Mom!!!🦄🦄🦄 She has unis.. lol
Feb 03Reply

Guess who finally found the pretty puppy 🐶 pallet!?
Feb 12Reply

@cleola101 hey hun I don't know why you blocked me. I love your items. I'm sorry if I disrespected you on any way.
Feb 22Reply

Hello! I have a lot of great items in my closet I think you’d love :) you should come check them out!!
Jul 03Reply

Hey posher ! Huge sale in my closet. Vs pink, Nike, makeup. Some items $5😊🛍
Aug 06Reply

@angelicalauren thnk you for sharing dear😍😘❤️👍.. I’ll do the same..Thnk uou💝
Sep 08Reply

@angelicalauren wow your so lucky🤩all are sold in your listings.. I’m waiting for my product sells😔😢because very tough for sell.. I have lot of brand new products.. but no sell at this time no customers👎
Sep 08Reply

@sairausa I haven't sold on here for a while. most are trades(lol) with all that's going on I think everyone is having a hard time selling. but I'll deffently continue to share your items. they are beautiful🥰🥰
Sep 08Reply

@angelicalauren Thnk you soooo muchh darlings🥰😘😘😘❤️❤️ you want any in my listings you can take I’ll give you.. you can pick any. I don’t want money.. I’ll give you lower price..I’ll give you❤️. And some items are friend products in the house(flat)next to mine flat.
Sep 08Reply

@angelicalauren and I found in Poshmark a great and best friend tara🥰 I like her❤️. glamgrrll my best friend..😍she’s so beautiful person. And I have never seen her like that anywhere. God is great.. god gave me a good and nice best friend tara.
Sep 08Reply

@sairausa that's how I knew your name. shes always said how sweet you are and speaks very highly of you. she loves you.
Sep 08Reply

@angelicalauren aww Thnk you😍🥰😘.. now your also my friend❤️😀👍 we all are friends💕💕💕.. if you want any you can take my indian stuff..👍.. but sorry my English is bad😅😂I’m not good with my English.
Sep 08Reply

@angelicalauren yeah she says you are a very good friend❤️😊
Sep 08Reply

Hi! My name is Ashtyn! I hope you’re finding everything well. I have a fun thing I like to do, which is for all my followers, if you choose 2+ items to purchase together, I offer a 15% discount. I also add plenty of other discounts, ranging from price reductions to shipping reductions, regardless of the number of items purchased. So feel free to take a look at my page! Any and all reasonable offers made will be accepted on the spot, so don’t be afraid to send one in! Happy Poshing!
Sep 25Reply

hi Angelica oh how I love your closet and is absolutely incredible I enjoyed looking at everything you have amazing items and it's done so beautifully thank you for sharing mine!❤
Oct 27Reply

Hi there! Welcome to check out my closet 😊. Happy New Year🎉🍾🎊 ~ all the best for you!! ❤️
Dec 29Reply

Hello Angelica, thank you for all the shares ~
Dec 29Reply

Hi! First off, love your hair!! I was hoping you could help me. I’ve been wondering how so many people can get brand new makeup to sell. I haven’t had the nerve to ask anyone. I’m disabled now with 4 grown kids. I’ve only sold things from my closet. I would love to do more. Thank u.
Sep 05Reply

@scr6287 thank you so much hun😊 but personally I list stuff I own, im just a makeup hoarder(lol) and I dont use 95% of My makeup I just collect it(lol)
Sep 05Reply

Good deal. I was just curious. I see so many closets with makeup or handbags, and I don’t understand how they get all of it to sell. Appreciate your help. 🌹
Sep 05Reply

Hi!🖐 Happy 2021. Feel free to check out my closet some time. we'll over 2600 items. Bundle and save!
Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Maternity, Pet's, Accessories, bags, shoes & Jewlery. Thanks 😊
* Adding new stuff weekly, stop by often
Dec 15Reply

hey there. I'm in some major need of closet space so I have posted a variety of sizes, brands, and styles and will continue to post more over the next few days all for $10 or under. So make sure to scroll all the way down. I ship same or next day depending on the time. if you have some time check it out and see if you can help me clear out my closet in anyway. 😊 Happy Poshing
Feb 05Reply

@angelicalauren Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Jul 28Reply

Hey posher!!💛🙌 Come & Join to BrandFam! We only sell 100% authentic designer items!
If you would like to be notified about our live shows like our “Crazy Mom’s Deals” listing!🔔Don’t forget to make offer on items in our closet and get the discount✨
Oct 16Reply
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