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Updated Nov 04
Updated Nov 04

Hi there. Going fulltime as a reseller recently.

cia maritima



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Shaping my own future in the hand of God the known. My family is my motivation and having my own freedom, but persistence and big leap of faith will be needed to make this a success. So come on by and check our closet @panda1stcloset and @panda2ndcloset and show some loves. Lets create a better world where we live in, start with this posh family.
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upscalebands Beautiful babies💕💕💕 So adorable!😁 made me smile tonight🌸 Good luck and God bless ❤️
Feb 22Reply
panda1stcloset @upscalebands thank you so much. Glad this pict bring a smile to you. Shared some love.
Feb 22Reply
sherrscloset Wow! I have never found someone’s closet that I LOVE ❤️ As much as yours.. I’ve liked sooooo much!! Beautiful clothing!.. hopefully I’ll be able to buy a couple of pieces soon!!!! 🌷🌸🌿🌸💕🥰🌷
Apr 22Reply
panda1stcloset @sherrscloset aww, you’re so kind. thank you so much for a sweet comment.. make my morning.. 😘😘😘 i have a sale B2G1 incase you missed the sign
Apr 22Reply
sherrscloset @pandacute omgoodnesss! 😊 That’s so great.. you have so much that’s my style and size!!!.. how long will you be having that deal?
Apr 22Reply
panda1stcloset @sherrscloset until my shelves half empty. 😬 I have lot of new stuffs coming in.
Apr 23Reply
sherrscloset @pandacute 💕💕💕😊💕💕💕
Apr 23Reply
panda1stcloset @sherrscloset hi there, was thinking about you. I'm purging my closet for this week for B3G2 free. No pressure, just thought I should inform you. xoxoxoxo
May 01Reply
sherrscloset @pandacute ok.. thank you for letting me know😊
May 01Reply
redotreasure Thank you for your shares. But the most beautiful thing is That's the most gorgeous baby EVVVVVVER
May 12Reply
panda1stcloset @otreasure aww thank you 😘😘😍
May 12Reply
chrissiaanda Morning, love your closet. I did ♥️ alot of your pieces. I will let you know when I’m ready to purchase and I’ll bundle and request an offer. Thank you 🙏
May 17Reply
panda1stcloset @chrissiaanda yay what an honor. awesome. Thank you for browsing.
May 17Reply
chrissiaanda @pandacute your welcome. Thank you for sharing the love.
May 17Reply
thowell1234 Hi! Are you doing this full time?
Jun 09Reply
panda1stcloset @thowell1234 hi there, yes full time since 3 months ago
Jun 09Reply
thowell1234 @pandacute I am building toward that also. I recently made some large orders and I am shopping every day. I am really looking to Connect with other people that are full-time other than watching Hall videos. Do you know of places were other partners gather and talk about the nuts and bolts of their business?
Jun 09Reply
panda1stcloset @thowell1234 wow awesome. how long u been doing this? theres posh n sip local for the meetup in person. never been to one honestly. and Im sure you join the fb group.
Jun 09Reply
thowell1234 @pandacute I live way out in the boonies and have to travel 12 and three hours to get to good sourcing spots. I will definitely join the Facebook but I bet you there’s not a passion sit near me. LOL thank you so much for your help
Jun 09Reply
panda1stcloset @thowell1234 i always wonder how it feels to live in the boonies 😂😂. I purchased bulk to save time in sourcing since i have a baby.
Jun 09Reply
thowell1234 @pandacute I just purchased my first returns box. The shipping can really get you. I think I’m going to do well with it though. I do this, I do another sale site for non clothing items, we do homeschool and we have a little mini farm with goats and chickens and horses and rescue animals dogs and cats.
Jun 09Reply
panda1stcloset @thowell1234 oh wow,, you have lots going on. good luck ... hugs from CA
Jun 09Reply
thowell1234 @pandacute Back atcouragement and guidance
Jun 09Reply
tuberose18 Nice closet and your baby so cute😍😍 anyway, are you indonesian ?
Jun 12Reply
panda1stcloset @lapakmama hi,, thank you thank you.. 😘😘😘 yup I am..
Jun 12Reply
haziesmom Thank you for the shares!❤❤
Jun 16Reply
roxy2929 Thanks so much for your sharing!! I really appreciate it!!!!
Jun 25Reply
redotreasure Wel I thank you so much for sharing, you have a beautiful closet!!..😲💕💕 But the cutie whittle boo boo baby is soooooo adorable!! That's my baby talk...😁👶💕
Jul 03Reply
panda1stcloset @redotreasure lol.. thank you ... happy poshing my friend... send you warm hug from CA
Jul 03Reply
redotreasure @pandacute 🤗Caught it down here in Connecticut....🛍💕
Jul 03Reply
cookiejook Your closet is dangerous! In a good way. 😜❤️
Aug 18Reply
panda1stcloset @cookiejook 😂 thank you 😘😘😘
Aug 18Reply
bathreadz 🎉🎉Congrats on winning the "Love or List" Challenge!! Free 💰 is always fun! Enjoy splurging on yourself!!!🛍👗👕🎽👙👠👡 Your closet is filled with so many great items so I went ahead and shared some of your listings to help boost with sales! Feel free to stop my by closet too😉
Aug 19Reply
panda1stcloset @bathreadz thank you. returned the love.. we are so close to each other. xoxo
Aug 19Reply
saveamom Absolutely love your closet!
Sep 19Reply
panda1stcloset @luckycherry thank you.. i love your home .. returned the love.....
Sep 19Reply
fai2008 Thanks for all the ❤️. Have a great day!
Sep 26Reply
_rescuedthreads LOVE your closet!!! I’ll be back 😉
Oct 11Reply
panda1stcloset @eatonsd 🥰😘😉😃
Oct 11Reply
mizpabs_closet Hi there! I just found your closet today. I will share with my customers. Take care and Happy Poshing!
Nov 16Reply
panda1stcloset @mizpabs_closet thank you so much. returned the love. We have similar niche in our closet. wish you best
Nov 16Reply
roncristo92218 Hi Thank you for all your shares. I appreciate it greatly!
Nov 25Reply
panda1stcloset @roncristo92218 likewise. returning the love. Have a blessed and awesome sunday night
Nov 25Reply
roncristo92218 Thank you and to you as well! 🥰🛍
Nov 25Reply
bluepacific805 @pandacute Wonderful closet! Enjoined going through it!
Dec 05Reply
panda1stcloset @bluepacific805 thank you. you made my day. sending love from OC.
Dec 05Reply
bluepacific805 @pandacute 😊😊😊. Thank you so very much for all your shares😘
Dec 05Reply
msrosered Hello, my name is Kaylene. I absolutely love your closet!
Jan 13Reply
panda1stcloset @msrosered hi Kaylene, i’d like to extend my welcome eventhough you’re here since last year. Thank you so much for stopping by. Happy to help if in the future you’re starting to open up for selling. Hugs from sunny breezy here in CA.
Jan 13Reply
bkimberly757 Hi! Just wondering how your “3/$30” is working out. I started doing this a couple of weeks ago but I haven’t made any sales this way☹️
Mar 28Reply
panda1stcloset @bkimberly757 it'll take time to get the mass aware of our sale. One thing I noticed, when I do the power list, it does attract attention. This past week, its been slow. We need to have lots of options tho. If you could add more listings, that would give some to choose from. And I cross post everything. I'll share your listings
Mar 28Reply
bkimberly757 @pandacute thanks so much for your insight. What do you mean by power list? I’m afraid to add more listings because I can’t sell the ones I have🙁 I love your closet btw.
Mar 28Reply
bkimberly757 Also by cross post do you mean you also sell on another site?
Mar 28Reply
bkimberly757 And thank you for sharing!
Mar 28Reply
panda1stcloset @bkimberly757 I have no choice than to list, even in this pandemic. I can only do what I can control. to list consistent daily despite up and downs the ride.
Mar 28Reply
panda1stcloset @bkimberly757 yes to another sites.lot of poshers do it. Cant mention it here, but you can google different platforms
Mar 28Reply
elainesapitan Thank you for the support on my closet. I hope you have some time to go through it and find something you like! Feel free to send me any offers and I’d be happy to make business with you. Happy Poshing and safe during this quarantine!
May 19Reply
panda1stcloset @radiant_shine thanks,made my morning brighter from your comment and shares. Was returning the favor to share your closet, but yours are sold out almost all of it. Good for you.. Hang in there...
Sep 13Reply
debcomp23 Hello!!! You have no idea how your inspirational messages posted lifted my heart today! I needed to read them and I trust! Please know that you touched someone today in a way that mattered!! Thank you & God Bless!!!✝️
Sep 18Reply
panda1stcloset @debcomp23 Im so glad. Let His name be glorified. I dont know what is your situation at right now, but please hang on there and trust that He is working .When everything else doesn't seem make sense.
Sep 19Reply
debcomp23 @pandacute I wouldn’t be here right now I’d I didn’t trust. He is MY ROCK!! I am always inspired by other believers. Thank you! ✝️
Sep 19Reply
lourabee Thank you so much for all the kind shares! It is very much appreciated. have a wonderful day and happy sales! :)
Oct 10Reply
panda1stcloset @lourabee likewise... blessing. and stay safe
Oct 10Reply
lourabee Thank you, you too! L
Oct 10Reply
emeekay Hi there! New to PoshMark. Can you share a sense of when things ship and how quickly they are received? Thanks so much!
Oct 21Reply
panda1stcloset @mekransberger hi Mary, Posh allows up to 10 days -due to covid- to ship. I need to be double check again. But most seller ships within the same day or next day. I ship daily. And posh is using priority, so it’ll take 2-3 business days. Unless you are local with the seller, you should receive the item within 1 day.
Oct 21Reply
pinksunset03 Hi 💌I'm going to share as many items as possible from your shop, please check out mine share as well so we can increase our sales!🦋🦋🛍🛍 Skye
Oct 24Reply
paigegambaro Hi!! Thank you for sharing my listings. You have a great shop!! Super cute stuff!!
Dec 04Reply
thriftynavymom Hello Sunshine ☀️ Hi-5 👋🖐on becoming a POSH AMBASSADOR 🌻 Just stopping by to give you some page love 💕. I totally L💗ve your closet 🛍. Have a FABULOUS week & HAPPY POSHING❣️👗👙🧣👚👖👔🩱👛👠
Jun 05Reply
thriftynavymom Hello Sunshine ☀️ Hi-5 👋🖐on becoming a POSH AMBASSADOR 🌻 Just stopping by to give you some page love 💕. I totally L💗ve your closet 🛍. Have a FABULOUS week & HAPPY POSHING❣️👗👙🧣👚👖👔🩱👛👠
Jun 05Reply
mistyposh1005 Great Closet! Thanks for the share!
Sep 03Reply
panda1stcloset @mistyposh1005 right back at you. 😘
Sep 03Reply
sprinklesbaker Hey thanks for the follow! I’m Emily😊 if you like any of my items please don’t hesitate to send an offer or better yet please please create a bundle I’ll be moving soon so I’ll gladly accept anything
Sep 28Reply
sandycupcake Enjoy your guilt free shopping, 🌹🌹 🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹CONGRATS !🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹 🌹 You did it! Won Poshmark credit in the “Love it or List it” challenge. Sandy
Jan 09Reply
rjfarley1 Hey I don’t want you to freak out over this I used the game box flat rate to ship a fluffy wedding dress I vacuum packed it, no problems. Don’t worry about it I appreciate the offer it was kind of you,
Feb 03Reply
detailedlooks 🎉Congrats on your WIN!🎉🤗...
Feb 03Reply
nicholepruitt73 HERES A HEART DAY SPECIAL just for you pic any item $20 or less and get any other item of equal or lesser value absolutely 💯 FREE FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY U WILL ALSO RECIEVE A FREE pr of BEARPAW SOCKS, OR A PAIR OF TORRID panties, Or %*-⁰a sanitizer gift bag( my choice) while supply last don't forget to look for the FREE ITEMS W/ EVERY PURCHASE (1 per order)
Feb 14Reply
scoredsecond Your closet is beautiful!!
Feb 21Reply
detailedlooks 🎉Congrats on your WIN!🎉🤗...
Feb 26Reply
zardiva1 Congrats on your PA II ⭐️ status! 🎉🎉🎉
Mar 19Reply
melody28k 🌹♥️👍🍀
May 05Reply
nylifeaccess Hi dear, thank you very much to check out and following or share my closet. Just would like to let you know my closet is doing BUNDLE discount “Buy 4 get 1 FREE” and $25/3. Welcome to shop at my closet. Wish you have a wonderful day ;)
Jun 18Reply
priscillapealer Hi, you have an awesome closet. All the best to you.
Jul 16Reply
sandydallison Thanks for checking out my closet
Nov 11Reply
bezdeezzz So nice to meet on here, I love your closet, prayers for continued blessings, very inspiring 💗🙏thank you for your posts of encouragement & lovely Closet!!!
Jan 05Reply
krystalmcc1621 Thank you for following me. I just visited your closet to follow you and shared some of your items with my followers. Have a wonderful day 🌞 and many sales📦!
Jan 11Reply
modagalaura Just wanna say I enjoyed your show.
Jan 13Reply
tracieanne Your daughter is precious and loved reading your messages about faith and love..God Bless you and your family you are very blessed!💗
Jan 31Reply
panda1stcloset @modagalaura Im soooo glad... ty for being there. best of luck for your journey xoxoxoxox
Jan 31Reply
panda1stcloset @tracieanne Ty Tracie, right back at you. be blessed where ever you are xoxo
Jan 31Reply
melzer02 Hi! Watching your live show from your room and just hoping your neck will feel okay after your show is done. I was concerned about the angle/height of the camera being so high with u sitting at your desk! I work in physical therapy and don’t want u to have any aches/pains later! Love watching your live shows!! ❤️
Feb 18Reply
momoftwins2007 Happy Mother's Day!! I got a glimpse of your show!! You have lovely energy, so creative. Beautiful family. 💕💕Many blessings to you, your family.
May 14Reply
rugerboutique love your bio! Amen, friend and happy PAWshing!🐕💖
May 26Reply
methodclothe Hi I couldn’t stay on your show with the LV keychains. Will you be listing those? I just have a hard time staying on a show for an hour or 2.
May 31Reply
panda1stcloset @methodclothe hi, yes. thats my plan for today n tmrw. thank you so much for the interest
May 31Reply
jstalilbougie Hey! Well this is a not at all what I was trying to do. I escalated this issue to support, but they may not respond since they closed it. However, I can send the damaged pieces back and you can fix them and I can repurchase them. Let me know what you think. I really like these and want to buy more😊
Jul 10Reply
jstalilbougie Hey! Currently, It looks like they are going to release the funds after 24hrs. Can you send me the replacements that we discussed after that happens?
Jul 17Reply
panda1stcloset @jstalilbougie hei, i was thinking about it since last night.. Yes, actually I will pack it and send it today.
Jul 17Reply
jstalilbougie @panda1stcloset Thanks. Are you going to have new one today?
Jul 17Reply
jstalilbougie @panda1stcloset new ones on today’s live?
Jul 17Reply
panda1stcloset @jstalilbougie ive been rescheduling the bag show🙄. but i’m planning to do it this Friday.
Jul 17Reply
panda1stcloset @jstalilbougie gonna have my shoes show for the next 3 days in the morning then fri for cohost bags/upcycled
Jul 17Reply
panda1stcloset @jstalilbougie I added last picture for you to see. I’ll include the the grey flower charm with the bow faux pearl ring
Jul 17Reply
jstalilbougie @panda1stcloset Ok. Don’t forget you are just sending the replacement pieces on 2 and on complete replacement. Is there anyway to get a preview of the new upcycled ones?
Jul 17Reply
jstalilbougie You might want to refer to the conversation for reference.
Jul 17Reply
panda1stcloset @jstalilbougie ok. total 3 pcs, would you mind to take a look on the picture first just to confirm. thanks
Jul 17Reply
panda1stcloset @jstalilbougie perfect.let me print the tracking label in a bit
Jul 17Reply
panda1stcloset @jstalilbougie mailed to the same address Atlanta, GA 30311. Tracking #9400109205568758118375.
Jul 17Reply
panda1stcloset @jstalilbougie for the new ones. I have not make any new charms. Mostly just the necklaces and cuff. I'll tag you on it once I created the listings. Thanks Monique for being awesome
Jul 17Reply
jstalilbougie @panda1stcloset Great! Feel free to send me pics of new styles. I like the LV to show when possible 😉
Jul 17Reply
jstalilbougie @panda1stcloset Great! Please make some with the LV showing😉
Jul 17Reply
spanishluna numbers 6 -22to 27 OVER uall ALWAYS AMEN SHALOM
Jul 19Reply
panda1stcloset @meowmix66 added last 4 pictures for you to think about. 😍😍
Jul 21Reply
meowmix66 @panda1stcloset I want the black one!!!
Jul 21Reply
meowmix66 And if the deal is for the 2nd pair, tan please! Woohoo!
Jul 21Reply
panda1stcloset @meowmix66 yup yup. you got it. Let me create the listing. that way you dont have to tune in for the show. 🫣
Jul 21Reply
panda1stcloset @jstalilbougie I added the picts here. Towards the end.
Jul 30Reply
panda1stcloset @jstalilbougie for the cuffs , I’m running it for SB $40. I can do $35 if you’d like 5 cuffs. For keyfob, SB is $25. I’d do $20 for you. Let me know. We can combine w the first one this morning. I’ll create the listing, n today is CCO-possibility for discounted shipping.
Jul 30Reply
jstalilbougie LV silver with LV showing LV gold with LV showing Gucci w/red indside & peacock LV & zebra print I need one more.
Jul 30Reply
jstalilbougie I’ll do Gucci silver cuff
Jul 30Reply
unclaimed beautiful pictures nice closet
Aug 11Reply
deborahbelle50 Can you tell if the color of St John couture dress sz 18 that you sold?
Aug 17Reply
Aug 17Reply
its_crystal28 @panda1stcloset Hello!! 🌷Im Crystal , hope ur doing great today, by the way, if u have time I would love to invite you to check my simple closet, and if you like something just simple click the “❤️” or make an offer , always open to Offers😉 thank you in Advance. God bless and Happy Poshing my friend 🌷speedy sales to you
Aug 19Reply
ceeceemonroe28 Thank you for the fun and lovely show! Keep me posted on your next shows and any new long formal dresses. Would love to have you visit my Newbie Closet!!! Lol I'd love advice and I'd be happy to deeply discount anything you love, as a welcome:) 🌸🌸🙏🙏😻😻xoCeeCee
Oct 11Reply
panda1stcloset @ceeceemonroe28 hi friend, ty for the generous offer. Ask me away for anything about poshmark. we’ll figure this out together. 😍😍😍🙏💪💪💪💪
Oct 11Reply
ceeceemonroe28 @panda1stcloset . You are most welcome and so Kind! Hope you have a great time at Posh Weekend:) looking forward to your next show:) Tag me :)😌😌😌💖🙏
Oct 11Reply
parisgirl2005 @panda1stcloset I never purchased anything from you this is a mistake I have no knowledge of you or your closet please cancel this as it’s a mistake thank you
Oct 14Reply
sadiaad Hi, first time on your show. I brought 2 pairs of size 8 jeans, I just want to verify they are not the same if so can you change one of them please. Just make sure there is a bit of stretch in the size 8. Black is ok to. Thank you so much and great show.
Oct 14Reply
panda1stcloset @sadiaad hi, yes. Let me check .
Oct 14Reply
vickers109 Hello - reach out to me or set aside when you locate bras in a 3xl. I joined the 2 for 12 show, but have to go to work in the morning. TY vickers109
Nov 30Reply
angelahartley Thanks for everything. If you could go ahead and ship ASAP the items I purchased today instead of holding I need the Christmas sweater pretty quickly. Thanks so much!
Dec 08Reply
panda1stcloset @angelahartley ty. It’ll go out today. Thanks again for being awesome
Dec 08Reply
daphilly76 Love your page and inspirational quotes! God bless you and yours!
Jan 17Reply
bludog1602 Juli how are you?? Hope the big move went ok. Let me know how you and when you will be live again. Love you and miss you.
Jan 22Reply
panda1stcloset @bludog1602 sweet Beth, how are you friend? I’m back since last Monday. still trying to figure out the schedule between me and my daughter. I miss you too. hope all is well . ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🐼🐼🐼🐼
Jan 22Reply
bludog1602 @panda1stcloset Glad you are back safely. Was praying for you with all the bad weather for traveling. Give yourself grace as you get things figured out. Looking forward to seeing you soon. I am ok, yesterday was 2 years that Chris took his life and it was really hard. But my faith is strong and God is holding me.🫶
Jan 22Reply
panda1stcloset @bludog1602 oh Beth, you are such a strong person.. Call on the Lord, its hard to understand, and take all the time you need. Get angry, get frustrated, have doubts, but keep coming back to God.
Jan 22Reply
spanishluna YES TRUTH AMEN SHALOM numbers 6 -22 to 27 OVER uall ALWAYS AMEN SHALOM AMEN my sister AMEN
Feb 23Reply
lakesidetrades Beautiful Family 🥰God Bless 🙏
Mar 05Reply
lolamia_couture Love your positive thoughts about God and your energy. When you get a chance I was wondering if you can answer a question about live shoes. I think I am doing something wrong. Thank you.
Mar 09Reply
panda1stcloset @lolamia_couture hey friend, what has been going on? shoot me private message..
Mar 09Reply
lolamia_couture @panda1stcloset I have done both live and silent shows. Really no success. I have difficulty figuring out how to use 2 devices. I asked Posh a few times but no answer. Can you give me the steps? I don't know how to have another Posher in the Party either. I know you are busy so whenever you get a chance. Thank you. 🙏
Mar 09Reply
panda1stcloset @lolamia_couture I started w one device. Start the show first w ur main device. Then go to ur show from another device right after. Super simple. How did you do it?
Mar 09Reply
panda1stcloset @lolamia_couture for another seller to join in: have them type in something in the chat,- click on their name- it’ll pop up options to invite .
Mar 09Reply
panda1stcloset @lolamia_couture I’m not sure about doing silent. unless you do it consistently and maybe share ‘silent hybrid’ show. ??
Mar 09Reply
lolamia_couture @panda1stcloset Thank you. I just think I do my shows spur of the moment which is not good. Live is definitely better. I still only have a handful of people.
Mar 09Reply
julieh28_1984 Hi, I noticed that you shared/liked some items from my closet, so I wanted to stop by and say hello 👋 and please let me know if your intrested in anything or have an offer or any other questions please do not hesitate to contact me. Happy Poshing! ❤️
May 13Reply
cassychan88 Can you bill me again cause it says failed. I dont know what happen? Thank you. Ill pay now. 43.00 + 28.00 + 15.00. Thank you.
May 22Reply
panda1stcloset @cassychan88 we can wait Friday. And combine it.i’ll put this aside
May 22Reply
cassychan88 @panda1stcloset can you bundle my items: 43+28+15.00. Thank you. 2 loungefly and a dress.
May 24Reply
panda1stcloset @cassychan88 hi, yes I will. And the others from last time too.
May 24Reply
cassychan88 Let me know
May 24Reply
panda1stcloset @cassychan88 did you say you wants some nookies too?
May 24Reply
cassychan88 When you were live. I was sleeping. Lol
May 24Reply
panda1stcloset @cassychan88 lol.. let me know which one. So I can add it the bundle. Today is the discounted shipping day
May 24Reply
melzer02 Hi Julie! Just thinking about you and miss seeing your shows. Did u move already? Hope u and Olivia are doing well! Melanie 😊❤️
Jul 06Reply
panda1stcloset @all3lfsmontifar I added two pictures. pls scroll all the way to the end. Only have one pair for sz 5.5. 🥰🙏
Nov 04Reply

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Last Active: 5 hours ago

Fort Wayne, IN
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Last Active: 5 hours ago

Fort Wayne, IN
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