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Updated May 04
Updated May 04


For Love And Lemons

US$356 US$356

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This Posher bought a very expensive NWT For Love & Lemons Dress from me. She cut off all the tags, wore it for her college graduation, took photos in it, and put a hole in the dress then lied and said she received it that way and was approved for a return! This buyer is a scam artist. @alissapatterson
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danicaswardrobe I’m so sorry this happened to you. It happened to me a while back over a pair a jeans but not to your extent and I was so upset. That’s absolutely so unethical and the buyer should be banned from the app for life for doing that. Wishing you many many sales to make up for this atrocity xx
Feb 26Reply
miss_gypset @danicaswardrobe I know, this happened back in May and I’m still upset about it. It is completely unfair & I want to make sure it never happens to anyone else! Thank you for your supportive comments! 😊 I’m glad we still have nice, honest people here.
Feb 26Reply
agentlopezbrady @danicaswardrobe you can probably file a police report now that you have social media photo evidence.
Feb 26Reply
miss_gypset @agentlopezbrady I thought about thatβ€” I actually sent her an email threatening her to take legal action unless she paid the money back for the damaged dress, but she never responded. She lives in Colorado. Do you happen to know if I would have to file in my state or hers?
Feb 26Reply
violet_love @miss_gypset omg what a total slime!!!!!!!!!!!!! good researching! she took all those pics off her facebook now u were so smart 2 get screenshots!!!!! never saw anything so blatant in my whole time on posh that is as low as it gets smh what a loser
Feb 26Reply
violet_love @miss_gypset you file the police report in ur own state u can do it online. too bad she used her real name she must be some new form of stupid. also call ppal (emailing will take too long) bc she prob payed thru ppal and also got her refund thru ppal. tell them u have evidence of fraud and they have to examine it. the nerve of some people u know she is reading this rn
Feb 26Reply
miss_gypset @violet_love tell me about it! Trust me, I spent hours on the phone with P a y p a l since they were the ones who issued the refund. They said there is basically nothing that they can do (which I don’t believe) I just can’t believe that it is so blatant and I have evidence and it was still approved!
Feb 26Reply
miss_gypset @violet_love thank you for the tip. I will definitely be filing a report now.
Feb 26Reply
violet_love @miss_gypset wow. can't believe it. u should email her parents, have u done that?
Feb 26Reply
miss_gypset @violet_love that’s actually what the ppal rep told me to do! I thought about it, but I haven’t. I’m sure I could find their information somewhere.
Feb 26Reply
clau_rg @violet_love omg amazing... i didnt even think of thay. yes you should absolutely contact her parents!
Feb 26Reply
jasmineshoppe Sending support your way. I'm really sorry this happened to you. That's so messed up. I would try to appeal this with Poshmark... Good detective work btw!
Feb 26Reply
miss_gypset @islandlilli thank you! πŸ’•
Feb 26Reply
agentlopezbrady @miss_gypset looks like you got some good answers already. This reminds me of an Orange Is The New Black episode. One of the characters was serving time over this type of fraud in the series. Lol
Feb 26Reply
dingy1994 How petty can someone be. You bought the damn dress you used it freaking buy it don't lie Jesus
Feb 26Reply
jayyybird25 Ugh no I’m sorry! That’s the worst 😭
Feb 26Reply
ginanaps21 This happened to a friend too.. I'm so sorry it's so unfortunate people are able to take such advantage on these platforms.. good for you for making this post! Hopefully it helps you get the results you deserve
Feb 26Reply
ginanaps21 Also, you may want to try blowing up poshmark's Instagram and Facebook page for customer service, they seem to respond when you put them on blast and you may be able to get them to compensate you since they approved the return
Feb 26Reply
miss_gypset @ginanaps21 they’d actually a great idea. Thank you!
Feb 26Reply
ginanaps21 @miss_gypset a few girls I know have gotten someone to give them personalized attention by doing that.. you have to blow up many of their posts though.. dont be too much on the attack just explain what happened and that you have Facebook evidence to prove your case and you really need a representative to contact you because they are responsible for the $x you're out and that's no way to treat their sellers .. you know?
Feb 26Reply
ginanaps21 @miss_gypset Also join the unofficial posh Facebook group, those girls are superrrr sweet and helpful with these situations.. it has like 20k members .. good luck! Sorry this happened to you, it really is disappointing how some people will act
Feb 26Reply
lovelygladys105 Wow, this is good to know. I would definitely contact poshmark and let them know. Telling her parent wouldn’t be a bad thing, but I doubt they will do anything about it. Please keep us posted, Thank you for letting me us know.
Feb 26Reply
glitterstorm This app ceases to amaze me. I had to reimburse someone who claimed damages on an item. Yet even with photos sent to Poshmark through the claim that while I had it, there was zero damage!! So when the item came back to me, the person had damaged it just to return in cuz I’m sure she couldn’t fit the swimsuit πŸ€¦πŸ½β€β™€οΈ
Feb 27Reply
miss_gypset @glitterstorm that has also happened to me on other occasions! It’s crazy to me!
Feb 27Reply
babydoll_xxox @miss_gypset ughh so sorry!!! Thanks for alerting us, lately I have seen so many scammer posts it’s ridiculous and just sad. She reminds me of some of the entitled, self absorbed rude girls at my collegeπŸ’©. I just purchased this exact dress last week from another posher, and after wearing it out to dinner my bf noticed there was a hole in the armband, and suggested I’d return it. Not going to make a fuss of it, especially since I can fix it but still a bit frustrating. Best of luck!
Feb 27Reply
ladysoju Definitely file that report! People like her shouldn't get away with situations like these!
Feb 27Reply
fificoneyisland What a creep.
Feb 27Reply
heidi_spidey Hi, baby lawyer here (UC Berkeley Law c/o 2018, literally just finished taking the CA bar two hours ago). I started selling on Poshmark just a month-ish ago and have already come across so many incidents like this. Admittedly, I have no experience with consumer protection class actions (primarily work in land use), but there are a lot of laws and a lot of lawyers. I guarantee there are winnable claims.
Feb 28Reply
heidi_spidey But the problem is that we don’t actually know each other and it’s hard to get together enough sellers who’ve personally experienced something like this to show that this isn’t some freak thing. I actually had this happen to me for the first time last week (except much less serious, it was like $15) and it was soooo infuriating that there was literally nothing I could do to defend myself while this person was straight up LYING while playing the victim.
Feb 28Reply
heidi_spidey I guess I’m wondering whether there’s any interest in finding out more about potential legal remedies? I can poke around, and maybe ask someone who practices in this area to see what they think. Maybe I’m just being baby lawyer obnoxious (SORRY, trying my best to keep it under control I swear), but just wanted to throw that out there. Feel free to get in touch, though idk how you’d actually do that since oh idk hmmm there’s no private way to communicate WONDER WHY that might be......?
Feb 28Reply
heidi_spidey Also I want this dress. Ok that’s all, sorry for spamming this post BYE!
Feb 28Reply
miss_gypset @heidi_spidey oh my gosh! Good for you! My boyfriend also just finished a few hours ago, he said it was one of the most stressful things he’s ever done. But so glad it’s finished! Good luck to you! Also, you can email me if you’d like. My email is as follows: ashleypshumar @ Gmail . Com
Feb 28Reply
roamthestars @heidi_spidey this just happened to me too... a buyer put a hole in a $150 Spell blouse so she could return. It was new with tags and in perfect condition when I sent it. I tried to contest it but to no avail. Now I am left with a blouse that is damaged and worth way less 😑 sooo frustrated with Poshmark. Sad to hear it is happening to others too!
Feb 28Reply
pcruz3 Thank you for the heads up!!!
Feb 28Reply
camillerk Something similar happened to me as well, a girl bought a pair of white Alo yoga moto leggings from me for like $75 that were NWOT and she filed a return claiming they were stained. I got them back and they were yellow all over the gusset FROM URINE. I kid you not & posh issued them a refund. I got alllll over posh and they refunded me too. Some people have no conscious! Sorry this happened to you 😞
Feb 28Reply
sbecak09 @miss_gypset wow just wow the nerve of her sorry this happened it’s people like this that ruin the site for others
Feb 28Reply
miss_gypset @roamwithme @camillerk @cristalp I’m so sad this is happening to so many people! I feel like there has to be something we can do to alert Posh of this and request a change to their return policy!
Feb 28Reply
roamthestars @miss_gypset yes it’s so sad! What are we paying the high posh fees for if they won’t even protect us when we need it! They didn’t even let me try and appeal my case it’s like they automatically favor on the side of the buyer and shady people are catching on to this and abusing it! 😠
Feb 28Reply
heidi_spidey @miss_gypset lol the owner of posh almost went to prison for defrauding USPS
Mar 01Reply
miss_gypset @heidi_spidey you’re lying! What the heck!
Mar 01Reply
heidi_spidey @miss_gypset what no, promise! Google it!
Mar 01Reply
heidi_spidey @miss_gypset oh haha nvm, read that wrong. Yeahhhh... I accidentally went down a long internet rabbit hole one day and it was pretty scary. But I also love that this exists and the vast majority of people have been just lovely. I just hate seeing the scammers take advantage of it
Mar 01Reply
miss_gypset @heidi_spidey agreed! I’ll search for it. Thank you for the heads up!
Mar 01Reply
pbandjan First of all I’m so sorry this happened to you. Looking at these photos makes me so mad I can’t even...that being said - I did have a similar situation happen to me with a dress on another platform. Luckily I had taken photos of every single inch of the dress before I shipped it and I ended up getting my money back! I definitely recommend taking photos and videos before shipping an item to have as back up just in case another little girl tries to do this to you! Again I’m so sorryπŸ’ž
Mar 01Reply
miss_gypset @pbandjan the sad part is that I did have photos of it before it was shipped, I submitted those and the photos here of her wearing it and she STILL was refunded.
Mar 01Reply
pbandjan @miss_gypset wow that’s even more terrible. The other place I sell was soooo great with seller protection. Ugh it’s all about the money I suppose... πŸ’€πŸ˜‘
Mar 01Reply
moroshi I looked through her facebook and found a Kelly Patterson, looks like it's her mom. I took a screenshot, if you want i can send it to you. Maybe you can contact her and tell her what happened. Sorry for your situation.
Mar 03Reply
miss_gypset @moroshi would you mind emailing it to me? Ashleypshumar @ Gmail . Com thank you so much for looking into this for me!!
Mar 03Reply
moroshi @miss_gypset i'll do it right now
Mar 03Reply
clau_rg @miss_gypset hii any updates on this? just curious as to whether they listened to you! makes me mad that people like this can get away with this stuff 😑😑
Mar 03Reply
marclau4 Wow, I am so sorry this happened to you. I am always nervous about selling luxury or high end items :( Hope it all works out!!!
Mar 03Reply
angeliccass Wow!! This is my worst fear!! Thanks for the heads up, I went ahead and blocked her.
Mar 04Reply
sweetestfusion Isn't there a complaint you can file with Poshmark?
Mar 08Reply
truejoybuzz @pinto7 FYI I usually print shipping label to prove date and do a video of the items condition being boxed for anything $50 and up. I also mention it to the person buying so they thing twice about trying to scam! I hate to see scammers win :(!!!
Mar 09Reply
truejoybuzz @miss_gypset FYI I usually print shipping label to prove date and do a video of the items condition being boxed for anything $50 and up. I also mention it to the person buying so they thing twice about trying to scam! I hate to see scammers win :(!!!
Mar 09Reply
truejoybuzz @cristalp FYI I usually print shipping label to prove date and do a video of the items condition being boxed for anything $50 and up. I also mention it to the person buying so they thing twice about trying to scam! I hate to see scammers win :(!!!
Mar 09Reply
truejoybuzz @camillerk FYI I usually print shipping label to prove date and do a video of the items condition being boxed for anything $50 and up. I also mention it to the person buying so they thing twice about trying to scam! I hate to see scammers win :(!!!
Mar 09Reply
truejoybuzz @roamwithme FYI I usually print shipping label to prove date and do a video of the items condition being boxed for anything $50 and up. I also mention it to the person buying so they thing twice about trying to scam! I hate to see scammers win :(!!!
Mar 09Reply
roamthestars @truejoybuzz yeah good idea I’ve heard if others doing this as well and I would hope it would work. Poshmark didn’t even give me a chance I feel as I asked for more pictures of the location of the hole from the buyer as she one provided one of the hole close up. I was going to look at my pictures and hope I had a picture β€œpre- hole” but Poshmark approved her return without any additional photos :(
Mar 09Reply
truejoybuzz @roamwithme ugh so awful.
Mar 09Reply
roamthestars @truejoybuzz yeah since then I’ve heard of others not selling to β€œnew accounts” that don’t have any feedback, which she was, as they are usually untrustworthy.
Mar 09Reply
miss_gypset @roamwithme I had photos of the item before it was packaged and sent in its original packaging with all tags attached and zero holesβ€”provided photos of the item return WITH deodorant stains and the photos of her in the dress with timestamp and it was STILL approved! So crazy.
Mar 09Reply
roamthestars @miss_gypset so sad! Poshmark needs to do better! What are we paying them 20% for if they won’t protect us?!
Mar 09Reply
nshy123 @miss_gypset I am so sorry about this I know how its feel! Someone bought from me a dolce gabanna silk blouse also making a low offer she ) never accepted the order till the last 3rd day and she complain that the item was damage ...this blouse was new without tags she won the case and when I receive my item back it was stretched, damage the collar and with a white spot on the sleeve and also throw in the dryer so obviously the silk was with a different tone color...
Mar 11Reply
carmela072003 I got scammed out of $550 trying to buy a purse β€œoffline”. I sent them $, then they disappeared. I used a third party paying system that said they are still trying to investigate the scammer, & they will not give me any updates on how it’s going or if they’re even still working on it. Due to their consumer privacy policy, they could not give me any info. And that I should try to get my $ back from the scammer by communicating with them & ask for my $ back! Duh.
Mar 12Reply
carmela072003 That third party paying system said that they also do not have a fraud department to take care of such issues. They told me that I could take it up with my local police, & ask them for help β€” which I did. But guess what they also said? They also do not investigate online fraud, because they do not have a department set to handle them. So I’m essentially banned from that third party paying site since they said that I was responsible for the fraud done to me.
Mar 12Reply
kelseypeeps Wow that is so frustrating, I would be livid 🀬🀬🀬🀬 people can seriously suck so much, I’m sorry about that- all I can say is karma is a B!
Mar 12Reply
nana23467 If someone purchase something from your closet but when you go to there profile it says it isn’t found what would you do ?
Mar 13Reply
miss_gypset @nana23467 hmm πŸ€” that may mean they blocked you. What exactly happened? If their name still shows under your purchases I would contact Posh and send them all the information you have and tell them what happened.
Mar 13Reply
nana23467 They purchased my vs pink slides but now that I was going to the post office to send them it says user can’t be found
Mar 13Reply
miss_gypset @nana23467 strange. I’ve actually never had that happen. Did it still send you a label to ship?
Mar 13Reply
bobbisworld @nana23467 that happened to me this past week! I got really worried about! But within a few minutes, I had rechecked the sale under my β€œsales”, & the username had changed & that was an active account. Turns out, the user had just changed their username. Maybe see if that’s the case with you?
Mar 18Reply
nana23467 Yes πŸ˜‚ thats what had happened
Mar 18Reply
sherrisxe I just had one do the same thing to me a 650 dollar dress
Apr 03Reply
kbandpandashow Any updates on the situation? I'm semi new on here and trying to research how people pull these scans so I can avoid it. Sorry you're dealing with it, people can be so trashy 😞
Apr 10Reply
miss_gypset @kbandpandashow nothing new unfortunately. She received her money back and now I am just going to try to sell the damaged dress. Several people have mentioned filing a police report and suit against her which I’ve been considering. It just takes time.
Apr 10Reply
kbandpandashow @miss_gypset that's awful. I'm hoping she at least was Courteous enough to rip the hole along a seam? Maybe it can can be sewed? I’m dealing with a Wholesale dress scam now . The typical running joke about ordering dresses from China... What I ordered and what I got were completely different. Thankfully pay p*l Has a pretty good policy on these things. I’m getting most of my money back, I just lost a few dollars because I had to ship it back. Could’ve been much worse though.
Apr 10Reply
kbandpandashow I’m surprised posh Mark hasn’t implemented a better policy to protect people against this. The last thing I wanna deal with it’s a scam on here too. Good luck with the dress!
Apr 10Reply
shopgirl2119 There seems to be a problem with cons going around on this site. It might be time to close up shop as it is easier to just throw the stuff away instead of dealing with this nonsense. I had my first con and if this is what is starting to happen then forget it
Apr 16Reply
laurajandludlow @shopgirl2119 I'm starting to wonder that too. I recently had a buyer deliberately damage an item I sent her. She has now filed a return request. It's clear in the photos she submitted that she deliberately caused damage so she can claim the item was "not as described." Case is still pending but if Poshmark approves the return, I think I'll be done selling on this platform. It's not worth the headache.
May 23Reply
shopgirl2119 @ljpersun52 that is why I take photos and videos before I ship items out. I believe in protecting myself. A lot of sites like these start off good and then it turns into their main focus is money and that is it.
May 23Reply
laurajandludlow @shopgirl2119 That's a good tip. I'll do that in the future if I keep selling on Posh. Just seems like a lot of effort! Wouldn't be necessary if Posh displayed commitment to protecting its sellers:/
May 23Reply
orchidxeyes Ugh so sorry she’s not an artist that was sloppy she isn’t even good at trying to lie @poshmark help this person
Jul 12Reply
dresser_dealz Blocked her thank you ❀️
Jul 18Reply
2muchstuff3691 Wow that’s so terrible
Jan 17Reply
beoirem πŸŒπŸ“€πŸŒŽπŸ“€πŸŒŽCONGRATS on your Party PffπŸ’‹πŸ’‹πŸ’‹I’ll be there sharing your awesome HP’sπŸŒπŸ“€πŸ“€πŸ§šβ€β™‚οΈπŸ“€πŸŒŽπŸ“€πŸ§šβ€β™‚οΈπŸ“€πŸ“€πŸŒπŸ“€πŸ“€πŸ§šβ€β™‚οΈπŸ“€πŸŒπŸ“€πŸ“€πŸ§šβ€β™‚οΈπŸ“€πŸŒπŸ“€πŸ“€πŸ§šβ€β™‚οΈπŸ“€πŸŒŽπŸ“€πŸ“€πŸ“€πŸ“€πŸŒπŸ“€πŸ“€πŸ“€πŸ“€πŸŒπŸ“€πŸ“€πŸ“€πŸ“€πŸŒŽπŸ“€πŸ“€πŸ§šβ€β™‚οΈπŸ“€πŸŒπŸ“€πŸ§šβ€β™‚οΈπŸ“€πŸ“€πŸŒŽπŸ“€πŸ§šβ€β™‚οΈπŸ“€πŸ“€πŸŒπŸ“€πŸ“€πŸ“€πŸ“€πŸŒπŸ“€πŸ“€πŸ“€πŸ“€πŸŒπŸ“€πŸ“€πŸ“€πŸ“€πŸŒŽπŸ“€πŸ“€πŸ§šβ€β™‚οΈπŸ“€πŸ’‹πŸ’‹πŸ’‹πŸ“€πŸ“€πŸŒŽπŸ“€πŸ§šβ€β™‚οΈπŸ“€πŸ“€πŸŒŽπŸ“€πŸ“€πŸ“€πŸ“€πŸŒπŸ“€πŸ“€πŸ“€πŸ“€πŸŒπŸ“€πŸ“€πŸ“€πŸ“€πŸŒŽπŸ“€πŸ“€πŸ§šβ€β™‚οΈπŸ“€πŸŒŽπŸ“€πŸ§šβ€β™‚οΈπŸ“€πŸ“€πŸŒŽπŸ’‹πŸ’‹πŸ’‹πŸ“€πŸŒπŸ“€πŸ“€πŸ“€πŸ“€πŸŒπŸ“€πŸ“€πŸ§šβ€β™‚οΈπŸ“€πŸŒπŸ“€πŸ§šβ€β™‚οΈπŸ“€πŸ“€πŸŒŽπŸ“€πŸ“€πŸ§šβ€β™‚οΈπŸ“€πŸ§šβ€β™‚οΈπŸ“€πŸ“€πŸ“€πŸ“€πŸŒŽπŸ“€πŸ“€πŸ“€πŸ“€πŸŒŽπŸ“€πŸ“€πŸ“€πŸ§šβ€β™‚οΈπŸŒŽπŸ“€πŸ“€πŸ§šβ€β™‚οΈπŸ“€πŸŒπŸ“€πŸ§šβ€β™‚οΈπŸ“€πŸ“€πŸŒπŸ“€πŸ“€πŸ§šβ€β™‚οΈπŸ“€πŸŒŽπŸ“€πŸ“€πŸ§šβ€β™‚οΈπŸ“€πŸŒŽ .
Feb 20Reply

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