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Updated Jul 26
Updated Jul 26

Meet your Posher, Edrienne

Meet the Posher



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Aloha! 🌺😊🌴🐠🏖I enjoy selling and buying great items through Poshmark. I’m putting all of my sales towards helping my 2 wonderful Sons who are BOTH in college this year!!! Please bundle items or make me a reasonable offer! I’ll follow you & SHARE your items, too! I’m a “TOP 10% Sharer!!” And, excited to be a “Fast Shipper” & “Top Seller” with a “Five Star” ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Rating!🌺🌈😁🌟
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vrichardson22 Hi wonderful, thank you for checking out my closet. It is greatly appreciated. Every purchase receives a free bonus gift from me with their order. Please let me know if you need anything and I hope you have a lovely day. 💖 Val
Mar 01Reply
tracygarrett Welcome to my closet
Mar 12Reply
Mar 13Reply
edrienne_e @vrichardson22 Thank you so much for your kind welcome! I finally figured out how to respond to messages! 🙈🙈🙈. This is a fun site to sell fashion & accessories! 🌺🌈🌟😁
Mar 15Reply
edrienne_e @gailgirl09 Thank you so much for your kind welcome! I am looking forward to following you & having fun selling from my closet, too! Have a wonderful week! 🌺🌈🌟😁
Mar 15Reply
molly8645 @edrienne_e Thank you so much for all the shares and likes!😊💕💕 Shared your beautiful dresses! Wishing you a great weekend filled with many sales!😙
Mar 17Reply
edrienne_e Hi, Molly!! Thank you so so much for sharing my dresses, too!! Have a wonderful weekend!! I’m still learning how this all works; but, it sure is fun! Hopefully, we can all make extra money and make extra space in our closets! Thank you so much for your support! 🌺🌈🌟😁😁😁🥰😘
Mar 17Reply
edrienne_e Hi, @molly8645 !!! Thank you so much again for all your support! I left another message for you somewhere in Posh-Space!! But, I’m learning this system better every day! LI’m hoping I can make extra money to help support my two sons who are energetic college this year, while also making space in my closet so my move in May won’t be as difficult or expensive! My goal is to only require a smaller moving truck. 🙈🙈🙈. Have a great week if successful Posh-Sales!! 🌺🌈🌟😁😁😁♥️🥰😘
Mar 17Reply
molly8645 @edrienne_e You're very welcome!! You're doing great, I got both messages. Lol If you ever need help with anything, i'll be more than happy to help you!😊 I have a daughter in College and everything I sell is going to her, so I understand. I hope your move in May is going smooth! If you're ever interested in any share groups, I'll be more than happy to tag you. It will help with followers and sales as well. Have a great night!!😙😊😊 Happy Poshing!😊💕💕💕💕
Mar 17Reply
edrienne_e @molly8645 Hello, Molly! Thank you so very much! Yes! Please include me in any of your Share Groups! I definitely need to grow a bigger group of followers to be able to sell more of my things. Thank you so much for your support! I will continue to support you, too, in any way that I can! 🌺🌈🌟😁🥰👍🏽
Mar 17Reply
molly8645 @edrienne_e You are very welcome!! 😊 Thank you as well! 😙💕💕
Mar 17Reply
shawns_closet Beautiful pictures and thanks for all the shares girly!! ❤️❤️
Mar 19Reply
blondieboom7 Hi Edrienne, thank you for visiting my closet and making a purchase. It will be on its way today.
Mar 19Reply
susiereynolds Beautiful closet💕
Mar 21Reply
edrienne_e Thank you SO MUCH, @susiereynolds !! I am new to this and am learning more & more each day! I LOVE YOUR beautiful closet!! 🌟😁🌺♥️👍🏽
Mar 21Reply
susiereynolds @edrienne_e Aww...thanks so much. I just read you have to boys starting college. I’ll share your clothes as much as I can and also, share your clothes as in as many Posh parties as you can. Re-list them several times a day,if possible. Just go to your closet, hit edit, next, and list. Helps with your sales and customer base. Wishing you many sales. Have a blessed week😊
Mar 21Reply
edrienne_e Oh! Thank you! Thank you! @susiereynolds !! I didn’t know it was okay to share my listings more than once per day or week....etc.. I tried to find the limits on Poshmark and couldn’t find parameters, so I held back! Thank you so much!! I’m trying to make as MUCH money to help my two Boys to have housing money and extra to purchase supplies, since I don’t know how much scholarship money they will have earned, until June!! Eeeekers!! Poshmark, here I come!! 🥵🤣👍🏽🌟
Mar 21Reply
monn324 Thanks for all the shares! You have a beautiful fam! Fingers crossed for some sales
Mar 21Reply
pradapurse Thank you so much for your shares ❤
Mar 21Reply
edrienne_e Absolutely!!! 🌟😁👍🏽. I’m just getting started, so I need all the help I can get with growing my numbers! 🌺🌈🌟. Thank YOU for all your. Support!
Mar 21Reply
omsdaughter @edrienne_e Hello and welcome to Poshmark!!! Thanks for the shares, sending some your way now. If I can be of any help, please let me know! Happy to help!
Mar 21Reply
blondieboom7 Hello Edrienne, thank you for your kind words and putting a smile on my face. Happy sales!!
Mar 21Reply
edrienne_e @blondieboom7 Thank you SO MUCH for making my Posh Purchasing experience SO AWESOME, SEAMLESS, & FUN!! Since I am so new, I am trying to build up my PFF Base as quickly as possible, so that I can help my two sons wherever the scholarships don’t cover! I’m learning more every day & it is so nice to have such supportive & encouraging Poshers out there!
Mar 21Reply
bellabostonposh Ciao Bella! Hello and welcome to Poshmark! My name is Christina and I’m a Posh Ambassador. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you for all the posh love ❤️
Mar 22Reply
mediacityarts Thank you for all the shares! 😘🛍✨Welcome to Poshmark, wishing you many sales.
Mar 22Reply
delilahwear @edrienne_e Hi Addison , thank you for the many shares⭐️🥰 Kauai has my ❤️ Texas has my ❤️ too I have been to Kauai many times , and I don’t just like it I LOVE IT THERE. I use Mali products from Kauai everyday ❤️It’s just soo far from my mainland home “MAINE” I have a twin brother that lives in Texas . Forth worth area . Happily shared back ❤️
Mar 22Reply
almostnew403 thanks for visiting my closet! Are you interested in purchasing any of your likes? put them in a bundle for a great offer and savings on shipping. All orders over $ 50.00 ship free! thanks Angie
Mar 22Reply
uptowngirl69 @edrienne_e Hi! You just liked my trade post. Do you have any luxury items to trade?😊
Mar 24Reply
jojomall Hello doll, thank you for following me, its an honor. Please pop in & check out my closet, I have many items I think you would love🥰 PS your closet is Awesome! Im sharing 10 of your great items Right Now💘 It would be great if you could share back. Happy Poshing🌈
Mar 25Reply
tawnykitaen You are so pretty💕💕💕
Mar 25Reply
edrienne_e @delilahwear I LOVE YOUR CLOSET! &WOW!!What a small world!! We have a Kaua’i AND Texas connection!! We’re family, now!! 🌺😁🌈🌴It ALWAYS amazes me how VIBRANT all the colors of nature are, as SOON as I get off the plane at our little Lihu’e airport!!! I miss growing up on the southwest shore of Kaua’i in the sleepy Beach town of Kekaha, which you may have driven through on your way up the mountains to Koke’e & the Waimea Canyon!! We have to keep in touch! 🌺😁🌺
Mar 26Reply
edrienne_e @jojomall Hi, again!! I hope you don’t mind, I shared a LOT of your posts! You had so many adorable items, and I got carried away with sharing! Haha
Mar 26Reply
delilahwear @edrienne_e you are the sweetest ❤️🥰Thank you for your kind words ALOHA ❤️🥰🌴🌴🍍🍍🍍 And yes we are family connected 🙏🌴👏👌❤️🥰🥰 Polihale State Park ❤️🥰 I will keep in touch for sure Thank u for all the shares Happily and family connected shared back Much Aloha 🌴🍍❤️🥰👌
Mar 26Reply
chasingenvy Hi! Welcome to Poshmark! I hope you have fun here! Please let me know if you have any questions, I’d be happy to help 🌸
Mar 26Reply
edrienne_e @seandb Awww.... Thank you! 🌺That’s so sweet of you to say! 🌺🌈🌟. I just started doing POSHMARK in March and it is so much fun! It takes a lot of time to post items, but it’s worth it. The more we post, the more we can sell! 😁👍🏽
Mar 26Reply
edrienne_e @okayitschelle Thank you SO MUCH for reaching out to me and offering to help! I just started in March, but I just have two more utters on my checklist to make Posh Ambassador🌟🌟🌟. I have 6 more sales to make & then I have to share my OWN listings more! It’s easy for me to share everyone else’s awesome items! I can’t wait to make Posh Ambassador so I can have the opportunity to do a little Boutique! 🌺🌈🌟😁👍🏽. Thank you for your help!
Mar 26Reply
texas_nehal Hiiii How are you??
Mar 26Reply
debsdesigndealz Welcome to Poshmark ! Happy to have you here ! 😚😙💕💗💗💞💕💕💔💞💕💝💞💞💟💗💗💗💟
Mar 27Reply
kearstein @edrienne_e Thank you so much for the love and shared! Sending that good posh juju right back to you! 🌀♾ Light and Love to you Angel!
Mar 27Reply
junebugnewtoyou Welcome to Poshmark!🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻
Mar 27Reply
lextscloset Edrienne- thank you so much for the sweet note! So glad you like the shoes ❤️😊🥰🌺
Mar 29Reply
edrienne_e @junebugnewtoyou Thank you SO MUCH!! I just signed up on March 1st & have been learning a lit each day about how everything works! It’s a lot of fun meeting new people and SO MANY fun ladies (and gentlemen) from around the United States!! 🌺🤗🤗🤗🌺
Mar 29Reply
edrienne_e @lextscloset I LOVE the shoes!! Thank you SO MUCH!! 😃 And, it’s amazing how a pretty pair of shoes automatically just BRIGHTENS our day!! 🌺😁🌺
Mar 29Reply
edrienne_e @kearstein thank you SO MUCH for your sweet message!! Absolutely!! I love to share your postings and help each other grow our base of followers so we all can sell more to each other out there and make some extra money for our goals! This grows a LOT FASTER than Instagram! 🤣
Mar 29Reply
edrienne_e @seandb Awww.... You’re too kind! 🌺😁🌺. I hope you’re having an awesome day for Posh sales or finding some good little treasures out there! 👍🏽🌟
Mar 29Reply
soriag Welcome to Poshmark 😃Hi I am Gloria. I hope you are enjoying this great community of wonderful people and amazing deals. I am a Poshmark Ambassador, Top rated seller, fast shipper and a Poshmark Mentor. Feel free to contact me with any questions about Poshmark,, I’d be glad to help .Also I invite you to check out my closet, I give discounts on bundles 😃 Happy Poshing
Mar 30Reply
wolverinegirl77 I want to live in your closet! Lol you're going to make a ton of people gorgeous with your products! I'll be back to share and hopefully buy soon! ❤️🌷
Mar 30Reply
2muchstuff3691 Glad we connected on Poshmark! Hope you’ll check out my closet and give me a follow 😘💕❤️
Mar 30Reply
belindalaird @edrienne_e first off, thank you very much for the “like”. It meant very much to me. I have never responded to this before, and I’m glad I did because I love your closet/boutique. One other thing that I wanted to mention, you look about 28 maybe 30. And when you said two sons and I was looking at your pictures I was amazed! Keep those boys in school it’s so important to get in education. I will do the best I can to help you. Thanks, Belinda
Mar 31Reply
thecampaign19 Welcome to my poshmark gorgeous keep in touch and stay blessed and beautiful also check out my closet you might find something you like and I'll definitely check out yours love is love.
Mar 31Reply
lola318 Welcome to Poshmark! Ours is a great community of buyers and sellers. My name is Sherrie, I am a Poshmark Ambassador and mentor. If I can be of any help, feel free to ask. Happy Poshing! 👠👗👓👒💍
Apr 01Reply
typar16 @edrienne_e thank you for the shares 😊😁✌🏼
Apr 02Reply
freddielou64 Hi I'm Freddie Lou just stopping by thank you for the likes and to tell you that I put them in the bundle and if you would like the put your sizes in I can make you an amazing offer I love your Intro I myself have been striving to be top seller and I'm doing it for my daughter Angel I'm a full-time caregiver to her she is completely disabled at the age of 9 months after receiving immunization shots she's now 24
Apr 04Reply
freddielou64 Blessings to you and happy poshing
Apr 04Reply
accessories8483 Thank you for your interest in my closet. Feel free to bundle or submit an offer I will do my best to match it. Have a great day!
Apr 04Reply
mee0wsers 👋 Thanks for checking meowt🐾 Closet benefits animal rescue. ‼️Items $10 AND BELOW marked with‼️ Bundle 3, get 1 FREE + receive additional 10% off AND reduced shipping! ✨REDUCED items receive $4.99 shipping ✅Bundle two or more ✨REDUCED items, receive an additional 10% off + reduced shipping!
Apr 05Reply
tigerlilyrose Welcome to Poshmark! Hope you enjoy your time here! It's a great place to buy & sell! When you get a chance, feel free to stop by my closet! I have an awesome collection of 100% authentic designer items, like Tiffany & Co., David Yurman, Coach, MK, Cole Haan & much more! I have Poshmark "Top seller," with "Top Ratings," status, and POSH AMBASSADOR! SO, shop with confidence! Good luck getting your closet started & lmk if you have any questions!🌹
Apr 07Reply
atisticcutters Hello and welcome to Poshmark 🤗🥰🙋🏼‍♀️
Apr 08Reply
sunfish_bazinga Omg thanks for all the shares 😍 Happy poshing to you!
Apr 08Reply
freddielou64 Good morning Edrienne thank you for your shopping my closet it was a pleasant surprise to wake up to see this order and that we are such close Neighbors thank you so much again and blessings to you happy polishing
Apr 09Reply
artbylee Aloha, Beautiful Lady! Welcome to my side of this WIDE WONDERFUL WORLD 🌎 of Poshmark! I'm Lee, please to meet you and to have you as a follower of my closet! I wish you a continuous and successful journey as you move forward! Happy 😊 Poshing! 👋🏽🌴🌤🌈🌺🌾💐
Apr 18Reply
tattered_ragz80 Thanks for sharing!!
Apr 19Reply
sallyannevtg Aloha and thank you so much for the likes! Your boys are so handsome!
Apr 21Reply
shaybali Hi!!!! I am so glad you are happy with your purchase Thank u for the 5 star rating it made my day😂
Apr 24Reply
good1together Ready for my price on you skirt in bundle cart? It's a cute one...😊
Apr 26Reply
good1together Thx for purchase of the knit skirt. The teal and black Aztec print make for a very beautiful garment! I will ship it out today. Enjoy your weekend! 🌼🌺🏵️😊
Apr 26Reply
yesitsavailable Hello dear, I've sent you a couple messages regarding the 2 packages that had gotten switched around. The Tory Burch earring that you received belong to another purchaser. She has your items and Poshmark has issued new labels to you both, so that you may ship to her and her to you. I am terribly sorry for the mix-up. We are all awaiting your response and confirmation of when you can ship. Sorry for the hassle.
Apr 28Reply
nickyjam Hi, I sent you a message last night in regards to the packages that were mixed up. Poshmark and Crystal have also been trying to get in contact with you in regards to this mix up. I see you were online an hour ago. I’m sending you the package that belongs to you today. Poshmark has also sent you the label for the package that was meant for me (earrings). I hope you have the good faith to send the earrings I purchased from Crystal. Please be so kind to acknowledge us. Thanks Nicole
Apr 29Reply
yesitsavailable @nickyjam Nicole please do not forward the package. As of this dates I have not heard anything in response to the amount of times that I have messaged her and I certainly do not feel that donating more is necessary. I'm not sure why the situation is being ignore...This seller knows that she did not pay for those Tory Burch earrings. The labels were mixed up and until she returns what is not rightfully belonging to her.... nothing else should be sent to her
Apr 29Reply
yesitsavailable I am just completely shocked that so many messages have been written all over this seller's account regarding this issue from you, from myself and from posh and it appears as though she is blatantly ignoring them all.... I just don't understand as I'm trying to get the benefit of the doubt but at this point it's becoming a little bit unbelievable of that these messages are not being noticed
Apr 29Reply
sahmto4 I am so sorry I haven’t mailed your skirts yet. I’m normally a next day shipper but in currently trying to locate 1 of the skirts. I hope I can find it and mailed tomorrow. I will let you know!! Thank you for your patience.
Apr 30Reply
bayley_wallace Buy one get one free sale BOGO Mary Kay 🥳🍾💃🏽💄
Apr 30Reply
nickyjam A message was sent to Crystal and I that you received the two items that you purchased from her ( the dress and Purse). They were sent to me by mistake as you received the earrings I purchased from her. It would be nice it you can send the earring sometime soon, so I can at least gift them to my mother for Mother’s Day.
May 06Reply
nickyjam If you are planning to keep them, at least communicate with me so crystal and i can advise Poshmark that instead of you sending the earrings to the correct person that purchased them, which is me. You can be charged what they cost me. And my money can be rightfully credited to me and deducted from you. Thanks hun.
May 06Reply
mallku Is always a pleasure to see a beautiful Posher and a wonderful mother, thank you for following.
May 07Reply
yesitsavailable The other buyer @nickyjam has reached out to you, as often as I have and you still have her Tory Burch earrings. Posh has emailed the label for you to send the items to Nicole, you asked me to mail you her address - WHY not just ask her yourself. Get it and send them. Otherwise you are stealing them-plain and simple. This is not the demeanor of a pageant representative. Perhaps going through that network is a better way to bring the attention to you - in hopes to get this resolved.
May 07Reply
yesitsavailable I am over the benefit of the doubt … I tried.. You have had ample time. So your website listed here on your profile offers this number 972-207-7550 It appears to be for pageant host oppose to your number, nonetheless I explained the mix-up, your involvement, and how keeping the earrings is stealing from the buyer that paid for them. I certainly hope that resinates enough to give back the earrings that were purchased by someone else.
May 07Reply
prettypicks673 Hi there :) I'm doing a sale of 10% off and Free Shipping ^.^ I have mystery boxes with Alice + Olivia, For Love & Lemons, Torrid and more in them :)
Jun 25Reply
rotjanaaustin Thanks you so much to share my closet.
Jul 15Reply
tesa850 Hi there Edrienne! Thanks so much for the shares!🤗🥰
Jul 22Reply
sandraspite Thank you for your follow and share
Jul 30Reply
heatherfingram Hi Edrienne, If you’re interested, I’ll sell the nine items you liked for $73. Just bundle them and make the offer and I’ll happily accept. Thanks, Heather
Jul 30Reply
acornhunter Thanks for all the shares ! ⭐️😁
Jul 31Reply
diamoninthrough Beautiful pictures ❤️
Jul 31Reply
jocole96 Welcome happy poshing, 😀
Aug 06Reply
pazarhino1313 Gorgeous photos! Thanks for the follow.
Aug 13Reply
gmanedwards @edrienne_e Thank you for sharing my items. I will return the favor.💝🎈😎
Aug 17Reply
grammytata2012 Hello fellow Posher. Nice to meet you. Sending positive vibes. Wishing you the best experience in buying and selling. Happy Poshing! :)
Aug 17Reply
shaybali Edrienne Aloha I hope all is well. I just wanted to tell you that iij love the dress I bought but I can't fit it, so I want to resell it. I hope you don't mind, I want someone to enjoy this beautiful dress.
Aug 20Reply
cglsports Very nice closet! Wonderful comments, likes and shares. I could learn a lot. I wish you continued success and an abundance of Poshmark sales! IG Chris_Luchey. Blessings 🙏🏽 💕
Aug 24Reply
whimsicalturtle Oh My gosh—thank you so much for all the likes & shares—such a huge compliment from a posher like you who has such a beautiful closet! I hope you’re having a great week; sending you some posh 💕❤️💕 back! Amanda 😘
Sep 13Reply
dondithriftz603 Great mission!! Handsome boys!! 💕
Sep 21Reply
truckerpete38 Hi beautiful thanks for the follow. My favorite brands are Calvin Kline, and American Eagle, shoe I like new balance size 9 men
Oct 04Reply
bertads Hello thanks for following me and sharing 💐🍂🍂
Oct 06Reply
isuzie Welcome to Poshmark 🌸🌸🌸
Nov 05Reply
mitzadragonaga Hi, I saw that you "liked" many of my items. If you decide that you want any of them, I would be happy to work with you. I really love it when my treasures go to a good home. 😊🌺
Nov 05Reply
sissypoo80 I see you liked my AVON bells. If you would like I am open to offers. I made you two separate offers, but you can Bundle.
Nov 06Reply
mumzy1942 good morning thank you so much for liking the nativity item. if you would like to add two picture frames of the same price I will bundle three items for $21 and discounted shipping. have a good morning and God bless
Nov 07Reply
poshcountry Hello! What beautiful photos of yourself - great smile! I wanted to stop by and thank you for the likes on the holiday keychains. They are brand new this week. Feel free to ask any questions! I love your holiday items as well. Thanks again and have a great evening!🙂🌵🌟
Nov 07Reply
tapqueen1957 Thank you for your like 🤗❤️
Nov 08Reply
goingoutinstyle Thank you for visiting my closet and your like! My pricing is structured so that I may give a discount at a great price when 2+ items are bundled...perhaps you may have an interest so that you are able to take advantage of this money saving offer as well as saving on shipping costs! Also, we are currently running an offer with every $15 purchase, you will receive a New Classic DVD FREE!
Nov 08Reply
kathysingz Hi Edrienne, Thank you for stopping by my closet. I see that you liked one of my Ornament collections, Thanks for the Posh love 🙏❤️. I offer 15% off bundles of 2. If you bundle 4 or more, I can offer a larger discount. 💖
Nov 08Reply
kathy1285 Good morning and thank you for the likes of my jewelry listings! If you bundle 2 or more items I give 15% off and discounted shipping. You have a very lovely closet and the Christmas earrings are sweet. Have a great day! ;>)
Nov 10Reply
moogie4212 Thank you so much for looking at ,y closet. Please bundle your likes and I will work with you. Thank you 😊
Nov 10Reply
pspatelusa Hi dear thanks for liking my closet feel free to ask any question or offer Have good one
Nov 14Reply
lizajane74 Hi ,thank you for liking the ornament. I unfortunately cannot individually discount it because if posh fees etc.. it end up being -.75cents,lol. But I offer 15% off bundles of 2 items or more if you’re interested. Thanks again..😊😊
Nov 24Reply
diamond_dealz Hi Edrienne 💎 Thank you for visiting my closet; I noticed you liked multiple items, if you are interested in purchasing more than one please bundle & I will send you a private offer 💎 w/bigger discount; if you need assistance, let me know, I’m happy to help.
Nov 25Reply
retroragz22 if you are interested in 3 of the plates I will do 27.00 on them
Nov 25Reply
rockycash Hi Edrienne.. I hope you are enjoying this friendly, helpful community of Poshmark. Wishing you much success with many more sales. Thanks for visiting my closet and liking the Gingerbread pan. If you are interested in any of my items, a 10% discount is offered on bundles of 3 or more items and reasonable offers are seriously considered. Happy Thanksgiving!!
Nov 27Reply
serena_sofea Hi Edrienne I just want to let you know that I'll be putting my closet on vacation for a while because I'm moving to a new place 💝
Nov 29Reply
hatties21 Good Morning I've sent you a couple messages I feel awful I broke a large goblet and been looking for another one I didn't ship yet dorme to not knowing if you still want the bundle. I truly understand if you sorry
Nov 30Reply
ljbizsales Hey beautiful Edrienne, 🌺I have two new super fabulous Brangio bags in my closet this week. One is metallic bronze and one is metallic black with rhinestones and the signature shining gold tone metals. Wishing you a very blessed Christmas season! -Laura D 🌺🍍🌺
Dec 01Reply
ljbizsales Thank you for the shares!! Sweet surprise!! ❤️🌺🍍❤️🍍🌺❤️
Dec 01Reply
diamond_dealz Hi Edrienne 💎 Thank you for visiting my closet; I noticed you liked multiple items, if you are interested in purchasing more than one please bundle & I will send you a private offer 💎 w/bigger discount; if you need assistance, let me know, I’m happy to help.
Dec 04Reply
agould105 Would you like to buy three bulbs for $15? I have some not listed so you could request colors.
Dec 04Reply
moogie4212 hello thank you so much for visiting my closet. Make me an offer on the ring you like. 😊
Dec 04Reply
pristinenation What adorable holiday items you have listed in your closet! Thank you for liking my vintage Christopher Radko ornament. It's over 20 years old and still in cellophane packaging! Would love to see it find a home for the holidays!
Dec 04Reply
fableuxarmoire Hi. Thank you for visiting my closet and "liking" my vintage ornaments.Would love to send you a great offer, just place in a bundle!
Dec 04Reply
rockycash Hi Edrienne... Thanks for the like on the Lenox Holiday Gems Snowman Ornament. Likes and shares help Poshers generate sales and followers. Hope you are enjoying a beautiful week.
Dec 05Reply
jewelsbysara Hey lovely🥰 I would love if you dropped over at my closet for a visit. For amazing deals🎁If you have any questions free to ask me🎉 Happy Poshing❤️
Dec 06Reply
tapqueen1957 Thank you for your likes and shares 🥰❤️🎅🏻
Dec 07Reply
kassi_t Thank you so much for your purchase! It will be shipped out tomorrow!! 🥰🥰
Dec 08Reply
nyrosee Hi Edrienne, Please check out my closet 😻 Anything marked with a 🌸 is 3 for $15🌸 Just make a bundle and I will give you a discount! :)
Jan 01Reply
artisticflow05 🦋🌼🦋🌼🦋🌼🦋🌼🦋 How are you enjoying being on Poshmark? I hope you are loving it here as much as I do! Please feel free to visit my closet when you have a chance. Happy Poshing!! 🎉🎊✨ Happy New Year! ✨🎊🎉
Jan 14Reply
shaybali Hi Edrienne Happy New Year you look great in your pics quick question Where did you get those beautiful iridescent bags,that you packaged ths necklaces I purchased from you? They,are so nice I would like to use them also.
Jan 16Reply
cristinella10 Hi there! 😊 I just wanted to say that you have such beautiful pieces in your closet and you are gorgeous! I'm definitely interested in buying new items to fill my closet with as I'm currently in the process of emptying out the old/what I don't wear anymore 😅 Thanks a bunch and happy poshing! 💕
Feb 03Reply
vivienvivis Hi! check my closet for cute shoes 👠
Feb 09Reply
luxstyles1902 Hi :) Please come check out my closet as well! If you see anything you like, I’m open to offers!💕☺️
Feb 09Reply
cdgrav66 Hi there! I know you have purchased from my closet before and if there were things you like, but just didn't get for one reason or other, now is the perfect time. For 2 days only I am putting my entire closet on sale for 50% off!! Just make a bundle and I will send you the discount. Please stop by and look around.
Jun 27Reply
happytime604 Love your closet ❤️ Happy Poshing! 🥳🎉
Jul 27Reply
luxy_coco Hello! We are a store located in Provo (489 West 100 South), we have tons of new, vintage, plus sizes and loved clothes. We are open by appointment only at 801-717-8809 Hope to see you soon, we are sure that you find something special!
Aug 07Reply
miboli Hi Edrienne... thanks for the follow... 😃!
Aug 19Reply
thelillyjoyce Thanks for following:) I am offering $2 off everything when bundled!! Just counter offer me your price. All orders go out same day:) stay safe xoxo
Oct 27Reply
cdgrav66 Hi Edrienne! I though I remembered you mentioning these blouses a while back when you purchased others. I'm running a Buy 1 get 1 half off sale right now.
Mar 06Reply
eblboutique48 Hi beautiful I just like for you to come check out my closet.
Apr 12Reply
mckenziejruud hey there. I'm in some major need of closet space so I have posted a variety of sizes, brands, and styles and will continue to post more over the next few days all for $10 or under. So make sure to scroll all the way down. I ship same or next day depending on the time. if you have some time check it out and see if you can help me clear out my closet. 😊 Happy Poshing
Aug 28Reply
katokumura Hi! You liked an item in my closet. Please bundle and send me an offer. I offer a 15% discount for a bundle of 3 or more items and you will only need to pay one shipping fee. Aloha from Hawaii 🌺, Kathy
Sep 26Reply
katokumura Hello, you previously liked an item in my Poshmark closet. I’m trying to clear out some items in my Poshmark closet. Please bundle and make me an offer. I’m accepting incredibly low reasonable prices. Hope to hear from you soon. Aloha from Hawaii 🌺, Kathy
Nov 03Reply
redheaddeals @edrienne_e Hi, how many of the 2xl pineapple tanks do you have?
Apr 26Reply
its_crystal28 @edrienne_e Hi🌹 Im Crystal , hope ur doing great today, by the way, if u have time I would love to invite you to check my simple closet, and if you like something just simple click the “❤️” or make an offer , always open to Offers😉 thank you in Advance. God bless and Happy Poshing my friend 👗👗speedy sales to you
Apr 29Reply
clothes1234 Hi I invite you to my closet lots of quality handmade jewelry and boutique jewelry. I offer EXCELLENT bundle discounts. Thank you kindly and happy poshing 😍
Aug 04Reply
hellobrigid ¡Buen Dia! 👋 I wanted to invite and share that my Entire Closet @brizabrigid is 50% off 🤗 🌈✈️I'm moving to Puerto Rico at the end of October. I'm a five star rated posh ambassador with over a 1000 sales!☺️ If you like an item, I'll send the discounted offer via bundle 💕Brigid
Oct 04Reply
cutehosiery @edrienne_e Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Jan 03Reply
hwolf83 Hi Edrienne! You may have liked an item in my closet a while ago or just recently, but regardless of when it was, I want to thank you for taking the time to look at my closet. 🥰 I am currently trying to turn over items in my closet. 🤩 I am open to all reasonable offers. I’ll either accept your offer or counter offer back my lowest price. 🥂😊 Don’t forget, if you like something but don’t necessarily like the price, send me an offer. I would love to help you find something new!
Jan 18Reply
candy258 Hi 🙋🏽‍♀️Happy Poshing‼️🛍
Aug 04Reply
rkrising Hey Edrienne! You purchased a vintage Cape Cod sugar & creamer set from me a few months ago & I told you I would let you know when I got my other pieces up! It took me a little while ! Its a vey round about way to get ahold of you, our sale is no longer letting me write to you! Just wanted to let you know i have 2 new listings up! You would just search Cape Cod in my Shop. You were very happy with the pieces you bought so wanted to let you know! Let me know if any questions! thanks! Rhonda 🌸
Sep 07Reply

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Last Active: Feb 25

American Fork, UT
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Last Active: Feb 25

American Fork, UT
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