Bad seller always busy with cats-)))))))))))))))))
US$3 US$3
Not for sale
Like and save for later
I never thought that the journey of my life would bring me to Miami, to adopt that wonderful dog that Brownie is and to end up feeding street cats. And believe me or not but there is not a single thing I wouldn't do for them, including poshing and sharing-) At least I don't get rained on while I do that. A big thanks to all the poshers who share me and those who trust me enough to buy from me. A BIG BIG THANKSSS. It gives me the courage to keep on.

290 others
like this

Thanks for following me. Hope you will check out my closet. I have some great deals. I ship same day in most instances. Any likes and shares are much appreciated. Wishing you lots of success 😊
Jun 09Reply

Thank you too. If I don`t make it here, I`ll think of another way. Gonna check your closet now-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Jun 09Reply

💗💗💗💗 I LOVE THEM ALL!!! 🐾🐾🐾🐾💕💗💕💗💕💜💜💜💜💜💜♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️😍😽😽😽🐶🐶🐶💗💗💗💗
Jun 13Reply

-))))))))))))))) you want them? lol
they all drive me crazy-))))))))))))))))))
and I`m a bad mom
Jun 13Reply

💕🤗😍💜😘 Man I love critters. 😀
Jun 13Reply

I had quite a few different one. I would have a lot more if I could. The funniest was that seagull I took home because it was injured. I had it for a few days till I could release it. It would walk in my apartment and all my cats were following it. I should have made a video.
Jun 13Reply

Your dog is so cute I actually have Adidas Dougie sweatshirts and rhinestone dog hours with the bone in blue and pink and I might have one silver left I would have to check you might want to check them out💕
Jun 14Reply

Thank you. I call her ma beaute which could literally be translated by my beauty. She has a lot of other nicknames too. And she knows all of them. I`m gonna go back to your closet.
Jun 14Reply

Such cute pets!!! 💕
Jun 20Reply

On pictures and when they sleep, yes they are all so very cute-))))))))))))))))))
Jun 21Reply

All your fur babies are so cute! 🐱🐶
Jun 22Reply

THANK YOU. They really are-))))))))))))))))))))) I`m lucky
Jun 22Reply

Gurl - You are literally blowin' up my Closet w/Posh Love Shares!
Thanks ever so much!! 👭 I'll getcha back, but will space it out a bit unless your going to list like 99+ more items! 😉⚘
Jun 22Reply

no please
I`m already competing with 2 other poshers
I`m gonna die lol
Thanks for sharing me too-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Jun 22Reply

Merçi for the shares 💕
Jun 25Reply

de rien-))))))))))))))))) merci for yours too-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))😘
Jun 25Reply

Mon plaisir! Enchante!
Jun 26Reply

Plaisir partage! Enchantee de vous connaitre aussi Ren
Jun 26Reply

Your babies are so beautiful! 💗
Jun 26Reply

Thank you. I think it`s because they take on me more than on their dad lol
Jun 26Reply

You have a beautiful closet! And thanks for all the shares.
Jun 26Reply

Yours is not too bad too. Wish I could add the emoji pulling its tongue but can`t-)))))))))))))))) Thanks for the shares toooooooooooooooooooooooxx
Jun 27Reply

Welcome to the Poshmark family! 🎉 Shared your new listing in hopes of getting your next sale!! Be sure to continue to list new items! Follow. Share! Repeat!! I hope you find tons of deals! & make twice as many sales! Enjoy 5/$25 every day in my closet to help our ongoing rescue efforts! Or simply Name Your Price! 💸Offers don’t offend me! 👚👖Feel free to follow along my follow game on my page as well! To help grow your business! 💰 If you have any questions, feel free to ask 💟 Happy Poshing! 🐾🐶🐱💞
Jun 27Reply

Thank you for the shares and the tips. I try my best-))))))))))))))))
Jun 27Reply

Jun 27Reply

want my zooooooooooooooooooooooooo-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))) ?
Jun 27Reply

@artnfireparis Your pets are so cute!!!!
Jun 27Reply

Jun 27Reply

i like the almost
i`ll keep trying
Jun 27Reply

OMG Frenchie❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Love your pet pics!!🐾🐾🐾 Put a Smile😊 on my face❤️ love your closet!!❤️ Thanks for sharing mine with all your Posh ❤️❤️❤️ Will do the same🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🛍🛍🛍🛍🛍💰💰💰
Jun 28Reply

Thank you for your shares and your sweet words. It`s thundering here and I`m thinking od all my stray cats who are outside-((((((((((((((( Wish I had a bigger place❤️
Jun 28Reply

Thank you for all the shares.
Jun 28Reply

Cute babies!!!! 🤗 Thank you for the shares!! 🥰
Jun 29Reply

They`re all on sale if you are interested 😊
Thanks for returning the shares -)))))))))))))))))))❤️
Jun 29Reply

Good afternoon, Thank you so much for all of the shares. As a gift for your generous shares you have a 10% discount off of anything in my closet that you like. Just heart it and I'll send you the offer. Happy Poshing!!❤❤💕💕😚😘
Jun 30Reply

Jun 30Reply

🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 the black and white on looks like one of my cars "Pepper" but in this picture the kitty looks if its saying "🙀 you caught me!!" 😼💕💕💕💕💕
Jul 02Reply

Thank you also for sharing. These pictures are so beautiful...💕
Jul 02Reply

You owe no explanation, you can always ask me, I dont know everything but well find out together....😊🛍😁🦋🐈💕
Jul 02Reply

you have cats too ? I wish I could see them
His name is Denver
He`s funny
You have a big heart-))))))))))))))))))
Thanks for all the returns😘
Jul 02Reply

for the rest I`m in lol
Jul 02Reply

Soooooo cute!!! 🐾
Jul 03Reply

@artnfireparis Thank you for all of the shares! Have a wonderful evening!
Jul 03Reply

You returned all of them. So Thanks to you too-)))))))))))))))))))))))
Have a wonderful night also😘
Jul 03Reply

@rubyrain23 sorry this time was busy sharing lol
finally done-)))))))))))))))))))))))))
Jul 03Reply

Thank you for all the shares. I know it’s time consuming! And I too have been trying to learn this app. I’m a LuLaRoe collector lol. So hard to part from my “retail therapy”. Ha
Jul 07Reply

oh yes lol i`m often asked if i`m not a robot
thanks for returning the shares
i`m not familiar with that brabd
but i checked it
it doesn`t seem to cost too much to open a store
but retail is hard
here in miami so many stores have closed
Jul 07Reply

Trying to catch up with you lol
worn out
but i will check that tomorrow
have to go sleep now
so don`t share me no more !
Jul 09Reply

Welcome to Poshmark! Love all your pets - great closet as well. Best of luck and feel free to reach out if you have any questions! Thanks for the shares and for following my closet!
Jul 11Reply

Thank you also-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Jul 11Reply

sorry just seeing your message now
i`ve been sharing you so much lol that i didn`t check my comments
had a few more likes
you need a break, a long long break from me lol
i`m glad
my order arrived today and the buyer is happy
so hopefully soon i have more sales
meanwhile i hope you`ll get more
Jul 11Reply

Officially a couple😂 what a sweet group of animals you have🤗
Jul 13Reply

sweet ? a bunch of wild beasts ! lol
who are always starving, peeing and pooping😂
Jul 13Reply

@artnfireparis thanks for all the shares. Have a wonderful weekend 💙
Jul 13Reply

Thanks for sharing back and on twitter too. You`ll see me again. Have a great weekend too-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Jul 13Reply

Thanks for all the shares! Love your closet!💕
Jul 14Reply

My computer is getting slow but I made it lol
Thanks for sharing back-))))))))))))))))
You have some really nice items too
Jul 14Reply

thank you for your sweet comment and for your shares. I think they look way better than me lol
Jul 14Reply

They’re beautiful 🐕😸♥️🙏
Thank you for Rescuing. Please share: 😸🐕
So another can find great home like yours ♥️🙏
Jul 15Reply

I didn`t recue them, they rescued me-)))))))))))))))))))))))
Jul 15Reply

I love your beautiful babies!! Animals are the best aren't they!?!!! Sometimes I like my cat & dog more than most people!!! 😉😄😃❤ Thank you so much for all the shares!! Happy Poshing love!!! 🎀
Jul 15Reply

you have a cat and a dog ? for me it`s not just sometimes lol. it`s all the times
You shared me outside Poshmark, so the least I could do was sharing your closet. And plus you shared me back. So I still owe you-)))))))))))))
Jul 16Reply

Thanks for sharing my closet!😍 Love your cats🐱!🐈🐈🐈🐈I have four myself!
Jul 17Reply

Jul 17Reply

you`re gonna be as crazy as me lol
what kind of cats you have if I may ask ?
Jul 17Reply

oh i know you`re gonna make me work more lol
Jul 17Reply

All your 🐾 babies are so cute! They make our lives better!
Jul 18Reply

Hi! Thanks for all the shares! I'm in Miami too 🌴☀️😊 Love the pictures of your fur babies!
Jul 18Reply

Yes I saw that
A local-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Thanks for sharing back and for your sweet comment😊
Jul 18Reply

i have more likes. I`m so busy with sharing that I just realized I have a kate spade to share in the party lol
Jul 19Reply

no offers, no sales but working hard so that you get some
Jul 19Reply

Jul 19Reply

sorry for my late reply
Jul 20Reply

Pandy (my kitty) said “😽” to you for *liking* and *sharing* him (😆😆😆).
Jul 20Reply

That`s a cute name. I might use it for one of my outdoor cat. I will try to share you more Pandy and like you a lil bit too-))))))))))))))))))))😆
Jul 20Reply

Thank you for the shares!!! 🤗💐💕
Jul 20Reply

Thank you too-))))))))))))))))))))))) for sharing back 😘
Jul 20Reply

@artnfireparis Haha! 😄
Jul 21Reply

@artnfireparis Hey, it looks like you shared *ALL 19* of my 👜👜👜, haha! 😀 Thanks so much! 👍😃😘
Jul 21Reply

I told you i`d come back. There was a party. Wanted to share some of your items but none fitted in there. As you only got 19, it`s fast sharing. And now I have memorized you have only bags. So next time there is a bag party, I`ll get you in-)))))))))))))
Jul 22Reply

Hi there👋. Thanks so much for all the shares, its very much appreciated 😊🌻
Jul 23Reply

Thanks for thanking me lol
I try my best
I`m often totally lost in all my sharing and now trying to share during the parties
I`m getting crazyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
thanks for sharing me too
Jul 23Reply

Thank you so much for all the shares 😊
Jul 24Reply

You returned, so thank you also. I`ll be back on your closet😊
Jul 24Reply

Thank you so much for all your sharing. I appreciate your time and kindness. Love your animals. ❤️😊
Jul 24Reply

I was so obssessed in finding shoes in your closet to share for the shoe party that I didn`t really pay attention to your entire boutique. I have to go back. Anyway thank you for your sweet comment. It makes my day😍
Jul 24Reply

Thank you hun for all the shares, it is much appreciated! I love your closet and the fur babies!
Have a wonderful day and good luck with sales🌷🌼🙂
Jul 28Reply

You`re welcome. Not really lucky on Poshmark but we`ll see. Have a great Sunday too-))))))))))))))))))))))))
Jul 28Reply

Thank you for all the shares!!!😍
Aug 01Reply

Thanks for returning toooooooooooooooooo-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Aug 01Reply

Thank you for all your shares I really appreciate it. Happy poshing😁💕
Aug 01Reply

Did I share you that much ? I don`t remember lol
But thanks for thanking and sharing me back too-)))))))))
Aug 01Reply

@qtboss1 now i remember. I shared some tops during the best tops party. I hope it helped a bit.
Aug 01Reply

THANK YOU FOR HELPING ME-))))))))))))))))))))))))0
Aug 03Reply

Aug 03Reply

Aug 03Reply

Thank for all the shares😘😘😘 you’re the best!!😄😄😄
Aug 04Reply

It was jewel party and I memorized Mister Kitty`s closet lol! How is he ? How are you? and your niece ?
Thanks for always returning-)))))))))))))))))))
Aug 04Reply

Hi! Thank you for all the shares! Good luck with your beautiful closet! Enjoy the rest of your evening!!
Aug 04Reply

Hi Hi Hi-)))))))))))))) Thanks for sharing me back too. Evening spent on Poshmark -(((((((((((((((((((((((lol
Have fun for me-))))))))))))))
Aug 04Reply

Hi, just read your posts on crstuff after she shared and I shared back. Love that you have a sharing buddy...just shared your items too. And please feel free to go to my closet and follow my followers...I have a few lol. I hope I am not out of line to suggest that you add some clothes to your closet (if you can), it will help drive sales to your closet and then you will get more exposure for your awesome purses. Good Luck and Happy Poshing.
Aug 08Reply

Hi Hi Hi
I read yours too-))))))))))))))
Christy is so great. She shared me way more than I can give back.
Join our circle of trust lol and meet The Fockers in crime-)))))))))
I will try to follow your followers-)
I had to go back working more since it doesn`t really work for me here
And I wanna share back everybody who helps me
But I`ll try to do it as well as get more cloth.
Thank you for that advice
Aug 08Reply

Thanks for the shares!😊I shared your closet too!
Aug 08Reply

it was best top parties-)))))))))))))
I will keep on sharing you
And I know you will too
And I know you know I know it-))))))))))))))))))
Aug 08Reply

💚💚💚💚💚💚💚Posh Love Friday!!!
Aug 09Reply

@kayyys_closet -))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Aug 10Reply

@jilkauffman send more lol
my babies are all greedy in love-)))))))))))))))))))))))))
i can`t keep up
Aug 10Reply

@artnfireparis gotta love them💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓
Aug 10Reply

oh yes, big big babies-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Aug 10Reply

WOW I woke up to the sight of soooo many shares. Thanks a BUNCH!!! I posted a lot of new dresses but no activity yet, soon I hope. Have you had any sales lately>
Aug 12Reply

@artnfireparis Always willing to help, so many kind people have given me advice and encouragement.
Aug 12Reply

Had one sale last week. The more I work and share, the less i sell lol
Someone told me that cloth sell better than bags. I don`t have enough money to add cloth. But I hope you will sell all your new dresses-))))))))))))))))))))))))
Aug 13Reply

Adorable helpers! So cute 💗🙌
Aug 15Reply

Helpers ? they make my days worse lol They pee and poop all the time. They always starve. Always want a kiss and then no. They all drive me nuts. I already was but now it`s worse lol And I want more-)))))))))))))))))))))))))0
Aug 15Reply

Thank you so much for all the shares! I truly appreciate it. Love the pics of your babies! Such cuties💕
Aug 20Reply

Thank too-)))))))))))))) You`ve been sharing me everyday for a while now. It helps to get to be known and have sales, maybe one day as much as you have😊
Aug 21Reply

Very nice closet! YOU SHOWED ME MAD LOVE! Wonderful comments, likes and shares. I could learn a lot. I wish you continued success and an abundance of Poshmark sales! IG Chris_Luchey. Blessings 🙏🏽 💕
Aug 24Reply

I didn`t know I could do that lol
And I`m not sure I`m a good teacher-)))))))))))
Thank you for your kind words Chris.
I`ll try to come back to share your closet more hoping you`ll get sales too-))))))))))))))
Aug 24Reply

Thank you for the shares! ❤️💗💚 You have a fabulous closet 🌺 I’m looking forward to returning the favor on a regular basis by sharing your closet💫
Aug 25Reply

Thank you
Really Really Really
Sorry I shared you kind of late
Had a lot of people to share too
Tomorrow I`ll share your entire closet, you really don`t have too much but i`m sleepy lol
Aug 25Reply

OMG! I think you shared everything in my Closet! Thank you so much! I shared you on my Pinterest page, too. Do you use the Brand button to look for potential buyers?
Aug 25Reply

lol so I`m gonna have to share your closet once more to thank you. What is the brand button ?
I only do poshmark on my computer.
I don`t think I ever saw that button.
But thanks for sharing me on all those other websites.
Aug 26Reply

Hey there! Thanks as always for all the shares🥰🥰🥰 hope you and all the animals have a great day😁😁😁
Aug 27Reply

@lauraehumphrey HI HERE-))))))))))))))))))))THANKS TOO-))))))))))))))XOXOXOXOX
Aug 28Reply

@fenton0987 No thanks for that. You didn`t give me much work lol
I hope to see your items-))))))))))))))))))
Aug 28Reply

For me it`s not too bad since Dorian is apparently heading our way. How about ebay and the other website ? I saw you removed everything. I might have no electricity soon but I`ll try to share you as much as I can in between.
Aug 30Reply

I`ll try-)))))))))))))))) If I die I`ll send my zoo to you !
Sep 01Reply

Thank you! All those cute animals you have! 😘🥰Happy poshing!!
Sep 03Reply

I hope they are safe with me. I hope you will be too-))))))
Sep 03Reply

Sep 04Reply

OMG your fur babies!!!!😊 Thank you so much for the follow and share! My sister and I are raising money for my son to go to Washington DC. Please check out her closet for the majority of our listings.
Sep 05Reply

Your closet is fast to share -)))))))))))))) Thanks for sharing back. I`ll be back-)))))))))))))😊
Sep 05Reply

Thank you for all the shares💕🐾🐾💕🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻
Sep 05Reply

You share me, I share you. And now I owe you a second round-)))))))))))
Sep 05Reply

🌺Thank you for the shares🌸 You have a fabulous closet👗👠👚👜 I look forward to returning the favor by sharing your closet👔👢👙👞Happy Poshing!🌈☀️
Sep 10Reply

Thanks for yours too. Your closet is way better than mine. You have so many different nice items. Have a good night-))))))))))))
Sep 10Reply

I already did when I shared your closet yesterday and I thought they were really nice. I`ll share you again tonight-)))))))))))))))))))))))
Sep 11Reply

Thanks for sharing!🤗🌸
Sep 11Reply

You`re a sharer too-)))))))))))))))) I didn`t share you too much but I`ll try to be back😊
Sep 11Reply

Thank you. I agree lol 😊
Sep 12Reply

Thank you for the follow and the shares! ❤❤
Sep 13Reply

Thank you for sharing my all closet too-)))))))))))))))))))))
Sep 13Reply

Thanks for all the shares babe 😘 I reciprocated 😊😊
Sep 14Reply

I know. And I know you will always do. And I know you know I know-)))))))))))
It`s been a while.Sorry for the delay
Sep 14Reply

@artnfireparis Thank you for your shares ❤🙏🏻
Sep 15Reply

Your scarves are beautiful. You`re very talented. Thank you for sharing me back-)))))))))
Sep 15Reply

✝️♥️Aren’t Animals The Absolute Best? You have the most Beautiful Fur Babies 🐾✨
Sep 16Reply

Yes they are. Thank you. I saw your pictures too. You have 2 dogs ?
Sep 16Reply

You are amazing, thank you for all the shares. I tried to reciprocate with your items. 😊 Have a wonderful evening! 🌛🌠
Sep 17Reply

No worries lol I shared you in the party too. I hope it`s fine. Have a good evening too-)))))))))))
Sep 17Reply

Hi, I truly appreciate the shares but you don’t have to share my closet twice in a day. I don’t want to be a burden to you. Thank you!!!💕
Sep 18Reply

I saw you shared me twice, so I wanted to return.
I`m gonna be a big burden on you lol
Cause I don`t like to take more than I give but I try to improve-))))))))))))))
Have a good night and thank you too
Sep 18Reply

Thanks for sharing my items!😊
Sep 21Reply

You shared me too. And now I see you shared me on Tumblr and Twitter. So I owe you a lot more-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Sep 21Reply

Thanks for sharing my items!😊😇🥰
Sep 21Reply

I owe you 2 more series lol
I have to go but I`ll share you later.
Thanks for sharing my listings on the two other websites.
Sep 21Reply

Yowza!!! Thanks for the shares and the smiles 💕🌸 Liv
Sep 21Reply

You shared my entire closet back. Thank you neighbor-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊
Sep 22Reply

@artnfireparis thank you for the shares! I’m just getting the hang of this thing. I love your animals!
Sep 22Reply

Did I share you that much ? lol
I shared so much today that I can`t remember. And no worries for the rest. Have fun, it`s Saturday night-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Sep 22Reply

Thank you for the shares! You pets are adorable. 💕
Sep 24Reply

Thank you too for sharing me twice here and sharing some listings on Twitter and Tumblr. You want one or two ? lol-))))))))))))))))))))))))))0
Sep 25Reply

Thanks for sharing my items!😇
Sep 27Reply

Thank you too for sharing my bags. I`ll be back-)))))))))))))))))))))))
Sep 27Reply

@artnfireparis 🤗 Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the wonderful shares. 😊😊😊 Hugs to you and your precious kitties! 🥰
Sep 28Reply

Big big hugs from all of us too-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) and many many thankssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
Sep 28Reply

Girrrrl! Our closets are HOT 🔥 🔥 🔥 😆! Thanks for all your shares. I will stop by and visit you tomorrow! 😘
Sep 28Reply

Let`s set them on fire lol
I`ll be back too-)))))))))))))))))))))))))
Thank you for sharing me too here and on other websites
Have a very god night😘
Sep 28Reply

Thanks for all the shares love ❤️💝
Sep 28Reply

Thanks for always returning😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
Sep 28Reply

Thank you for sharing my items. Have a wonderful day 😊
Sep 30Reply

For me it`s more nighttime lol
Have a great week-))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Sep 30Reply

Thank you so much for sharing so much f my closet I appreciate it.
Oct 03Reply

Now it`s a bit better-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Oct 03Reply

❤️💕 Thank you for your shares... I think you brought me some good vibes and Posh sales! 🥰 👜 👛 🐕 🐈 🐾 ❤️ 🐾
Oct 04Reply

Frenchie thank you so much for sharing my listing.
Oct 04Reply

@mychicsister Damned I wish I can do that lol
You share all my llistings on Twitter and Tumblr.
So the least I can do is hare you here. I`m not done for the night
So beware lol
Maybe you have 10 more sales-))))))))))))))))))))
Oct 05Reply

@cricketdee You shared my bag on Twitter and Tumblr. Thank you for that. It`s late again but as I say I`ll make it during the day soon-))))))))))))))))))And hopefully during a party.
Oct 05Reply

@artnfireparis right back atchya! 😉
Oct 05Reply

the night is young-)))))))))))))
Oct 05Reply

@artnfireparis You are so welcome.
Oct 05Reply

Thank you for sharing my closet, I appreciate it. ❤️
Oct 06Reply

@artnfireparis Frenchie! You and the pictures of your animals brought a wicked smile to my face! I have a kitty named Buddy that looked similar to the 3 that were hanging out!🐈🐈🐈 I love the picture of your black and white cat!! Enjoy the shares and thanks for yours. You have beautiful closet!🛍
Oct 07Reply

Thank you lol
My black and white is Denver. Then the 3 mousquetaires are Maxwell, my big Lavern and Fontanne. They make me smile too and yell a lot -))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Oct 07Reply

@cricketdee It was jewel party. I remembered you had jewels lol
Oct 07Reply

Girrrrrrrrl!! We are blowing up closets tonight!! 💥 🌪 🧨 🔥
Many thanks for ALL your shares. 🤗 Please give Brownie a skritch behind the ears 🐾 and some treats for me and kisses to the kitties. 😘 Have a great evening!!
Oct 11Reply

Oh yes, you make me work a lot lol
Don`t have time to scratch her ear or her butt (she perefrs) and no treat cause we`re both on a diet. Have a wonderful evening with your family too-)))))))))))))))))) And A BIG THANK ALSO FOR SHARING ME HERE, ON TWITTER AND TUMBLR.
Oct 11Reply

@artnfireparis Yes👏🏻👏🏻
Oct 12Reply

Thank you for sharing more of my closet I really apprising it so much❤️
Oct 12Reply

I`ll try to be back again-))))))))))))))))))))))))0
Oct 12Reply

Omg thank you so much for sharing my entire closet, that was so nice of you😀I wish you many sales🛍happy poshing!!
Oct 12Reply

I need a miracle to sell lol
You always share all my bags.
Thanks for that-))))))))))))))))
Oct 12Reply

Thanks so much for all the shares! You are amazing! Do you use a bot to share that much! Cute dog and kitties too! I have 3 cats! 😻😻😻
Oct 13Reply

a what ? i have to check what it is. Unfortunately I spend hours sharing for not much result. Hope you have more luck than me. Thanks for sharing back with your bot or not-)
Oct 13Reply

Hi Frenchie, Thanks so much for the Shares 🥳
Oct 16Reply

De rien-_
Thanks for returning-)))))))))))))))))))
Oct 16Reply

👋🤸🏼♀️Hope you’re are having a POSH-ING day🤩
Oct 16Reply

@lsoggs Thanks too for returning-))))))))))))))))))))))))
Oct 17Reply

@stuffdiscount Sharing, sharing, sharing................................
Oct 17Reply

Thank you 🙏 so much for sharing my closet. You have beautiful pets. Happy Halloween 🎃
Oct 17Reply

Thanks for sharing me too. I photoshopped them-)))))))))))))))))
Happy Halloween to you and your family also.
Oct 17Reply

@artnfireparis thank you for all the shares. I do my best to keep up. I just may have to purchase one of your purses. It’s calling
Oct 17Reply

That`s funny. I feel exactly the same about you. As you keep sharing my items on twiiter and Tumblr I feel I owe you a lot. That`s why I share you. But I`m late-)))))))))))))))) I owe you at least 4 complete closet shares.
Oct 18Reply

Want one for xmas ? lol
Thanks for sharing all my bags too-))))))))))))))))))
Oct 18Reply

Thank you so much for all your shares💖🌷⚘
Oct 19Reply

A big thanks too for helping me sell my bags-)))))))))))))))) I`m really not good at it lol
Oct 19Reply

Thank you for all of the shares, my friend! 😎👍
Oct 20Reply

Thank you for returning. I think I owe you some more-))))))))))))))))
Oct 20Reply

Thanks for the shares!! 💪🏼😉
Oct 21Reply

Thank u for sharing my closet. Have a great day!!!!
Oct 22Reply

Thanks for the follow and all of the shares👚👗 I hope you find something that you love❤️ and if 2 or more bundle 👗👡🥿💍 for a discount😍 that will make both of our days👗💕👗 I’m so glad you stopped by 💕
Oct 23Reply

Thanks for all the shares 😊👍🏼Happy poshing!! And your fur babies are adorable. Used to have a Tortishell myself. She was the best cat ever. 😊😺
Oct 25Reply

Thank you for yours too. I`m really not the best home for Bonita but unfortunately nobody else wanted to take her and she couldn`t stay by the restaurant she used to live in. She is a really nice cat. Now she is getting a bit fat lol. I really need a bigger place-))))))))))))))))
Oct 25Reply

@artnfireparis Lovely closet! Thank you so much for visiting and following my closet and for all the shares 🤗 🤗 Have a wonderful day 🤗 🤗💐💐
Oct 29Reply

I had to go back to your closet. Wasn`t sure how much I had shared you. So I shared you again lol Thanks for sharing my bags. I`m really not a good salesperson lol I like your lingerie. Simone Perele was a brand I bought in France. Do you know Lise Charmel and Aubade ? Those are nice too.
Oct 29Reply

Thank you so kindly for all your sharing 🤗🤗
Oct 30Reply

Hi Frenchie thank you so much for sharing my closet, I really appreciate it.
Oct 30Reply

@cricketdee Good evening
I just shared your jewelry in the jewel party. It was not much-))))))))))
Oct 31Reply

@gahcloset Thank you also for sharing my ugly bags lol
Oct 31Reply

@artnfireparis no.... LOL🤗❤
Oct 31Reply

Thank you for sharing my closet.💞
Oct 31Reply

You share mine too-)))))))))))))) Thank you 2 2 lol
Oct 31Reply

@artnfireparis Thank you so much, you’re awesome.
Oct 31Reply

Oct 31Reply

@jynx810 ONLY WHEN THEY SLEEP-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Thank you for sharing my plates on Tumblr and my closet so much. I can`t return the favor for the first one but I`ll try my best here.................if they don`t mess with my computer-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Oct 31Reply

Thank you for sharing my closet. Hope you and your furbabies are doing well.😋🌹
Oct 31Reply

They`re making my life a hell and it`s all my fault-)))))))))))))))))) You always share mine too and several times. That`s really nice of you.
Nov 01Reply

呵呵🤭 很好很好
Nov 01Reply

@craigcantrell Is it Chinese or emojis that look like Chinese signs ? Or my eyes who are getting really old ? lol
Have a great week end Craig ! XoX
Nov 01Reply

@artnfireparis hey love SERIOUSLY appreciated all the shared items but I will not be sharing repeat items I will share your closet total but we dont have time to share them multiple times and if that was intent please let me stop you now.... we have over 6000 shares a day
Nov 09Reply

@artnfireparis you also sharin u available items from mine which tonight has caused confusion you do know how to use filters for available items if not please reach out
Nov 09Reply

Nov 09Reply

@denimmunkies I don`t get a word of what you say. You shared my closet earlier. I was trying to share yours. I`m exhausted and my computer or me or both got lost in the shares. At least this time I didn`t have to start all over again. I don`t ask you for nothing, just wanted to return, so you have no obligation whatsoever.
Nov 09Reply

Thanks for all the love in my closet. Adorable pets. Gonna share back now.😊😊
Nov 10Reply

My turn again 😊 in that case 😊
Nov 10Reply

💕thank you for all the shares💕
Nov 13Reply

Thank you for sharing my closet too and sorry if there was some delay-))))))))))))))
Nov 13Reply

Thanks for sharing my closet :) appreciate it!!!! :)
Nov 14Reply

Thank you for sharing my bags-))))))))))))))))))))
Nov 14Reply

Thank you for all the shares!!! 😊 Kiss the cats & pat the dogs! Have a fabulous day & beaucoup sales a vous❣️⚜️💋
Nov 14Reply

Merci-))))))))))))))))))))) and Merci aussi for sharing my bags. Come back anytime. I try to memorize as many closets as I can but my memory is aging lol
Happy Holidays-))))))))))))))))))
Nov 14Reply

Thank you. They`re all yours whenever you feel ready-))))))))))))
Nov 16Reply

Love the animal pics and thank you for the Posh love and all the shares! :)
Nov 16Reply

that`s all I do here lol
Share-))))))))))))))))))))))) Thanks for sharing my bags too-)))))))))))))))
Nov 16Reply

aaw 😍😻
Nov 17Reply

@artnfireparis wow~ thank you SO much for all of the shares!! Hope you have a blessed day!!🥰
Nov 18Reply

Really ? I can`t remember lol but I think you shared all my bags if not my entire closet. Have a fantastic week and Happy Holidays if I don`t get to tell it to you later-))))))))))))))
Nov 18Reply

Thanks for all the shares. Happy poshing!
Nov 20Reply

I hope you`ll sell one of you top. I tried lol
Thank you for sharing my items back too.
Happy Holidays-)))))))))))))))))))))
Nov 20Reply

@artnfireparis Carina thank you so much for your shares! Your fingers must be very tired. Had a busy day but all set to share and list. You and your crew have a phenomenal evening! 🤗 🐾 🐕 🐈 👛 👯♀️
Nov 21Reply

You do enough already and I have to find time to research how to feature your closet. Please enjoy your evening with your family-)))))))))))))))))
Nov 21Reply

@artnfireparis thanks for all the shares! Love you fur babies. I’m new and trying to empty my house closets to go live on a sailboat!!!!!!❤️💕
Nov 22Reply

I have a friend who lives on a sailboat. If you decide to anchor here, let me know. I`ll give you some of them lol Brownie is super good at jumping in and out a boat-))))))))))))))))))Thanks too for sharing my bags.
Nov 23Reply

Thanks for the Shares I really appreciate you!!!
Nov 23Reply

Thanks for sharing my bags and not my crappy rags lol
Nov 23Reply

Thank you for taking time to share my closet!!! I really appreciate it!!! happy poshing!!!!♥️♥️♥️
Nov 24Reply

We left each other a comment at same time-)))))))))))))))))))))
Nov 24Reply

Thank you so much for all the shares!!! Love your photos!!!!
Nov 25Reply

Thank you for sharing my closet too. I wish I could put more. I got some new ones which are really funny.
Happy Holidayzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Nov 25Reply

@artnfireparis thanks for the Shares, I really appreciate it! you have awesome Closet!
Nov 26Reply

I have no choice lol
You keep sharing my closet back-)))))))))))))))))))))
I like your cat. I don`t have a grey one lol.................not yet
Nov 26Reply

thank you for all the shares 💙 HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO YOU TO!!!🍗🥧
Nov 27Reply

Sorry for the long delay and than you for sharing back-))))))))))))))))
Nov 27Reply

You too!! Happy Thanksgiving <3
Nov 27Reply

Thanks for sharing my items! I appreciate it! Love your pets!🐶🐕🐱🐈
Nov 28Reply

@a_lovely_mess Thanks-))))))))))))))))
Nov 28Reply

@robino98 you shared me a lot too.
Nov 28Reply

Hi, thank you 🙏 so much for all your shares!!! I am really appreciated!!! 😉😊🥰
Dec 01Reply

Hey, I think I owe you more. But please forgive me if I do that in the next few days. I`ve been so late in my sharing. Thank you too for sharing my bags-)))))))))))))
Dec 02Reply

thank you so much for your kindness and support!!! 😍
Dec 05Reply

For once I could share the same day you shared me lol
I`m still so late for others. Thanks for your support too-)))))))))))
Have a good night and Thursday-))))))))))))
Dec 05Reply

Good morning! You are amazing!!! Thank you so much!!! Have a wonderful day!!! 😉😊🥰
Dec 06Reply

Goooooooooood afternooooooooooooooooooooon
I`m actually very bad. I wanted to share youe own closet and didn`t have the courage. I`ll do it one of these days because you share all my bags a lot. I just have to catch up on my sharing lol
Dec 06Reply

Damned you really shared me like crazy lol
Dec 06Reply

Thank you so much for all the shares!! I really appreciate it! ❤🌹💐😍
Dec 07Reply

Thanks for all the shares! Your cats and dog are so cute! I’m so sorry, but I never have the time to share an entire closet like you’ve done—very sweet of you!
Dec 07Reply

@photogirl67 Don`t tell me about it lol I spend hours on my computer doing this posh sharing I feel so bad not to play with them instead Anyway I don`t have accounts on Twitter or Tumblr So we complete each other lol Just forgive me when it takes me a few days to share your closet back-)))
Dec 07Reply

@raggedyriches Thanks too very very very much for sharing my bags and my closet-))))))))))))))))))
Dec 07Reply

@artnfireparis oh my gosh, it is no trouble at all! Just don’t worry about sharing so many—it takes away from your time!
Dec 07Reply

@photogirl67 I think I`m uncurable lol I try to improve though-))))))))))
Dec 07Reply

@artnfireparis hehehe!
Dec 08Reply

@artnfireparis Thabk you so much for all of the shares! ❤️❤️❤️ I just shared your beautiful closet too! 🌈🌸💕🥰🦄
Dec 09Reply

You share mine, I share yours. So now my turn again-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Thanks too and Happy Holidays if I forget to say later-))))))))))))
Dec 09Reply

You are wonderful! Thank you for sharing from my closet! Happy Holidays to you and your! 🥰
Dec 09Reply

I`ll try to do it again. If I don`t, please don`t hesitate to remind me -))))))))
Happy Holidays to you too-))))))))))))))
Dec 09Reply

Thank you for all the shares😘
Dec 10Reply

Dec 11Reply

Wow thank you! I’m going to wait until the am when more people are awake to see the shares I send back your way. Have a good night!
Dec 11Reply

It seems a lot of people are awake late lol
Anyway don`t worry too much about this and thank you for sharing back. It`s always nice-)))))))))))))))))
Dec 11Reply

coucou ah je viens de me rendre compte que je peux t ecrire ici directement
Dec 17Reply

Oui, moi aussi sur ton compte mais tout le monde peut voir. Sur l`article aussi tu me diras. Je crois que le seul endroit prive c`etait le bundle et je l`ai gache.
Dec 17Reply

Thank you for all shares 💕
Dec 19Reply

You shared my closet. I shall share yours soon too-)))))))))))))))))))
Merry xmas and thanks too for sharing my bags during the party.
Dec 20Reply

Your dog is really cute! Is it a korean jindo and golden labrador mix?
Dec 20Reply

The shelter said she was german sherperd and pointer mix. People say she`s a dingo. I researched a lot. She does look like a carolina dog, which is an American dingo. I have to look what is a korean jindo lol
Dec 20Reply

Hi 👋thank you for sharing my closet! I appreciate you!☺Happy Holidays to you and your family!
Dec 22Reply

Thank you for sharing mine too-)))))))))))) Merry Christmas-))))))))
Dec 22Reply

Thanks for all the shares! Have a great holiday!
Dec 22Reply

Thank you for taking the time to share my bags too-)))))))))))))
Merry Xmas-))))))))))))))))))))))
Dec 23Reply

Thank you for all the shares ❤️
Dec 23Reply

It took me some time but I finally did it lol
Thank you for sharing my closet too.
Merry Christmas-)))))))))
Dec 23Reply

Thanks for sharing generously, don't be obligated to share mine. I just love all your bags 👛👜👛👜👛♥️♥️♥️♥️happy holiday!!!
Dec 28Reply

You shared my closet twice and I did yours only once. Had some kind of emergency today but I`ll catch up. I cannot not give back. Happy holidays to you too-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) and a huge thanks 2 2 -)))))))))))))
Dec 28Reply

Hi there! 😁 You rock!! The 1st to ever share almost, if not my entire closet! 🙏🏽 Thank you & much Poshing ❤️ back to you! Best wishes & Happy New Year! 🍾🎉
Dec 29Reply

I spent an hour on your closet lol As you shared mine, I wanted to return. But needed time. That`s why it took me a few days to return all your shares. Thanks too. Now I hope you didn`t share me too much lol
If I have to share your entire closet again I really need some Champagne lol
Dec 29Reply

Happy New Year my friend and thanks for all of your shares this year!!!!!🎉🎉🎉💥💥💥❣️❣️❣️
Dec 31Reply

Happy New Year to you tooooooooooooooooooooooooo-))))))))))))
I hope all your wishes for 2020 will come true. Thanks for sharing my closet and forgiving me when I return late (which I often do). I`m gonna try to get better next year lol
Dec 31Reply

Ms. Frenchir, Happy New Year!!! Thank you for sharing my closet generously!!!! hoping 2020 will bring lots of sales ♥️♥️♥️♥️
Dec 31Reply

I only did your shoes today because of the shoe party. So not too many thanks for me for being lazy lol
Dec 31Reply

HAPPY NEW YEAR-))))))))))))))))))))))
MAY ALL YOUR WISHES COME TRUE-)))))))))))))))))))))))
Jan 01Reply

Thanks for sharing my items! Happy New Year!
Jan 01Reply

You shared all my crap back-)))))))))))))
Have a beautiful year too-))))))))))))))))))))))))
Jan 01Reply

Thanks for sharing my items again! I sure appreciate it! Wish you a Happy New Year! 😇
Jan 02Reply

Anytime. My memory is falling apart lol
Like everything else. It`s hard to become old-)))))))))) So ring my bell to remind me of your closet-))))))))))))
Jan 02Reply

this is great & your closet is gorgeous, especially your bags!
Jan 03Reply

Thank you. Brownie is my most gorgeous piece lol
although a bit heavy to carry😇
Thank you for sharing all my bags.
Jan 03Reply

check out my closet I have some cool stuff for dogs 🐶🐕🐩
Jan 04Reply

I will. I worked for someone recently for has a lot of money. REALLY A LOT. His dog has only 3 toys though. You should see the basket of toys that Brownie has. Animals are like kids. All they want is us. I took Brownie on my jobs with me, took her kayaking, hiking, swimming. I used to buy all those things for her because I felt bad to work that much. But all she wants is me. I guess I`m the best toy she can have. Same with my cats.
Jan 05Reply

Salam, please check out my closet! I have gorgeous dresses from the Middle East and hijab friendly clothing 💕
Jan 08Reply

Salaam alaikum
I`m gonna check it now-))))))))))))
Jan 09Reply

Thank you. To be honest I don` remember if I shared you that much lol
BUt I know you shared me. So thanks to you 2 2 -))))))))))))))
Jan 10Reply

Thank you for sharing my entire closet. Really appreciate it!
Jan 11Reply

You shared all mine back lol
Thank you tooooooooooooooooooooooo-))))))))))))))))
Jan 11Reply

Thank you so much for all the shares!!!!!
Jan 15Reply

Now O owe you more lol
Thanks for sharing my bags-))))))))))))))))))
Jan 15Reply

Hi, thank you so very much for sharing my entire closet!! You are Awesome!! I'll be sure to do the same :) Have a wonderful day!!
Jan 15Reply

Hi, you have a lot of tops and it was top party lol
Thanks for sharing my bags. Happy Wednesday tooooooooooooooo-))))))))))))
Jan 15Reply

Thank you so much for the shares!!! You have a great closet... love your selection of handbags - they are gorgeous ❤️... I wish you a wonderful and profitable weekend!!! 😊❤️🌹
Jan 17Reply

You had shared my closet. I had to share yours. Sorry it took me some time. Thanks for your kind words. You brought me luck. I just saw I had a sale-))))))))) I hope you will too-)))))))))))))
Jan 17Reply

you're awesome!!!! thanks for all the shares!!!!😍😍😍
Jan 18Reply

you shared me so much lately. I owed you lol and now even more..............tomorrow-)))))))))))))))))))))0 thanks tooooooooooooooooooooo-))))))))))00
Jan 18Reply

Thanks for the shares of my tiny closet. Looking at all your little fur babies made my day!
Jan 18Reply

they are funny lol but mostly on pictures than in real-)))))))))))))))) please if you don`t have many items don`t feel obligated to share back.
Jan 18Reply

Well Hello, l have found another cat lover ! I just love your pictures ! Kitty’s are so addicting. I can never turn my back on a kitty in need. I have found so many people on Poshmark that feel the same way or do abandon street cat rescue too ! Also if you have more than one kitty chances are you did kitty rescue too ! So when l see a cat closet stop,shop and share it. If you want tell me about your gang. On my closet is TORY, Queen of my house,along with numerous other rescue kitty’s.
Jan 18Reply

Hi Hi Hi
How many you have ? lol
I couldn`t put all the pictures of mine on Poshmark cause I really start to have too many. Tory is pretty. Is she a tortie ? I have one named Bonita. The tuxedo is Denver. The siamese is Fontanne. The slim tabby is Maxwell and the bigger one is Lavern. The tabico is Lily. Then I took in an older cat. She`s orange, so I named her Loki lol (not very original). I also grabbed a kitten a few months ago that I named Romeo. Then I have other in the streets that one day
Jan 19Reply

I`m hoping to take in too.
Jan 19Reply

Hello Again, Yes it’s very sad how the poor cats are treated. Of course it’s not their fault. It all comes down to education. We need people to reach out and teach people that trap,neuter,return not only works that it’s the only humane way to treat the problem of overbreeding. We just need people with strong convictions to teach that T/N/R works. We also need low cost spay,neuter clinics that way it helps people that can’t afford to fix their cats or dogs. Thanks, Jennifer G
Jan 19Reply

Also l can’t put all the pictures on of the cats l have rescued. I try not to let people know how many we have,but the numbers change often and we do find good homes. The ones we keep are generally the ones that need medical attention,like insulin, daily meds, recurring conditions and extreme fright just to name a few. Even the most fearful cat turned around in three years, it just takes time for them to trust after trauma. We have a lot of stories over the years. It just takes a lot of love.
Jan 19Reply

@jgreen0722 I saw some more pictures of your cats. They look sweet. You`re better than me. I`m not good at finding homes. That`s why I have so many lol. Even Romeo who was about 2 months old when I find him. I thought I could find a home for the holidays and no. I can still try the shelter but I fostered for them and I know how it works there. I guess it was meant to be this way-)))))))))) As to the rest I agree with you. Love, patience and persistence-)
Jan 19Reply

@artnfireparis Thanks for liking my listing.
Jan 19Reply

Thanks for sharing my closet. Now it`s my turn-))))))))))))))))
Jan 19Reply

Thank you for all the shares, your Great!!
Jan 20Reply

Thank you so much for the wonderful shares my friend 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰💕🌸🌸🛍🛍🛍🛍🛍🛍🛍
Jan 21Reply

Thanks for coming back on mine and sharing all my crap lol MUAH
Jan 21Reply

Thank you so much for the shares Brownie...
Jan 23Reply

@artnfireparis Thanks so very much for all the shares!!!! You are awesome!!! Love your closet and your cute animals😍
Jan 26Reply

You had shared mine. I had to share yours lol
And you gave plenty back.
Thank you too-))))))))))))))))
If you want have more kids, I give you some of them 😁😻😻😻😻😻 lol
Jan 26Reply

I love your closet❤️❤️❤️and thank you so much for sharing mine!!! I really appreciate your generosity,
Jan 27Reply

Thanks for all the shares 💕💕
Jan 28Reply

I still owe you. My closet is bigger than yours -))))))))))))))))) So all the thanks to you. I`m so late in my sharing lol and tonight is crush closet party
Jan 28Reply

TYVM for sharing and following my closet. Best wishes to you. 🙂
Feb 01Reply

I got this one lol
Feb 01Reply

You are amazing!!!!
Feb 03Reply

I really don`t feel like it lol
Feb 04Reply

@artnfireparis Thank you for all the shares and following my closet. You rock. 🍍🥿🛍👛🍍
Feb 07Reply

Thanks for yours too. I have to check if I owe you some more lol
Feb 07Reply

Omg, thank you for all your shares! You and your fur babies are AWESOME!! Happy Poshing and I wish you many sales on the lovely bags in your closet!x
Feb 08Reply

You had shared a lot of my bags and I got lost in your closet. You really have some nice items there. I have to check your entire boutique. Thanks too-)))))))))
Feb 08Reply

Thank you for sharing my closet❣️❣️ You have a beautiful closet.
Feb 11Reply

You didn`t have many items lol Thanks for sharing back and thanking me lol
Feb 11Reply

@artnfireparis Thanks so much for all the shares!! I will get you back soon!!! I’m still not done listing stuff but trying to catch up, haha. 🥰
Feb 12Reply

@mama_of_8 No worries. You don`t have to-))))))))))))))))))))
Feb 12Reply

Thanks so much for all.your shares.
Hope you have a great weekend.
Feb 22Reply

I love all your babies. they look like a ton of fun🌞
Feb 22Reply

Oh yes they have all the fun and I have all the cleaning ! lol
Your Tipper seems fun too. He looks a bit like my Maxwell (if I guess the gender well)
Feb 22Reply

@vallynn2020 I`m seeing this one just now lol
Thanks for your shares too. At least you know 2 things I`ll do this week end lol
Have a great week end toooooooooooooo-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Feb 22Reply

@vallynn2020 I`m seeing this one just now lol
Thanks for your shares too. At least you know 2 things I`ll do this week end lol
Have a great week end toooooooooooooo-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Feb 22Reply

@artnfireparis your so welcome❤🌹❤
Feb 22Reply

Hi. Thank you so much for sharing my closet!! 😊🌸💕
Wishing you mush success on poshmark!! 🎉🛍💟
Enjoy your evening ✨
Feb 25Reply

Hi too too-))))))))))))))
Thanks too too -)))))))))))))))))) for sharing back😊
Feb 25Reply

I have yet to post a single thing to sell. I'm a HORRIBLE seller but a FABULOUS buyer! lol. I still don't know what the 'share' deal is all about but I've been seeing posts about it. Can you tell me?
Feb 28Reply

OMG lol-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
I`ve been on Poshmark for over a year now and all I do is sharing. My friends posher who I share say it helps. I can`t really say. I wish I could like and share some of your items though lol and then maybe you can tell.
I guess I didn`t answer your question at all.
What a lot of poshers tell me is to share your own items (which I have been doing recently). Anyway I`m ready to help if you decide to sell again. Idon`t think I`m good at it either.
Feb 29Reply

Maybe we create a club for that lol-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))) What did you sell if I may ask ?
Feb 29Reply

Hi! Just when I thought it was safe to go to sleep! 😂😂😂😂! Thank you for sharing! You are too much! I am so appreciative of it all! Happy poshing! Cheers to many great sales! And maybe even a little sleep! You are great! Thank you! Dina😂😊🥰🌸🌺💓💕⭐️😘🥰
Mar 05Reply

Please go sleep. You don`t have to return. I don`t wanna be a burden lol
I go to sleep very late lol It`s all because of Poshmark-))))))))))))
Mar 05Reply

@artnfireparis lol I’m going now haha! Sweet dreams! ❤️❣️
Mar 05Reply

Rest well and thanks again. I will return (when you don`t expect it lol)-))))))))
Mar 05Reply

😂😅😁👍😃you are INCREDIBLE!! 50 SHARES!! I laughed when I started counting them... 🤸🏼♀️🤹🏼♀️🤸🏼♀️🤹🏼♀️🤸🏼♀️ I returned the 50 shares for you. thank you for the support 👍😉. Happy Poshing!!
Mar 12Reply

@shadellsbiz I saw that lol Now I owe you more-)))))))))))))))))))))))))
Thank you so very much for returning. I think you are more incredicble than me-))))))))))))))))))))
Mar 13Reply

@artnfireparis YOU'RE A ROCK STAR!! Thank you so much... to much fun... we are at it again 🤸🏼♀️🤹🏼♀️🤸🏼♀️🤹🏼♀️🤸🏼♀️😂😅💞💖💕
Mar 14Reply

I wish lol I`m more of a cat star-)))))))))))))))))
Mar 14Reply

Thank you for sharing my closet 🔥💯🥰
Mar 15Reply

Thank you thank you thank you! Hope you are well. ❤️
Mar 23Reply

For now I think I am lol
Hope you are toooooooooooooooooo-)))))))))))))))
Mar 23Reply

Hi, It's March!☘So much to celebrate! 🤗 Spring is around the corner!🌷Let's make this a ☘lucky ☘time for all, by sharing! 💞 Sharing benefits you as well as the Posher's closet you share!💞 Show you care and share!💞☘
Mar 24Reply

I have more than 600K shares. I think I show I care and share more to Poshmark than to my own family, which luckily for me is very understanding.
Mar 24Reply

thanks for the shares 🌷💙
Mar 25Reply

Thank you for all the shares! 😻
Mar 25Reply

@key2happiness please no thanks. You shared so many of my bags without even knowing I would share back. I will share you more. I have to go for now..................because of cats-))))))))))))))))))))always lol
Mar 25Reply

@nelsgarage you shared a lot of of my bags. So it was the least I could do. I have to go for now. But I`ll give back. I know I owe you-))))))))))))))) And thanks for sharing my damned bags lol which don`t wanna sell-)))))))))))
Mar 25Reply

@artnfireparis Wow!! Thank you so much! 🥰😊😻
Mar 27Reply

Sorry for my late reply. I was so tired yesterday that I fell asleep sharing a closet that I didn`t even finished. Thank you for sharing my ugly bags too-)))))))))))
Mar 28Reply

Thank you Thank you! So kind of you to share my closet the way you did! It’s going to take me a week to repay you! 😂 I was crazy all day, so I just got on and was like WOW! Thank you again! May you be blessed with tons of great sales and even more importantly, good health and happiness! Stay safe! 🥰😊👏👋🥰👍❣️🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻😍😘
Mar 31Reply

Oh LORD lol you don`t have to share back that much or to repay more. It was jewelry party today. I remember you have jewelry. That`s it. No big deal. Thanks for sharing me back anyway but please don`t feel obligated. Stay safe too-)))))))))))))))))))))))))
Mar 31Reply

Oh my, thanks for the Sharing of my Closet. Also I absolutely love the items in your closet. Just can’t afford any right now. They make me drool. Lol.
Take care, I am sure you will do great with inventory like that.
Mar 31Reply

You don`t have to buy anything. You shared some of my most expensive bags. That`s nice of you. Unfortunately for you, me or lots of other poshers/sellers, times are hard. I`m lucky I had a sale and a good rating. You have nice items too. I don`t know if sharing helps but I try-))))))))))))))))
Apr 01Reply

Thank you SO SO MUCH for sharing my closet. I really appreciate it. We need to support each other❤️❤️
Apr 02Reply

Thanks for sharing my items too-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Apr 02Reply

Bonjour?!? Anyhoo, thanks a million for the shares!!
Apr 03Reply

Brownie has a fantastic huge heart-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Apr 03Reply

@artnfireparis thank you for the follow, even though I won't be ordering from you. your pets are all so cute. hope you will get some help in managing them.
Apr 03Reply

you don`t have to order anything-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Apr 03Reply

check out my closet I have some cool stuff for dogs 🐶🐕🐩
Apr 03Reply

I`ve been on your closet and shared it. Hope you had some sales-)))))))))))))
Apr 04Reply

@artnfireparis how are you doing??? ThAnk you got sharing my closet!!!!!!! Again and so many times. 😀
Apr 08Reply

I`m ok. How about you ? It`s very slow lately. I don`t think my sharing will help-(((((((((((((((((
Apr 08Reply

Love love love them all ! Such cute family 🙏😻🐶🐱🤩
Apr 11Reply

At least even during confinement we`re not beating up one another lol
Apr 11Reply

@artnfireparis Hi! Your closet is fabulous! I am curious as to Brownie’s breed, as I had a dog called Hopie that looked almost exactly like her! ❤️
Apr 11Reply

Thank you
The shelter said she was mixed german sheperd and pointer. But a lot of people say she looks like a dingo. So she`s my dinguette lol
Apr 11Reply

Thanks so much for all those those shares! Wow! 😊
Also, adorable animals ❤️
Apr 11Reply

I owe you. You shared my closet. I will share yours too-))))))))))))) If you want one of those monsters for Easter, lmk-)))))))))))))) I`ll drop at USPS tomorrow-))))))))))))
Apr 11Reply

lol ... ty.. im glad im not the only lost one here. i will continue to share your listings..🙂💞
Apr 14Reply

Maybe we should open a club lol I`m sure we`re not the only ones-))))))))))))))))Thank you-))))))))))))))))
Apr 14Reply

@artnfireparis sounds good to me lol... im .🙂💞
Apr 14Reply

keep in touch...💞😊
Apr 14Reply

I will. You might get tired of me lol
Apr 14Reply

Wow , thank so much again for all your wonderful shares !!!!!!!!!’
Apr 18Reply

You helped me so much too. I`m sorry if I don`t share you more often. I never forgot you and never will. I hope you and your family are safe-))))))))))
Apr 18Reply

Hi thanks for sharing the posh love 🛍💝💝💝 💐💐💐 and spreading the posh love💞💞💖 Blessings❣️❣️
Apr 29Reply

You share me on twitter. Thank you for that. I can`t return there but I try my best here-)))))))))))))))))))))))
Apr 29Reply

@artnfireparis thank you for all the shares. I appreciate it. I love the pics of your animals!!
Apr 29Reply

Thank you for sharing mine toooooooooooooooooo-)))))))))))))))))))))) Which one is your favorite ? lol
Apr 30Reply

Hi there, thank you so much for all of your shares and posh love. 💖💞💝 You are so very kind and generous. 🥰😘 You're awesome. 😺🐶 Be well and take care ~ Barb 😊💜💛
May 03Reply

Thank you for the follow 🌠 and share ❤! Happy Poshing 💞💐!
May 03Reply

@chloescloset07 Hi not sure i deserve all this. I`ve been so tired lately and haven`t shared that much. But thanks. I have to check out your closet again-)))))))))
May 03Reply

@lillievonstoop1 I`m just connecting to my computer and poshmark. Not sure what I did last night lol
But i`m gonna go back on your closet. Thanks for everything you`ve done for me too-)))))))))))))))))))
May 03Reply

@artnfireparis Lol.... I'm very new on this! Just wanted to welcome you to the new way of getting great items and great deals 👍🏻💞
May 03Reply

I`m still kind of new here too lol
Although I`ve been here for a year. Anyway this time I did share your closet. YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS-))))))))))))))))to ME lol
I hope you will sell all this very soon
May 03Reply

@artnfireparis 👐🏻 Thank you so much!!! 💞🌷
May 03Reply

@artnfireparis You are so funny.😁😆 You make me smile. I love all your fur babies too.😺🐶 I try to share regularly. Don't forget to share your own closet too, at least 2-3 times a day it's important too.👗👠👚👜 Get some rest and take care ~ Barb 😊💜💛
May 03Reply

Love love love your fur babies 🐈🐕❤️❤️ I have 4 doggies myself, they give me so much joy everyday, thank you so much for all the shares. Stay safe 😊
May 03Reply

@chloescloset07 well well well there are a few things I have not to forget lol
not forget to feed myself, not forget to brush my teeth and my hair among others. I try to do my closet as you say but I`m not always good at it. Maybe I can try to brush my hair while I do it lol Thank you anyway-))))))))))))))))))
May 04Reply

@dmarkwith216 I wanna cry so bad lol and shoot myself. This is way too much work, way too much. What I was thinking ? I`ve always thought I would have more dogs. I helped a few. In my country I was planning to adopt senior blind dogs who were not wanted by their families anymore. And here I am in Miami helping all those cats lol Stay safe toooooooooooooo and thankssssssssssssssssssssssss-)))))))))))))))))
May 04Reply

thank you for all the shares!!🌺🌷✌️
May 10Reply

Hi there, thanks for all of your continued shares. 👗👠👚👜 You have awesome bags and I love to share your closet too.🛍👝👜👛 Hope you are doing well and have a wonderful weekend. 😎🌝🏖 Take care ~ Barb 😊💜💛
May 16Reply

Hi Hi Hi
I try but these days between Poshmark who has issues and my computer who is lazy it`s not easy lol
Thank you for yours too-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Have a great week end tooooooooooooooooo.
I have to copy and paste your emoji because I don`t have that on my computer. We both need to be updated😊😊😊
May 16Reply

@artnfireparis Hi there, how are you doing?
May 16Reply

My cats haven`t killed me yet lol How about you ?
May 16Reply

Thank you for the support on my closet. I hope you have some time to go through it and find something you like! Feel free to send me any offers and I’d be happy to make business with you. Happy Poshing and safe during this quarantine!
May 21Reply

Thank you for yours too-))))))))))))))))))))))))) As long as my cats need to eat I can`t stay quarantine. I have to see them. I do the social distancing-)))))))))))))
May 21Reply

Hi, I love all your fur babies!!! You are my kinda person. Have several myself. I think its great that you're given all of those wonderful souls a home. 🐾💙
May 22Reply

Thank you so very much for your kind words. I`ve been down lately. So many people hate street cats here and are mean to them. It`s all so sad.
May 23Reply

You are so sweet to share all the junk in my closet. Are you super bored? No animal to bathe or feed. I love them by the way. Thank you so much!😘❤🥰
May 27Reply

You shared my whole closet yesterday while I just shared some of your items. I owed you. Now you share my junk. Thanks too too. As you say it in your closet sharing is caring but I`d really rather do something else-))))))))))))
May 27Reply

Wow, you've been selling. 👜👝👛🛍 You go girl!!🎉🤗🎉 Thanks for all of your continued shares I truly do appreciate it. 😊💜💛
May 30Reply

I see you had sales too-)))))))))))))))))))))))) Thanks for sharing my closet. Sorry for the delay. It`s hard to work, add items to your closet and share. I have to add more lol So please be patient with me. I`ll return-))))))))))))))))))
Jun 02Reply

Aww sweet fur babies
Jun 04Reply

Sweet as a hard nut to crack lol
Jun 04Reply

Thanks for checking it and sharing my closet toooooooooooooooooooo-))))))))))))))))))))))
Jun 06Reply

Hilarious. Plz.give the doggie a treat for me. I should be posting mor items starting tomorrow
Jun 08Reply

Thanks for sharing my poshmark listings
Jun 08Reply

ARTNFIREPARIS. Holy macro you really did share my listings. Are you giving me a hint, time to get rid of these items LOLOLOL. Seriously that was very kind of you thank you so much
Jun 08Reply

lol you`re new, you have nice stuff, i`m trying to help as I was helped when I started here. I`ll try to share your items regularly. If I don`t just remind me. I often get lost in all that sharing -)))))))))))))))))
Jun 08Reply

@treasurepit no way lol she`s supposed to be on a diet...........just like me btw....................but we`re not following it very thoroughly-))))))))))))))
Jun 08Reply

Lolol. Life’s fun. Weight doesn’t matter as long as you are healthy and happy. Thanks for sharing my Poshmark items
Jun 08Reply

That`s the problem lol Doctors say extra pounds are not healthy. Everything is reopening. So I`m gonna work on that -))))))))))))))))
Jun 09Reply

@treasurepit Thanks for sharing mine too-)))))))))))))))))
Jun 09Reply

Lol. I’m still chuckling
Jun 09Reply

Bonjour! Welcome to Poshmark! Merci beaucoup for following & sharing my closet. Very much appreciated. Wishing you speedy sales. Take care & God Bless! Bon nuit! Kathy
Jun 11Reply

Bonsoir-))))))))))) Merci for following and sharing my bags too. Ou avez vous appris le Francais ? Bonne nuit a vous aussi Kathy. Be careful.
Jun 11Reply

Bonjour!! Your your fur babies are stunning (even the doggy). I love tortis, they are so moody. The tuxedo is so cute. We have had up to 5 at one time (so many personalities). We rescue all of our babbies. Our oldest at this time is 17 and youngest is 5. But we love them so much.🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
Jun 12Reply

Bonjour MIchelle
I was teasing lol
The tuxedo is Denver. He is very smart. Never talks that much, observes a lot and understands fast. I have a tortie too. Her name is Bonita. I hope they will live that long. And their mommy is Brownie-)))))))))))) I`m just the cleaning lady-)))))))))))))))))))
Jun 12Reply

Thank you so much for sharing my listings! You are wonderful! Plus, your closet is amazing. I sincerely appreciate your help. I have only been on Poshmark a short time. Your help makes a huge difference!
Jun 15Reply

You shared all my bags. It doesn`t happen that often. And I have a lot of them. I kind of still owe you. And I`ll try to come back to your closet on a regular basis. Sometimes I just forget. And my brain doesn`t function always too good lol So please don`t hesitate to remind me. But you don`t have to share all my bags. Your message brightened my day. Thanks too-)))))))))))))))))))
Jun 15Reply

Thank you so much for the shares. I have been on vacation but I am back now. I owe you lots of shares. I appreciate your shares do much.
Jun 25Reply

I know lol
I was waiting to share you when your were back and today was prefect day.
You don`t owe me nothing-))))))))))))))))))
Jun 25Reply

Hi there, thank you so much for all the shares.
i see you have alot of Patricia Nash special pieces. She has alot of her stuff on QVC and HSN. thats how i learned who she was.
nice assortment.
Thanks again🌹🙏
Jul 02Reply

Good evening
Thank you for sharing my whole closet too. I didn't know any of those brands whether Patricia Nash, Brahmin, Frye, etc. I'm still learning. I probably know a lil more about cats than bags lol
But she does have really nice bags.
Have a good night-)))))))))))))))))))))
Jul 02Reply

thank you sooooo much for the shares! posh on! 🍀🦉😇😁👍
Jul 04Reply

thanks tooooooooooooooooo tooooooooooooooooo-)))))))))))))))) for sharing my bags and my crappy stuff. I think I owe you some more.......................
Jul 04Reply

Your closet is insanely gorgeous! Thank you so much for sharing my closet! Happy holiday! Wishing you many sales!
Jul 04Reply

Thank you. But No USPS. Offices are closed. No fireworks here. No nothing-(
Jul 05Reply

THANK YOU sooo much for all the shares! Greatly appreciated! Wishing you many sales 😄 happy poshing!
Jul 14Reply

Oh NO, I owed you from yesterday and please forgive me for sharing so late. I'll do it at another time. Thanks you for sharing me so much yesterday-))))))))
Jul 14Reply

hiii...thanks for all the shares. stay blessed n wishing you many sales and success 🙏 And joy 😊. Really appreciate
Jul 22Reply

I still owe you lol
It was so nice of you to share all my bags during the party. THANK YOU. I hope you'll get some sales too-))))))))))))))))) I'll be back. Have a good night😊
Jul 22Reply

@artnfireparis Good morning! Thank you so much for sharing my closet! Bless you and have a great day. :)
Jul 22Reply

Good evening
I can say the same with some more delay lol-)))))))))))))))))))))))))
Jul 23Reply

Thank you so much for all the shares...i appreciate...Ill return the favor🌹
Jul 23Reply

I meant to share you earlier nut I get so busy here. Please don't feel any obligation-))))))))))))))))))))
Jul 23Reply

Thank you so much for sharing my Closet!!!!. Have many sales and stay safe.🙏
Jul 23Reply

I didn`'t finish. I have to remember it. My memory is falling apart lol..Thanks for sharing mine too. Have a good night*))))))))))))))))))))))))
Jul 23Reply

@artnfireparis you are very nice😘. Thanks for sharing my closet!!! Have a good night and many sales🙏⭐.
Jul 26Reply

I had to finish. I will also share you at some other times. Thanks for sharing me back-))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Have a god night to and a wonderful Sunday😘
Jul 26Reply

thankyou thankyou for soo many shares. may you be blessed always 🙏. wishing you many sales and success.
Aug 02Reply

You were one of my crushes tonight-)))))))))))))))))))))
Thanks for sharing my bags so generously.
Aug 02Reply

Hello! Just checking in to say: You are absolutely, positively amazing. Keep being awesome! Blessings! 🥰🌟🙌🏾.
Aug 02Reply

Thank you. I wish I could hear that more often lol. I'm often told mean things. As long as people are mean to me and not to them I can take it. But it's good to read your comment. VERY VERY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOd-)))))))))))
Aug 03Reply

@artnfireparis Hi Carina! Hope you're doing okay-- your state is having a tough times with so many issues right now. Be safe, mon amie! Thank you for all of your generous shares--I am catching up with you!!! <3
Aug 03Reply

I see that lol
We were luckier than Haiti and Dominican Republic. There was no major damage. How about you and your girls ? Be safe too and merci for sharing me back-))))))))))))))))))))))
Aug 03Reply

thank you for all the shares!🤗
Aug 03Reply

Thank you 2 2 for returning-)))))))))))))))))))) And forgive me when I return a bit late-)))))))))))))))))
Aug 03Reply

I really appreciate all the shares! thank you!!!🤗
Aug 04Reply

Me too
Please don't feel no obligation to return the entire closet-)))))))))
Aug 04Reply

oh my shared a "listing".. please take it away as a share. it is only to show another seller some damage on a dress I got that wasn't mentioned. when she sees it, I'll delete it! she is not getting back to me so I hate it is still up as a listing. I didn't know any other way to get pics to her. thx
Aug 07Reply

I don't understand a thing to what you are telling me.
Aug 07Reply

Thanks for all the shares! I’ll do my best to keep up and reciprocate!
Aug 08Reply

Please you don't have to. I have more items than you. That's why I feel I owe you. And I'm totally crazy-))))))))))))))))))))))))
Aug 09Reply

Thanks for all your shares...need to take a break for awhile 💖 Good Luck
Aug 12Reply

No worriezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
You share me a lot. I wish I could take a break too. THANKSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS-)))))))))))))))))))
Aug 12Reply

Thank you for sharing!!⚘
Aug 22Reply

You shared me, I had to share you back. Sometimes it just takes me a lil bit of a while lol
THanks tooooooooooooooooooooooooo-)))))))))))))))))))))))))
Aug 22Reply

Thank you for all the shares. You have beautiful bags.
Aug 23Reply

I think you shared my bags more than I shared yours-))))))))))))))
Thanks tooooooooooooooooooooooooo-)))))))))))
Aug 24Reply

I love your closet 💕🎉💜
Aug 30Reply

Thanks so much for all of the shares! You have a beautiful closet, mon amie! 💛
Aug 30Reply

Non pas de merci pour moi. You shared all my bags in the bag party. So merci a vous. I'll return-)))))))))))))
Aug 30Reply

@ryana427 Thank you. To me it's pretty ordinary. Some poshers have more unique items than I do. I don't really know what to do as regards your offer. Not sure I shall counter since it's gonna be pretty close to the asking price. I saw some other poshers had better deals than me with the tag on.
Aug 30Reply

thanks hun for the continuous shares!!! i love it and i am trying to return the favor. no where close to what you do for me but I'm still trying
Aug 30Reply

@artnfireparis Hi! Thank you for letting me know. I can go ahead and cancel the offer. If you’re able to counter and/or offer me discounted shipping, I am interested and will consider. Have a wonderful day 💕💜
Aug 30Reply

@sarahb5891 you really don't need to. You've done a lot for me-)))
Aug 31Reply

@ryana427 Sorry I had disconnected at that time. And I really don't know what to tell you except a stupid thank you.
Aug 31Reply

@artnfireparis awww your too sweet. I love helping a fellow posher out. and you help me a lot so I return the favor.
Aug 31Reply

THANK YOU. REALLLLLY-)))))))))))))))))))
Aug 31Reply

Hi there, I just wanted to say "Hi" and let you know I am back.😁 I don't know where 2 months went, but I definitely wasn't on a vacation, lol.😂🤪 Your closet looks great as always.👜👝🛍👛 I hope you are doing well during all of this craziness. 🙏😷 Take care ~ Barb 😊💜💛
Sep 03Reply

Hi Hi Hi and welcome back-)))))))))))))))))))))))))
I'm still there and working hard. Let's get you some sales. You have a really nice collection of handbags too and other items. Enough rest, time to posh lol😂😊
Sep 03Reply

Thank you for ALL the shares!! Appreciate the support. I shared some to the party so fingers crossed you get a Host Post and speedy sales! 😊💕🌟
Sep 09Reply

Thank you. I did the same for you. You have really nice necklaces. I have to remember sharing you in the jewel party. And in others too-))))))))))))))))))
Sep 09Reply

Good morning, you have a great closet! I also wanted to thank you for all the wonderful shares. You are a good soul for sharing and caring for the all those adorable animals. Stay safe!
Sep 11Reply

Good afternoon, thanks and thanks for sharing my ugly bag rags lol
And I saw you did it again today😂 Now my turn to work.
Have a great week end-))))))))))))
Sep 11Reply

Thanks so much for ALL the shares!! Not sure I can keep up with you lol. Appreciate the support. Happy Poshing! 💕❤️🌟😊
Sep 15Reply

No worries. Thanks for returning. I was eagerly waiting for the jewel party to share all your jewelry. I know I'm kind of crazy lol So again no worriezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz-))))))))))))))))))))
Sep 15Reply

Hi! Not sure whatcha mean, but Hi! Happy Poshing💗
Sep 16Reply

When I clicked on your page, I saw
Happy new year
I was just wondering which one lol
Sep 16Reply

Oh my gosh, such cute animal photos! Thank you so much for all the shares. Your closet is gorgeous! Happy Poshing! 🥰
Sep 17Reply

They're alllllllllllllllllllllllll on sale. Summer sale-)))))))))))))))
Thank you for your shares too-)))))))))))))))))
Sep 17Reply

Thank you for all your shares! 🌹 I love your closet and your pets are so cute! 💖
Sep 23Reply

You're new. I'm trying to help. And you're way better than I was. It took me a really long time to figure the sharing lol
Thanks for always returning. Don't feel obligated. Your closet is small and it doesn't take me much time to share it-))))))))))))))))
Sep 23Reply

You're new. I'm trying to help. And you're way better than I was. It took me a really long time to figure the sharing lol
Thanks for always returning. Don't feel obligated. Your closet is small and it doesn't take me much time to share it-))))))))))))))))
Sep 23Reply

thank you so much for sharing all my closet!!!🍁🍂🍃
Oct 03Reply

@ipollock Now I owe you more because you shared mine at least 2 or 3 times lol Thanks toooooooooooooooo-)))))))))))))))
Oct 03Reply

you just have more sold items then I do!😄
I was just trying to be even!!😅😉
Oct 03Reply

well well well so I have to share you more so that we're even on that-))))))))))
let's see what the party is today.........................
Oct 03Reply

Thank you for following and sharing 😁
Oct 10Reply

If you thank me, I than you too too-))))))))))))))))))))))
Oct 10Reply

thanks for the shares!
Oct 20Reply

Thank you even more for giving back-))))))))))
Oct 20Reply

Delighted to have met ya! I’m adding you to my daily sharing list:) thanks so much I’ll be back tomorrow for more have a great night.
Oct 22Reply

LOL Deal I need to go sleep. Thank you for all your shares. Have a good night too-)))))))))))
Oct 22Reply

you rock! Thank you for all the shares! I will share your entire closet again later today. Best of luck on many sales!
Oct 26Reply

Hi I'm not sure I shared all yours. My internet or my computer or Poshmark or me are so so slow. Thanks tooooooooooooooooo-))))))))))))))))))
Oct 26Reply

thanks again for the shares!
looks like you sold quite a few items since last time I shared your closet. Good for you! you must know what you are doing..🤔😏
Oct 27Reply

Thanks too for sharing my entire closet. I saw you had some sales too and added new items. I'have no clue what I' m doing lol and still haven't figured Poshmark Maybe I shall ask Brownie to explain me She is way smarter than me-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Oct 28Reply

Thanks so much for the share! Appreciate you taking some time to look through my closet and will do the same - thanks again!!✨✨
Oct 29Reply

@sammistarr04 you're welcome. I noticed you were new. I will try to share you again. I just have to remember it lol
Oct 29Reply

@artnfireparis omg that is SO sweet of you! Yes, just joined this week so I’m a newbie and just trying to learn everything. Thank you! You’ve already been so helpful with your shares! ✨✨✨🥰🥰🥰
Oct 29Reply

One important thing: share your items too and as many times as you can. Thanks for returning-))))))))))
Oct 29Reply

Thank you so very much for sharing my closets
Oct 31Reply

Brownie has a huge heart. HAPPY HALLOWEEN-))))))))))))
Oct 31Reply

Ty for the shares :)
Nov 02Reply

I owed you. Sometimes it takes me while to return but I always return. Thanks for yours too and sorry for the delay.
Nov 02Reply

Thank you for all the shares! I hope you have a wonderful time poshing! 💕🌷
Nov 03Reply

Thank you for your message and your shares as well-)))))))) It's always very much appreciated-))
Nov 03Reply

Thanks for all the shares! Wishing you lots of sales!
Nov 04Reply

@juliehannant I have to work harder for that lol
Thanks for sharing my ugly bags tooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo-))))))))))))
Nov 04Reply

Thanks for all the shares! I will definitely share your closet very soon!
Nov 07Reply

@marissacab209 No worriezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
We have a storm around. Not sure how long my internet will function. Thanks for sharing my bags too too-)))))))))))))
Nov 07Reply

@artnfireparis thank you for all the shares, I appreciate it 😊😊
Nov 07Reply

@craigd3747 My internet is so slow that I have trouble to keep up. Thank you also so very much for sharing my whole closet-))))))))))))
Nov 08Reply

@artnfireparis no worries, thanks as always 😊😊
Nov 08Reply

It really makes you wonder about these beautiful intelligent animals 😻🐶🐾🐾the things they do they are so interesting to study about .I have wondered about design or evolution . I found all my questions answered in this brochure . I’m so thankful to get truthful answers No more guessing. Our beautiful pets are such a wonderful gift from our loving Creator who deserves our Gratitude and love don’t you think .?
Nov 16Reply

💕 If you would like you can download free booklet . Type in search: (Was Life Created? )
Nov 16Reply

@tweedydo2 I think any life deserves respect whether it`s an animal, a plant, a tree, an insect....................ANY LIFE. Feeding street cats is a hard task. I wish you could preach those nice words to all the people who hate me for feeding the cats and threaten me for that. And I wish they could be punished for all the harm they do to them. Thanks anyway.
Nov 16Reply

Yes it sad that their are people who miss treat animals and they will have to answer to it.
We are living in such critical times now not knowing the way out so nice to found ( ) on line with all the beautiful literature they have and videos. To help us to understanding what is going on.
Nov 17Reply

Hi! Thanks for the shares. Love your fur babies. Happy Poshing!
Nov 21Reply

You shouldn't have shared me so much lol I don't want to be such a pain. And now I owe you more-))))))))
Nov 21Reply

Hey, you can lookout my store and lmk if you wanna buy any of my paintings, I can recreate any of my paintings and I do commission(custom)paintings also, so whatever you want I can paint for you within your price range ❤️
With the holiday season coming up, it will be great to gift someone with personal touch 😊
Dec 04Reply

@ritzi02 Thank you. Right now the money I earn from Poshmark help me buy the food for all the street cats I feed. And unfortunately my friends and family are in Europe. I don't know when and if I'll see them again.
Happy Holidays
Dec 04Reply

thanks for the shares! You rock😍
Dec 05Reply

we both rock-)))))))))))) Thanks too. I'll give back tomorrow😊
Dec 05Reply

Thanks a million for the follow and all the AMAZing shares! Happy Holidays💕
Dec 09Reply

Thanks too for returning. Happy holidays to you and your family too-))))))))
Dec 09Reply

Thanks for giving back -)))))))))))
Dec 14Reply

Thank you so much for the bag! That was so sweet of you!! Hope you are staying safe and warm!
Dec 17Reply

@yesveruca It was not much. Your taking the time to rate me and leave me a love note means a lot to me. It got a bit cooler here and I worry for my street cats. But fortunately it rarely gets too bad here.
Stay safe toooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo-))))))))))))
Dec 18Reply
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