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Updated Feb 03
Updated Feb 03

Meet your Posh Ambassador, Sarah ☀️

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Sarah. Some of my favorite brand are BeBe, Guess, Seven for All Mankind,
  • Seller Discount: 15% off 3+ Bundle

  • Ships to: United States

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cr7tx and 145 others like this
honeybelle30 Hi Sarah! I accepted your offer but received an error message that something was wrong with your payment settings. Once you update that it should go through! Thanks very much! :)
Apr 26Reply
jkurzon Welcome to Poshmark! 🎈Cute listings.👗 Helpful hint: If you want to learn what many a Posher believes is the be all of how to sell, watch Youtube video by Lindey Glenn called Poshmark 30 Minute Method. Although I can tell you always takes me > 30 minutes, I do try to do it as much as possible, and it does really help with sales. Also, I get no compensation for putting this out there. Doing it only to help other Poshers. Yes, people like me do still exist. 🤗 Happy Poshing🌸
Apr 30Reply
sarahdunn123 @jkurzon I watched a UTube video on how to do 30 minute starting tips, it was good and helpful.
May 01Reply
capricornsattik Hello Dear 🌸🌸 I received your offers for the dress you liked in my closet and have accepted your offers both times but it keeps saying there’s a payment issue. If you are still interested in buying the dress, please try using a different card to complete the transaction. Due to possible scammers, a 3rd attempt of offers that does not go through due to billing issues..I will unfortunately have to block any Future transactions. Let me know if there’s anything I can help you with💖💖
May 02Reply
trendybeauties Thank you so much dear! 🙏😘 I'll be shipping your order this afternoon!! Have a wonderful day!! 🥰
May 03Reply
sarahdunn123 @empressluxuries I had to wait until my Social Security $ came in this month, I’m sorry 😐 do what you need to do with me.
May 03Reply
capricornsattik @sarahdunn123 Hello Dear🌹🌹No worries, I don’t mean to offend one bit. As a seller, I didn’t know what was going on with that😅 You wouldn’t believe the times I’ve actually had phishing profiles do things some weird things on here but I do Thank you for clearing that up!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
May 03Reply
marys_cherries 🍒THANK YOU so much for your purchase 💞😚 I hope you will love the bracelets as much as I do! I will ship them today!📦😊 HAPPY POSHING SARAH💖💖💖
May 03Reply
sarahdunn123 @marys_cherries I hope so too, thank you!! Happy poshing!💗💗
May 03Reply
janmariescloset Thanks Sarah for shopping my closet 🌼 And Thanks for the offer for the high low white top for $20 and Poshmark charges $6.79 shipping fee ...I’m offering $23 with $4.99 shipping it’s only $1.20 difference...just to let you know 😉
May 04Reply
fashionista_921 Welcome to Poshmark! I hope you’re enjoying it so far 😊
May 04Reply
sarahdunn123 @empressluxuries I got my payment from SSDI so you can run the charge.
May 04Reply
sarahdunn123 @jeakright thank you 😘
May 04Reply
capricornsattik @sarahdunn123 Hello Dear💖💖 Ohhh thats wonderful! That offer has expired..all offers on poshmark are good for 24 hours and after that, a new one must be resubmitted but I can send an offer to you for that dress and once you click accept, it will run your card..I’ll get that sent to you right now🌸🌸
May 04Reply
janmariescloset Thanks for purchasing the white flowered high low top it will be shipped out today 😉
May 06Reply
sarahdunn123 @jkurzon I’ve set up a space in my home to work this business. What office supplies do you need most?
May 06Reply
sarahdunn123 @empressluxuries thank you for being understanding.💗☀️
May 06Reply
jkurzon @sarahdunn123 you Should go online at usps and order the priority mail envelopes and any boxes you may need for priority mail. These are all free. You need to order just the regular priority mail, not the flat rate. You'll also need large packing tape, small tape, and any thank you notes you may want to insert w/packages. I also use tissue paper, & small & large scissors a lot. Also, and half by 11 paper for printing your mailing labels. I get all of my supplies at the dollar tree.
May 06Reply
jkurzon @sarahdunn123 Also you should get lint brush, spot remover, iron, ironing board & the small scissors is what I use to cut errant threads.
May 06Reply
sarahdunn123 @janmariescloset 🙏🏻 thank you!
May 06Reply
sarahdunn123 @jkurzon you are so good 😊 Thanks for the help!
May 06Reply
rosepetals3 Hey 🙋🏻‍♀️check out my closet I have pieces to fit any style! You can find both NWT and Preowned items. Like or bundle any item to save money. I respond quickly and ship quicker💌 🎉I can't wait to hear from you! Xoxo Rosepetal’s Closet🌹
May 07Reply
sayyestojewelry Hi there 🥰❤️ I would love for you to stop by and take a look at my closet✨ Let me know if you have any questions! ☺️💖 Thank you for your time 💞💞
May 18Reply
atisticcutters Hello and welcome to Poshmark 🥰🤗🙋🏼‍♀️
May 18Reply
janmariescloset Hi Sarah, Thanks for purchasing the polka dot blank n white bikini it will ship out tomm 😉
May 20Reply
shop_chars Hi! Is your last name Dunn too?! 😊👗
May 21Reply
jenniferlknnc Hey Sarah, thanks for following me, I really appreciate it!! Happy Memorial day!!🇺🇸♥️Jenn🦋
May 27Reply
sarahdunn123 @jenniferlknnc Happy to be following you!☀️ Have a special Memorial Day also! 😘 xoxo
May 27Reply
sarahdunn123 @shellblonde65 thank you! Her name is Daisy girl ☀️
May 27Reply
idbeads @sarahdunn123 👋 If you’d like to add the dress I can cancel purchase for you and lower a bundle price. FYI 🌹Happy Poshing🌹.
May 30Reply
jocole96 Welcome happy poshing, 😃
Jun 02Reply
california_gal WELCOME.....🤗 Wishing you lots of sale 💵 One of the key elements that has worked for me is SHARING others closets and your own as often as possible💰😉💝 Also, when making an offer PLEASE understand that the seller still has to pay Posh 20% for items over $15.00 or $2.95 if under $15.00. PLEASE❣️consider that with offers 💝 Thank You ☺️ and WELCOME 🌺
Jun 03Reply
sarahdunn123 @california_gal thank you for sharing that. Happy Poshing! ☀️
Jun 03Reply
sarahdunn123 @adrianagcsantos hello are you talking about a dress 👗 in mine or your closet? And what does the dress 👗 look like ?
Jul 27Reply
bethiek12 Hello thanks for the follow! I really love the fun and fit feel of your closet and hope that you can check out mine as well to start making some good deals🤩
Aug 01Reply
skyejm25 Oh your dog is such a cutie!!!
Aug 05Reply
sarahdunn123 @skyejm25 she’s my girl 🐶, thanks
Aug 06Reply
kozy_kloset Thanks for following my closet & the share ! 💜🛍
Aug 10Reply
boujee_steph Cute Puppy 🐶🌺💕 I just noticed you are close to me 💕🎈 my Daughters live in St George
Aug 16Reply
mtdewers Thank you Sarah, for buying my flower Choker! Would you like the flower ring too? It is size 6. I would include it in your order for free if you would like it. Let me know so I can mark it not for sale. I only have the one. You can see it in my shop but don't bundle it. Sharon
Aug 20Reply
sarahdunn123 @mtdewers yes it’s the Daisy necklace
Aug 20Reply
sarahdunn123 A ring I would love ❤️Thank you
Aug 20Reply
mtdewers @sarahdunn123 you got it! I will ship both items out first thing tomorrow. Have a super day!
Aug 20Reply
sarahdunn123 @mtdewers super excited! Thanks
Aug 20Reply
mtdewers @sarahdunn123 Thank YOU! 🤩🤩🤩
Aug 20Reply
chicnation @sarahdunn123 hi Sarah we accepted the offer on the gray off shoulder sweater but you need to use another card payment
Sep 13Reply
anasbcloset Hi,Thanks for the share.
Sep 17Reply
bobbett328 Hello🙋‍♀️Thank you so much for stopping by and following my closet 🌺🥰 Happy Poshing 🛍🛍
Sep 19Reply
reefeer Thank you for the share! <3<3
Sep 20Reply
isys_boutique 2nd offer i accept but their was a problem when checking out. Please fix your payment & we can Re Try😉 Thanks!
Sep 24Reply
rimijhjewels Welcome to Poshmark 🎉🎉🎉👗👠🎁💰📦🎉
Sep 29Reply
sarahdunn123 @lizisnumber1 I can’t get it to work either. Sorry 😐
Oct 02Reply
goldengood Thanks for the like! If you are ever interested I always accept reasonable offers.  Have a great day!
Oct 04Reply
juiceboxx61 Hello sarah
Oct 07Reply
sarahdunn123 @juiceboxx61 hello 👋🏻
Oct 07Reply
vivavogue Hi I’m Maria! I LOVE ❤️ Your Closet and would like to Feature it in the PoshStar Share Group I Cohost! Start by liking the The Share Group Round 2️⃣ “ Catch a Falling Star!” Fun, supportive and tons of exposure!
Oct 08Reply
juiceboxx61 How are you doing?
Oct 09Reply
juiceboxx61 I'm doing good thanks for asking.
Oct 09Reply
craigd3747 @sarahdunn123 hi, thank you for the shares, I really appreciate it!! Good luck with your sales, take care 😊
Oct 11Reply
georgelawrence Hi Sarah - thank you for purchasing the adorable cat pillow! Just a quick note to let you know this will be on its way to you tomorrow.🙂 Best, George
Oct 11Reply
grammytata2012 Hello. Nice to meet you. I invite you to check out a special bundle savings on my closet. Sending positive vibes. Wishing you the best experience on Poshmark.
Oct 14Reply
dragonflybtq @sarahdunn123 Hi sweetie. You left me a mssg on a share event listing. I wanted to let you know that that event isn't mine. kjenkinson1990 is the hostess. I'm not sure why but your comment showed up in my feed but not on the listing itself. If you'd like 8 can tag you in that listing & let her know you want to sign up also. Let me know. 😊 Either way, have a great day!! 🌞
Oct 21Reply
sarahdunn123 @my3kidsark not sure why that happened. Sorry 😐 yes, sign me up!
Oct 21Reply
dragonflybtq @sarahdunn123 I can't sign you up. It's not my event. I'll tag you in the listing & what I said will make way more sense! I sometimes forget people can't see inside my head to know what I'm talking about when I explain things. 🤪🤪🤪
Oct 21Reply
kay_scloset @sarahdunn123 Hey Sarah. I loved sharing your closet this morning and took a little afternoon nap and barely got my shoes in the party went to add yours and it was over!! We will try again. Please come back and visit again soon and maybe find yourself a treasure!! Thanks Kay
Oct 28Reply
babyfirefly1971 @sarahdunn123 Thanks SO much for all of the shares! I'm glad we can help each other! Have a spooky Tuesday!🎃🏚️☠️👹😈🙀🦇
Oct 29Reply
a_mariev1890 Hey there my name is Amanda !! I think I have some items in my closet that you would be interested in & the best part is they are on SALE !!! All offers are welcome because everything must go ASAP !! Showing your closet some LOVE !! Have a great day & Happy Poshing !!! XOXO
Oct 31Reply
annaleelashes Hi Gorgeous if you love lashes check out my closet!!
Nov 19Reply
annaleelashes @sarahdunn123 JUST SENT YOU AN OFFER 🎉😊 HOPE TO SEND YOU SOME LASHES SOON!!😍😍😍
Nov 20Reply
qsg123 Sarah, Thank you so much for the *****, and I am happy you liked the pillbox. Now I would like to ask, would you still want the other two items. Thank you again, Gabriella
Dec 06Reply
makeyoulaugh67 Happy Holidays🤶 very much for following me and Sharing my closet. I returned Shares of your awesome closet. 🎅The Holidays are here and the hustle and bustle start.❄ Get in your Pjs.A cup of hot chocolate and Enjoy. Poshing in your Pjs is the best. I'm having a Buy 1 Get 1 Free Sale also if you purchase $15⬆️ receive 1 lighted Xmas card w/batteries included. Wishing you are yours a Fantabulous Holiday Season filled with all the blessings you so richly deserve❄⛄
Dec 08Reply
sarahdunn123 @craigd3747 thank you for the gift, my sister is going to love her Christmas present 🎁
Dec 15Reply
craigd3747 @sarahdunn123 hi, I think you have have me mistaken for someone else? I’m not sure what your speaking of?
Dec 15Reply
sarahdunn123 @makeyoulaugh67 I placed an order for two rings for my daughters Christmas 🎄 gift 🎁 . Thank you 😊
Dec 15Reply
sarahdunn123 @craigd3747 what did I say?
Dec 15Reply
jessicac90210 @sarahdunn123 hi! Thank you for liking or previously purchasing items from my closet! Just wanted to let you know my holiday 50% half off sale just started! If you send me an offer for half off all the items you like, I’ll accept! Treat yourself and bundle multiple items for only one shipping fee. 😀 hope to hear from you soon. Happy holidays! Best, Jessica
Dec 15Reply
kay_scloset Good Morning Sarah! Thanks so much for the purchase of the Anthropology Sweater Vest. I hope you will LOVE 💖💝💥🎄🎁🥰 it. Please let me know how much when you receive and accept it. It will be in the mail first thing in the morning! Please come back and visit my closet again soon!! Happy Holidays and Happy Poshing PFF!! Kay
Dec 15Reply
craigd3747 @sarahdunn123 you thanked me for the gift and said your sister is going to love her Christmas gift? You didn’t purchase anything from me so I don’t know what your speaking of? It’s 3 comments above this one on your page.
Dec 15Reply
redpianistsclst Thank you so much for your shares!! I greatly appreciate it 🌷✨
Dec 15Reply
sarahdunn123 @craigd3747 disregard it. I’m confused 🤷‍♀️
Dec 15Reply
sarahdunn123 I see this
Dec 15Reply
craigd3747 @sarahdunn123 all good 👍🏻
Dec 15Reply
sarahdunn123 @craigd3747 thank you 😊
Dec 15Reply
craigd3747 @sarahdunn123 your welcome 😊
Dec 15Reply
kay_scloset @sarahdunn123 Hey Sarah! Thanks so much for the 5 Star 🌟 rating !! I am thrilled that you loved the sweater and please come back and visit again soon!!! Wishing you Happy Holidays!! 🛍🎁❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️. Kay.
Dec 20Reply
jessicac90210 @sarahdunn123 hey Sarah! Thanks for the kind note and rating feedback, appreciate it! So glad you love everything, can’t wait for you to rock it in those pieces. Look forward to you shopping my closet again and helping you style your wardrobe with more fun pieces! Have an awesome weekend! Jessica C.
Dec 20Reply
makeyoulaugh67 Hi, I want to apologize for your packages weren't wrapped properly. Shortly after I got your order, I was in the hospital for Bronchitis. My daughter took over so I apologize things weren't as put together as they should be. Again very sorry. My daughter did her best. Hope to hear from you.
Dec 21Reply
sarahdunn123 @kay_scloset I think I got everything I just haven’t looked at it cause it’s going under the 🌲 from Santa 🎅🏼 cause my partner doesn’t believe In Christmas. So I gave them to my mother to wrap for me. Thank you and Merry Christmas 🎄🎁
Dec 21Reply
sarahdunn123 I’m saying prayers for you to get better. Merry Christmas
Dec 21Reply
a_girl_thing Happy New Year!🎉 All items in my store are new and boutique. Bundle any two and receive an offer of $40 with discounted shipping. All purchases mailed with a gift.😀 Wishing you a prosperous year on Posh and in all of your endeavors.
Jan 01Reply
pegasus5327abn promo code SAVEME20 Vote Warren/AOC
Jan 03Reply
luvmee40 Happy New Year and Welcome to Poshmark. Big closet, No Closet or just started my closet, I am here to help you. just ask! At the same time I am running my biggest sale ever on over 1000 drop dead gorgeous items. My Avg discount is 68%!  I am taking off an additional 30%. Pay NO attention to any price you see. Click on the heart under each item you want and I will send you the additional discount. Everything and I mean Everything gets the additional discount. Come shop till you drop :)))
Jan 05Reply
rawluxe_world @sarahdunn123 AWwwww!!! Aren’t you two an ADORABLE pair! LOVE that little nubbin on your lap! You’re both Beauties! 🖤🖤🖤
Jan 06Reply
sarahdunn123 @rawluxe_world thank you she makes up for my two daughters that are grown!
Jan 06Reply
boutiquegriff Hello Sarah, We're stopping by to say thank you for interest. We hope you received the sale promo from us today. Bundle and save. We hope you decide to stop by again. Best regards, Boutique Griff
Jan 07Reply
jewelsbysara Hey lovely🥰 I would love if you dropped over at my closet for a visit. For amazing deals🎁If you have any questions free to ask me🎉 Happy Poshing❤️
Jan 07Reply
lolas_boutique_ Hi! Hope all is well with you. I saw several things you bundled. Would you like for me to make an off on that bundle or are you just looking? Thanks again and if you need anything just lmk. :)
Jan 07Reply
lolas_boutique_ @sarahdunn123 hi I made you an offer. I also will send gifts with the package. Thanks so much let me know if I can help you.
Jan 08Reply
lolas_boutique_ Hi I saw you added the starfish ring to your bundle. Do you want the bundle? I haven’t heard from you yet. Have a great day!
Jan 09Reply
lolas_boutique_ @sarahdunn123 Hey girl I tried to accept your payment but it says there was a payment issue. I’m not sure what that means.
Jan 09Reply
lolas_boutique_ *your offer I meant
Jan 09Reply
happydaysahead Sarah, I have a feeling, you would love this bracelet. Make me an offer if You like, and I will send this lovely bracelet to You. 💕💕💕💕💕🌸🌸🌸🌸🐶🐶🐶🐥🐥🐥🐴🐴🐴❄️❄️
Jan 11Reply
lolas_boutique_ @sarahdunn123 hey I just realized it was you that made me an offer on the white butterfly boxes. If you purchase the bundle you had with me I will throw in the boxes for you . I think I still have everything you had bundled I can check. Lmk if interested. I want you to be able to get the things you wanted.
Jan 13Reply
lolas_boutique_ Hey! Sorry that you keep getting my offers. I send to new likers and it goes to you every time as well. I’m sure you know that. Just wanted to let you know I’m not forcing things on you.
Jan 17Reply
sarahdunn123 @lolas_boutique_ you’re fine I just have to stay within my budget. I’ll buy from you soon, you have a great closet.
Jan 18Reply
jleephillips Hello Sarah, thank you so much for returning the shares today. You have a lovely closet 💕 I wish you the best of luck on selling all of your beautiful items. Have a great weekend 👍
Jan 18Reply
tiffurnys I am so sorry, Somehow I missed your offer on the Jumpsuit! I tried to accept but it expired.
Feb 06Reply
momof2boys621 Salam, please check out my closet! I have gorgeous dresses from the Middle East and hijab friendly clothing 💕
Feb 08Reply
imashoeluver Hey Sarah🤩😎 Thank you so very much for sharing my posh 😇🤩😃🤗 Appreciate your help
Feb 12Reply
charlottefoxx Hi!! Great closet! 💕I would love for you to check out my jewelry store if you get the chance! I am having a sale right now on all my jewelry and accessories and would love to offer you a discount if you like any items!! 2 for $18 or 3 for $25!! If you’re interested just bundle the items!! ✨ ✨
Feb 13Reply
chrissy_penn I accepted your offer on the pink sweater yesterday but there was a payment issue. You may just need to update your information. Thanks 😃
Feb 16Reply
bruceysprucey Thank you for the follow! Happy Poshing! 💜💜💜
Feb 26Reply
reddirtrose Hello, I now have a M in the swimsuit you asked about. Thanks
Mar 12Reply
kasey377 Hi Sarah, feel free to resubmit your offer since the first one expired before you were able to update your account. Thanks!
Aug 15Reply
irenecase Great closet ! 💐 just shared you today 🎉😊
Oct 15Reply
thelillyjoyce Thanks for following:) I am offering $2 off everything when bundled!! Just counter offer me your price. All orders go out same day:) stay safe xoxo
Oct 23Reply
cnalife24 @sarahdunn123 Hello! Feel free to come check out my closet! I have lots of things and brands including Nike, Under Armour, Adidas, PINK Victoria's Secret, Victoria's Secret, Scentsy, Thirty-one, Coach, Fossil, Dooney & Bourke, MUDD, Aéropostale, J. Crew, Vera Bradley, Maurices, Old Navy, Sonoma, Rae Dunn, Pioneer Woman and just about every other brand you can think of! Bundle and save!!$$
May 11Reply
vromm3773 Hey there. I accepted the offer.
May 30Reply
vromm3773 Hi there. I wanted to know if you wanted me to order you some in different sizes. I’m thrilled you love the ring.
Jun 17Reply
vromm3773 Hi again the re: butterfly band ring I have one size 6 and one 7 left and can order any size 6-10 if you want more. Thanks, Veronica
Jun 17Reply
sarahdunn123 @jkurzon WoW! That is so helpful. Thank you ☀️
Jun 17Reply
katalac_kloset Hi Sarah and thank you for your purchases during my show this morning! 🥰 Unfortunately, your credit card failed so I’m not able to ship this out just yet. Do you need to update your card on file? Just let me know! 💕🛍️
Jan 29Reply
krystalmcc1621 Thank you for following me. I just visited your closet to follow you and share some of your 👚items 👖with my followers. Have a wonderful day 🌞and many sales 📦
Mar 17Reply
sarahdunn123 @katalac_kloset probably, I do that.
Mar 17Reply
lisaallyscloset Hi... let me know if you still want the polka dot bikini you won in my auction.... there was something wrong w your payment ..thanks, Lisa
May 21Reply
cutehosiery @sarahdunn123 Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Jun 10Reply
ahautenewlook hi. your payment today and yesterday were declined. if you dont want items in an auction, please do not bid. it is rude and inconsiderate.
Jun 12Reply
sarahdunn123 @ahautenewlook I tried and it didn’t work. I’m so sorry for being so rude and inconsiderate.
Jun 12Reply
ahautenewlook @sarahdunn123 really? bc it looks like a lot of your orders dont go thru based on the messages in your comments. stop scamming people.
Jun 12Reply
sarahdunn123 @ahautenewlook I’m not doing this on purpose. I have a brain injury.
Jun 12Reply
masmith782 Hey @sarahdunn123 I have your reseller bundle ready to go! I just need payment. You should have a bundle from me. Let me know if you need anything else from me! Thanks 😊
Jul 06Reply
sarahdunn123 @yankeebushsw I don’t have a boutique, I’m just selling my used items. And some new things. I have had children that have grown out of their clothes so I sell them to get money for new clothes their size. I don’t have a boutique. I would like to. I just need to find space so I can open up one. My goal!
Jul 21Reply
thillbill Hello, Feel free to check out my closet some time. This is a large closet so use the filter button. Bundle a few items and save! Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Pet's, Accessories, bags, shoes & lots of Jewlery. Thanks 😊  * Adding new stuff weekly, stop by often Tons to add!!
Jul 23Reply
misschaikka Hi! If you'd still like the "Good Vibes" mug, please send me an offer!
Aug 03Reply
oliviaami Dear @5cadd3fd16be70ccfb48e5e5 , happy to see that you are following our closet 💗
Sep 12Reply
oliviaami Hi @5cadd3fd16be70ccfb48e5e5 , thanks for following us! 💗 Like or comment our items to get great offers😊
Sep 12Reply
julissazelaya Hello Poshers! I’m Lissa, and I invite you to check out my closet.❤️ I offer a lot of beautifuls and fashion charms for bracelets and necklaces, 18 Gold plated over stainless steel tarnish resistant and S925 jewelry trendy, modern, perfect for fashion girls or an elegant gift! 🎁🍸 I am available If you have any questions feel free to ask me! ❤️ ❤️ Happy Poshing! 🌺🌺
Oct 31Reply
spreadlove Hi! I’m Melissa! Please check out my closet too! 🙋
Dec 31Reply
sharekindness Hi Sarah, I received your order but there’s an issue with the payment settings. Can you get that fixed and I can get that beautiful dog vest up right away
Feb 17Reply
raineswardrobe Hi Sarah, sorry I just noticed payment failed for Coach gold star bag tag, let me know if you’re still keen to purchase it, i sent you an offer😉
Feb 25Reply
sarahdunn123 @boujee_steph what are your daughters names?
Feb 25Reply
sandydallison Thanks for checking out my closet
Apr 02Reply
boromaca Hi! Thanks for sharing! 😊
May 12Reply
nycretrogalx2 Thank you for visiting my Posh Closet and sharing items from it. I will check out your closet, too. 1🩵
May 23Reply
kozdoc Hey Sarah! Thanks for the follow 😊
May 27Reply
chaddkk Hi Sarah Thanks for sharing 💕
May 28Reply
sarahdunn123 @craigd3747 you’re welcome hope you get some sales!
May 28Reply
lisakay100 Happy Poshing, I’ll Check out your Closet & You can Check out my Closet‼️
May 28Reply
barryfineman Beautiful Closet
May 31Reply
snowthecat666 🙌🙌
Jun 03Reply
louisfernand115 hi Gorgeous !!
Jun 03Reply
marhayes55 Good afternoon! I accepted your offer on the mystery jewelry box. I received notification that your payment didn't go through. You also should have received a notification from Poshmark about the payment failure with information on how you can correct or change your payment information if that is what you need to do. As soon as Poshmark notifies me that the payment has been received, I will ship out your order. Thanks!
Jun 07Reply
sarahdunn123 @marhayes55 I just called my bank. It should work now. Thanks
Jun 07Reply
sarahdunn123 @barryfineman Thank you 🙏🏻 I’m trying to make it better 😁
Jun 07Reply
marhayes55 @sarahdunn123 Thanks for letting me know. As soon as Poshmark lets me know the payment has processed I'll get your order packaged up and shipped. Thanks again!
Jun 07Reply
bau_babygirl @sarahdunn123 Thank you for following my closet. I thought I’d let you know I offer a discount on bundles of 2 or more items if you find anything you like. The larger the bundle the larger the discount as long as the weight doesn’t go over 5 pounds. Also, I’m running a swim sale. Any of my $15 swimwear is buy 2 get the 3rd free (equal or lesser value). If you’d like to create a bundle feel free to do so and if you’ll message me when finished I’ll send an offer. Thank you!
Jun 07Reply
cannondavid550 Hello, nice to meet you dear. Thanks for the shares. Nice closet by the way. Happy poshing!
Jun 15Reply
smilez22222 Hello and Thank You for Following my Closet! 🦋🙂🦋
Jun 15Reply
girliegirldonna Hi dear, Your girls are adorable! So cute
Jun 16Reply
miguel_fym Hello👋🏽Thank you for the follow and Happy Poshing!
Jun 18Reply
dress4_success I'm closing my closet next month, EVERYTHING is $9 Same price if you bundle. Sorry no more discounts! Thanks!
Jun 18Reply
thediamondsea Hi! I accepted your offer on the rainbow 🌈 top, but Posh tells me that your form of payment isn’t going through. I know this happened a month ago, too. It’s yours as soon as you get it resolved. I know sometimes weird stuff happens, so I’ll be looking out to see if a payment comes through. Keep me posted! Thanks!!
Jun 28Reply
elliottc1963 Hello fellow posher, nice closet. Check out my closet, lots of new shoes. Slashed prices on Shape Activewear. Be sure to search within my closet using key words like shoes, bags, socks, Shape Activewear, Kate spade, coach, cat, dog, halloween, christmas, jewelry, disney etc..🦋
Aug 20Reply
scolo52 thanks for you sharing
Sep 17Reply
vanessantoss Hi there! Feel free to like the dress and make an offer once you have payment 🥰
Oct 05Reply
sarahdunn123 @shop_chars my maiden name is
Oct 05Reply
davidcole755 🙋🙋😊😊
Oct 06Reply
westken411 Hello gorgeous thx for the follow and hope you are having a awesome time on here and that I hope to do some business with you in the near future hun, hope you have a wonderful weekend sweetie 😘
Oct 11Reply
starplunep 🥰😍😘🥰😍😘🥰😍😘🥰😍😘🥰😍😘
Oct 17Reply
taramae333 Hi! Thanx for all the shares!!! Tracy -blessings-
Oct 21Reply
taramae333 Hi Sara… I just liked that size 10 purple girls dance dress, my niece is 7. (8 New Year’s Day). She’s pretty tall, I’m 5 feet. Both of her parents are tall. She’s growing like a weed. I do not have kids… but don’t want to buy this if she’s gonna only get to play dress up only a few times. My brother is a singe parent( moms not involved) so when I say it’s size 10 to him it means nothing.
Nov 03Reply
taramae333 So… shes girly for sure . But can put a worm ona hook loves to hunt mushrooms with me, and has found a chicken of the woods near there house. My brother isa single dad ( moms not in pic) so she’s got a crazy ancient hippie for an aunt. Who spoils her. A tad!!;)
Nov 03Reply
sarahdunn123 @robertrobert366 it really does seem to be a lot of beautiful blonde girls in Utah. I’ve heard that before. Thank you 😊 Happy Poshing 🎄
Dec 21Reply
sunnysidejohn Good afternoon ☀️. You have an amazing closet. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to assist in your Poshmark success. Happy Poshing ☀️👍☀️
Dec 27Reply

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