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Updated Nov 06
Updated Nov 06

Meet your Posher, April Diane Ramirez

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm April Diane. 3 kids and married 13 yrs. Trying to declutter our home & reduce waste by selling gently used & loved clothing from my family. I offer fair prices and discounts on bundles.I support other USED clothing closets! Favorite brands: Missing, YMI, AE, Rue21, Express, bebe, Charlotte Russe,Young&Reckless, Derek Heart,Dollhouse, F21, Aeropostale, Hollister, Puma, Kids: Children place, Garanimals
  • Ships to: United States

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affordably WELCOME TO POSHMARK! I hope you find some great deals 😄
Apr 29Reply
zeqkweenshere Hi April, My name is Cherrie!!! Happy Poshmark Birthday 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳 I just wanted to come and welcome you to Poshmark! And let you know that if and when you get stuff or have questions please let me know and I’ll be happy to help you out!!!!📝📝📝🧞‍♀️🧞‍♀️🧞‍♀️🥰🥰🥰🥳🥳🥳
Apr 29Reply
dressed2the9sss @shoppingaddikt Hi! I hope this message finds you well! Please check out my closet, if you have time. I have many items from some of your favorite brands. Thank you!
Jan 14Reply
shoppingaddikt @dressed2the9sss thankyou darling I will!! 👍🏻
Jan 14Reply
whichdebbie Hi April! Your shop is Amazing! It's so exciting thinking you have your own business! I love it :)
Feb 10Reply
poshmf Hi 👋 welcome to poshmark feel free to check out my closet. I have an assortment of items and clothes from mens, women's, kids, books, ect... Bundle multiple items to save even more! Thanks and Happy poshing. **Trying to add new items weekly**
Mar 03Reply
open_all_offers Hello dear: Thank you for your likes and bundle. Please, don't hesitate to send your best offer. Thanks again and God bless.
Mar 16Reply
tw1st3dthr3ads Thank you for all the shares. 🙌❤️💋😃👍🏼
Mar 19Reply
shoppingaddikt @tw1st3dthr3ads Of course! Youve got lots of cool stuff :)
Mar 19Reply
tw1st3dthr3ads @shoppingaddikt Thanks. I like to think I have great taste. Lol.
Mar 19Reply
shoppingaddikt @arlenesattic maybe there's a backlog, we will watch for it for a few days and see what happens 😃
Apr 03Reply
shoppingaddikt @arlenesattic Awww! oh no that sounds terrible about the pocket book ☹️ I don't blame you for getting nervous, you have PTSD about it! glad it started tracking, and I can't wait to receive them :) Thank-you for being so caring and concerned, I love that about you 👍🏼😃😃
Apr 03Reply
shoppingaddikt @arlenesattic Thank-you you as well ! 🐰🐰
Apr 03Reply
shoppingaddikt I just received the jeans in the mail! yay! I LOVE THEM, I'm gonna go accept & Rate the purchase now I just wanted you to know I've got em!
Apr 03Reply
teresatoth Thank you so much - I am very happy that you love it!!!!
Apr 07Reply
briharvey23 OMG thank you sooo much for the 5 star rating and sweet comment!! I truly appreciate that and invite you to continue to shop my closet. I'm always willing to negotiate offers and I'll be going through my closets again soon! 💛
Apr 10Reply
candiejgar Hi there 🙂🙃🙂 I was on the receiving end of a package my husband purchased from you. (2 pair of jeans). He travels for work, so I opened his package and called him. But, I wanted to extend to thank you on how well it was packaged, the thoughtfulness and the extras you included. So thank you. Have a wonderful week.
Apr 14Reply
shoppingaddikt @candiejgar Awww! I'm so so glad you guys were happy with your purchase! I'm also very glad the jeans are getting a second life, Thanks again for your purchase 💞
Apr 14Reply
sbashley3 Thanks 🙏 so much for stopping by I am so humble 😇 and thankful that you stop by 🌺and took a look around. In my appreciation I shall take a 👀 look as yours 👡👢👛🩱as well. Happy 2 share your things with my followers. posh luv🌸🌸🌸 sharing
Apr 16Reply
fattybow1 Thanks for sharing!🥰
Apr 20Reply
shoppingaddikt @fattybow1 Yeah of course darling! spreading some Posh 💕 Love, great closet, wishing you many sales !
Apr 20Reply
fattybow1 @shoppingaddikt All love is appreciated! You're awesome!😎 Happy Poshing🥰🥰🥰
Apr 20Reply
mywisteriaporch Hi April, so happy mugs arrived safely. Great gift for mothers day! Blessings, Dorie
Apr 21Reply
shoppingaddikt @dillygirl61 awwww! I'm so happy it made your day, I'm so very happy to give you new hope🤩 I believe in you, I think you're doing AMAZING! and I will definitely be shopping from you again, Thankyou So Much! you're the reason I love shopping on Posh!
Apr 30Reply
t6363b BUNDLE ANY 5 ITEMS FOR $25 Items must be listed $40 or less;)) ACCEPTING ALL OFFERS Thank you for your interest
May 17Reply
larrykersten Thanks for all the shares!
May 18Reply
shoppingaddikt @larrykersten absolutely! great closet 🖤
May 18Reply
littlepeachxo hello there! ʕ•́ᴥ•̀ʔっ our closet will be temporarily closing on june 1st and all listings will be deleted for our yard sale. all our prices are as low as can be with discounted shipping & all bundles are 50% off. 100% of profits go to help a child abuse survivor. 🤍・゚✧* -peach ♡
May 30Reply
sherryzawacki8 hi.... y'all look beautifully content and in love with one another best of luck in love🌻
Jun 05Reply
shoppingaddikt @sherryzawacki8 Aww that was the sweetest comment I've ever received! we've been together goin on 14 yrs now with 3 kiddos! He's my best friend and dearly love him 🤗💖💖💖 Thank you for your sweet comment, it made my day darlin✌🏼
Jun 05Reply
whichdebbie @shoppingaddikt Hi, I shared your meet the Poshers photo last week, it is such a good photo, but I can't find it now. I Love You a Bunch ❤️
Jun 10Reply
qtboss1 Thank you so much for all your shares I really appreciate it. Your closet is fabulous I absolutely love it. I hope you are staying safe and healthy during this difficult time. Have a wonderful week and happy poshing.😁💕👍
Jun 16Reply
ney7kline Thank you for stopping by and browsing my jewelry collection. While the item that you Like is still fresh on your mind, I’m accepting all offers including Low Offers. Happy 4th of July 🥳🍉👍💎
Jun 19Reply
sborke1218 I’m glad you are happy with your purchase. Thank you for your kind words. I will check out your closet. Anything for the children 💗
Jun 25Reply
nienipip hi ~ you just sent me an offer on the bundle I made. I want to accept it but I don't get paid until next Friday. Can we do it then (if the items are still available)?
Jul 02Reply
curlygirlyx3 Thank you for the shares. Hope you have a great rest of the day💖 Happy Poshing 😊
Jul 18Reply
nutmegthrift Thanks for the Like on the Style & Co. Lotus Tee :) I sent you a Discount!! If you have any Questions, feel free to ask me. Bundles of 3+ get a 10% Discount. Feel free to make Offers as well :)
Jul 18Reply
sargebill April hi and thank you for your follow, wishing you all the very best, Bill and Samantha.
Jul 19Reply
shoppingaddikt @sargebill Thanks Bill & Samantha! wishing you all the best guys 🤩✌🏼🌹
Jul 19Reply
sargebill @shoppingaddikt you are very welcome indeed my friend and we thank you as well 😊
Jul 19Reply
stevenb712 Awww thanks to you Sir for sharing .... Look around and see if you can find something... I appreciate it ....
Jul 24Reply
pawfectcloset Thank you. They are our special babies for sure. Unfortunately we cannot shop across borders but hopefully soon. Have a fantastic summer and be safe. 😜🙏🐶🐕🖐
Jul 30Reply
shoppingaddikt @pawfectcloset Oh really? I had no idea thanks for sharing that info, Happy Poshing Dearest!🤩🙏🏼
Jul 30Reply
pawfectcloset Yes hopefully we will be able to in the near future. Happy poshing to you also and take care
Jul 30Reply
leonawalker1 Thanks for your purchase and for shopping my closet,I will get your items out to you,have a good day,🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷.
Jul 31Reply
bundle23 Thank you for visiting my closet and liking some things. 😊😊If you are interested in buying, please bundle and send me an offer. Happy Poshing!!!😊😊
Aug 03Reply
shoppingaddikt @connerkathi Aww thank-you Darlin! wishing you a prosperous week ahead
Aug 04Reply
leonawalker1 hi shoppingaddikt,thank you for your beautiful comments,I'm so sorry there was a Crack on the lid of the small one,but I'm sure it had to occur during shipping,it was not there when I wrapped it,thank you for shopping my closet,and 🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼.
Aug 05Reply
shoppingaddikt @leonawalker1 Yes THANKYOU SO MUCH! 🙏🏼 I put a dab of wood glue, good as new ! they're gorgeous and I'm very happy with shopping your fun closet 😍 I'll be back ☺️
Aug 05Reply
kcarver6163 I sent you a private message.
Aug 07Reply
clouddancerltd Hello, Just Doing In To Say Hello. Hope your doing Great. Blessings to you and yours.
Aug 10Reply
shoppingaddikt @clouddancerltd HI ! yes we're doing great, kids off to school this Thurs. so mama will only be home with the little guy 😊 lol great to see you, hope you have a great week 🙏🏼🥰
Aug 10Reply
newclothes_ Hi! I am having a big sale as i am going on hold soon! Almost all items have discounted shipping and all offers are accepted! If you are interested I would really appreciate if you checked out my closet! Have a great day! :) (Like anything you are interested in and i will send a discount with discounted shipping)
Aug 10Reply
bestdressed995 🙋‍♀️Hi! 🍍It’s nice to meet you 🍍
Aug 12Reply
nickzee617 Hi I am buying shorts for someone. Any pics of how they look on? Just want to see how them look and if you’d like to email me pics instead it’s nickzee617 g mail.c ,ok thank you hun
Aug 13Reply
plumswardrobe Hi Apryl, Thank you for visiting my children’s closet and for the likes. Automated discount of%25 is set in this closet when you bundle three or more items. Just wanted to let you know in case you like other items in my closet and want to take advantage of this discount. I have a lot more items uploaded in this size. No pressure and please feel free to ask if you have any questions and check out my reviews. ⭐️ Have a nice Saturday☀️
Aug 21Reply
plumswardrobe Thank you so much for taking a minute to review your purchase. I’m so glad you liked them all💕
Aug 25Reply
poshmf Hi 👋 Feel free to check out my closet sometime. I have an assortment of clothes, jewlery, and other items. Something for everyone!   I try to post new items weekly 😊 Stop by often and Happy poshing
Nov 15Reply
shoppingaddikt @poshmf Thanks! I will 🤩
Nov 15Reply
clouddancerltd How Are You & The Kid's?! Happy Thanksgiving! Just Saying Hi! And Prayers For All To Have A Safe Holiday. God Bless You And Yours
Nov 24Reply
cajen44 Great "Jessie" boots. My GD Lillian won't take them off. And the extra brown pair are perfect for her brother Chance! He's two but wears 9.5 toddler. My son and DIL have 6 kids. 15, 11, 8, 3, 2, 4 months. Thanks for the quick shipping!!
Dec 07Reply
shoppingaddikt @cajen44 Awww! that makes me so happy to hear!! I'm so grateful Some other kiddos can make good use of them 😀💕
Dec 07Reply
nailtechfriend Oh wow, I just saw that you shared like 8000 of my listings from my closet! thank you so much for your support for my small business. When you are ready to treat yourself after the holidays, you make a bundle and we'll get you bargained up.😉
Dec 11Reply
emmalyn0012 Welcome to Poshmark! I’m selling lots of stuff if you’re interested. If you make an order today, I can ship it tomorrow (next business day). Happy shopping 😊
Jan 03Reply
shoppingaddikt @emmalyn_ylaya12 Welcome to Poshmark, I'm a Poshmark Ambassador, Thanks for the invite
Jan 03Reply
pamelamarie62 🌸🐾~*Hi, check out my closet for brands you ❤️~*🐾 🌸I have a closet full on wonderful items and offer great deals and discounts especially when bundled😊~*Current Specials: (3) $4 items for $6 & (3) $5 items for $9~*🛒🤩. 5 Lb. Per order please.
Jan 05Reply
pushface111 Hi Apryl Diane! You look so lovely and charming,as does your wonderfull family! I am into vintage and the classic,timeless,and unisex London Fog raincoats,and may I say that You would Rock in a tan,pressed London Fog! So Be Well and Happy Poshing!!
Feb 10Reply
beautycreative Hello here. Nice to meet you! My hobby is nail art. Please feel free to check out my closet. I'll be happy if you like my nails)) Happy Poshing!
Feb 14Reply
shoppingaddikt @pushface111 Thank you Dear. I will take a look at your raincoats
Feb 16Reply
thillbill Happy 2022. Feel free to check out my closet some time. we'll over 2800 items. Bundle few items and save more! Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Maternity, Pet's, Accessories, bags, shoes & lots of Jewlery. Thanks 😊  * Adding new stuff weekly, stop by often
May 09Reply
cutehosiery @shoppingaddikt Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Jun 06Reply
helpingwomen Hi 👋 Do you have any poly mailers available? Thanks 🙏 Joy
Jun 30Reply

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Last Active: Dec 20 2024

Haskell, OK
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Last Active: Dec 20 2024

Haskell, OK
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