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Updated Jan 06
Updated Jan 06

Meet your Posher, Elle🌹

Meet the Posher



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Hi, ’m Lolita! Some of my favz are MK, Coach, Lauren, SE and more! I’m a stay home mom due to my speech disorder from radiation damage, but my little CLAUSET is keeping me busy and I luv it😉 Everything I sell are authentic and are in a condition I would like to receive them. And I don’t double my cost to profit, hence I can only allow so much for discount; so please be kind and considerate. Our home is clean and pet/smoke free!. Thank you for sharing, and I’ll do the same..): Take care!
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revolvingkloset Hi and welcome to Poshmark. If your have any questions, feel free to ask. Happy Poshing! :)
Apr 30Reply
4sureshelley Welcome to Poshmark! This is such a great community💕. If you are active in the community and share listings, both yours and others, it will help you make more sales! Good luck! ☘️
May 01Reply
loj91010 @k1mka thank you!
May 01Reply
hakescakes 🎉 Welcome to Poshmark! 🎉
May 01Reply
calla7667 Hi Lolita! Thank you for the shares!😊💕💕
May 02Reply
kbraddy Hi lovely, welcome to the Poshmark community! If you have any questions about getting your closet set up, feel free to ask! Can’t wait to see what all you post to your page. 🤗✨
May 02Reply
loj91010 @kbraddy thank you... I’m trying to see if there’s any instruction on how to join the group, or bundle..: but I don’t know where to find them... also, how do you thank them from liking? Or what to do next after I get a like on my item? Lolita
May 02Reply
loj91010 @kbraddy hi, thank you the shares too... luv your sandals, I have a couple of Guess’ similar to them! How long have you been poshing? Lolita
May 02Reply
loj91010 @hakescakes hi, thank you
May 02Reply
kbraddy @loj91010 so bundleing is more so for people wanting to bundle more than one item from your closet and purchase them together to cut down on shipping. Most sellers activate a bundle discount where you can pick how ever many items a person can bundle and the automatic discount that would be applied.
May 02Reply
kbraddy @loj91010 My closet has a bundle deal for two or more items and the buyer would automatically get 10% off! People that like your item are interested in buying it so you can either share some of their items as a thank you or offer them a private discount to sell the piece! Hope that makes sense!
May 02Reply
loj91010 @kbraddy got it, thank you! How long have you been poshing?
May 02Reply
kbraddy @loj91010 no problem! Probably for about 3 months or so?
May 02Reply
loj91010 @kbraddy ah ok, how is it going for you?
May 02Reply
loj91010 @kbraddy thank you for sharing... how do you message directly? I go into their page and I don’t see where I can message like we are doing now? So sorry, it’s only my 3rd day!
May 02Reply
hodaya Hi there, plz check out my page, for some cool pieces. Thank you 🌻
May 03Reply
sparkielane4u Welcome to Poshmark. Thanks so much for visiting and sharing my closet! You have a lovely closet. 💕👗👜
May 04Reply
loj91010 @sparkielane4u hi, thank you... and you, too! Take care! Lolita
May 04Reply
loj91010 @1llmatic hi, you’re welcome... thank you for the lovely note, and for sharing my closet, hope that you are having a great time... nice to meet you, Kevin! Lolita
Jul 29Reply
madblk3 💜I appreciate you checking out and/or following my closet😘 I will do the same💐💐🌸share and care💐😇🛍 Happy Poshing☀️😘 💜Be Blessed💜 😇💜I apologize for being incommunicado yesterday and Thursday. I was ill. That’s why I didn’t see them bundle offer. Please forgive me😇💜
Aug 04Reply
loj91010 @madblk3 hi, there... thank you for your message, no worries. I hope that you are feeling better. It was my mistake not noticing that it wasn’t BNWT before I sent out my message to you. Lolita
Aug 04Reply
loj91010 @madblk3 hi, Madalyn... thank you for the offer. Just to be honest that I feel so bad for my mistake, so I just accepted your offer... the wallet looks really nice, and I’m sure that I would receive it as described. I hope that you are feeling better. Thanks, again! Lolita
Aug 05Reply
madblk3 @loj91010 💜Ms. Lolita, I’m confused...did you purchase then resend the purchase?😜😜I didn’t offer anything today other than the sale in my closet. I’m simply trying to understand what you did. 💜Have a blessed evening💜
Aug 05Reply
loj91010 @madblk3 that’s weird, cuz I saw your offer this morning and send my purchase just half an hour or less ago. I’m pretty sure it only went once, or I would see it in my history. In any case, we can always reverse if there’s any duplication. Thanks! Lolita
Aug 05Reply
madblk3 @loj91010 😇💜do you want this piece if so I’ll package it now🥰🥰if not there are no hard feelings. I don’t want you to feel I’m begging🥺 💜be blessed💜
Aug 05Reply
madblk3 💜Ms. Lolita I see the deal. An offer went out 12 hrs ago to you among others. That’s what you’re speaking of🥰 Just let me know, it’s totally fine💝🌹🌺💜it’s all about love💜
Aug 05Reply
loj91010 @madblk3 lol, it doesn’t appear that way at all. It’s what we do, we lower the price hoping to get a bite... and yes, I purchased it already, so you can ship it at your convenience... funny ladee, thank you so😘 Lolita
Aug 05Reply
loj91010 @madblk3 hi, there... looks like my order has arrived, but I’m not home until tomorrow... just letting you know. I’ll be sure to provide my feedback when I get home, thanks again for shipping so quickly! Lolita
Aug 07Reply
madblk3 💜🥰💕 you are a very thoughtful and kind woman Ms. Lolita💕😇🌺 thank you💜be blessed💜
Aug 07Reply
loj91010 @madblk3 thank you, just doing the right thing... god bless you too! Lolita
Aug 07Reply
madblk3 @loj91010 💜Ms. Lolita💜you are so very kind😇💕I am blessed that we came together over a piece of leather and covered cotton🌺🌸🥰Hopefully our relationship will continue to grow, not necessarily over buying and selling, but friendship kinship 🎀💐🌺🌸sharing and caring🎀💐🌺🌸💜be blessed💜
Aug 08Reply
loj91010 @madblk3 and you, Madalyn... thank you so😘
Aug 08Reply
ginajl51 Hi Lolita !! I have been reading all of the sweet comments about you from other Poshers and I agree with all of them !!! You are a very special lady and if I don’t sell one thing on Poshmark I feel blessed to have met you !! 😊
Sep 15Reply
ginajl51 I am still working on getting that new purse “added to my collection” ! Do you know of a way to break up the payment ...?
Sep 15Reply
loj91010 @ginajl51 hi, Gina... you’re sweet, thank you so! And you will sell one, trust me. I felt the same when I started, it took a couple of months before I finally had a bite... the key is to share your closet to your followers at least three times a day, night time being a good time. Then, you have to join the party where you get invited, and share your closet in the appropriate group. Then share other closets too, and in turn they will share yours which give you more exposures
Sep 15Reply
loj91010 @ginajl51 I’m sorry I don’t...
Sep 15Reply
ginajl51 @loj91010 That’s ok ! And Thank you for your help !! Is there a way to Share your Followers all in one transaction or swipe... !? Or do you have to do one at a time ...? Also ... I am SO sorry !!! I just realized that I haven’t “Shared” your beautiful closet with any of my followers yet !!! I feel so bad !!! I just didn’t realize until now !! And Thank you AGAIN for your advice and help !! I didn’t realize this was going to be so time consuming !! 🤪
Sep 15Reply
loj91010 @ginajl51 hi, Gina... you have to share one listing at a time
Sep 15Reply
loj91010 @ginajl51 no worries, no need to apologize... but I recommend that you going the party invites cuz each party has a team; i.e. best in dress party; where you can share your listings too... then share your listings to your followers at least three times a day... the idea is the more you share within your network or outside through the party invites, I’d you get more exposures
Sep 15Reply
loj91010 @ginajl51 plus, you get points for doing that; hence, it enhances your chances of being s posh ambassador. Yeah, it’s a lot of work and may not worth it in the beginning, but eventually will
Sep 15Reply
loj91010 @ginajl51 you can check your post stats by going to your home page and click on ‘my posh stats’... you will see how many times you’ve shared others listings and your... and it’ll tell you what are required to gain the Posh Ambassador status
Sep 15Reply
loj91010 @ginajl51 how’s your mom, btw? I hope that she’s getting better and didn’t need to get surgery for her hips
Sep 15Reply
ginajl51 @loj91010 Ok ... but idk how much time I am going to be able to devote to this !! I had no idea it was this involved ...! I may not be a very good “Posher”. !
Sep 15Reply
ginajl51 @loj91010 Mom seems to be doing a little better ... We still have not heard from the radiologist yet ... They just told us to keep her comfortable and take Advil or Tynenol and keep her leg elevated ... she’s got several bruises from her fall too but she’s hanging in there ! Thank you for asking !! 😊
Sep 15Reply
loj91010 @ginajl51 lol, don’t underestimate yourself, you will be surprise... But the key is we have to like what we do, in order to enjoy it... otherwise, every second we spend is with hesitations and doubts. I like it bcuz for a long time, I’ve been searching for a way to earn some cash while being at home.
Sep 15Reply
loj91010 @ginajl51 cont... Cuz with my speech disorder, even with my education, experience and knowledge - I am unable to get a job nor kept the one I had. Plus bcuz I’m not able to eat by mouth, instead I eat by the gtube on my stomach - my energy level has gone down, so I’m often weak. Then I aspirate a lot, hence I often has pneumonia
Sep 15Reply
loj91010 @ginajl51 so when I found Poshmark and other selling apps, I found myself a job and I am enjoying it cuz I love shopping anyway. Tho sometimes it’s frustrating cuz we come across low ballers that somehow they are able to buy outside for a full price and yet, come checking our little store and try to get the price the lowest possible...cont...
Sep 15Reply
loj91010 @ginajl51 cont... I am learning to block those people cuz it’s selfishness. The most I’ve asked from a seller is 15% discount, rarely that I ask 20% m; only when I know that their price is too high and the I still have to pay for shipping.
Sep 15Reply
loj91010 @ginajl51 I’m glad to hear that... my mom fell and broke her hip when she was 93years old. She passed away last February, she was 97
Sep 15Reply
ginajl51 @loj91010 Hi Sweet Girl I am so so very sorry what you are telling about your health. Bless your heart ! You really are an inspiration to be able to stay so positive and do what you do ! I know you are thankful to be able to earn extra money by shopping ! We all love that past time! I am so sorry you lost your Mom ... I know that was a terrible loss for you to go through ...! You seem to be such a sweet special person ... I’m sure your Mom certainly was proud of her wonderful daughter !
Sep 17Reply
loj91010 @ginajl51 thank you, Gina... yeah, and I certainly don’t know how to swim but I’m trying not to drown!
Sep 17Reply
ginajl51 You are so good about helping me and guiding me along ! Thank you SO much for that ! I am still learning ! I’m getting a little overwhelmed with taking care of my grandson and Mom and fitting in time to take care of my “Poshmark” duties !
Sep 17Reply
loj91010 @ginajl51 bless your heart. Your grandson ok?
Sep 17Reply
ginajl51 @loj91010 Yes he’s great ! But his Mom works so I help her out and pick him up after school and take care of him and “try” to help him with homework until she picks him up ... but he is a very very active 9 yr old !! But he’s got my heart ❤️!
Sep 17Reply
ginajl51 Of course I will accept your offer but do you want to work out something towards the purse ...? Is that doable ??? Or not ?
Sep 17Reply
loj91010 @ginajl51 ha ha, grandkids would do that! I have a 13 yo granddaughter and 8, 4, 3 and two months grandsons... I love them to pieces. Beautiful feeling just to hold them, and see their smiley faces!
Sep 17Reply
ginajl51 You’re a much better swimmer than I am !!! Lol ‘
Sep 17Reply
loj91010 @ginajl51 to be honest, I don’t do trade nor how to plus Poshmark system does not support it, and we still have to pay for the shipping. That said, I rather do it in the old fashion way, lol
Sep 17Reply
loj91010 @ginajl51 lol... you know there’s a saying, we don’t know how strong we are until being strong is the only choice we have; so, again - don’t sell yourself short..:)
Sep 17Reply
ginajl51 @loj91010 Of course ! No problem ! 😊. But you may need to guide me along !
Sep 17Reply
ginajl51 @loj91010 Thanks ! 😊
Sep 17Reply
loj91010 @ginajl51 of course... so you should had received a notification that you received an offer, and you can either accept, counter or deny. But if you accept, look for where the print label (left broom) and hit download. Print it, pack the item and attached on the package. Then take it to USPS or if you trust your postman, you can give it to him...
Sep 17Reply
loj91010 @ginajl51 Once you do all that, you go back to Poshmark and click on the little boxes, that confirms shipment of your item and you’re done... after the USPS scans your item, it connects with your shipment cuz of the tracking # and you’ll get notified that it’s en-route
Sep 17Reply
ginajl51 @loj91010 I’ve got your package all ready to mail ! I will take it to the Post Office tomorrow !! Thank you again !! 😊
Sep 18Reply
loj91010 @ginajl51 hi, Gina... I wanted to tell you that it’s important that you share other people’s listing, as they will return the favor; hence, you’ll get more exposure and that’s how people find your listing faster... plus you get points towards to becoming a Posh Ambassador, when sharing yours and theirs to your followers.
Sep 18Reply
ginajl51 @loj91010 Hello New Sweet Friend !! I iust wanted to let you know that I am still working on getting that purse !! Thank you so much for your patience but if you need to make it available to purchase I really do understand ... I am waiting for a Credit to show up on one of my Credit Cards before I do anything ... I called them on Monday about it and they said it will be 3-5 business days to show up in my acct. If that’s a problem please be honest and tell me! Thank you again !!
Sep 20Reply
loj91010 @ginajl51 hi, Gina.... no worries, like I said I have another one... it’s all good, thank you for being considerate! Lolita
Sep 20Reply
ginajl51 @loj91010 🤗. Of course !!
Sep 20Reply
ginajl51 Thank you for all the shares !! 🤗
Sep 20Reply
loj91010 @ginajl51 you’re more than welcome, Gina... thank you for sharing my closet, too! Lolita
Sep 20Reply
ginajl51 @loj91010 Of course Sweet Friend !! 😊
Sep 20Reply
ginajl51 Hi Sweet Friend !! I got my beautiful bag today ... but I haven’t received anything from Poshmark yet to “Accept” it ??
Sep 27Reply
loj91010 @ginajl51 hi, Gina... thank you for letting me know. USPS probably hasn’t confirmed on their system that’s why PM hasn’t sent you the confirmation
Sep 27Reply
ginajl51 @loj91010 I will keep watching for it !!
Sep 27Reply
ginajl51 How can I get a picture of the one that I want to you ...?
Sep 30Reply
loj91010 @ginajl51 hi, Gina... I will send you the pics through your bundle... give me a few
Sep 30Reply
loj91010 @ginajl51 hi, Gina... I sent it the pics to your bundle... the picture does not do a lot of justice, it’s more gorgeous when you actually see it. Let me know if this is the one you are looking for. There another jet set chain style, but if you want the tassel - this is the only one of the two that has it. The other one you already have Lolita
Sep 30Reply
ginajl51 @loj91010 Hi !! I’m back !! Sorry I’ve been out of reach ... too much going on at once and not feeling that good ... 😢.
Oct 05Reply
loj91010 @ginajl51 hi, Gina... I’m sorry that you are not feeling well. I hope that you get some rest this weekend!
Oct 05Reply
ginajl51 @loj91010 Thank you for that ... I tried to rest today but Mom had some work scheduled on the house today (New Gutters etc). So not much rest was accomplished today ... but I am exhausted tonite !!
Oct 06Reply
loj91010 @ginajl51 hi, Gina... sounds like a busy day for you. Much rest needed, I hope that you sleep well tonight.
Oct 06Reply
ginajl51 @loj91010 I hope so ! I need the rest tonite !
Oct 06Reply
loj91010 @ginajl51 you should and sleep in tomorrow. You deserve it!
Oct 06Reply
lori1je How was your day today?
Oct 08Reply
loj91010 @lori1je hi Lorie, it seems like my days go by too fast and I don’t get anything done... lol
Oct 13Reply
lori1je @loj91010 yeah me too to many jobs to do,not enough time. How r your sales doing?
Oct 13Reply
loj91010 @lori1je hi, Lorie... sales is ok, hoping for it pick up this coming holiday. Looks like added new items in your closet..:)
Oct 13Reply
lori1je @loj91010 yes,no not really.Loys of followers but no sales😢
Oct 13Reply
lori1je I meant lots of followers
Oct 13Reply
loj91010 @lori1je yeah, same here... it’s very nice to have followers but no sales yet... it’ll come, when they are ready to purchase waiting for the right price
Oct 13Reply
lori1je @loj91010 i purchased some necklaces from a wholesaler on here of turtles they are really pretty!
Oct 13Reply
loj91010 @lori1je I want to see! .. lol
Oct 13Reply
loj91010 @lori1je I went to the wholesale and seems like their rices are just the same as the retail. I thought they’re supposed to be lower
Oct 13Reply
lori1je @loj91010 I havent recieved them yet!
Oct 13Reply
loj91010 @lori1je ah ok, show me later then
Oct 13Reply
lori1je But I will soon I hope❤
Oct 13Reply
lori1je @loj91010 I will show you when I recieve them and put them in my closet.Are you into turtles?What else are you into?
Oct 13Reply
loj91010 @lori1je I’m into jewelry but it depends on the style... on the side note, I just received an offer to one of my listing. I find it a little offensive when the offer is way below the reasonable rate. For instance this one was at 27% of my listing despite that I noted that the price is firm. I don’t understand why people do that. The most I asked is 20% off and not often, only when I see fit. Ugh!
Oct 13Reply
lori1je @loj91010 yes I totally understand,they all come at me like Im a magnet for them
Oct 13Reply
loj91010 @lori1je lol... I’m sensitive when it comes to offer I guess bcuz I’m a seller too, so I’m considerate of my offers when I do... some people think that we make do much money, lol
Oct 13Reply
lori1je @loj91010 I know I havent been making much but its what I expected cause its only been since June of last yr. I only hope it doesnt stay this way for long.Im getting so impatient with my business, my job.My job I would love to say bye to.This last week,I was given a verbal warning from my dh
Oct 13Reply
lori1je @loj91010 Home Depot that If nobody isnt there in my department I must stay till someone comes.Well the someone I have to wait for clocks in sits down and eats or plays a game Ive seen it. Anyways he also told I could cut my overtime the next day how fair is this? He told me if it happens again hes writing me up.
Oct 13Reply
lori1je He takes his dh postion to his head😭
Oct 13Reply
lori1je @loj91010 His name is Wash but I call him squash
Oct 13Reply
loj91010 @lori1je lol, you’re funny! I’m sorry Lorie! Can’t you ask for a transfer like cashier just to be away from him?
Oct 13Reply
lori1je @loj91010 cashier is worse.I will be around a bunch of gossipy grown ups! I was a cashier for 3 and half years.
Oct 13Reply
jessiew721 Nice to meet you too!! Thanks for sharing!! Hope your having a great time on Poshmark!!! Happy selling 😀
Nov 09Reply
momof2boys621 Salam, please check out my closet! I have gorgeous dresses from the Middle East and hijab friendly clothing 💕
Nov 09Reply
turtlewhisperer Hi there. I just posted extra pics of the Coach bag for you and I tagged you on it. I don't have those settings on my phone that you suggested so that's why the pics are the way the are. I hope you can see everything and if you need anything else, just holler. 😉💚
Nov 12Reply
loj91010 @afish56 thank you, I’ll check them out and get back to you
Nov 13Reply
luvcoachgal7 Gorgeous closet 🤩🤗🙏
Nov 16Reply
loj91010 @connie_posh thank you, Connie... nice to meet you, too! And I wish you the same! Lolita
Nov 24Reply
loj91010 @luvcoachgal7 thank you! Please feel free to make an offer, I will do my best to work with you. Lolita
Nov 24Reply
loj91010 @momof2boys621 thank you! Will do! Lolita
Nov 24Reply
loj91010 @jessiew721 thank you, you too! Lolita
Nov 24Reply
mzpinkyscloset1 Thanks for sharing my closet... happy POSHING 🤗
Dec 08Reply
studiorengirl This bunny thanks you so much for the shares!💗🐰💗 You've got a lovely closet.☺ Have a Happy Hopping Poshing Night!🐇💖
Dec 11Reply
jchub omg! love your closet! had to share
Dec 13Reply
loj91010 @jchub you sweet, thank you! Lolita
Dec 13Reply
loj91010 @studiorengirl you’re welcome!
Dec 13Reply
loj91010 @mzpinkyscloset1 you’re welcome, happy holidays! Sorry late response! Lolita
Dec 13Reply
schelenoftroy Hi fellow Posh Ambassador Lolita! Thanks for your shares! 💕Fabulous closet!🥰Best to you on your Posh sales & treasure hunts! 🤞🏽🍀
Jan 21Reply
loj91010 @schelenoftroy hi there, thank you! Wishing you the same!
Jan 21Reply
luvyorlook Hi .. nice closet .. would be even nicer if all your “ stuff” wasn’t sold☹️
Feb 02Reply
loj91010 @luvyorlook hi there, thank you! They are not all sold... I have plenty listed and more unlisted😊
Feb 02Reply
chicnation @loj91010 hi I saw you liked boutique items and wanted to say hi I’m Vanessa w chic nation boutique :)
Feb 08Reply
loj91010 @chicnation hi, Vanessa... nice yo meet you, thank you! I sure do, I will make sure yo look into your closet💕
Feb 08Reply
luvyorlook Hi... honestly I only vaguely remember - I had said 1 bag & wallet for your white multi and you said it wasn’t worth it - you wanted 2 bags and then that’s definetly not fair for me .. Looking back I think I said - I guess we’re at a stalemate🙈🙄. And 1 of the bag Travoli& both wallets gone... I’m going to be getting a few interesting peices sometime this week though 🤔😉😍
Feb 09Reply
chaya90 Hi dear. You are well loved and missed! HATE when you go M.I.A.!! Hope you are well friend and look 4wrd 2 chatting with you again soon! Stay safe and stay home!! 😷😨😗❤
Apr 03Reply
lori1je Hello my friend I stopped by to see if you are okay?Havent heard from you in a while how are you and your family doing are yall staying safe.Ive been missing our talks and youve been on my mind a lot too.Hope you are hitting your sales! Lori
Apr 26Reply
drrundle Hey Lolita apparently I purchased a Prada bag from you. I meant to say no I can’t purchase it now but apparently I agreed to purchase it. Please understand that my father died yesterday and anything I agreed or not, I was clearly not clear on my decisions at that moment. Therefore, I ask of you to please cancel this purchase because as I said before I didn’t mean to purchase anything in the middle of my fathers passing. I hope you understand. 😷😊😌😌😌
May 22Reply
loj91010 @drrundle hi there, I’m sorry to hear bout your father’s passing. May his soul Rest In Peace and may your family find peace during this difficult time. I cancelled your order, as you requested. Take care n thank you for all your hard work being on the frontline, bless your heart. Lolita
May 22Reply
nyfashionstore Can you check out my closet 💕 love yoursss
Jun 23Reply
loj91010 @ldadamo123 hi, there... you have a lovely closet, thank you for inviting me💕
Jun 23Reply
mani804 I’m trying to cancel a offer i made Somebody was showing me how the site works and i didn’t know this is how it goes please can i cancel
Jul 05Reply
loj91010 @mani804 you’re welcome
Jul 05Reply
daniellekyle Thank you for your purchase! I can ship tomorrow morning since today is a federal holiday. Also, I did include an extra authenticity certificate for you!
Sep 07Reply
loj91010 @daniellekyle sounds good, thank you... just so you know that it’ll go to Poshmark corporate office first when over $500 then they’ll ship to me... thank you for accepting my offer Lolita
Sep 07Reply
daniellekyle @loj91010 yes, I know.😊 The certificate I enclosed is a little more detailed though than the card Poshmark will provide. Thanks again!
Sep 07Reply
loj91010 @daniellekyle great, thank you
Sep 07Reply
matadora1978 hi there ! shared 10 of your awesome items...wishing you many sales ! 🙋‍♀️
Oct 18Reply
loj91010 @matadora1978 thank you so much, I will do the same
Oct 18Reply
matadora1978 tysm!🙋‍♀️❤
Oct 18Reply
chaya90 I'll miss you my dear friend. You are the most excellent friend a person could have. I'll love you always 💞
Feb 03Reply
littlepeachxo hi i’m having a huge $5 sale & all earnings go to help child abuse survivors. 🤍 bundles 50% off 🤍
Jul 19Reply
schelenoftroy Hi Lolita! Hope you are well!💕
Aug 18Reply
cutehosiery @loj91010 Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Jun 14Reply

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Last Active: Aug 13 2023

Irvine, CA
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Last Active: Aug 13 2023

Irvine, CA
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