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Updated 2 hours ago




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Hello Sunshine! Thanks for stopping by! Please leave me a comment so I can check out your closet. Buy with Confidence! I am a ✅ Posh Ambassador II ✅ Posh Mentor ✅ 5 Star Rated ✅ Fast Shipper ✅ Top Sharer Feel free to make offers and bundle! Because I’m an Ambassador - all listing in my closet qualify for POSH PASS! That means automatic discounted shipping for buyers no matter how small or how large the purchase! Questions? Just ask! ֍֍֍ New to Poshmark? ֍֍֍ Use this invite code POSHCOUNTRY to sign up and get $10 off your first order! We love bundles! Bundle multiple items for additional savings! It’s the same flat shipping rate for up to 5 lbs per box! Happy Poshing! 🙂
  • Seller Discount: 25% off 3+ Bundle

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qtboss1 Thank you so much for all of your shares I really appreciate it. Happy poshing😁💕
May 08Reply
poshcountry @qtboss1 You’re very welcome! We all help each other - that’s what it’s all about! Thank you for your shares as well. 😀🛍🌺
May 08Reply
saveddd1 @poshcountry @saveddd1, thanks so much for the shares I really need them I don’t seem to be getting any where.Thanks Again
Jun 25Reply
poshcountry @saveddd1 You are most welcome! It takes a bit of time. You have to share, share, share and follow, follow, follow! It’s all about helping each other out with this. If I were you, look through other’s closets and join any follow games you come across. Share their items too. They will share your items in return and that cycle will expand your following and your shares. Eventually things will start to sell and make more sense for you. Good luck and if you have any questions feel free to ask!
Jul 02Reply
saveddd1 Thanks so much for the share’s again,I just don’t seem to be doing something right.I need to get some higher prices,I won’t make nothing selling 7 dollar shirts then they don’t even want to pay that.Sorry for the complaining it’s just a lot of work and not going no where with it,Thanks Again.Have A Great Day👍🌺
Jul 02Reply
saveddd1 Thanks a lot.
Jul 02Reply
poshcountry @saveddd1 You’re welcome. Be patient - it takes time. You don’t have that many followers yet so your items are not getting the exposure they need. Join as many parties as you are able. Share from and to the parties. You just have to stay active. Enjoy your day!🙂🛍
Jul 02Reply
saveddd1 @poshcountry @saveddd1 Hi it’s your friendly pest,I wanted to tell you I made a sell yesterday and didn’t even have to go down on price.I also wanted to ask you about all the likes I have, I have marked everything down for the likes and they don’t except and when I do mark it down I’m only making like 2 or 3 dollars and they still want except.I can’t go any lower, I have to sent another comment.
Jul 05Reply
saveddd1 And I have people telling me to lower the price on all likes and they know what I will make maybe 2,3,5.I can’t go any lower.I have about 30 likes and they all wouldn’t except.what would you do? Sorry for being so long.Hope you had a good 4th. Thanks Again.
Jul 05Reply
poshcountry @saveddd1 Hi! Let me first say congratulations on yesterday’s sale! Happy for you 🙂. This will take several comments - I looked over some of your closet and yes, the things I’m seeing a lot of the likes on are already well discounted. I would stand my ground. I have found that sometimes these issues arise with folks that are newer to PM and they just don’t understand the commission fees that PM takes.
Jul 05Reply
poshcountry @saveddd1 #2 - Sometimes if you take the time to politely explain that PM takes 20% of the price, they will understand and either purchase or dicker a little. Let me advise to never haggle about $ out in the open on a listing. Always encourage buyer to make an offer or bundle and then you can discuss $ privately thru one of those options. If they are truly interested they will do as requested.
Jul 05Reply
poshcountry @saveddd1 #3 Go to YouTube and look for PoshMark videos - you will find a lot of great tips there as well. I try to “offer to likers” once a week or every other week - but usually just items that are priced higher and have gained more attention since to do that you have to eat some of the shipping costs. I also try to add new items regularly - once a week or so.
Jul 05Reply
poshcountry @saveddd1 Last - Your pics are nice - maybe just add more detail in some descriptions. Study other successful closets to see what they are doing. Try not to be discouraged- some folks are serious and others aren’t or are just trying buy as cheap as possible. Let me know if any other questions!
Jul 05Reply
saveddd1 Thank you so much I hate bugging you all the time but you have really payed attention to what I’m saying and always answers my questions.I really do appreciate you taking your time out to do this for me. Thanks a lot have a great weekend.😊🤟
Jul 06Reply
poshcountry @saveddd1 😉 Happy to help!
Jul 06Reply
jocole96 Welcome happy poshing 😃
Jul 10Reply
virtualcool Hi 💗 Thanks for sharing. Hope you have a beautiful day. Lots of love 💕
Jul 12Reply
poshcountry @virtualcool Thanks Love- you also! 😘
Jul 12Reply
liplindy Just stopping by
Jul 13Reply
poshcountry @liplindy Well thank you Lindy! I’m pleased to meet you. I shared a few things from your closet - they were very cute! Thanks for stopping by and have a super weekend!🙂
Jul 13Reply
liplindy @poshcountry thanks for the shares, and stopping by. Just curious, do you wear makeup?
Jul 13Reply
poshcountry @liplindy I do- not daily but I do wear it. Why do you ask?
Jul 13Reply
liplindy @poshcountry I am with SeneGence aka LipSense. Have you heard of our products?
Jul 13Reply
poshcountry @liplindy Sorry - I have not heard of them but you can probably list them in your closet for sale. Not sure what PM’s policy is about recruiting others - I would think it would not be a good idea to use PM’s platform for that due to etiquette reasons. Sorry about that. I wish you much success with it though and I’m happy to view the products via listings here. 🙂
Jul 13Reply
liplindy @poshcountry I don't, sell them on Posh. But I can send, you a message on Pinterest. I will follow you there. I do it on Instagram and fb.
Jul 13Reply
liplindy Left you a message on Pinterest
Jul 21Reply
dottief1 Thank you so much💕
Jul 23Reply
poshcountry @dottief1 you are most welcome! If there’s anything I can ever help you with please just ask. Happy Poshing!!🤗🛍👠
Jul 23Reply
cosabella05 Thank you so, so much for sharing my closet. I truly appreciate it. Happy sales. Have a great evening 🎊💃🏽🥰💃🏽🎊🎈
Jul 24Reply
bkowens1113 I huge thank you for all of the shares! I greatly appreciate it! Have a wonderful day 😉
Jul 25Reply
poshcountry @bkowens1113 You are very welcome! Thank you!🙂🌟🛍
Jul 25Reply
divaslimited1 @poshcountry ❣ Thanks for the order. I'll ship it out first thing tomorrow morning. Have a great weekend!
Jul 26Reply
poshcountry @divaslimited1 Thanks- you too! Thanks for accepting!🙂🤗
Jul 26Reply
poshcountry @nrussell56 Thank you for the 5 Star Rating!! I hope he likes the shirt!🙂
Aug 02Reply
reddot97 Thanks for sharing 🥰🥰
Aug 06Reply
poshcountry @saveddd1 So I see you have accumulated a few sales!! 17! WooHoo! How are things going for you?🙂
Aug 08Reply
qtboss1 Thank you for continuing to share my closet much appreciated😁😁😁💕💕💕🌺🌺🌸🌸👍👍
Aug 08Reply
poshcountry @qtboss1 You’re welcome!! Thank you!!😊🛍🌵☀️💕
Aug 08Reply
05teddy11 Blessings on sharing from my closet 💜🤟🏻❤️. Cool posher pictures & closet 💜. Happy week and poshing ❤️🤟🏻❤️
Aug 08Reply
poshcountry @05teddy11 Aww thank you so much! You as well! 🌵☀️🛍🙂
Aug 08Reply
ceeblue56 Thank you again 🤗😘 for sharing... this is ceeblue56. If I can help you in anyway please let me know! Cheers!💋
Aug 08Reply
poshcountry @ceeblue56 Thank you! It’s all about sharing. Have a fab day!🙂🌵☀️
Aug 08Reply
poshcountry @rawfashionfinds @vermont1213 Thanks for all the shares!!!😎🤗
Aug 15Reply
vermont1213 @poshcountry Thank u as I am happy to meet another great person on poshmark..
Aug 15Reply
paperbagclothes @poshcountry Hi, I’m 🙋🏻‍♀️Lucy. Thank you for the shares. I returned the favor. ✅♻️💗. Have a wonderful day. Many Posh Blessings. 💗💐🍀💗💐🍀💗💐🍀💗💐🍀💗💐🍀💗💐🍀💗💐🍀💗💐🍀💗💐🍀💗💐🍀💗💐🍀💗
Aug 15Reply
rawfashionfinds @poshcountry Same to you & have an awesome day 😘
Aug 15Reply
05teddy11 Blessings on sharing from my closet ❤️🤟🏻💜. Cool posher pictures and closet ❤️. Happy week and poshing 💜🤟🏻❤️
Aug 16Reply
poshcountry @05teddy11 Thank you! You as well!🙂🌵🌟
Aug 16Reply
poshcountry @paperbagclothes Hi Lucy! Thanks for sharing back! Have a wonderful evening and successful weekend!🙂🌵🌟
Aug 16Reply
paperbagclothes @poshcountry Your welcome. My pleasure. 💗I’ll try to visit your closet more often & share.♻️💐
Aug 16Reply
baggaliciouz Welcome to Stop By anytime 🎀
Aug 18Reply
saveddd1 Hey it’s good to hear from you.I put mine on vacation it was getting on my nerves.I have marked everything down to only clearing maybe $5 to 8 dollars.And I mean I marked it down low and people that like the things just want it for nothing.they don’t realize how long it takes to get everything set up share everyday.I just put on hold for a while.Im headed out to grocery store what fun.Thanks for texting,have a good one.😊🤟
Aug 21Reply
poshcountry @saveddd1 You should do that every once in a while - put your closet on vacay - it seems to somehow help with sales when you get back. Has something to do with the algorithms or so I’ve heard. Shared a few things for you. Enjoy your vacay and don’t worry about sharing back right now - just chill for a bit. 😊🌵🌟
Aug 22Reply
breecreativ_ I love your closet!!
Aug 22Reply
poshcountry @breecreativ_ Aww- Thank you so much! I really appreciate that more than you know. 🤗 I love yours too! You have lots of shoes which is something I have to work on. I love those Naughty Monkey Boots in your closet with the fringe! Wish I could wear heels!
Aug 23Reply
breecreativ_ @poshcountry If those boots were in my size they would be in my personal closet and not in my Poshmark closet lol. There's been so many shoes I've come across wishing I was Cinderella and the shoe fit lol
Aug 23Reply
saveddd1 Thanks so much for all your help. hope you had a good weekend.😍🌷🦋
Aug 24Reply
poshcountry @gateskr23 You’re so welcome! You have such a cute closet - I can’t get over how cute that ladybug swimsuit is!! Wish our daughter was little again!!
Aug 27Reply
poshcountry @gateskr23 Yes they do that! Enjoy as much time as you can with them now. 🙂 We have a fantastic community here. Glad you’re liking it!
Aug 27Reply
divaslimited1 Thank you! I'll ship your key chains out this morning. Have a great day!!
Aug 28Reply
poshcountry @divaslimited1 Thanks so much! Can’t wait to see them!🤗
Aug 28Reply
divaslimited1 @poshcountry ❣ They are on the way! You should have them Friday. 😎😎😎
Aug 28Reply
appareltrends Thank you for sharing my listing.
Aug 29Reply
poshcountry @appareltrends Thank you for sharing mine!!🙂🌵🌟
Aug 29Reply
wildflowerszz 🌼Thank you!!😁
Aug 31Reply
madblk3 💜Thank you for checking out my closet😘 I am happy to help promote your efforts💐💐🌸I only want to share🌺, care🌸 and be respectful🥰 💐😇🛍 Happy Poshing☀️😘 💜Be Blessed💜
Aug 31Reply
poshcountry @madblk3 You as well and Thank you!! I’ve shared some of your items. Hope you have a great weekend!!🙂🌵🌟🎉
Aug 31Reply
bargainjen Hi! Thanks for the shares! My twin sister is @PitaKat7... Happy Poshing!
Aug 31Reply
poshcountry @bargainjen 😮!! Pleased to meet you!!!🙂🙂🙂 No wonder you shared so many listings -LOL!! Thank you so much for the shares!
Aug 31Reply
bargainjen @poshcountry You’re welcome! She is usually in charge of the closets...nice to meet you!
Aug 31Reply
ceeblue56 Hi There Posh Country, Thank You for visiting my closet!😍 Appreciate your info and I also want to be a “Posh Ambassador”😱🤞. I’ll continue to follow you and share!🤗🤗🤗👍 Maritza 💋
Sep 01Reply
poshcountry @ceeblue56 Aww - you are so sweet! Thank you for that. If I can do it so can you! List, share and follow regularly - you will get there!🤗
Sep 01Reply
poshabilities_ Thank you for your generous sharing! Much appreciated and favor returned!!🤗
Sep 12Reply
poshcountry @poshabilities_ thank you!! You have a beautiful closet.
Sep 12Reply
posherlux Thank you so much for all the shares! I truly appreciate it ❤️ Be sure to check out my closet again as I add new listings every week! Happy Poshing 💫 Xoxo -Posher Lux 💫
Oct 24Reply
sammie012777 Thank you my dear friend for all your shares I hope you're having a good day and you enjoy the rest of the week 🤗🤗🤗🦋
Nov 07Reply
poshcountry @sammie012777 Aww- you’re very welcome! And same to you. Blessings!🤗💐🌞
Nov 07Reply
poshcountry @yourheartsays You are most welcome! I think this is a wonderful community as well. We all support each other. All the best to you - if you need anything just let me know. 🙂
Nov 07Reply
poshcountry @yourheartsays Hi - this listing was originally my “meet the posher.” I changed it to “like if you want to be notified of new items.” The offers are how I notify everyone. Thanks for noticing! Hope all is going well for you!🌵😉🌻
Nov 09Reply
poshcountry @yourheartsays Wow- what a fantastic host pick! The bag is beautiful! I’m afraid however it was not I that nominated you this time. If you had any other comments earlier in the day regarding the upcoming party it was likely from that. Congratulations! It’s a very well deserved #HP. You have an amazing closet! 🎈🎁💕🎊🎉🛍
Nov 18Reply
poshcountry @romeolovesme You’re so sweet! No that is not me - just a stock photo. I’m not a big eyeshadow wearer so I wouldn’t know specifically what to suggest for this look. I do have some palettes I can share to you but not sure if it’s what you’re looking for. Have a great day!🙂
Nov 20Reply
poshcountry @romeolovesme Oh - and thank you as well for sharing - we’re all here to help each other!
Nov 20Reply
alines2 Thanks for the shares, greatly appreciate it :))
Nov 21Reply
poshcountry @yourheartsays Yes but not regarding a sale. The buyer may have applied for a name change on their closet and it was approved and changed at that time by PM. You can ask PM to verify through their customer service link and ask if you need a new shipping label. You should hear back from them by Monday and still be able to ship the bag.
Dec 07Reply
poshcountry @yourheartsays Or, go to your sales, click on that particular one and at the bottom you can click on “download new shipping label.” You may see the updated closet name on the new label. Congratulations on your sale!! I love Brahmin bags!
Dec 07Reply
featherartworks no thanks, do not have money to buy.
Dec 07Reply
poshcountry @yourheartsays Glad to have helped! xo🙂
Dec 08Reply
sammie012777 Happy Sunday sweetie I just wanted to stop in and say tysvm for all your shares that you do for my closet quite often and I also want to say thank you for being what a TRUE Poshmark Ambassador is supposed to be I have just dealt with one that is a Posh Ambassador that doesn't know how to be nice... I wud like 2 write Posh to recognize GOOD ambassadors like YOU Merry Christmas and a happy holiday season to you and yours 🤗🌲🌲😍
Dec 08Reply
poshcountry @sammie012777 You’re a doll! No reason for folks to not be nice. Happy to share your closet. Have a blessed Christmas and a Happy Healthy New Year my friend!xoxo🎄💐
Dec 08Reply
alines2 Thanks for the shares, greatly appreciate it :))
Dec 08Reply
saveddd1 @saveddd1 Hey there, Thanks so much for the share’s.I have a question. something that I should already know,I just don’t understand how poshmark explains do I send offer to one person instead of every liker. Thanks
Dec 09Reply
poshcountry @saveddd1 Hello! Add the item to their bundle then go in to the bundle and offer from there.
Dec 09Reply
saveddd1 I know you think I’m crazy but I still don’t understand how to make a bundle.
Dec 09Reply
poshcountry @saveddd1 OK - so when you share a listing, a screen pops up offering to share to all your followers or you can search for a particular person. Tap on search and type in their closet name. That will add it to their bundle. You are now “styling them.” Another way is to go to their closet if they’ve already liked the item.....
Dec 09Reply
poshcountry @saveddd1 At the top just to the right of their closet name is the bundle icon. Tap that, click the three dots (more button) to switch to sell view, tap the add to bundle button at the bottom of your listing they liked. Like magic it appears in their bundle. Once it’s there you can click on the make offer button at the bottom of the bundle screen. Make your offer either with or without a shipping discount. You cannot make any other offers to them until the first is either declined or it expires.
Dec 09Reply
saveddd1 Ok thanks so much that makes more sense to me.Im sorry for the crazy questions I should know all of this.I don’t comprehend to well.I am so sorry to bother you with stupid questions. Thanks so much.hope you have a wonderful Christmas.🎁
Dec 09Reply
poshcountry @saveddd1 Please no worries! No questions is stupid. We all have to learn. 😉 Glad I could help. Have a wonderful Christmas 🎄🌟🤗
Dec 09Reply
goodtreasures Thank you for all the shares! I hope you are making a bunch of sales.
Dec 21Reply
poshcountry @goodtreasures you’re so welcome- right back at ya. I love your closet and your personality! It’s been a bit slow this week - I was busy the previous week though. Thank you.
Dec 21Reply
goodtreasures @poshcountry do you send individual bundle offers?
Dec 21Reply
poshcountry @goodtreasures Yes all the time with a nice little note
Dec 21Reply
poshcountry @goodtreasures I think the slowness is just a reflection of the time I’m able to spend sharing. I am not able to get on three and four times a day every day like I would like to.
Dec 21Reply
goodtreasures @poshcountry I think bundles are better than OTL. Ive never looked at stats to see which makes the most sales for me though. I think it’s the bundles.
Dec 21Reply
poshcountry @goodtreasures I may have to chat with you at some point and see if I’m missing something. I had a closet consult done a while back and it helped quite a bit but I still have some changes to make and need to be more consistent.
Dec 21Reply
goodtreasures @poshcountry closet consult with who?
Dec 21Reply
poshcountry @goodtreasures look up artisan_moon - she is a jewelry wholesaler here. It was very reasonable and affordable
Dec 21Reply
goodtreasures @poshcountry maybe I will try wholesale sometime. Right now my business model is doing what I need it to, but I could always do better.
Dec 21Reply
poshcountry @goodtreasures talk to me first before doing wholesale if that’s what you decide to do.
Dec 21Reply
goodtreasures @poshcountry I am not in a hurry to do It. The market is flooded with wholesale
Dec 21Reply
aquiredforyou Thanks for all the shares!!! Merry Christmas!!!
Dec 24Reply
poshcountry @aquiredforyou Thank YOU!! Love your closet! Have a beautiful Christmas!🙂🎄🌟🙏🏻
Dec 24Reply
swagershack what are you selling exactly for $38,000.00?? And will you personally deliver?!
Jan 17Reply
poshcountry @swagershack Lol! It was the only way I could get a out that new listings are available 😀
Jan 17Reply
swagershack I was only joking witcha! You have great items, btw. I wish you more continued success 💯
Jan 17Reply
poshcountry @swagershack you succeeded in making me laugh! Thank you.
Jan 17Reply
harty54 Good morning, thanx for sharing :)
Jan 27Reply
poshcountry @harty54 You’re welcome! Thank YOU🙂
Jan 27Reply
lockelittlet 🤗Wow it's been a long time!!! I hope this finds you well and have enjoyed your purchase.🛍 🎉🎉🎉Let's have some fun... we need a little joy on this Easter!!!🐰🙏 Bundle 2+ items and get 25% off and a shipping discount. Just items to you bundle or ❤ the items and I'll do it for you. So check out all the new womens, mens and kids fashion being added daily!!! 🎉🎉🎉✌💗
Apr 12Reply
poshcountry @lockelittlet Hey girl! Happy Easter to you as well! Love my purchase thank you! Not in the market for purchasing right now but I will definitely stop back later on. Hope all is well with you! Stay safe!🙂🌵🌟
Apr 12Reply
514lenab thanks so much for the support!!😘✌❤
Jun 15Reply
katecarroll6 Hi hun! I am accepting ALL offers today! I'm moving and looking to reduce the load! Feel free to check out my closet and offer on anything you like! I will accept.. Bundles are also welcome :) Thank You!!
Jun 20Reply
poshcountry @katecarroll6 Best of luck to you in sales and in your new home! Thanks for stopping by and letting me know. I’ll share your closet today!🙂🌵🌟
Jun 20Reply
lilac_and_daisy Thank you so much for sharing my listings!!! It means a lot!!!😊❤❤❤
Jul 26Reply
poshcountry @lilac_and_daisy You’re so welcome! Thank you for sharing mine!🙂
Jul 26Reply
billy072 hi. i told buyer from sale yesterday that i am paying shipping and to tell posh to deduct ship fee. they said even if not using them there is the fee. if i offer free ship i pay ship label fee plus ship. tried to be honest as all my buyers are being double billed. i am not paying as comes out of little earn. cancelled order as made $0 in end. i have some disabilities. this online selling gave me somthing to do. added to ssd get.
Aug 05Reply
winstondunbar Happy Poshing🌺🐫😍🎁🎠💝
Aug 07Reply
poshcountry @vanburendavid7 Hi! It’s just a notification that I posted new items for sale. Thanks for your response- come visit and let me know if you have any other questions! 🙂🌵🌟
Aug 12Reply
poshcountry @vanburendavid7 I’ll message you on your page
Aug 15Reply
sarabd10 You are a gracious and successful posher. So many shares!!! You go girl!!!!😎
Aug 15Reply
poshcountry @sarabd10 Aww- thank you. As are you! Right back at ya!🥂🙂🌵🌟
Aug 15Reply
pocketchangews Thanks for Following me 🥰 You have a BEAUTIFUL closet! I appreciate all of the PFF love as a new wholesale supplier. 💘 Stay safe and have a fantastic day 🥂 Cheers Desire'e
Sep 27Reply
rrucker5 Thanks so much for all the shares!! I really appreciate it. I'm still fairly new to Poshmark and need all the help I can get!
Oct 12Reply
poshcountry @rrucker5 You’re so welcome! I enjoyed sharing your closet - looks like you’re doing great. If there’s anything you need help with feel free to ask! Thanks in return for sharing
Oct 12Reply
cuti1959 Hi, I am following you after seeing Dan12shots beautiful closet and seeing you are her mentor. She recommended you highly 🥰 I also am new like Danny, but she is far ahead of me. I am at 99%right now to be a Poshmark ambassador but I still have a long way to go as far as understanding everything about Poshmark. Ok, just wanted to say hi and compliment you 🥰
Oct 13Reply
poshcountry @cuti1959 Hi! Thanks so much for saying hello and sharing my items. 😎 I’ve shared back for you. I’m flattered by the kind words. Thank you. Yes, @dan12shot has done an amazing job with her closet and has so much style. You’re correct - SHE did that. She’s been so much fun to work with. I’m here and happy to help you as well if you need! Congratulations - you’re almost there!
Oct 13Reply
cuti1959 @poshcountry Thank you so much and thank you for responding to me. I know when I get to ambassador status I will beg in LaLa land unless they give you a I haven't sold much and that worries me a little. I was told to keep my prices as is because people like to get deals and fanagle with you, so I leave room for lowering prices and I also give discounted shipping.
Oct 13Reply
cuti1959 @poshcountry I also know PM takes 20%. I just don't know why I am not selling more. I like the stuff in my Thanks 💕
Oct 13Reply
poshcountry @cuti1959 it takes a lot of sharing & building followers. If you can, try to share your whole closet 3x a day. And lighting is key to great pics
Oct 13Reply
judster3 Hi. Iike your closet. Nice selection. I was attracted to the equestrian jackets, even though they are not my size. (I used to ride). :). I am a 'newbie' selling on PM. Have a great day!
Oct 22Reply
bargaintwins 😘😘😘
Aug 18Reply
poshcountry @notebookpanda thanks you as well!
Aug 27Reply
timamy21 Thank you for the Follow. I'm going to share some of your items and hope you will share some of mine in return. I'm relatively new to poshmark and don't have a lot of sales yet so every little bit helps. Happy poshing!
Nov 18Reply
xj2l9oswbluc Love your closet name! Awesome 🤩
Nov 25Reply
9x6i7c322wch Love your closet! ✌🏻
Nov 30Reply
jakeofallsales wow!! so gorgeous
Jan 27Reply
poshcountry @tutuwig Thank you! Yours as well - just shared back. Thanks again. :)
Aug 22Reply
its_crystal28 @poshcountry 🌷FREE GIFT W/ EVERY PURCHASE🌷 Hello!! 🌷Im Crystal , hope ur doing great today, by the way, if u have time I would love to invite you to check my simple closet, and if you like something just simple click the “❤️” or make an offer , always open to Offers😉 thank you in Advance. God bless and Happy Poshing my friend 🌷speedy sales to you
Nov 03Reply
poshcountry @saveddd1 Hi there! So happy to see your closet has really blossomed. You have a lot of beautiful listings and are doing well! 🤗
May 21Reply
saveddd1 Hello, It is good to hear from you it has been awhile.My closet has a lot of items but Im not making a lot of money.Its better than it was.Im just to cheap on some of my items then people want a discount.I end up making average from $3.00 to $8.00.My closet is definitely growing.well its good to hear from you I hope you are doing well.Thanks for checking on me and thanks for the shares.have a good night.
May 22Reply
poshcountry @saveddd1 See reply in your bundle
May 22Reply
kbetzwiser Feel free to make a bundle and save. Thank you for looking at my closet
May 23Reply
fashiongirl2375 Hi! Thank you so much for checking out my account and sharing 💗
May 26Reply
julissazelaya Welcome to Poshmark! I’m Lissa, and I invite you to check out my closet.❤️ I have a lot of beautifuls and cutes charms for your bracelets and necklaces.🍸 🌟 I am available If you have any questions feel free to ask me! ❤️ ❤️ Happy Poshing! 🌺🌺
Jun 20Reply
modnaya_koshka Good morning 😻 please take a minute to check my Artisan Closet, and I hope you will find your little Treasure here. Thank you for looking, Fashion Cat @modnaya_koshka
Aug 12Reply
thegretchel Thanks for the follow! If you or someone you know is struggling with suicidal thoughts please know there is help available. Call or text 988 the 24/7 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline. I offer free suicide prevention kits in my shop with any purchase. If you do not need a kit but would like to get involved please feel free to browse my closet. The proceeds help me to continue my mission of making sure anyone who needs a kit can get one and allows me to be able to create additional mental health tools.
Aug 15Reply
lovenarf Hi. I would love to invite you to visit my closet. I carry new and vintage, some of which will be of interest to you I think. Thanks for taking a few minutes to stop by.
Aug 23Reply
valdezarm1974 Thank You for following sweetheart!😋
Oct 15Reply
poshcountry @valdezarm1974 Of course! Thank you. Wishing you all the best
Oct 15Reply
jlo111 I wanted to share how impressed I am regarding your mentoring of new Poshers. Kindness is my favorite trait, you rock!
Oct 29Reply
poshcountry @jlo111 Awww - thank you so very much! You are very sweet! I try to do my best. Love your closet by the way - shared a few items - nice things! Appreciate you! 😘
Oct 29Reply
jlo111 @poshcountry Ditto! When someone is kind and has nothing to gain for it, much can be learned about that person’s character.
Oct 29Reply
cutehosiery @poshcountry Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Nov 25Reply
poshcountry @cutehosiery Hi Love! How have you been? Thank you for the kind words! I believe we’ve met from a live show? Hope all is going well for you also! Hoping to have a show soon - it’s been very hectic. See you soon! Happy Holidays!
Nov 25Reply
degas3011 Sale - Just LIKE 3 items from my closet and a $25 offer will be sent to you! YES - It really is that easy
Nov 30Reply
pattyburney Love, that the bra you sold me was a great deal. I wish I could get it, but it's too small. If you have anything like that and a large, I'd be happy to get it. I need a 10.🥰🤣❣️
Dec 18Reply
poshcountry @pattyburney Hi! Thanks. The blue strappy one? I will keep my eyes open for you. The sm/med is all I have right now. ☺️
Dec 18Reply
lorib310 Good Morning- Go get em today! 🥂💐🎶
Jan 13Reply
dustinr74 thank you so much for being such a. awesome human being and a super awesome lady. I appreciate you 💯❤️
Jul 15Reply
shinemary Hi Would like to invite you to take a look in my closet. I am looking to clean up my closet. I love offers and bundling. I have so many different Items. Looking to hear from you & wishing you a great day Shinemary
Jul 22Reply
backporchdealz Hello there … I’m Val… If you have a chance stop by my LIVE show on Wednesday night @ 8:24 pm est. @backporchdealz You’ll meet lots of nice ladies and we have a load of fun. You might even find your favorite new outfit at show/auction prices. I’m LIVE every Wednesday night same time. Consider this your personal invite. Also…follow my friends/sisters @sonja1234 and @Swankythreads… they also do live shows…We carry Women’s XS-3X I’ve been a POSHMARK SELLER SINCE 2013
Aug 21Reply
poshcountry @sonja1234 Bless your heart Sonja. She was looking for a pink bag and YOU asked if anyone had any bc you did not. I didn’t want to be rude in your show and address the whole crowd. Shoppers are free to shop wherever they like and I was not trying to take your peeps away. I’m sorry if you don’t want to hear what I have to say in return and work this out. That’s on you, not me. Many blessings to you just the same.
Aug 30Reply
poshcountry @sonja1234 OK. So let’s agree to disagree & call a truce.
Aug 30Reply
esther138 @poshcountry hi. Thanks for sharing. Pls check out my closet. Happy to work on anything you like!!! Have a great day!!!♥️♥️♥️
Nov 29Reply
poshcountry @esther138 Very kind of you. Thank you.
Nov 29Reply
esther138 @poshcountry of course!!!
Nov 29Reply
corinnesechrist Thanks for following and may God bless your efforts.
4 days agoReply
poshcountry @corinnesechrist Thank you for the kind words and blessing. God bless you as well. Love your switch plates! I may be back for some-have to take a look around the house and see what’s needed. 🙂🙏🏻✝️
3 days agoReply

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