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Updated Oct 22
Updated Oct 22

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Meet the Posher


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Hi! I'm Hilda. Some of my favorite brands are J. Crew, Lucky Brand, LLBean, Clark's, and GAP. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment :) My home is pet friendly & smoke free.
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bagladydeb Hi, welcome to poshmark 😊😊
Jun 02Reply
foresttreasures Hi Hilda! Hi! 🙋‍♀️ I'm Cindy from the mountains of North Carolina! WELCOME 🌺 🌸 TO 🌸 🌺 POSHMARK! Just wanted to stop in & introduce myself. I'm always l👀king for new Posh friends to shop with, share your listings if you are selling, & share the treasures in my closet too! Come take a 👓 peek & let me know if you have any questions. I’m a Posh Ambassador & Mentor, so always glad to help! HAPPY 😀 POSHING!!! 💋 Cindy from the 🌳🐻🌳Forest!
Jun 02Reply
bntnewlife28 🛍👝Welcome to Poshmark!!!! 💥🌹Any questions or just want to drop by my closet @bntnewlife28 feel free to explore!!!!💋💋 #poshmarkambassador#
Jun 06Reply
nanazfinds Welcome to poshmark! 😊 happy poshing!
Jun 06Reply
leitiques Welcome to my Poshmark closet and if  find items you like make a bundle for a discount on shipping and the items and I will send you an offer.
Jun 06Reply
msneverending1 Hilda just wanted to stop by and welcome you to Poshmark and thank you so much for following my closet. You will meet some of the most awesome people here on Posh. I hope you have an awesome day today!!! Love & Peace Carol
Jun 06Reply
tinakuo Welcome to Posh!😊🌸Can’t wait to see what you’ll have in your closet!
Jun 06Reply
lg_stylist Hi,welcome to Poshmark:)
Jun 06Reply
marystohr Hi. Welcome to Poshmark. So happy to have you be a part of this wonderful community of very nice people. If you have any questions I would be very happy to answer any of them that I can. And please feel free to check out my closet. I add new listings frequently. And I will keep an eye on yours as well. Take care and happy poshing. Mary
Jun 06Reply
annbichon Hi, Hilda. Welcome to Poshmark. I wish you fun and success. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask for help from me or any other Posh ambassador. Happy selling (and buying)!
Jun 06Reply
lea4567 Hi! Welcome to Poshmark!!!💐Poshmark is a Fantastic and Fun Community and a Great place to buy and sell from! I’d be happy to help if you have any questions:) I wish you and your closet many blessings and much success!🥳
Jun 07Reply
c_silhouette Hi Hilda! Welcome! Stopping through and wishing you a happy Friday and wonderful weekend! Enjoy ❤ Christin
Jun 07Reply
aliciainbagland Hi Hilda!🙋🏻‍♀️This is Alicia. Thanks for following my closet. I’m following you, too!🤗 Welcome to Poshmark!💐💐💐 Please feel free to Buy, Make Offers or Bundle or put ❤️ on your “Likes” and I will reply with my Lowest Offer! If you Buy 3+Items, you Get 20% OFF!🤑🤑🤑BTW, I’m a Posh Ambassador, so ask me any questions!💕
Jun 07Reply
junebugnewtoyou Welcome to Poshmark!🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻
Jun 07Reply
amymotl Welcome!!  My name is Amy, a poshmark ambassador, I am here to help guide you with anything you might need. Shopping and selling on Poshmark can be easy and fun. Few things to remember is to follow lots of people. This gives you more followers also for selling. Please check out my closet and remember enjoy. 😁🤗
Jun 07Reply
sarahbell85 Hi there! Thanks for the follow! Please stop by my closet @sarahbell85 while you're browsing, and dont be shy to make offers. Everything in my closet is negotiable ;)
Jun 07Reply
tschlitt Hey Hilda! Come check out my closet, I added a ton of new stuff and I still have so much more to add!! I am doing a total closet clear out, so I am accepting most offers!!
Jun 07Reply
dchillas Welcome to posh! I am a posh ambassador and here to help you with any questions you may have. As you continue to list items to your closet I will help you sell them by sharing them with my followers! Please check my closet out I hope you find something you love for yourself if not I have a lot of great giftgiving items for every occasion graduations birthdays you name it… If you like the item but not the price please make an offer I am very reasonable💕
Jun 07Reply
lill4 Welcome to Poshmark 🌺🌺🌺🌺 Hope you will love it as much as I do. Let me know if you need any help navigating this site. Happy Poshing 🌺🌺🌺
Jun 07Reply
pg825200 Welcome to Poshmark!! I hope you enjoy the many opportunities to buy/sell your favorite brands 👗👠👚👙👜👒at discount prices 💰💵 If you have any questions, feel free to tag me for help. Also, I’d love ❤️ if you took a moment to check out my closet.
Jun 07Reply
callmethrifty 🌸 Welcome to Poshmark 🌸 If you need anything or have questions please just ask.... everyone here is super friendly! I’m a Posh Ambassador, top rated seller and a fast shipper... feel free to stop by my closet (it’s open 24-7 😁) Happy Poshing 💕💕.
Jun 07Reply
jojomall Hello doll, Thank you for following me it's an honor‼️Please pop in & check out my closet by clicking on my name, I have many items I think you would love🥰 If you bundle one or more items that you love I will send you my best no obligation offer. Or you can send me your best offer🥰 Feel confident in your purchases with me because I am a top rated seller & posh ambassador. I also have baby, children's & maternity clothing. I hope your having a really great day‼️ HAPPY POSHING🌈💜
Jun 10Reply
lnicole061225 Thanks for sharing 😊
Mar 05Reply
manyseasonsofme @lnicole061225 you are sooo welcome!
Mar 05Reply
luckyenough207 @manyseasonsofme - Hi there! Are you from Maine? These looks like pics from my home State...!
Mar 21Reply
manyseasonsofme @luckyenough207 Yes! The flowers are from my backyard and the others are on MDI.
Mar 21Reply
manyseasonsofme the other photos that is haha
Mar 21Reply
luckyenough207 @manyseasonsofme ~~ I totally thought so - especially the MDI pics! I live in Harpswell and MDI is my all-time favorite place on Earth! You’re so lucky to live there - I go every year for my birthday to do some hiking in the Park.
Mar 21Reply
manyseasonsofme @luckyenough207 I'm not on the island, though I visit it as often as possible. I'm about 20-25 minutes to Ellsworth on a good day.
Mar 22Reply
manyseasonsofme The "me" was suppose to be capitalized in 'manyseasonsofME'. But Posh doesn't do caps lol.
Mar 22Reply
lulutooz hi hilda tx for offering discount/s on boots/ not in usa anymore so, stopped ordering....but tx anyway cheers
Apr 16Reply
manyseasonsofme @lulutooz Sorry for the inconvenience. Simply "unlike" the item to discontinue receiving any future offers for that item. That way if there is another "liker' in the future for that item, you won't receive an offer as well. Again, sorry for the inconvenience & thank you for browsing my closet. :)
Apr 16Reply
lulutooz @manyseasonsofme oh- ok --- not an inconvenience at all...just didnt want to be rude/not reply. cheers & stay safe during these cray times!
Apr 16Reply
manyseasonsofme @lulutooz Thank you. Same to you. And thank you for your feedback. I really appreciate it. :)
Apr 16Reply
shop_with_susie Hey there!!! 😁 In my closet I have over a 100 items marked down to $7.00 🙆🏻‍♀️ 3+ items gets $4.99 shipping!!!
May 19Reply
natasha_scloset Hi welcome to Poshmark! 👋 I would love it if you could stop by my closet.🛍 Were doing a bundle 3 items g set 10% off the whole sale. Or your more than welcome to give an offer on anything you might be interested in. Happy shopping!🌻✨
May 19Reply
bjoh515 Thank you for following me! If you get a chance, check out my 3 for $15 sale, ending this Friday. Happy poshing!!
May 19Reply
gladyshernan403 Thank you so much for the follow and for the shares. Please let me know it there’s my closet anything that’s catches your eye. I offer super cool deals and I am open to offers 👍. Happy poshing... regards.
May 20Reply
dexters_duds Thanks for all of the shares! I love your closet!🙂
May 20Reply
pamwali Thanks for the Shares 🌺 totally appreciated!!! My motto is Sharing is Caring!!! Let’s continue to help each other WIN!!! 😃
May 20Reply
blackrosemum May your closet be prosperous. Blessed Be ⭐
May 22Reply
manyseasonsofme @sassy_susie thank you for letting me know. Your pictures are awesome!
May 22Reply
manyseasonsofme @natasha_scloset thank you for letting me know. I'm a little confused because I don't see any listings?
May 22Reply
manyseasonsofme @bjoh515 thank you for letting me. Your pictures are fabulous. I especially enjoy the little cutie patuties. :)
May 22Reply
manyseasonsofme @gladyshernan403 THANK YOU for all your shares. You have adorable "little people" clothes (that's what my dog knows as children lol). I don't need any BUT it's still fun sharing them . . .
May 22Reply
manyseasonsofme @dexters_duds THANK YOU for all your shares! You have a nice variety of items in your closet. Makes sharing it fun! Plus your puppy is soooo ADORABLE!
May 22Reply
manyseasonsofme @pamwali THANK YOU for all your shares! You have a beautiful model in your pics!
May 22Reply
pamwali @manyseasonsofme you are welcome & thanks for the compliment on my picture! That’s my 55th Birthday picture not a model! So nice of you!!!
May 22Reply
manyseasonsofme @wholesalecloset THANK YOU! Same to you! So happy to have the warmer weather!
May 22Reply
manyseasonsofme @blackrosemum THANK YOU! May you be doubly (is that a word?) blessed! Your pictures are marvelously crystal clear!
May 22Reply
dexters_duds @manyseasonsofme Thanks, he thinks that he’s adorable, too...😉 Stay healthy and have a good summer! ❤️
May 22Reply
taras_closet02 Happy shopping!💫✨🙏🏻 check out my closet😊
May 25Reply
nanabarr Thanks for the share!!
May 27Reply
jrtexas99 Have a Great Day Beautiful 😘😘😘 Stay Safe Beautiful ❤️❤️❤️
May 29Reply
sinsofcyn 🎣🐶🌄 lots of the brands that you listed Clark's, Lucky L.L.Bean, will be listing more in future 👠Thinking of YOU Hilda.....I truly appreciate YOU visiting recently 👗     😷Quarantine Living is Similar to ...🐻🐻 HIBERNATION ...      👜👡  Whenever YOU need to take a Relaxing Break and "Get Away"......Please come visit my CUPBOARDS & CLOSET Often,    🙏Patience please in response time, I leave every few days & stay with Mom❤     🛍🛍 Be safe, stay HEALTHY, Stay Home (if possible )😍   Cynthia
May 31Reply
manyseasonsofme @lovebargains12 you're so very welcome! Hopefully it helped generate some sales for you!
Jun 03Reply
manyseasonsofme @taras_closet02 thank you. Your pictures are awesome. I appreciate when I can look at a picture & not have to guess which item is for sale. It helps when I'm sharing.
Jun 03Reply
manyseasonsofme @nanabarr you are welcome! Hope it helped to generate some sales for you.
Jun 03Reply
manyseasonsofme @jrtexas99 Thank you so much! Same to you. Praying that your sales exceed your expectations!
Jun 03Reply
manyseasonsofme @sinsofcyn Thank you! I've browsed your closet & it is FAR to dangerous for me lol! What beautiful items! When my budget allows, I'll be making a purchase. I so appreciate the vintage, made in the USA pieces. Your dad's car is gorgeous! Your mum is blessed to have you. Take care my posh friend - Hilda
Jun 03Reply
jrtexas99 @manyseasonsofme Thanks Beautiful 😍😍😍
Jun 03Reply
pamwali Thanks for the Shares 🌺 totally appreciated!!! My motto is Sharing is Caring!!! Let’s continue to help each other WIN!!! 😃
Jun 03Reply
pamwali Thanks for the Shares 🌺 totally appreciated!!! My motto is Sharing is Caring!!! Let’s continue to help each other WIN!!! 😃
Jun 04Reply
erikakessler1 Thanks for sharing
Jun 04Reply
ramosadam92 Hi lovely lady and Thank you ma'am for letting me look in your closet and have a blessed day.
Jun 06Reply
stepolga Thank you for the follow🙂
Jun 11Reply
marymccreery Hi hello 👋, Hilda! Thank you for the follow! Happy Poshing! Mary💐💐💐
Jun 11Reply
janfast Hi Hilda! Thanks for following my closet!😊
Jun 11Reply
bre0114 @manyseasonsofme Hi!💕 I’m having a 3/$30 sale on jewelry in my closet. Along with a 3/$25 sale on hair accessories. (there are listings explaining both sales at the top of my closet). I also have other items that you may be interested in like masks😷 (for adults and kids) and many other things. I’m willing to work with prices, just make me an offer. And if you like 2 or more items I can create a bundle for you making the shipping and price of the item cheaper. Stay safe and stay healthy!😊
Jun 12Reply
coachandtrunk Hil hi. This is one of the things I like about Poshmark, meeting new people & who knows, may become a posh friend. I try to keep prices competitive, designer quality can be affordable. If you like⭐COACH⭐, ♠kate spade♠, sterling & gemstone jewelry you may want to take a look at my closet. Take care, Sharon 💜🎗Lupus Awareness🎗💜da
Jun 13Reply
bufferbee Hi Hilda ! Buffer Bee and I THANK YOU for all of the shares. We will be sure to share from your closet also. MUCH Poshing successfulness to YOU too.
Jun 14Reply
mrsknle Hola- Just a note of thx for sharing from my closet, 👟+👕, where every day is a boy’s day. I’m doing this social distancing + Poshing from my couch with a glass of Merlot. I fear that this could be a dangerous combination. 🙃 Stay safe, healthy + keep your loved ones close. ❤️Appreciate it + Happy Poshing!
Jun 16Reply
lakedwellerhb Hi Hilda, thank you for following us!👍 We are Jimbo & G.🤠🐗🙋 I hope you have many sales & find tons of bargains!💰📈 Happy Posh'ing & we hope you have a SAFE & prosperous 2020! Be kind & have a blessed day! 🙏✝️🕉️☮️💞
Jun 21Reply
cassidy403 thanks for following!! check out my closet if you get the time!! especially the mystery box!!
Jun 23Reply
cjcloset_ If you add your like to bundle I can send your offer Sale going on now!!! 3 items for $15 with discount shipping! But items must be added to bundle in order for me to send you private offer. Thank you 🌸
Jun 30Reply
caninowbe hello My name is Katherine Vandall thank you for checking out my closet.. I am always buying for my reborns. I am selling some of the outfits soi can some stuff we need now. you have a wonderful day or night.. thanks again..
Jul 03Reply
desi_posher Hello there! If you get a chance, stop by my closet. In addition to the regular prices, I offer bundle prices as 3/$12, 4/$12, 3/$24, 4/$24, 3/$30, 4/$60. Happy Poshing and stay safe and healthy. Have a wonderful 4th of July weekend 🇺🇸😊💕
Jul 04Reply
axirysoto p hello please check out my page when you have a change, throw an offer at me :)
Jul 11Reply
stylesilicon Hi Doll, I send out offers + discounted shipping when you bundle items together. Hope you find something you like, happy poshing 😊
Jul 15Reply
secondchancebtq Hi there! I have recently re-branded as “Second Chance Boutique” and am excitedly working on my inventory. I appreciate your support as a follower, wish you many sales, and hope you are staying safe!
Jul 16Reply
manyseasonsofme @ddholomb Thank you! Your pictures are awesome!! Great lighting & so clear!! Your closet is beautiful! (I'm hoping to get a video of my hummingbirds in the bee balm flowers this year. :D)
Jul 22Reply
ksenyayoung Hi! Thank you so much to checking out my closet!!! Just wanted to give you a heads up that we're currently running a buy 4 items for $20 Sale! Sale runs for the 4 for $20.00 that is marked only. New items added daily:) Happy poshing!!!
Jul 23Reply
theblingfactory Hello!! Thanks so much for the follow! Be sure to check out my closet and like anything you may be interested in. You can also add multiple items to a bundle and send me an offer (all reasonable offers will be accepted)!!😊✨
Aug 15Reply
steve4art Hi Hilda, you have gorgeous pieces in your closet. I am a baker and a cook. I have my eye on one of your cook books. I wish you a good month and hope COVID is gone back to China soon
Nov 12Reply
manyseasonsofme @steve4art Thank you. I have a bunch more cookbooks & even bakeware to post (besides clothes). Please feel free to make an offer on any book you are interested in. Have a GREAT day!
Nov 12Reply
steve4art @manyseasonsofme You too, thank you!!!
Nov 12Reply
momof2boys621 Salam, please check out my closet! I have gorgeous dresses & hijabs from the Middle East💕Love your listings by the way!
Nov 13Reply
marcievided Hi, Hilda! When I met my husband, he was living in Salem, I was in Wakefield, now we live in Canada. So nice to see you are in Salem. Brought back good memories!
Dec 01Reply
manyseasonsofme @marcievided lol. I'm in Maine now, but my family is still in Salem. My mom was born in Nova Scotia. :)
Dec 01Reply
titagidge 💕Thank you so much for the Share ♥️ dear ‘Babes of Bravo’ PFF!! 💕 Wishing you great sales and Happy & Healthy Holidays!! 💕🎄 🛍 🥰
Dec 06Reply
manyseasonsofme @titagidge you're welcome. Hope you get some sales from it :)
Dec 06Reply
poshmarkit_co Hello Hilda, Thank you for following! I just added some new listings and ready to ship before the holidays!! If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask. Have a wonderful week❣😃
Dec 08Reply
stevenb712 Hello....Godspeed to you and happy poshing indeed ....
Dec 08Reply
stevenb712 @manyseasonsofme You as well ....
Dec 09Reply
05teddy11 Blessings on sharing from my family closet ❤️🤟🏻💜 Merry Christmas 🛍🙏🎄❤️🤟🏻💜
Dec 17Reply
manyseasonsofme @05teddy11 thank you & ditto :) Praying for an awesome new year!
Dec 17Reply
05teddy11 @manyseasonsofme 💜🤟🏻🙏🙏🎉🎉🎊🎈🗓🎉🙏💜
Dec 17Reply
sandydallison Thanks for checking out my closet
Dec 18Reply
bimmy123 @manyseasonsofme beautiful photos! Is that where you live? Did you take those pictures? So impressive...
Jan 10Reply
manyseasonsofme @sandydallison sorry this is a little late. you are welcome:)
Jan 10Reply
manyseasonsofme @bimmy123 lol :) Yes, I took the pictures. The bee balm flowers are from my yard. I took the picture of the stream on Mount Desert Isle, Maine.
Jan 10Reply
rhonda_anne Hello...thanks for following my closet.....have a blessed year!
Jan 30Reply
manyseasonsofme @rhonda_anne you're welcome. :) same to you :)
Jan 30Reply
ruanna3 thanks for the share! 🌹
Feb 01Reply
manyseasonsofme @ruanna3 you are welcome :)
Feb 02Reply
bufferbee Hello there Hilda. Thank you very much for sharing from our closet. Buffer Bee and I will do the same for you. MUCH Poshing successfulness to YOU too !
Feb 03Reply
manyseasonsofme @bufferbee you are welcome :)
Feb 04Reply
manyseasonsofme @cecasnowflake Hi! Sorry yesterday was kind of crazy. Between the share events I joined for yesterday (one was sharing 55 items from 50 closets lol) AND ugh, shoveling snow. I see an offer from you, I'll go accept it. Sorry for the delay in getting back to you. These will go out today. :)
Feb 08Reply
manyseasonsofme @cecasnowflake I tried to counter with a lower price since I saw your offers & cancels listed. System wouldn't let me :(. Kept saying between 33-65. I'll send an extra little something ;)
Feb 08Reply
jaaymack Thank you for the add, wishing all the best for you on here😊👍🏽Happy Poshing ❗️
Feb 21Reply
carmenwoollums Thank you for the follow 💛 God bless ✝️
Mar 01Reply
manyseasonsofme @jaaymack You're welcome. I shared some items from your closet. Hope it generates some sales. :)
Mar 01Reply
manyseasonsofme @madisonfloyd40 You're welcome. I shared some items from your closet. Hope it generates some sales. :)
Mar 01Reply
manyseasonsofme @carmenwoollums You're welcome. I shared some items from your closet. Hope it generates some sales. :)
Mar 01Reply
jaaymack @manyseasonsofme thank you so much for all the shares! I’m pretty sure the sales will come at the right time. I greatly appreciate you!
Mar 01Reply
duckieone Hi and thank you for following me. I appreciate it and will follow you. I like your closet and will share some of your items. Please know that if you like anything in my closet I will give you a discount. Thank you.
Mar 01Reply
manyseasonsofme @duckieone You're welcome. Thank you for the shares. I've shared some items from yours as well. (I hit the bundle & like in error on an item. A clumsy morning share lol :))
Mar 01Reply
duckieone thank you as well! don't worry about hitting the bundle and like. it happens. Ive done it before.
Mar 01Reply
safiraraks Hi Hilda! We share some of the same brand likes. Stop by and say hello! 🌻
Mar 01Reply
manyseasonsofme @safiraraks Hi, just shared some items from your closet :)
Mar 01Reply
safiraraks @manyseasonsofme Thank you so much! Have a great spring season. I shared some of yours earlier today. 💕🌻🧚‍♂️
Mar 01Reply
viko1029 Love your Lifestyle 🥂 Thanks for share 🤙🏼😎
Mar 02Reply
manyseasonsofme @viko1029 you are welcome :)
Mar 02Reply
sandycupcake P♥️sh L♥️ve 🌹🌹 🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹 🌹 Congrats on your “Deal Days” Win! Enjoy your guilt free shopping. Sandy
Mar 02Reply
manyseasonsofme @sandycupcake Thank you!! It was a pleasant surprise. I've shared some items from your lovely closet. :)
Mar 03Reply
lonestarfinds16 Congrats on your sale the other day and for winning a make a deal days credit! If you’re looking for places to shop, check out our closet and see if anything catches your eye! Happy poshing!
Mar 03Reply
manyseasonsofme @lonestarfinds16 Thank you! It was a pleasant surprise :). I'll keep your closet in mind . . . in the meantime I've shared a few items from your closet :)
Mar 03Reply
faithy72 Congratulations on your Posh win! I’ve won once before and it’s such fun to shop for “free” 😊❤️. Would love to make you an awesome deal on a bundle...Happy shopping and enjoy!!
Mar 03Reply
manyseasonsofme @faithy72 Thank you!! I'll keep your closet in mind . . .in the meantime I've shared some items from your closet :)
Mar 03Reply
faithy72 @manyseasonsofme awww thanks! 🥰
Mar 03Reply
luxurysky Super catchy closet name I love it 💖
Mar 12Reply
rposen Hi Hilda! It’s great to meet you!🥰
Mar 22Reply
manyseasonsofme @rposen Hi! Happy spring :)
Mar 23Reply
lanassister The flower looks like monarda or bee balm
Mar 26Reply
manyseasonsofme @lanassister Yes, bee balm. Hummingbirds LOVE them.
Mar 26Reply
celestesmith627 Beautiful Scenery .. my first game ...
Apr 11Reply
manyseasonsofme @celestesmith627 Thank you :). I enjoyed the accountability last time. So easy to keep putting off listing. But . . . when I need to report my totals . . . well . . . it's nice to be on the board with something ;)
Apr 11Reply
t6363b BUNDLE ANY 5 ITEMS FOR $25 Items must be listed $40 or less;)) ACCEPTING ALL OFFERS Thank you for your interest:)))
Apr 14Reply
chrissysmommyg Hi Hilda, Thank you so much for all the shares! 🐱💕🌻
Apr 20Reply
sargebill Hilda good morning,wishing you all the very best, Bill and Samantha
Apr 25Reply
manyseasonsofme @sargebill Thank you. Adorable pupsters! I just want to say thank you to the both of you for your service to this beautiful country.
Apr 25Reply
sargebill @manyseasonsofme you are very welcome and we thank you as well. Those minions keep us busy, all going goofball today, trying to sleep is a fight too, lol bed hogs,to be small they sure can do some damage.
Apr 25Reply
sherid10 @manyseasonsofme Hi. I think I might be missing a share event. Is there one going on right now? I’m getting 5 shares a lot. Thanks❣️
May 01Reply
manyseasonsofme @sherid10 @sibsfrmotrcribs's Jungle Gym Share Jam midnight to midnight. :)
May 01Reply
sherid10 Thank you!!! I’m just starting some of these weekly share events. I like them. I’m not in the habit so that it’s a natural yet. You saved me. ❤️
May 01Reply
manyseasonsofme @sherid10 LOL! You're welcome ☺. I hear ya! I just increased the number of share events I sign up for. I have a appt book that I write them down in.(Dollar tree has them.) I put the event name, closet name holding event (in case I forgot to like the listing), & #shares/#closets. Makes it easier for me. Could put it in the phone's calendar, but I like writing "DONE" across the note. Hahaha. 📅✅
May 01Reply
cccrew44 Holds good to have you following
Jun 09Reply
analysta654 Hi. I hope you are enjoying today. Thank you so much for the follow. My closet is empty for now, but that is only through Thursday when I will be adding more stuff. I sincerely hope you are enjoying your day so far. Poshlove
Sep 20Reply
manyseasonsofme @cccrew44 Hi, sorry for the late reply. I just shared an item from your closet. Start sharing items from other closets. It will help direct traffic to your closet. Best wishes for many more sales.
Sep 20Reply
manyseasonsofme @analysta654 Thank you. Hope you reach your target goal for helping others. I just shared what you have available. Happy Monday!
Sep 20Reply
analysta654 Thank you. I appreciate it. I will share some of yours too.,
Sep 20Reply
cccrew44 Thanks for sharing
Sep 21Reply
poshgothmilf94 Hello, My name is Brandy👻 Just wanted to say Happy Poshing🖤
Dec 05Reply
manyseasonsofme @poshgothmilf94 Thank you PFF 😊 . . . same to you 🎈
Dec 05Reply
all8dollars @manyseasonsofme CONGRATULATIONS! YOU WON INDIEPOSHER OF THE WEEK FOR 12/6/21 THROUGH 12/12/21! This means shares from all of our game players, as well as our game hosts. I will tag you on a listing @indieposhers with more info.
Dec 06Reply
manyseasonsofme @auntmeganiscool AWESOME!! Thank you 😊🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈
Dec 06Reply
elizaleyva168 Hello there ☺️ I hope you’re doing well! I’d like to invite you to my shop. I am always posting new earrings so there is an array of different options to choose from. Additionally, I do clip ons and screw earring clips for those that don’t have their ears pierced! Also, I have bundle deals going on for the month of June! 💕 please let me know if you’re interested :) Thank you for your time and happy shopping ❤️
Jun 10Reply
glassprism70 Thank you for your follow. Any questions, please just ask. There is a 15% automatic bundle discount with extras in every package 📦. And offers are always welcome, too.
Jun 15Reply
cutehosiery @manyseasonsofme Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Nov 19Reply
glassprism70 Thank you for your shares. Any questions, please just ask. Same as ever with 15% automatic bundle discount with extras in every package and offers are always welcome.
Jan 15Reply
flsnowbunny05 PARTICIPANT #16 8/22 May you believe that you always have an Angel by your side 😇
Aug 22Reply
manyseasonsofme @flsnowbunny05 Awww. thank you 😇 ... same to you PFF 😊
Aug 23Reply
candy258 Hi🙋🏽‍♀️Happy Poshing‼️🛍
Nov 29Reply
manyseasonsofme @candy258 Thank you!! Same to you! Hope you get a bunch of sales!
Nov 30Reply

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Last Active: Mar 26

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