❤️🤗 Meet your Posher Brittany
US$50 US$100
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Hello beauties! My name is Brittany and I love all things clothes. I have always maintained a solid love affair with my wardrobe. I am a shortie so I often have Short
Or Petite sizes in pants. Feel free to shop my closet and ask any questions you may have! Please know that all offers will be considered. Happy buying lovelies 🤗🥰

60 others
like this

hi welcome to poshmark! feel free to search through my closet, i have lots of trending clothes, makeup, shoes, etc. that are in good condition! feel free to bundle your likes together to save or send me an offer! happy poshing!!💗🎉
Jul 03Reply

@avacallahan thanks babe! Just poshing the love to fellow poshers.,
Jul 03Reply

@evolvethreads anytime hun ! happy poshing ! hope your stuff sells 🖤
Jul 03Reply

Welcome to POSHMARK the absolute best Fashion Oasis on the Planet! Congrats on joining this amazing platform and great luck to you and your endeavors here, I am certain that you will SUCCEED!!
All items in my closet come with storage specific to the item's needs, a great gift, a spectacular offer & return customers receive a 10% discount off EVERY NEXT purchase😁!! I'll be happy to help with any questions you may have!! Feel free to reach out ANY TIME! Happy Poshing!🤗
Jul 10Reply

@gumbysworld thank you so much! 🤗🤗🤗
Jul 11Reply

Thanks so much for sharingsome of my items I really appreciate it. Happy Poshing! 💐
Nov 01Reply

Finally another coloradoan... I feel greatly outnumbered on here. Thanks for following.
Nov 02Reply

Thank you for all the shares from my closet💞 have a great weekend
Nov 02Reply

Thank you for the shares! I reciprocated! Beautiful closet! 😍🤩😁
Nov 02Reply

@opqueenbee8667 thank you love!
Nov 02Reply

@beccaboo0490 thank you too babe 😻😻😻
Nov 02Reply

Cute closet, wishing you great success on your future sell endeavors!
Nov 06Reply

Hi Brittany! Thank you for all the shares! Love your closet!! Best of luck to you ☺️💗
Nov 06Reply

This bunny thanks you for the shares!💗🐰💗 Happy Poshing!💖
Nov 07Reply

You are a Rock Star.thank you so much for all the shares. 💐❤😊
Nov 12Reply

Hey Lovely,
I just tried to ask you a question, but Poshmark blocked me because of the way I was going to ask. so maybe you can understand if I just say.....Ppal Now.....some Poshers are using this. Not cool right? Just curious, I have no intentions of doing it though.😊👠💄
Nov 14Reply

Hi. Welcome to Poshmark. I'm Cora and I'm a 5 star Poshmark Ambassador and Mentor. I'm here to offer you any assistance or answer any questions you may have. Everyone here is Super nice and always willing to help. If you have a chance visit my closet. I love offering Bargains. Whether you Buy or Sell this this the place for you. Awesome Bargains. Awesome Poshers. Awesome experience.. Abundant Success on your Poshmark journey. Enjoy your Poshmark experience. You can Poshmark in your Pjs 😁
Nov 14Reply

I'm also having a Buy 1 Get 1 Free Sale. New Inventory has arrived and I need the room. Hope to see you there soon. Happy Poshing and Stay Warm 🌞🌞🌞
Nov 14Reply

@opqueenbee8667 I probably wouldn’t because they might close your account if they find out..
Nov 14Reply

@evolvethreads 💐 I absolutely had no intention of doing that I have had someone approach me and want to buy something I had and pay that way and I've also noticed online people are offering that. I like the way that Poshmark does it and it makes it so that I don't have to worry about the postage or anything else. I was just curious if you had ever seen it, or knew anything about it.
Nov 14Reply

@opqueenbee8667 I didn’t think you would ❤️. I have encountered some weird requests, but I just ignore them
Nov 14Reply

@evolvethreads Also I noticed that the only way it seems to happen is if you go on here computer and pull up someone and see that they have it I'm just curious how Poshmark doesn't notice it. Have an Amazing day Sweetie. 😊💛👠
Nov 14Reply

can you bundle the tan shoes and American Eagle x short Jean's?
Nov 20Reply

@wiggie0206 Hey girl! yes I sure can. Please go and like those two items and I can send you a bundle
Nov 20Reply

Hello! Thank you for visiting and sharing my closet ☺Have a good day!
Nov 23Reply

Welcome to Poshmania!🎪You will make new friends to answer questions & help You succeed.🛍✔️At the heart of POSH is sharing 📂listings and followers. Here’s How: Goto the list of people that “liked” someone’s closet.💃 Touch the names, one by one. Now, they are Your Contacts!🤗 Goto the list of Closet(s) near the bottom of a Posher’s ‘About’ page. Touch ea. blue Ⓜ️ follow. Now, those are closets YOU follow:👣 a large % will follow you back!☺️
Please ✔️ *My Closet.
❣️Saundra, Posh Ambassador
Nov 25Reply

Thank you, Brittany, for the follow.❣️
Nov 25Reply

Hi!! You’re my 110K follower, I wanna give you 50% off!! Just ❤️ your items & I’ll send you an offer. If not, no worries 🥰
Nov 26Reply

@evolvethreads Thank you so much for the shares 💞
Nov 26Reply

Thanks for following me. I used to live in Colorado
Nov 26Reply

Thanks for the shares. I love your closet😀😀
Nov 30Reply

@evolvethreads Thank you so much for the shares😊. if you see anything you like in my closet add a ❤ to it and I'll send you over a quick price offer. I also have fast shipping too 😊
Dec 05Reply

Thank you
Thank you
Thank you BRITTANY soooooo much for sharing my posh 😇😇😇😇😇
Dec 05Reply

Whatup Posh Fam!
Dec 06Reply

Dec 07Reply

Hi Brittany! Thanks for following us!👍
We are Jimbo & G!🤠🙋
I hope you have many sales & find tons of bargains!📈
Happy Posh'ng & have a blessed day!🙏☮️❤️
Dec 08Reply

Hi! You counter offered on two pieces. I want to accept both offers but saw you have a bundle discount for 20%- will this apply and will I have to pay for separate shipping on each?? Thanks
For your help :)
Mar 12Reply

@eadagostaro good morning! you have to like each item for me to bundle. Once you do that I can ❤️
Mar 12Reply

@evolvethreads perfect. I liked both ❤️
Mar 12Reply

Thank you for all the shares. Happy Poshing 😊💕
Mar 03Reply

Hey Brittany~ Thank You for following and or sharing from, my closet fellow Posher; it's very much appreciated. Hope your year is blessed, healthy, happy and successful in sales!
P. S. I'm a shorty too! 😉
Mar 05Reply

@leechristinescl aww thanks girl! Your the best! I will always reciprocate and share!
Mar 05Reply

@little_asian16 thank you too girl. Let’s raise each other up 🆙
Mar 05Reply

Mar 05Reply

Wow nice pictures
Mar 26Reply

Hi, I am off to Lisbon for 3 weeks so I am making deals. I have good swag! Check out my closet and I will hook you up and ship fast!
May 14Reply

Thanks for checking out my closet
May 23Reply

@beautybundler Welcome 🙋♂️
May 26Reply

Hello🖐 Thank you for Following My Closet. Feel Free to Shop or leave comment in my Closet. If you see anything you want but don't ❤ the price make an Offer. Most Offers 💰 accepted! Thank You!
🌝Happy Poshing!!
May 26Reply

Hey thanks for the follow! I’m Emily😊 if you like any of my items please don’t hesitate to create a bundle for a great deal I’ll accept anything and I’m just selling for now
May 28Reply

Hi Brittany, girl you are on it! Hey I love your offer but it came to soon. I still want to add more items so I’m going to “decline” your offer. I’ll add a few more things and let you know when I’m done shopping. You have one of the best closets I’ve shopped at. Love the varieties you have to choose from. Now, it’s on to more poshing! ☺️🌷
May 29Reply

@jovanloft You made my day! I try to add variety and stay up
On trends. I am a licensed esthetician and cosmetologist so I try to buy things I know really work!
May 29Reply

Brittany, I finished shopping. Go ahead and send me your offer. I may be back in a few days. 🥰You have an awesome closet! 🤩
May 29Reply

Thank you so much for the follow! We love new followers and can’t wait for you to checkout the shop! All orders ship in 1-2 business days! We know you will love Marie And Me Co as much as we do. Special deal for all first time shoppers: we accept all offers at the lowest price we can accept!
Jun 06Reply

Hi dear, thank you very much to check out and following or share my closet.
Just would like to let you know my closet is doing BUNDLE discount “Buy 4 get 1 FREE” and $25/3.
Welcome to shop at my closet.
Wish you have a wonderful day ;)
Jun 07Reply

🚨3 for $25🚨 EVERYTHING is eligible 🎉 TONS of items in my closet so you will definitely find something you love! Hurry before your favorite items sell out.
Jun 21Reply

I have added over $15 to a bundle, but it isn't showing me bundle/moon price at checkout
Jul 06Reply

How do I bundle with the moon pricing? Do I just tell you what all I want?
Jul 27Reply

@tangerine1623 you add the items to bundle and then I make you an offer
Jul 27Reply

Hi Brittney! I got started this evening but I won’t be able to finish until late tomorrow. Hope that works. If you have to sell them it’s ok, I understand. Bonnie
Jul 31Reply

@44938080 No worries at all. Have a nice day :)
Aug 01Reply

trying to get this account updated. pain in the ...sorry .it takes more time to update than ordering. I'm working on it
Aug 29Reply

Brittany, I just sent you an offer. I hope I added it up correctly. If not, let me know. I LOVE your page. Thank you.
Aug 30Reply

Your closet is beautiful. Please check out mine too. Let me know when you see something you like.
Sep 11Reply

I must be blind!! I can’t find a magnifier anywhere!!
Sep 25Reply

Found it!!!
Sep 25Reply

Hello, I appreciate the follow. I'm new to selling but not new to buying on Poshmark. I started this adventure with my daughter as a means to spend quality time together. We have a variety of clothing for women, men, and youth boys. We shared some items from your closet and we hope you can do the same? Thank you. Happy Poshing!
Oct 01Reply

Beautiful closet - love the beauty items and your closet description!💜
Oct 15Reply

@wendylyned thank you so much :)
Oct 15Reply

You have an amazing closet! Every time I go to bundle some stuff you have new products and I can’t decide what to get haha. I love it!
Nov 06Reply

@beautybundler Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Nov 23Reply

@cutehosiery thank you so much
Nov 23Reply

I I'm interested in buying some bare minerals foundation and some other products is there any way that you can message me and let me know what you have available like a kit I am not fair skinned at all I'm kind of a neutral medium natural I'm looking to buy you know bare minerals the foundation powder whatever in a bundle price you know or something like that's kind of my Christmas present to myself
Dec 15Reply

Love your closet !! 🛍️💕
Dec 20Reply

@rose_gold_allie thank you!
Dec 20Reply

I added these last three items to my bundle for the free items you said to add a free item for every $20 that you sent my total was $67, but it charged me for the last three items that I added I don’t know if there’s a different one supposed to do it a lot
Jan 04Reply

@donnaprovenza2 Hi! I sent you a message about your recent purchase. Let’s chat there :)
Jan 04Reply

Hi, I was wondering if a buyer can bundle one item that is priced at or more than $15 and receive the moon price. Thanks!
Feb 04Reply

@mmarquis1104 yes :) Thank you for asking :)
Feb 04Reply

See my offer?
Mar 15Reply

@caligirl375 I accepted. I think you might have to update payment
Mar 15Reply

----free----with the purchase of any purse... Giani Bernini Sterling Silver Heart Pendant Necklace.
Mar 17Reply

if I knew how I would share your closet but I am upset and confused
my hair is coming out and I am bipolar and I don't think I can keep on like this
Apr 07Reply

Love your closet!!
May 31Reply

@dawnbryant51 thank you babe
May 31Reply

Hello Brittany, my new friend, I pray your day has been truly blessed as well as all your tomorrows, God Bless always, Rhonda
Sep 20Reply

Hi! How do you make a bundle?
Oct 19Reply

@lexie_boudreaux so you click on the little shopping bag with the plus sign on the bottom middle of the listing :)
Oct 19Reply

Happy Thanksgiving!!!
Nov 22Reply

👋Thank you for following me. I just visited your closet to follow you and share some of your 👚items👖with my followers. Have a wonderful day ☀️and many sales 🧾!!
Nov 24Reply

Dec 15Reply

hi i submitted offer on few things 😊
Apr 03Reply

When is your next show ?
Apr 30Reply

@klsoos probably 2 weeks from last Sunday :)
Apr 30Reply

I just made a bundle of 2 items and made an "offer" - can you bundle the shipping price please? it's showing separate shipping prices. thanks.
Jun 02Reply

@joann_putnam I don’t have a shipping price. Shipping is 7.97
Jun 02Reply

@beautybundler hey i messaged you what they costed and sent the offer in , idk how to message you again lol
Oct 29Reply

Hello, please check out my closet. I think your closet is absolutely fabulous. 😊❤️❤️
Dec 17Reply
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