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Updated Oct 27
Updated Oct 27

Womens Jewelry and Accessories Boutique

Meet the Posher



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Womens Jewelry & Accessories
  • Seller Discount: 10% off 2+ Bundle

  • Ships to: United States

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demise69 Hello Catherine 🙋‍♀️ Welcome to Poshmark. It's a lot of fun here and good people too. I wish you much success 🌺
Jul 08Reply
catherinekieran @demise69 Thank you so much. I look forward to selling some great pieces of jewelry and buy others too !
Jul 08Reply
sincerely_glam_ Hello! Welcome to poshmark! I am so glad you joined this amazing community. I am a Poshmark Ambassador, feel free to ask me any questions. Happy poshing 🎀
Jul 08Reply
catherinekieran @demise69 thank you so much for the warm welcome I am happy to share your site as you have many nice Items
Jul 08Reply
mmkelley409 Hi and welcome to Poshmark! I know you’re going to love buying and selling here. I’m a new Poshmark Ambassador and I am still learning new things everyday. If you have any questions feel free to reach out and I will help you as much as I can. Happy Poshing! Michele 🌸
Jul 08Reply
debbiemalina welcome to Poshmark! My name is Debbie and i am a Poshmark Ambassador so if you ever have any questions Please feel free to ask! HAPPY POSHING !
Jul 08Reply
demise69 Thank you Catherine. You have a beautiful closet my friend 🌺
Jul 08Reply
bestbuybella Beautiful closet. I am a Statement Necklace girl so l will be watching and sharing!!!!!Happy Poshing Welcome and great job 👠👗😊
Jul 09Reply
catherinekieran @bestbuybella Thank you. Just getting started I haven’t sold anything yet. A lot of people following I am wondering if I am doing something wrong
Jul 09Reply
bestbuybella You are not doing anything wrong. The way to make sales is learn look at other people’s prices. How they take pictures. The first time l made a sale l was told to share share share. Visit closets and Share you will do it👗❤️👠👜😊Don’t worry it takes awhile
Jul 09Reply
ckieran @mmkelley409 Good Morning, I was hoping you may know the answer to this; I constantly share other closets however it shows in my stats the I have 0 shares ? An idea what I may be doing wrong
Oct 27Reply
mmkelley409 @ckieran I’m so sorry but I don’t know why your shares aren’t showing up. I would contact Poshmark with your question. I’ve done that before and they were very helpful and responded quickly. I hope they can help you - Michele 🙂
Oct 27Reply
ladykrc @catherinekieran Hello my fellow Posher! WELCOME! Stopping by and Sharing Fabulous items from your closet store for my Followers to Enjoy🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼⭐️👍🏼 I hope your enjoying shopping and selling here at Posh💕 Your welcome to come take a look at my closet store!👍🏼🌈 #OffersWelcomed #Bundle3ForDiscounting #HappyPoshing🛍🦋🌺💐🌹
Nov 14Reply
lorinlb Hi Cathy, thank you much for liking several items in our fine jewelry closet. if you'd like a no obligation offer just place in a bundle status and I will try and give u best pricing possible. i noticed a previous question you had, hope is resolved for you, but I too couldnt get my shares recognized. ended up that i had been using my smart phone, and had missed request to update to latest posh version? maybe same for u? Lori
Dec 04Reply
lorinlb also had learned some other tips, 1] I invested in $10 photo tent on amazon, just used that & smart phone 2] i share closet 3x a day 3] noticed sharing Friday nite, Saturday & Sunday am, is most traffic 4] Noticed that getting key words of brand of item in title & front of description helps, since this is social format, folks googling, twitter, etc. can find your items. Hope these ideas help. You have some lovely items & great prices! Good luck! Lori in SC.
Dec 04Reply
catherinekieran @lorinlb Thank you so much for the feedback. I really appreciate it I have over 1000 items to share! I wish I could duplicate myself I care for both my parents and both have health issues so Most of my time is committed to my family, however, your suggestions Are so welcomed 🌸🌸
Dec 04Reply
lorinlb were kindred spirits then! i help with mom, have major foot issues, lol, ...i have another suggestion that works for me, i follow items that match my description. thought is if they've already followed lets say a topaz ring. then i follow all their followers. i then put my topaz. example at top of my closet, then when they reciprocate they can easily see what mine looks like, make sense? Great luck with your closet over the holidays!!!Lori
Dec 04Reply
luckybentley Hi Cathy. I’m glad you love the boots. I’m confused though you gave me 4 star rating with many things that I can improve including responsiveness and ship time!!! Can you please clarify so I can improve . I shipped the boots the same day! They are brand new. Thanks
Dec 05Reply
catherinekieran @luckybentley Oh I don’t know what happened I thought I checked off that I am very happy with the boot Your service. Can I go back and look at it. Maybe I hit the wrong button I am so sorry. How would I go look at it do you know If not I can ask. So so sorry.
Dec 05Reply
luckybentley @catherinekieran thank you. No worries. You can edit your rating and check the 5th star if that’s what you wish to do . I was wondering
Dec 05Reply
catherinekieran @lorinlb Thank you Lori My Mom has major foot issues too! It’s a big job but what are you going to do Thank you for the info on poshing
Dec 05Reply
catherinekieran @luckybentley I am not sure how to correct this but I will do so
Dec 05Reply
irishgal84 🌟🌟🌟Hi Cathy🌟🌟🌟 You have some stunning items in your closet. The mink is gorgeous - but too big for me😣 I will check back as I’m focused on cleaning out closets right now. ⚡️🎊⚡️Happy Poshing 🛍🛍
Jan 02Reply
jcjones46 Thank you for visiting my closet and the share support. Whether you sell, or shop, I wish you much success and fun. May every day of the new year glow with good cheer & happiness for you & your family. God Bless!
Jan 05Reply
diprather Stunning jewelry!
Jan 08Reply
diprather Stunning jewelry!
Jan 08Reply
soriag Thanks for following my closet 😊 let me know if you find something you are interested in
Jan 08Reply
merlee56 Welcome!!! I'm Merrie Lee😊 I now have a different closet! @sweetstyle56. Find me there and let me know if you have any questions, I am here for you!💞💞💞and I love helping new folks!! If you are interested in selling, following and sharing are sooo important!! 👍If you are looking to shop, there's so many goodies out there! 👏👏 Have fun and Happy Poshing!!💗
Jan 08Reply
sweetstyle56 woot woot!! you found me!! welcome to my closet! now we can be share buddies!!💃💕💃
Jan 09Reply
catherinekieran @sweetstyle56 Yes I did ❤️🌺🌸 I would love to be share buddies 🌹
Jan 10Reply
sweetstyle56 @catherinekieran 👏👏👏💕💕💃💃👏👏👏😘😘😘
Jan 10Reply
jeffwhite949 Thank you Kathy. I see your artistic type so I can’t wait to do something different. Thanks
Jan 21Reply
jeffwhite949 Cathy. Lol I spelled it right. You have beautiful stuff. I was in the jewelry business like 20 years and went on to other stuff but you would sell a lot on Poshmark but you need to get those numbers higher. I know it’s a pain in the. But worth it
Jan 21Reply
catherinekieran @jeffwhite949 Thank you for the compliment on my jewelry When you say get the numbers higher what do you mean ? I am still learning.🌺
Jan 21Reply
jeffwhite949 Cathy. Sorry I was busy painting. Bring the numbers. Shares following followers. Pretend you have a store in a mall. Every follow is like having someone walk into the mall so follow follow follow . Now we need to get that customer into the store. Share OTHER people’s stuff from there closet when they share back they just walked into your store
Jan 21Reply
astridcompany Hi Catherine, thank you for sharing my listings! You're very kind. I wish you lots of continued success and sales. Have a fantastic and blessed week!
Jan 22Reply
dajay6974 Hi Cathy👋thank you for sharing my closet, I appreciate you!🤗
Jan 22Reply
catherinekieran @jeffwhite949 Yes, working on it my love Thank you for your kindness Hope you sell lots of your beautiful work 🌸🌺
Jan 22Reply
catherinekieran @dajay6974 You are welcome💋🌺 they tell me that this is how it works So I am going to trust the process 💋
Jan 22Reply
catherinekieran @astridcompany Your welcome Have a wonderful week ! Hope you sell lots of your beautiful merchandise 💕
Jan 22Reply
jeffwhite949 @catherinekieran my be careful I might have to marry you buttercup. Lol
Jan 22Reply
dajay6974 @catherinekieran yes it is, just takes alot of patience , but its fun☺
Jan 22Reply
amyellis311 Spectacular closet!❤️
Jan 29Reply
catherinekieran @amyellis311 Thank you 💋🌸
Jan 29Reply
catherinekieran @dajay6974 yes a lot of patients 😉🌸 I wish you much success 🌸
Jan 29Reply
catherinekieran @jeffwhite949 Hey Jeff, working on my stats 🌸 Hope all is well with you my friend and I wish you much success 🌸💋
Jan 29Reply
dajay6974 @catherinekieran 🤗many sales to you as well!
Jan 29Reply
jeffwhite949 @catherinekieran Wow did I have something to do with that? And if the answer is yes is it working?
Jan 29Reply
catherinekieran @jeffwhite949 yes you did!! I was still trying to figure this out ! See you are a Posh role model Thank you for sharing all the Posh Love , Right back at you 🌺💋
Jan 29Reply
jeffwhite949 @catherinekieran Remember it’s a numbers game. Try finding a couple of follow games that will boost the numbers dramatically
Jan 29Reply
catherinekieran @jeffwhite949 ok so two things first off I would like you to do a painting for my daughter. She is a music major, very successful at 24. Graduated from Ithaca College in Upstate NY. She is very much into opera , she is a teacher, mentor and conductor. Very humble , nothing like me 😉 Would like to create a piece that is music oriented , has passion and love thru music ! I guess I don’t want to much. What do you think ?
Jan 29Reply
jeffwhite949 @catherinekieran Sounds great. I’m a musician so this project sounds like fun. No portraits lol
Jan 29Reply
jeffwhite949 @catherinekieran Cathy text me so I can send some ideas back and forth. 619 253 7086
Jan 30Reply
catherinekieran @jeffwhite949 So an artist and a musician? Why am I not surprised Just got in from hospital have been there for the last 11 hrs My mom was admitted for chest pain. I take care of both my parents, whom both have many health issues Dad is 88 and Mom 82. I will text/call you if that’s ok it will be tomorrow or Friday if that works lmk 🌸C
Jan 30Reply
jeffwhite949 That works for me and I’ll say a pray for pops. Thanks Jeff
Jan 30Reply
catherinekieran @demise69 Just thought I would say hello 💋🌸 Hope your selling lots of your beautiful closet ! I have added several items and have 60 pcs photographed Just need measurements. Hope to post tomorrow 💋 Do you have any follow games?
Jan 30Reply
dallascak Thank you for the tweets! I have never learned how to tweet and I do t own a computer. “Believe in yourself”, a very good message! Thankyou M’Dear!
Jan 30Reply
demise69 @catherinekieran 👩Hello Kiddo. Thank you. I’ll take a look. I’m not in a follow game right now. Best wishes to you my friend🌺
Feb 01Reply
catherinekieran @jeffwhite949 Hi Jeff, I didn’t forget about you I have been a bit tied up with my parents I will call you when I have a moment ! Have a Blessed Day
Feb 02Reply
meganl Thank you for stopping by and the kind words, you are so sweet 🥰 I LOVE your jewelry and one of the messages on feelings unique. I believe that to be true, you can really show your personality! I love over the top, extra large pieces. I always look for that special must have one of a kind piece! 🤩❤️
Feb 05Reply
debben22 Hi 👋 Cathy Happy Poshin 🤗
Feb 17Reply
catherinekieran @debben22 Hi , How are you ? Thank you for stopping by I am going to check out your closet as well 🦋💕🌸🦋
Feb 18Reply
catherinekieran @jochabedt Hello Beautiful 🦋 I love your closet and am going to share it with my followers 🦋 I am hoping to reach Ambassador Status over the next few days 🌺
Feb 18Reply
catherinekieran @jeffwhite949 Hi Jeff, I hope all is well with you. It been a couple of challenging weeks for both my parents health wise and I ended up in the hospital myself. I am looking into an assisted living for my parents now. Anyway, I have not forgotten about you So I will be in touch ..... building my closet a bit🦋🌺💕💋🌸
Feb 18Reply
jeffwhite949 @catherinekieran Wow sounds like a lot of stress. I feel for you I’ve been down that road I know it’s not easy. Stay strong and just remember life is full of ups and downs so things will turn for the better. Ok sweetheart keep me posted Thanks Jeff
Feb 18Reply
debben22 @catherinekieran Up too late lol Posh Posh Till We Drop 🤗
Feb 18Reply
purplepixiemom 🍒🧚‍♀️Wishing you🍒Happy Prosperous Poshing!🍒
Feb 18Reply
nyrosee Hi, thanks for the follow 😻 Please check out my closet🌸 Anything marked with a 🌸 is 3 for $15🌸 Just make a bundle or like the items you want to buy and I will give you a discount! :) or make an offer :)
Feb 19Reply
dsgreely Thank you for your beautiful closet with such excellent pictures it gives me great ideals on how to be more professional best of luck too you.
Feb 27Reply
alluringstyle4u Thank you cathy for sharing my closet on twitter!
Feb 27Reply
babsgilbert Cathy, It's March!☘So much to celebrate! 🤗 Spring is around the corner!🌷Let's make this a ☘lucky ☘time for all, by sharing! 💞 Sharing benefits you as well as the Posher's closet you share!💞 Show you care and share!💞☘
Mar 09Reply
catherinekieran @alluringstyle4u you are welcome 🦋 How is everything going for you ? Spring Time Is Going To Be Amazing ! Just gearing up to post more merchandise I need to take better photos Do you have any suggestions aside from the cell phone 😃
Mar 10Reply
alluringstyle4u @catherinekieran Goodmorning Cathy. You have lovely jewelry, but need to show it off more. I would search on Amazon for a photo tabletop light box for jewellry. There are quite a few with various pricing: example Their best seller Emart 14"x16" photography table top light box with 52 led studio tent $35.99. I invested in an umbrella set fof taking pics of clothes & it helped my sales a lot:)
Mar 10Reply
alluringstyle4u Hi Cathy. I also try to find followers in expensive cities as they pay more. Hit your screen name, find people, my city change that to New York. LA, California etc or by expensive living areas by zip code. then follow as many as you can. Also find others that sell high end jewellry. Go to their followers & follow all of them. You tube helped me a lot There are many Posh Ambassadors giving step by step presentations how to make sales on Poshmark. I see you sold your fur coats Awesome!
Mar 10Reply
cjung376 welcome
Mar 11Reply
myfurryfamily great name "Cathy💟posh ambassador". nice closet too!
Mar 17Reply
jkez36m Hi Cathy my name is Angela. Nice to meet you.
Mar 21Reply
catherinekieran @jkez36m Hi Angela, how are you doing Are you loving Poshmark ? Where are you from
Mar 24Reply
jkez36m @catherinekieran Just fine. Yes. Tennessee. Thank you.
Mar 24Reply
catherinekieran @alluringstyle4u Thank you for your advise. I am doing so Now . ❤️❤️. Stay safe where ever you are We have been put on mandatory lock down Only food stores, pharmacy
Mar 25Reply
latashavaughn08 Thanks for following me. Hope you will check out my closet. I have great quality items, welcome offers, and ship same day or next day. Also have a Share for Share game as a listing in my closet. Just comment how many of my items you share and I will share the same for you. I hope you have a successful and rewarding journey here on Poshmark 😊
Mar 25Reply
sewretro Thanks so much for following my closet. I really appreciate it. I’m trying to share at least 25 items in the closets of all of my new and recent followers. With the trying times we’re now experiencing and the dwindling sales, we need all the support we can get. Please pay this forward to your followers to hopefully help them with sales. Please stay safe and healthy.
Mar 25Reply
alluringstyle4u @catherinekieran Hi Cathy. It is a scary time for sure. Business is slow right now. I think this may make people more humble realizing nothing is as important as God family and health. I hope you stay safe and well!
Mar 25Reply
annamir4 Hi Cathy, your Closet is BEAUTIFUL! Have a very profitable spring! 😃 ❤
Mar 27Reply
kerry1313 Hey sweetie.. welcome to Poshmark so glad to see you 🥳🥳 happy poshing, sending you lots of hugs and love and kindness and puppy hugs 😊🤗♥️🐾😊🤗♥️🐾 stay safe and healthy 🙏😇
Mar 28Reply
catherinekieran @annamir4 Thank you so much for your kind words !! You have a beautiful selection yourself ❤️ Wish you much success and praying for Thus virus to die down , Be Safe My Friend
Mar 29Reply
annamir4 You are very sweet and kind! Stay Healthy and Strong! ❤
Mar 29Reply
kristiekidwell Hi Catherine..!! I am fairly new to Poshmark, but have purchased quite a bit with my Visa I have on file... I Now want to apply for affinity... but can’t figure out HOW..?? Can you PLEASE help me..?!! Thanks So much..!!🌻
Apr 04Reply
bellanatalia818 Hello Cathy my name is Natalie! ❤️ Best of Luck to you on Poshmark! It’s a lot of fun! Check out my Closet when you get a chance! Happy Poshing! 🤗😘
Apr 05Reply
catherinekieran @kristiekidwell Good Morning Kristie, That’s a good question. I am not sure. I don’t have it although I probably should. I will find out and get back to you. Have a safe day 🌸
Apr 05Reply
catherinekieran @alluringstyle4u Good Morning, I am hoping you can help me. I tried to find this in the Posh Guidelines but did not see it Do you know how I would go about adding the Affirm Credit Card to my closet ? Thank you 🦋
Apr 05Reply
alluringstyle4u @catherinekieran Hi Cathy. As far as I know poshmark only approves your own account card under my payment methods and approves each customer the same way. I would send a message and ask through the Poshmark Support Center. Hope you are doing well. I just noticed you ar ed in Boca Raton. I moved from there in 2010 after retiring.
Apr 05Reply
kristiekidwell @catherinekieran Thank you Catherine..!!🦋 I’ve been sick for the past 2 days... had a temperature of 105 yesterday, and my lungs and entire body & head ached SO bad. Today I am doing a bit better.. but still have a temp of 101. Still have a terrible headache and feel weak. No sore throat tho’, so I’m praying it’s NOT the CoVid19 virus..!! I’m just staying put.. and have been for over a month now..!! Anyway, I just wanted to tell you to stay safe also.. and stay Healthy..!!🌻🙏🏼 XoXo♥️
Apr 05Reply
alluringstyle4u Good morning Cathy. I came across a really great closet Donna an ambassador that has the Affirm credit acceptance. Wow you learn something every day on here check it out @everydaydreamer
Apr 06Reply
catherinekieran @alluringstyle4u Good Morning. Thank you so much for the information. Have a great day 🌸 Hope you have an incredible week of sales !
Apr 06Reply
alluringstyle4u @catherinekieran I just came across another ambassador Megan @meg23 that just became a SU which is first I have heard of this Suggested User step up from ambassador whom also has Affirm Credit. Hope this helps you:)
Apr 06Reply
alluringstyle4u you tube poshmark help affirm @credit
Apr 06Reply
meg23 @alluringstyle4u @catherinekieran hi suggested user is the old term for Poshmark ambassador. It’s the same thing. Also I don’t know what affirm credit is, but I don’t offer it. Thanks
Apr 06Reply
alluringstyle4u @meg23 Thanks for response. On your meet the posher page at very top under congratulation from poshmark in your $1,000,000 box very honored..right above that if you click on Affirm to learn more shows monthlynpayments 3, 6 or 12 rates 0 to 30% APR. Trying to find out about that. Thanks.
Apr 06Reply
momof2boys621 Salam, please check out my closet! I have gorgeous dresses from the Middle East and hijab friendly clothing 💕
Apr 07Reply
catherinekieran @momof2boys621 Such a beautiful closet. I will be back to shop ❤️
Apr 10Reply
momof2boys621 @catherinekieran Thank you so much! I appreciate you stopping by 🌹
Apr 10Reply
catherinekieran @bellanatalia818 Hello Natalie, I hope this finds you well Loved your closet❤️ Will be back to do some shopping. I am just getting ready to do my shipments in the morning !! Hope your business is doing well Stay Safe ❤️❤️
Apr 10Reply
bellanatalia818 @catherinekieran Hello Catherine! Thank you! Be safe out there when you ship. ❤️🙏🏼
Apr 10Reply
lillievonstoop1 Thank you for the follow 🌠 Happy Poshing 💞💐!
May 01Reply
rebeccat1975 I wasn't trying to insult you by no means I just have been on alot of cruises and I have purchased a citrine stone this size in 14kt gold and paid 150.00 and since it's just the stone and no diamonds I thought it was a fair bid I love your closet alot of nice things❤️
May 17Reply
catherinekieran @rebeccat1975 No, that’s fine. I know there have been many people that have been burnt with jewelry deals. I have been asked all kind of questions so I apologize if I came across the wrong way. I stand by everything I sell. I always treat others the way I want to be treated So, hope you will stop by again. Have a great summer and Stay Safe 🌸🦋⭐️
May 18Reply
babebear57 Hello Catherine,🤗 Nice to meet you, I'm Brad😁. I've only been on Poshmark for several months so I don't have a lot in my closet. Maybe soon I will have something you can't live without. LOL 😂. If you could please share my closet and I'll do the same for you! And thank you for following my closet 😋. Be safe, be cool and be happy. Sincerely Bradley A Gill.
May 19Reply
rebeccat1975 Good Evening 😊 You should be receiving your ring hopefully tomorrow ❤️
Jun 01Reply
catherinekieran @rebeccat1975 Thank you Rebecca !!! Sorry for any inconvenience. Hope all is well. 🌺
Jun 01Reply
drama_llama_ Hi there Cathy! I just wanted to reach out, say hello, and invite you to check out my closet! I am happy to answer any questions and consider all offers, or offer you a private discount if you'd like to bundle :) have a lovely rest of your day and happy poshing!
Jun 04Reply
catherinekieran @drama_llama_ Hi Dani, Thank you for stopping by and your offer for a discount. I usually shop on Sundays , always see what I have to spend after a productive weekend ;-). I am in the process’s of switching up a few new items at the moment I would Also extend an offer to you: 10% off 1 item, 15% off 2 items & 18% off 3 items thru June 12th! Have a great week/end🌺⭐️❤️🌺💗
Jun 04Reply
drama_llama_ @catherinekieran I couldn't agree more about the shopping on weekends haha! Thanks so much for letting me know about your great deals, I'll keep my eyes peeled! Have a great rest of your day :)
Jun 05Reply
luvmee40 Massive Sale Alert!  All Coats and Blazers will be discounted an additional 50% I have everything from Ralph Lauren to Valentino. Some of the most gorgeous blazers and Jackets you could ever imagine. . Under the item is a heart. Click that and I will discount your new blazer, Jacket or coat by an additional 50%. This tells me you are ready to buy now. All other items are an additional 30% discount. Come shop till you drop 
Jun 12Reply
catherinekieran @mwstull01 ❤️🌸⭐️
Jun 29Reply
claudiafeltus Hi,I love your Closet,so many interesting thingsI must come back after my vacation and look at more of the things I like. I love jewelry like you, I try to sell some as I say I need to downsize,but in reality I buy another to love.
Aug 12Reply
michvictoria Hello from Cali 🤗 if you have time, check my closet for vintage & designer Chanel, Gucci, Dior, Versace, Henri Bendel, Michael kors, lululemon & so much more! Have a beautiful week ❤️
Aug 26Reply
lara2000850 Thank you for sharing on Twitter💐🌺🌈☺️
Aug 26Reply
blissjewelry @catherinekieran Happy fall! I'm stopping by to invite you over to my closet. I'm a master jeweler and 90% of the items in my closet were made by me. The rest are traded in and I've refinished them. Kindest regards and hope you have a great weekend.
Sep 11Reply
sparkleandposh 💗 Thanks for all the shares! I shared back. 😉
Oct 18Reply
catherinekieran @smacly546 Hi Sandy, Great Closet. How are things going for you ? How long have you been with Poshmark
Oct 18Reply
sparkleandposh @catherinekieran Thanks - you have beautiful items! I love jewelry 😍 I have been on Poshmark for about 2-1/2 years. I started really working it last month and had my best month yet! This month started off slow, but it seems to be picking up.
Oct 18Reply
catherinekieran @smacly546 my sales have been very slow. I don’t know why. I have had several price reductions, I am not sure what’s happening. Time to figure it out 🥺😉
Oct 18Reply
sparkleandposh @catherinekieran Share your entire closet at least 3x a day. Relist older items so you get a reset on lowest offered amounts so you don't have to keep lowering by 10% more. Scroll your likers from a week ago and send them offers - they may be ready to buy now!
Oct 18Reply
aggie5620 Hello welcome to poshmark if you need anything just tell us we will help you and do you Mind checking out my shop we have multiple pairs of Tory Burch shoes and Kate spade too you could be the first one to get them!!🤗
Oct 30Reply
catherinekieran @aggie5620 Nice to meet you. I would love to take you up on your offer. Do you know how I would go about getting done of my jewelry as “host picks”? Also, have you hosted any party’s ? I have to figure out how to sell my products more. My merchandise is beautiful, how do you get people to shop your closet ?
Nov 01Reply
gulfstreampm Hi! Thank you for following Gulf Stream Boutique. We deal in wholesale lots to help you stock your closet. Many new items have been added. 10% off on bundles with $4.99 shipping every day. If you are new to wholesale, consider purchasing a lot that includes your size. Keep one and sell the rest! Check us out!
Nov 11Reply
nothing_to_wear Hi Kathy, thanknyou for visiting my closet! You have very unique and beautiful pieces in your closet. My only suggestion would be lighting. I would suggest either editing the photos or investing in a light and a white box to photograph your beautiful jewelry🌸
Nov 23Reply
catherinekieran Hi Girlfriend , 🦋🌺❤️🌸 I was thinking about you and just wanted too say hello. You were so kind to me In the beginning, I was new a trying to figure things out!! Well, I think I am half way there. I hope everything is well with you. I was wondering if you could stop by my closet and give me some constructive criticism. I would appreciate it. Looking to grow my business, I am just a bit stuck Thank you and have a great Thanksgiving 🌸👠🌺
Nov 24Reply
house_of_tara Hi Catherine. I’m here now visiting your closet. Thanks for your message and I would love to help you anyway I may. Please stand by. I’ll be in touch very soon, Love Tara
Nov 24Reply
sprinklesbaker Hey thanks for following me I’m Emily if you like any of my things create a bundle or send an offer! Have a Happy and Safe Holiday Season😊☃️❄️
Nov 28Reply
shirtman48 Good morning. Reshared 15 of your items. Happy holidays. Regards, Mike.
Dec 02Reply
annabelturk Your closet has alot of fabulous items!😀
Dec 05Reply
catherinekieran @bestbuybella Hi, How are you. I just wanted to let you know i have several “statement necklaces” I know you like them, a girl after my own heart. I am adding daily. I have a Sale running of Buy 1 get 1 free just for today! 🛍🎀🎁❄️☃️❤️🎁🎀
Dec 06Reply
annabelturk Wow Catherine! Thanks for sharing my listing on your feed!😀
Dec 10Reply
reeniefradd Thanks for the share. I don’t have a Twitter account 😳 still have to figure that out❤️
Jan 01Reply
dorothy_wirth Thank you for viewing my closet it is greatly appreciate it. Be save...... Dorothy
Jan 06Reply
catherinekieran @dorothy_wirth your welcome. You have some interesting pieces in your closet. I shall be back at some point in time. Paying off holiday debt!
Jan 06Reply
catherinekieran @baggy718 Hi Tara, well here we are 2021! A great year it shall be. I wanted to ask you a question. I tried to see if I could ask thru Poshmark and nothing ever came about When I go to the news feet and type in my items they never show up. For instance my mink coat. I tried searching every which way,never comes up. Any advice? Thank you xo
Jan 06Reply
dorothy_wirth Kathy thanks for the like I appreciate it very much I can't wait for you to come back and check out my closet again. Take care..... Dorothy
Jan 06Reply
house_of_tara @catherinekieran hello there! Happy New Year. I hope this finds you well. I read your question and I am happy that you came to me for an answer. I would first check the category. Example: A wallet should be under the correct gender men, woman or my favorite unisex
Jan 06Reply
house_of_tara @catherinekieran also please check your title for your listings. The more accurate your title -is example Coach green sunglasses the easier it will pop up in a search. I will check your titles and categories if you would like. 😊
Jan 06Reply
stacynyk your closet is beautiful! I just started following and sharing! 🤩
Jan 07Reply
catherinekieran @stacynyk thank you Stacy! Just shared yours as well!🛍
Jan 07Reply
khyryn Hey hun, thanks for sharing my listing on Twitter! Love your name by the way! My name is pronounced “Kieran” but I’m often called Katherine by those that don’t know! 😆😁
Jan 12Reply
stephanie332021 you interested in buying?
Jan 14Reply
catherinekieran @stephanie332021 not sure what your reference too, please refresh my memory . It seems to go quickly these days 🙃
Jan 14Reply
proudofjoes Cathy thank you so much for sharing so many of my listings! That is really awesome. I still love that Ripka ring. Just not sure it’s “in the cards” right now.
Jan 23Reply
mamafreen Thanks so much for sharing from my closet! Have a lovely day.😊
Jan 24Reply
catherinekieran @proudofjoes Hi, I enjoyed sharing your items, no pressure on the ring, I hope you don’t think that’s why I shared your items ! 🌺🌸❤️
Jan 25Reply
proudofjoes I’m very thankful you’ve shared so many of my items. Your site is great-the family photos really personalize it and makes the visitor feel welcome. I’ll be adding some photos to my closet 😊 I love visiting your site!
Jan 25Reply
catherinekieran @proudofjoes thank you for the kind words. It means a great deal 💕💝💖 ❣️KIND WORDS MATTER❣️
Jan 25Reply
proudofjoes @catherinekieran You’re a people lover. I ran a real estate office for 30 year- I would have hired you in an instant❣️ The world needs more people like you.❣️
Jan 25Reply
catherinekieran @proudofjoes your a people lover as well. Thank you for the kind comment !!
Jan 26Reply
yannisaudoux Salut Cat thank you for the following have a great day and alls the best on poshmark 🙏🤗🤙
Feb 03Reply
nice_matters11 🌵🙋🏻‍♀️🧩 🌵Hi fellow Arizonian!!☀️ 🌵Hope you and your family are 🌵Doing well. 🌵Sharing your lovely closet in 🌵Hopes of speedy sales 🛍🎁 🌵Take care 🥰 🌵🧩🌵 🌵🧩🌵 🌵🧩🌵🧩🌵🧩🌵 🌵🧩🌵🧩🌵🧩🌵 🌵 🧩 🌵 🧩 🌵 🌵🧩🧩🌵 🌵🌵 🌵❤️🧩Monica in AZ🧩💙🌵 🌵🧡🧩🌵💚🧩🌵💛🧩🌵 Spreading Autism Awareness
Mar 01Reply
wowtreasures Hey Cathy, came by to share your closet😊💕 beautiful jewelry you've got 😉
Mar 02Reply
catherinekieran @wowtreasures thank you. Thank you for the shares
Mar 03Reply
sargebill Cathy hi and thank you for your follow, wishing you all the very best, Bill and Samantha.
Mar 08Reply
catherinekieran @sargebill you are very welcome💕
Mar 10Reply
berlinshop18 hi Cathy, thank you for all your many shares tonight, so kind of you to be so generous, I try to always share back, sometimes not totally one on nice to have you in the same jewelry group as a new poshfriend, I'm really also enjoying to look at your closet💞💞💞💞🦋💚🦋
Mar 12Reply
catherinekieran @wowtreasures Hi Michelle, thank you for the lovely compliment. There is a great coat in your closet that I would love to buy for my daughter. It’s then small. I am going to have her look at it ,I do think it may be too small. You have a great closet. How long on Poshmark.? What State are you from?
Mar 12Reply
wowtreasures @catherinekieran - Hello Cathy, good to hear back, and thanks for considering a jacket from my closet. Which one are you referring to? Is it the lavender purple one? Feel free to ask any questions. Iam originally from SF, CA & recently just moved to Atlanta GA. I like it here so far, weather is good overall , & lifestyle is not bad. How about you? are you liking where you're at?
Mar 12Reply
wowtreasures @catherinekieran - Hi, did you "like" the jacket & will you please put it into a bundle so I know which one you're referring to, I will gladly work with you 😉 see what we can do to get it shipped if your daughter likes it💕😄
Mar 12Reply
catherinekieran @wowtreasures Hi Michelle, thank you for following up with me. I showed to my daughter and she thought it would be to small. I should have gotten back to you sooner. Your closet is beautiful. I imagine you have much success. Have a wonderful weekend. 😘
Mar 13Reply
wowtreasures @catherinekieran - Hey good morning, sure, no problem. and thanks for the sweet compliment💕😘 please bookmark my closet for lots of new listings coming up🙏😁 keep in touch
Mar 13Reply
bestdressed995 🙋‍♀️Hi! I love sharing & shopping other Poshers👍 Enjoy shopping 🛒 and selling🛍. When you get a moment I’d love for you to check out my closet. I’m posting new Spring items daily.
Mar 25Reply
necklace_shop Hey 👋 Happy 😊 Poshing 🛍
Mar 26Reply
makeyoulaugh67 Hi Cathy, I'm Cora wanted to Wish you a Wonderful Week ahead filled with lots of Sunshine, Laughter and Blessings. I really enjoyed sharing your closet 🌻 Happy Poshing
Apr 12Reply
Jul 21Reply
catherinekieran @bubsch4 Thank you for the compliment! You have some nice things in your closet, I love the clothes for little girls 💕
Jul 23Reply
yourjewelryboxx says pending acceptance but nothing has been delivered!
Nov 10Reply
yourjewelryboxx five packages missing! well..
Nov 10Reply
catherinekieran @yourjewelryboxx I don’t understand. Was there a delivery ?
Nov 10Reply
catherinekieran @yourjewelryboxx how and where is your mail delivered.
Nov 10Reply
catherinekieran @yourjewelryboxx check with your post office . Perhaps it is at a neighbors. Your address came right from Poshmark
Nov 10Reply
yourjewelryboxx @catherinekieran called and went to post office..nothing there..
Nov 10Reply
yourjewelryboxx I get my mail at post office box
Nov 10Reply
catherinekieran @yourjewelryboxx I am sorry that the order is not there. We will hopefully get to the bottom of this. I have notified Poshmark as well.
Nov 11Reply
catherinekieran @yourjewelryboxx I am going to track thru post office! I just can’t believe it. Have you recently moved ? I feel terrible about this. Let’s see what we can do
Nov 11Reply
yourjewelryboxx @catherinekieran got mail at same post office for many years..going again to tomorrow maybe they have found them..thank you so much for helping me..
Nov 11Reply
catherinekieran @yourjewelryboxx Did you go to your post office today?
Nov 12Reply
catherinekieran @yourjewelryboxx of course, I am helping, it has to be someplace. Like I said the label is from Poshmark.. I know it will show up someplace.
Nov 12Reply
yourjewelryboxx @catherinekieran post office was closed..will go today.
Nov 12Reply
yourjewelryboxx they found my packages in the back somewhere! glad they did! thx so much for your help!
Nov 15Reply
catherinekieran @yourjewelryboxx Thank God! I knew they would show up someplace👍 that’s good I am really happy !
Nov 15Reply
milsonpatter "Why not spend less and get same quality luxury bag Ⓕⓡⓞⓜ ⓘⒼ:behatsluxury ⓌⒽⒶⓉⓈⒶⓅⓅ +⑧⑤②④④⓪⑤⓪④⑨⑦"
Aug 08Reply
catherinekieran @tutuwig Hi, what a beautiful line. Do you have anything shorter ? I am thinking about my Mom she’s 85 and very spunky !! Thank you for leaving me a msg ❤️
Nov 06Reply
lauracieslak Hey there! :)) If you get a chance I’d really love for you to come by and check out my closet, it’s made up by my sisters, my mom, and myself and we all have different styles and body types so we’ve got something for everyone! Maybe you’ll find something you like :) Either way, thanks a ton and Happy Poshing:)
Nov 21Reply
catherinekieran 🧑‍🎄Check out my Black Friday & Saturday Deals Sale In Effect Until Saturday 6:00 PM🧑‍🎄🤶🧑‍🎄 🧑‍🎄🎄🧑‍🎄🎄🧑‍🎄🎄🧑‍🎄🎄🧑‍🎄🎄🧑‍🎄🎄🧑‍🎄🎄🧑‍🎄🎄🧑‍🎄 BUY 1 item 20%. BUY 2 items 25% BUY 3 30% 🧑‍🎄Free Shipping on Orders of $100 or more🧑‍🎄
Nov 26Reply
catherinekieran LETS CLOSE 2022 with a BANG ! 🎉🎉Buy 2 or more items receive 50% OFF. Bundle your items and make me an offer for 50% off. Effective 12/31 HAPPY NEW YEAR 🎉🥳🎉🎉
Dec 31Reply
audrinafla PS whst a fabulous cover photo with that jeweled …., mask???
Jan 11Reply
audrinafla Hi Catherine!! Ugggh. I’m so overwhelmed today!!! I have ppl asking for more pix and some sizes etc. and there’s like two I can’t find. So NO. IM NOT AS ORGANIZED as I used to be 😳😂
Jan 16Reply
audrinafla PS. it’s discounted shipping day AGAIN!! They’re doing two days in a row… very surprising
Jan 16Reply
catherinekieran @audrinafla that’s good to know about the shipping. Between the two of us we just may figure this thing out !!
Jan 16Reply
penlims hi did you buy any Yurman on Poshmark? Bracelet? its FAKE
Feb 06Reply
catherinekieran @penlims what? Who was it !! OMG
Feb 06Reply
catherinekieran @penlims i think my daughter headed. Who was it?
Feb 06Reply
penlims kim_fijioka. you should get your money back! contact Poshmark!
Feb 06Reply
catherinekieran @penlims my daughter didn’t order anything from her thank God. Did You order anything from her ? Why Did you contact me ? I am glad you Did, just wondering why notify me ?
Feb 06Reply
penlims I noticed that she sells FAKEs and saw your name under one of her bracelets. Thought I would let you know. That's all :) let me know who is the seller next time you guys decide to purchase Yurman and will tell you if is real or not. anytime!
Feb 06Reply
catherinekieran @penlims Thank you so much, I appreciate you letting me know. I will def let you know if I buy any branded jewelry ! Have a great day and thanks again !❤️
Feb 06Reply
penlims Anytime! :)
Feb 06Reply
penlims Hi I have started uploading short videos about FAKE David Yurman jewelry on YouTube. Search for FAKE vs REAL David Yurman and you will see it. I will be doing more and more. Keep checking my channel. I Hope it will help you to avoid buying fake jewelry. Alex :)
Feb 09Reply
catherinekieran @penlims Alex, A woman on a mission !!! Good for you , you may save a lot of people heartache.
Feb 12Reply
audrinafla Do you hv any snake jewelry?
Feb 16Reply
catherinekieran @audrinafla I do have some snake jewelry. I can post later. Anything in particular? Necklace, Bracelet, ring , brooches
Feb 17Reply
audrinafla Nothing in particular. My mother just gave me a gorgeous snake bracelet. And a few years ago my EX BF ( turned psycho) STOLE almost ALL MY JEWELRY/and I had some unbelievable shit 😡😡one was a heavy gold snake ring
Feb 17Reply
cutehosiery @catherinekieran Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Mar 23Reply
catherinekieran @cutehosiery Thank you , you have a great closet as well. I need to take a look again later as I am looking for a gift. How are you doing ? Are you doing live shows yet? I am on wait list now Although, a lot of shows I see they start bids at $3,5,7. I cannot do that. Of course, I am looking for more Sales, I average 1 order per week. I do lots of sharing, share at parties, promote items etc…. Just can’t seem to Do more than that ! How about you ?
Mar 23Reply
elbtv22 Did you list the bracelet yet? I don't see it . please let me know. Thanks. Beth
Aug 08Reply
catherinekieran @elbtv22 I just got finished taking the pictures, I need a couple of minutes 🤭
Aug 08Reply
catherinekieran @elbtv22 yes, it’s the very first one for now, I am listing more. Make me an offer and I will accept.
Aug 08Reply
catherinekieran @demise69 Hello my friend , I have been thinking you and I want to tell you, you gave me such good advise about my Closet. Lighting, picture taking etc. I want to thank you and I am paying it forward by way of helping others. So, thanks a million you never realize what a welcome msg can do for someone 🦋 Check out my closet it has come a long way and still have some changes to make. Take care
Sep 11Reply
catherinekieran @jeffwhite949 Hey Jeff, I took your advise to heart that you gave me last year! Thank you So much. I have turned around and helping others like those who have helped me. I hope everything is going well, For you. Are you doing live shows?
Sep 11Reply
jeffwhite949 @catherinekieran wow. You just made my evening! That’s great news and the closet look fantastic! I haven’t done the live shows yet. Maybe you can teach me how 😝 I have the green light to do them but just keep putting them off! My other sources are drying up so I should ramp up Poshmark more 😊
Sep 11Reply
catherinekieran @jeffwhite949 Hey Jeff, your work is brilliant !! You need to do the shows. They are pretty easy I have a couple of shows this week. Thursday and Friday. You should send me a couple of your paintings. The way you do it, tap onto my shows, you will see a blue button , press that and add a couple of your paintings. If it's confusing just come into my show and I can easily walk you thru it. I remember your beautiful paintings. Anyway, come to my show I will help you.
Sep 11Reply
jeffwhite949 @catherinekieran 😘 Thatnks for the compliment. Yeah I actually did that once on some girls post and it sold within a minute so if I was able to figure it out before I should be able to again 😂. I’ll try it tomorrow. How many 1 or 2. A 100 ? 😝
Sep 11Reply
catherinekieran @jeffwhite949 Jeff send me 2 pc at a time. Do you want to auction ? I will send you an offer if you do.
Sep 11Reply
jeffwhite949 @catherinekieran I’m a Business Guy first and a artist second so if you have a idea on how you and I can make a few bucks. I’m open ears. I have Hundreds of paintings in my closet but the majority have been sold and I have to paint them again for the customer but I always have around 50 paintings in stock and ready to go. Most aren’t even posted yet!
Sep 11Reply
jeffwhite949 Ok Catherine let’s do it! 😊
Sep 11Reply
catherinekieran @jeffwhite949 Hi Jeff, well I haven't forgotten about you. I had an accident last week, fell and broke 4 bones in my ankle/foot. Just got home yesterday from hospital. I am going back this weekend ( hopefully) for the surgery. I will be in touch once I get myself sorted.
Sep 21Reply
jeffwhite949 @catherinekieran 😳. Wow ! That sounds like a serious fall. Yeah I appreciate you contacting me and I’ll pray 🙏 for a speedy recovery ❤️‍🩹. Will get it done when you are ready but let’s take care of you first! That’s a lot more important 😊
Sep 21Reply
palmaceiamerch @catherinekieran I sent you an offer on a ring earlier today. I also messaged you in the bundle for it. Haven't heard back from you on the offer. Please let me know & if that doesn't work please decline it. I have an order for stones I have to get in by tonight for other rings. Need to know if I should add in the stone that would git in that ring. Thank you kindly
Dec 09Reply
poshmf Hi , feel free to check out my closet sometime. I have a huge selection something for everyone. Woman's, men's, kids, pet, shoes, purses jewelry and more. Find a few items you like bundle them and make a reasonable offer (pay only 1 shipping price for all). Trying to add new stuff weekly so stop by often. Thanks and Happy Poshing!
Dec 10Reply
catherinekieran @demise69 I think about you often. You were the first person to welcome me To Poshmark. I will never forget how you made me feel. I was overwhelmed in The beginning. You gave me great advise and suggestions. I make sure to welcome New people in, it made a difference to me and to lend a hand sometimes that’s all you needHappy New Year
Dec 31Reply
demise69 Thank you Catherine for your kind words. I’m so pleased that I was helpful to you. May you continue to be a blessing to others. HAPPY NEW YEAR 🎊🎈
Dec 31Reply
gigisoma What a darling closet, love the rings. Do you have any in size 9 or 10?
Jan 07Reply
catherinekieran @gigisoma I do have several in size 9, maybe a 10 in a few. When you go into the ring it will show you all the sizes that are available
Jan 09Reply
gigisoma Love your picture, I love riding too! Gigi
Jan 09Reply
gigisoma Time to check out those rings...
Jan 09Reply
catherinekieran @gigisoma Hope you can find something that you like.
Jan 09Reply
belle_pa Your closet is amazing! ❤️
Oct 04Reply
catherinekieran @belle_pa thank you, you have a pretty amazing closet as well. Are you doing shows?
Oct 04Reply
belle_pa @catherinekieran thank you! I've never done a show. I'm not sure what you have to
Oct 04Reply
catherinekieran @belle_pa Do you know if your approved to do shows? If you go to the blog it will tell you step by step on how to do a show. I am going to do a show on Sunday , I can invite you in to show some of your products. It will be Sunday early evening EST would you like me to invite you in ?
Oct 04Reply
belle_pa @catherinekieran sure. that would be great! thank you!
Oct 05Reply
catherinekieran @belle_pa So I’m gonna be on Sunday night at 8 PM Eastern standard time not sure where you are but that’s the time I’ll be on. So I will invite you in. Have you been approved to do shows yet? It looks like you have quite a bit in your closet. If I can help you out with anything, I’d be more than happy to.
Oct 05Reply
belle_pa @catherinekieran That would be great! Thank you so much! By the way, I'm in Pennsylvania 😊
Oct 05Reply
shinemary Hi Thank you for following me, love following on Poshmark, Would like you to check out my closet. I have many different items and love offers and bundles. I always send a gift with purchase. Looking for gift ideas you may find in my closet. Wishing you happiness always Shinemary
Oct 07Reply
26posies Hi i am interested in cat eye glasses ((really the frames) you mentioned you would be getting new ones in around the 24 th. If you get them in earlier can you let me know. Thank you Stretch
Oct 13Reply
catherinekieran @26posies yes, are looking for just frames without the bling? I can get pretty much anything you like. Give me more details Like color, style , crystals or no crystals. Thank you for joining my show tonight.
Oct 13Reply
baron126 Hellooooooo & thanks for sharing an item from my closet❣️My closet is always buy one get half off the lower price item! Bundle & Save more with one shipping fee!! 5⭐️rated seller & FAST shipper!!! Happy Poshing!!!!
Nov 09Reply
allfly3 Hey there....hope all is well....any news on the carnelian earrings :)))))
Nov 16Reply
catherinekieran @allfly3 Hi There, I am just seeing this message. Can you tell me what you’re looking for on the earrings please.
Nov 16Reply
allfly3 @catherinekieran I had ordered a pair of red carnelian earrings, along with several other items and somehow they not available when I purchased them. You had said you would order another pair for me.....I was just checking to see the status of them
Nov 16Reply
catherinekieran @allfly3 Yes, I remember. That was a while ago. Thank you for following up With me. They were on back order & it has been a while. I will check Monday And get back to you. Again, apologize for the delay.
Nov 17Reply
allfly3 I'm leaving the country tomorrow...I'll be back on Thursday I prob won't have internet until then
Nov 18Reply
catherinekieran @allfly3 ok, will leave you a msg. We can follow up when you return.
Nov 18Reply
allfly3 @catherinekieran Good morning...I was just checking in with you about the earrings
Nov 21Reply
catherinekieran @allfly3 Good Afternoon, I was hoping to give you good news however they are out of stock. I did put another order in as my previous order was canceled out due to the out of stocks. I was told they should be in by Dec 1st. I will notify you as soon as I receive them.
Nov 21Reply
allfly3 @catherinekieran Thank you so much...Fngers crossed
Nov 21Reply
baron126 Hellooooooo & thanks for sharing an item from my closet❣️My closet is always buy one get half off the lower price item! Bundle & Save more with one shipping fee!! 5⭐️rated seller & FAST shipper!!! Happy Poshing!!!!
Nov 22Reply
sunnysidejohn You have an amazing closet. Happy Poshing ☀️👍☀️
Dec 16Reply
farahscloset_ Hi there, Nice to meet you 😊 I’d like to invite you to visit my closet. I believe there’s a little something for everyone. If you see something you like, would you please send me an offer? I accept most reasonable offers. Thank you Wishing you and your loved ones a joyful holiday season 🎄❤️😊
Dec 17Reply

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