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Updated Apr 21
Updated Apr 21



US$300 US$500

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indigorose1284 Do you have the bust and waist measurements for the med and lg?
Jul 15Reply
silverfoxboutiq Hello could give me a good price to bundle all 4 for. Fall bridal dress. Please let me know..
Jul 15Reply
ivoryhanger @silverfoxboutiq hi! Does 4 for 90 sound good?
Jul 15Reply
ivoryhanger @indigorose1284 I don’t but I will say that I wear a size 4-5 dress and the medium fits perfect on me. The dress is also a wrap style so it can kinda be adjusted to fit an individual.
Jul 15Reply
silverfoxboutiq @sadrenpo I can’t do anything until tomorrow evening but could you accept 75 and reserve until then? I will text you the moment Funds upload after 8:30. Let me know. Thanks
Jul 15Reply
ivoryhanger @silverfoxboutiq okay! Sounds good!
Jul 15Reply
silverfoxboutiq All large
Jul 15Reply
ivoryhanger @silverfoxboutiq okay sounds good! I’ll hold them for you
Jul 15Reply
photogramama Do you have a medium available?
Jul 16Reply
silverfoxboutiq @sadrenpo Good Afternoon, sorry for just getting back in touch with you and I hope you will still have my dresses available going into Monday. Unfortunately this happened I’m on a early payoff appliance leasing plan that duplicated the monthly payment yesterday which will not fall off until 3-5 business days
Jul 17Reply
georgetowngurl Hello. My order was cancelled- I’m assuming it’s b/c you’re out of the large size. I am interested in a medium. Would you be willing to honor the before offered price? Ty
Jul 18Reply
ivoryhanger @georgetowngurl yes absolutely! Shoot me an offer :)
Jul 18Reply
elfilipowicz Hi, what’s the fabric content? Thanks!
Jul 22Reply
ivoryhanger @elfilipowicz hi! I believe it is 100% polyester :)
Jul 22Reply
ivoryhanger @elfilipowicz no problem!!❤️
Jul 23Reply
ivoryhanger @cherylg1978 hi! I see you placed an order on this dress on the 22nd. I’m currently printing my labels out at the library because my printer is broken. I will have your label printed out soon and your purchased shipped no later than Tuesday! Thanks❤️
Jul 27Reply
ivoryhanger @georgetowngurl @parsmm92 @celine333 @caitlinglong @adelafuente hi there! I just wanted to let you all know that I’m shipping your orders tomorrow. :) I’ve had a really busy week so shipments have been slower unfortunately. But I just wanted to let you all know that your dresses will be on their way tomorrow! Much love❤️
Aug 02Reply
jilshu @sadrenpo I accidentally ordered the small. Can you send a medium instead???? 🤦🏻‍♀️
Aug 08Reply
ivoryhanger @jilshu yes ma’am! I’ll send a medium :)
Aug 08Reply
jilshu @sadrenpo ah thank you!!
Aug 08Reply
taramiazg Do you have any more mediums? Thanks
Aug 10Reply
ivoryhanger @taramiazg I do have a couple! I’ll update the listing :)
Aug 10Reply
tashshok Would size 8-10 be able to fit medium?
Aug 10Reply
ivoryhanger @chloelove I am not sure. I wear about a 4-6 and wear a small. I’d say so because they’re adjustable because it’s a wrap dress that ties. You can just make the tie looser if it’s a bit tight or make it tighter if it’s a bit too big :)
Aug 10Reply
p3achie I’m buying a dress but hope you can ship it out soon for a wedding next Saturday?!? I bought a dress already but I think I will like this one more!
Aug 10Reply
ivoryhanger @p3achie yes ma’am! I’ll probably ship out tomorrow :)
Aug 10Reply
lulu928 Do you have a small left? How soon could you ship??
Aug 16Reply
ivoryhanger @lulu928 yes ma’am! And I’ll ship tomorrow or Saturday:)
Aug 16Reply
lulu928 @sadrenpo how does the small run is it better for a size 2/4? I’m usually a 4/6 in standard clothes but I know free people can run big
Aug 17Reply
ivoryhanger @lulu928 I’m not quite sure. I’d say a xs or s for slack
Aug 17Reply
wildspirit90 Hi! Do you still a size large available ??
Aug 18Reply
wildspirit90 @sadrenpo how many do you have?? My cousin likes them for brides maid dresses
Aug 18Reply
bonniemel Do you have any larges left? It is an option but you don't list it in the description.
Aug 20Reply
ivoryhanger @bonniemel yes ma’am! Thanks for telling me :) I forgot to update the description.
Aug 20Reply
olh22 Do you have the dimensions for a large? Looking for a baby shower dress ☺️
Aug 24Reply
ivoryhanger @olh22 no ma’am! But as soon as I get home I can look around online to see if I can find the measurements:)
Aug 24Reply
romelia_bedelia Any larges left?
Aug 24Reply
olh22 @sadrenpo thank you! I can only find measurements for the small. I’m looking for the natural waist to make sure everything fits!
Aug 24Reply
ivoryhanger @romelia_bedelia at the moment I only have mediums smalls and extra smalls left
Aug 24Reply
ivoryhanger @opm92 I am not sure, but the dress is a wrap dress. It ties so you could make it bigger if need be. Also I wear a 4-6 and the small fits me just right.
Aug 29Reply
ninarocha Is there a medium still available? If so, I would need it before Thursday September 12th. Would that be possible?
Sep 06Reply
frickejm Will you be restocking in large?
Sep 07Reply
ivoryhanger @frickejm I have two larges available right now! I just haven’t updated the ad.
Sep 07Reply
frickejm Does the v neck part come down/open to be made nursing friendly?
Sep 07Reply
ivoryhanger @frickejm it’s a wrap dress so it can be adjusted. It ties around. Kind of like a robe or house coat.
Sep 08Reply
frickejm Okay! So to clarify, can I pull down the top part around the breasts in order to be able to nurse? Or is it sewn together how it is sitting?
Sep 08Reply
ivoryhanger @frickejm haha ma’am I just realized that you meant nursing as in nursing a baby!! Yes you can totally pull it down to be able to nurse :) i don’t have any kids so it took me a while to get what you were saying
Sep 08Reply
uberkate @sadrenpo hi! I just received the medium in the mail- thank you! Sadly, it doesn’t fit. I see you have large back in stock- any chance you’d be willing to exchange if I ship this one back? Thanks
Sep 08Reply
ivoryhanger @uberkate yes! I think I only have one left so I’m willing to do that if you purchase it! I’m not quite sure how to do an exchange though , so what would be the easiest way to go about doing it?
Sep 08Reply
uberkate @sadrenpo well, I don’t really know either 🤪 I guess I forgot about shipping and labels and all that. Don’t worry about it, it seems complicated and tbh I can’t be sure the large will fit either. Thanks for your help though. You’re a great seller- dress is gorgeous.
Sep 08Reply
ivoryhanger @uberkate hey, if I get more larges in the future I’ll just send you one, free of charge. I know free people sizing can be complicated so I’ll comment back in the future if I get more larges!💕
Sep 08Reply
tinchinbab Hi I would love a Large if you get any more. The one I got from you was snapped up by my sister so I’d like one for myself. Pls let me know if you have more. Thanks.
Sep 12Reply
kaitlian Hello! Will you be getting any more dresses in size large?
Sep 12Reply
katherine2506 What is the length of the XS and S?
Sep 20Reply
ivoryhanger @pocketdiva I already shipped your order but I see that you canceled it.
Sep 24Reply
pocketdiva @sadrenpo hi, I didn’t get a notification you shipped, and I needed the dress ASAP.
Sep 24Reply
ivoryhanger @pocketdiva I just dropped the dress off yesterday at one of those blue post office boxes. They most likely haven’t scanned it yet. But I did let posh know that the order is shipped but not tracking. Did they not notify you?
Sep 24Reply
pocketdiva @sadrenpo I wouldn’t have been allowed to cancel if the system updated that you had sent. Not sure what to do now.
Sep 24Reply
pocketdiva @sadrenpo I’m contacting support to see if it is possible to un-cancel.
Sep 24Reply
ivoryhanger @pocketdiva I would contact them myself but I’m taking a test right now that’s times for my online history class. Haha. If it doesn’t work out then no worries. It’s just a misunderstanding
Sep 24Reply
pocketdiva @sadrenpo Np. Just contacted them. We can see what happens. Good luck with your test.
Sep 24Reply
ivoryhanger @pocketdiva posh sent me a confirmation about 40 minutes ago saying that shipping has started tracking
Sep 24Reply
erelles Do you have size small?
Oct 11Reply
hannabadger Please make separate listing for each size so I can bundle. Thank you!
Oct 21Reply
ivoryhanger @hannabadger is it okay if I do it this afternoon? I’m in class right now so I have my hands full lol
Oct 21Reply
hannabadger @sadrenpo you can just screen shot one photo then put the size in the description. It will take less than 1 minute. But yes I can wait. I just don’t want it to get sold.
Oct 21Reply
ivoryhanger @hannabadger okay how many of each size do you want? Like how many separate post do I make?
Oct 21Reply
hannabadger @sadrenpo how many you have
Oct 21Reply
ivoryhanger @hannabadger I have 20 XS and 20 S
Oct 21Reply
persephonei I saw that you made me an offer on this dress but I received a confirmation email that I had purchased it. Can you confirm when it should ship?
Oct 22Reply
ivoryhanger @persephonei I sent out an offer to all liners :) and I dropped off your purchase today around 11:30 so tracking should start soon!
Oct 22Reply
persephonei @sadrenpo yay!!! Thank you 😊
Oct 22Reply
chelsea_marley Are these floor length?
Oct 23Reply
mayamochi do you still have medium? also do you have measurements
Oct 28Reply
ivoryhanger @mayamochi I’m not sure if I still have mediums! I’m currently out of town and I do not have the measurements and can’t seem to find them online :)
Oct 28Reply
cortneysue02 What sizes do you still have available? Thanks!
Nov 05Reply
ivoryhanger @cortneysue02 extra small and small :)
Nov 05Reply
cortneysue02 @uberkate do you still have that medium? I would be interested in it if you still do!
Nov 05Reply
cortneysue02 @sadrenpo do you know if you will be getting any mediums soon?
Nov 05Reply
ivoryhanger @cortneysue02 possibly!! I may have an extra laying around somewhere, though I’ll have to check. I don’t have any listed atm because I’m not certain but I will check for you
Nov 05Reply
mikmaven the size a little flexible because of the wrap right? I'm a small/4 but pregnant haha
Nov 05Reply
ivoryhanger @craftybeermaven right :) it can be adjusted because the wrap ties
Nov 05Reply
rpenick Hello, I’m looking for a M or L, in reading all your comments it looks like some back and forth. Just curious if you might have had a return of either size you could sell me. Thank you!
Nov 06Reply
allison359181 @sadrenpo would you be able to ship tomorrow if I purchase it today? I need a back up dress for a wedding next week!
Nov 06Reply
ivoryhanger @allison359181 yes!! I can ship whenever you need. When do you need me to ship?
Nov 07Reply
carladrosas Hi, I after a month of looking and looking I found the perfect dress from you and I just purchase it. However, I'm against the clock so I was wondering if you would be able to ship it today so I can get it on or before Wednesday? I will be flying Thursday early morning. I would greatly appreciate it!
Nov 08Reply
ivoryhanger @carladrosas the earliest I could ship is tomorrow at latest Monday. But I’m sure it will arrive on time because it’s priority two day shipping
Nov 08Reply
jbarron92 Hello! beautiful dress. do you by chance have a medium available?
Nov 10Reply
amelios Hi, I would like to buy more than one size. Do you have medium and large?
Nov 11Reply
ivoryhanger @amelios I do not have any medium and large at the moment
Nov 11Reply
ivoryhanger @julee14 the mediums that I have are still in the packaging, but the packaging both have holes in them. Is that alright?
Nov 12Reply
ivoryhanger @carladrosas hey! I just thought about something. I see on my end that there is a way for me to request a new shipping label. Are you able to do that on your end too? Where you can update your shipping address? Just for this order?
Nov 12Reply
julee14 @sadrenpo i don’t mind the packaging have holes but the dress does not, correct? 😳
Nov 12Reply
ivoryhanger @julee14 nope! They do not :) they are brand new, I guess I somehow just nicked the packaging! Just wanted to give you a heads up before I accepted your offer
Nov 12Reply
julee14 @sadrenpo ah! Thank you for running it by ☺️ so very excited for it! Looks beautiful!! 😍
Nov 12Reply
ivoryhanger @julee14 no problem! Glad you like it and I can’t wait for you to receive it :)💜
Nov 12Reply
carladrosas @sadrenpo I changed the address :) sent you also sent a pm. Please check before shipping, thank you!
Nov 12Reply
kayle_carroll Is the small available?
Nov 12Reply
mikmaven @sadrenpo hey there I just went through all the comments and I know it's adjustable and I'm usually a small but I'm wondering if I should get a medium because they're sizing can be so weird so do you have mediums or no right now haha! thanks so much 💛
Nov 15Reply
mikmaven @sadrenpo there wasn't V medium when I checked last which is why I didn't I only made an offer because I was trying to keep it within the Posh credit I have with shipping and tax lol ok!
Nov 15Reply
mgclark97 Is the small still available?
Nov 15Reply
ivoryhanger @craftybeermaven sorry I try to keep things updated but I’m a student so sometimes I’m very busy haha!😂
Nov 15Reply
ivoryhanger @mgclark97 no, I won’t have any smalls for a while. The last one just sold not too long ago :(
Nov 15Reply
mgclark97 Ah ok, feel free to tag me if you get them again!
Nov 15Reply
ivoryhanger @mgclark97 okay will do!!
Nov 15Reply
mikmaven @sadrenpo oh my gosh don't worry at all I understand being busy!
Nov 15Reply
melmac1414 How long s the dress?
Jan 15Reply
ivoryhanger @melmac1414 I’m about 5”3 and it touches the ground on me. I don’t have measurements
Jan 15Reply
kawaren Do you have an xs?
Feb 23Reply
lildorms You don’t have my size or I would get it in a heartbeat- I need a L
Feb 25Reply
ivoryhanger @lildorms I’m sorry :( I may have an extra laying around somewhere but I’ll have to look when I get home
Feb 25Reply
lildorms @sadrenpo if you find one let me know :-)
Feb 26Reply
aklookout Do you have any mediums left? I’m typically a 4/sm but want to make sure it’s not too low cut and covers the top.
Mar 05Reply
ivoryhanger @aklookout I don’t, but I will say that it is a low cut dress anyways. I’ve tried on both a small and a medium and I’m about a size 5-6, and they were both lowcut. I don’t like wearing lowcut things so what I did was wear a cami/tank top underneath and it worked fine.
Mar 05Reply
aklookout @sadrenpo Thank you so much. That helps. If you don’t mind I’m going to keep it on my radar, but I’m specifically looking for something to wear to a family wedding.
Mar 05Reply
ivoryhanger @aklookout ahh, okay that’s fine! I’ve had quite a few people buy these for weddings haha
Mar 05Reply
aklookout @sadrenpo I’m definitely going to think on it😉
Mar 05Reply
ivoryhanger @aklookout Hey there, I have one medium that I found. It’s my last one, would you like it?
Mar 07Reply
aklookout @thethryftshop I decided the small would be fine. I guess I am still on the fence about needing t! Thank you for reaching out!!
Mar 07Reply
ivoryhanger @kayladecastr103 Hi there, your order will be shipped out tomorrow morning. My local post office is not open on the weekends, otherwise I would have shipped yesterday.
Mar 15Reply
lemurianmuse Congratulations! I’ve selected this lovely piece as a Host Pick for ‘The Wardrobe Must Haves’ party tonight. Wishing you many sales and blessings-Ginny ♥️🌈♥️
Apr 01Reply
ivoryhanger @lemurianmuse thank you so much! Have a blessed night❤️
Apr 01Reply
taraskawaii 👑💎🌟💎🌟💎🌟💎🌟💎👑Congratulations on your fabulous host pick! I’m sharing with my followers and wishing you many quick sales! 👑💎🌟💎🌟💎🌟💎🌟💎👑
Apr 01Reply
katiedeleo22 Congrats on your host pick :) @katiedeleo22 💋💋💋👯‍♀️👯‍♀️👯‍♀️👯‍♀️👯‍♀️🍾🍾🍾🍾
Apr 01Reply
vibefashion Congratulations on your host pick!!! 🎉💕🎀
Apr 01Reply
radiant_waves Congrats on your host pick!! 🎉🥳🎉🥳🎉 Sharing with my followers and wishing you speedy sales!!! 💕❤️💕❤️💕❤️💕❤️💕❤️💕❤️💕❤️💕❤️
Apr 01Reply
terri_lynns 🥰💰🥳💰💵💰🥳💰🥰 (•_•) Congratulations on your <) )╯Beautiful Host Pick 🥳 / \ Fingers crossed 🤞🏼 For a Quick Sale 💰🛍📦📬🇺🇸 (•_•) Happy \(•_•)/ <) )> Poshing ( ( / \ / \ God Bless you and your Family 🙏🏻 Stay Safe
Apr 01Reply
modig - 🎈🍁❄️👏🏻🌹🌹🌹🌹👏🏻❄️🍁🎈 💕😍Happy Wardrobe Must Haves😎💕 👗👯‍♂️🌈 🎈Host Pick!! 🎈🌈👯‍♂️👕 👖🍃🍂🌱👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🌱🍂🌿🍃👖 🎈🎈🌈🌿❄️🌿🍁❄️🌿🌈🎈🎈 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 👗👚👔👚👗 👖👖👖👖👖 🌹🌹🌹 ~Tricia~ 🍃
Apr 01Reply
shopmelinas Congrats on your host pick!!☮️💜
Apr 01Reply
beoirem 💋💋💋 CONGRATS ON YOUR AWESOME HOST PICK ❣️❣️❣️🧚‍♂️💿💿💿💿💿🧚‍♂️💿💿💿💿💿🧚‍♂️💿💿💿💿💿🧚‍♂️💿💿💿💿💿🧚‍♂️💿💿💿💿💿🧚‍♂️💿💋💋💋💿🧚‍♂️💿💿💿💿💿🧚‍♂️💿💿💿💿💿🧚‍♂️💿💿💿💿💿🧚‍♂️💿💋💋💋💿🧚‍♂️💿💿💿💿💿🧚‍♂️💿💿💿💿💿🧚‍♂️💿💿💿💿💿🧚‍♂️💿💿💿💿💿🧚‍♂️ 🌎
Apr 01Reply
keishacole66 CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR HOST PICK!! SHARING WITH ALL MY FOLLOWERS NOW AND WISHING YOU SPEEDY SALES POSH FRIEND 💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💋💟💋💟💋💟💋💟💋S💟💋💟💋💟💟💋💟💟💋💟💟💋💟💟💋💟💟💋💟💟💋💟💟💟💋💟💟💟💋💟💟💟💋💟
Apr 01Reply
sawyerlt 💐💐💐🌻 Congratulations on your host pick 🤗 Wishing you speedy some sales 🌻💐💐💐
Apr 01Reply
aniabrands Congratulations on your fabulous Host Pick 💚👗💚👗💚👗💚
Apr 01Reply
atmyshop 🌺🍭🍥🍬👯🎆Congratulations on your Lovely Host Pick!!🌺🍭🍥🍬👯🎆 Sharing with my followers & wishing you a super fast sale🌺🍭🍥🍬👯🎆 Linda @atmyshop 👯
Apr 01Reply
lowills Congrats on host pick! Sharing your item!
Apr 01Reply
lolafagbemi 🎉🎉🙌🙌 Congratulations on your fabulous host pick. Sharing with my followers. Wishing you quick sales.
Apr 01Reply
fashionwonders 🎉🎉🎉Congratulations on your amazing Host Pick! ❤️❤️❤️ Such a beautiful and trendy Wardrobe Must-Haves Posh Party item! Hoping it sells fast!!! Sharing with my followers and wishing you many sales!! 🎉🎉🎉
Apr 01Reply
ivoryhanger @zoesmom218 hi there, I shipped your package out a while ago. It says it’s shipped but I’m not sure why it is taking so long to get to you?
Apr 01Reply
zoesmom218 @thethryftshop Hi! I know things are kind of crazy right now and that could cause delays. So for now I’m just waiting it out! There’s a lot of things outside of our control during this time!
Apr 01Reply
ivoryhanger @zoesmom218 okay! I just want to make sure we’re both on the same page. I hope you get it soon!❤️
Apr 01Reply
consciouschic The most important thing a girl wears is her confidence! 💁🏻‍♀️ Congrats on your trendy Wardrobe Must Haves HP! 🎉 Wishing speedy sales for you! 💓
Apr 01Reply

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