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Updated Aug 13
Updated Aug 13

Found a baby turtle today :)


US$29 US$111


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Love being able to take a walk in the woods explore nature find baby turtles and posh at the same time !!
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gardenhoe Love it! I have tons of frogs this year for some reason. Feel free to come get them...😂😂😂
Sep 11Reply
chicnation @gardenhoe haha I have never found a baby snapping turtle before where are you ? We have frogs too haha I’m in Maine
Sep 11Reply
gardenhoe @chicnation Louisiana, Baby!!!
Sep 11Reply
gardenhoe @chicnation Hey y’all may have some vintage campers up there??! I’m looking for one...
Sep 11Reply
chicnation @gardenhoe I haven’t been to Louisiana is it nice ?? Your looking for vintage campers ??? I’ll have to keep my eyes open the pop up ones ?
Sep 11Reply
gardenhoe @chicnation No a pull behind
Sep 11Reply
gardenhoe @chicnation No it’s hotter than hell here Heat and humidity together are almost unbearable! I’ve lived here my entire life and I’m still not “use to it”
Sep 11Reply
alwayschique So cute! How in the world did you see him? He’s so small
Sep 17Reply
chicnation @alwayschique I know I love turtles haha there’s this walk that my mom and I do called Shaw Park and right now it’s hatching time for the alligator snapping turtles they are laying eggs I’m not sure how he traveled into the walking path but I had looked down and was like omg ! Also saved him too and put him back into the water he was so tiny and cute ha
Sep 17Reply
alwayschique @chicnation yeah I would totally freaked out if I saw him in a path. lol possibly jump
Sep 17Reply
chicnation @alwayschique hahaha I’m the girl that swings snakes around as a kid where all my little friends ran off haha super Tom boy
Sep 17Reply
alwayschique @chicnation yeah running 🏃‍♀️ Haha
Sep 17Reply
kitcomm149 OMG, I collect turtle figurines...I love turtles!! Thank you for sharing!
Sep 17Reply
chicnation @kitcomm149 isn’t that pretty cool it’s a baby alligator snapping turtle
Sep 17Reply
primadonna32 Oh my goodness! Super adorable! I have red ear sliders, when I got them they were tiny like this baby. Awwww!
Sep 18Reply
chicnation @primadonna32 where did you get the baby turtles I’m in love with turtles :)
Sep 18Reply
primadonna32 @chicnation I purchased 2 from a kid selling them on the corner of the street for 5$ each. They were the size of a quarter. Just the cutest! I could not resist. Now 3 years later they are over 6 inches and growing.
Sep 18Reply
darlascottage Aw so cute but in last pic he looks a little like Boba Fett lol
Sep 19Reply
chicnation @pluswear lol that’s so funny
Sep 19Reply
darlascottage @chicnation You see it too? Probably related to each
Sep 19Reply
darlascottage @chicnation Whoops I meant Jabba the Hutt! I’m goin’ senile
Sep 19Reply
chicnation @pluswear omg that’s so funny!! I thought you meant the other guy judging by the helmet armour
Sep 19Reply
zimmcouture I love turtles!! ❤️❤️
Sep 19Reply
chicnation @zimmcouture I love love turtles too haha
Sep 19Reply
chicnation @sunrisebuys isn’t the turtle so cute
Sep 19Reply
blinkie99 Oh my, I love him!!! I'm down here in Perdido Beach, we have sea turtles all over the place! Love them!❤️❤️❤️
Sep 19Reply
chicnation @sunrisebuys wow that’s so nice of you to say
Sep 19Reply
chicnation @blinkie99 I want to see sea turtles.
Sep 19Reply
chicnation @blinkie99 I love sea turtles
Sep 19Reply
blinkie99 @chicnation They are protected. Not suppose to bother their nesting sites, though some people are heartless and do just that. The sea turtles have such a hard life to be able to even make their journey to the ocean. I love them too❤️❤️
Sep 19Reply
chicnation @blinkie99 my aunt and uncle used to live in Hawaii and they would release the baby turtles at the bar they would save them from the birds
Sep 19Reply
tbarr31893 My dtr wants a baby turtle so bad but cant find small ones at the pet store
Sep 20Reply
chicnation @tbarr31893 I know you can buy them online if you google baby turtles :) they are so cute
Sep 20Reply
heidisue608 Awwwwww ♥️✝️🥰🙌
Sep 20Reply
chicnation @heidisue608 isn’t it cute
Sep 20Reply
hudson0226 In the Orient turtles mean long life!!!😊🐢🐢🐢
Sep 25Reply
chicnation @hudson0226 I’m hoping it’s a symbol for a long life
Sep 25Reply
hudson0226 Yes it is!!! 😀
Sep 25Reply
iluv2boogie Too adorable!!!
Sep 26Reply
chicnation @iluv2boogie isn’t it so cute !
Sep 26Reply
iluv2boogie Oh my god that’s adorable so true so cute until you know what they’re gonna do to you later on and bite your damn finger off LOL 😂😂😂😂😵😵😵
Sep 26Reply
chicnation @iluv2boogie hahaha omg thanks for making my morning that’s hilarious! I did think about that when I picked it up- but the baby was suffering from the heat so on the verge of death but i saved him by putting him in water but they have tight grip bites especially the huge ones
Sep 26Reply
iluv2boogie @chicnation I seen it on TV and I thought I was about to fall out I saw man’s finger get bit off. deserve that one, yes damn Hand in the SNAPPING TURTLE 🐢 mouth I don’t know what the hell people are thinking about testing fate he’s doing what he supposed to do ...snap and eat..ha ha ha ha😸😸😸 But u have to save him to save us from idiots like that to stick their hands in the mouth!1
Sep 26Reply
zoemckenna66 I wish this was actually for sale because I would buy him in a heartbeat
Sep 26Reply
wrosegold Lol! SO cute!! 💋
Sep 27Reply
chicnation @wrosegold lolllll thank you isnt it cute
Sep 27Reply
chicnation @iluv2boogie haha I’ve seen someone take a shovel to push one out of the road and it kept turning around snapping but this one I have in pic is size of like a quarter
Sep 27Reply
wrosegold @chicnation that face looks so grumpy 😂 sorta like mine in the morning 🙃 anyhow, thank you for saving that cute, wee one! Great capture, Miss!
Sep 27Reply
iluv2boogie Girl that person knew better!! That’s it!! what he looks like Gamera when I was a kid we used to watch the Japanese flying turtle I don’t know if you remember it or have fire coming out of where the legs are needs to go in a circle and fly in the air Gamera!! Been trying to remember the name got it now now I can sleep at night again he he he he!
Sep 27Reply
emilyjann Oh my Goodness.. this is super Cute ! 😃😃😃... I 💖 it 🤗🤗🤗
Sep 28Reply
chicnation @emilyjann I had to post this haha isn’t it cute
Sep 28Reply
emilyjann @chicnation Ohhhh... Of course it is 😂🥰🤗... Btway U have Gorgeous closet! Wowwwww.... definitely follow U 👍🥰
Sep 28Reply
chicnation @emilyjann I appreciate that so much
Sep 28Reply
fryemeup Awwww I'll buy him how much 😍☺️💚🐢
Oct 06Reply
chicnation @fryemeup haha isn’t he cute !
Oct 06Reply
fryemeup @chicnation YAAAAASSSSSSSSSS😍
Oct 06Reply
chicnation @urban_oyster isn’t he adorable
Oct 09Reply
xocandyscloset Omgosh! This is amazing! Did u keep him? He's adorbs! 😍😍😍
Oct 12Reply
chicnation @xocandyscloset I wish I kept him!!! I didn’t have a turtle Set up and alligator turtles get HUGE
Oct 12Reply
birdgreen I have never seen anything like that and being unaware as I am, I thought that he was a stone turtle and you were selling him for three bucks! Really beautiful!
Oct 12Reply
chicnation @birdgreen haha I had someone try to buy him and I’m like I can’t ship turtles haha isn’t he cute
Oct 12Reply
birdgreen @chicnation I have read about and have seen pictures of these kinds of things but because I grew up in the city and in the desert or California beach I never thought this could be real. That little thing is adorable right now but I bet when he gets big he could be scary!
Oct 12Reply
birdgreen @chicnation you should set him somewhere that looks appropriate and take pictures of him! If the pictures are clear and good and close up enough I bet people would purchase them !
Oct 12Reply
crystal_maiden Awwww so cute!!!
Oct 12Reply
chicnation @crystal_maiden a little snapping turtle haha
Oct 12Reply
chicnation @birdgreen lol I had found him on my nature walk :) it was egg hatching season a month ago
Oct 12Reply
birdgreen @chicnation to see something like that and know that endangered species and nature itself is in danger makes you want to do something to protect little things like him... I seriously think you should Market photos of nature because you obviously live somewhere that you could do that... I will be your first customer LOL bless you
Oct 12Reply
chicnation @birdgreen haha I always wanted to have hemp clothes to sell in pertains to nature — or nature graphic t shirts in Maine there’s a lot of nature to look at
Oct 12Reply
crystal_maiden @chicnation ADORBS haha Fl turtles don’t have tails like that though 😂
Oct 12Reply
bbarnard2185 @gardenhoe ms gal here and yes I’m pretty sure we are near hell 🤦🏻‍♀️lol the humidity here is awful. Bad hair and makeup days. Skin sticks to the leather seats of your car. Look like a raccoon 🦝 from makeup running down your face . Haha
Oct 13Reply
chicnation @crystal_maiden lollll in Florida are the turtles 🐢 huge ?
Oct 13Reply
chicnation @bbarnard2185 hahah the only time that has been like that is a few summers Back but we don’t get humidity —— we get two months of 80s than it’s gone :( right now we are in the 50s than withinna few weeks it’ll be 30’weather than 10 degrees —- we get lots and lots of snow ❄️ lots of it haha like burying the mailboxes snow where are you with humidity
Oct 13Reply
bbarnard2185 @chicnation our amount of snow ⛄️ that we get if any is embarrassing lol. Mississippi here! We did get a cold front here yesterday so we are in the 50-60s, it’s a different kind of cold as well. We have the worst summers, living by the river the humidity is even worse 🤦🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️
Oct 13Reply
chicnation @bbarnard2185 I’m thinking about getting a diffeeent style of the camouflage with a hood I’ll post it to show !
Oct 13Reply
chicnation @bbarnard2185 I wish we didn’t get as much here in Maine and since we have a lot of acorns falling right now It means a lotttttt of snow this winter
Oct 13Reply
birdgreen @chicnation I think you have some great ideas and I think you should try and go for it! Or maybe produce a sweatshirt with this little turtles picture on the front or back!
Oct 13Reply
crystal_maiden @chicnation Oh yes, very 😂
Oct 13Reply
kathyyanez How cute!!!! 😍😍😍😍
Oct 13Reply
chicnation @kathyyanez isn’t he adorable
Oct 13Reply
laurenmadrid Cutest EVER❤❤❤
Oct 13Reply
ailenecabrera1 @gardenhoe i live in Louisiana before in Kenner and Metarie and I found one ☝🏼 but big and that time people say not good keep that one have poison ☠️ but I don’t know is thrust but there they a lot on the canal ,you can drive I see all three 😆😍
Oct 14Reply
jpolitoske I love that little turtle!!
Oct 17Reply
dsygonzalez Such a cute baby!
Oct 17Reply
lmorganstern Soooooo adorable 💗
Oct 27Reply
chicnation @lmorganstern isn’t it soo cute :)
Oct 27Reply
chicnation @jpolitoske thank you isn’t he adorable
Oct 27Reply
krazyturtlelady 🐢🥰🐢😍
Nov 22Reply
blonde1210 Too adorable. I see lizards, geckos 🦎 large turtles, tortoises, opossum, and armadillos all the time in my suburban neighborhood here in Florida. Being from NY this has been some getting used to. The babies are the cutest though.
Dec 21Reply
advntur1 he's so cute.
Dec 22Reply
thepinkcouch Thank you for adding this cuteness to my timeline 💕🐢
Dec 28Reply
chicnation @thepinkcouch your so welcome :) I thought it was so adorable when I found it it was sooo tiny
Dec 28Reply
onegirlforever Yea!! Turtle mom!!!! Thanks for doing the right thing!!!!!
Mar 06Reply
iluv2boogie Do you mean I can get one of these cute little guys isn’t making her up to bite my fingers I am sold how many do you have 😆 lol I already have a name for him or her...Crusher!!👆🏼 oh my god where are the rest of my fingersCRUSHER what have you done?? How my going to feed now??LoL 😂 ohhhh you cute little bastard it’s the best $8 + 4.99 shipping I ever spent 🤩😋
Mar 06Reply
iluv2boogie I STILL LOVE YOU Crusher no matter what!
Mar 06Reply
heidisue608 Awww 🥰
Mar 06Reply
chicnation @alwayschique hey chicka I found it
Jun 30Reply
chicnation @alwayschique guess what ? My spouse and I are trying for a baby ! Any tips ??
Jun 30Reply
alwayschique @chicnation take folic acid and prenatal multivitamins
Jun 30Reply
chicnation @alwayschique ok before getting pregnant ? I’ll invest in some today did you take both seperate folic acid and also a prenatal
Jun 30Reply
alwayschique @chicnation I took it months prior. My guyno recommended it. You should be taking a multivitamin anyways. I used the Rainbow light prenatal one complete multivitamin.
Jun 30Reply
chicnation @alwayschique that’s funny I was looking at that brand that and new chapter and mega foods you must be into natural organic foods not many people know that brand ! My parents friend owns a health food store and rainbow light and the ones I mentioned are very good brands
Jun 30Reply
chicnation @alwayschique I’m probably low in folic acid I do take iron vitamin d fish oil b6 and b complex but should be taking a multivitamin it’s so hard to get everything we need in food
Jun 30Reply
alwayschique @chicnation mega foods is another good brand. Theres a wholefoods close to my office. That was one of my guilty pleasures while being pregnant Homemade chocolate gelatos. Its more like a higher end grocery store.
Jun 30Reply
chicnation @alwayschique I go to Whole Foods all the time I grew up eating just organic food my parents believe in eating only organic :)
Jun 30Reply
alwayschique @chicnation I haven’t been there for months but I do miss going there.
Jun 30Reply
lmorganstern Is the turtle really for sale? is it a tortoise?
Jul 01Reply
chicnation @lmorganstern lol no no not for sale
Jul 01Reply
lmorganstern Oh sorry - I see it's a snapping
Jul 01Reply
chicnation @lmorganstern I think he was not doing so well when I found him it was a baby that hatched but was very dry but I saved him that day he was so cute
Jul 01Reply
chicnation @lmorganstern it was barely alive but I put him in the pond and it survived
Jul 01Reply
thepatriciahall @tbarr31893 I am definitely not trying to be a downer... I love them, too and had red eared sliders also, as a kid. But, turtles under 6 inches are known for carrying salmonella (that’s why you may have a hard time finding one at a pet store.) Just wanted to let you know, so you’d be sure to wash your hands super well, if handling one. Happy turtle spotting!!
Jul 24Reply
chicnation @thepatriciahall yes I know that this was two years ago
Jul 24Reply
thepatriciahall @chicnation hey, I meant no offense. Maybe you do know it, but perhaps, some of the people who responded do not. I only said anything, because they’re enough people in this world dying already. Wouldn’t you try to help in any way you could?
Jul 24Reply
chicnation @thepatriciahall I’m Not selling a turtle I just posted this for the heck of it
Jul 24Reply
thepatriciahall @chicnation again, I mean no I’ll intent. I just shared multiple posts from your site. If I meant to intend, why would I spend so much time on here sharing your items? Sheesh!
Jul 24Reply
bridgemill @chicnation That must be good luck!! 😎
Jul 24Reply
chicnation @bridgemill this walking trail every year turtles hatch their eggs and I think this one was having trouble reaching the pond but luckily I saved him
Jul 24Reply
aggott64 A mumma turtle laid her legs in my yard and buried them. I keep watch to help them to the water so birds don’t get them !
Jul 24Reply
bridgemill @chicnation I have a soft heart too! Thank you for doing that!
Jul 25Reply
bridgemill @aggott64 I love hearing that too! Thank you!
Jul 25Reply

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