Meet your Posher, Patricia
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Hi! I'm Pat. I am a cancer warrior! among other things. :) I have been trying very hard to get my mojo back.... I am truly sorry that I was closed for two months with no warning. I know that there really wasn't anything else I could have done but I really am sorry for letting some of my customers down. I am still trying to get money for dental work. I need dentures and I can afford them,. but I can't afford to have the old rotten from radiation treatments teeth that I still have pulled. Thanks for the love and fy for buying my things.

95 others
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👕👕👙👙👜👜👡👡👗👗👠👠🙋🙋Welcome to Poshmark🙋🙋👠👠👗👗👡👡👜👜👙👙👞👞👕👕👖👖
Sep 12Reply

@debbeec1 thanks very much!
Sep 16Reply

@sue_sells thanks, I will do that right now 🤓
Sep 29Reply

Congrats on Winning. Enjoy your shopping spree. Tip: Buy as much from 1-2, etc. closets to save on shipping fees.
Oct 12Reply

Just stopping by to congratulate you on your List or Love win!! Yay!! Enjoy you shopping spree!! I 🎉🛍👠🙂
Oct 12Reply

Congrats on your Love It or List It win! It’s so exciting! I have won in the past and be sure to check your email and read the rules. This free money does expire, just FYI. So I’m running a huge special for winners with HALF-OFF my entire closet this week. Just make sure to make a bundle and use code word WINNER so I can be sure to give you a special discount
Congrats again and be sure to spoil yourself ❤️
Oct 12Reply

@amber2286 I don't understand what this is. But if I truly won something I appreciate it. :) I am confused because I don't enter contests usually. I am trying to be realistic and know that it can't be a real shopping spree; nevertheless I can't help it get my hopes up. I will find out now I guess. :)
Oct 12Reply

@rockinriggin19 you automatically get entered... you receive $100 posh mark credit to be used on Poshmark only and it expires in like 72 hours...
I have won in the past. Check your “balance” and see if it’s in there and check emails from Poshmark... you are listed as winner so you def won
Oct 12Reply

@rockinriggin19 it’s def a real shopping spree 😆
Go look at list of winners and read the rules
Oct 12Reply

@rockinriggin19 AND feel free to shop my closet when you receive your prize since I brought it your attention 😂
Oct 12Reply

Blessings to you!🙏 Wishing you much success Poshing! 🛍📬📦
Oct 12Reply

Sent you some Posh love! Hope you get lots of sales and congrats not only for winning today but surviving Breast Cancer!
Oct 12Reply

Ah! Congratulations on your win! I'm sure you're hyped to have the cash boost - I would love to give you a BOGO free deal on your whole order! Feel free to take a look at my closet to see if there's anything you'd love to have! 😍🤗❤️
Oct 12Reply

Welcome to Poshmark and Congratulations on your win
Oct 13Reply

Congrats Pat. Hang in there! You have spunk!
Oct 13Reply

@amber2286 I didn't get any email but I will check my balance.... thanks for telling me about it
people keep congratulating me on my win and I have no idea what they're talking about I can't figure it out I don't have any email thank you for the information I'll try checking the balance.
Oct 13Reply

@amber2286 thanks! And if I can ever find this I will look at yours ;)
Oct 13Reply

@amber2286 I didn't get n email or anything. I don't know where to look for it. I checked my balance and it doesn't show. I know that it's not your problem lol but you seem nice. Where do I look?
Oct 13Reply

@rockinriggin19 email Poshmark and say you were on the list of winners but you are not showing anything...
Oct 13Reply

@yellowbirdsings thank you so much I can't figure out how to claim this. I checked my email and I don't have an email saying anything about winning anything and I tried checking my balance and it's not there. I know this isn't your problem but do you have any idea how I'm supposed to claim it??
Oct 13Reply

@amber2286 thank you I will try that next. This is very frustrating to me.Where is the list of winners was written so maybe I could tell them in the email?? And I am so sorry to keep bothering you.
Oct 13Reply

@rockinriggin19 on your newsfeed... at the top
Oct 13Reply

@amber2286 thank you I looked there it's not there either or I'm reading about it it says I don't know it says it it might be email Jimmy but they're not responsible if it's not and I get all the other emails from them so it's not my spam filters. if I can figure out at Cleveland before it expires I'll definitely look in your closet thank you
Oct 13Reply

@rockinriggin19 you are welcome to go ahead and make bundles where you like and then when they do give it to you, you are ready to go
Oct 13Reply

Thank you everybody for responding to my asking for hell. I read the rules and it says thatbasically they're not responsible if I don't get an email they're not responsible for anything and I get all the other emails from them so it's not my spam filters but I did email them. Maybe there's something they can do. Figures I would win something and wouldn't be able to get it. :/ I'm just not a lucky person.
Oct 13Reply

@amber2286 thank you ;)
Oct 13Reply

@rockinriggin19 cool, let me know when you are ready to make a bundle :)
Oct 13Reply

@rockinriggin19 try googling “how to claim prize in Poshmark... a lot of food info on that
Oct 13Reply

Congratulations on winning the $100 list it challenge I seen your name on the winners list🤗🎉🎊be sure you go to newsfeed and click the congratulations from
Poshmark link and click the bell and accept your prize it should show up right away under your account credit $100! Have fun shopping spree! If you visit my closet I’ll give you a special deal if you see anything! Enjoy this you deserve it🥰🌷💕🌟❤️💫
Oct 13Reply

Congratulations on being a Love or List Challenge winner 🎶🌟🎉🎈Posh on!
Oct 13Reply

🎉🎉 Congratulations on Winning the “Love it or List it” Challenge. 🎊🎊
I’m running a 💜 4/$20 sale in my closet and would love for you to check it out. 💜 Congratulations again and
Happy Poshing 😊
Oct 13Reply

I have never won anything on Poshmark so I don't have the answer. You might be able to reach out through customer service and too it might show up in your balance later today. I'm sure you'll get it and it is well deserved!!!!
Oct 13Reply

Congratulations on your win!! It is so fun to be a winner. If you see anything in my closet you like, comment WINNER and I’ll give you a special discount :)
Oct 13Reply

@yellowbirdsings hi, I have written you a long heartfelt missive because your comment really touched my heart because my nickname used to be Trooper when I fought forest fires. Actually they shortened it to Troops but now after writing the whole thing I find out that comments are limited in length. Lol. So I am going to send a couple, but not the whole thing. I think writing it was cathartic for me and really didn't need to say all that anyway. /:)
Oct 13Reply

@yellowbirdsings part two.... I was just so tired long story short I had two teeth pulled Thursday and lost the ten pain pills they gave me so I didn't get any sleep Thursday night and then Friday night I was having awful leg cramps all night long and got maybe 20 minutes of sleep the whole night! Then I was having trouble with the computer, I get really upset because I have very poor computer skills and I thought that because I didn't know how to work my computer I was going to lose my prize.
Oct 13Reply

@yellowbirdsings and everything just hit me at the same time and I had a meltdown! I just couldn't stop crying. Then I saw your simple little message with the nickname in it..... it just made me back up and it look at it a little more calmly. And I realized that I probably will be able to claim my prize and if I don't it's not the end of the world. So I thank you. And you just never know when some thing, some tiny little thing, that you say will be just the right thing for them to hear. :)
Oct 13Reply

Hello. Nice to meet you. Welcome to Poshmark! I am a Posh Ambassador. If you have any questions. I am here to help. I invite you to check out a special bundle savings on my closet. Sending positive vibes. Wishing you the best experience on Poshmark.
Oct 13Reply

Congratulations on your win!!!
🥳🥳🥳👏👏👏🛍🛍🛍 I'm having a flash sale, bundle anything you'd like from my closet for a really cheap price I'd really appreciate it!!!
Oct 13Reply

Hello! Congratulations on winning "Love or List challenge!"🎊 You deserve it 🎉 Feel free to check my closet anytime 💞😊
Oct 13Reply

Thank you for all your comments. Maybe the joy of winning will let you get some much needed rest. I'll pray you'll have some peace and deep comfort. I think your body, mind and Spirit could use some deep rest. Xo
Oct 13Reply

Congratulations on your "Love it or List it" Win 💰💰 and Welcome to POSH! Thoughts and Prayers to You ✝️💕💕
Oct 13Reply

Hi Patricia, Thank you for all the Shares 🦋I read your story and God Bless you and continue your strength, your a lovely lady and wishing lots of sales on Poshmark 🌹💕
Oct 20Reply

@erika558 and thank you for sharing mine! I look forward to seeing you around. 😊
Oct 21Reply

Hi Pat, could you Please accept your order , Thank you .. hope all is well and your having a great time with your grandchildren 🦋
Nov 01Reply

@erika558 I have been looking for the notice to accept it and I haven't seen it. Let me figure out where I would find it if they don't send the notice to me. Have a great day! and I am having a ball with my girls. thanks for saying that :)
Nov 02Reply

@erika558 hey!; I figured it out! I know it's a small thing lol but I am absurdly happy that I found it! okay guess what I did? I had one order for some oils, and another one that was three handbags (one a Kate Spade even ;) lol but this morning I see that of course! the labels got switched! I can't believe I did that. They both are returning their orders, but to me.... continued
Nov 02Reply

oin@erika558 and I wish they would just have each lady involved mail the order that they got to the other lady. But I'm sure that's like illegal in so many ways.... and you know that they (Poshmark) will make me pay for all of the postage, So there goes my profit for those two orders. :/ I actually think my daughter is the one who made the mistakes. She prints the labels and writes a little note.... continued
Nov 02Reply

@rockinriggin19 oh stuff happens I guess, sorry you lost your orders, I was going to cancel as well because I found the lotions somewhere else in a bundle for Very cheap with the discount shipping BUT I didn’t order it , I’m staying with you , you know what though you still have the 2 listed for sale that I ordered, I have no idea how that happened, so just send me those send 2 of the.. continue
Nov 02Reply

Neutropenia Rapid wrinkle Night cream instead of the one you said you opened!😊Thanks
Nov 02Reply

@erika558 she writes me a cute little note to tell me what goes with that order. Well.... I have only had one day when I had multiple orders, but that's what she did lol. I know she will blame me but seriously, I am so freaking careful doing anything like that because I do get confused easily. I check and double check. But I am just very happy that both ladies did report that they got the wrong order.... continued
Nov 02Reply

@rockinriggin19 that’s so good, we’ll get this , I just sold a fur vest to a young lady and she wrote me it was beautiful but it smelled of smoke but I don’t smoke, but my son comes to visit and he does and I think I was taking pictures of some stuff when he was here- and anyways she was nice enough to give me a heads up- but now I have to wash everything again- but don’t know what to do about these furry vest?
Nov 02Reply

look@erika558 I was a little bit worried because one order had three handbags, some essential oils, moisturizer, and jewelry. All things that are not sized or anything. So she could have kept it, I'm sure a lot of people would have. Oh geez, I apologize for dumping all of this stuff on you, I just don't know anyone who would understand without being brought up to speed. Thanks for being there for me. ;) Have a great Sunday!!
Nov 02Reply

@erika558 oh geez.... I have been worrying because not only do I smoke, I also smoke weed ( card-carrying patient since 2012.... pothead since 1975 lol) but I have terrible shedding dogs.... I want to write "dog hair is included at no charge" in my description. But I don't know my audience...ih
Nov 02Reply

@rockinriggin19 yea I got a cat...but lol 😂 your a trip , don’t worry... just keep it washed and spray it something!!!😻
Nov 02Reply

You got my message from alittle earlier right, just send the 2 Neutrogena Rapid wrinkle Night creams and the 1 Neutrogena Day cream with SPF and of course the leopard Guess bag . Instead of worrying about the other one I ordered that you said you opened or ran out of?! Ok my friend, Thanks and you to Have a great Sunday
Nov 02Reply

@kitkatslife I had a total hysterectomy at 38. It's not fun is it?? I couldn't take any hormones and I imagine you couldn't either ....I finally found an herbal supplement that works.
Nov 06Reply

Best of luck to you... wishing you a full recovery. My mom has had BC twice. So proud of you for modeling your clothes... I can't do that and I am 44!! I am sharing your closet and items to the party going on now! Good luck!
Nov 13Reply

@bundle_to_save thank you so much for all your help!! Wow! You rock!
Nov 13Reply

@rockinriggin19 You are so welcome!! Have a great night!
Nov 13Reply

Thanks for the Shares 🌸 totally appreciated!!! My motto is Sharing is Caring!!! Let’s continue to help each other WIN😃
Dec 03Reply

Salam, please check out my closet! I have gorgeous dresses from the Middle East and hijab friendly clothing 💕
Dec 14Reply

I shared some of your listings! I read your “Meet The Posher” & I wish you all the best, you are in my prayers! 🙏🏼👗❤️🙌🏽
Dec 19Reply

Just wanted to say how thrilled I am that you're in remission from your cancer!!! I've been fighting to get back into remission from my own illness (basically cancers cousin) these past three years. I was just told that the last surgery wasn't enough and that it's time to start seriously considering chemo.
Dec 24Reply

So it's made my day to see someone else who's made it to remission and is thriving!! Not to mention killing it on Posh!lol Anyway, just wanted to share how joyful your post made me. Wishing you lots of sales and many many good health days ahead!☺️
Dec 24Reply

@angrymuffin75 Thanks and it makes my day to hear that you are a fellow survivor! Yay for us! I wish you the best of EVERYTHING in 2020! I won't forget your name... for some reason I know my daughter is going to love it! Angry and muffins just are an unusual pairing! :)
Dec 24Reply

@lclorraine Thanks so much! I'm sorry I didn't respond earlier. I kinda have a hard time keeping up with all of this and my life too lol Have a great holiday!
Dec 24Reply

@angrymuffin75 Well I saw this after the other one.... seriously think about it because you will have a lot of options. I just want you to know one thing. You will never recover from chemo. I want you to look into the medical marijuana. Just look into it. I used to be heavy for a long time. Then I got cancer and lost almost 100 pounds. And since 2015 I have been trying to get back up to a healthy weight. It is what it is, I just wanted to make sure you look hard at the chemo
Dec 24Reply

sending love ❤️❤️❤️
Jan 03Reply

You are a warrior. I’m happy to follow you. I don’t know where you are vs where home is, but I hope you get there. Best wishes to you!
Jan 03Reply

welcome to poshmark!!!
Jan 03Reply

Congratulations to you for kicking cancers ass! I’m going to check out your closet today! Many prayers to you!
Jan 03Reply

praise you for surviving💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽
screw all the ignorant comments involving small brained individuals
Jan 03Reply

Wishing you the very best in the New Year!
Jan 03Reply

Hi there! I see you like WHBM. Please check out my closet, I’d love to give you a great deal on some items if they are your size. Take care love ❤️
Jan 03Reply

just wanted to say congratulations on defeating cancer! and I'm sorry for all of those rude comments. they are only keyboard trolls, I doubt they would have the guts to say those cruel things in person.
i hope 2020 is a better year for you and that cancer stays the hell away!
Jan 03Reply

Will you please message me? I would like to set up a go fund me account possibly so we can get you a trip back home. Please let me know if possible.
Jan 03Reply

Sending you much love💕 ❤️ 💗You are amazing ❣️
Jan 03Reply

Simply put, you’re beautiful 💜
Jan 03Reply

@texaschand please keep me posted if this account gets set up. Thank you!
Jan 03Reply

@texaschand please keep me posted if this account gets set up. Thank you!
Jan 03Reply

@wgal I will! I’ve sent a message to the original poster! Hopefully I will hear back from her!!!
Jan 03Reply

need anything let me know
Jan 03Reply

@texaschand let me know if this gets set up
Jan 03Reply

@micaelaandco definitely will!!!
Jan 03Reply

You’re beautiful ❤️
Jan 03Reply

Pat you’re amazing !
Jan 03Reply

You’re so beautiful!! Way to kick cancers butt!!!! 💕💕💕💕
Jan 03Reply

@texaschand if you get the account setup I'd like to know, thank you
Jan 03Reply

I love your style! You’re killing it! ❤️
Jan 03Reply

You rock! Prayers going up for good health and lots of sales!
Jan 04Reply

Hey there! Glad to see you smiling and strong! Best of luck. Hope you take that trip your saving for!! 🌸🎀🌸🎀
Jan 04Reply

You don’t ever have to apologize to anyone!! You are a model of strength, courage, beauty, and integrity. I will be praying for full healing for you and that you raise the money you need for your trip!❤️❤️
Jan 04Reply

@texaschand I was thinking the same thing!!
Jan 04Reply

Please let me know
Jan 04Reply

Jan 04Reply

Nice Closet❤️Wishing you lots of sales😊
Jan 04Reply

@texaschand love this!
Jan 04Reply

You have a beautiful smile , God bless you and so nice to meet you
Jan 05Reply

I am so glad you are doing well. You keep fighting. They need to find the cure.
Jan 05Reply

@christina8816 this is my daughter. isn't she beautiful?? and I have two beautiful granddaughters. Zaria is 28 months and Severiah is 11 months.
Jan 05Reply

I am overwhelmed with gratitude. You people are awesome!! every one of you made an effort to make me feel good and I'm sure happy. Thanks so much for all of your wonderful comments.
Jan 05Reply

@rockinriggin19 Hi Patricia😊just wanted to stop by n wish you a Happy blessed prosperous New Year 💕🎉☀️😘
Jan 17Reply

@rebeccadabour thank you and right back at you!
Jan 23Reply

@rockinriggin19 Hi Patricia! My name is Jenna and I got your message about the Steve Madden lime green bag. Please, no worries at all! Keep it, I have so many purses and I loved the ones you gave me. You also me some amazing free goodies, I loved the hot coconut oil hair treatment!!! Made my hair so soft! Thank you so much, you are the best!!!
Jan 26Reply

Hi Pat ! Barbi here 🤗 I just found your awesome closet. I found a few items I am interested in and would like to purchase at the first of the month. Due to health issues I have not opened my closet yet. Hopefully soon 😉 Sending you Positive Energy and Healing Blessings. Have a Blessed Posh Week 💲💰💵🕊💜
Jan 26Reply

You have a kind heart Patricia, and are very sweet, I hope you are feeling better. Thank you and have a great week😊🌸
Feb 03Reply

Shush that pretty little face of yours!!!
I'd consider myself lucky as heck to be even 1% as beautiful as you. 🥰
Mar 06Reply

Hi, I'm having a $11 closet sale this weekend, please stop by and take a look there might be something you can't live without ..🌻✌🏼
Mar 07Reply

@rockinriggin19 Hello my fellow Posher! WELCOME! Stopping by🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼⭐️👍🏼 I hope your enjoying shopping and selling here at Posh💕 Your welcome to come take a look at my closet store!👍🏼🌈 #OffersWelcomed #Bundle3ForDiscounting #HappyPoshing🛍🦋🌺💐🌹
Mar 11Reply

I'm just wondering what's going in with the items I purchased?
Apr 06Reply

Hi, sorry to bug you. Just wondering when you normally ship?
Oct 06Reply

Sorry to bother I made a purchase yesterday could you issue me a refund please wrong bra size. Sorry for the inconvenience thanks
Dec 17Reply

Gods blessings be upon you!🙏🏼🎄
Dec 18Reply

I'm Angel ! I just wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I'm always looking for new Posh friends to shop and share, so I wanted to say hello. Have a nice day, ∞ Sнoppər| ShopSmall ∞,ShopMyCloset for way less ∞ ShopLocal + ✅ Verified Google Business Owner 🌍❤️ follow explore🔑 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ @scorpiomvp
┈┈┈▕╮╱▔╲╱▔╲╭▏┈┈┈ ┈┈┈╱╋▏┊▕┊┊▕╋╲┈┈┈ ┈┈▕╋▕━▅━━▅━▏╋▏┈┈ ┈┈▕╱▔╲▔╭╮▔╱▔╲▏┈┈ ┈┈▕┊┳┊▔╰╯▔┊┳┊▏┈┈ ┈┈┈╲╰━━╯╰━━╯╱┈┈┈ ┈┈┈╱▔╭┈┈┈┈╮▔╲┈┈┈ ┈┈ 🛍🛒🎀 👚👡👔👖👕👟🎩👙🧤🧣👒👜🧢👘👢👗👡👠💼👜👛🇺🇸
Feb 10Reply

I was looking thru your page again and I seriously fell in love with you!! ☺️you are a beautiful, courageous warrior! When I purchased I had no idea of your story- honestly I saw the pictures of you modeling the dresses and I thought oh my gosh, she is the cutest! And I HAD TO shop your closet 🥰. But now reading that I’m so so glad I did!
Jul 16Reply

(2) You are amazing Patricia and you have really won a place in my heart. I am actually looking through your shop with my daughter and she is swooning over your compass and steampunk notebook necklaces sooo I think another bundle is in order! Hehe 🙃 I’m in love with a lot of these dresses myself so let’s see if I can hold myself back! 😊 not likely 😝♥️♥️🥰🥰
Jul 16Reply

I would like to sincerely apologize to my belovéwwwwwwwd customers for leaving you right st Vgtïjīa⁰⁸2l⁹wa⁴ 00 12 we 4a
Feb 02Reply

Since it has been going on 10 days since I purchased my bundle and have reached out to you twice asking to please update when you're shipping (zero replies all the times you've been on) I am canceling my order. I hate to but with being ignored and terrible communication- maybe you should close your closet down if you can't be courteous to your buyers.
May 27Reply

did you get the offer for the Haley Davidson boots?
Aug 23Reply

will you hit the "liked" and I can send the offer to you. thank you for looking in my closet! 🙃🌼
Aug 23Reply

Hey there lady !!! I have been trying to reach you! I’m liquidating my closet. Wondered if you might be interested in buying a ton of VS bras bulk. Just need to get them gone and thought you could make some$$$
Let me know if you want details!!
Nov 20Reply

@rockinriggin19 Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Mar 17Reply
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