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Updated Sep 21
Updated Sep 21

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lusfashionfinds @zooeyc i took the first pic with it on top of the cardi so you can see the black
Sep 21Reply
mayra51510 @holtsisters @nmgraham02 @lin4477 Before y’all hop on the Zooey bandwagon, please get all the facts before believing her lies. Here’s a buyer who got scammed by Zooey. She bought 2 bundles from her and not only did she didn’t get screen accurate items, she got damaged items. Y’all are probably new to collecting but she’s screwed over other girls in the past who received damaged items from her. Claims the buyers ruined the items to keep the good condition ones.
Sep 26Reply
mayra51510 She has an old account that was “Jmaroto” This buyer can tell you the rest of story of what she’s going through. She messaged Zooey to send her the correct items or give a refund and had blocked her and ignored her messages. She’s now fighting to get her money back bcus she trusted Zooey. Zooey seems likes she’s an honest person but she’s not. She’s a scammer. I can tag other girls who have dealt with her and have been screwed over bcus of her. SHE is the reason why some girls stop collecting.
Sep 26Reply
mayra51510 She has me blocked bcus I call her out on scamming others so they don’t know what type of person she really is. I’m going to post the stuff she’s done in the past. I’m not gonna allow her to ruin @urbanroses reputation. She’s a liar and scammer. She uses fake names to hide who she is so they can buy from her. She has a history of selling damaged or non screen accurate items.
Sep 26Reply
mayra51510 I wish she would unblock me and have the balls to defend herself. Instead she blocks people so they don’t comment on her page so y’all don’t see what she’s really doing. This buyer will post the messages between her. See how she tagged her and Zooey has yet to comment back trying to fix the situation.
Sep 26Reply
lusfashionfinds she tried to say that i actually damaged this jacket on my own when i received it, then backtracked and said she got it off ebay and never wore it (even though her listing says she paid full price at bloomingdales). I have all the our conversations still if anyone wants to see. She promised to send me items to make up for this and none have arrived and no tracking updates and she blocked me once her funds were released for this i started asked for a tracking number for the replacement package.
Sep 26Reply
lusfashionfinds She begged me not to open a return case because she was so close to becoming a posh ambassador and it was going to screw it up and i upheld my end and she didn't and now I'm stuck with damaged and not SA items and she has me blocked so I am trying to reach out to posh and if i have to call my credit card I will do that.
Sep 26Reply
miaame My first experience with her was on ebay. She bid on my elena Paraella dress and immediately cancelled after she won. Within minutes she listed her own for double my price and was using pictures that belonged to someone else. Even in her current zooeye account you can see where she sold used cosmetics as new.
Sep 26Reply
miaame She lies about what she paid. She got an Elena Laundry by shelli Segal tank for a lot but she really got it from @terrijoy for $29. She was using other people for finding screen accurate items and being dishonest the whole time. I am friends with and worked with the peiple selling Screen worn items. And there's a good chance she is selling items that really weren't screen worn unless she got it from terrijoy or @blackbarbies2. Both those sellers can confirm or deny and tell you what she paid.
Sep 26Reply
lusfashionfinds All the things she's saying about lying and cheating and stealing from people on her listing is basically what she is doing to me. Its actually painful to read because its really hard for me to wrap my head around the fact that someone is this off kilter.
Sep 26Reply
holtsisters @mayra51510 thank you for letting me know. I think people assume everyone just tells the truth. I will not be selling or dealing with her at all. @zooeyc
Sep 26Reply
holtsisters @mayra51510 literally did not know all this SA thing was a thing. Very interesting. I won’t be buying anything from her. Sounds like a tough place to be in when other bad apples bring the good ones down. Hard to know who to trust. Good luck. Thanks for being kind to me.
Sep 26Reply
daphnemjean Ok I’ve been at work, so I couldn’t respond until now, but I’m fixing to join this conversation. She aggravated me and did me wrong too. I asked her to hold the KRMA jacket for me. She held it for like 2 hours and then jacked the price up. She said she was doing it so nobody would buy it. Well that upset me. She kept changing the price on it 24/7. I finally told her I wasn’t going to be able to get it anymore. Well she threw in the Lelex and Eloise web shirt, so I ended up caving..
Sep 26Reply
daphnemjean I bought the bundle and after reading all of this THANK GOD my items were not damaged. I knew the KRMA was not SA, because Elena’s was fake, but it is the same jacket as Elena’s and It was a main ISO of mine. I wanted it anyway. She had a lot of rares that I wanted that you could not find anywhere else. So anyway she told me she would list the Bebe plaid top and Rue 21 top for me. I planned on giving the Rue to a friend that has wanted it for so long. She never listed the bundle.
Sep 26Reply
daphnemjean She kept saying she was at work, but then she would list a ton of stuff?? I honestly think she did it because I couldn’t release her funds ASAP because I was REALLY at work.. but anyways she offered the Bebe plaid top and Rue top for a damn good price. She told me 2 or 3 times she would list it. That she’s been so busy. Busy doing what? Playing on Poshmark in her closet?? Long story short she never listed the bundle and stopped responding to me.
Sep 26Reply
daphnemjean She was responding to everyone else and kept listing other things, so basically she got my hopes up and crushed them. Also the internet says that the web shirt was Bebe, but I dunno. I didn’t know about the Bebe web shirt. @miaame Go ahead and say I told you so. I know. I know. :/ She definitely does not deserve to be a Posh ambassador after doing all these terrible things to people. I removed my good feedback and I’m done dealing with her.
Sep 26Reply
lusfashionfinds @daphnemjean she actually told me she sold off all her rue21 thermals a while ago so idk which is true because i asked what she had that wasn't listed when she was offering to send me items to make up for the damage/non SA. I have the whole convo if anyone cares its long af and across 2 listings (original and "replacement) but I can get them compiled or just give you bits if anyone needs anything specific. Also i would recommend that people flag her "scammer" post for harassment.
Sep 26Reply
lusfashionfinds If there's any truth to her becoming a posh ambassador i doubt posh would really appreciate this kind of behavior. I wish there was a way to just tag @everyone in these posts but @holtsisters if you want to do the same it would help at least set @urbanroses mind at ease.
Sep 26Reply
daphnemjean @lusfashionfinds yea I saw where she told somebody a month ago that she was looking for the Rue 21 tops. I also saw where she promised another girl the Rue 21 top. So screwed up..
Sep 26Reply
daphnemjean @lusfashionfinds I’m so sorry you got scammed by her. :(
Sep 26Reply
daphnemjean @lusfashionfinds I saw good feedback and everything was rare so I took a risk with her.
Sep 26Reply
lusfashionfinds @daphnemjean if you know of anyone else that should see this just tag them here, i actually took a hiatus from everything for 2 years and didn't realize that account was jmaroto and I actually didn't know the extent of stuff that went down. I don't know what makes me angrier at this point, the fact that i believed her or the amount of money spent.
Sep 26Reply
daphnemjean @lusfashionfinds @haileighchagnon there’s another one that needs to read this.
Sep 26Reply
haileighchagnon I don't see what's wrong with this item?.
Sep 26Reply
lusfashionfinds @haileighchagnon first picture was advertised as SA (navy not black) but the bigger issue is in the following pictures, there's giant tears in the inside of the jacket
Sep 26Reply
haileighchagnon @lusfashionfinds And Zoey sold them to you?
Sep 26Reply
nmgraham02 @daphnemjean thank you all for the comments and info!! I’m sad for all involved. All I want are a few pieces of Elena’s for fun 🤪 I hope that everyone knows I’m here to treasure hunt my favorites and to have fun meeting everyone :)
Sep 26Reply
daphnemjean @nmgraham02 Totally. Same here :) Hope you find everything you’re looking for and you receive it all in good shape with 0 problems girl. ❤️
Sep 26Reply
nmgraham02 @daphnemjean I’m so grateful to everyone who watches out for each other! It’s so much fun hunting for our favorite pieces for sure!
Sep 26Reply
mayra51510 @daphnemjean I’m glad to know you’ve have pleasant transactions. As you can see not all have been. She’s trying so hard to play the victim. Many have ignored us and then later came back telling Us they should of listened. Just be careful. I’m not here to tell y’all what to do and who to buy from. I’m just trying to make you aware of who you’re buying from. Others are just gonna have to find out the hard way. And reading her comments of how she can’t believe this happened is so pathetic.
Sep 27Reply
mayra51510 @holtsisters I’m trying to be helpful not hateful or spiteful. But I’m not gonna allow her to slander @urbanroses name bcus she’s made that she isn’t getting her way of keeping the good condition and getting her items back from her. She’s done it before. And please don’t believe the whole “I paid so much too” act. She got the laundry cami for $29. She can suck it. Feel free to tag her or tell her what’s being said. She won’t unblock us bcus she doesn’t want to face the truth.
Sep 27Reply
mayra51510 @holtsisters she listed a mossimo 3/4 sleeve top claiming to be the SA top Elena wore in 1x02. I commented on her listing saying it wasn’t the right spot. Bcus I saw someone was interested in buying it so I wanted to save the buyer the trouble of losing money. She blocked me right away so the buyer wouldn’t see it. I also messaged the buyer privately and gave her the heads up. Idk if she still bought it. A lot of her items aren’t listed SA.
Sep 27Reply
mayra51510 As lusfashionfinds listed on here, Elena’s guess tank that she wears with Rosie Neira cardigan is navy. Zooey has it listed that it’s navy but looks dark. She sold her a black one, not a navy one. It’s disgusting for her to sit there and cry about being scammed by urbanroses when in reality she’s scamming others and lying to them that she’s gonna send the right items if they don’t open a case against her. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion about a person. Do as you please.
Sep 27Reply
daphnemjean @mayra51510 Yea you are definitely right. All we can do is warn people. I already see one girl that’s ignoring us and still talking about buying from her. I hope she doesn’t get scammed. Mayra if you or anyone else knows of anyone selling the Bebe plaid top. I would love to buy it from them. Jessica promised me one and never listed it for me.
Sep 27Reply
daphnemjean @lusfashionfinds @hannahrosem was another person she did wrong.
Sep 27Reply
mayra51510 Someone please tell her to stop being a coward and unblock us. If she doesn’t “care” about what’s being said, why block us? Why not confront or let her clear her name? Bcus she’s not going to bcus she’s trying not to get caught up so people keep buying from her. @zooey
Sep 27Reply
mayra51510 @daphnemjean if I see something or hear, I’ll let you know! :)
Sep 27Reply
mayra51510 Oh @hannahrosem and I are good friends. I’ve helped her deal with Zooey in the past. She can tell everyone stuff about her too. She pretended to be her friend and did shady things behind her back!
Sep 27Reply
daphnemjean @mayra51510 Sounds great. Thank you :)
Sep 27Reply
daphnemjean @mayra51510 Yea @hannahrosem is my friend too and such a sweet person who didn’t deserve what happened to her.
Sep 27Reply
mayra51510 I went MIA from collecting after I got pregnant with my second child and had a complicated pregnancy since day one. I lost touch with a lot of these girls who I’ve become good friends with. Some of them had such a passion to buy and find items. I used to spend my time helping them find a good price. @zooey ruined it for a lot of them. She used to tag the girls on items and then buy it behind their backs. Like what’s the point of tagging them and then buying it before them? That’s messed up
Sep 27Reply
mayra51510 @daphnemjean and I get it wanting an item so bad that you decide to make a deal with the devil aka zooey to get what you want. That’s okay. If you’re willing to pay for it, that’s all on you. My whole issue with her right now is her pretending to be an honest seller and a victim of a scam when that’s not true. Here’s proof on this listing. I’ll go back and find the other things I have on her. Then for her to make urbanroses look bad when she’s not. That I will not allow.
Sep 27Reply
daphnemjean @mayra51510 I’m sorry to hear that. I hope everything ended up being ok with your pregnancy. I’m another one that kinda stopped collecting for a short while, because resellers were finding it all and jacking up the prices so high. Yea that’s really screwed up of her. That’s cruel honesty. To tag someone and then buy it?? Wow. I’ve been lucky getting my hands on a bunch of rares. I’m almost done collecting all the main stuff I wanted, but I still have a few things I’m looking for.
Sep 27Reply
daphnemjean @mayra51510 Yea she literally had so many rares. I was kinda speechless. Kristin has shown me some stuff about her as well.
Sep 27Reply
holtsisters @mayra51510 i have never been blocked! This is on another level. Im all for the innocent until proven guilty thing, but if this many people have a problem with @zooeyc then she is doing something wrong.
Sep 27Reply
hannahrosem I’m so sorry @lusfashionfinds & @urbanroses. Yeah, I dealt with Zooey in the past and she really isn’t a good person. There’s so much that she has done to so many people. You guys aren’t alone, I promise. Honestly, all the drama pulled me away from collecting a bit as well.
Sep 27Reply
lin4477 @mayra51510 @daphnemjean @lusfashionfinds oh my gosh I’m literally speechless.... I had no idea she was playing the victim an I was so quick to believe her it sorry I had no idea who she really was the whole skamming people games she’s playing is disgusting I was going to buy off of her too glad I didn’t I’m rlly sorry about what happened with people who got skammed by her nobody deserves that they should get what they actually have payed to receive
Sep 27Reply
hannahrosem @lusfashionfinds & @urbanroses please don’t let this ruin your collecting experience. I promise, not all of us are bad.
Sep 27Reply
hannahrosem @urbanroses zooey has me blocked or else I’d say something on that post about you. I’m so sorry... of course, she plays the “victim”. I honestly thought all this stuff with her was done with but I guess not.
Sep 27Reply
mayra51510 @lin4477 She does that a lot. She’s real good at playing victim. She’s been doing it for a while. Just trying to warn you girls. She seems sweet, but she’s really terrible. And I agree with @hannahrosem don’t let her ruin collecting for you. If there’s anything you’re looking for and have questions about, you can ask me. I’ve had the help of wonderful friends spot items. If we are hesitant sometimes, it’s bcus we try to protect the brands so opportunists like Zooey don’t take advantage of it
Sep 27Reply
lin4477 @mayra51510 thank you so so much for warning me I’m very new to collecting so thank you it’s good to know theirs so good people left in the world and could I ask you to maybe help me find some items I’m not very good at finding stuff but it would be nice to get some help but yes thank you for warning me that is absolutely disgusting what she’s doing to other people an she is playing the victim and made me think she wasn’t at fault at all
Sep 27Reply
mayra51510 @lin4477 if you make a listing of what you’re looking for, I can help :)
Sep 27Reply
lin4477 @mayra51510 how do you make that listing I’m new to posh an I haven’t been on this app in a while
Sep 27Reply
mayra51510 @lin4477 it’s like you’re gonna list something for sale but put the amount to over $1000 so no one thinks you’re selling it. Title it ISO (In Search Of) you can add pics or put the brands of what you’re looking for
Sep 27Reply
nmgraham02 @mayra51510 thank you so much for the intel! I really appreciate your help in looking out for buyers! 😊
Sep 27Reply
mayra51510 @nmgraham02 no problem :)
Sep 27Reply
hannahrosem @taikayra please read these comments before you purchase from zooeyc. ^
Sep 27Reply
taikayra I’ve bought a couple items from zooeyc and so far they’ve all been authentic. I haven’t received any damaged or misidentified items. Can someone please give me more insight?
Sep 27Reply
taikayra She promised to hold the American Eagle Cami for me until I’m ready to purchase. She hasn’t listed it yet which I find a bit odd when I told her I’d pay for it today.
Sep 27Reply
lusfashionfinds @taikayra you would have to tag the other girls you want to respond if you want them to see this. Since this is my listing I was alerted to your message. As you can see from my pictures she sent me a destroyed jacket. It actually has stains around the neck area too that i didn't even see until last night because that's when posh finally responded to me and asked for pics. I was too distracted by the giant rips in the leather jacket she claimed was in perfect condition. Also she sent a non SA top
Sep 27Reply
lusfashionfinds @taikayra I brought all this to her attention right after i opened my package but she begged me not to open a return case bc she was really close to being a posh ambassador and that would affect it and offered to send me 2 items to make up for my non-SA and damage. I opted to get a bundle of 4 items because I knew posh doesn't care about listings that are marked as free or $3 so it was to protect myself in a sense. She backtracked after i paid but then agreed but actually only pretended to ship
Sep 27Reply
lusfashionfinds @taikayra she basically just waited until her funds were released from this damaged/non SA bundle (her plan from the beginning) and then ignored me completely when i asked for tracking for my replacement bundle. I tried to get her attention by asking in other listings and finally just left her a big fat review and she flipped out and blocked me and i still have received nothing. A lot of the items she's selling as SA aren't so if you buy something I would ask someone first (re: color and style)
Sep 27Reply
taikayra @lusfashionfinds thank you for informing me and I’m so sorry this happened to you. It raises suspicions that she didn’t even try to help you. I’ll be more cautious when trying to make purchases from her now on.
Sep 27Reply
lusfashionfinds @darc13 any of the people above can tell you more @mayra51510 knows more about her history than i do
Sep 28Reply
darc13 @lusfashionfinds Wow!! But at the same time, I shouldn’t be surprised. It’s shameful that people like these exist. Well, another user getting blocked by me.
Sep 28Reply
hgumm Hi everyone I haven’t said too much of anything because I hate to get caught up in any drama...after all we are all adults. But after reading some of these posts I am disgusted to see how people are saying that zooey is ruining collecting for everyone like she’s the ONLY one.
Sep 28Reply
hgumm There are others that need to take a good hard look into their own backyards because others are pulling some shady moves as well. There is someone on this post that i know of and is going behind peoples backs and tries to “under sale” and she knows who she is. Idk if she’s done it to others, prolly has.
Sep 28Reply
hgumm If she did it to me she’ll do it to someone else too. We all know how hard it is to find rare items and search ALL the time. Just because someone beat you to it doesn’t mean you should privately message the seller to cancel the sale and sell it to you for a higher price.
Sep 28Reply
hgumm IT DISGUSTS AND DISTURBS ME. that stuff ruins collecting too. Just sick of some people acting all innocent when they can be just as guilty. I would NEVER do that. Yeah it sucks you didn’t get it but don’t be a poor sport and try to steal their awesome find.
Sep 28Reply
lusfashionfinds @hgumm 😐 err im the only one who sees the messages where no one else is tagged and i dont know you. I hope that wasnt directed at me because i have never done that to anyone
Sep 28Reply
lusfashionfinds @hgumm i actually dont really know most of the people here, @urbanroses reached out to me after i tried to get zooey’s attention for the umpteenth time by leaving a review trying to get my replacement stuff and she saw it before it was deleted, it just kind of snowballed from there,
Sep 28Reply
vintageloom @hgumm Can I ask who you’re referring to? Because that’s messed up.... I’d like to block them.
Sep 28Reply
daphnemjean @hgumm FIRST of all you are only taking up for Jessica because YOU are also a reseller just like her. I was asking for that 18 dollar Bebe top trying to get it before it was sent off to you, because you will eventually sell it for 200 in the future.
Sep 28Reply
daphnemjean @hgumm . I do not do that to EVERYONE. That was my first time trying to get a top (a main ISO that I would keep forever and cherish) before it went to a freakin wanch who will just sell it for way way more in the future. I don’t care who blocks me. Everyone that knows me knows I’m a good person.
Sep 28Reply
hgumm @lusfashionfinds no I wasn’t referring to you at all. She actually revealed herself on here already and I wasn’t going to. I was just talking about someone that was tagged in this post.
Sep 28Reply
hgumm @daphnemjean oh really? I defended her? And how? Only thing I have ever said about her was in a review from something I purchased and said her stuff came to me in good condition. I NEVER once stuck up for her saying what was going on is ok. You you are a LIAR. PLEASE tell me what I have resold on here as a “reseller” for an astronomical amount? Please enlighten me. I’m dying to know. If you look at my account I think I have resold some of my things for a fair price.
Sep 28Reply
lusfashionfinds @hgumm yeah i saw, i still dont know alot about posh i guess. I thought you had to be tagged to see things unless its your own post kind of like discord. Also didnt know you can only see positive reviews and reviews can be delered which is dumb and that you can delete peoples comments, or that you can make it look like you mailed something when you didnt 🤷🏻‍♀️
Sep 28Reply
hgumm @daphnemjean you are disgusting trying snatch something from under me. I wasn’t going to call you out but wanted it known there ARE others playing innocent.And you messaged me trying to be all nice asking for it if I decide to sell it acting innocent. The seller told me everything. AND there are some items I have paid a pretty penny for FYI.
Sep 28Reply
daphnemjean @hgumm People like YOU, Jessica, Ashley and Bunni ruin collecting for all of us. That’s all I’m going to say. I’m done here. Everyone knows how you are. You’re far from innocent too. Well I called myself out because it was only that one time and it was with a reseller YOU and not an innocent collector that I would never do that to. I’m done with this conversation.
Sep 28Reply
hgumm @daphnemjean anyone on here can vouch for me. And when I call you back out on your claims on me you have ZERO proof to back ANYTHING UP. I have been nice to everyone and havent done anyone wrong. good luck trying to smear me and you really need to stop victimizing yourself...seriously.
Sep 28Reply
hgumm @lusfashionfinds I was tagged by urban roses she was just giving me a heads up of what was spreading around. I think our collecting community should look out for one another. Just some bad apples out there unfortunately:/. I never heard of shipping something you really haven’t? Idk how someone could pull that off? But yeah all those other things do happen:/ I think you should be able to see bad reviews. Hopefully posh changes that for the future.
Sep 28Reply
lusfashionfinds @hgumm you can mark off shipped i guess and it will say pending shipment scan which i think also happens when you first drop off items at smaller post offices or in drop off boxes from what ive googled bc i was going to open the case that day but she did that so i thought it was dropped off after hours like she told me 🤷🏻‍♀️
Sep 28Reply
lusfashionfinds @hgumm i dont sell on here enough to know the ins and outs, the stuff in my closet is mostly from a few years ago when things were just starting to take off here so i made like a boutique type account to sell new stuff, this was all before posh had their own wholesale and stuff
Sep 28Reply
hgumm @lusfashionfinds oh yeah now I know what your talking about. That’s happened to me too:/. Very frustrating.
Sep 28Reply
mayra51510 @zooeyc here you go. I know you saw this and acted like you didn’t. You’re full of it. You screwed her over with damaged items as well.
Feb 12Reply
annak17 @khm276 Here’s another scam “Hope” ran under her “Zooey” persona.
Apr 29Reply
buffysummers123 @hgumm She now goes by @hope_878 and she blocked me. I found that button to your coat hence me not returning it so and I brought literally 10 other items which she forced me/harassed me to accept and they have some issues too
May 01Reply
buffysummers123 @mayra51510 She is now under hope_878
May 01Reply
hgumm @khm276 my jacket didn’t have a missing button...I sewed it back on when I found it at home and took a picture of it to show proof there wasn’t anything missing. The jacket was buttoned up and folded and placed in the box.
May 01Reply
hgumm @khm276 No loose buttons. I would never send an item with a loose button for someone else to attach. So idk what you mean when you say you accepted it because you “found it” it was already attached. I even spoke with another fellow posher in the comments in the listing about it.
May 01Reply
hgumm @khm276 Like I told Jessica when I found out it was her I don’t want to be thrown into this mess and fight over jackets. I said I don’t know whats going on between you two but I don’t want to be a part of it. This is absolutely ridiculous and childish.
May 01Reply
buffysummers123 @hgumm no I am saying obviously the button was on the coat I just phrased it poorly and that’s why I accepted your coat because her complaint to me was about buttons but yes it’s childish and she won’t leave me alone/stop smearing my name and has caused other buyers difficulties before under her last accounts harassing them.
May 01Reply
hgumm @khm276 ok. Gotcha. I’m not trying to be rude or anything just making sure the record is being set straight because I don’t want to be caught up in the middle of this mess. I saw how she was harassing you over the button and making false comments about my listing and accusing you so that’s when I stepped in and tried to set her straight as well.
May 01Reply
hgumm @khm276 This whole mess is crazy over a stupid button. I’ve been a collector here for quite some time and am aware of Jessica’s dealings with others. I just recently bought something as well from her new account and didn’t know til after the fact it was her.
May 01Reply
buffysummers123 @hgumm not trying to get you involved I have reported her etc just didn’t know if you knew if was her cause I saw you on the original posts when she had a different name. I just wish they could ban addresses cause I am sure it’s the same
May 01Reply
hgumm @khm276 Ik your not trying to get me involved. I saw her post “beware” and saw the drama brewing a couple days ago. I noticed it involved a jacket which was the same exact one I sold you.
May 01Reply
hgumm @khm276 When I saw that All I knew was that I didn’t know for sure what was going on and I didn’t wanna be a victim of a scam as well. I’m aware of her dealings and on the other hand I don’t know you since you are new here. She tagged me yesterday and started in on it and then I looked at her listings further and saw the harassment. All I wanted was the record set straight.
May 01Reply

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