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Updated Aug 01
Updated Aug 01

Meet your Posher, Isable23

Meet the Posher



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Hello, my name is Irina! 🌷Thank you very much for visiting my closet. 💋I like shopping, clothes and good deals. My closet is full and needs room for new things. Some of the items have been worn once or never. Take advantage of it and don’t be shy to make an offer. 🌹 I like a lot of different brands!!! 🌺But most importantly I like good quality 👌!!! Feel free to ask questions, i am always happy yo help
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jennyfantastic1 Hi Isable and Welcome to Poshmark ! I wish you success and fun on this app 😍 enjoy the day 🥰
Oct 12Reply
embercreek Thank you for following me. I see that you just started this month. Welcome to Poshmark. I started last month. If you have any questions feel free to ask I will help if I can. I hope you enjoy the app.
Oct 14Reply
sable_closet Thank you very much for the welcome note. I appreciate it!
Oct 14Reply
sable_closet @embercreek thank you for the welcome note. I appreciate it!
Oct 14Reply
latashavaughn08 Thanks for following me. I welcome you to check out my closet. I have great quality items at good prices. I welcome offers on any listing. I have a share 4 share listing. Just comment how many of my items you share and I will return the favor. Hope you have a successful Poshmark Journey 😊
Oct 15Reply
msoutslaw2 Hello & welcome to Poshmark
Oct 15Reply
yvette_jaime Thanks for following my closet :)
Oct 16Reply
jessica2123 Hi! ☺️ Welcome to Poshmark! Happy shopping and selling! Let me know if you have any questions about buying or selling, I’m a Posh Ambassador and happy to help! ☺️
Oct 16Reply
sable_closet @jennyfantastic1 thank you for your kind works. Sorry for taking so omg to respond. Still learning my way around:)
Oct 26Reply
sable_closet @embercreek thank you so much. You are very sweet!!!
Oct 26Reply
sable_closet @latashavaughn08 thank you for the welcome note. Your closet looks very nice.
Oct 26Reply
sable_closet @msoutslaw2 thank you for your kind words
Oct 26Reply
sable_closet @jessica2123 so glad to be here. Everyone is super nice and kind. Thanks so much. !!!
Oct 26Reply
yvette_jaime Thanks for following my closet :)
Oct 26Reply
sheila004567 Thank you for the shares 🤗
Oct 29Reply
sable_closet @sheila004567 you are very welcome. I love your closet and wish I was a Bit smaller! He he :).
Oct 29Reply
sheila004567 @isable23 I love yours too! Thanks so much for the love!!
Oct 29Reply
alines2 Thanks for the shares, greatly appreciate it :))
Nov 14Reply
alines2 Thanks for the shares, greatly appreciate it :))
Nov 15Reply
sable_closet @alines2 you are very welcome! I like your closet, it is fun sharing it :)
Nov 15Reply
alines2 @isable23 awww thank you and I like yours too 🤗🤗
Nov 16Reply
lulu980 Thank you for sharing my listing. I really appreciate it
Nov 26Reply
sable_closet @lulu980 you are very welcome. You have a great closet. It was dun sharing)))
Nov 26Reply
stylesalive Thank you so much for all the shares! Happy Poshing 🎁
Dec 11Reply
sable_closet @stylesalive you are very welcome. It is fun sharing your closet, you have great items 👍
Dec 11Reply
innaor Thank you for all the shares 🌷
Jan 06Reply
sable_closet @innaor no problem. It was fun sharing. You have a great closet :)
Jan 06Reply
innaor @isable23 Thank you for your kind words! You have a nice closet.
Jan 06Reply
doubleokay isable, thank you for reaching out, the words of advice, and the shares ! :) I love your closet ! Very cute. Happy new year xx
Jan 06Reply
houseoffemme Thank you for the shares 💜💜💜
Feb 05Reply
curvygrlthrift thanks for sharing!
Feb 09Reply
sable_closet @curvygrlthrift you are very welcome. You closet is amazing:). It is fun to share
Feb 09Reply
briellecorbeil_ Thank you so much for your help :) I hope you enjoy Poshmark!
Feb 12Reply
telitabobita beautiful closet!!!
Mar 01Reply
sable_closet @telitabobita thank you for your kind words. You have a nice closet as well. I like few home items,too bad not ready to buy yet ))))
Mar 01Reply
telitabobita @isable23 Awww...thank you for looking!! I am just looking at this point I get you! Stop by again soon❌⭕❌⭕!
Mar 01Reply
telitabobita love your closet!!!
Mar 12Reply
telitabobita lol...I might tell you again too!!
Mar 12Reply
pinchn Hi Irina! Thanks for all the listing shares! Feel free to make an offer on anything you like or bundle for a better shipping price
Mar 13Reply
nazaninaskari67 Hey 👋 I’m Nazanin I’m Persian Icelandic living in 🇺🇸 California Happy poshing 💕🛍🛍💕
Mar 24Reply
sable_closet @nazaninaskari67 happy Poshing. Thank you for your note!!!
Mar 25Reply
sable_closet @khger you are very welcome. Your closet was fun to share. Happy Poshing!!!
Mar 30Reply
3lovebeaty Hi thank you
Apr 16Reply
mtlstyle Heyyy :-) please come and check out my closet, i have added plenty of new items, hopefully you can find something you like, share the love or if you can make an offer in this time of crisis anything would help xx cheerss Dont miss out on my April Special xx :-)!
Apr 20Reply
michaelasamor Welcome to Poshmark! I hope you have as much fun as I have in here. It is awesome to see all the different items and styles. If you would like,check out my closet to see if anything interests you. I am open to bundles and deals! Happy poshing!
Apr 23Reply
smexyliciousss @isable23 Hi ! I am trying to start a very successful "game" from the American poshmark. Head over to my page and like the game listing. Everyone who sees and likes the listing should follow everyone else back! Theoretically more followers... More sales.. :)
May 03Reply
alantaylor57 Hi Isable. Thanks for the shares, I really appreciate it.
May 05Reply
beoirem 🌏📀🌎📀 CONGRATS on ur Party Pff 💋💋💋Bringing few friends along🌏 🌍@beoirem🧚‍♂️@valine 🌏@lucky0718🧚‍♂️@1kawaii1 🌎@houndstooth🧚‍♂️@hollypo 🌎@cool2beagal🧚‍♂️@vcher77 🌎@lasvegasnv🧚‍♂️@findingdoc1 🌎@paradise_808🧚‍♂️@luturnbull 🌍@dressinglauren🧚‍♂️@1centwiz 🌎@luv2bug🧚‍♂️@moongoddess2nd 🌎@bmetcalf6971🧚‍♂️@piccadilly_posh 🌎@moongoddessedgy🧚‍♂️@shiloh077 🌏@pinkcamellias🧚‍♂️@alhopki🧚tpk95 ⛔️PRIVATE LIST⛔️⛔️DON’T COPY⛔️ 🌎
May 11Reply
ladycrackerjack @isable23 ❤️💕❤️💕Congratulations!! ❤️💕❤️💕 I am so excited for you! Have the best time ever ⭐️Hosting your Very Own party ! ❤️ Cant wait to party & celebrate your day! Xo -Kat ❤️💕 - [ ]
May 11Reply
sable_closet @ladycrackerjack thank you so much for the kind and encouraging words. This is my fist party. I hope I do well. I am very excited and looking forward to it. Happy Poshing
May 11Reply
sable_closet @beoirem wow, what a surprise. Thank you for encouragement and for bringing so many friends :) 👍This is my first party. I am open to any suggestions, will try my best.😍
May 11Reply
ladycrackerjack @isable23 You’re going to have the most amazing time! Looking forward to it!!♥️
May 11Reply
beoirem @isable23 💋💋💋My pleasure dear❣️
May 11Reply
sophiafp Congrats on hosting! 🤗I have some items on my page if you could check it out for the host pick! ✨🦋 thank you! 😊🌺
May 12Reply
willchea Congrats Irina on being a host for the upcoming Posh Party! I would be very grateful if you would give my closet a look through for a Spring Edit HP consideration. Thank you!
May 12Reply
daphnenail17 congrats on hosting!!! PLEASE check closet!!!! would love a feature!!!!💙💚💜💛💚💙💕💕💕💕
May 12Reply
jeannie4568 Congrats on hosting 🎉 take a look in my closet, would love to be considered for a host pick ☺️💕
May 12Reply
gratefulflower ✨Congrats on the party tomorrow✨ I would love it if you could take a look at my closet❤️❤️ don’t forget to have fun tomorrow🤗🤗
May 12Reply
May 12Reply
divermaggie Congrats on hosting!! 🥂 Love your closet ❤️ would love if you could check out mine
May 12Reply
shaliek Congratulations on hosting! Please feel free to check out my closet. Thank you!
May 12Reply
bekafab 🥳🎉Congrats on cohosting tomorrow’s amazing posh party!! Can’t wait to shop it. I’m finding every excuse these days to have extra retail therapy- and party and shop “posh style”. 🥳🎉🛍🛍🛍🛍🛍🛍 Best- Rebekah
May 12Reply
taraskawaii Congratulations on hosting tomorrow night’s party! 💕 please check out my closet for a possible host pick, I’d greatly appreciate it!
May 12Reply
caspen @isable23 congrats on hosting 🎉 please check out my closet @caspen if u still need host picks
May 12Reply
empirez_sun 🎉🎊CONGRATS on being selected as co- host!!🎉🎊Please check out my closet for some Beautiful items. Thanks!🌸🌈
May 13Reply
2muchstuff3691 L❤️VE your closet. So glad I found it on Poshmark. Hope you will check out mine and follow me back 💕💕💕
May 13Reply
stylepicksbyash @isable23 Congrats on hosting! Please check out my closet for possible host picks 🌸🌸🌸
May 13Reply
masarsky Hey hun, congratulations on hosting a party. I would greatly appreciate if you would consider my closet for your HP! Sharing poshmark love. ❤❤❤
May 13Reply
monascollection @isable23 🎉🍷Congratulations on hosting the upcoming party. I would be honored if you considered my hand created jewelry and knitted accessories, as a host pick. 🍾💝I’ll be there and sharing.
May 13Reply
allisonsegerman Congrats on being a host for tomorrow 💙🎉Please consider my closet for a host pick item. 🌸 Love your look!
May 13Reply
1fashionfinds1 Congratulations on co-hosting the spring edit posh party!! 🎉🎊 Please stop by my closet for a possible Host Pick if you get a chance! Mahalo! 🌺
May 13Reply
bwood8 🎉🌟CONGRATULATIONS on HOSTING🌟🎉 ⭐️Please check out my PFF’S closets! ⭐️ 🏆(they are AWESOME)🏆 🥳🥳WE cant wait to party with you! 🥳🥳 🛍✨🌟🥳🍾🎉🍾🎉🍾🎉🥳🌟✨🛍 🥂@sun2city 🥂@stars4u99 🥂@brookewinters 🥂@acelestialsoul 🥂@bellefemme6 🥂@thefebresappeal 🥂@highfashnz 🥂@fashonbyalexis 🥂@kkaytigirl 🥂@stylish_paige 🥂@frillsnthrills 🥂@lorimasterson 🥂@fryemeup 🥂@JennaLyn19 🚨💃🏼Thank you & see you at the party!💃🏼🚨
May 13Reply
preppyshoppe_4u 🎉💝🍃Congratulations on Hosting!! Looking forward to the celebration!!🍃💝🎉 ~ 💕 Kat 😉🌼💕
May 13Reply
dressscore @isable23 Hi, hello, just another person asking for a Host Pick🙋 I take professional photos and would love to be considered! -Audrey
May 13Reply
charmingcookie Congrats on hosting 😊 I’ll see you there! 🌸💕
May 13Reply
adornedlovely Hi😊, Congratulations on Hosting the Spring Edit Posh Party!!! I would love it if you would consider selecting an item from my closet as a host pick for your party. Wishing you a successful party. Stay strong & healthy during this time. Thank you & Happy Poshing 😊💕💕💕
May 13Reply
karinhausman Congrats on hosting a party! If you have a chance, would you please check out my closet for a host pick? Thanks so much!
May 13Reply
robynridge wanted to speak to you privately. My family is suffering terribly since i lost my job, 8 weeks ago. I cannot provide for my 3 kids. Could you please consider one of my items for HOST PICK? The extra exposure helps will sales. The situation has become urgent. Thank you for your kindness. @robyncantor
May 13Reply
thetinybusiness Please consider something in my closet for a host pick! TYSM! <3
May 13Reply
gratefulflower 🤍✨⭐️Congrats on hosting🤍✨🌙 I am so excited for you!!! Would be amazing if you could check out my closet🤍🤍 can’t wait to party with you🥂🍾
May 13Reply
daphnenail17 👏 CONGRATS 👏 ON HOSTING! Please check out my closet ✨ I would 💕 love 💕 a feature ✨
May 13Reply
goldneyez311 Hi.👋😁 How are you? Just wanted to invite you to come check out my closet!! 🛍I have a ton of inventory to list right now- So make sure to keep an eye on my closet. I have everything from Women's, men's, kid's,(in all sizes)makeup, skin care, home name it! I am more than happy to spread love by offering great deals on anything you like and bundle! We can all use a little joy in these tough times. Come check it out! 😁💗Wishing you Happiness and Health. Be safe. xoxo @Goldneyez311
May 13Reply
jaolsen61 Hello! I know it's probably too late but would you check out my closet for host pick in your best of dresses. skirts and suits party this evening? I have only had 1 host pick since opening my closet. Also, I posh for a cause! Thank you! 💐💐💐
May 13Reply
peachy165 @isable23 Congrats on hosting! Feel free to check out my closet for an potential host picks. It would be much appreciated! Best of luck tonight!
May 13Reply
yaya1990 Hi! Congrats on getting the honor of hosting the party tonight! I'm sure you've gotten this request alot, but I truly would love it if you would consider browsing my closet for potential host picks? Whether you do or no, have fun tonight! I cant wait until I can host a party!! 🎉🎊
May 14Reply
kracocella Hi Irina 👋🏻 please check out my closet for possible host picks. I have some great pieces for spring 🌸🌼 I appreciate your consideration 💕💕
May 14Reply
vrtllyvntg Congrats on hosting tonight’s posh party!🎉 Check out my closet please for any possible host picks!🙌🏼
May 14Reply
taniaxshop Yay! Congratulations on co-hosting a posh party and great closet!! I’d love for you to check out my closet @taniaxshop and my pff @jaccollection for any potential host picks! ✧ ♡
May 14Reply
gracefullyluxe @isable23 hi, looking forward to The Spring Edit Posh Party coming up shortly! looks like it will be fun! Big CONGRATS & thanks for hosting!😀
May 14Reply
myaddedsparkle Congratulations on co-hosting today’s party: Spring Edit! I’d really appreciate it if you could please check out my closet, full of jewelry and hair accessories! Thanks, and congrats once again! ☺️🤍
May 14Reply
cherilange Hi! ❤️ congratulations on hosting a POSH PARTY! I have a large, fresh closet and would be honored if you’d take a peek and see if there are any HOST PICKS hanging inside. 🥰💕 Xo from NYC
May 14Reply
robynridge thank you so much for being so considerate of my urgent situation. It means so much to me. Again, thank you for your kindness of HOST PICK. @robyncantor
May 14Reply
kelli_z Please consider an item from my closet as a host pick 🥰
May 14Reply
pepperedlemon Congrats on hosting! I would be honored and greatly appreciate if you took a quick look at my closet for a possible pick. Thanks so much and congrats again!
May 14Reply
annaakayy Congratulations on hosting this evening’s party! If you’re still looking for some Host Picks, I’d be honored if you took a look at my closet. I’ve shared some of my favorites to the top Now let’s party ! 🥂🥰
May 14Reply
mangoann 🥳 🎉 Congratulations on co-hosting today’s party! 🎉 Wishing you many speedy sales! 🛍 💃🏼
May 14Reply
cassandralpaw ❣️CONGRATS ON HOSTING! ❣️ I would appreciate it if you took a look at my closet for a potential HP! 😍❤️ I have some great NWT pieces that need good homes! Wishing you all the posh success 💕💕
May 14Reply
prettylildoe Congrats on hosting tonight's party! I would be honored if you would consider an item from my closet for a host pick. You have a beautiful closet by the way! Have fun tonight!! 🍾🍾🍾🍾🍾🍾🍾🍾🍾🍾🍾🍾🍾🍾🍾
May 14Reply
birdiecrafts Congrats on hosting a party! That's so cool. I have so many great spring items in my closet. I was hoping you could give one a host pick. It'd mean so much to me, and I'd really appreciate it. Thanks so much, have a great day :)
May 14Reply
savannahsaxe Howdy! My name is Savannah and I joined posh to help pay for school and recently my dad list his job due to covid19 so if it’s possible id love it if you looked in my closet for an hp!! Thanks for hosting!! Have a great night and stay safe!!
May 14Reply
nataliezigel Hi! Congratulations on hosting tonight! If it’s not too late, I would love you to consider my closet for a host pick. Thank you🌻🌻
May 14Reply
kracocella Thank you for sharing my pieces!! 💕 stay safe during these crazy times!
May 14Reply
charmingcookie Thank you for picking my item! I really appreciate it 💕😊💕😊
May 14Reply
shannonshops265 Check your blazer listing on my closet you liked and prepare to laugh at what I did! 😂😂😂 It’s still available. I must not drink wine on Friday AND Posh. I gave you the 16” and another person your measurements. 😂😂😂
May 30Reply
sable_closet @shannonshops265 oh noooooo, now I need that wine :) 16 is too small and 22 is too big. What is wring with my body 😂😂😂😂. Thank you for your note. Happy Poshing 🥳
May 31Reply
family_shop_303 Hi! I loved your closet ! I invite you to visit my closet and qualify for a mystery offer on your first order ;) have a great day!!! 💫💫💫❤️❤️❤️
Aug 04Reply
neenu_bains @irina_closet Hi Irina! Please check out my closet @neenu_bains. I'm selling a lot of brand new luxury makeup items and tools. I hope you'll select my items if you ever host a beauty/makeup or accessories Poshmark party! Please share my items with your contacts. And while you're viewing my items, I'm hoping you might find something that suits you as well. Thanks so much for your kind support. Happy New Year's!
Dec 31Reply
posh_with_paula Thank you for the rating :). I’m glad you are happy with your purchase. Both books are great reads, so enjoy!! 😊
Mar 16Reply
sofiedabishire thanks for liking my Lululemon bundle let me know if you are interested in buying.
May 08Reply
kindposher Hi There 😉 My Name Is Shannelle 💋 Welcome To Poshmark! Happy Poshmarking your stuffs 🥰😍😚😘😎 Come Check Out My Unique Vintage Store! Full Of Interesting, Rare, & Special Stuffs. Super CHEAP & Mind Blowing Price.. Hardly To Decline Any Offer 👍🏻👍🏻 & you will receive some Spooky 👻 Gifts!!!! A lot Of My Listings can be good for resell it as my price is just crazy CHEAP - Bundle To Get Even More Crazier price!!!
May 23Reply

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Last Active: 5 hours ago

Toronto, ON
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Last Active: 5 hours ago

Toronto, ON
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