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Updated May 10
Updated May 10

$250 Giveaway!!

US$3 US$3


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In celebration of hitting 100,000 followers I’ll be giving away a $250 gift card to my boutique! The rules are simple: - Every purchase through the end of November will earn you an entry. - Add this sign to your bundle before submitting your offer/purchase. (You will NOT be charged the $3 listing fee.) - BONUS- Purchase more than $50 and earn a bonus entry per each additional $50 spent. - Must be following me to win! Winner announced in early January!
  • Ships to: United States

  • $7.97 Expedited (1-3 day) Shipping on all orders

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Get your order as described or receive your money back. Learn More.

amandajwcw @ashybuttluvu Thank you for your purchase- I’ll get it in the mail for you first thing tomorrow! Wanted to let you know that you’ve also earned an entry into this giveaway I just announced for buying your dress! 🖤
Oct 20Reply
amandajwcw @evaporatedme Thank you for your purchase- I’ll get it in the mail for you first thing tomorrow! Wanted to let you know that you’ve also earned an entry into this giveaway I just announced for your leggings! 🖤
Oct 23Reply
evaporatedme @amandajwcw 🎈congratulations on 100,000 followers!! 🎉
Oct 23Reply
amandajwcw @evaporatedme Thanks so much :)
Oct 23Reply
amandajwcw GIVEAWAY ALERT! Celebrating 100K followers! (Sending you this as a heads up because you currently have items liked/bookmarked in my closet!) @__anahhh @_killasumaq_ @0kayso @16clairi @1tanique @27donna @2shai @360vintagecoll @3bearswear @42antiguehunter @55goodstuff @5munchkins777 @7kids7cats @88lingling @89flors @a_gravallese @a_lux @a_reneex @aaricalynne @abigailjandrus @abygailmorgan @acedcloset @aciamb @aclarkspeer @acorkintheroad@acrystalclean4u @acwinterer @adamsangie77 @adells_shoppe
Oct 25Reply
amandajwcw GIVEAWAY ALERT! Celebrating 100K followers! (Sending you this as a heads up because you currently have items liked/bookmarked in my closet!) @adells_shoppe @adhansen0814 @adriana_babe15 @advlt1234 @adylan @ae_princess @aewtrust @afnbj @afschouten @aghutchison5 @agrosjean @ahol8285 @ahurst13 @ahwood74 @ajlane03 @ajohns4709 @aknight121 @akriv1 @alaejaaaa @alanadewalt @alanern1 @alcooke @aldenleigh @alex_rum @alexandraholmen @alexisquinta932 @alexlpl
Oct 31Reply
amandajwcw GIVEAWAY ALERT! Celebrating 100K followers! (Sending you this as a heads up because you currently have items liked/bookmarked in my closet!) @ali6ka22 @alimacooke @alipaige96 @alisha_cannon @allisonnasteff @allisonrose_xo @alluxe @alondraquintero @alrandy @altiercourtney @alycen72 @alyson1002 @alysonjunge @alyssa_aa @alyssagrooms96 @amadaasay @amanaceer @amandap10089 @amandarojas151 @amandavangiesen @amber_nicole201 @amberwalker519 @amberwvzz @amcabee143 @amers514 @ammelda9 @amoverst @amp220
Oct 31Reply
amandajwcw GIVEAWAY ALERT! Celebrating 100K followers! (Sending you this as a heads up because you currently have items liked/bookmarked in my closet!) @amurrell18 @amwalter03 @amy42774 @amylynnherman @amym0624 @amyswanson383 @analiliatorres @anditwin @andreaarce83 @andreas1985 @andrewsbabe @andse @angandtim2004 @angelk10 @angelm_da @angie_011 @angiefayr @angier3 @angvalle @anickelbur @anielka37 @anielsondo @anisidora @anissa111 @anmassey15 @annapowers10 @annatrevor75 @anne_w_closet
Oct 31Reply
amandajwcw GIVEAWAY ALERT! Celebrating 100K followers! (Sending you this as a heads up because you currently have items liked/bookmarked in my closet!) @annelise10 @anthrobyronlars @apple_72 @aprilpotratz @apw1982 @aramos013 @aransazu @araphoto @artsilvia46 @ascenataylor @aschweiger22 @ashashawntel @ashd882 @ashelizabeth20 @ashes6285 @ashleeliz88 @ashleyblack14 @ashleycrain1111 @ashleydeniseatl @ashleyevans188 @ashleytt10 @ashmobar @ashnadia @ashobey @ashtan2017 @asi009 @aspears4996 @asullivanchi
Oct 31Reply
amandajwcw GIVEAWAY ALERT! Celebrating 100K followers! (Sending you this as a heads up because you currently have items liked/bookmarked in my closet!) @atucker1113 @aubrianna87 @autautumn @autumndummer @aviya @awoman2b @b_torr @badgers5 @bamaworley @bambisanpedro @banhx005 @barbe70 @barberdollmegz @barfieldag97 @batgirl253 @bautistai @baylie_miller @bbb08729 @bbbranndyy @bcrinkey @bdear @beatnikdogs @beautyinabox @bebe562 @bebeange @beckyabutts @beckych34 @beckygeer
Oct 31Reply
amandajwcw GIVEAWAY ALERT! Celebrating 100K followers! (Sending you this as a heads up because you currently have items liked/bookmarked in my closet!) @bella_2012 @bellaboo1320 @bellanumber22 @bellapama @bellasimple @belleb8273 @bellemel69 @belleshia @berlyneacloque @bessemekukanju @bethanyschwarm @bethedangelo @betty1523 @beverlyhotprops @bgood2187 @bgreene848 @bikkypyakurel @billie67m @birthdaylady @bjcooper4343 @bjorgeboo @bkast44 @bklove4u @blackorchids @blanzotti @blevins97 @blixxx @blondmousie
Oct 31Reply
amandajwcw GIVEAWAY ALERT! Celebrating 100K followers! (Sending you this as a heads up because you currently have items liked/bookmarked in my closet!) @blueyezbabygirl @bmartinez9710 @bmarwil @bmod84 @bnaynay21 @bncounts98 @bng2001 @bngrant602 @bnordin23 @bobbie747 @bonitarose28 @bonjourescargot @bookishkimi @boopielicious @boricuamegs @borntoshop27 @botbotbot @boutiqueofelise @bquillen33 @branchgirl2 @brandiharris12 @brasspearl @breaevans @breezy1690 @brennan2976 @briannasilva362 @briarnewlin7
Oct 31Reply
amandajwcw GIVEAWAY ALERT! Celebrating 100K followers! (Sending you this as a heads up because you currently have items liked/bookmarked in my closet!) @brimmingcloset @britm8 @brittanygarriso @brj92649 @brnorman12 @brooklynpdavis @brookshireeast @broookeyb @bruja1979 @bugg12 @busybee87 @busylizzy5 @buysellrecycle @bvan3610 @bwood8 @caddygirlroxy @caitlin_mariek @caitlinjael @cali4me94 @calistylechic @calopatofsky @candacemckiddy @candiceshow @cann62 @caprijon @carebear97 @carlita1230 @carmelined18
Oct 31Reply
amandajwcw GIVEAWAY ALERT! Celebrating 100K followers! (Sending you this as a heads up because you currently have items liked/bookmarked in my closet!) @carolciafarone @carolinacutie86 @carolinepappas @carolmusa @carrimonte1234 @casandra1925 @casonmarlayna69 @cassidyphoenix7 @catndan1 @catsellers27 @catskjerseth66 @cawatson527 @cbmom13 @cbritt07 @cbundura @ccbixler @ccdl10 @cculkin @cdeben4 @cece661 @ceciliadj @cee4545 @celesteflores37 @celinamedina555 @cerkos @cevans02 @ch3lls76 @chaase26 @chanfan48
Oct 31Reply
amandajwcw GIVEAWAY ALERT! Celebrating 100K followers! (Sending you this as a heads up because you currently have items liked/bookmarked in my closet!) @chanicepenn @chante_lynna @charlib3 @cheerkitty86 @chelsea_flores @chelsiemarieeee @cheripop @cheyenne_bolden @chic007 @chill904 @chitowngal0621 @chloemass @chrissyb310 @chrissyrn80 @christynwilliam @cici2581 @cierra_2018 @cindymarie_97 @cindypalmer @cjdalusio @clarykd @classy_la2u73 @classydahlia @classymissylucy @claudiacen @clrdgrlshffl @cmc055 @cmpcmp
Oct 31Reply
amandajwcw GIVEAWAY ALERT! Celebrating 100K followers! (Sending you this as a heads up because you currently have items liked/bookmarked in my closet!) @cnorfleet @cocoandjodie @codymagnolia @cogirl1212 @colie54 @collazzobby @comekia35 @connie0218 @connorssarah34 @consignkat @coolectibles101 @coolpug @copywriternancy @corinanavarro1 @corkyshay @coverlady @cowgirllauren @craftyc500 @craftycgoods @crazy4eachother @cristadoll @cruzelena462 @crystalcaitlin7 @crystaldoc2012 @crystalgluke @crystalrigby
Oct 31Reply
amandajwcw IVEAWAY ALERT! Celebrating 100K followers! (Sending you this as a heads up because you currently have items liked/bookmarked in my closet!) @crzybeaut @cshoecraft @cspinella17 @cstjohn2016 @ctoneygay @cugcub @curvymso @cusecali @cutieforall1 @cvc92 @cvfreetage @cwarren85 @cweber1988 @cyndi3d @cynthiagettys @d10h22e19 @dacie1108 @dagnytaggert @dahliadavila12 @dailydose85 @daisyalvarez240 @dally_nsnta @dalyah @damaralph @damo0501 @danachristos @danagax1 @dani5984
Oct 31Reply
amandajwcw GIVEAWAY ALERT! Celebrating 100K followers! (Sending you this as a heads up because you currently have items liked/bookmarked in my closet!) @danideewilk @danielleherman @daniellejaytee @daninillian @dante202 @danygirlcdn1999 @darbym36 @darealizz @darla_99 @darlanichole09 @dawnikacope @ddt79331 @debora67 @dee4311 @deelen @deepariseau @defidea @deidre4 @deloresbme @demetriapeterso @denimdaisy @dep105 @destarke @destiny_2011 @dettinger @dezzierae @dg3031 @dgamboa0630
Oct 31Reply
amandajwcw GIVEAWAY ALERT! Celebrating 100K followers! (Sending you this as a heads up because you currently have items liked/bookmarked in my closet!) @dhair71 @dianekraus @diva8dweezil @dixiemae @dmagallanez @dmdiaz03 @dmiranda88 @dmvo37 @dmwrn68 @dnash520 @dnnovotny4 @dollars_sense @domtorreto @dp_18122 @dragonfly82o @dreawalls @drebone @drhattison @drobert2 @dryka_nog @dsaturley7 @duarten @dupere @ean83 @earringeverythi @eb0857 @ebauer80 @ebromiel
Oct 31Reply
amandajwcw GIVEAWAY ALERT! Celebrating 100K followers! (Sending you this as a heads up because you currently have items liked/bookmarked in my closet!) @ebyal @eclare_la @ecofashion4life @ecoller2 @ecoveny @ecowles @ecribelin @edwandji2017 @efaith3well2 @egdelacruz2002 @egmurphy_25 @ekillion83 @elenasantos467 @eliza182 @elizabethand433 @elizabethcruz02 @elizadeathhh @elleb0912 @ellenboway @eloizos @elsteele22 @emerylove @emilyfritz811 @emilylybeck @emilymarissat @emilynicole0021 @emilyoverend @emmaweeez96
Oct 31Reply
amandajwcw GIVEAWAY ALERT! Celebrating 100K followers! (Sending you this as a heads up because you currently have items liked/bookmarked in my closet!) @emmeals @emmso @emylemon @en671 @envyholic @erika_tanko @erikachinese @erikahler @erikkagirl @erincook693 @erinoconnor83 @eros3era @erraticarbiter @esalis @estephe96 @ev1053 @evaporatedme @evelynmendoz611 @ewmccoy @exkitedgrl @ezeno2018 @fabulous_finds_ @fadness3 @faescherer @fairymoon555 @fancythreads546 @faneromeni @fashionablyl4st
Oct 31Reply
amandajwcw GIVEAWAY ALERT! Celebrating 100K followers! (Sending you this as a heads up because you currently have items liked/bookmarked in my closet!) @fashionlifer @fashionmama702 @fatimakhabalova @fatoom914 @feleciabook @fendt8 @fgeology @fitforaduchess @fleetwood2 @floracosi @floresmya66 @flyconjaz @fontanacrystal @fostercj2002 @fowlerme3 @fredacia @freebird4887 @freneticmadness @frenzypalmtree @fryjay @gabbya89 @gabiec23 @gabrion @gailyb22 @galyn_jade @gandarilla_22 @garbmom @garrisonpa
Oct 31Reply
amandajwcw GIVEAWAY ALERT! Celebrating 100K followers! (Sending you this as a heads up because you currently have items liked/bookmarked in my closet!) @gawrshdanielle @geekstar86 @gelistankus @genit_102 @gettye @gf87529n @ggt930 @gibsongirl817 @gigiannettef @ginawalton @gingerevans @gingermouse2 @girlofthemarsh @glamour771 @glamourposher @gma_maggie @gmanning35 @gmgarcia32 @goddess_31678 @gordon15 @gperez976 @gpumpkin96 @grace_creations @grahamkc04 @gramirez1977 @great2decor8 @greekgrl75 @greencrate
Oct 31Reply
amandajwcw GIVEAWAY ALERT! Celebrating 100K followers! (Sending you this as a heads up because you currently have items liked/bookmarked in my closet!) @greeneyegirl512 @griz5574 @gthomas1215 @gvaughn10 @gwennidiamond @gyna709 @haawwaaii @habeyers @haggarhammoud90 @haley_deloache @haleyjoe7 @haleymk20 @hannah96heff @hannahbella92 @hannahblumstein @hannahfrazey @hannaioneclark @harmonyd33 @hayden44e @hazelbee @hb1318 @hbaxter808 @hburwell @hcrleyquiinn @heatherspark12 @heeeera @heleninava @hellurrritsjess
Oct 31Reply
amandajwcw GIVEAWAY ALERT! Celebrating 100K followers! (Sending you this as a heads up because you currently have items liked/bookmarked in my closet!) @heretoshop2018 @hernandezelda @hhardintheus @hhholt @hilda67 @hillarystewart1 @hmohare @hmparker2 @hollyrettali @holmanjessica21 @honeyhoney664 @hopalicious33 @hotbabes99 @hovanic @htayyy88 @iamnutmeg @ibrionesi @ijonesvintage @ilanabrown @iliana13marti @illuminationsuz @iluvgigi @imabadass18 @impala755 @imrashkiera @inabbyscloset @ineishapete @ingalg1
Oct 31Reply
amandajwcw GIVEAWAY ALERT! Celebrating 100K followers! (Sending you this as a heads up because you currently have items liked/bookmarked in my closet!) @inspyre03 @ionachilders @irishgatorstar @islandgirl416 @istuss @italy718 @itzshanon @ivan1410 @iwosow @izabellaa88 @izzyol @jacci_elaine96 @jaclyn_a @jaclynnhertick @jacomom1 @jacorbitt @jacquelinesa745 @jacquesan @jademaze @jamie_ls @janetscastle @jas8985 @jasmineee_31 @jasminepmarie @java87 @jazzy476 @jbcteddy @jbunch15
Oct 31Reply
amandajwcw GIVEAWAY ALERT! Celebrating 100K followers! (Sending you this as a heads up because you currently have items liked/bookmarked in my closet!) @jcfire62 @jdeahl77 @jeanjayne @jedibelle @jehorn2587 @jenandsienna @jendin25 @jennacatherine6 @jennajen15 @jennifermshopz @jennifernora32 @jennifersmit966 @jennishairdos @jennkakuno @jenny0425 @jennylynn126 @jennylynn2310 @jennyparks88 @jennyviv @jerseygirl1209 @jes71 @jesdawfra @jeseniallamas08 @jessi602 @jessica_jecker @jessicafitzgj @jessicareeve182
Oct 31Reply
amandajwcw GIVEAWAY ALERT! Celebrating 100K followers! (Sending you this as a heads up because you currently have items liked/bookmarked in my closet!) @jessicastell @jessie0306 @jessifrass6 @jewelcarrillo @jfuentes5292 @jgc80 @jgilvin @jgover1223 @jhartley1118 @jhoyer @jillbodnar @jillianbest1990 @jkjk47 @jkohler25 @jkthrifts @jkwilcox99 @jlgrant87 @jlnelson @jmb724 @jmf46028 @jncopus03 @joannawo1212 @joannissis @joellieeee @johannacoats @joimccall123 @jojo630888 @jolenekall
Oct 31Reply
amandajwcw GIVEAWAY ALERT! Celebrating 100K followers! (Sending you this as a heads up because you currently have items liked/bookmarked in my closet!) @jordan_davis @joseruiz961 @joyisalemme @jrenner48 @jroberts0577 @jrpurvis @jsinkovich @jtieck7 @ju54387 @juanramon23 @julesj1023 @julia_melendrez @juliadouglass04 @julielmay @june1964 @junonia @jvarley6 @k_barlow @k_brez @k_lee_s @k_nguyen515 @k_sing_loud @k_swag44 @kadieness @kahlanlond @kaitg17 @kaity_paige @kalijo317
Oct 31Reply
amandajwcw GIVEAWAY ALERT! Celebrating 100K followers! (Sending you this as a heads up because you currently have items liked/bookmarked in my closet!) @kandygirl18 @kantrim82 @karabiel123 @karacomly1983 @karakey @karalynnc @karenalbertson @karisander79 @kaseyo22 @katelandbecker @katherinetheres @katheryn_d @kathylove1213 @kathyngram @katie72806 @katie77kk @katieballard1 @katiebulman @katieohms @kay2bailey @kay60738 @kayeher @kayempee611 @kayjen @kayla_tai @kaylaashayy @kaylarhall @kaylenjames
Oct 31Reply
amandajwcw GIVEAWAY ALERT! Celebrating 100K followers! (Sending you this as a heads up because you currently have items liked/bookmarked in my closet!) @kbissell16 @kcoll3ctive @kdeffenbacher @keekohope_ @kehorton @kelcudi @kelgibbs @kellybarr25 @kellyconner78 @kellyjelly7 @kelseypaige1234 @kendacope @kendallmalouff @kendalraehill @keris113 @kerstenk13 @key94kaitlyn @keyshaq @kgasper2 @kgeromette @kgiles01 @kiacat711 @kiddotrue @kim_1221 @kim4884 @kimbokool @kimfrascone @kimjoy1
Oct 31Reply
amandajwcw GIVEAWAY ALERT! Celebrating 100K followers! (Sending you this as a heads up because you currently have items liked/bookmarked in my closet!) @kimmyhdz @kimstratta @kitty_kat @kjcl6968 @klb_sells @klesnock @klfarner @kmc7371 @kmd82sis @knafey @knichols326 @knsmith82 @kplemberger9 @kpsoria @krisann0284 @krislovesgabe @krissyqg @kristenina @kristenmia1973 @kristin76harris @kristinadb1989 @kristyhebert1 @krockstar17 @kross1105 @krstnwllms @krysande @kstebs85 @kswallace23
Oct 31Reply
amandajwcw GIVEAWAY ALERT! Celebrating 100K followers! (Sending you this as a heads up because you currently have items liked/bookmarked in my closet!) @ktystad @kxrgrz11 @kydnef2004 @kylieannbrown @kzzzz @l_ladd @labanbe @labelwhorelife @ladyb_bklyn @ladykiddo @ladylacy318 @ladyluna2810 @ladylunn @ladysav1021 @ladytexan @lalareeves @lambinabaux @lambweston @lanaisabug @lanapiekarski @lanenalenda @laneywyble @lauramaefly @lauramarie41 @laurenaduer @laurenangele_ @laurenlav @laurenn490
Oct 31Reply
amandajwcw GIVEAWAY ALERT! Celebrating 100K followers! (Sending you this as a heads up because you currently have items liked/bookmarked in my closet!) @laurennluxury @laurnee @laurnie26 @lavahaugen @lavetshat @lawestcott @laz209 @lbethivierge1 @lboss78 @lcastel3 @lclopez20 @lcubed07 @ldv201 @leahrnc @leamea @leanja @leblancalecia1 @leeannleeann @leighlou76 @leighvmealone @leledede @lerona1120 @leslieballester @lexi8_9 @lgunnip @lianneelise @libbybeer @lifewithtwo
Oct 31Reply
amandajwcw GIVEAWAY ALERT! Celebrating 100K followers! (Sending you this as a heads up because you currently have items liked/bookmarked in my closet!) @liinrocknc @lilb3b381 @lilbitt537 @lili0302 @lilmu @lindaroman6654 @lindsa757 @lindsey_simning @lindsey52399 @lindseycullinan @lindseyg696 @lingeringbee016 @linnyvee61 @lisa_steves @lisalaw15 @lisaxlove92 @lissetterrr @littlegingie @littlelucey @littlemias @littlemissluvin @living_thrifty @lizardvas74 @lizbeth781 @lizmarie1818 @lizorozcoo @ljostad0107
Oct 31Reply
amandajwcw GIVEAWAY ALERT! Celebrating 100K followers! (Sending you this as a heads up because you currently have items liked/bookmarked in my closet!) @llitloml @llmsimmons728 @lmblietz @lml363 @lnknottjj85 @london32 @lonestar19 @longchamplady @lookclosely @lorenat96 @louboutins1 @louiseliv @loulou4u @loved33 @lovesretrolooks @lrosemyers @lschaeffer13 @lsmith2012 @lstoked753 @lteezy28 @ltom52780 @luckymustang @lucy119 @lucybenis @luladesign @lulu7211992 @lulugoes @lululuvspink411
Oct 31Reply
amandajwcw GIVEAWAY ALERT! Celebrating 100K followers! (Sending you this as a heads up because you currently have items liked/bookmarked in my closet!) @lunalee_us @lupielady1 @luskorama @luv2shoppe3 @luvenia49 @lvlover30 @lwiggins91 @lydaarteaga @lymugogo @lynntaylor535 @lzuern01 @m_arbuckle @m_zoeller @mac1488 @madamebuttaflyy @maddieduff13 @maddieee1234 @madds340 @maddy41432 @madhatter000 @madibaker16 @madisalvati11 @madisonsaad @maelen_n @maemmtt @maipham1984 @makaylasnider95 @mallorymargret
Oct 31Reply
amandajwcw GIVEAWAY ALERT! Celebrating 100K followers! (Sending you this as a heads up because you currently have items liked/bookmarked in my closet!) @mamadawg81 @mamaogne14 @mamatogee @manda4c23d94 @manthermccall @marcarcas @margie906 @mariaamodeo @mariainpink @mariarenee88 @marina_foster31 @marion6366 @marissaberube @markid @marlisrb @mary_siebert @mary4869 @matildetou22475 @mauirocks @mazatlangirl @mbluhn @mbmanning313 @mcdx3 @mcmegran @mcshannon058 @mcspry11 @mdsylvis @meagella99
Oct 31Reply
amandajwcw GIVEAWAY ALERT! Celebrating 100K followers! (Sending you this as a heads up because you currently have items liked/bookmarked in my closet!) @meaghanmatherne @meg5549 @megan_frick @meganlyon676 @megcrumbcake @megdale38 @meghancloutier @megmac523 @megs785 @melaniw89 @meleficent1 @melissacampos14 @melissaglifort @melissahertzog @melissalauraa @melissamoore912 @melissapatron @melissiafoley @melodysf @melwalter23 @mercutio02 @meredithsea @meshayes @mgaoiran44 @mgrubbs611 @micg101 @michaela_brad
Oct 31Reply
amandajwcw GIVEAWAY ALERT! Celebrating 100K followers! (Sending you this as a heads up because you currently have items liked/bookmarked in my closet!) @micheele7 @michellebubb @michellefoote98 @michonne1 @midnightcircus1 @milliegee28 @mimcorkins @minismith53 @minnasboutique @mintjenny @minx_55 @mirandahenry16 @mirellangel @mishiyaya @miss_paige_b @misshoma @missladybunny @missnikki4406 @missrosered @misstefani @missw23 @missysue12 @mistdt @mistyheart @mizmelc @mj_gee11 @mj_yolo @mjshea
Oct 31Reply
amandajwcw GIVEAWAY ALERT! Celebrating 100K followers! (Sending you this as a heads up because you currently have items liked/bookmarked in my closet!) @mjvault @mkclunie @mkesslinger @mklevsky @mksmith94 @mmasters1999 @mmom @mmucharraz @mmwinrotte @mnevitt17 @mobgirl1 @molly_gagnon @mommamosser @monicaw1 @monoli2098 @moodtherapy @moonicka @morenitah_leija @morgannmoran @moriah_b @motherofzion @mounteden @mowneek17 @mpeacock121 @mrharvey115 @mrsb1206 @mrscobb07 @mrsd32u
Oct 31Reply
amandajwcw GIVEAWAY ALERT! Celebrating 100K followers! (Sending you this as a heads up because you currently have items liked/bookmarked in my closet!) @mrslengfelder @mrsp_boutique @mrsroseteaches @ms_kaites @ms_lady1977 @msalls102498 @msbhvn @mscheffla @mschris1225 @msfeb12th @mslam816 @msliztorres @msoria14 @mspopmilton @msselfiewigs @mstine9 @mtcatenacci @munira1 @murmurr29 @mvalencia79 @mybananamoon @myfashionbazaar @mylabrookk @mysueanne @mythrsons @mzbean74 @n_schweitzer @nakt1807
Oct 31Reply
amandajwcw GIVEAWAY ALERT! Celebrating 100K followers! (Sending you this as a heads up because you currently have items liked/bookmarked in my closet!) @nalu2 @nanafourever @nanialbertson @nanmsmith @nanny2385 @nanzflrs @nashayna123 @natalie111611 @natcatsion @nathsuarez22 @natraschke @nayoj @neecoleholmes @nellneary @new4you262 @newdlllliz1 @ngarciaberges @nicole_perkins @nicole1528 @niella002 @nikkisam85 @nikkismith01 @nikndigs @ninergirl49 @nissadawn28 @nlott414 @nmeredith @nolanashlee
Oct 31Reply
amandajwcw GIVEAWAY ALERT! Celebrating 100K followers! (Sending you this as a heads up because you currently have items liked/bookmarked in my closet!) @notagswag @npequeno @nshaw1993 @nt4brat @ntomani @nukoryokojen @nulookz4you @nursesuezq5 @nyc11 @nynectar @oalscm @occus03 @okgurl @okteha @olifitzg94 @oliviakerester @oliviaschlofer @omygashiisocute @oneluckycricket @only1missy1 @ontheredcarpet @onyxchic @opie221 @ozziesgirl1969 @pachadean80 @paigerenee015 @pajaza @pamelaknight4
Oct 31Reply
amandajwcw GIVEAWAY ALERT! Celebrating 100K followers! (Sending you this as a heads up because you currently have items liked/bookmarked in my closet!) @pammyj40 @passionaomi @passionatemind @patraporn_sp @patti0386 @pattylynn64 @pavedelgado @paynelisa @pbm15 @pbulldiva @peggyfagan @pershie13 @petcompanion @peterjohnsona4 @petreysarah @phatkat007 @philosophette @phoobear79 @pingyz077 @pink0134 @pinkclogs @pinklaceshop @pinknailgul3 @plant3seed @plias177 @plummoon @pmac35 @pocoflauto
Oct 31Reply
amandajwcw GIVEAWAY ALERT! Celebrating 100K followers! (Sending you this as a heads up because you currently have items liked/bookmarked in my closet!) @poj_4_evr @polahburr @pookababy097 @poppi54 @poshmarkpagebv @poshypinkrose @preciousmadison @prettyposhmae @prittimonster @prufrockcoat @ptijerina @puckie12 @puda3 @pumps4752 @quad20_qh @queenhkingd @quezada12 @rachanne40 @rachelhanna545 @rachelleroche @rachieray3 @raeleon37 @raerae9876 @ramaxey @rarosari @raugustine @raycoop42808 @rdriscoll802
Oct 31Reply
amandajwcw GIVEAWAY ALERT! Celebrating 100K followers! (Sending you this as a heads up because you currently have items liked/bookmarked in my closet!) @rdrury @rebeccajm92 @rechelle01 @redheadgma03 @redjdesigns2019 @reeters3 @reevesamber11 @resplendentjoy @retrostarr1213 @revolvingpieces @reyesp17 @rgreer719 @rhiamorales @richera137 @richthreads @ricki4255 @risssssxx @rmcastro79 @rndhlakeside @robinandpenny @rodneyandbobby @roraboriealice @rosebud9532 @roseers @roseloewen @roselyn8164 @roshika_rudon
Oct 31Reply
amandajwcw GIVEAWAY ALERT! Celebrating 100K followers! (Sending you this as a heads up because you currently have items liked/bookmarked in my closet!) @rtayloroneill @ruebelg @rvanhuizen @rwinning @ryanhibl @ryannatolsma @ryanskimmy @s27a @saabbbb @sab09b @sabbie5681 @sabrie77 @sacnfoxbaby @sallygentry89 @samanthacarr876 @samanthadiaz07 @sammie_202 @sammkati @sanddollar8 @sangali @sarah6579 @sarahdavison @sarahnxoxo @sarahwalks @sarahwelsh79 @sashiapelaez @savannalynn669 @sbarr0710
Oct 31Reply
amandajwcw GIVEAWAY ALERT! Celebrating 100K followers! (Sending you this as a heads up because you currently have items liked/bookmarked in my closet!) @sbsdu1 @scardwellnow @scarleighso @scattered @schofva @sdowneysessa @seacrow @seahighmarkett @seahorse2 @seankash1 @secchan @secretpineapple @sephoranyc24 @sesdale @sesmaskenya @seventhandsoul @sfkonkin @sgarrahan @sh001 @shadenshadow @shaelee72 @shalonmccray @shalonnie1213 @shaniahburns @shannon_lacey @shannonharri509 @shannonmb2008 @shannonsthreads
Oct 31Reply
amandajwcw GIVEAWAY ALERT! Celebrating 100K followers! (Sending you this as a heads up because you currently have items liked/bookmarked in my closet!) @shar_130 @sharpdressedg @shatoto @shaunaallen15 @shaylade @sheilad1089 @sheilagodbold @shelbyjean64 @shelguzman @sherriinga @sherrylang @shivanisingh974 @shopgirlria @shopvngel @short1623 @showshaylove @shumberd @shyc2005 @siennasanchez @singergerl @sinnercin @sjo238 @sjoy151964 @sk8tercutie @skb5601 @skkilian @skoscielski @skrugman
Oct 31Reply
amandajwcw GIVEAWAY ALERT! Celebrating 100K followers! (Sending you this as a heads up because you currently have items liked/bookmarked in my closet!) @skyxxlar @sleibrecht @slhdlh @slvrz28grl @smallestapology @smiles640 @smithaa317 @smukkedane @smusto @snedlund @soccersage1200 @socialgraces @sockoffleagulls @sofiale @sohamansour @soloh @something2see @sophietherose @southerntwinmom @space07 @spoliedlizzie @spookykb14 @srineholt69 @ssymba @staceybuchan146 @staceym27 @staci_peterson @stacy2162
Oct 31Reply
amandajwcw GIVEAWAY ALERT! Celebrating 100K followers! (Sending you this as a heads up because you currently have items liked/bookmarked in my closet!) @stanzi @stapledchicbtq @stapletonguther @starplayer2 @starr400_ @stefaniekay22 @steff72 @stefyburri @stephanieellis @stephaniei41 @stephanievic @stephjones61 @stithsj4 @stmartinez3 @studio1754 @sugalilly5950 @sunnycurves @sunshine29518 @supermans1977 @superposhbd @susan_booth @susie8360 @suxplor @suzannemiami @suzygole @suzyluvs2shop @svaux @swanilla
Oct 31Reply
amandajwcw GIVEAWAY ALERT! Celebrating 100K followers! (Sending you this as a heads up because you currently have items liked/bookmarked in my closet!) @sweatandsparkle @sweetalyssum906 @sweetcamilly @sweethotlovin @sweetone09 @sweetpealsd @sweetsblanco @swolf100 @sylvia1019 @t_denault544 @ta3lord_fox @tabathaembury24 @tahiti_tan333 @tamara526 @tamariani @tamills0508 @tammyserea @tanyathediva @tarachavis @tartmahal @tatianalia @taylorkitkat @taysiab @tbailey1083 @tcoash @tcsace2 @tdalmau @tdruffin
Oct 31Reply
amandajwcw GIVEAWAY ALERT! Celebrating 100K followers! (Sending you this as a heads up because you currently have items liked/bookmarked in my closet!) @teaganhiles @teahoneyy @teinesamoa101 @tekdiva32 @temms33 @tenaciousrose @tenisamantha @tera321 @tereesawin @teresae8077 @terp17 @terri1976 @terrysusanh @tetis @texasflier @tgdjewelry @the25angel @thekingscastle @theposhflamingo @thia_brown @thisisalliedeen @thomps44 @tiff3328 @tiffany9881 @tiffanyreuschel @tiffanyy4069 @tinazavalza @tinkermonroe
Oct 31Reply
amandajwcw GIVEAWAY ALERT! Celebrating 100K followers! (Sending you this as a heads up because you currently have items liked/bookmarked in my closet!) @tjtmtsc @tkbateson90 @tkimbrou @tmb110 @toni1068 @tootwad21 @total_diva26 @trabomb69 @tracystrouble @treah @trendvixen7 @triggerpuller @trisha42905 @trishmascarenas @trotella33 @trudy28 @truth1248 @tsamples406 @tsloggins @tuianna @tutt @twarman @twinklenettie @txcammy @tynisha11 @u_deserve_this @uhleksa @undone2009
Oct 31Reply
amandajwcw GIVEAWAY ALERT! Celebrating 100K followers! (Sending you this as a heads up because you currently have items liked/bookmarked in my closet!) @urbanfaith @urbangypsy530 @ursulakoenig @valdacious @valllo @vallyvalj @vangieb23 @vannassecret @vanniadams @vanvollmer @vbmarquez76 @velma49 @vgp45610 @vibsta81 @vichski @vicjonessss @vicki414 @villarrealsky7 @vintagebitchaz @vintagechron @vintagerage @virginiajensen @virgorockstar89 @viryn22sh @vitaleem @vpurcella @walterslammy @wdeagostine
Oct 31Reply
amandajwcw GIVEAWAY ALERT! Celebrating 100K followers! (Sending you this as a heads up because you currently have items liked/bookmarked in my closet!) @webstercool @wefullam @wginther @whereisbrenda @whinniebird @whistleandspell @wilddahlia @windflowershop @winslowbrody @wonderbug @wst_chrsty @wtn2bablayse @wuat @wynnspa @wyominggoods @xitlatlyp04 @xoxo_beth @xoxo_melinita @xoxo012 @xoxobeejay @xoxokimberr @xoxsosxox @xshannonx121 @y_elle @yfromer @ylime8726 @youlovemota @yoyolande
Oct 31Reply
amandajwcw GIVEAWAY ALERT! Celebrating 100K followers! (Sending you this as a heads up because you currently have items liked/bookmarked in my closet!) @zandleiphotos @zannibella @zeelaurel @zeus4444 @zgarland1 @zhi_zhi @zildjian29 @zinavula @zoehay6 @zoyaw @zumbamomma10
Oct 31Reply
secretpineapple What a great giveaway!
Oct 31Reply
denimdaisy Congratulations on your Poshmark follower milestone!! 🌻 Thank you for the tag, love your closet. Have a lovely day!💕
Oct 31Reply
amandajwcw @denimdaisy Thanks so much!!
Oct 31Reply
sacnfoxbaby I was charged the $3.00 fee.
Nov 01Reply
amandajwcw @sacnfoxbaby Hello! I’m going to refund your purchase. Perfect timing because I was just dropping this shipping label off at the post office. Please go through the same price but offer the price minus the $3!
Nov 01Reply
amandajwcw LAST CHANCE to qualify! Giveaway will be drawn early next week. Current chance of winning is 1 in 12. @zandleiphotos @zannibella @zeelaurel @zeus4444 @zgarland1 @zhi_zhi @zildjian29 @zinavula @zoehay6 @zoyaw @zumbamomma10
Dec 08Reply
amandajwcw THE WINNER IS: @evaporatedme CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Please select your items and add them to a bundle! I will apply a $250 credit when you're ready to purchase!
Jan 11Reply
evaporatedme @amandajwcw Wahoo! How very kind of you!! I’m super excited! 🤩
Jan 11Reply

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