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Updated Sep 29
Updated Sep 29

Meet your Posher, Stacey

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Stacey. Some of my favorite brands are J. Crew, Converse, Eddie Bauer, Harley-Davidson and vintage rock tees!! Thanks for stopping by!
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dagmarstone Welcome to Poshmark! I always recommend reading the guide to Poshmark and FAQ! If you still have questions, feel free to ask. I’m having a Black Friday Sale. Anything you like, just make an offer 20% less. Even the final price items! More than anything, I want you to have fun buying and selling 🌺
Nov 19Reply
staceysumpter @dagmarstone thank you! 👍 great experience with Poshmark so far but literally the day I made my first sale all my information was gone when I attempted to request a mailing label! Opened a new page, hopefully I'll have better luck!! 😆
Nov 19Reply
dagmarstone @staceysumpter oh my goodness! Did you get it back?
Nov 20Reply
staceysumpter @dagmarstone no, all is lost apparently. If I keep complaining to others this page may be gone as well 😮😮! Currently trying to find my likes. 😢😢 AARRGGHH!!!
Nov 20Reply
dagmarstone @staceysumpter I’ve never heard of that happening 😯
Nov 20Reply
staceysumpter @dagmarstone I think maybe it's the Shopping God's telling me to stop. 😕😕. just annoying as I've spent a lot of money then the very day I sell, I'm deleted. ok I'm done ranting, thanks for listening 💕
Nov 20Reply
dagmarstone @staceysumpter you can rant all you want. Been there myself. Have you tried email?
Nov 20Reply
staceysumpter @dagmarstone as far as replying to Poshmark?
Nov 20Reply
dagmarstone @staceysumpter yes. It takes a while for them to get back to you. Maybe they can help. You can find it in the FAQ’s
Nov 20Reply
dagmarstone @staceysumpter I see your page, or did you have more than the 3 items?
Nov 20Reply
staceysumpter @dagmarstone I've tried everything; emails faqs, logging out, ranting. My last page had six listings, I just haven't posted them on here yet. That one was replaced with a page from three years ago with listings I placed on LETGO. I was so confused. Still am. They just keep telling me to change my password. Not helpful. 😣😣
Nov 20Reply
dagmarstone @staceysumpter I’m so sorry. I wish I had an answer for you., I’m not usually out of answers. I feel so bad, that I can’t help you!
Nov 20Reply
dagmarstone @staceysumpter Did you maybe try to put an unauthorized item on your page?
Nov 20Reply
staceysumpter @dagmarstone no worries! you've helped a ton just by listening! Have a great night!! 👍👍👍
Nov 20Reply
staceysumpter @dagmarstone sorry, just saw this. No, nothing like that. The strangest thing is my old LETGO items appeared. 😕😕
Nov 20Reply
dagmarstone @staceysumpter that’s so weird.
Nov 20Reply
sanurse53 Thank you for sharing my listing! I have just taken big reductions and also discount for bundles! Please take a look!
Dec 08Reply
frankiemom @staceysumpter Hello! Welcome to Poshmark! Thank you for sharing! Congrats on starting your closet & cheers to many sales! Happy Poshing!🐚🌺
Dec 13Reply
staceysumpter @frankiemom thank you! 👍 💚
Dec 13Reply
1111thrift hi honey!! 🍯❤️ currently posting new items to my new/never used makeup and bath and body works new/never used deal going on!! all 4/$12 ‼️😩 + all purchases come with a free gift 🎁 feel free to check it out 🥰 happy poshing 🌸🌸🌸
Dec 18Reply
carolynw2019 Hi, Stacey from Knoxville. I'm Carolyn from Osky. Glad to meet another local posher.
Mar 12Reply
myvanityreplay Hi! Thank you so much for your purchase! I hope you have a great day & a wonderful weekend!
Mar 13Reply
staceysumpter @eyesome thank YOU for accepting! have a great weekend! 🌟🌟
Mar 13Reply
staceysumpter @carolynw2019 HELLO! that's awesome, I've not met anyone local yet! y'all have a great Goodwill over there! 👍👍
Mar 13Reply
carolynw2019 @staceysumpter I might have to check it out. I’ve never been to it.
Mar 13Reply
staceysumpter @carolynw2019 actually now I'm not sure if it's Osky or ottumwa? probably both. 😆
Mar 13Reply
myvanityreplay Hi! Thank you so much for your purchase! I hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend! Stay healthy!
Mar 15Reply
staceysumpter @eyesome thank YOU for accepting! yes, you too! Crazy stuff huh?! 😞
Mar 15Reply
myvanityreplay @staceysumpter Yes, so crazy! My kids are off from school now until April 17th & the grocery stores here have no bread, eggs, etc. It's just so crazy to think that in this day & age we would be dealing with this. Thanks again & take care 😊❤✌
Mar 15Reply
staceysumpter @eyesome April 17th? where are y'all? yes, we're making our own baby wipes in lieu of toilet paper. I feel like Laura Ingalls! ugh..
Mar 15Reply
myvanityreplay @staceysumpter We're in New Jersey, the school thing is going to be such a hassle bc their individual teachers have different plans on how they're going to keep the kids on track as far as the curriculum- some are going to do online lessons, some paperwork, my daughter's concert band is going to facetime 🤦‍♀️ I am dreading to see how this is going to turn out
Mar 15Reply
myvanityreplay Making your own baby wipes though, great idea!
Mar 15Reply
staceysumpter @eyesome I get it, I'm a special ed teacher and we haven't got any word as far as extending spring break but my kiddos need change least of all. For some of my kiddos school is their only constant. I'm heartbroke thinking of how worried every bubbie everywhere is. It's just gonna be a mess! FaceTime concerts. oh my....
Mar 15Reply
myvanityreplay @staceysumpter Wow, I give you so much credit for being a special ed teacher, that has to take a lot of patience, understanding, & a different level of caring than if you were dealing with students that were functioning on the level they should be, not sure if that came out right, but you know what I mean- I'm divorced, but in a long term relationship with someone who has a son who is delayed in many ways & apparently no one really noticed, but
Mar 15Reply
myvanityreplay we started dating & I spoke up asked if he had ever been tested & where he fell on "the spectrum," I mean I had some psych classes in college, one being developmental psychology, bc I was a RN before being put on disability & it only took me one time meeting his son to know he wasn't functioning at the level he should be- I guess bc I have 3 older kids too helps, but fast forward 2 yrs later & he still hasn't in my eyes gotten the help he needs &
Mar 15Reply
myvanityreplay it definitely effects our family dynamics- we want to all live together, I'm tired of being a single mom, but idk what to do when there's so much tension in the house bc we all, not just myself, get frustrated with bf's son- you definitely have to be a special person to do the work you do & I admire that- we just found out that my bf's son's school is also off now & that worries me bc he's going to fall waaay behind, like you said they need that consistency
Mar 15Reply
staceysumpter @eyesome ah the proverbial 'spectrum' , I know. How old is he? Are his teachers (does he have a primary/secondary?) accommodating for the break re online or in home sessions? (That'd be essential if either could provide) I give you props, it's difficult enough to blend homes with so to speak 'normal' functioning kiddos.
Mar 15Reply
staceysumpter @eyesome Does he have a diagnosis?
Mar 15Reply
myvanityreplay @staceysumpter He just turned 9, no diagnosis yet, but there has been a lapse in health insurance bc his mom, whom herself suffers from bipolar disorder & is one that doesn't believe in she needs to be medicated for that, but yet takes Adderall??? She failed to reinstate his state issued insurance so he hasn't been seen the necessary physcians- he was previously in Catholic school & was held back once & was potentially going to be held back a 2nd time, but I had pushed
Mar 16Reply
myvanityreplay for him to be into the public school system bc I felt there were more resources available & that he would excel - I was right- Once he changed schools & they evaluated him & it wasn't just me, they pushed for him to be evaluated by occupational therapy & was being seen until his insurance expired, he was then put into special ed & we saw an improvement there, but bc there isn't consistency on the homefront & now no insurance, it's as though we're at a standstill
Mar 16Reply
myvanityreplay He can't tie his shoes, just started going to the bathroom himself (wiping), but we constantly have to reinforce his "steps," such as flushing, washing hands, shutting off the light- he constantly says he forgets things even if you told him just literally 2 minutes before, but we don't know if he truly is or if he's lying bc he likes to tell stories- he does have verbal & nonverbal tics so sometimes it looks like he has Tourette Syndrome-
Mar 16Reply
staceysumpter @eyesome I'm losing Wi-Fi as located in Buttcrack Iowa 😆 , I'm afraid it'll be out altogether soon. Please text me 6 4 1 4 1 7 9 4 6 4.. I see this every day it's very disconcerting. 😞
Mar 16Reply
myvanityreplay I know a lot has to do with the separation of my bf & his ex & there not being continuity of care, so we're going to try to get custody once we move into together, but right now I'm in one state & he's another all week for work so the plan is to make the move this summer & he's also putting his son on his insurance
Mar 16Reply
myvanityreplay My boyfriend also admits that he has been in denial about how bad it really is, but he realizes it now- my boyfriend's son also seems to focus on some dark stuff sometimes which scares me & I have pointed it out to my bf, which I think has also been a big wake up call- what age group do you work with?
Mar 16Reply
mrsmcrz @staceysumpter thanks for the shares back. I was just reading your hassle you had with postings, God what a nightmare. glad your over it now. I lived in Iowa, Dubuque for a few years back with my son finishing UD for his master's. graduated, and still lives there. unfortunate times for a teacher though. can't say I miss those -39* days tho. 😂☀now in Arizona. Best of luck. your closet is awesome. best of sales to you. I just trying to downsize since I'm a fulltime RV living now.1🙏🤞
Apr 15Reply
staceysumpter @mrsmcrz hello! I've been to Dubuque; can't really remember why now... 😕😕 That's fun; RV living! yes, winters here are BRUTAL! every October i get panicky just thinking about the icy roads! 😬😬 (actually planned on mowing today then woke up to snow.. of course..) Have fun over there in the sun and GOOD LUCK! 💙💙
Apr 15Reply
goldneyez311 Hi.👋😁 How are you? Just wanted to invite you to come check out my closet!! 🛍I have a ton of inventory to list right now- So make sure to keep an eye on my closet. I have everything from Women's, men's, kid's,(in all sizes)makeup, skin care, home name it! I am more than happy to spread love by offering great deals on anything you like and bundle! We can all use a little joy in these tough times. Come check it out! 😁💗Wishing you Happiness and Health. Be safe. xoxo @Goldneyez311
Apr 15Reply
mmdell11 hi!!! I just wanted to let you know that I’m having a moving sale so I have to get rid of everything!! feel free to check it out! I love sharing, offers and bundles! Happy poshing ! Let me know if you have any questions 🥰
Apr 30Reply
lovebugjm311 Hi Stacey, I did drop off the sheets at the post office on Thursday. I hope they arrive quickly. I apologize for the mail delay. I received an email from Poshmark telling me to mail my item, but I did and just wanted to let you know. Have a great weekend 🌸
May 30Reply
staceysumpter @lovebugjm311 oh, I'm not worried! i always feel bad when i get a notification saying someone has been notified. i guess it's their job though. no problem, but thank you for messaging and have a great weekend! 💙💙
May 30Reply
lovebugjm311 Thank you Stacey.
May 31Reply
lovebugjm311 Hi Stacey, I am so happy that you liked the sheets. They are very cute and I am a big Peanuts fan. I'm going to try to post more items, as I must do some serious purging and make room for new stuff. Enjoy the sheets and please stay safe. Have a wonderful summer. Thank you.
Jun 06Reply
staceysumpter @lovebugjm311 Michele, I can't even express how happy I was to recieve a simple sheet set! Literally made my day! Thank you again so much! 💙💙 xoxo
Jun 06Reply
staceysumpter @lovebugjm311 And yes, please tag me with anymore Peanuts items! 👍👍
Jun 06Reply
lushandlavish My husband and I enjoyed the pics of Lilith and family. They are truly fortunate to have you as their devoted caregiver. I am in awe as I sit in my NYC highrise! Be safe and my gratitude to you for making POSHMARK a pleasurable experience.
Jun 16Reply
staceysumpter @lushandlavish Awwww thank you! They're my babies! also, thank you for helping me PURGE!! You've been outstanding in that capacity! Ditto on making Poshmark fun and interesting/making new friends!! 💙💙💙
Jun 16Reply
jewelsbysara Hey lovely🥰 I would love if you dropped over at my closet for a visit. For amazing deals🎁If you have any questions free to ask me🎉 Happy Poshing❤️
Jul 24Reply
latoy86 thankyou for the share
Jul 28Reply
eclecticmitten I just got your offer on the police album. I want to make sure it’s clear that I have not played it on a record player to test it let me know if you still wanted it
Aug 23Reply
staceysumpter @eclecticmitten Hello! Thanks for your honesty! I think your description stated no obvious scratches; (I've been looking at vinyl for the past hour, can't remember😬) But yes, if that's the case, I'd love to have it! Thank you again for double checking! I appreciate that, it's rare! 👍👍
Aug 23Reply
eclecticmitten @staceysumpter I am going to go double check because it’s been on sale for a while. I will take pix to make sure you are ok with it.
Aug 23Reply
staceysumpter @eclecticmitten great!! thank you!
Aug 23Reply
edithspitz I love your closet!
Aug 23Reply
staceysumpter @edithspitz SAME!! Thank you! That's very sweet coming from such a talent💙
Aug 23Reply
factoryconnect Hi Posher! For discount prices and special offers on my Ray Ban Sunglasses, like the item listing. I will send you an exclusive offer only available by liking the listing. FOLLOWING LIKING = SAVING!!!
Sep 05Reply
randinewton697 Hi! Cute profile!! I can ship out your order by Tuesday I hope that is okay! ❤️
Nov 09Reply
staceysumpter @randinewton697 Thank you for both!! ❤ Sounds good; have a great Monday! 👍
Nov 09Reply
lushandlavish @staceysumpter Hi hope u had a great lambing season and Thanksgivi ng!! Trying to upgrade my personal closet and Posh closet. What is the best u can do on my bundle and would appreciate answers to my questions .Thanks friend
Dec 06Reply
staceysumpter @lushandlavish Hey! Good, except we both had the flu AND 62 lambs. EXHAUSTED!! What did y'all do?
Dec 06Reply
staceysumpter @lushandlavish So it'd be $291 with $4.99 shipping. She's not budging on that.. (She still has a flip phone and says 'I don't have time for all that' haha! 😁 like I do..)
Dec 06Reply
lushandlavish @staceysumpter Good luck I would only be interested under 200. She will sell it and it may come back a couple of times. I cannot sell or wear it without investing in refurbishing . thanks for your consideration and patience.
Dec 06Reply
staceysumpter @lushandlavish You could always throw out an offer. Like after it's been up for awhile ya know. Every day is different with her; you never know! I never know either. Kinda wish I hadn't taken on her project. I doubt I'll know some questions I'll get.. oh well.. we'll see..
Dec 06Reply
nyfashionstore Can you check out my closet if you have any time 🤍
Jan 16Reply
terri_wowk Thanks for sharing Stacey, I appreciate that! Let’s both hope for lots of sales!! Make sure you smile today! 😁😁
Feb 14Reply
staceysumpter @terri_wowk 👍👍💙💙
Feb 14Reply
bestdressed995 Baaaaaa⭐️have fun shopping & selling
Mar 02Reply
staceysumpter @bestdressed995 Rl Thanks and DITTO!! 💙❤
Mar 02Reply
havefaith28 Happy Birthday Stacey!🐠🐠
Mar 12Reply
staceysumpter @havefaith28 Thank you my friend💙
Mar 12Reply
havefaith28 @staceysumpter Have a great day tomorrow! 😊🎂👍🐠🐠
Mar 12Reply
Mar 17Reply
pdirv Hello Stacey! Thanks for stopping by. I see that you liked one of my items. If you have any questions or interested in having this, let me know. Keep me in mind and have a great day!😊🌻
May 04Reply
millerhaley85 I’m on fb under TroyHaley Miller if you’re on there and wanna add me!
May 30Reply
staceysumpter @millerhaley85 I got hacked awhile back and can't (really don't wanna) get back on! Like I remember my password from 6yrs ago! But I can look people up and y'all are beautiful! (Beau especially! 😉)No Messenger either.. What are you doing for the HOLIDAY?? (I'm eating and napping, maybe watching Love after Lockup 😕.. good times)
May 31Reply
millerhaley85 @staceysumpter I can’t say I blame you there! I’ve been hacked a couple times and have been thinking about calling it quits! Aww thank you! Beau beau is our little nephew! He’s rotten! I love that y’all are living the farm life, y’all should definitely come to Oklahoma! We’re surrounded by chickens and pigs lol! We love it here!
May 31Reply
millerhaley85 @staceysumpter We’re doing the same for the Holiday, just napping and binging Netflix and Hulu lol! We’ve had way too much rain to do anything else, it’s been a huge bummer the last several weeks. Non stop rain. 😩😩
May 31Reply
staceysumpter @millerhaley85 How am I just seeing this?! 😕 Anywho! Yes! Farm life is the bestest! Not so fun choring in 8billion degree weather but... No rain here; we need it!! Bring some my way.. Beau looks like he's gonna mess stuff up some day.. or he has already. 😅 Is it super hot there? It's barely July and I'm dying. I'll miss you.. 😏
Jun 03Reply
millerhaley85 @staceysumpter lol!! It gets hot as balls here, but so far it’s still in the 70’s, low 80’s because of all this rain. It’s literally rained for the last month with maybe a day or two of sunshine. Very odd for us. By this point, we should be reaching the 90’s. I’ll gladly send you all the rain!!! Haha Beau is gonna mess some stuff up, he’s much bigger than his big sister already! We think he will be a linebacker one day! 🤣🤣
Jun 04Reply
chomoy77 @millerhaley85 hello. I’m glad you liked your item and thanks for your feedback you made my day! I already do my best to provide the best service to my buyer. Thank you!
Jul 03Reply
kareynascloset Hey there Stacey! Thank you so much for the 5 star rating and the nice comment! I hope you get your phone very soon! Have a great weekend!
Sep 04Reply
staceysumpter @millerhaley85 Just saying HI and I miss your face so there. Also it'll probably be another year before I reply so there also.. 🤷♥️👍😉
Sep 05Reply
staceysumpter @kareynascloset I FINALLY GOT IT! THANKS SO MUCH!! 😊
Sep 05Reply
kareynascloset YAY! That is great news! Nothing like a new phone! Congrats!!!
Sep 05Reply
millerhaley85 @staceysumpter hi friend!!! I hope you’re doing well!!!! Don’t wait a year to reply! Lol! ♥️♥️
Sep 07Reply
adventureal Hi, Thank you for your interest in the clock. A photo of the clock out of the box has been added to the listing. The clock takes three triple A batteries or it can be run without batteries using the included USB cord plugged into a USB outlet or a regular wall electrical outlet using the USB cord and a wall socket adaptor (wall socket adaptor not included). I welcome your offer for the clock. Thanks again!
Nov 08Reply
staceysumpter @adventureal Thank you; it's adorable! 🖤🤍
Nov 08Reply
sboyce140 Hi sweetie! Thanks for the follow and the shares 😉😉😊
Dec 11Reply
staceysumpter @sboyce140 Hey Stephen! Right back atcha! 💙👍😊
Dec 11Reply
lmoore840 Heeey, I am happy to say, I am having a HOLIDAY SALE on my page, come check it out, won’t be doing these sells for long, get things low while you can!!!I have great Christmas presentsss😃😃!!YAAAAY! 🎁🎁,Merry Christmas and Happy New Years!!!!🤩🤩🤩!!!
Dec 19Reply
the0nlyprince08 Look at my closet for some underrated Nike and Jordan’s, vans sneakers for you, your son or daughter, etc ( read the deatils)
Dec 24Reply
nancynizza Hi Stacy. I hope you get this message. The k you so much for your comments. You are too sweet. You asked if I waterproofed the boots and to be honest I don’t remember. I hope you enjoy them. I am so glad to have met you. Happy weekend!!
Feb 18Reply
staceysumpter @nancynizza Nancy! They're definitely my new favorite! Thanks so very much again and you also have a great weekend! (I'll spray them just in case!) ❤
Feb 18Reply
oregonblt I just bought the LP set I messaged you about, sorry about the confusion, for some reason my phone was not showing the description. Can you please ship this today? I'm only at the Oregon address I provided for another 9 days and I really need it. Thank you!
Mar 11Reply
staceysumpter @oregonblt No worries, they'll go out today! Thanks so much! ♥️
Mar 11Reply
cutehosiery @staceysumpter Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
May 14Reply
staceysumpter @cutehosiery Thank you & right back atcha! ❤️❤️
May 14Reply
rbsinger @staceysumpter please see the closet clear out offer on the item you like.
May 15Reply
watsonlilmommy @staceysumpter hello how you check out my closet all offers accepted also have some beautiful bracelets sets you maybe interested in
Aug 03Reply
watsonlilmommy @staceysumpter hello how are you check out my closet see something you like send me a offer all offers accepted also have some beautiful bracelets sets as well ❤️‍🩹
Aug 23Reply
rozell @staceysumpter Hi I bought 6 hats I fell for the Scam And they never shipped the hats I had to wait 7 days to get my money
Aug 24Reply
staceysumpter @rozell Ugh! You know when you try to give people a chance; knowing damn well it's too good to be true; just thinking.. well, maybe....Oh well, we won't let 'em dim our hopes in others goodness..Thanks for replying ❤️
Aug 24Reply
rozell @staceysumpter 💕💕Bummer the pictures look beautiful I got caught up in the moment LOL‼️Buy oh well
Aug 24Reply
staceysumpter @rozell I know!! The Dior Book Bag!! 🤍🤍 Sigh....
Aug 24Reply
natsantangelo Just popped in to say hello. Have a great day and happy poshing. Why not check out my closet too?
Dec 25Reply
prettylilnyny hi love the goats
Jul 03Reply
nataliejulesfp Hi Stacey!👋🌺Wonderful Poshmark Closet🤗🎉Hope you are having fun shopping~✨Please take a peek at my closet!👀💗 I always can give you a great deal!🧁Lots of jewelry with cute gift box🎁 and cleaning towelette too! 🎀🎊 Love the goat pics!💞
Oct 01Reply
bonair Hello Stacy, made you a counter offer on your somewhat low offer for the PTR skincare product, cheers
Nov 11Reply
thillbill Hello fellow posher! Feel free to check out my closet sometime, few thousand items and many to still add. Sometime for everyone. Hit the search button if looking for specific size or items. shopping 🛍
Dec 04Reply
kiwi12010 @staceysumpter I wanted to accept your offer of $17 plus )4.99 shipping on the pair of hanging copper pots you have listed but I responded too late .. it was already expired ..Can you make me the offer again?
Jan 30Reply
unclaimed Stacey Amazing beautiful ❤️ 😍 pictures. Nice closet. Wishing you health happiness and prosperity . Enjoy a 50% discount on your next purchase of $50+ from my closet. ( Expires 9/30/24 )Free shipping on a $26 purchase. I also wholesale purchase any items priced $20 or less for $5 each with a minimum purchase of $50. Start your closet for $50 or replenish your inventory. Check out the Poshmark videos on the YouTube channel: Great ideas to increase your sales!!
Aug 26Reply
shoppegigi Thank you Stacey for your review and purchase from our shop! Omg, your little goat is so precious! Happy Holidays 💚❤️🙌🫶🏻
Nov 06Reply
staceysumpter @shoppegigi Thank YOU!! ♡♡♡♡
Nov 06Reply
candy258 Hi🙋🏽‍♀️Happy Poshing‼️🛍
Feb 15Reply

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