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Updated Feb 18
Updated Feb 18




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Friends, I'm shocked at the number of fake MK bags I'm seeing. Anyone can buy bulk fake & resell! 😬View online tutorials, articles, etc. It's hard when you can't touch the bag, but here are my FAVE alerts. REAL HARDWARE is SUBSTANTIAL & not 'overly gold'. The zipper tabs are heavy & imprinted on ONE side, not both & are not rounded. The ZIPPER itself is smooth and should not look CHEAP & sticky. Just because it has a TAG doesn't mean it's real! And if the price is too good to be true it is!
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debralkeller And YES, "I" actually bought that purse from a seller on M (who sells on here too) and I lit up M with photos, counterfeit laws and a litany of reasons the bag was fake. I immediately got a refund, apology, etc. but am livid to see all the people buying bags from overseas and selling them to unsuspecting buyers!
Dec 22Reply
aurora_aurora Amen! I sell real MK and see all these fakes going for cheap everywhere!
Dec 24Reply
aurora_aurora Hard to compete with fake bags 😕
Dec 24Reply
debralkeller @aurora_aurora I agree 100% It's really rampant and it's awful.
Dec 24Reply
debralkeller @aurora_aurora And the seller I bought that bag from on M is on here as well. I couldn't believe it. ☹️
Dec 24Reply
beach_blvd Wow. This is gut wrenching.
Dec 31Reply
beach_blvd @debralkeller there’s a closet i saw on here that’s states it has well over 2,000 listings & about 98% of that is bags and wallets for sale, more so MK & KS. I’ve questioned it before but now I’m really thinking there’s just no way it’s all real
Dec 31Reply
debralkeller @rose_gold_allie Thanks so much and I'm sorry I'm just now seeing your comment! 💜
Dec 31Reply
debralkeller @2ndavenueco It really disturbs me. I plan to do a couple more posts with more warning signs and examples of real vs. fake. Another one is the inside tag. A real MK bag has a tag sewn directly under the inside zipper and not the ones I see on some sellers whose tags are only stitched on each side with 3 stitches.
Dec 31Reply
debralkeller It's SO wrong and is literally a crime but sellers do it every day on here. And yes, to your point on super high bag volume - there's just no way unless your buying the fakes internationally for nothing! 😬
Dec 31Reply
debralkeller A warning on the KS bags is the color of the tag - they should be PINK. 😉
Dec 31Reply
beach_blvd @debralkeller oo yes!! I haven’t seen any “MK beware” posts so it would be great if you could do so! And yes i agree! Makes me sick to my stomach too. It’s one thing to not know, but who would genuinely admit that? No one, because it’s illegal what their doing
Dec 31Reply
dchillas Wow this is shocking I had no idea you could buy fake bags I always picture the movies somebody meeting in a back alley in buying out of the trunk or like the scene from sex and the city but this is against the law if anybody sees this action reported to Crime Stoppers you’re probably get a reward this is ridiculous
Jan 02Reply
tashawong The super fakes for lux are crazy nowadays!
Jan 03Reply
debralkeller @dchillas lol. I know, I think that's the way everyone used to think it happened, but it's literally easy and rampant now. it's such a problem now that there are task forces dedicated to counterfeit goods. And sadly, I've come across a number on here. Sheer volume is also a clue - people are NOT buying in mass from MKors 'warehouses' or outlets.
Jan 03Reply
debralkeller @dchillas lol. I know, I think that's the way everyone used to think it happened, but it's literally easy and rampant now. it's such a problem now that there are task forces dedicated to counterfeit goods. And sadly, I've come across a number on here. Sheer volume is also a clue - people are NOT buying in mass from MKors 'warehouses' or outlets.
Jan 03Reply
debralkeller @dchillas There are outlets of course but they're discounted older styles - and they're still not $30! BUT you can certainly buy in bulk from fake overseas manufacturers and make a fortune reselling. AND it's a real crime. I'm going to do some more posts as soon as I can. Thanks for your comment. ❤️
Jan 03Reply
debralkeller @dchillas There are outlets of course but they're discounted older styles - and they're still not $30! BUT you can certainly buy in bulk from fake overseas manufacturers and make a fortune reselling. AND it's a real crime. I'm going to do some more posts as soon as I can. Thanks for your comment. ❤️
Jan 03Reply
debralkeller @tashawong SO crazy. I now find myself obsessively looking at pics of bags on here and see tons that are fake. I know a bit about Kate Spade but humbly say I know a lot about MK bags. They're my real expertise. Thanks for commenting. We've got to raise awareness. ❤️
Jan 03Reply
dchillas I am in attorney in California I’ve been licensed since 1995 and that fried should not be going on my son is telling me that it’s going on with all these high-end tennis shoes as well you would think that Gucci Kate Spade Louis Vuitton they have enough power to shut it down if they want to I don’t know if the thinking process is at all flattery is the best complement I don’t get it because if you buy a piece of crap purse it’s going to fall apart🎉
Jan 03Reply
dchillas Yeah Posh should have an authenticity check on all big name brands and purses over $100 something I’m always suspicious when somebody pops up with a closet with 25 Louis Vuitton bags and 14 Chanel bags out of nowhere it’s like how did you afford to buy all those or have you really been storing all those to sell I’ve been scammed I bought a Michael Kors purse that wasn’t authentic I bought it off Posh and I bought something else that was fake 2 fake purses that I’m aware of but now I don’t know.
Jan 03Reply
debralkeller @dchillas You are SO right and yes on someone having so many bags. It's just bogus. If I can ever help, let me know - and I don't mean 'buy my bags' haha - buy I humbly say I know a lot about MK fakes. A bit about KS, like old bags have green tags, not pink., not much about Gucci, but a lot about MK.
Jan 03Reply
debralkeller @dchillas I even try to post part of my receipts now on my post because I feel so strongly about people being aware. In real life I work in legal compliance so unethical trash like these fakes makes me crazy. Thanks for your comment and please share the post of you don't mind. 💙
Jan 03Reply
debralkeller @dchillas So nice to meet you btw. I have lots of attorneys in my life. haha - a brother in law and 2 nephews licenced to in IN and a BF licenced in SC & IN. 😉 Unfortunately my husband chose to own a bar and restaurant instead! haha. But I believe the problem just became so rampant but was initially ignored until it became uncontrollable.
Jan 03Reply
greatdanish Unfortunately, you can go to NYC any time of year and load up on fake MK, LV, KS and the list goes on and on. I am no longer shocked but I had hoped that PM would hold their sellers accountable and close those closets. Ah well.
Jan 04Reply
debralkeller @greatdanish You are so right and maybe this sounds naive but maybe if enough people report the violaters it will happen. I know they stand to lose a LOT of money BUT there's a certain liability for allowing it to happen, which literally makes them an accessory to the crime...and people really don't seem to understand it IS a crime.
Jan 04Reply
greatdanish @debralkeller I totally agree with you. Poshmark will also lose its good reputation for being a responsible place to shop for high quality items.
Jan 05Reply
mmaggs234 thank you for posting because I'm selling one mk bag and I just check it out what you was saying. The bag is authentic but thank you again!
Jan 06Reply
closet401 This was super helpful and informational! Thank you for sharing this info and post!! Wishing you all the success you are working for!!! 🥂😊
Jan 06Reply
debralkeller @closet401 Thank you so much for your comment! There's so much more to check for, I'm going to do a couple more. Things like looking at the spacing of the logo letters. It's extremely precise and in perfect alignment. On some of the bags on here it's subtlety off and on others it looks like they were literally glued on by hand. Crazy! Thank you again for your kind comment & so glad it helped! ❤️
Jan 06Reply
debralkeller @mmaggs234 You are so welcome. Also make sure the logo lining is all going in one direction and lines up. And look at the logo letters and make sure they are very precise and exactly spaced apart. No letter will be out of line even a little bit. They reject those bags and MK won't sell. If it has a hanging circular logo, make sure it's perfectly round and the MK doesn't look wonky.
Jan 06Reply
debralkeller @mmaggs234 Also - One sided logo imprint on zippers. If it's Saffiano leather it will be very soft, which is what MK has perfected. And the inside tag will be sewn directly under inside zipper. I think I just wrote my second post! haha. Thanks for commenting! ❤️
Jan 06Reply
closet401 @debralkeller it did, thank you, for being so amazing and sharing your knowledge!! Happy Poshing!!
Jan 06Reply
mmaggs234 @debralkeller ok, thanks! plus your welcome
Jan 06Reply
maidmarian @aurora_aurora @debralkeller And fakes selling for more than vintage with good stock photos. Blows my mind. Appreciate this information!
Jan 07Reply
debralkeller @maidmarian You are so welcome. More posts to come this week. Such a shame, not to mention a crime. Read through the comments if you have a minute. I have some additional red flags to other commenters. And thanks so much for your comment ❤️. If we report enough of the fake sellers/items I think we can have an impact.
Jan 07Reply
faithoverfear07 @debralkeller MK bags has tags on the side somewhere to with date code. Not all are under the zipper I only buy 100% authentic and all that I’ve seen are sewn inside on the side somewhere on a black or plastic label. I know a few closets here well two I should say that has a enormous amount of stuff listed and these ladies don’t work and it’s high price name brands. One lady told me she has her friends get her stuff she pays them. 5 finger discount is what her closet is
Jan 07Reply
praise2019 Yep!! It makes me angry because not only MK but Burberry as well. I can easily spot them on a lot of sellers but they sell it below $500 so it does not need authentication from Posh. This people need to get caught😩😩
Jan 12Reply
beantowngurl1 shared!!
Jan 16Reply
rockintherack @debralkeller ty darlin for the info I’ve learned something new💖...... oh and I recently ran across a lady who does buying and selling for some high end stores that stock and sell MK
Feb 11Reply
rockintherack sets ( matching wallets) and she told me something that literally shocked me.... she said that when she bought different sets fir stores to stock if they found out that a piece was non authentic by accident they were told to sell it off
Feb 11Reply
rockintherack the floor as quick as they could so they weren’t stuck with it 😳😳😳and she was told by an “inside” person with MK that they are very aware of the selling of “ GREAT DUPES” and that MK gets a cut of the sales of those bags and look the other way😱😱😱I was floored at that one but nowadays I don’t doubt it tho☹️😡😡🥺
Feb 11Reply
debralkeller @rockintherack Wow! I'm shocked. The friend who works for MK whó taught me what í know has never said that, Maybe she doesn't know. Crazy.
Feb 11Reply
rockintherack @debralkeller I’m thinking maybe she absolutely didn’t know as it’s probably the high up big wigs who are aware.....,,,???? It’s sad what this world has become ☹️☹️☹️☹️😘💖💖💖💖
Feb 11Reply
ashtan2017 exactly. i was a victim. the price was too good to be true but didn't think much cuz i thought everyone respected the rules NoFakes. i had an original of the same one i ordered(diff color) so was too obvious wen i got my shipment and was a great fake. 🙈🙈🙈
Feb 11Reply

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