US$3 US$5
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1. PRICE‼️Can’t stress this enough! Pic#2 details Offical Birk Website $ range: $80 (most basic Birko-Flor) to $350. IF you are paying $70 for NWB Birk’s—especially leather—something is wrong! Resellers can NOT purchase that cheap to be able to resell w/ ANY profit—esp on a platform that takes 20%!
2. (Pic#3) BOX! Birk boxes on Left; Right: Papillio. HOWEVER, many fakes are in those boxes! LOOK FURTHER AT DETAILS ON UPC (Pic#4) Label needs to match shoes! Fakes often have some (minor) error—TBC!

224 others
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Thank you for doing this! Question, on the picture with the soles of the shoe. What is the difference with the fake?
Feb 03Reply

@jandzmamma Hi! You’re very welcome! I believe it’s long overdue. And I appreciate that folks, such as yourself, care. I’m going to post PART II hopefully later today and will get to add details about those next few pictures that will answer your question. Stay tuned!
Feb 03Reply

@jandzmamma So, just posted Part II, but still haven’t gotten to your question/image. Working on Part III now, which should get there! Lots too cover! 😬
Feb 03Reply

@botablu Thank you😘
Feb 03Reply

@jandzmamma Ok. Just posted Part III so that should answer your question. Let me know if you need any further clarification.
Feb 03Reply

Thank you for this!!! I would’ve purchased a fake pair if I hadn’t come across this!!! That tiny footprint 🦶was the only giveaway!
Feb 23Reply

@ariesmoon You’re very welcome!! So glad to hear it’s helping! 🤗 Trying to get back to adding more to the series—there’s a lot to cover!
Feb 23Reply

Thanks to this listing, I almost was thinking about buying a pair of Birkenstock’s and saw they were fake. It is weird she has one pair real and the others fake. She probably does not even know. I didn’t until I saw this. Thank you so much for having these for people.
Mar 02Reply

@finksfinds You’re very welcome! Sorry to hear, yet again, of more fakes.🥴🙄 But so glad this helped you avoid buying them. And so true—I’m sure there’s some sellers who are not intending to deceive. You can usually tell pretty quickly by their responsiveness—or lack thereof—to questions, etc.
Mar 02Reply

Okay so I have bought a pair of Birkenstock’s from A store like Nordstrom or Neiman and Marcus and it would be fake according to this listing. Do you think in some cases they have a different foot print? I mean I bought from a legit store. Should I contact that store?
Mar 03Reply

@finksfinds I’m not sure what you mean by “different footprint”—how? And do you mean on the shoe itself or on the box or where? I would likely need to see what you mean & understand better how you believe that may conflict with something I said.
Mar 03Reply

@botablu like your 5th photo has a different looking foot imprint on the soles of the pictures. One looks like an actual foot and one on right does not. I have seen others post that when it had a stamp on insole that looks like the one on right it is fake. I’m sorry I am so confusing. I have a pair in my closet I am most worried about since I don’t know for sure.
Mar 03Reply

@botablu you know I am looking at it all wrong lol so sorry to bug you with this.
Mar 03Reply

@finksfinds Oh no worries. That 5th pic is discussed in Part III. It’s not the footprint that makes that fake—it’s the men’s/women’s size discrepancy. And if you mean the footprint is colored in vs. not colored in—that’s just telling you if it’s regular or narrow width.
Mar 03Reply

@botablu I feel so stupid. Part of learning I guess. Hahaha thanks so much for everything.
Mar 03Reply

@finksfinds You’re very welcome. Not stupid at all. Always remaining educable—love it!—that’s my moto. 😉
Mar 03Reply

I don’t see how the regular size 🦶 in the second right pic is fake, please let me know what I’m missing. I really appreciate your help as I’m on the market for a few pairs this summer! Thank You in advance
Mar 07Reply

@mhsouza No problem. Glad it’s helping. Not sure what “second right pic” you mean? If you mean the 5th pic—that is addressed in Part III. If that’s not what you mean, let me know.
Mar 07Reply

attention @rachellejones09 is selling all fake birkenstocks check my listings to find my post for proof stay clear of their account !!!
Mar 12Reply

@fymkatie 😳 Wow. And has sold tons of em. Smh. Sorry to hear that happened to ya hun. Hope you reported it & that Posh takes action.
Mar 12Reply

@botablu Yes i’ve decided to write an email to posh just now actually.... after i have discovered they blocked me i was unable to warn the users on their page
Mar 12Reply

@fymkatie If you haven’t yet accepted the purchase—DON’T. And open a case checking off inauthentic/fake/replica product. That way they will do an investigation.
Mar 12Reply

@botablu oh ok so it sounds like they will do an investigation that’s good! luckily i won the case
Mar 12Reply

their account should’ve been banned i report them so many times too
Mar 12Reply

@fymkatie So your saying you did do that—opened a case & they approved the return? And yes, unfortunately I’ve had the same experiences of reporting & reporting... & nada. It’s a big problem. I’m sure Posh is inundated with these reports. Hope to see a better system one of these days for swift & serious repercussions to the “offenders”.
Mar 12Reply

@botablu Yes luckily i caught it and opened a case most the time i’ll accept with out inspecting the item however i was weary because they were only charging $45
Mar 12Reply

@fymkatie Yep. Sign #1 there’s a problem here! 😬 Lol! Well I’m glad at least you weren’t out the $45. And keep on posh about this seller—maybe they’ll take action... one if these days. 😁
Mar 12Reply

@botablu the sad thing is there’s prolly at least thousands of others like them who only sell “birkenstocks” i’ve actually stopped using posh due to them letting people get scammed and not taking actions i’ve now switched to curtsy XD
Mar 12Reply

@fymkatie Well I’m sorry to hear they’ve lost you as a customer due to this. It is very unfortunate they lose business because there are many reputable sellers on here too. But I do understand the few bad apples can seem to spoil the bunch—& it’s the reason I started this series to help folks avoid the scammers. I do hope you give posh—& the reputable sellers—another chance in the future.
Mar 12Reply

Great info on all parts 1-3. Thanks!!
Mar 18Reply

@catherinegoogle Oh, great! You’re very welcome. Thank you!! 😊
Mar 18Reply

@fymkatie I've reported them, too, and commented on their page and called them out on it. (A potential client commented asking if their Birks were authentic, and I replied to her saying no, and told her what to look for. The seller deleted the comment, obviously, and then blocked me, but I had already reported her account and all her current listings.) Oh well. We've done what we can.
Mar 26Reply

@mellifluity8 Good for you! Yeah, hopefully one of these days Posh will have a proper system & support staff in place to get these sellers & listings off of here for good—but very unfortunately, it looks like for now, that seller is selling away. Smh.
Mar 26Reply

@botablu We can only hope. I'll be keeping an eye on your shop for a pair of Milano's! YOU I trust. 😉
Mar 26Reply

@mellifluity8 I just sent Posh an email specifically regarding that. We shall see if that has any more impact.
Mar 26Reply

@mellifluity8 Aww, thanks!! 😉 Haven’t stocked them but have had some interest. Let me know your size/any color preference and if I run across them next time I’m placing an order, I can try to bring at least one in.
Mar 26Reply

@botablu Thanks! I'm a 39, looking for a black or brown. 😁
Mar 26Reply

@mellifluity8 I took a peak for you but doesn’t look like any good options in that size right now. When you get a chance though, let me know if you’re open to Birko-Flor or only leather.
Mar 26Reply

@botablu I'm looking for leather. Let me know if anything comes up. I'll keep an eye on your listings!
Mar 27Reply

@mellifluity8 Sounds good hun. Thanks!!
Mar 27Reply

Thank you for posting this!! I’m so tied of fakes on the market and so many people are ripped off every day!! 🙏🏼
Apr 12Reply

@corrinesusan You’re very welcome hun. Hopefully putting a small dent at least in, yes, a very large problem.
Apr 12Reply

@finksfinds I’m still confused at what makes the footprint a fake? The others have it too
May 27Reply

@mbashi this was a long time ago that I messaged and since then she had explained these shoes to me. Thanks.
May 27Reply

@mbashi Hi. It’s not the footprint.. please see part III that addresses that pic.
May 27Reply

@botablu I am looking for Mayari in Stone or Arizona on you have either of those?
May 27Reply

@mbashi Yes—Mayari & Arizona Metallic Stones—what EU size? I can tag you on them if I have your size in stock.
May 27Reply

@botablu I’m a size 9 in Birks. Not metallic, just regular if you have
May 27Reply

@mbashi Size 9 as in a 40 or 39? You mentioned stones which is usually the metallic stones—or do you mean something else? If you mean brown, I have nothing in brown right now.
May 27Reply

@botablu hmm, I mis-spoke. The color I was referring to was a grey color, they actually don’t come in that color on the website.
May 27Reply

@mbashi Ok. If you tell me if you’re a 39 or 40 I can tag you on what I have that’s either a Mayari or Arizona (I assume you don’t want platform?)
May 27Reply

@botablu EU40. No platform
May 27Reply

@mbashi I tagged you on 3. All others are sold out in that size right now.
May 27Reply

@botablu ok thank you so much. If you get any more let me known
May 27Reply

I own 3 pairs directly from Birkenstock and I still have trouble spotting fakes lol. I’m very paranoid to buy them from anywhere else besides the website or authorized retailers. It would be nice to save some money but it’s just not worth it to me. 😬
May 31Reply

@katishiflett Lol! I get it. It can be tricky... and the fakes are getting better so even more challenging. But if you follow the tips I have set out it should help. And there’s much more to cover still!
May 31Reply

Thanks for this! Nice of you!
Jun 02Reply

@mybell You’re welcome hun! 😊
Jun 02Reply

Oh no I just saw this post and I think I bought some off poshmark that are fake! 😭 how can I report this and return my money!
Jun 28Reply

@resellerkarina Hi. Ugh. Did you already accept them?
Jun 28Reply

@lillian790 You’re welcome! ☺️
Aug 04Reply

this is scary....................... what else is fake??????????????
Aug 10Reply

Is there a way to distinguish whether or not the EVA or rubber Birkenstock’s are real or fake?
Aug 17Reply

@gabahontas Hi. You should be able to apply all these same concepts to most any Birk.
Aug 17Reply

@botablu Okay thank you!
Aug 17Reply

thank you
Aug 25Reply

Wow! I really appreciate you taking the time to do this! thank you!
Aug 30Reply

@sashamilllie You’re very welcome. 🙂
Aug 30Reply

I think I’ll be coming to you with any concerns🤔 they are getting harder to spot!
Oct 03Reply

@braycourtastle Sounds good! 😉
Oct 03Reply

Thanks sir doing this. The onl issue I have is ty pricing. U. Listed is high. The. Big. Buckles are 150
Nov 11Reply

@lindsay4941 You’re welcome. If you’re to the pics above & associated pricing, that was directly from Birkenstock’s website. Of course, pricing of certain models may fluctuate depending on material and may also vary over time.
Nov 11Reply

@lindsay4941 Sorry *if you’re referencing the pics above...
Nov 11Reply

@botablu mt phone is not working well. I was just looking at the big buckle yesterday and they are 150 online. No big deal I just appreciate u doing this
Nov 11Reply

@lindsay4941 No worries. The ones in that pic are a brushed metallic leather with a black sole—probably a higher end—even possibly limited edition—of the big buckle models. Just like any Arizona can range from $50 (for some plastic EVA’s) up to $500 or more. But was a long time ago when I gathered those pics, so don’t remember specifics on that particular bog buckle model.
Nov 11Reply

@judys54 Please do not respond to someone on this feed with disparaging comments such as you did. If you’re confused or unclear on something please address your comments/questions to me. Thank you.
Apr 14Reply

I just ordered a pair, I hope that they are authentic.
Jul 18Reply

@bhunter6050 There are a few reputable sellers on here—I can only vouch for myself & one other seller—hopefully they are🤞🏻. If you have concerns don’t accept them & open a case for return. 👍🏻
Jul 18Reply

@botablu - I’m looking for a pair myself… I’ve identified that foot print as my first key of Authenticity!!! The foot print outline rather than the full gold colored foot print AND the sizing are two traits I’ve learned from your posts!!! THANK YOU!!! I applaud what you’re doing!!! Now if we could only ‘weed out’ the ones pushing to sell what they may or may not know are fakes - of anything - this would be the Posh I remember from way back when!!! 🤌🏻🙏🏻💪🏻
May 18Reply

@nickynicole0202 Hi! Thanks so much. Yes, things have changed, for sure. As for the the footprint—that is not what we are pointing out in those photos. It has to do with the error in sizing. The outline vs the colored in print just determines the width—narrow vs regular fit—of the Birk.
May 18Reply

@botablu Hi! Thanks for responding… Yes, I know it was a little off topic but it did have something to do with size since I was unaware of the two meaning either narrow or regular size!!! Just in general I’ve been able to read your postings and check and double check what it is I should have my eyes open for!!!
May 18Reply

@nickynicole0202 Great to hear. Glad it’s helpful.
May 18Reply

oh my word THANK YOU
Jul 14Reply

@botablu I accidentally touched something that “reported” your comment. It was TOTALLY IN ERROR! Should you have ANY ISSUE from Poshmark, PLEASE contact me or have them contact me. I AM SO VERY SORRY!
Aug 03Reply

@botablu A filled in footprint is narrow while the open footprint is regular or a little wider
Aug 03Reply

TY for this info..The emblem on the shoe that is like the shape,of a shield, ,,if that is empty (some say leder(leather) ..If that is empty,are those fake?
Sep 16Reply

@chonka68 Hi. You’re welcome. No, many authentic Birk’s have nothing inside that shield emblem.
Sep 16Reply

@botablu TYSM for replying✌
Sep 16Reply
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