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Updated Mar 03
Updated Mar 03

ALIGN TANK PSA!! **TRUST ME - you’ll want to know!

lululemon athletica

US$5,000 US$54

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If you’re trying to get an align tank but it’s all sold out, you can always do a charge send (you call the store, pay for it over the phone, and they’ll send it to you). This only works if you have the Lululemon APP so download it!! It looks sold out online but just click your size, click “not available in stores” and you can see that there are tons of stores left that have it in stock. You just call up that store and get your align tank. DON’T OVERPAY! PEOPLE ARE CHARGING $90+ for a $54 tank!
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trees_pet Didn’t know you could do that thank you for posting this!
Feb 21Reply
ngocnguyen1994 @trees_pet you’re welcome! I was THIS close to getting a black align tank for $85 when the lululemon associate told me about this! So I know the FOMO is real with this tank - and I love the pink and white one that I have! So just wanted to pass on the knowledge! 😉
Feb 21Reply
lovem3l @ngocnguyen1994 That's so nice of you! Sending out love!
Feb 21Reply
sidneyhalo You’re awesome!!
Feb 21Reply
ngocnguyen1994 @lovem3l you’re welcome! :) hope you’ll be able to find a tank!
Feb 21Reply
ngocnguyen1994 @sidneyhalo awww shucks! Hope you were able to get one!
Feb 21Reply
taconesaltos Also make sure you have gc for lll because most stores won’t do cc over the phone anymore because of fraud
Feb 21Reply
ngocnguyen1994 @taconesaltos hmm I didn’t know about this?! I called the store in Georgia and they let me use my credit card? I’ve done charge sends before and it hasn’t been a problem..? But good to know just in case! :D
Feb 21Reply
teagankiefer Thank you so much! I’ve been struggling with buyers doing this as well. So unfair. Appreciate your sense of integrity and community xx
Feb 21Reply
sidneyhalo @ngocnguyen1994 I wasn’t going to buy one lol I just love how you called people out for ripping people off. I see people post high prices on lululemon when it’s on sale on their website for half the price. People should be more honest! Thanks for the post!
Feb 21Reply
kittycatla one caveat though, on the upper left corner above the name of the first store in the search results, it shows the stock data was updated... “13 days ago”!
Feb 21Reply
marekathryn MVP🙌🏻
Feb 21Reply
ngocnguyen1994 @kittycatla yep it says that all the time! But the store I called in Georgia, when I looked on the app said they had 2 left (event witht eh 13 days thing), and when I called them they did! So it’s kinda of a hit and miss. You really just have to keep calling stores honestly until one of them has it. :)
Feb 21Reply
nutmegclothes Thank you for posting this I have been telling people about this for a few months people don’t realize that stores have them for $54. Not $90!!
Feb 21Reply
angelicacagg It’s nice of you to post it, because people are so greedy on here asking me over double for what is costs
Feb 21Reply
ngocnguyen1994 @teagankiefer no problem! I just feel bad for people who have to pay such high prices. Shopping for lululemon shouldn’t be like that!
Feb 21Reply
ngocnguyen1994 @alezzzzz yeah I get people doing it a bit higher just to get back what they paid for it but come on... a 100% markup is a little ridiculous.
Feb 21Reply
ngocnguyen1994 @meganwood2 YES!! And it’s so misleading on the app because it keeps saying “not available in stores” but when you click it, it shows the availability!
Feb 21Reply
ngocnguyen1994 @angelicacagg I hope you were able to get one! I know the stock is dwindling now. :( I understand if someone is trying to get back what they paid for but... 90+ is just mean! Especially for someone who really wants it!
Feb 21Reply
aschimmel @ngocnguyen1994 do you find that it runs TTS? I’ve seen comments that say to size up! I’m a 34B for reference - normally wear a 4.
Feb 22Reply
angelicacagg @aschimmel I actually got them in store already! I came on posh to see if there was other colors and was like wtf! $115 for a top?! I paid $40 with my trainer discount .. no thanks!! People buy the hot items just to over price them smh
Feb 22Reply
ngocnguyen1994 @aschimmel yeah I saw those comments to size up too! I’m always a size 4 in lulu tops and bottoms :) every time I sized up, I’ve regretted it. I bought size 4 and I’m a 32B 115lbs! Hope that helps!
Feb 22Reply
aschimmel @ngocnguyen1994 thanks sooo much!
Feb 22Reply
jilliankirby @aschimmel Im normally a 6 and found it’s TTS. If I would have sized up I don’t think I would have liked the fit. Hope that helps!
Feb 22Reply
aschimmel @jilliankirby definitely, thank you!!
Feb 22Reply
lrbposh @ngocnguyen1994 Omg, thank you for this! Seriously!!
Feb 22Reply
victoriajenks No stores near me have it available! Are you selling any on the app? I would totally pay to buy one in my size from you if it’s available in a store near you!
Feb 22Reply
ngocnguyen1994 @victoriajenks hi there! I posted this to help people buy a tank ! I’m not selling mine - sorry. But if you follow the steps I showed above with my screenshots, you can see if a store in a different state has it. Call them, pay for it over the phone, and they’ll ship it free to you. That’s what this post is for! ;)
Feb 22Reply
cortneyla Do you still have both colors in size 2 or 4?
Feb 22Reply
ngocnguyen1994 @cortneyla hi there! I have the pink and white one but those are my own! If you read the post, it just telling you how to get one by checking if a store has stock and then buying it from the store over the phone!
Feb 22Reply
rachelsfavs You’re a real one for this! Was just able to do this! Thanks so much! 👍🏻
Feb 22Reply
cortneyla @rachelsfavs thank you so much! I actually was able to find two in my size locally by using your advice! Thank you so much!
Feb 22Reply
marcela_meza @ngocnguyen1994 Thank you so much for the heads up! I found one in Carlsbad CA :) was almost going to pay $90 for one!
Feb 22Reply
ngocnguyen1994 @rachelsfavs yay! I’m glad! :) I love the align tanks and I’m sure you’ll love it too! :)
Feb 22Reply
ngocnguyen1994 @cortneyla yay!! :) that’s great news!
Feb 22Reply
ngocnguyen1994 @marcela_meza girl me TOO! I was obsessed with getting the black align tank and was going to pay waaaay more until the sales associate at lulu told me to call the stores! Us lululemon loves have to stick together :) haha
Feb 22Reply
isabellabouch so appreciate you taking the time to post this - thank you!
Feb 23Reply
gina4165 Trade?
Feb 23Reply
alex_is_fat You the real MVP 🤗
Feb 23Reply
ngocnguyen1994 @imbouchard no problem! I just hope this helps others looking for an align tank! :)
Feb 24Reply
ngocnguyen1994 @gina4165 hi there! Not sure if you know but this post shows you how to get an align tank by checking stock in stores and calling them to get it instead! I’m not selling or trading my tanks
Feb 24Reply
walmid Thank you!!! Sellers are ROBBING buyers with their prices for these tanks!!!
Feb 24Reply
ngocnguyen1994 @walmid for real! I saw one for $115 here on posh! That’s just a highway robbery! 😵
Feb 24Reply
loveandluon @ngocnguyen1994 I just returned two because I preferred my size up. Hope someone who wont resell them and will enjoy them gets them. I almost feel like part of their scarcity is people on Poshmark and evilbay buying them up to try to sell for more atm I see so many being listed.
Feb 24Reply
ngocnguyen1994 @loveandluon yes I was a bit late on the align tanks bandwagon. When I tried to look for them online, I was flabbergasted by the prices that people were charging for them! So I just had to patiently wait for a restock before I got my pink and white one tanks. I was close to paying $80+ for a black one when I found out about this tip so I thought I’d share!
Feb 24Reply
anguiano112 @ngocnguyen1994 Great post! The store associates will also call other stores for you and get them sent quickly using your profile. I just got the black and pink today sent to me while I was at my local Lulu Store. They were happy to help!! Don’t over 💰 pay!
Feb 24Reply
loveandluon @ngocnguyen1994 I realized this week when I was looking for nulu arise bras and the arise tank from 2017 popped up in search it's identical. Like I feel like it blew up because they subbed out arise for align. Not hating on the tank though I bought two and will buy a few more if I can get a Black and Garnet (and please let them do a black camo lol I'm praying). Black camo would probably crash the site at this rate.
Feb 24Reply
loveandluon @ngocnguyen1994 also they should be paying you to promote the app. I never had the app till now. Watching it to watch restocks to do send a sale since less colors show online then in the app. So thank you btw!
Feb 24Reply
ngocnguyen1994 @loveandluon I totally agree with you about the arise/align naming! The aligns are really popular leggings and material (nulu) so I think they’re trying to capitalize off of that (you can see with the variations of align pants already)! And yes, the app is more updated than online so I always recommend the app over the website! It’s super easy to use too!
Feb 24Reply
raecaseyc MVP for posting this
Feb 24Reply
janicegetek Thank you soo much for the help and looking out for other humans🥰
Feb 24Reply
markleek What colors do you have in SZ 6?
Feb 25Reply
ngocnguyen1994 @markleek please read the post! This is meant to show people how they can call up lulu stores to get the align tanks. I’m not selling my tanks!
Feb 25Reply
markleek @ngocnguyen1994 thank you. Did not see in the post that you weren’t selling.
Feb 25Reply
ngocnguyen1994 @markleek no worries! If you read the post to check for stock and call up the stores, you can buy one from lululemon directly!
Feb 25Reply
sosokikingng @ngocnguyen1994 i saw this after I paid almost $100 each for 2 of them!! And it was the wrong size too😭
Feb 25Reply
ngocnguyen1994 @sosokikingng oh no I’m so sorry!! :( that sucks! Are they too big or small? Maybe you can try to see if there’s anyone out there that might be willing to trade for a different size with you?
Feb 25Reply
sosokikingng @ngocnguyen1994 they’re too small😔After I saw your post I got myself a size 6 and it just came today and it fits so much better 😭 so now I’m trying to sell for how much I got it for but I won’t be getting my full money back 🤦🏻‍♀️
Feb 25Reply
ngocnguyen1994 @sosokikingng that really sucks! I’m sorry - I hope you’ll be able to get something back at least! But it’s good that you know your size in the align tanks now. Just wait a little bit - I’m sure they’ll restock and come out with different colors since these tanks are so popular! For now, just enjoy the black one! :)
Feb 25Reply
jesikrebs You are seriously the sweetest. So so kind of you to share this!!! 💓💓 thank you!!
Feb 26Reply
sagesunner This post saved me from almost buying for 90+ dollars!!! Thank you!
Feb 28Reply
ngocnguyen1994 @sagesunner yay! I’m so glad! :) enjoy your tank girl!
Feb 28Reply
alinelima1504 If we are size 8 on the flow and y bra we would be the same size 8 for this tank?
Mar 03Reply
ngocnguyen1994 @alinelima1504 I am a size 4 in all lulu bras (including the flow y bras and tanks) and I’m a size 4 in the align tanks! They fit me perfectly. For reference, I am 5 feet tall, 115-120lbs, and a solid 32B. I usually wear sizes XS-S in clothing. Also, I did try on size 6 align tank and they were too big on me (too much loose fabric). I’ve seen tons of reviews telling people to size up but for me, size 4 always works in lulu! Hope that helps!
Mar 03Reply
saharg I see online they only have the pink one. How can I get the white tank shipped to be if they are sold out?
Mar 03Reply
ngocnguyen1994 @saharg hi there! If you use the lululemon app, you can click your size and desired color (white) and then see if they have any in store (look at the screenshots in my post). Call up the store to see if they still have the tank in stock and then buy it over the phone. Please keep in mind that I made this post a couple weeks ago and it is possible that the tanks in your color and size are sold out both online AND in store. But call the stores if they still have 1 in stock because you never know!
Mar 03Reply
ngocnguyen1994 @saharg if you look at the website only, it doesn’t show all the stores that might have the tanks. You have to use the app in order to follow the steps outlined above!
Mar 03Reply
zoepeate how do i get a black one ?
Mar 08Reply
ngocnguyen1994 @zoepeate follow the steps I screenshot and posted above! It might be sold out by now in your size but you can check on the lululemon app!
Mar 08Reply
alyssa_alvarezz I’m a 34c and usually a small in tops and small-medium in bras, what size would fit?
Mar 09Reply
ngocnguyen1994 @alyssa_alvarezz hmmm I’m thinking you might be either a size 6 or 8? I’m a 32B and wear usually a size xs or small and I’m a size 4. I hope that helps!
Mar 09Reply
maiabea Thank you so much for this mine just came in today that i ordered from lululemon online!!
Mar 09Reply
ngocnguyen1994 @maiabea yay! Hope you like it!
Mar 09Reply
ngocnguyen1994 @jenster0927 I posted this on Feb. 20th so I think that means that they’re all out of stock not. Online and in-store. But I’m sure they’ll restock soon due to demand!
Mar 18Reply
kittycatla @lizzythelizard here’s how to know which store.
Mar 20Reply
jbxistris hi!!! i’m struggling to find one of these tank :((( would u be willing to sell one of your black ones?
Mar 21Reply
ngocnguyen1994 @jbxistris hi there! I’m really sorry I can’t. I’m in love with the ones I have and I’ve already used them! But I know for sure lulu will be restocking these soon since they’re such a hot item. I know it’s hard but you might need to wait. :(
Mar 21Reply
mekenzianne @love2shopalot98 I refresh the app multiple times a day and still don’t see them :( am I missing them?!
Mar 25Reply
jbxistris @love2shopalot98 yay!! is it posted??
Mar 26Reply
mdaltonm Thanks so much!! I just got one using the app. People are scammers, thanks for the PSA
Apr 01Reply
ngocnguyen1994 @maiah03 amazing! I just saw that it’s restocked in sizes 6, 8 and 10! :)
Apr 01Reply
taycole077 You’re a good egg. Maybe the best egg! THANK YOU SO MUCH
Apr 04Reply
catefish ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Apr 04Reply
aval97 Hi! I see multiple colors in the pictures, just to check are these all black?
Apr 07Reply
ngocnguyen1994 @aval97 hi I’m not selling these! I just posted them to help people find their own tanks by using the lululemon app!
Apr 07Reply
kmena09 RESTOCK ALERT! On black only
Apr 09Reply
heidi_12 @marypoo22 here you go!!! 💛
Apr 09Reply
ngocnguyen1994 @kmena09 YAY!! Just saw that too - amazing!
Apr 09Reply
csimmon3 @kmena09 I keep missing the restocks so sad 😭
Apr 14Reply
kmena09 @csimmon3 I’ll try to stay on top of it and message on here or I post an advertisement on M
Apr 14Reply
heidi_12 @emilychrisy here it is!!!
Apr 15Reply
emilychrisy @heidi_12 it sadly doesn’t even show the sold out align tank on the app right now :(
Apr 15Reply
heidi_12 @emilychrisy ikr i just looked and was confused if i was doing it wrong or not😂i’m sure they’ll restock soon tho!
Apr 15Reply
emilychrisy @kmena09 do they usually restock the same day every week? or is it at random !
Apr 15Reply
emilychrisy @heidi_12 praying 😂 im ab to buy 8 of them then sell them after if I can even get my hands on it
Apr 15Reply
kmena09 @emilychrisy they stock randomly but I follow lulu groups on Facebook and they’re on it right away next time I suggest buying 2 and resell one that’s what I’ll be doing. If they stocked black I’m sure they’ll stock white next
Apr 15Reply
emilychrisy @kmena09 what facebook group is it so I can join and try not to miss the next restock !
Apr 15Reply
kmena09 @emilychrisy hmm maybe try to find my name and I can send you links . Kelly mena from Simi Valley I should have the same profile pic
Apr 15Reply
ngocnguyen1994 @emilychrisy hey girl! I usually watch out on Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday morning :) that’s when lululemon drops new stuff! But sometimes it’s random too so yes the Facebook groups and posh posts are the best ways to be updated!
Apr 15Reply
emilychrisy @kmena09 I found you :)
Apr 15Reply
kmena09 @emilychrisy i sent through messenger !
Apr 15Reply
csimmon3 @kmena09 you are the best!
Apr 16Reply
kmena09 @csimmon3 in stock!
Apr 16Reply
heidi_12 @kmena09 thank you! i bought mine like 15 min ago!!😊
Apr 16Reply
kittycatla @marimeger here’s how to so that on the app
Apr 16Reply
marimeger @kittycatla ohhh okay thanks!! They sold out of every color of the legging so the listing isn’t even online to do this :( but thank you!!
Apr 16Reply
meganhare Does anyone know, are these tops padded?
Apr 17Reply
ngocnguyen1994 @meganhare hey girl! These tops come with the inserts that normal lululemon bras come with. I leave mine in but some people take them out. I mainly like the cleavage the top gives and it give me more with the bra inserts. Plus I don’t want to have a nip incident lol ☺️☺️ but it does depend on the wearer... once you get them, you can decide!
Apr 17Reply
meganhare @ngocnguyen1994 I totally prefer padded!! I saw a post saying they restocked the black so I think I may try it out. By all the comments I’m guessing this top is worth the hype!
Apr 17Reply
ngocnguyen1994 @meganhare for sure! If I were you, I’d grab one soon! They go out of stock like THAT! Good luck :)
Apr 17Reply
csimmon3 @kmena09 thank you I got one!!! Hopefully they get some more colors in, but I’m so excited :)
Apr 17Reply
scsalem95 Hey, thanks for the advise! Do they ship it to you for free?
Apr 18Reply
ngocnguyen1994 @meganhare they restocked the white align tank in all sizes on their website!!
Apr 21Reply
ngocnguyen1994 @csimmon3 they restocked the white align tank in all sizes on their website!!
Apr 21Reply
ngocnguyen1994 @scsalem95 they restocked the white align tank in all sizes on their website!!
Apr 21Reply
csimmon3 @ngocnguyen1994 ahhh!!!! Here’s to hoping for pink next 😍 got the white and the black and got a green one for a decent price 😊
Apr 21Reply
coopielove Hi! Can someone comment on the sizing? I’m a size 8 in all bras but wear a 10 in Lulu shirts and tanks. Thoughts?
Apr 22Reply
ngocnguyen1994 @coopielove try both size 8 and 10 and see which fit you like better! I know that’s a duh thing but it’s hard for sizing because it’s your own comfort level that matters! So only by trying will you know for sure which size fits you the best!
Apr 22Reply
coopielove @ngocnguyen1994 Thanks. I wish I could do that but considering I’m ordering from Posh and all sales are final I was just hoping for some guidance. Thanks anyway.
Apr 22Reply
ngocnguyen1994 @coopielove you can do that! The only reason why I said that was because they were restocked yesterday - that’s why I suggested buying both. But just checked and it’s all sold out now. :( Nvm!
Apr 22Reply
hannahjoy34 My app isn’t showing the “not available in store” option- just won’t let me add to bag. anyone else having this issue?
Apr 22Reply
ngocnguyen1994 @hannahjoy34 I made this post a while ago. They’ve had many restocks since then but only online. Stores are closed due to COVID. We haven’t been able to do this tip for a while because of it. I think the white tank is all sold out only mine now. It was just restocked yesterday :/
Apr 22Reply
coopielove @ngocnguyen1994 You purchased this is a size 4, I see. May I ask, what size Energy or Free to be Serene bra do you wear? Thanks!!
Apr 22Reply
ngocnguyen1994 @coopielove I wear size 4 in all lulu items! :) tops and bottoms!
Apr 22Reply
coopielove @ngocnguyen1994 Cool. Thank you!
Apr 22Reply
ngocnguyen1994 @coopielove you’re welcome! I know you just missed the restock but if you wait, they’ll restock more on the lululemon website. If you buy on posh, people are up charging like crazy. I saw one for $200 the other day. Thats essentially a 400% markup for a $54 tank!
Apr 22Reply
coopielove @ngocnguyen1994 Yes I think I’ll wait. I have a huge issue with people marking things up so high. I understand marking up a tiny bit due to Posh fees so that you break somewhat even with what you paid, but these obscene mark ups drive me NUTS! Grrrrrrrr!
Apr 22Reply
ngocnguyen1994 @coopielove yes I will update if there are more restocks! I always post a PSA every restock :)
Apr 22Reply
ngocnguyen1994 @coopielove black and white align tanks back in stock!!
Apr 22Reply
ngocnguyen1994 @hannahjoy34 black and white align tanks back in stock!!
Apr 22Reply
coopielove @ngocnguyen1994 awesome! I just bought the black. I love white but I know me [sigh], I’m too scared to wear and wash it. Thanks so much for the heads up!!!
Apr 22Reply
hannahjoy34 @ngocnguyen1994 amazing 😍 just snagged one
Apr 22Reply
coopielove @ngocnguyen1994 I caved! I bought the black...AND THE WHITE! Lol. I have no will power.
Apr 23Reply
ngocnguyen1994 @coopielove you won’t regret it! ☺️☺️
Apr 23Reply
amandamarie2474 Are you able to buy it in any colors other than black and white? If so I can pay you to get me one!
Apr 24Reply
ngocnguyen1994 @amandamarie2474 sorry I have the pink taupe and garnet ones but those are for me only! :(
Apr 24Reply
ngocnguyen1994 @nachoavgsista thanks for the sweet words! You’re so kind! 💕💕 I’m glad I was able to help!
Apr 25Reply
hayleyraatz Is the pink size 4 for sale individually?
Apr 28Reply
ngocnguyen1994 @hayleyraatz nope I’m not selling just telling people how to get their own tanks!
Apr 28Reply
kmena09 @balaimo21 can you add me on FB want to message you regarding your shibori leggings !
Apr 30Reply
balaimo21 @kmena09 hey girl, I’d rather stick to poshmark if that’s okay 😊
May 01Reply
mirahh525 @ngocnguyen1994 what colors do you have in size 6?
May 01Reply
ngocnguyen1994 @mirahh525 I’m not selling anything! This is a post teaching others how to buy it directly from lululemon - it’s all in the description!
May 01Reply
brookebrienik Hi! If you happen to see that Lulu restocks can you @ me in a comment on here??? I just ran across these tanks and I'm so mad I missed out on them but I'm not willing to pay $100+ for them on here :(
May 05Reply
ngocnguyen1994 @brookebrienik sure! I’d also recommend checking the lululemon website everyday as well since I might miss the restocks myself! Don’t pay 100+ for these tanks- ridiculous that people are charging that much. It’s highway robbery!
May 05Reply
cheetosies @brookebrienik they restocked yesterday for the black ones!! they sold out around 7am 😔
May 06Reply
brookebrienik Hi! They have these in black size 10 and 12 right now!
May 07Reply
jaleses my app won’t let me see other stores :/ is it because of how all the stores are closed right now? or am i not doing something right
May 13Reply
ky999 Where did you find the not available in stores button? :)
May 13Reply
ngocnguyen1994 @ky999 it’s not there now since lulu stores are closed because of COVID! This post was made a while ago!
May 13Reply
ngocnguyen1994 @jaleses YES EXACTLY! Lulu stopped this function since the stores are closed!
May 13Reply
ngocnguyen1994 @ky999 black Align tank restocked in sizes 4 6 & 8 on lululemon’s website!
May 13Reply
ngocnguyen1994 @jaleses black Align tank restocked in sizes 4 6 & 8 on lululemon’s website!
May 13Reply
jaleses thank you so much finally got them you are such a big help!
May 13Reply
ngocnguyen1994 @jaleses yayyy!! Congrats!
May 13Reply
ky999 OMG I MISSED THE NOTIFICATION AND NOW ITS GONE! HRLAJKWS 😭😭 but thanks for updating us! 💕
May 13Reply
ngocnguyen1994 @ky999 it goes fast! Sorry - next time!
May 13Reply
ky999 @ngocnguyen1994 aw dang! Ok can’t wait for stores to own again. I’m sure there’s some stock left in stores too 😂
May 13Reply
ngocnguyen1994 @ky999 hopefully!! Before they closed, they were completely out. :( so I’m not sure! But the website is the best place to get them - people are upcharging like crazy for these!
May 13Reply
ky999 @ngocnguyen1994 it’s ok no worries!
May 14Reply
ky999 @ngocnguyen1994 and yeah! Ugh it’s so sad! Like some people actually wanna wear these! Not sell them 🤦🏽‍♀️😩 does lulu ever put out notifications somewhere of when they’ll update or sell again?
May 14Reply
ngocnguyen1994 @ky999 no you just have to keep checking back on their website! :/
May 14Reply
ky999 Ugh 😩 ok well thank you! Haha #andthehuntcontinues 😪
May 14Reply
ky999 K I GOT ONE 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽🙌🏽😍 SO EVERYONE ELSE-GO GO GO! 🙌🏽🙌🏽💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽
May 14Reply
jaleses more coral align tanks are available right now on lululemon website
May 15Reply
ngocnguyen1994 @ky999 rustic coral align tank back in stock!
May 15Reply
ngocnguyen1994 @jaleses you da real mvp :)
May 15Reply
jaleses 😉☺️
May 15Reply
ky999 Thanks for letting me know! I finally got my black one last night! 😀😍🙌🏽
May 15Reply
mpark1987 thanks so much for putting this out there! Can you tell me if the pink is like really pink pink, or more of a mauve? I feel like the colors online are often really off.
May 18Reply
ngocnguyen1994 @mpark1987 it’s not a super pink color! I think it’s more of a pink-mauve rather than the bright pink they have in the stock photos! You can tell next to the pics of the white align tank that the pink is a bit more muted! :)
May 18Reply
mpark1987 @ngocnguyen1994 awesome thanks! and thanks again for the psa !!
May 18Reply
ngocnguyen1994 @mpark1987 of course! Good luck!
May 18Reply
luvfashion27 THANK YOU
May 28Reply
ericalauti Where’s the next restock?
May 29Reply
ngocnguyen1994 @ericalauti I’m not sure! :/ they don’t tell us. They just drop it randomly so just continue checking the site!
May 29Reply
peyt0nn THANK YOU!!! this literally saved me.
Jun 05Reply
_maryyclaire OMG THANK YOU SO MUCH!!
Jun 22Reply
anniekellyyyy Are these ones for sale?
Jun 23Reply
rarebeautyfinds Amazing! Just ordered mine! Thank you❤️❤️
Jul 14Reply
bethclifton01 Love this!!
Mar 23Reply
kiroced Price.?
Dec 17Reply
alw198 do u have a white tank in size 0?
May 08Reply
evaandpet Could you please tell me what shade of pink that is?
Jul 10Reply
brooklyn78911 Hey there! Make sure to check out my closet filled with BRAND NEW jewelry!!! Great prices too! I do not trade 🚫 but I accept offers ✅!
Oct 09Reply

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