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Updated 6 hours ago
Updated 6 hours ago

Meet your Posher, Lisa

Meet the Posher



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🌟🌟Poshmark Ambassador!🌟🌟 Hi! I'm Lisa. I love to shop for my family! I am all things china & tea party as well as gardening & tending our (miniature chicken) Cochin flock. Some of my family’s favorite brands are: Loft, Salt Life, Jordan, Anne Klein, Denim & Co, Croft & Barrow. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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sugarblueyes Welcome! 😊
Jul 13Reply
kaysuniverse welcome 2 Poshmark 🙋 im Kay (Posh Ambassador) thanks 4 following. i carry lots of Calvin Klein, Michael Kors, WHBM, Ralph Lauren, Banana Republic and much more. im flexible on prices and a super fast shipper so if u see sumthin u like... plz feel free 2 Make an OFFER 😀 happy poshing!
Nov 10Reply
cosabella05 Love love the table setting and the fall colors. The miniature chicken are so adorable ;)
Nov 14Reply
chicken_crazy @cosabella05 Thank you! That was my favorite table setting for the year! I bought the tablecloth & went from there 😊. The babies (chickens) pictured are now full grown & we are raising another flock-my Buff Orpington Cochins make the best mamas! 😁
Nov 14Reply
cosabella05 So sweet post pictures of the new one;) I’ll love to see them. Happy Sales🙏🦋
Nov 14Reply
stacy_osborn Hi, Lisa. Thanks for sharing my listings! I shared for you as well. I answered your questions on those tops in the listing. Let me know if I can help you with anything else. Happy Poshing! —Stacy Osborn 🦋 ⭐️Posh Ambassador ⭐️Top-Rated ⭐️Fast Shipper
Nov 28Reply
chicken_crazy @stacy_osborn Sure! Just ship that ring I just bought for my son! 😂🤣 He was looking over my shoulder when I was shopping for his sister in your closet! LOL! Thanks!
Nov 28Reply
stacy_osborn Hi, Lori! I just tracked your package and it says that it is in transit but taking longer than expected. Being that I sent it on on 11/30, it is definitely taking longer than expected. Trust that it is on its way. Thanks again for your purchase!
Dec 07Reply
chicken_crazy @stacy_osborn No problem! I’m watching a few that I mailed out right before Thanksgiving too! Post office must’ve took a week off! 😫😂
Dec 07Reply
stacy_osborn @llorio Happy 2020! 🤣👍🏼😎
Dec 07Reply
deect Hi! I was checking my orders and learned your order was delivered to you just yesterday!!! I was received at the post office here, in CT, as far back as the 7th!!! Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Dec 18Reply
chicken_crazy @deect I haven’t gotten yet, it left Baton Rouge today so hopefully I will see it tomorrow or Saturday. Holiday shipping is always a nightmare! Can’t wait to get it-it’s for my daughters Christmas clothes bundle! 😁
Dec 18Reply
deect Oh! My goodness! The loved the fabric on this Top and it hangs nice. It is also a neutral color. I hope she will like it, too.
Dec 18Reply
momof2boys621 Salam beautiful, please check out my closet! I have gorgeous dresses & hijabs from the Middle East💕Welcome to Poshmark 😊Love your listings by the way!
Dec 22Reply
spreadlove Hi Im Melissa! I wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I am always looking for new posh friends to shop, share and invite to my closet - so I wanted to say hello. Have a great day!!
Jan 20Reply
cavel23 Thank you so much for sweet and kind comment, enjoy everything and I look forward to working with you again 🙏😊. Enjoy your goodies.
Apr 16Reply
chicken_crazy @tgoldnred great! Welcome to shop anytime!
May 05Reply
margaret_herz Great buy on the items you liked ! Thank you for the visit. Blessings and Peace to you
May 13Reply
londonperdue Hi, Lisa! Greetings from Memphis! I'll be sure to check out your Poshmark Closet Store in support of your virtual platform. Happy Poshing; and cheers from Memphis!!! 🎁🤗😉✌🏽🥂
May 14Reply
chicken_crazy @londonperdue Thank you for your purchase! Your items are boxed & ready to ship!
May 14Reply
londonperdue @llorio Wow; you're welcome!!! Thank you!!! You're absolutely the BEST!!!🎁🏆🤗🥂✨
May 14Reply
birdlady52 Hi. You have some beautiful things. Love your garden and chickens
Jun 01Reply
chicken_crazy @birdlady52 Thank you! I just added pics of this year’s new babies & my new garden beauties!! Despite the crazy freezes & torrential rains, life still has it’s beautiful moments! Thank you for your purchase-it’s boxed up & I will ship it out first thing tomorrow morning!
Jun 01Reply
birdlady52 Those baby chicks are just too cute
Jun 01Reply
lynee1960 Hi Lisa-dropped off Paisley Grace tunic off today. Thank you! Lynee
Jun 21Reply
chicken_crazy @lynee1960 Thank you! Just bought some peach capris to go with it 😊. Can’t wait!
Jun 21Reply
rainspirit6 you have one of the most awesomely fabulous closets!!! do you know who wanda forest is? she would luv luv your closet and vice versa… i will send her info if interested!
Jul 16Reply
chicken_crazy @rainspirit6 😊 Thank you so much! I checked out your closet & it is WONDERFUL as well! I appreciate any shares & closet mentions to others! 💕 Happy Poshing! Lisa
Jul 16Reply
wrforrest Nice to meet you Lisa!! Your closet is amazing!! I would love to tend your flock and play in your amazing garden
Jul 16Reply
chicken_crazy @wrforrest Thanks! 😊 YOU have some awesome items in your closet as well!! ❤️ My chicks are growing up, but I have a red mama hen who is sitting on 17 eggs.. should start hatching next week! I love anything green that I can grow!! 😁
Jul 17Reply
wrforrest @llorio Wow ! 17 eggs ai wish I could see all those babies hatch. I love chickens etc. My son had a white turkey and I don't know how many chickens. All kinds of chickens. I loved to have coffee with them in the a.m.
Jul 17Reply
lynee1960 Hi Lisa. Wanted to let you know I dropped off your Paisley Grace tunic for shipping. Thanks again. Lynee
Jul 21Reply
chicken_crazy @lynee1960 Yay! Can’t wait! Thanks so much! 😁
Jul 21Reply
chicken_crazy @mrs_corina 😂 No rush, glad you are working when a lot of people are still looking for replacement jobs! Thanks for getting back to me!
Jul 22Reply
chicken_crazy @wrforrest Morning Wanda! ...well they started hatching this week 🐣! Did I mention that she built her nest in my herb garden under a tall batch of mint? 😂 with all the rain, we had to erect a plastic tent over her in the middle of my garden. 🤦🏻‍♀️ 11 chicks so far, tonight we will move them to the nursery coop to keep them safe from predators! Have a great day!
Jul 22Reply
wrforrest @llorio Good morning Lisa! I would love to be in your garden!! This is so exciting! Sounds like you have quite a large family on its way.. 11 hatched how many more to go?? Do you move the entire nest to the coop? I'm so jazzed!! Thank you for sharing this big event with me I look forward to updates. Hugs sister
Jul 22Reply
wrforrest @rainspirit6 Thanks for sharing this closet! Lots of goodies! will share with others. I would love to be in Lisa's garden holding umbrella over mama hen and all those new babies hatching. Hugs sister
Jul 22Reply
jcjones46 Hi there! I enjoyed reading your welcome post to the new poshers sent our way. That lead me to your closet and pictures. May the joys of Summer lift your spirit and brighten your day, and may you feel the Lord's presence near you always, comforting your heart, giving you strength, and bringing you and your family hope, health and happiness. Stay safe and God bless. 🙏🌷🌻🌺🌼
Jul 24Reply
chicken_crazy @jcjones46 How sweet! Thank you so much! You have a lovely family! Loved your pics!
Jul 24Reply
bwhiteaustin Thinking about you, hope you are safe. #hurricane Ida
Aug 29Reply
chicken_crazy @bwhiteaustin Thank you Barbara! We have secured our farm animals & home as best we can & are hunkered down w/family a few miles away. We are just west of Baton Rouge & will get a big hit.
Aug 29Reply
bwhiteaustin @llorio I'm praying for you all. 🙏🙏
Aug 29Reply
tzachiko Hi there. I just wanted you to know that your shipment is on the way, but there are expected delays in delivery due to weather conditions. Please follow the shipping process using the tracking number attached to your order. Sincerely,
Sep 02Reply
chicken_crazy @tzachiko 👍🏻 Thanks for reaching out! It looks like y’all got the tail end of Hurricane Ida. Hope you are well! It will be weeks (a month?) before we all get power restored in Louisiana! My husband will be thrilled with the buds whenever they get here!
Sep 02Reply
chicken_crazy @bwhiteaustin Thank you! We were spared the worse that was expected, but other family members were hit hard; so we just all pitch in & help each other! Appreciate your thoughts & prayers! Lisa
Sep 02Reply
tzachiko @llorio I am very happy to hear that you are safe. We got a little bit of rain over here in NY and I thought it was a lot... so I cannot even imagine what you all have been through. Our hears are with you all!
Sep 02Reply
bwhiteaustin @llorio Oh thank God. I was just watching the news. I also have family along the East coast who got a lot of rain..
Sep 02Reply
chicken_crazy @bwhiteaustin When we left to evacuate; I grabbed about 6 of My Closet Jewelry Containers! My husband didn’t even bat an eye, he just loaded them up & said, ‘Is that all?’ 😂
Sep 02Reply
bwhiteaustin @llorio I can imagine. I am glad ya'll got spared the worst. God Bless. Let me know if you need anything, if you can't get it there. I can send cleaning supplies or food items, hygiene items etc.
Sep 03Reply
bwhiteaustin @llorio I really mean it, if you need anything just ask. I still have your address from my previous purchases or if you need it shipped elsewhere let me know. I'm sure certain things will be hard to find.
Sep 03Reply
chicken_crazy @bwhiteaustin Thanks Barbara! That means so much! Right now we just need gas & power restored. Appreciate your prayers that gas trucks will deliver & Entergy can get power back up & running.
Sep 03Reply
trishadi I am honored by your follow and appreciate your shares so much! I just had hand surgery a week ago got my splint off yesterday and am having a heck of a time catching up. Needed to post my jewelry for a woman looking for some treasures. I have been holding this stuff for 40 years never knew parting “would be such sweet sorrow” haha boo hoo and ouchie 😀
Oct 12Reply
chicken_crazy @pjdi88 You have some beautiful things! 😁 Glad your surgery was a success! Look at catching up as ‘physical therapy’! 😊 Just don’t overdo! I hunt at Estate Sales for beautiful jewelry treasures & it’s hard not to keep a lot of it 😉, but I’d rather have it used & appreciated by others. Send me an offer on my likes! Happy Poshing!
Oct 12Reply
sgrlbb2014 hello I know this may be a stupid question but I am fairly new to selling on Poshmark and I just made my first sale a couple of weeks ago and I didn't redeem my earnings right away and I thought it would be there I went to redeem it and it wasn't there to redeem... how do I get my earnings if I didn't redeem them right away and now they are no longer there to redeem
Oct 28Reply
chicken_crazy @sgrlbb2014 hello! Your earnings should be there UNLESS you made a purchase after getting paid. Posh will use your funds in your balance first before hitting your saved payment info. There is not a time limit to request your funds. If you didn’t make a purchase then I would contact Poshmark from your seller page! Hope that helps! 😁
Oct 28Reply
sgrlbb2014 @llorio thank you so much that was very helpful and now that I think about it I did make a purchase so it must have gone to that... it was only a 5.00 redeem but like I said I'm new to this and wasn't sure on how this works as far as making sales and redeeming funds... Again thank you and much love!!💕
Oct 28Reply
chicken_crazy @sgrlbb2014 no problem! Glad to help! Go to your seller page & find the FAQ section & just scroll thru it; a lot of helpful info there! Happy Poshing!
Oct 28Reply
kyann57 Nice vintage sterling, Lisa; the real deal!! Not like the cheap crap they are trying to sell these days; your closet was refreshing!! Thanks for the FOLLOW!!
Oct 31Reply
chicken_crazy @kyann57 Thank you! ☺️ Come back to visit anytime! Happy Poshing!
Oct 31Reply
mazyodc Hi, I’m Marianne, a Postmark Ambassador. I’d like to invite you to drop in to visit my closet. I have many unique and vintage items including china, seasonal decor, books, CDs and DVDs, video games, clothing, plush toys, jewelry and religious items. I’m happy to consider all reasonable offers and remember to bundle multiple items to save on shipping. Hope you’ll have the time to check out my closet and I’ll check out yours.
Nov 29Reply
chicken_crazy @mazyodc Thank you for the shout-out. You have a lovely closet! Took me back to fond memories! Happy Poshing!
Nov 29Reply
birdlady52 Hi. Lisa. Just wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy NewYear
Dec 10Reply
chicken_crazy @birdlady52 Hey Sharon! That is so sweet! Hope that you have a blessed Christmas & experience only the best that 2022 has to offer!
Dec 10Reply
littlepeachxo hello ^^ ! i’m spreading awareness & thought i’d let you know that 100% of earnings from my closet go to a child abuse survivor to help them heal. 🎗-peach
Jan 29Reply
thillbill Happy 2022. Feel free to check out my closet some time. we'll over 2700 items. Bundle few items and save more! Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Maternity, Pet's, Accessories, bags, shoes & lots of Jewlery. Thanks 😊  * Adding new stuff weekly, stop by often!
Feb 07Reply
zardiva1 Congrats on your PA II ⭐️ status! 🎉🎉🎉
Feb 25Reply
miamarie03 Thanks for sharing 🌺
Mar 25Reply
chicken_crazy @miamarie03 Happy Poshing!! 😁
Mar 25Reply
bkgrenier Hi Lisa, My name is Barbara and I want to thank you for liking the vintage turquoise pinky ring 🎉 You mentioned several brands you like. I have several listings in those brands. If you haven't already looked through my entire closet, I encourage you to do so 🤩 I offer private discounts on bundles of 2 or more listings with discounted shipping cost 🛍️💥
Mar 26Reply
candyshap Thanks much for all the love! Hope I can return it…
Apr 10Reply
clothesbykathy Hi Lisa, Thank you so much for the 5 star (& 10 star!) rating & for your sweet & gracious comments. I appreciate them! I hope you enjoy your new things! All the best to you, Kathy
May 02Reply
its_crystal28 @llorio Hi🌹 Im Crystal , hope ur doing great today, by the way, if u have time I would love to invite you to check my simple closet, and if you like something just simple click the “❤️” or make an offer , always open to Offers😉 thank you in Advance. God bless and Happy Poshing my friend 👗👗speedy sales to you
Jul 01Reply
irenecase Hi, Nice to meet you ! 🏖. ☀️🐠. 🏖 Swing by anytime and say, “ Hello” ….and if there’s anything you’d like to see more of in my closet let me know ! Or if you have any questions just ask. ~ Happy Summer ~ ☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️ 🐠🏖🪸🐠🏖🪸🐠🏖🪸🐠🏖🪸🐠🏖🪸🐠
Jul 06Reply
candy258 Hi 🙋🏽‍♀️ Happy Poshing‼️🛍
Aug 11Reply
liledeglace @candy258 ditto! Lisa, thanks for all your shares! Is your family member deployed? Please thank them for their service and I hope everything goes well for them! Wishing you great success in 2022 and the years ahead! What made you decide to become a posh ambassador ii?
Sep 02Reply
chicken_crazy @liledeglace Hello! Yes, thank you; my youngest son is currently in the Army. Actually I qualified for a PA2 when they created it & just have kept up w/it. The hardest thing for me is listing 250 new items every 3 months-but I seem to just make it 😂. Happy Poshing!
Sep 02Reply
liledeglace @llorio I’ll try on my end to do things my way though I don’t get it! I vote and volunteered at the va hospital but why is there the perchant for war? I voted democrat but the process has been slow since turnover rates are high! Feel bad for my bestie who’s with someone who’s in the marine/navy though! Your sons situation is much more precarious, however:( I don’t get it!
Sep 02Reply
liledeglace We’re both women so I generally don’t approve any of the war activities! Especially since I have to help those blind pows who come back and adjust to ptsd:( hope he’s doing alright! You’re a great and supportive mom! Have a beautiful day guys!
Sep 02Reply
lynnbeckylynn Hello and thanks for the follow. We're having an overstock sale and we're accepting offers at 20% less than our asking price on most items.
Sep 20Reply
cutehosiery @llorio Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Oct 23Reply
thillbill Happy Holidays. Feel free to check out my closet some time. It may take awhile, well over 2900 items. Bundle a few items and save more! Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Pet's, Accessories, bags, shoes & lots of Jewlery. Thanks 😊  * Adding new stuff weekly, stop by often
Dec 04Reply
danadin14 Hi 👋, Check out my closet sometime. I have something for everyone! Women's, bags, totes, jewlery, shoes and much more. 🛍 Adding new stuff weekly so stop by often. Enjoy your shopping and Happy poshing!
Jan 02Reply
jewelsbysara Hi lovely 🥰 I would love for you to stop by my closet for amazing deals on everything!!! If you have any questions feel free to ask me. Happy Poshing❤️
May 22Reply
dawnmueller70 Beautiful jewelry! Great closet!🌷 And of course love the adorable chicks!💕
Sep 05Reply
chicken_crazy @dawnmueller70 Thank you! 😊 Your Antique Rogers Smith Tea Set is awesome! 🤩
Sep 05Reply
dawnmueller70 @llorio thank you as well! 😊
Sep 05Reply
erinbeads Hi Lisa!! I have seen you pop up in my show and I'm always talking to someone. Have you made anything with the gemstone beads and green barrel lampwork yet? Hope to see you on line!! Erin
Sep 17Reply
rllittle1 Thanks so much for sharing my closet
Oct 01Reply
luminousskin201 Hi. The blk Milano hat — is that a spot on it in the front in the one photo or is that a glitch in the photo camera ?? Ty
Oct 15Reply
chicken_crazy @luminousskin201 Hello! No spots! Added a few more pics for you! Thanks for asking!
Oct 15Reply
smregan14 Hello Lisa! My name is Sarah and I am definitely a posher! I hope you are enjoying Poshmark as much as I am. If you are a Chico’s fan or love unique jewelry, you will definitely want to check out My Closet! Have a great day!
Jan 14Reply

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Oscar, LA
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Last Active: 5 hours ago

Oscar, LA
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