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Updated Sep 19
Updated Sep 19

Meet your Posher, Abby

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Abby. my favorite brands are Eshakti, Miss Elliette, and Calvin Klein. My family sings Acoustic Contemporary Gospel. Im always looking for modest stage gowns and sometimes coordinating shoes or jewelry to go with it!! I love classic, retro styles like, Audrey Hepburn, Jackie Kennedy, Kate Middleton, Ivanka Trump etc. I also like 1960s -1970s vibes to though! Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so I can look in your closet too!


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luvmee40 Customer Alert, My biggest sale ever, 50% additional off ALL Jackets,  Blazers and Suits. Everything from Ralph Lauren to Giorgio Armani. Over 200 to choose from. All other Items are an additional 30% discount. Click the heart under the item you want to buy and I will send you the discounted offer. Come shop till you drop! 
Aug 02Reply
bankygirl Hi Abby! Thank you for stopping by my closet and liking that beautiful flit and flare retro dress. Feel free to send me an offer. I am currently selling from my own closet to pay for grad school, so I’d love to give you a great deal. Thank you again for your interest! 😊
Aug 02Reply
aldent89 @retrolove77 Welcome to my closet! Let me know if I can help you with anything. Have a great day and happy shopping 😀
Aug 06Reply
kleewilliams Thanks for the like! If you find anything else you like, you can add to a bundle to save on shipping and I offer 20% discount on all bundles! Have a blessed day!
Aug 15Reply
kleewilliams Thanks for the like! If you find anything else you like, you can add to a bundle to save on shipping and I offer 20% discount on all bundles! Have a blessed day!
Aug 17Reply
asavage01 @retrolove77 Thank you for your time and stopping by my closet 🥰 I have a bundle sale (💐3/15$) going on in women, home, kids & men. Look for the bundle of flowers 💐💐💐💐💐 Bundle 3 or more selected sale listings & each item comes out to 5$ + 7$ shipping fee. no pressure #poshlove A percentage of my sales goes towards a no kill local Humane Society 🐱🐶🐈🐶 on behalf of my daughter's girl scout troop. She's been volunteering for the shelter for the past 2y. 💫💫this is part of my bundle sale
Aug 17Reply
themodestgem $30 on the dainty jewell bow dress?
Aug 24Reply
lillypintaro Hi welcome to poshmark my name is lilly i hope you find what you’re looking for come visit my closet anytime
Aug 26Reply
lillypintaro and the velvet dress you liked you can absolutely offer me a price and i’ll most likely accept it if it’s within reasons i hope you like it here... have a nice day!!
Aug 26Reply
myscloset2020 Hello! How’s it going? Following other people is a great way to find some awesome stuff and grow your followers. We love offers and give discounts for bundling so check us out. Please feel free to ask questions. We are here to help! Happy Poshing🌹
Sep 01Reply
ksaunders014 Hi there! Please feel free to check out my closet - I have a beautiful Banana Republic blazer I think you would love! Let me know if you have any questions and happy poshing! 😊💕🌺
Sep 05Reply
mandaluvscoe Welcome! I’m Amanda 5 ⭐️ Rated seller with over 1600 sales! I’m here to help if you have any questions! Swing by my closet and take a look!💕 I get new VS PINK items in weekly 😍And Also have MK, Tiffany, UGGs! Shared your closet in hopes of a quick sale!🥳 ✅FOLLOW ME for special Sales!! @mandaluvscoe
Sep 21Reply
myclosetkeeper Welcome!!! 🙋🏼‍♀️Have fun poshing 🙌🏻✨🥳
Sep 21Reply
laurasim I love the scripture verse❤️. Have a blessed and beautiful day! Thanks for visiting my closet 🥰
Oct 19Reply
thedazzlingdiva Hi Abby! My name is Patti and I would love for you to check out my closet as I have some styles that I think you may like. 🤗 Skirts and tops from brands such as LOFT and EXPRESS.👗👢 Feel free to send an offer on anything you like as I am always open to consider .🌻 or LIKE a few items and I'll send you a sweet deal 🍭Happy Poshing! ~ Patti 🏃‍♀️Follow me on Instagram if you like what's in my closet (poshdazzlingdiva) ❤❤❤
Oct 24Reply
retrolove77 @thedazzlingdiva Thank You So Much!!
Oct 24Reply
retrolove77 @laurasim Thank You! Your closet is so cute!
Oct 24Reply
laurasim @retrolove77 🥰🥰🥰 I have lots of new things to list so stop by every now and again!
Oct 24Reply
stylingmaven Hi Abby! Thank you so much for visiting my closet!🎈I loved reading about you and the things that are important to you. I love the Lord and He showed me much favor by bringing a godly man into my life. We are still newlyweds and are so blessed!🙏🏻❤️ I have a couple of Poshers you might like to follow who have fabulous vintage closets. MaidMarian is one. I will look up the other one and send shortly. Blessings to you and yours this Holy Season!
Dec 03Reply
stylingmaven Abby, the other two are: @kiernan_vintage and @songbirdshop. My favorite is @maidmarian. All the best to you!
Dec 03Reply
rposen Hi Abby! It’s great to meet you!💝
Dec 03Reply
maidmarian @stylingmaven Wow Thank you 💕 Welcome Abby! Hope you’re having the best experience!
Dec 03Reply
kiernan_vintage @stylingmaven Thank you, Karen! Your recommendation means so much! ☺️☺️☺️
Dec 04Reply
stylingmaven @kiernan_vintage You are so welcome! I LOVE your closet! Hope you are well, safe and blessed!🎄🎁❤️
Dec 04Reply
lovenarf Hi Abby. Thanks for liking the dress in my closet. Please know I am open to offers if you’re interested. Thanks
Dec 08Reply
retrolove77 @lovenarf thank you so much
Dec 08Reply
retrolove77 @maidmarian thank you so much!!
Dec 08Reply
retrolove77 @stylingmaven thank you so much! Glad to know another sister in Christ! Check me and my family’s band out on Facebook at Roller Family Bluegrass! We play gospel Bluegrass and Southern Gospel
Dec 08Reply
stylingmaven @retrolove77 A joy to get to know a new sister-in-Christ!🙏🏻❤️
Dec 08Reply
retrolove77 Hi everyone! Thank you so much for your warm welcomes! I just wanted to throw this quick question out there since I’m new to Poshmark! I made a 50 dollar visa digital gift card from Swagbucks and I just wanted to know if anyone’s bought anything with a digital visa before and if Poshmark accepts that kind of payment method ! Any help would be amazing!!
Dec 08Reply
retrolove77 @stylingmaven thank you so much 😊
Dec 28Reply
amlpoet Hi Abby it’s such a pleasure to meet you and stay safe and healthy in these uncertain times ❤️🙏😇Amlpoet
Jan 20Reply
theposhunic0rn Hey there! Thank you so much for visiting my closet and liking an item ✨ all orders placed tonight will ship tomorrow morning 💃🏼 Happy Poshing!
Jan 25Reply
retrolove77 @theposhunic0rn thank you so much!!
Jan 31Reply
tiffztreasurez Hi Abby ! Thanks for checking out my closet and showing some love! Today is the Closet Clear Out Event! I can price drop the Harper Rose Tweed Shift Dress you liked by 35% and Poshmark will offer you reduced shipping. This offer is only valid for today. Let me know if you are interested and I’ll go ahead and price drop the listing for you😉.
Feb 12Reply
elliottc1963 Thanks for visiting my closet and liking the john wayne book. This is a bundle only(2 or more items). I can do $5 in a bundle. Have a wonderful day
Jun 08Reply
mariaisfearless @retrolove77 I’m selling lots of vinyl records on my page, please check it out!
Jun 18Reply
retrolove77 @mariaisfearless thank you!! Awesome!! I’ll take a look!
Jun 21Reply
lindseymurphy96 nice to find another modest closet! what is the name of your gospel group, if you don't mind me asking?
Jul 11Reply
retrolove77 @zmurphy526 awesome! 😊Thank you!! It’s called Roller Family Bluegrass! You can find us on YouTube, Amazon and Spotify etc. We play bluegrass/southern gospel music and my mom writes most of our songs!
Jul 11Reply
lindseymurphy96 @retrolove77 cool I will check it out 🙂
Jul 11Reply
retrolove77 @zmurphy526 Thank you so much!! I really appreciate that! 😊 it’s really fun to be able sing with my family and share the gospel of Jesus Christ! I really feel blessed!❤️
Jul 11Reply
retrolove77 @stylingmaven Thank you so much! Thats SO wonderful!! I’m so happy for you all!! The Lord is Good!!!😍
Aug 13Reply
stylingmaven @retrolove77 Amen! Yes, the Lord is good always! Blessings to you and yours🙏🏻❤️
Aug 13Reply
graceclothingco i LOVE your bio!!!!!!! i would love to hear you sing sometime :). my parents traveled with a Christian a capella singing group for years before they settled down and i was born :). i went to John Brown University and studied music (piano.) blessings in Christ!!
Aug 13Reply
retrolove77 @graceclothingco wow! That is awesome!! 💕 that is so neat!😊 what was the name of your parents group? You can find us on YouTube at Roller family bluegrass! Love your closet by the way!💖
Aug 13Reply
retrolove77 Thank you so much!💖I love meeting fellow poshers who have the same values as I do! It’s always a blessing!
Aug 13Reply
ktina711 Hey hey! Thank you so much for the like- with my store closing sale I just wanted to let you know all items under 9 dollars will not be discounted any further but you can get a better deal with bundles!!
Aug 13Reply
retrolove77 @ktina711 awesome! Thank you so much!💕
Aug 13Reply
graceclothingco @retrolove77 my parents' group was called "the Horizons" back in the 1970s. :) thanks, i will try to watch some of your music :).
Aug 13Reply
retrolove77 @graceclothingco awesome! What a neat heritage!💕thank you so much! 😊
Aug 13Reply
gizzy69shop Thank you for stopping on my closet☺️💕
Nov 20Reply
retrolove77 @gshandbags your welcome!!! Your bags are so cute!!!💖❤️
Nov 20Reply
leigh1197 @retrolove77 I am SO SORRY!! I'm also really glad you commented. I just dropped the ball this week with holidays and school out and kids home and Covid quarantines galore. I also am clueless about using Poshmark so I hope I'm messaging you in the correct place. I will try and get it in the mail today and if not it will go first thing on Monday morning. Do you see anything else in my listings that you like? I will throw it in as an apology.
Dec 31Reply
retrolove77 @leigh1197 No problem, I completely understand! Take your time shipping it out!!❤️❤️❤️thank you so much for your kind offer, unfortunately I don’t see anything else that would be my size, closet is so cute though and I will certainly pass the word to my followers and friends! Thank you so much for your attentiveness and diligence!💕
Dec 31Reply
thillbill Happy 2022. Feel free to check out my closet some time. we'll over 2700 items. Bundle few items and save more! Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Maternity, Pet's, Accessories, bags, shoes & lots of Jewlery. Thanks 😊  * Adding new stuff weekly, stop by often!
Jan 16Reply
retrolove77 @thillbill awesome!! Thank you so much!❤️
Jan 16Reply
retrolove77 @mylovejewelry awesome! I certainly will !! Thank you so much!❤️❤️
Jan 31Reply
ljforddd Hi Abby! Thanks for liking the super cute midi dress I have posted! Feel free to check out the rest of my closet 🤍 currently running a buy 2, get 1 free sale! Let me know if you have any questions! Have a blessed day!
Apr 26Reply
ronron1718 Hi Abby, Welcome to Poshmark! I hope you enjoy it like I do. If you have a few minutes please feel free to check out my closet and offer if you're interested I'll be sure to give you the best deal and let me know if you've any questions. Happy Poshing!
Sep 04Reply
retrolove77 @ronron1718 thank you! I will!🥰
Sep 07Reply
rosies_threads Hello! Welcome to Poshmark. Be sure to check out my closet for some great deals & feel free to leave me an offer as I accept most reasonable offers! Happy poshing💕
Dec 18Reply
chicismyniche @retrolove77 hi just wondering if you purchased shein sage green satin lantern sleeve maxi dress. I’m interested in getting it for bridal shower. Let me know :)
Feb 12Reply
retrolove77 @chicismyniche Hello! Yes, I don’t think I ended purchasing it, I ended up finding something else!💕
Feb 13Reply
laura_nicolle Hi! Welcome to Poshmark. :) Happy to have you. My closet specializes in Maternity Clothes and PINK Victoria Secret bras, so if either of those interest you feel free to browse my closet and make me an offer! Happy poshing!
Mar 20Reply
maxgoldsuccess You may like my Bohemia tops. I have several.
Apr 03Reply
retrolove77 @maxgoldsuccess thank you so much!! I’ll check them out!!
Apr 03Reply
foundbycaro Hey Abby! I saw you liked one of my listings and I happened to check out your post here. I love meeting another sister in Christ here and I wanted to say thank you for sharing His word so gracefully. And how cool that you perform bluegrass and gospel music! Anyway, just wanted to say hello! -Carolyn
May 06Reply
retrolove77 @foundbycaro wow! Carolyn thats awesome! Thank you for reaching out to me, I love meeting a new sister in Christ as well! Thank you so much for your kind words and encouragement! 💕
May 10Reply
rhturner Trump 2024 🤔
Jul 04Reply
cutehosiery Hey,there. You bring sunshine to the Poshmark Family. I like men's style jewelry. Because they bring me good luck. I hope the luck will always be with you. Happy Poshing.
Oct 18Reply

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Last Active: Sep 19 2023

New Richmond, WI
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Last Active: Sep 19 2023

New Richmond, WI
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