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Updated May 23
Updated May 23



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Please read it all let me know if it is okay or needs work. I need constructive criticism please! Took forever to try and fit it within 16 pics lol. I WILL BE OFFICIALLY BACK MONDAY TO START WORKING AGAIN 😂 Also anyone on the private list can copy this if you want 🤓
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oc_posh_threads ❤️❤️❤️
Aug 01Reply
ambarabella86 I wish there was a way to share this to my page! This is really great Tess
Aug 01Reply
ambarabella86 good job!!
Aug 01Reply
hautecouture2 Very nice!!!! I like it 💕
Aug 01Reply
krmontgomery @glamourgurl7 this is awesome!!!👍😍 Wow 🙈 such an amazing job... this covers everything perfectly! I'm definitely bookmarking this in my likes! thank you so much for all your kindness and hard work!🥰😘❤ You'll never know how appreciated you are!!!💖💖💖
Aug 01Reply
rlcamejo This is great Tessie! Honestly...❤️❤️❤️ Thank you for all the love and help!
Aug 01Reply
d_mtsdbeauty @glamourgurl7 y’all...can I get an ✨AMENDTandHALLELUYER✨ for Miss Tessie?! #thisisEVERYTHING ❤️
Aug 01Reply
andee_xo @christy1976 is now @prissylove2 .. can her username be updated
Aug 01Reply
sbiedig I recently did a trade with someone in our trusted circle and because our items were like $2500 and the insanity that is USPS right now, we both printed fully insured, signature confirmed labels through 🅿️🅿️. I’m done risking these expensive items with a $7 label that has no insurance and no course of action if it disappears.
Aug 01Reply
luvmytwins2 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻😍
Aug 01Reply
krmontgomery @redtagluxury 👍👍👍💖💖💖🥰🥰🥰
Aug 01Reply
gracyayurveda ❤️❤️❤️💕💕💕
Aug 01Reply
lovelyinlife I’ve have sent a package out and it didn’t make it to the Posher I was trading with. (I knew her and KNEW she wasn’t lieing) 🤦‍♀️ I took the hit and sent her items back. PO lost my CHANEL I was SO bummed!!!!! I feel it’s the shippers responsibly to get it to the buyer. My opinion the shipper takes the hit. 😛😛😛😛😛😛🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊
Aug 01Reply
gfilippi TY for your msge, Tessie ... These lists took your precious time & energy. I just had a terrible “trade” experience 2 wks ago w/ Maureen @frocks_n_fashion (ambassador & party host??) who never shipped—in exchange for my generous $450 package. I so want to be wrong & believe her pkge is still on its way but the truth is, it was never scanned @ USPS. I want to believe that people are honest, kind, compassionate—esp. @ this time—but sadly, not all are. I’m taking a break & hope to be back♥️
Aug 01Reply
gfilippi * @frock_n_fashion ... and now she’s on vacation. Yup.
Aug 01Reply
krchanel23 Damn right there is a trade back rule and yet some people don't abide by it especially when they lie about the condition of the item. 🙄🤬. Thanks tessie you're amazing.
Aug 01Reply
glamourgurl7 @ambarabella86 anyone who wants this on their page is free to copy it 🤓🤗
Aug 02Reply
lisalo3 @glamourgurl7 Tessie! What will we all do without you you are so sweet and nice and this list is absolutely awesome let’s all work together to keep Poshmark fair and friendly for us all and tell each other about scams and help each other to notice things that are wrong but also boost each other up and enjoy ourselves on here!, 💗💗💗💗😍😍😊🥰🥰🥰🥰💜💜
Aug 02Reply
luxdesignvault I don't have a photo of myself listed because I don't feel it's necessary. I also don't have any social media and don't want my pictures or family photos floating around the internet. So I don't agree with that comment. I think people need to understand you take a risk when you trade. If you aren't willing to take that risk then it may not be for you. And stick to your guns about shipping first and if they don't want to then don't compromise.
Aug 02Reply
luxdesignvault but if anyone cares.....I kinda look like this girl @apeete4 😁 she's my sis
Aug 02Reply
glamourgurl7 @luxdesignvault all the pro scammers don’t put pics of themselves, or they will use a fake pic. There are a lot of poshers that don’t use pics that doesn’t mean they are scammers, but a true scammer will have several of those indications. It would be a pretty dumb scammer if they have pics of themselves 😂😂.
Aug 02Reply
travelluver Many thanks!!!
Aug 02Reply
travelluver @d_mtsdbeauty amen and hallelujah!
Aug 02Reply
travelluver @lovelyinlife omg so sorry that happened to you!!
Aug 02Reply
glamourgurl7 @redtagluxury I get it love 😊
Aug 02Reply
gracyayurveda @glamourgurl7 I’m indian I don’t like to put my photo anywhere online and I don’t people to know what I’m selling it’s my stuff that doesn’t mean what I’m selling it’s not authentic 🙏
Aug 02Reply
stacywhite01 @glamourgurl7 thank you Tessie. I am glad you’re coming back. ❤️
Aug 02Reply
glamourgurl7 @gracyayurveda no no the pic thing is just one of the many indications. Doesn’t mean all who don’t have pic are scammers 😅
Aug 02Reply
kueeny @glamourgurl7 I actually just shipped a package with a Poshmark trade label, and paid for extra insurance at the post office counter for a minimal cost, and they just stuck an additional label on the box 🥰
Aug 02Reply
krmontgomery hi Tess!❤ @yessipaz would love to join!🥰
Aug 02Reply
glamourgurl7 Thank you everyone 🥰❤️
Aug 02Reply
glamourgurl7 @kueeny my post office won’t touch a posh label. They say it would have to be an entirely different label 🤦🏻‍♀️
Aug 02Reply
buttercup555 can u add stop bashing each other and communicate with each other instead of of talking among others? if ur not happy or think it's a fair trade. if you dont think it's a fair trade talk to each other First! communication is a must first in trading or else why even trade with that person. talking about my own experiences.
Aug 02Reply
gracyayurveda @kueeny I’m agree with u and that’s what I start Already with my last two experience trade 😀
Aug 02Reply
glamourgurl7 @buttercup555 that’s #16 or do I need to reword something?? Let me know
Aug 02Reply
fccandles @glamourgurl7 this is a wonderfully thought out document. If I may add... I have noticed that original listings are being changed to ‘trade’ or ‘trade as discussed’... I have been trading since the beginning and the way to avoid a lot of miscommunication is to NOT do these listings as such. Keep original listing, change your brand to that of an inexpensive one as to avoid being flagged ..( I use mossimo )
Aug 02Reply
fccandles @glamourgurl7 and then change heading to ‘do not buy unless’ ... @wannatrade . All of your original pictures, convo is then kept up w/ no risk of being deleted or altered. If bundling.. add a photo ( or 2) to the original then add to description. I’ve been trading for 8 yrs... it’s ALWAYS protected me from any mis communication. I hope that you find this helpful 🥰🥰
Aug 02Reply
fccandles @kueeny I would LOVE to know how you did that? As Tessie said... my PO will not allow any additions to a posh label. It’s contractual..☹️
Aug 02Reply
gracyayurveda @fccandles just tell them u want to upgrade ur paid label and u need insurance whatever amount ur stuff is and they will add that to ur current label and give u new tracking no but it’s will show track both side
Aug 02Reply
fccandles @gracyayurveda I tried that... no go. It’s most likely an individual PO issue🙄
Aug 02Reply
gracyayurveda @fccandles they should do it they can’t say no it’s just some peoples lazy and they don’t want to make new label for u then u should ask for manger in Nj we have no problem
Aug 02Reply
fccandles @gracyayurveda it WAS the manager 🤣🤣🤣 I’ll push it next time and let them know it can be done 👍🏻thank you 🥰
Aug 02Reply
misistaray Welcome back 🎉😘❤️🎊
Aug 02Reply
gracyayurveda @fccandles no for real I did two deferent post office one next to my house she did very easily then last Lv gm I send I did next to my work she was giving me hard time and I ask for manger he did so quickly no issues 😍
Aug 02Reply
kueeny @fccandles I just tell them that I need to add additional insurance, and have never had an issue! Try a different post office and make sure they know you mean business.
Aug 02Reply
fccandles @kueeny I’ll give em hell 🤣🤣
Aug 02Reply
glamourgurl7 @fccandles can you write it exactly and I’ll add it please 🙏🏼🤓
Aug 02Reply
glamourgurl7 @fccandles my post office well 2 of them won’t add insurance and 1 of those 2 wont even print a receipt for me and I was so upset even spoke to the manager 🤦🏻‍♀️ so I drive further when I used to get receipts but now I just request pickups 😅
Aug 02Reply
samantharemy @sbiedig yes that’s right my sweetie 💕
Aug 02Reply
samantharemy @lovelyinlife your a doll And I agree with you completely and I’m sorry you lost Chanel you’re a sweetheart
Aug 02Reply
niksan @glamourgurl7 Great post. Thanks for tagging me 💕
Aug 02Reply
batoul24 @buttercup555 hey was wondering why you blocked me??
Aug 02Reply
batoul24 If anyone has a LV backpack they are willing to trade please let me know 💕💕
Aug 02Reply
ambarabella86 @glamourgurl7 I have added extra insurance and signature required to my trade labels. You have to go inside to do it. The USPS adds another tracking and sticker next to the preexisting one. However, you should be able to always add insurance to any USPS package. Is it on their website? I seem to remember seeing it on my USPS account. Stay blessed and thank you for the awesome Post! 💞🤗
Aug 02Reply
33tess You are the BEST, Thank you 😘
Aug 02Reply
fccandles @glamourgurl7 of course.. working g this weekend. Will try tonight. 🥰😉
Aug 02Reply
lisalo3 @glamourgurl7 honestly I’m a bit taken about about how Tess is going out of her way to help us all to be fair and communicate and some of you are using this feed to complain and disregard the rules 😪 if you don’t want to put your picture up then put a picture of you with sunglasses 😎 or something so you’re recognized please it’s not that difficult 🤦‍♀️ please don’t respond to this negatively thanks. Ang thanks Tessie for you’re benevolence! 💜💜💜💜💜
Aug 02Reply
hjevans109 Thank you for tagging me. This is great!
Aug 02Reply
buttercup555 @glamourgurl7 yes sorry was busy and didnt read all. and tracy. first of all I apologized first saying sorry if you felt the ring was not worth your mario Valentino bag. I told u it wasn't a Valentino in the first place and chain is damaged. of course you erased what u want to hear. ur bag is worth like 400. get over yourself
Aug 02Reply
buttercup555 and tracy read number 16 it's written just for you. stopping bashing women. especially if we can read it ourself. very disrespectful and shows ur character. ur not a nice person.
Aug 02Reply
dutchessxoxo Thank you for doing this Tessie 💗 Folks these aren’t hard and fast rules although some of them should be. I’m not comfortable using a picture of myself. My son created my logo and that’s what I choose to use but if u look through my listings there are plenty of other indicators that I am a real person. Again not a hard and fast rule. I love the idea of shipping off Posh insuring for the full amount and adding signature confirmation
Aug 02Reply
glamourgurl7 @buttercup555 @tracy031770 let’s end this now and move forward. Please agree to disagree and that’s all 🙏🏼❤️
Aug 02Reply
buttercup555 @glamourgurl7 agreed. just had to call her out for talking about me to others. next time be respect tracy and just put in bundle like you said.unless you want to get called out again. have a blessed sunday😁
Aug 02Reply
lovelyinlife @travelluver thank you! Yeah that suxed. 🤣🤣😳
Aug 02Reply
lovelyinlife @samantharemy thanks love!!!! Yeah, that’s just how I see it.....🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹💃💃💃💃💃
Aug 02Reply
lovelyinlife @tracy031770 💋💋💋💋💋❤️❤️❤️❤️
Aug 02Reply
lovelyinlife @tracy031770 your a sweet, patient person!!! You were awesome with me when I made a mistake thAts for sure!!!!!! You rock! 💞💞💞💞💞🌷🌷🌷
Aug 02Reply
lovelyinlife @glamourgurl7 I love your list! Good job! That took time!!!! Your always going the extra mile to help! Much appreciated!!!!! 🌺🌺🌺🌺💐💐💐
Aug 02Reply
batoul24 @lovelyinlife yes Tracy is the best!!
Aug 02Reply
batoul24 @tracy031770 I’m still interested to know why she blocked me???
Aug 02Reply
azulejoscloset Hi Tessie. I made a trade with @danamih shipped my items and she claims she shipped hers. I never recurved the items, not tracking, help, nothing from her side. I’ve asked her to check with the PO and poshmark and suddenly I received an email saying @danamih canceled the order because she no longer has the item. I’ve tried contacting her today and she blocked me. This person is dishonest and she’s a scammer
Aug 02Reply
azulejoscloset @glamourgurl7 hoping to receive my items back from @danamih who has taken advantage of a trade. I hope she reasons and sends my items back. This is like stealing from people.
Aug 02Reply
gfilippi @azulejoscloset The same happened to me c. 2 wks ago. I keep wanting to believe the package is still on the way to me but the facts are, I sent $450 goods + extras to Maureen @frock_n_fashion & she never sent her pkge—still in Yonkers, NY. How can a person call themselves a Posh ambassador & party host & be dishonest?? I need help, ladies.
Aug 02Reply
glamourgurl7 @gfilippi you can make a listing like azul did and I can tag the list
Aug 02Reply
gfilippi @glamourgurl7 I will do that—TY, Tessie. And, although I’m not one to post photos, I’m willing to put my photo inside my listings beca I understand what you’re saying about trustworthiness.
Aug 02Reply
zima2000 Thank you!
Aug 03Reply
rachelsmith419 @glamourgurl7 this post is perfect! Thanks for all that you do on here❤️
Aug 03Reply
jessmedina760 I love this 🥰 amazing work getting so much true information in these sildes. Thank you so much. I am failry new at trading I was lucky to do my first trade a copule of months back with an amazingly sweet Posher. She was honest, sincere and very fair. I was very happy. Unfortunately I have seen and heard horror stories from other Poshers about being scammed. I love thissss please add me to the private list. xoxo ❤
Aug 03Reply
glamourgurl7 @jessmedina760 thank you! I would love to add you love 💕🤗🥳
Aug 03Reply
jessmedina760 @glamourgurl7 Please do and thank you for sharing this with everyone. Like I said I have heard some terrible stories about trading, just happy it hasn't happened to me. xoxo 🥰😍😘
Aug 03Reply
glamourgurl7 @jessmedina760 thank you! I would love to add you love 💕🤗🥳 doing other now!
Aug 03Reply
glamourgurl7 @jessmedina760 we mostly try and stick to these rules and help each other out when there is an issue so you don’t have to worry with poshers from this list sorry my internet sucks and I made 2 messages 🤣
Aug 03Reply
jessmedina760 @glamourgurl7 Thanks for that, I have done e or 4 trades so far and I only trade if I can see they have trade feedback to make sure I won't get caught in a messy situation. No worries about the internet it happens to all of us. Please keep in touch love xoxo 🥰
Aug 03Reply
lamour_couture Ty so much for this info! Much needed!!! How unfortunate that scammers are out there sucking the blood outta good hard-working people, who THEN look like the bad guy! SMH Ty!!! Moni
Aug 03Reply
glamourgurl7 @lamour_couture of course love your welcome 🙏🏼 would you like me to add you to our trading list?
Aug 03Reply
lamour_couture @glamourgurl7 Sure!!thanks! Love your sense of humor too, that’s my speed. 👍🏼😉
Aug 03Reply
lamour_couture Sure, why not! Thank you❤️
Aug 04Reply
krmontgomery @glamourgurl7@4ever_fashion89 would like to join the group 🥰
Aug 04Reply
4ever_fashion89 @krmontgomery thank you love 💕
Aug 04Reply
krmontgomery @4ever_fashion89 ❤❤❤ these poshers are the best ever... AND our adored Tessie (the founder, and one that keeps it all going)!💖 They love to trade, buy, sell and most importantly - help each other!
Aug 04Reply
glamourgurl7 @4ever_fashion89 @krmontgomery Oh great thank you!!!! Welcome hehehe I have added our new posher 🤓
Aug 04Reply
glamourgurl7 @lamour_couture awesome 😝 you have been added 💕
Aug 04Reply
glamourgurl7 @lizelliegrace here you go love ❤️
Aug 23Reply
glamourgurl7 @sandy_sales21 this is in better detail read it over and see if you have any questions.
Aug 29Reply
glamourgurl7 @bundlesandbags here you go if you decide to go ahead and get on the list I’ll put you, doesn’t mean you need to trade with me 😂🤓
Aug 30Reply
glamourgurl7 @staceyjb this one has more details
Aug 31Reply
glamourgurl7 @nastechek here you go ❤️
Aug 31Reply
nastechek @glamourgurl7 thank you 🤩💸💸
Aug 31Reply
glamourgurl7 @nastechek your welcome 🙏🏼 Not everyone on posh follows this but this is the safest way and always come to me with your questions love! Your added To the list. The list follows these rules
Aug 31Reply
glamourgurl7 @agathalouisette here is some trade info love
Sep 08Reply
glamourgurl7 @mtarantelli hi I saw a comment you were asking how trading works Let me know if you have questions love ❤️
Sep 09Reply
glamourgurl7 @baygb this goes more Into details ❤️
Sep 13Reply
glamourgurl7 @reynaramirez835 let me know if you have questions love
Sep 24Reply
glamourgurl7 @shakia4089 please see #6 Trading is mainly a “trust” that poshers are honest in descriptions and the bag you sent @krmontgomery has several issues that were not disclosed. The deal made is not concluded until items are inspected and if there is issues such as items not as described you must trade back.
Sep 24Reply
glamourgurl7 @esbee_69 @theogb here is a detailed listing too 🤗
Sep 25Reply
glamourgurl7 @sugarandsnips96 here is a detailed one 🤓
Oct 03Reply
glamourgurl7 @susychanel these are very detailed rules and info to stay safe
Oct 03Reply
susychanel @glamourgurl7 Thank you so much for the information I’ll take note
Oct 03Reply
glamourgurl7 @prelovedvuitton here you go let me know if you have Questions and if you need help during a trade or need advice fee free to ask. Also let me know which item you would like me to tag my list for trade 😘
Oct 03Reply
glamourgurl7 @svetyshka this one goes into details and specifics ☺️ Let me know if You have any questions 😘
Oct 12Reply
jiz0724 @glamourgurl7 This is also true well said👏🏼
Oct 12Reply
glamourgurl7 @jiz0724 thank you ☺️
Oct 12Reply
glamourgurl7 ❤️PRIVATE LIST❤️
Oct 14Reply
lovetb08 @glamourgurl7 thanks for this💛
Oct 14Reply
glamourgurl7 This is for those who I have added that are new, also please read about my tagging rules. This is what is best to follow to be safe and have fair happy trades. Let me know if there are questions
Oct 14Reply
glamourgurl7 @lovetb08 your welcome love ❤️
Oct 14Reply
jessmedina760 @glamourgurl7 Thanks Tessie we all need to follow this code of ethics. Thanks for keeping us safe 🥰😘
Oct 14Reply
morr790 Thank you so much Tess for putting this together. It’s just such a shame that there are scammers out there. I am still Pursuing a scammer legally and she will get prosecuted @petit_are1790.
Oct 14Reply
prettythings_05 Love this, thank you. :) It’s very thorough
Oct 14Reply
misistaray @glamourgurl7 i haven’t met you but i love you girl ❤️ you have a beautiful soul 💕 xo
Oct 14Reply
glamourgurl7 @jessmedina760 of course love 💕
Oct 14Reply
glamourgurl7 @morr790 I know love Im sure you will get this made right with that scammer.
Oct 14Reply
glamourgurl7 @esbee_69 your welcome 🤓
Oct 14Reply
morr790 @glamourgurl7 I hope so 🤞 you are so fantastic for everything you do on here ❤️
Oct 14Reply
glamourgurl7 @misistaray ☺️🥰 thank you love 💕 wouldn’t it be cool if we could have a big group gathering 😄🤣 after Covid lol
Oct 14Reply
rumblebumble45 @glamourgurl7 amazing! Thank you for all you do 💜😘
Oct 14Reply
staciekay5 @glamourgurl7 this is great! Thank you! 😍
Oct 14Reply
glamourgurl7 @morr790 thank you 🙏🏼
Oct 14Reply
meikoh @glamourgurl7 thank u love😍
Oct 14Reply
glamourgurl7 @meikoh 😘😘😘
Oct 14Reply
meikoh @glamourgurl7 i gotta give it to u babe🙌🙌 how do u deal w/all these responsibility on posh😭 U R TRUELY AMAZING😘
Oct 14Reply
glamourgurl7 @meikoh sometimes I can fix a trade with one comment sometimes we have these bad apples. It’s not fair for honest trustworthy poshers to get taken. It’s pretty much the same steps with all the issues some Just increase in severity than others so that’s all I can do. And the group’s opinions and helpful comments does most of the work when I tag it. So thank you to you too love 💗
Oct 14Reply
meikoh @glamourgurl7 its just so hard cause dif people have dif personalities/characters/standards😣full of surprises, n u handled all pretty well😘 THANK U💕💕i REALLY do appreciate all that u do!!I try not to get involved if idk the posher well enough, but i know Stacy is real sweet....N seeing she received a bag like that, its just ridiculous😡😡
Oct 14Reply
glamourgurl7 @denyc let me know if you have questions love
Oct 16Reply
glamourgurl7 @60andflawless let me know if you have questions love
Oct 16Reply
60andflawless Oh May gosh I had no idea how much goes into a trade. I’ve never traded before. So I have no history or trading love notes. Thank you for sharing all info.
Oct 16Reply
60andflawless I’ll read a few times. No questions as of right now. It’s hurt my eyes read all that. 😂 Unless there’s more you think I should know.
Oct 16Reply
glamourgurl7 @60andflawless lol 😂 this is very detailed. But basically the love notes are feedback but you just need to make sure you read TRADE love notes not sales. We rely on our love notes as how honest and reputable we are. New traders must build their trust by shipping to a trusted trader first. After 10 trade love notes shipping is at the same time. ☺️🤓
Oct 16Reply
60andflawless Ok got it.
Oct 16Reply
glamourgurl7 @sheshell13 love this is the trade info and tagging info
Oct 18Reply
60andflawless Hi how are you doing tonight? How do I put a item to trade?
Oct 18Reply
glamourgurl7 @60andflawless hi I’m great I hope you are too! It’s #15 you just ask me what you want me to tag 😃 type @ and my posh name on the item
Oct 18Reply
glamourgurl7 @maddigirll let me know if you have questions
Oct 20Reply
sopranoduck @glamourgurl7 Thank you! 🥰
Oct 24Reply
glamourgurl7 @racheltstacy here you go love let me know if You have questions 😘
Nov 01Reply
glamourgurl7 @srey77 here you go love
Nov 05Reply
srey77 @glamourgurl7 thank you so much help :)
Nov 05Reply
glamourgurl7 @srey77 your welcome 😄
Nov 06Reply
glamourgurl7 @klusendorf14 hi here’s a little info love I added you to the trade list
Nov 09Reply
glamourgurl7 @katewv25443 here is trading info
Nov 09Reply
katewv25443 Thank you ♥️
Nov 09Reply
glamourgurl7 @chicdiane thank you! Likewise love ❤️
Nov 10Reply
glamourgurl7 @0ayyyy some info 😁
Nov 10Reply
glamourgurl7 @hannahp76 this is the trading rules of you stick to this you will not be scammed I’m sorry love
Nov 12Reply
glamourgurl7 @dodger13 here you go love
Nov 14Reply
dodger13 @glamourgurl7 hey, thanks a bunch.😁🤭
Nov 14Reply
dodger13 @glamourgurl7 I have a lot to read. I don't do tradebacks or returns. My items are spot on. I am doing one now. The lady only liked one ring, then 2. I am sending her another in hopes she returns one ring. Everytime I did I wound up being the one scammed. She wanted me to send back first, I am now waiting on confirmation on getting 1 ring back.
Nov 14Reply
dodger13 @glamourgurl7 She goes by hollyposh4u I am hoping she is reliable.🙄 I will be sad. Thanks fir the trade. I am excited, If I bother you too much tell me sshhh! 💗
Nov 14Reply
glamourgurl7 @dodger13 no girl please I want you to ask as much, if the posher has less than 10 trades they always ship first and return first. You need to make sure the love notes are trades not sales.
Nov 14Reply
glamourgurl7 @dodger13 she looks fine to me, usually scammers don’t post their pic, not saying if you don’t post your pic your a scammer but that’s my experience and she has some history
Nov 14Reply
dodger13 @glamourgurl7 ok, I need to take a good pic if this old lady. I sell and trade. I have great trade reviews. Only from this lady, I don't know what she will say. I try to sell more, that pays for settings, stones and oh, I want that. lol. Thanks for looking at her. You are so sweet really a fresh breath.😊💞💗😉
Nov 14Reply
dodger13 @glamourgurl7 next year I will have been with posh 5 years. It doesn't seem that long. I am still learning. It is fun and you get to make a little $$ and trade for wants. I hope you have a wonderful weekend.🌹🌞❣
Nov 14Reply
glamourgurl7 @dodger13 yes definitely fun and addictive 😂 same time you love
Nov 14Reply
glamourgurl7 @macy77 here you go love
Nov 19Reply
glamourgurl7 @egoldring2000 this one has better info love
Dec 02Reply
glamourgurl7 @mary2196 please add @egoldring2000 to the trade list 🤗
Dec 02Reply
mary2196 @glamourgurl7 you got it!🙏🏼❤️❤️
Dec 02Reply
glamourgurl7 @thelovelea1 this one is more detailed let me know if you have any questions
Dec 12Reply
fashion_scrilla @sbiedig hello dear, how is it possible to add insurance onto our orders? Please help as I would like to have this option for all of my luxury items please 🥂
Dec 13Reply
glamourgurl7 @fashion_scrilla some post office locations don’t allow it supposedly But you just take the package and ask for insurance to be added and we’re if they will do it
Dec 13Reply
sbiedig @fashion_scrilla My PO has to change the tracking number to add insurance, so then it doesn’t track with the Posh tracking number. This is why I am only trading with people I know and trust, because the only way I’m doing luxury trades right now is with a fully insured and signature confirmed package, and using either FedEx or UPS because USPS has lost too many of my packages over the past few months.
Dec 13Reply
fashion_scrilla @sbiedig @glamourgurl7 ahhh I see now. Thank you for the help dears! I wish posh would implement a system like De*** where we can ship through our own courier I like how their system allows this so we can 1.) select our own trusted courtier service and 2.) so we can include insurance up to the amount we wish. Your information has been very helpful! Thank you! 🙏🏼 😊 Happy holidays to you both!!💕
Dec 13Reply
sbiedig @fashion_scrilla Completely agree! Even if it’s just temporary until USPS can get back to normal operating. Happy Holidays!
Dec 13Reply
fashion_scrilla @sbiedig that would be brilliant! 🥂
Dec 13Reply
glamourgurl7 @agilmore7 here’s some good info
Dec 17Reply
glamourgurl7 @roamthestars some info just FYI 😉
Dec 22Reply
roamthestars @glamourgurl7 awesome! Love the clarity. I have a simple one in my closet but I need to add to it more!
Dec 22Reply
glamourgurl7 @roamthestars this is what my trade list I added you too mostly follows but if there is ever any issues I always help resolve them. Mary has been helping lately so she tags on items to promote just incase you are confused 🤓
Dec 22Reply
glamourgurl7 @lkim802 let me know if you have questions
Jan 02Reply
glamourgurl7 @lamunchkin1 hi I was told You want to trade but possibly don’t know the trade rules we follow to stay safe. This is very detailed info about trading and please if you have questions you can ask me. Thank you
Jan 11Reply
lamunchkin1 @glamourgurl7 thank you. I was attempting to trade but seems that she wants me to send first. It is a rather expensive item, so I’d like to have protection for myself as well. I don’t want to be scammed by the other person not having the same risk that I have.
Jan 11Reply
glamourgurl7 @lamunchkin1 you protect yourself by reading the “TRADE” love notes that poshers have earned. That shows their honesty and they must have more then 10. They have built their reputation starting from where you are now. We all had to ship first to earn our reputation. I handle scams and trade issues for my group. I can add you to the group but you would need to agree to follow our trading rules.
Jan 11Reply
glamourgurl7 @lamunchkin1 If you take a look at mine all my love notes are TRADES. Maybe 1% sale lol. Please let me know if this helps answer your question of protection
Jan 11Reply
glamourgurl7 @lamunchkin1 your welcome if you agree and would like to be added we take care of each other let me know
Jan 11Reply
glamourgurl7 @lamunchkin1 was the “ok” yes join or yes you will let me know 😅
Jan 12Reply
glamourgurl7 @nickisopicki here you go if you agree I’ll add you to the group 😍
Jan 12Reply
glamourgurl7 @gorgeousmaryam this is our info
Jan 13Reply
glamourgurl7 @brokebbargains let me know if You have questions this one is very detailed
Jan 16Reply
glamourgurl7 @genekia1 here is a very detailed listing
Jan 17Reply
oda_maria @sierra_marie86 she has all the tags listed above with great trading rules and a strict policy 💗 I’ve talked to a few ladies on here and they’re all really helpful and have gorg closets!
Jan 18Reply
glamourgurl7 @oda_maria thank you beautiful I will add her to the list 🙏🏼 @sierra_marie86 welcome love! If you ever need help please reach out. I also have @mary2196 helping me with tagging promotion trade items 🙏🏼 MARY please add @sierra_marie86
Jan 18Reply
oda_maria @glamourgurl7 no thank you! And yes I forgot to tag her in Mary’s too! I am doing a trade w her now and she shipped first and fast such an honest and sweet trader 💗 She’ll get my Alma bb!
Jan 18Reply
mary2196 @glamourgurl7 Of course!❤️❤️💗
Jan 18Reply
glamourgurl7 @oda_maria awesome yayyy 😍 I want both LOL 😂 Don’t worry I let Mary know or she lets me know. 😉❤️🙏🏼
Jan 18Reply
glamourgurl7 @rowe_maravilla this is a very detailed listing that my t are group follows. If there are issues I help resolve them for my group as well.
Jan 18Reply
glamourgurl7 @happyposher8 here is a very detailed info listing
Jan 18Reply
glamourgurl7 @happyposher8 I’ll add you to my trade group as well we all follow these rules and I help when there are any issues. By the way I looked at your bundles and there is 2 scammers trying to trade you
Jan 18Reply
glamourgurl7 @beautifulbauble here you go this is very detailed let me know if you have questions and I’ll add you to my trading list love
Jan 19Reply
dalton0210 I appreciate this posting , just so sad that how many have had to go through this.
Jan 22Reply
glamourgurl7 @dalton0210 yeah we can’t get this info out to everyone unfortunately
Jan 22Reply
dalton0210 @glamourgurl7 happy to share and pass it on . hopefully it will help someone along the way
Jan 22Reply
glamourgurl7 @dalton0210 thank you 🙏🏼
Jan 22Reply
freeheart05 @glamourgurl7 this is great thank you
Jan 23Reply
glamourgurl7 @freeheart05 your welcome 🙏🏼
Jan 23Reply
apesoup21 Thanks Tess that most have taken forever hon there is a lot there lol ok not sure if it’s there but if one of us scams someone in the group we all block them the whole group🤷🏻‍♀️ an we tell others not to trade with that person 🤷🏻‍♀️ mayb it will help to cut back on so of the scamming 👍
Jan 23Reply
glamourgurl7 @lllllll123 I made this for my trade group you will see I tagged a bundle or poshers in alphabetical order. Also you need to read love notes before you trade. Check mine out they are probably over 300 and 99% are trades
Jan 24Reply
glamourgurl7 @lllllll123 put a like so you can always come back to it
Jan 24Reply
glamourgurl7 @lllllll123 I can’t add you unless you agree to the rules of my group love
Jan 24Reply
glamourgurl7 @jules6658 let me know if you have questions
Jan 25Reply
glamourgurl7 @cindypassalacqu here you go ❤️
Jan 27Reply
cindypassalacqu That was great! I appreciate you showing me. Now can you teach me how to tag someone😂? When I have something I wish to tell another, I NEVER do it for all the world to read. I always go into a pm to tell the seller if there’s a problem with something they’ve typed. My goal is NEVER to embarrass anyone. So, please tell me how I can join your club, and I’ll tell you a secret in private. Deal? God Bless🙏🏻 Cindy
Jan 27Reply
glamourgurl7 @cindypassalacqu like this See the (@) and the name that’s all
Jan 27Reply
glamourgurl7 @cindypassalacqu just either reply or copy the name and place it where you want with the @
Jan 27Reply
glamourgurl7 @cindypassalacqu or press the item share button and in the search paste the name with the @ and it’ll make a bundle for them
Jan 27Reply
glamourgurl7 @cindypassalacqu @mary2196 please add her to the list 💗
Jan 27Reply
cindypassalacqu @glamourgurl7 Okay, I think I’ve got it now. I’m a bit old and technologically stunted!
Jan 27Reply
glamourgurl7 @cindypassalacqu I’m not high tech either lol no worries but are you sure you got it?
Jan 27Reply
cindypassalacqu Omgosh I got it! You’re absolutely FABULOUS!!
Jan 27Reply
mary2196 @glamourgurl7 got it!❤️❤️
Jan 27Reply
glamourgurl7 @mary2196 thank you 🙏🏼😘
Jan 27Reply
glamourgurl7 @_itsmaddi let me know if You have questions and if you see anything in my closet 🤗
Jan 27Reply
sweetshopper40 Thank you for your posting and warnings. ❤️
Jan 29Reply
glamourgurl7 @stringfieldc new poshers ship first until they reach 10 love. Also make sure you are trading with a trustworthy trader you need to read their love notes and make sure they have good trading history
Feb 01Reply
stringfieldc @glamourgurl7 yes ma'am @svk_2018 helped me through my first Pm trade!! 💕😊 thank you so much ladies for including this one 😘
Feb 01Reply
glamourgurl7 @stringfieldc ok perfect I’m going to add you to our trade group @mary2196 add her please and can you tag her LV bag love ❤️
Feb 01Reply
mary2196 @glamourgurl7 you got it!🙏🏼🙏🏼
Feb 01Reply
stringfieldc and thank you ladies for all the rules and heads up
Feb 01Reply
glamourgurl7 @exumarich let me know if you have questions and if You’d like to be added?
Feb 04Reply
glamourgurl7 @kinleychildress let Me know if you have questions 🙏🏼
Feb 05Reply
glamourgurl7 @tiffany0903 please read this and save it. Also if you agree to the rules I can add you to my trade list 😉
Feb 26Reply
glamourgurl7 @designerobsess this is more detailed 😉
Feb 27Reply
76celia @glamourgurl7 hi. Could you add me to your private list please? I unfortunately got scammed a couple of weeks ago with a gal I had traded with before and I noticed she has also traded with a couple of girls in the same trading circle. Just want everyone to be aware
Feb 27Reply
glamourgurl7 @76celia done ✅ you just need to agree to the rules?
Feb 27Reply
glamourgurl7 @ferganka this is a very detailed breakdown. I also have a trade list if you agree to the rules I can add you to it 🤗
Mar 01Reply
juliekattke I agree 100% with all of this! well done 👍
Mar 22Reply
mary2196 @glamourgurl7 you got it!🙏🏼
Apr 02Reply
luxietime Thank you so much for this! I've done a few trades that luckily all went smoothly. I recently traded my Chanel for another and we both got the message that our items may be replicas. This explains perfectly why that again thank you. I'd love to be added to your list. 🥰
Apr 04Reply
luxietime Also, do you know if posh allows you to use your own shipping labels? The $8 is shipping is ridiculous especially for small items. Is there any work around this. I know on f b marketplace as long as you add the tracking info you can choose what ever carrier you prefer. Also would you mind adding @nico83816 to your list as well. Our Chanel trade was her first. She also has questions about adding insurance to the posh shipping labels.
Apr 04Reply
glamourgurl7 @luxietime @nico83816 id love 2 add you both to the list. Main requirement is new traders ship first until you have 10 TRADE love notes. That’s why the posh label is necessary so you get to leave a love note when you conclude a trade
Apr 04Reply
glamourgurl7 @luxietime @nico83816 @mary2196 helps me with my group. Just confirm your on board with that and your added. After you have a good established history then you can decide about using your own label. If you add insurance the label tracking changes so you wouldn’t get the love note that time happy Easter ladies 😘
Apr 04Reply
mary2196 @glamourgurl7 ok perfect! Thank you so much!🙏🏼❤️❤️
Apr 04Reply
glamourgurl7 @yayfleux here is more info
Apr 05Reply
glamourgurl7 @ranaluxury @luxietime Ladies these are rules and information about trading. Just confirm you agree and you will be added
Apr 08Reply
macprincesss How do I accept?
Apr 08Reply
glamourgurl7 @macprincesss you just did love 💕 I’m adding you now @mary2196 please add her love 💗
Apr 08Reply
mary2196 @glamourgurl7 you got it 🙏🏼❤️
Apr 08Reply
macprincesss @buttercup555 😜🙋🏻‍♀️
Apr 08Reply
holly_jones @glamourgurl7 Thanks Girl! I agree with everything. However I am still trying to figure out number 7 for trade values. Not sure I understand how that works yet.
Apr 17Reply
glamourgurl7 @holly_jones it’s a bit confusing because all poshers trade so different, just always negotiate if you feel like values are not even or do research and compare then try negotiating that way. For example some people have a desperate TV, some have just selling prices. Some list high. So you need to always look up stuff and make sure it’s fair on both ends
Apr 17Reply
glamourgurl7 @holly_jones @mary2196 please add her love 💗
Apr 17Reply
mary2196 @glamourgurl7 you got it!❤️
Apr 17Reply
holly_jones @mary2196 ok that makes sense. That’s how I’ve done it so fair with trades. But it’s definitely been different for each trade.
Apr 17Reply
apesoup21 This is so good Tess thank u for taking your time to do these things for us traders I think u r fab 👍❤️❤️
Apr 17Reply
glamourgurl7 @apesoup21 thank you 😊 someone needed to put this out there 🤷🏻‍♀️😂🤓🙏🏼
Apr 17Reply
glamourgurl7 @loj91010 these are the trade rules your mom followed so does the rest of my private list. Let me know if your interested in resolving the Gucci issue 😉
May 19Reply
lisajohnson3890 @glamourgurl7 I'm glad you're back 😘❤️
Jun 23Reply
luxietime @glamourgurl7 Agree! Thanks for adding me:)
Jun 29Reply
glamourgurl7 @luxietime perfect @mary2196 please add a new member to the list 🤗🥰
Jun 29Reply
mary2196 @glamourgurl7 you got it!☺️
Jun 29Reply
glamourgurl7 @yanaangelova this is very detailed info you can go over
Jul 21Reply
dalton0210 thank you for this
Jul 28Reply
glamourgurl7 @dalton0210 🤗🙏🏼😘 your welcome 😊
Jul 28Reply
shopluxestop @glamourgurl7 thank you dear 💞🥰
Sep 04Reply
glamourgurl7 @lamunchkin1 you have 9 trades 🙌🏼 The rules on the list are 10 trades to ship same time 🤗. Would you like to be added?
Sep 11Reply
artistportal Thank you for this im appreciating the info.Im grateful .Thank You.
Sep 12Reply
glamourgurl7 @artistportal sure I can add you to my trade list if You agree to the rules on here And this other let me tag you
Sep 12Reply
dexterholland1 I literally got the empty box scam a few weeks ago! I learned so many things to look for!
Sep 12Reply
glamourgurl7 @dexterholland1 omg 😱 you can make a post about it so we can warn others about this posher. Also if you stick to these rules you should be safe. I’m always here to help too. If You agree to the group rules let me know so I can add you love
Sep 12Reply
dexterholland1 @glamourgurl7 after I purchased they removed all the items in the closet. I reported it to Poshmark and was told they were just having problems with their closet. They waited 6 days to ship (knowing that I could can cancel the next day) The box came but it was empty of course! Posh did refund me!
Sep 12Reply
glamourgurl7 @dexterholland1 oh I’m so glad It was taken care of 😅
Sep 12Reply
symphony_soul @glamourgurl7 👏👏👏👏👏ωєℓℓ ѕαι∂
Sep 18Reply
glamourgurl7 @symphony_soul love how are you? Did you know I been blocked for some time lol 😂
Sep 18Reply
glamourgurl7 @tibo2008 perfect 👍🏼🥰😘
Oct 11Reply
hanhku @glamourgurl7 thank you 😍❤️♥️
Oct 30Reply
glamourgurl7 @hanhku anytime will Add You now @mary2196 please add our new member 😃
Oct 30Reply
mary2196 @glamourgurl7 sure love!❤️
Oct 30Reply
glamourgurl7 @mary2196 thank you 😊
Oct 30Reply
glamourgurl7 @ladykyb here is some trading info
Nov 04Reply
ladykyb @glamourgurl7 Hey lady I haven’t forgotten about you I’ve just got a horrendous work schedule right now I didn’t get off work till 5 AM and I’m headed right back to work again to get off at 5 AM tomorrow morning so after I get to work tonight and it gets a little bit settled I will try to text message you back
Nov 04Reply
glamourgurl7 @aloving here is one listing ❤️
Nov 08Reply
glamourgurl7 @priscilla7827 perfect 👍🏼 @mary2196 add our new member to the group please love 💕😘😘
Nov 14Reply
glamourgurl7 @mary2196 I added her love ❤️
Nov 14Reply
mary2196 @glamourgurl7 ok perfect! Thank you!❤️I was driving😅
Nov 14Reply
glamourgurl7 @mary2196 all Good beautiful 😍
Nov 14Reply
glamourgurl7 @holly_jones it’s # 7 here. Some new poshers are using trade value wrong they are just so high so they need to learn as well I’m Going to have to refresh the group as soon as I get a chance
Nov 20Reply
glamourgurl7 @ma091495 just confirm to these too please 🤗 @mary2196 new member ❤️ just waiting on confirmation of this post
Dec 02Reply
ma091495 @glamourgurl7 yess! 🙌🏼 you said it all perfectly I agree !!! 🥰🥰
Dec 02Reply
mary2196 @glamourgurl7 you got it!💗💗💗
Dec 02Reply
glamourgurl7 @cathyfrangos these are the trade group rules if you wish to join you just have to accept to follow the rules 😉
Dec 15Reply
joda1967 @glamourgurl7 Thank you! I agree!
Jan 22Reply
glamourgurl7 @joda1967 perfect 👌🏼 @mary2196 would you add our new member love ❤️
Jan 22Reply
mary2196 @glamourgurl7 I will!❤️
Jan 22Reply
glamourgurl7 This is the other
Jan 23Reply
glamourgurl7 @infinitygirl8 this is the other
Jan 23Reply
infinitygirl8 @glamourgurl7 awesome! Agreed 💯! Thank you so much ❤️❤️❤️
Jan 23Reply
glamourgurl7 @anonymouss101 my trade group is in red at the top of the comments and this is our rules
Jan 27Reply
glamourgurl7 This is the first post love @anonymouss101
Jan 27Reply
anonymouss101 @glamourgurl7 okay thank you 🙏
Jan 27Reply
anonymouss101 @glamourgurl7 agreed ❤️❤️❤️😊
Jan 27Reply
glamourgurl7 @anonymouss101 perfect 🙌🏼 @mary2196 add our new group member 💞🥰❤️😘😍
Jan 27Reply
mary2196 @glamourgurl7 you got it!❤️❤️❤️
Jan 27Reply
anonymouss101 @glamourgurl7 thank you hun and thank you Mary ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Jan 27Reply
glamourgurl7 @anonymouss101 anytime love @mary2196 🙏🏼
Jan 27Reply
glamourgurl7 @hjones27 these are the group rules that apply to all trades.
Feb 11Reply
fashion_scrilla @glamourgurl7 ha ha! I wish posh would give us unlimited spaces to type in the description section so we wouldn’t need so many photos 💜 Sending you love beauty! Thank you so much for always supporting the women of the posh community! You’re such a blessing, may your family continue to be blessed every passing da, you deserve the world!☺️🥂🌟
Feb 15Reply
glamourgurl7 @fashion_scrilla your so kind love thank you 🙏🏼 yeah I could have used more pics lol
Feb 16Reply
fashion_scrilla @glamourgurl7 ☺️🥂🌟 You’re such a star!
Feb 17Reply
glamourgurl7 @bcormier92 here love ❤️ just agree to the above and your back 🙌🏼 @mary2196 🥂
Feb 17Reply
bcormier92 @glamourgurl7 got it !!😉✔️💕
Feb 17Reply
glamourgurl7 @bcormier92 perfect 👍🏼 Yayy @mary2196 has added your name love ❤️
Feb 17Reply
bcormier92 @glamourgurl7 thank y’all ❤️🙌
Feb 17Reply
nanobunny @glamourgurl7 perfect! Yes 👍❤️
Mar 02Reply
glamourgurl7 @nanobunny @mary2196 will You please add our new member 🙌🏼
Mar 02Reply
mary2196 @glamourgurl7 Yes!❤️ @nanobunny Hi love!💗
Mar 02Reply
nanobunny @mary2196 Hello! And thank you! ❤️ @glamourgurl7 thank you so much for adding me 💕🌸
Mar 02Reply
glamourgurl7 @nanobunny 🤗❤️😘
Mar 02Reply
oneturtleworld I’ve always wanted to try a trade but I’ve always been worried that the person wouldn’t ship or send trash. You seem like a pro trader. I have a small closet with some things you might like? Trading is an interesting concept and I’d feel good about trading with someone who’s been doing it for a long time. If not that’s cool too 😀
Mar 04Reply
glamourgurl7 @oneturtleworld hi love! I have a trade group these are the rules we follow. The most important part about trading is earning TRADE love notes. That’s basically your feedback. All mine are trades or some client work I do repairs too. New traders usually ship first to earn their trust and history. After you have reached 10 trade love notes shipping is sale time.
Mar 04Reply
glamourgurl7 @oneturtleworld I’m always here to help all the traders on and off my list so if you ever have questions about it feel free to reach out. Also if you agree to the rules you can be added To the group 🤗 I’ll check out your closet 😉💗
Mar 04Reply
glamourgurl7 @thirstyseason awesome 🤗@mary2196 please add our new member love ❤️
Mar 12Reply
mary2196 @glamourgurl7 you got it!❤️
Mar 12Reply
cynwilli000 Awesome information 👍🏽😍
Mar 13Reply
glamourgurl7 @cynwilli000 thanks 🙏🏼 I have a trade group this is what we follow let me know if your interested in joining or have any questions 😉
Mar 13Reply
cynwilli000 @glamourgurl7 thanks would love to join
Mar 13Reply
glamourgurl7 @cynwilli000 awesome I will tag you in ine more listing you just agree to follow the rules on both listings and your added 🙌🏼
Mar 13Reply
milena123456 @glamourgurl7 hi Tess would you please add my long time friend @lisashopalot to the group. Lisa is awesome and super trusted. thank you!
Mar 15Reply
glamourgurl7 @milena123456 yes I’d love to just need @lisashopalot to agree to follow the rules above 🙌🏼
Mar 15Reply
glamourgurl7 @cherrie770 #15 fifth dot
Mar 16Reply
glamourgurl7 @playclothes77 see number 15 fifth dot. I messaged you in the bundle that the listing would be made to help get the issue resolved
Mar 16Reply
glamourgurl7 @goodfindlux perfect 😍 @mary2196 will You add our new member love ❤️
Mar 21Reply
glamourgurl7 @germaineholland this is the best info for traders and to stay safe. So new poshers ship first and when the established trader/posher gets the box and verifies it’s all there or all authentic or whatever the case then they proceed to ship their items to the new posher. After 10 trades this way the 11th trade is sale time. But you also want to make sure the other posher has over 10 trade love notes not sales love notes. 🙏🏼
Apr 05Reply
glamourgurl7 Same time ^
Apr 05Reply
germaineholland Ok got it
Apr 05Reply
glamourgurl7 @luckydivas this is very helpful information we go by to stay safe
Apr 06Reply
glamourgurl7 @anndare these are the rules our group follows to stay safe, if you’d like to join just comment that you agree
Apr 06Reply
glamourgurl7 @anndare wonderful 🙌🏼 @mary2196 please add our new member 😍🥰😘
Apr 07Reply
glamourgurl7 @mary2196 thank you ❤️
Apr 07Reply
glamourgurl7 @stephanie1835 hey love I was watching my series all day lol. This is the rules we follow in the group if you’d like to join please just comment that you agree 🤗
Apr 11Reply
stephanie1835 @glamourgurl7 yes please!! I agree!! I love to trade and it would be amazing to know I’m not gonna get scammed!! 😀 thanks so much!!
Apr 11Reply
glamourgurl7 @stephanie1835 ok great 🙌🏼 @mary2196 will You please add our new member 🙏🏼❤️
Apr 11Reply
mary2196 @glamourgurl7 sounds good!💜
Apr 11Reply
glamourgurl7 It’s #15 here and then @mary2196 will You tag her on the tag requirements listing you made please so she can know what is needed 🤗😘
Apr 12Reply
glamourgurl7 @mary2196 @stephanie1835 ☝🏼 I forgot to tag you 😂😂
Apr 12Reply
mary2196 @glamourgurl7 Lol I got her! @stephanie1835 Let me tag you in the reqs, love🙏🏼💗
Apr 12Reply
stephanie1835 @mary2196 I’m gonna read a that j. Just a few minutes. Thanks so much for including me! I feel so much safer doing trades now!!
Apr 13Reply
glamourgurl7 @stephanie1835 your welcome just stick to the rules and you should be fine and if you have any questions you can always reach out to me or @mary2196 🙏🏼😘
Apr 13Reply
mary2196 @stephanie1835 Of course!🙏🏼💗Looking forward to having you as part of the trade community!💗
Apr 13Reply
stephanie1835 @glamourgurl7 thank you! For some reason, everyone keeps pulling out of trades with me. One of my friends told me there’s a group of people badmouthing me and I’ve lost a few trades lately. Do you have any idea how I can fix this??
Apr 13Reply
stephanie1835 @mary2196 I’m having a lot of problems with other poshers. I don’t understand it, but people are pulling out of trades and saying it’s because a group warned them about me. A group! I got some of their names, but I’ve never even worked with them or so much as spoke to them. Any clue how this is happening? It’s been about 5 people so far saying they were “warned” about me. I don’t even have any negative reviews or anything!
Apr 13Reply
stephanie1835 Oh and one of them (thought she was my friend) told me she wanted to trade back one of my moissanite rings for a bigger size. I sent the bigger size but she never sent the original back and then she blocked me! What can I do?
Apr 13Reply
mary2196 @stephanie1835 Hey love- so from what you can gather, there is a small group of people bashing your rep on posh? By chance, do you have their names?
Apr 13Reply
stephanie1835 @mary2196 I don’t have their names anymore. It was in text and I got a new phone a few days ago and lost the thread. :(
Apr 13Reply
mary2196 @stephanie1835 Ok love. Now as to the person who blocked you when you tried to re-trade rings due to the ring being too small. When did this happen, and whom did you trade with?
Apr 13Reply
stephanie1835 @mary2196 @twinmom122 we have done multiple trades over the last few months. I totally trust her. But she blocked me today and won’t reply to my texts so I have no idea what to do.
Apr 13Reply
mary2196 @stephanie1835 Ok love we will reach out and see what’s going on
Apr 13Reply
stephanie1835 @mary2196 oh wow, thank you! I really need these people to stop messing with my business and reputation. It’s been going on for a while now and I just don’t understand. It’s never anyone who I’ve ever done business with or even spoken to!
Apr 13Reply
mary2196 @stephanie1835 I just left her a message- so hopefully she gets back to me soon and unblocks you so you guys can talk it out and fix it- hopefully that will solve that problem and hopefully the other ones🙏🏼
Apr 13Reply
stephanie1835 Wow thank you so much! I’m sure she’s gonna think I’m “tattling” on her but I just don’t know what else to do. Her close friend just canceled a trade on me. I can’t believe or imagine she would join in since she was the one who always consoled me when these bullies came out.
Apr 13Reply
stephanie1835 Hey! Any word? Idk if I should report about my ring or what I should do. I can’t believe a friend did this. I mean, I have months of daily texts from her and now just poof. Idk. I hate getting a friend in trouble (yes, I know she’s not my friend anymore but she was at one point… I think)
Apr 14Reply
stephanie1835 There is a person in this group going around telling people lies about me. Julie, can you please just stop it? You’ve never received anything from me so how can you make these accusations? I went through bundles of people I work with and they all say that you warned them about me.
Apr 15Reply
glamourgurl7 @dfkp1984 this is a very informative trade info listing the group goes by. If you agree I can add you ❤️
Apr 21Reply
glamourgurl7 @mary2196 please add our new member @dfkp1984 ❤️
Apr 21Reply
alaskangarcia ❤️❤️❤️
Apr 21Reply
mary2196 @glamourgurl7 Ok!🙏🏼💗
Apr 21Reply
norcalcloset Love this!! 💕 People can be so low, I hate having super high trade standards - it’s tough for newbie honest traders to break in, but it’s just necessary I guess ☹️
Apr 29Reply
glamourgurl7 @norcalcloset the most important part about trading is the TRADE love notes. That’s earned by shipping first 10 times but you don’t want to do that with a new trader. Always make sure the posher is well established and has many many trades.
Apr 29Reply
glamourgurl7 @norcalcloset That serves as their feedback. Someone with no history can easily do as Linda did because they can close their Account since they aren’t loosing accumulated history. If you ever have questions you can ask anytime I am always helping the poshers on and off the list
Apr 29Reply
glamourgurl7 @candyshap here is one detailed post
Apr 29Reply
glamourgurl7 @mary2196 please add our new member @candyshap
Apr 29Reply
norcalcloset Agreed ✨
Apr 29Reply
glamourgurl7 @norcalcloset great 🙏🏼 @mary2196 please add our new member 💕
Apr 29Reply
candyshap @glamourgurl7 Wow! I’m so flattered to be included in this elite group! Thank you.
Apr 29Reply
glamourgurl7 @candyshap your welcome 🤗 and we love growing this list as long as we all follow the rules we can stay safe 🙏🏼
Apr 29Reply
busygirl88 @glamourgurl7 Hi! This is such great info for traders. I don’t believe I’m part of your list, but I do trade on occasion & always read tips that are listed for it. Thanks for making this list. It looks like it took some time. 😊💕
May 04Reply
glamourgurl7 @busygirl88 hi lovely this is what my group follows if you would like to be added you just need to agree to this and another let me tag you
May 04Reply
glamourgurl7 Hi love @ashleya2122 I was informed by @balmainqueen that you are a new trader and would love to add you to our group if you would just read this listing & 1 other I will tag you on that too and agree to the rules you will be added.
May 04Reply
busygirl88 @glamourgurl7 Hi! Yes please! That would be wonderful. I dont have as many trades under my belt as you, but I have 13 completed, successful trades. And I agree with both listings. Thanks so much! 😊
May 04Reply
glamourgurl7 @busygirl88 awesome 🤗❤️ @mary2196 we have a new member 🙌🏼
May 04Reply
mary2196 @glamourgurl7 you got it!🙏🏼💗
May 04Reply
ashleya2122 @glamourgurl7 hey sorry for the delay! that sounds great, thank you so much!
May 04Reply
ashleya2122 @glamourgurl7 i agree with both listings :)
May 04Reply
glamourgurl7 @ashleya2122 perfect 💗@mary2196 please add our new member love 💕
May 04Reply
mary2196 @glamourgurl7 sounds good!🙏🏼💗
May 04Reply
glamourgurl7 @glogypsy this is the main one
May 07Reply
glogypsy Agree thanks Tessie for allowing me to join 💗💞💞
May 07Reply
glamourgurl7 @glogypsy awesome 🙏🏼@mary2196 please add our new member ❤️🤗😘😘
May 07Reply
mary2196 @glamourgurl7 Will do!💗
May 07Reply
glogypsy @mary2196 thank you ladies 😘😘
May 07Reply
glogypsy @glamourgurl7 thanks Tessie 🙏🏼💗
May 07Reply
infinitygirl8 @glamourgurl7 thank you, Tessie 😘❤️. And thank you Gloria @glogypsy 😘💞
May 08Reply
glamourgurl7 @infinitygirl8 @glogypsy of course ladies 💗
May 08Reply
glamourgurl7 @classy_sassy this is the rules and 2 other let me tag you like be just agree to this and you will be addef
May 13Reply
glamourgurl7 @classy_sassy I can add you once you have agreed on this listing love
May 13Reply
noor908 @glamourgurl7 agreed! 🤍 love this !
Jun 06Reply
glamourgurl7 @noor908 yayyy 🙌🏼 @mary2196 please add our lovely new member 🥰🥰😘
Jun 06Reply
olalove1 I agree 👍
Jun 19Reply
glamourgurl7 @olgahidalgo ok 👌🏼 @mary2196 please add our new member 💕
Jun 19Reply
glamourgurl7 @cmendoza061981 agree to this post also and you can be added 🤗
Jul 15Reply
cmendoza061981 @glamourgurl7 agree yes please and thank you 🙏
Jul 15Reply
glamourgurl7 @cmendoza061981 @mary2196 please add our new member 🤗
Jul 15Reply
cmendoza061981 @glamourgurl7 thank you and may I add your very beautiful I feel us women should lift each other up instead of tearing each other down ❤️ be the one to straighten someone’s crown 👑
Jul 15Reply
glamourgurl7 @cmendoza061981 thank you so much and so are you 😍🤗🥰❤️😘 💯
Jul 15Reply
glamourgurl7 @la_rachael I have this trade group if you’d like to be added you just agree to follow the rules on this listing 🤗
Jul 15Reply
glamourgurl7 Thank you for the new member @buttercup555 🙌🏼 hi @ericahimeniuk would you please agree to these rules and you can join our group @mary2196 🤗
Jul 15Reply
buttercup555 @glamourgurl7 thank you tessie and mary! 💖 ericka is a great human!
Jul 15Reply
la_rachael @glamourgurl7 I agree! Thank you so much for including me! I love a good trade and have been trading high end jewelry! Thank you again for letting me join your group!
Jul 16Reply
buttercup555 @la_rachael 💖💖💖💖 welcome!
Jul 16Reply
ericahumeniuk33 @buttercup555 I agree!!! Thank you ♥️♥️♥️
Jul 16Reply
buttercup555 @ericahumeniuk33 welcome to our group! 💖❤💖❤🥳
Jul 16Reply
ericahumeniuk33 @buttercup555 thank you so much 😘😘😘
Jul 16Reply
glamourgurl7 @la_rachael @ericahumeniuk33 perfect thank you @buttercup555 🙌🏼🙏🏼❤️👌🏼@mary2196 we have 2 new members 😍😍
Jul 16Reply
la_rachael @glamourgurl7 yay thank you for including me!!
Jul 16Reply
la_rachael @buttercup555 thank you!! 🥰🥰🥰 I’m so happy to be here!
Jul 16Reply
buttercup555 @la_rachael as we are too. Ur going to find some beautiful souls in this group.🌹
Jul 16Reply
glamourgurl7 @mary2196 thank you 💕🥳😘
Jul 16Reply
buttercup555 @glamourgurl7 ❤❤ thank my ladies!
Jul 16Reply
la_rachael @buttercup555 aww so exciting!
Jul 16Reply
glamourgurl7 @twee this is one
Aug 14Reply
glamourgurl7 @buttercup555 thank you for the new member love ❤️ @nalani8n hi love this is the rules for our trade group if you’d like to join just agree to follow the rules in this and another listing I’ll tag you now 😍🥰😘 @mary2196 thank you 🙏🏼 🥰🥰🥰😍😘😘😘🤗🤗🤗
Aug 28Reply
buttercup555 @glamourgurl7 ur welcome my lady!
Aug 28Reply
nalani8n @glamourgurl7 yes I agree to follow all these rules :) I love Poshmark and want to meet and associate with other responsible and trustworthy people just like me
Aug 28Reply
glamourgurl7 @nalani8n perfect 🙏🏼 @mary2196 we have a new member 🙌🏼❤️😍😘
Aug 28Reply
mary2196 @glamourgurl7 already added her🥰🥰🥰
Aug 28Reply
glamourgurl7 @mary2196 🙌🏼 Awesome 😎
Aug 28Reply
glamourgurl7 @nalani8n I forgot to tag you in the other listing sorry lol 😂 I was watching a movie let me do it now 😉
Aug 28Reply
nalani8n @glamourgurl7 ok thank you so very much
Aug 28Reply
nalani8n I did 2 trades with @buttercup555 :) I’m so glad that I have met her.
Aug 28Reply
glamourgurl7 @nalani8n she is a very reputable and trustworthy trader 🙌🏼 😍😍😍❤️❤️😝🙏🏼
Aug 28Reply
buttercup555 @nalani8n love our trades!💖
Aug 28Reply
buttercup555 @glamourgurl7 😊😊😊🥰
Aug 28Reply
glamourgurl7 @zinnia1215 please agree here 😆
Sep 02Reply
glamourgurl7 @mary2196 please add @zinnia1215 she agreed to follow the group rules in our bundle 😄
Sep 02Reply
mary2196 @glamourgurl7 Will do!💗
Sep 02Reply
glamourgurl7 @mary2196 thank you lovely 🥰
Sep 02Reply
mary2196 @glamourgurl7 of course!🙏🏼💗
Sep 02Reply
glamourgurl7 @kaitlyn181818 this is the main listing 😉
Sep 09Reply
newmoonjewelry I can’t believe I’ve gone my entire posh journey without running into this. So glad to be tagged 🙌
Sep 09Reply
glamourgurl7 @kaitlyn181818 😆😍😍 if you agree you will be added lovely 🥰
Sep 09Reply
glamourgurl7 @kaitlyn181818 perfect 🤗 @mary2196 we have a new member ❤️
Sep 09Reply
mary2196 @glamourgurl7 sounds good!❤️
Sep 09Reply
midnightrosebtq I agree 🙏🌟
Sep 19Reply
glamourgurl7 @midnightrosebtq perfect 👍🏼 @mary2196 please add her to the group 🥰🥰🥰
Sep 19Reply

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