Trump Masks Set of 5! Mix and Match 7 for $25!
US$10 US$35
This item is sold out
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Listing is for Set of 5 trump masks
All are new
Cotton masks
Awesome Quality!!!
Check out our reviews!!!!!!!!!
Mix and match all masks or socks 7 for $25!
Limited time offer (7 items not sets)

327 others
like this

@ovsomers That’s horrible. No matter what your beliefs, this is not the platform to voice them. Everyone is entitled to their opinion.
Aug 04Reply

@maddmadd27 amen this is a place of business!! :) I left a nice comment because I trust our president yes others may not like him but its their opinion only thanks for being kind let's get poshmark busy with lots of sales!!! ❤❤💯💯
Aug 04Reply

@xtremelysassy it was - I reported it! I didn’t say who I was voting for - only that this wasn’t the platform to voice opinions. Not that he had an opinion - just the bad language! Let’s keep on Poshin’ ladies (and gentlemen!)!
Aug 04Reply

@maddmadd27 I’m with you it’s horrible‼️
Aug 04Reply

@dchristian1729 Totally! We all have opinions - go Tweet if you want, but let’s keep Posh the one place where we can have a second of fun and escape the negativity of this world. If only briefly.
Aug 04Reply

@bb_boutique2 Apologies for turning your listing into a political back-and-forth!
Aug 04Reply

@maddmadd27 no need for apology at all!!!!! It comes with the territory for selling these types of things :)
Aug 04Reply

I often find myself on the outside, looking in...
*Disclaimer: My advice, while unsolicited, has good intentions, creating a polarized audience, yielding the best profits!
*Ignore ALL drama & the CrazyPanties! Let them promote your page & therefore your entire closet!
So something like;
1) "Dump Trump 2020!"
2) We've learned from our mistakes, the whole family is full of snakes!!
(Continued, 1 of 2)
Aug 04Reply

(Continued, 2 of 2)
SIDE NOTE: I should stick to songs, as I'm not at all prophetic I slogans! 😀😁😂🤣
Communicate, listen, learn, grow, share, etc.
Always remember the 1 thing we all share, is how different we all are. This is exactly what unites us! It's deserves to be celebrated. Appreciated.
*Being in sales, one must seperate their emotions from sales.
"Neutral," = Double profits Guuurl! 😎
Aug 04Reply

#DramaEqualsAttn #MassMarketing &
#FreePromo 💛 Hope I helped is some way. Oh BTW, the masks l are GREAT,! Whether or NOT I agree with the biased matters not.
Regardless, I hope we can ALL agree that providing masks is a GREAT step in the right direction!! TY!
Aug 04Reply

@bb_boutique2 it's all good some people just didn't know when to stop I was being nice and then it went crazy sorry if it caused to much I think you are doing the right thing I hope u sell! :) ❤❤ I just ignore the bad comments on this post and go on about your day! sorry if I said anything bad I didn't mean too we all have our own opinions on things like this ! :) ❤❤ thanks for sharing the great work and posting keep up the good work!!❤❤ I am sorry again I hope I didn't make u mad or anything
Aug 04Reply

@maddmadd27 so true! let's all posh together! :)
Aug 04Reply

@maddmadd27 that’s what’s wrong people are talking about the wrong things I will always speak the truth no matter where I’m at‼️
Aug 04Reply

Love these!
Aug 04Reply

Hi! I was just wondering if it’s all 5 masks for the one price? Thanks!
Aug 05Reply

@bellabling7 yes all 5 for $25!
Aug 05Reply

Yes!!!!!! You will receive 5 new masks!!!! Thank you for the question!!! Anything else I can help with, please let me know!!! Happy shopping!!!!
Aug 05Reply

@bb_boutique2 Thanks so much! I just accepted your offer can’t wait to receive them😄🇺🇸
Aug 05Reply

@bellabling7 thank you so much!!!!! You will love them, and believe it or not, so will a lot of other people :)
Aug 05Reply

@bb_boutique2 thank you I plan on giving one to my sister and brother thanks again.
Aug 05Reply

@bellabling7 they will enjoy them tremendously!!!!
Aug 05Reply

@buttahcups ha ha. Back at ya girl! :)
Aug 05Reply

@mwilson2215 🤣🤣
Aug 05Reply

@dromero888 Me?
Aug 05Reply

This is :(
Aug 05Reply

@elisa never a dull moment selling these :)
Aug 05Reply

@humdillydilly thank you so much!!
Aug 06Reply

@bb_boutique2 you rock!! Keep America Great!!
Aug 06Reply

@zoeemylee04 do what you please! We’re just here to sell!!
Aug 06Reply

@zoeemylee04 good .. buy all of them
Aug 06Reply

@humdillydilly lol they never do :)
Aug 06Reply

🎉 👏 Congratulations on your awesome Host Pick! Have fun today. Happy Poshing. Will share with my followers. 🌟🛍👏
Aug 06Reply

@maddmadd27 he’s just selling masks😑
Aug 06Reply

@evelynoverlease if you look back at my comments, I have no issue with these masks. I was actually calling someone out who used this platform to cuss out Trump. I say, to each his own. I have no issue with these masks and I would never call anyone out for selling them, regardless of my political affiliation. This is Poshmark, not Twitter or TikTok. Let’s just sell our stuff! 😊
Aug 06Reply

@maddmadd27 :) could not agree more with your statement :)
Aug 06Reply

@dromero888 If you were talking to me with the “typical democrat” comment, I am not against selling these masks! I was calling out some guy who made a nasty comment. I’m just trying to buy and sell on this platform - not debate politics. Trump fan or not - I don’t care. To each his own.
Aug 06Reply

@humdillydilly following and shared your items!
Aug 06Reply

@evelynoverlease following you and shared your items! Best of luck Roth your new closet! 💰🤛
Aug 06Reply

@gospartans2013 following you and sharing your items!
Aug 06Reply

@gideonandsophie thanks for following and sharing! Just reciprocated 🙏🏼💙
Aug 06Reply

@gideonandsophie Thanks! sharing and following u also!
Aug 06Reply

@gideonandsophie thank you for the shares. I will reciprocate the kindness, Happy poshing 😊
Aug 06Reply

@gideonandsophie thx!!!!
Aug 06Reply

@maddmadd27 Thanks for the clarification!💖🤩🥰
Aug 06Reply

This remark was supposed to be meant as comical, not cutting down or putting down anyone, sorry you took it that way!
Aug 06Reply

@dromero888 I totally did not. I don’t know how I got caught up in all of this - lol! I love all of you and everyone’s opinion!
Aug 06Reply

@dromero888 no not at all!!!!!!!!! Please don’t think we felt that at all!!!!! It was actually hilarious. Our 8 year old is sometimes on here as we encourage him to work with us and sometimes will respond to folks!!!! Just didn’t want him asking what certain words were, although to be honest, he prolly uses them on us all the time when we walk away. Especially if he is anything like his father!!!! Lol
Aug 06Reply

These are awesome! Love them
Aug 06Reply

@felicityangie07 I can completely understand instacart!!!!! And you are right, your friends will enjoy them big time!!!! Lol. Always open to offers :) have a great day!!!!
Aug 06Reply

HEY! I have some awesome cute clothes that I’d love for you to check out! If you see something you like and put in a reasonable offer I’ll DEFINITELY accept! Happy Poshing! 🥳💗
Aug 06Reply

I am a huge liberal democrat so obviously not a huge Trump supporter. Having said that, you still have the right to sell these masks. No one should leave nasty comments just because they don't share the same political beliefs. If I wanted to sell a democratic nominees merchandise on here, I should be allowed to. As long as there is nothing offensive or illegal. It works both ways. Everyone deserves equal treatment. At least it will get more people wearing masks to prevent the spread of covid.
Aug 06Reply

@hollyannagellar we completely agree and appreciate you saying that!!!! on another note, we will have Joe Biden Masks available hopefully for next week as well as black lives matter masks as well! have a wonderful and blessed day!!!!!
Aug 06Reply

@bb_boutique2 that's great! I think some people just want to start stuff. Which is weird cause this ain't twitter. Lol. We are all here to make a little extra cash. Have a good one! 😁
Aug 06Reply

@hollyannagellar exactly!!!!!!! could not have said it better!!!--
Aug 06Reply

@bb_boutique2 That guy kinda jumped the gun. Lol. We need to be able to have civil conversations and learn from others feelings. I have friends and family who are republicans and we have calm understanding conversation. We still love and care about each other. Ok I'm done. I just get tired of people hating on others without knowing a thing about them. That is all. Lol
Aug 06Reply

@hollyannagellar so well said :) thank you for sharing!!!!
Aug 06Reply

@bb_boutique2 thanks for listening. Lol
So many cute animal socks! I want all of them! Lol
Aug 06Reply

@hollyannagellar :) the socks are lots of fun!!!!!
Aug 06Reply

@bb_boutique2 yep yep. I just bought a pair. Lol
Aug 06Reply

@hollyannagellar awwwwwwww thank you soooo much!!!!!! Please let us know how you like them!!!!!!
Aug 06Reply

@bb_boutique2 I already love them. Lol. I'll let you know. I plan on getting more when I get paid. Cheers
Aug 06Reply

Also, the Trump hair socks are absolutely hilarious. I might get a pair for my roommate
Aug 06Reply

@hollyannagellar the hair socks are hilarious 😆
Aug 06Reply

@bb_boutique2 yeah. I think anyone can agree on that. No matter your political party.
Aug 06Reply

Well. You made a liberal friend just by being a decent person. Lol. Funny how that works. You know, talking to people like actual human beings. Lol
Aug 06Reply

@hollyannagellar exactly!!!!!!!!!
Aug 06Reply

@hollyannagellar I love it!!!!!!!!!! Thank you for making my night :)
Aug 06Reply

@bb_boutique2 me too! Lol. We not all crazy. Lol. Stay safe!
Aug 06Reply

@hollyannagellar it’s nice to know we still have sane people in this world, no matter our political affiliations :)
Aug 06Reply

@bb_boutique2 Same. Lol. Have a great night!
Aug 07Reply

@maddmadd27 Everyone's entitled to their opinion so everyone's allowed to give theirs. Amen.
Aug 07Reply

@bb_boutique2 you are just selling something. Calm down everybody.
Aug 07Reply

May I get 5 masks and the 2 pairs of socks that I liked?
Aug 07Reply

@misstscloset all set :) offer sent!!!! Thank you :)
Aug 07Reply

@bb_boutique2 my mother adores them. Unfortunately I can't afford right now. I would love to wear them. by the way if we're talking about opinions I have my opinions and I'm going to tell you my opinion. I am extremely upset that you only have socks with dogs on them. Where are your cat socks? let's talk about what's really important here. Dogs versus cats socks. That is important. LOL 🙀🙀🙀🙀🙀😻
Aug 08Reply

@bellabling7 awesome
Aug 08Reply

@bb_boutique2 this is hilarious.
Aug 08Reply

@humdillydilly just followed you.
Aug 08Reply

@pixiedustpj hahahahahahahaha!!!!!! We have the whole line of cat socks!!!!! We just have not listed them yet!!! Let me know what kind of cat and I will let you know if we have it :)
Aug 08Reply

@bellabling7 just followed you
Aug 08Reply

@lalaa_x3 just followed you
Aug 08Reply

sorry I couldn't help myself. Actually I probably have a cat that I doubt you would have. She is a ragdoll. She is the type of cat that when you pick her up she goes limp in your arms so you can hold her like a baby. she sleeps on her back with her little paws crossed in the front no. She is white with blue eyes. I couldn't help but tease you. actually I'm selling not buying. Unemployed on disability. I thank you for sticking to your guns and following the First Amendment.
Aug 08Reply

@pixiedustpj :) we do have a rag doll, with blue eyes, white body, and tan face :)
Aug 08Reply

OMG you are brilliant!
Aug 08Reply

okay did you go to my page and see what my cat looked like? Lmao. she has a white face and half of her body is Pure White and the other half is calico. and she has a little stripe on her head we call it the Harry Potter scar. don't mind my capitalization I'm speaking this and my phone types very strangely.
Aug 08Reply

This is strange because I tried selling masks in April and posh made me take it down. I didn’t have anything printed on them. Just pretty cotton fabric. How come I couldn’t and you can?
Aug 08Reply

@kat7914 I am not sure. Very good question.
Aug 08Reply

@kat7914 i think in April the masks were still considered a prohibited 🚫 item category by Poshmark , but there was such a huge demand for them and folks were still listing them. So as time went on they allowed the face masks to be sold ! I guess its all about supply and demand ! Happy poshing! Just shared 🤩❤️🤍💙
Aug 08Reply

I already purchased a Set 🇺🇸Thank you
Aug 08Reply

I think whether your left or right or standing in the middle
We should all have Freedom of Speech
Like or Love ❤️Whatever we want.
People should go to Alanon when they want to control everything!!
I wish everyone could do the 12 Steps!!
Maybe then they could stay in their own lane
Including big owners of business
Freedom for all
Not just for some~❤️🇺🇸💙
Aug 08Reply

@sexynmonterey amen 🙏 Happy poshing and stay safe ❤️🤍💙🙏
Aug 08Reply

I thought that might be the case. I hope you do super well. I might try again but I make them for friends for free. The supplies have been donated so I probably won’t try unless I get my own supplies. Actually, I’ve made $575 getting cash donations so not doing too bad. I truly hope you do well. We all need the money now during this crazy time. Best of luck to you.
Aug 08Reply

Hello im interested i tried to pick a size and it says. os is that mean for socks? im interested in masks only❤
Aug 09Reply

@veronnag all masks are os! These are all adult
Aug 10Reply

@bb_boutique2 Hi! oh ok great!!
Aug 10Reply

@d34dg0th nope we just report those that aren’t positive! Thanks for checking out our listings!
Aug 10Reply

❤️💙❤️💙❤️ TRUMP 2020! Love it!
Aug 10Reply

@maddmadd27 shut up! Haha! Hilarious!! Love it!
Aug 11Reply

Loving mine!
Aug 11Reply

@squirrelinasuit they are the best!!!! Everyone loves them :)
Aug 11Reply

@kodonnell48 that’s your opinion, which I respect but I don’t agree with. Thank you
Aug 11Reply

@hotdrobe I’m hoping you meant shut up in a nice way?
Aug 11Reply

love these. shared!
Aug 11Reply

@shopfoxy thank you for sharing!!!!!
Aug 11Reply

Aug 11Reply

hi did you make these? or are they official Trump 2020 merchandise?
Aug 11Reply

@jerkinslow if you dont believe in democracy and the right to choose than perhaps you should consider another country.
Aug 11Reply

@bb_boutique2 What does prolly mean? 😂
Aug 11Reply

@ superwendy a race to the bottom
Aug 11Reply

The popcorn is pretty good in here! Like a family reunion with people you WANT to see. Kinda like a Trump rally!
🇺🇸 4 more years! 🇺🇸
Aug 12Reply

@mamamadeit love it :)
Aug 12Reply

@bb_boutique2 Ya gotta get on those Kanye masks. And no Husky socks? Ya kiddin me? 😂
Aug 12Reply

Aug 12Reply

You had to expect that... I mean, you HAD to. No harm though. I just wanna be consistent with my garb - isn’t Trump like, anti-mask? That would be kind of a blow to him, man. Wouldn’t wanna hurt that mans feelings. I’m going to look into his stance on masks before I buy, thanks!
Aug 12Reply

@jjaworsk1zz I must admit that Trump’s national Covid response policy has been outstanding (compared to the rest of the world). Also, his recommendation on uv light and bleach was top notch.
Aug 12Reply

@ap129 I pray this is sarcasm and I’m gonna assume it is for my mental health <3 stay woke.
Aug 12Reply

@jjaworsk1zz I mean when he told us he was stable genius with a big brain, I immediately believed him. Now we’re #1. In Covid. Worldwide. There’s so much winning going on it insane!
Aug 12Reply

@ap129 oh sure, and since he’s been so adamant about wearing masks as a measure of protection until HIS vaccine is done BY THE END OF THE YEAR, these masks could be worth some $ in years to come. Although the whole years to come thing is a big ol mystery... viva la ______.
Aug 12Reply

Aug 12Reply

I love it. no. judgement here. only God can do that.
Aug 12Reply

@mistyweaver_3 amen!!!!!!! Couldn’t agree more!!!!
Aug 12Reply

You all should support this person by each buying a "Trump mask"
Aug 12Reply

Can u ship these together I’m new to this and forgot to bundle them 🤪
Aug 13Reply

@bomattox what I am going to do, is cancel both your orders, and then bundle your two things together :) once I put the bundle together, you just need to accept :) give me just a couple minutes :)
Aug 13Reply

@maddmadd27 my fun was disrupted by those pictures of the masks and like you said everyone is entitled to have their own opinion👍🏽
Aug 13Reply

@jjaworsk1zz 😂😂
Aug 13Reply

@bb_boutique2 you guys are awesome! wish I saw your listing before I purchased tons of similar masks :)
Aug 13Reply

@yevgeniyaptytsy awwww thanks!!!!! We are just over here making all sorts of friends from around our great country!!!!! USA!!!
Aug 13Reply

@bb_boutique2 amen to that! I moved to this country not that long ago and definitely see that Trump is The Best President US had in a Long time ! Cheers to you my friends :)
Aug 13Reply

@yevgeniyaptytsy Welcome to the US!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Aug 13Reply

@looking_glass01 @lalulushop @gracefuldays
Aug 13Reply

@veni_vidi_amavi @looking_glass01 i love these! And love my @graceful_days masks the newest addition being the fabulous flag! In this post there are many comments where you make more friends than enemies wearing these great masks!👍😁❤️🎉
Aug 13Reply

Love these! #MAGA
Aug 13Reply

@jenniferadowner thanks so much!!!!!! The American people love ❤️ them!!!!! You can just feel the love in this room!!!!!
Aug 13Reply

@bb_boutique2 I live in California and I would love to wear that mask but I’m afraid of being harassed! 🇺🇸❤️🙏
Aug 13Reply

@jenniferadowner it’s actually crazy, you would be shocked how many people will walk up to you and quietly say they support you :) we just moved to Florida about 3 months ago from CT, in CT that’s what would happen :) here in Florida now, you are treated like a hero wearing one lol. However we completely understand hesitation wearing in certain areas :)
Aug 13Reply

Good for you for making business off of masks but I’d just like to voice my opinion Trump is a racist and sexist
Aug 14Reply

@hollywellington we respect your opinion!!!! We have Joe Biden Masks also if you are interested!!!!! They are awesome!!!! Check them out :)
Aug 14Reply

LOVE THEM! I hope you sell millions. America Strong. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Aug 14Reply

@dtb122 thank you USA 🇺🇸
Aug 14Reply

@hollywellington right smh let me block this new seller 😏
Aug 14Reply

@ambersturte789 you trust our president? That shit is laughable Trump is not a politician he is a business man some of the ignorant shit he has said since becoming president is beyond me
Aug 14Reply

@timeizmoney100 be nice and mindful of others that are in business to make money! and watch your language on other people's listing just wow can't believe that someone like u would leave a comment like that
yes I have always trust the president that we have now and I will ever forever
be nice and mindful thanks in advance
Aug 14Reply

@timeizmoney100 we have beautiful Joe Biden Masks available if you are interested!!!! Thank you so much for expressing your first amendment right!!!!
Aug 14Reply

@ambersturte789 i didnt be disrespectful in anyway. Now if we talking Trump the business man i respect him being an entrepreneur but as a black man in America i cant ignore some of the Bigotry i mean come on what president has ever mentioned building a wall lol and thats just 1 of many idiotic things hes said
Aug 14Reply

@timeizmoney100 Sorry, you are in the minority around my educated professional friends.
Aug 14Reply

@bb_boutique2 Could you make me an offer of one black hat, a couple of masks, a couple pair of socks for my husband? Trump, of course.
Aug 14Reply

@ambersturte789 Basically all im saying is just because someone is great in 1 area dont mean he will be in another you wouldnt want a guy who specializes in plumbing to work on your car would you?
Aug 14Reply

@bambizzz yes!!! Absolutely
Aug 14Reply

@timeizmoney100 I can see your point of view :)
Aug 14Reply

Great masks and so soft. Everyone loved them :)
Aug 14Reply

@arnoldse awesome!!!!!!! We are glad everyone is enjoying them!!!! Thank you again for your business!!!! Have a wonderful weekend!!!
Aug 14Reply

@bambizzz so because im black you asume im uneducated? lol wow u sedm uneducated for even making that comment! Yeah i can tell youre defiantly a Trump supporter
Aug 15Reply

I would buy one of these but don’t want to be kill over it
Hope he wins though
Aug 15Reply

@kayjay429 we understand!!! Believe it or not, we have made so Many friends wearing these publicly!!!! But of course we are in Trump Country here in South West Florida. Have a wonderful weekend and thanks for supporting America!!!!! 🇺🇸
Aug 15Reply

@dchristian1729 i agree !!
Aug 15Reply

@bb_boutique2 thank u same too you enjoy ur weekend yes trump 2020 this is coming from a Mexican 🥳 that loves America
Aug 15Reply

@kayjay429 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇲🇽 🇲🇽
Aug 15Reply

@timeizmoney100 How was I supposed to know what color you are? I assume you're uneducated because you can't spell or punctuate. Nice try, though.
Aug 15Reply

I love these! Ordering!
Aug 15Reply

@amykat8 thank you!!!!!! MAGA 🇺🇸
Aug 15Reply

@bambizzz well 1st of all i didnt know i was taking an english exam! I dont have to be articulate you clearly understand me so the communication is there and 2nd i didnt even send you a message you messaged me 1st i told the lady "being a black american" and the 1st thing u said to me was i was a minority amost you and your educated friends so try what again? You really dont seem as educated as you claim you cant even remember what you said 😂😂😂💀💀💀
Aug 15Reply

absolute trash
Aug 15Reply

@timeizmoney100 plz be kind
Aug 16Reply

@christianleoo let’s be kind, respect one another, this is a free country to express your views... but it’s not us and them... it’s we the people, love your neighbor, bless you all 🇺🇸
Aug 16Reply

@akkelly_41 very well said :) 🇺🇸
Aug 16Reply

@bb_boutique2 thank you best of luck selling!!! Have a blessed weekend!!!
Aug 16Reply

@bb_boutique2 a guy called me a minority amongst him and his educated friends and im the one asked to be kind? Wow what made you asume i wasnt?
Aug 16Reply

@akkelly_41 you too!!!!!! Have a blessed weekend!!!
Aug 16Reply

Throw those in the Fire Pit🔥🔥🤣🤣
Aug 16Reply

@bigjun13m we have beautiful Joe Biden Masks if you are interested!!!!!!!!
Aug 16Reply

@whoopinit wry well said :) thank you!!!!!!
Aug 17Reply

@whoopinit thank you for the support!!!! The thing is, we have beautiful Joe Biden Masks as well, however, no one buys them lol....... literally no one!!!!! Have a wonderful week and again, thank you for the support!!!! MAGA 🇺🇸
Aug 17Reply

@bb_boutique2 love 💕 these masks!! Would not order Biden either.. I shared your post
Aug 17Reply

@joan1966 thank you!!!!
Aug 17Reply

When I get paid I’m buying me one of these!!
Aug 17Reply

@joan1966 awesome!!!!! These masks are great and they make tons of friends!!!!!!!
Aug 17Reply

@whoopinit Excuse me please don’t come for me I’m going to say what i want. I will say it to you and anyone else deal with it. Why you’re trying to be Captain save a ***. How long it’s been since I posted this... that’s what I thought see people like you wants to keep stuff going let it go...
Aug 18Reply

@whoopinit 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸
Aug 18Reply

@tinabuckingham because we live in the United States of America, also did you assume the seller's gender? How very unwoke of you!
Aug 18Reply

@jerkinslow how so?
Aug 18Reply

@hollywellington Sorry Joe is racist & always touchy feely with woman & children.Look on line his hands are always on somebody's boobs! We are not Jesus so we will let him do the judging 🙏
Aug 19Reply

@timeizmoney100 Sorry I don't want any of your loved ones to get raped or killed. Even sex trafficking! Please think about it we need The Wall🙏
Aug 19Reply

@timeizmoney100 Please stop making everything a black & white thing. What about everyone else? Just thank God you are alive & healthy & for all the good you have in your life. Life is a gift for everyone just enjoy & love everyone 🙏
Aug 19Reply

@timeizmoney100 Hey I understand! I am a white Italian American & I don't know how to write or punctuation. Everyone needs to lighten up! Just enjoy the journey because life is short. Let's try to love each other & let Jesus do the judging. 🙏🇺🇸
Aug 19Reply

@bigjun13m Everyone please lighten up! Just enjoy life & thank God for everything you have! Love life , love America, and love everyone. Let Jesus do the judging 🙏🇺🇸
Aug 19Reply

Thank you! Can't wait to give to my love ones. ♥️🇺🇸 God bless you & God bless America!
Aug 19Reply

I am so sorry! I thought I hit accept. 😊 Did it not come through?
Aug 19Reply

@marpagano12 yes!!!! It went through!!!! Thank you so much!!! We will get this out for delivery tomorrow!!!!
Aug 19Reply

Aug 19Reply

@csara we have beautiful Joe Biden masks!!!!! Can I add some to your bundle????
Aug 19Reply

Hi! Is the price offered for 5 or 7 masks?
Aug 19Reply

@_antique_roses you can mix and match in a bundle a total of 7 masks for $25. This specific item is for 5 masks and you can make an offer for less than the $25!!! Thank you so much for the question!!!
Aug 19Reply

@bb_boutique2 I purchased your five Trump masks with pleasure🙏🇺🇲. Thank you very much for the great deal though Poshmark charged $7.11 shipping instead of the $4.99 that we have agreed on. I don't know about you, but I have a difficult time navigating this site. It is not user friendly. Is there a way you can make sure I was charged the $4.99?
Aug 19Reply

@ocdina it does look like they charged you the $7.11
Aug 19Reply

Looks like good quality.
Aug 20Reply

made in China
Aug 20Reply

@lg361 the masks are made in the USA. Our socks are made in China. Thank you so much for your question!!!!!! Can I add some masks to your bundle?
Aug 20Reply

Aug 20Reply

Sorry I just woke up to a new offer can we go w/ that one😉
Aug 20Reply

@marpagano12 sure. Cancel the current order :)
Aug 20Reply

@marpagano12 our apologies. Your order was already shipped out yesterday.
Aug 20Reply

yes I was just going to tell you that😊
Aug 20Reply

@marpagano12 we apologize for the discrepancy. If you find anything else in our closet that you like, or would like to order more masks after receiving the current order, we will be sure to extend a special offer just for you!!!!!!! We are finding lots of folks who after receiving trump masks, end up ordering more because friends and family are requesting!!! Again, our apologies and we appreciate your understanding and business!!!!!
Aug 20Reply

👍You two are awesome!! Thanks
Aug 20Reply

@bb_boutique2 Confused. Thought there were 7 for $25.
Aug 21Reply

Where are these made? Ty!
Aug 21Reply

Just found my answer. Sorry for the bother.
Aug 21Reply

@trinamehal of course!!! No problem at all!!! If you have any other questions please let us know!!!!
Aug 21Reply

@trinamehal the listing is for 5 masks. If you purchase for $25 you will receive 7 masks as a part of the promotion we are running. If you were offered a discount, you will receive 5 masks!!!! Any other questions, please let us know!!!!
Aug 21Reply

hell naaaa
Aug 21Reply

@bb_boutique2 I think Poshmark already charged me $7.11 for the shipment you just mailed me instead of $4.99. I sold something on my account so it was deducted from my credit. If I accept your new offer which I would have gladly but I only need the five masks not any more, so how do we get Poshmark to refund me the difference for the shipping? THEIR site is very difficult to navigate and there's no one to talk to.
Aug 21Reply

@ocdina I apologize but I believe you will need to contact support on this one.
Aug 21Reply

@maddmadd27 i must have missed something. i like the masks
Aug 22Reply

@brightenlives Not on my side. I was sticking up for the seller - they can sell whatever they want. I was backing her up when someone used profanity. My position on all of this is everyone has a right to buy and sell what they want.
Aug 22Reply

@maddmadd27 thank you again :)
Aug 22Reply

I'll take one of each
Aug 22Reply

@3kdavo 😉
Aug 22Reply

@drmichaelcushma we have amazing incredible priceless Joe Biden Masks available!!!! Would you like for me to create a bundle for you?????
Aug 22Reply

Dangit they're cotton. Hard to breathe for me. But hey I liked em anyway.
Aug 23Reply

@timeizmoney100 I agree with you.
Aug 23Reply

@timeizmoney100 👍👍👍👍👍
Aug 23Reply

@christianleoo 👍👍👍👍
Aug 23Reply

@bigjun13m 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
Aug 23Reply

@melissar726 check this out for you or your dad
Aug 23Reply

@rmaes_boutique amen!
Aug 23Reply

Regardless of how you feel , you are not forced to purchase but This is something they made and should be able to sell for those that would like to purchase. I don’t understand the objection.
Aug 23Reply

I love them TRUMP 2020🇺🇸
Aug 23Reply

Why would this be reported... last time I checked This is AMERICA!!
Aug 23Reply

@hollyannagellar Agree!!! As much as it made me cringe, we are a capitalist country and cherish the freedom of speech. And yes, let’s hope that it will entice the non masks wearing folks to actually wear them from now on. 😆😂😷😷😷
Aug 23Reply

@hollyannagellar 👍🏻
Aug 24Reply

@bb_boutique2 I love your product , thank you so much for making it available!!! sorry there’s so many haters out there but we have a right to choose what we like as well and are able to voice it and wear it proudly !! 😊 thank you 🙏🏽
Aug 24Reply

@diamondglenzer of course!!!!!!!! Thank you for your kind words and support!!!!
Aug 24Reply

TRUMP2020 - can't wait to wear these.
Aug 24Reply

@qthecloset thank you so much for your support and business!!!!! You will love all of them!!!!
Aug 24Reply

Very glad to see that Poshmark isn't stifling speech on their site like so many others 👏👏👏 While I am a Trump supporter, I would never want to see anyone's voice silenced! It also gives me hope to see so many positive messages from Poshers outweighing the bad 🥰🥰🥰
Aug 24Reply

Rock on girl!!! So proud of you!!! Keep strong!🙏🏼💪🏼 🇺🇸
Aug 24Reply

@rositachicanita just a whole bunch of American pride and love going on all over the place in here!!!!!
Aug 24Reply

@jerkinslow In a country that has over 300 million people, 64 million doesn't come anywhere close to most people. Now be a good leftist and go away. The seller has Sleepy Joe masks, go comment over there.
Aug 24Reply

@poshoperadiva Yep. That's what I'm saying. I'm a very liberal democrat but anyone on poshmark has the right to sell(within reason) what they want. And if it gets people wearing masks, that's good.
Aug 24Reply

@oscar_max 👍🏾
Aug 24Reply

@hollyannagellar indeed! I’m not planning to sale any masks any time soon, but if I did, it would say Biden2020. USA is a capitalist country, so it’s all game! 😝🙏
Aug 24Reply

@poshoperadiva 😸 And the people who are selling these are actually really cool.
Aug 24Reply

@hollyannagellar thank you for the kind words!!!! And for everyone else as well, we appreciate your opinions and completely support everyone in the Poshmark community!!!! Just because some of us don’t agree politically with one another doesn’t mean we can’t support each other’s business and help each other to become more and more successful!!!!! :) happy poshing everyone!!!!
Aug 24Reply

@bb_boutique2 🙏🌷
Aug 24Reply

@hollyannagellar that means there’s hope! 😷😉
Aug 24Reply

@bb_boutique2 That's what I'm saying! Here here! 😸👍🏾
Aug 24Reply

@poshoperadiva yes! 👍🏾
Aug 24Reply

@drool this, from a man (presumably), who when given the choice to choose a public-facing store name best personifying "his brand", chose a slang name globally recognized as a bodily fluid.
Pardon me as I *look elsewhere* for "direction".
Aug 25Reply

Aug 26Reply

@mcgregor4 #Biden2020 #blacklives matter #trumpisaracist
Aug 26Reply

@whoopinit so when trump said when the "looting starts the shooting starts" on innocent protesters who just want a better world for black people to not get killed by cops simply because of their color of their skin you don't think what trump said is hating but the protesters wanting justice is hating?
Aug 26Reply

@bb_boutique2 I applaud you for getting the MAGA lovers to ACTUALLY WEAR A MASK 🙏🙏😂😂🤣🤣🤣
Aug 26Reply

Love these!!! ❤️❤️❤️💙💙💙
Aug 31Reply

@ice_queen1971 thank you 🚂🚂🚂
Aug 31Reply

I love these!
Aug 31Reply

@mistyweaver_3 — AMEN!!
Aug 31Reply

@samiwella silver lining!!
Aug 31Reply

@bb_boutique2 — I’ll definitely be ordering these on Friday!! 💙❤️💙❤️
Aug 31Reply

@bb_boutique2 can you please let me know when u have the black lives matter masks. I would love to purchase a set. Thank you
Aug 31Reply

F Trump!
Aug 31Reply

@rebecca1alston unfortunately, we can no longer sell the BLM masks because people who supported black lives matter did not agree with us selling trump masks as well. As a result we received countless threats and false claims. We thought by offering them it would help support all political views and beliefs, however unfortunately that was not the case :( we are happy however that we did donate over 2300 BLM masks to local homeless shelters and families in need!!!!!!
Aug 31Reply

@jacobtrevino755 🤣
Aug 31Reply

This is America and we have the freedom to disagree on anything; whether it's the evil behind the veil of racism or that of good just and fair. I m an African American man who has seen all of it in every form. Even as an officer in the army Even with that I don't harbor hate. it's just you peacefully say cool and walk. That being said SELL SELL SELL. Even though the urge to vomit arises often. This is CAPITALISM.
Aug 31Reply

@sleon382 so very well said and we can not thank you enough for your service to our Country!!!!!
Aug 31Reply

Sorry about that, never done anything like that. My sincerest apology..This is a wonderful escape from stuff like..... what I just said... :(:(:(
Aug 31Reply

@bb_boutique2 my honor to defend your freedom, and everyone.
Aug 31Reply

@sleon382 you are an amazing person!!!!!! We can only hope for more folks like you in this country!!!!
Aug 31Reply

@bb_boutique2 all Vets would say the same and go into harms way for their loved one. But we do for everyone. criminals, homeless, even Republicans...but for all we take an oath to protect and defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic. ...for life.
Aug 31Reply

Are you going to get anymore of these mask?
Sep 04Reply

@cynthia_day1226 yes! We have another listing I’ll take you in it!
Sep 04Reply

I saw that thank you!❤️
Sep 04Reply

I would love to get these, because we are Predident Trump supporters, but we live in crazy California and would probably get beat up if we wore them, ha, ha!
Truthfully, not funny but we're choosing to laugh about it :)
Sep 06Reply

Love this !!!! God bless 🇺🇸❤️
Sep 07Reply

How much is for one?
Sep 07Reply

@oneofakind1702 I just tagged you in the indivual mask post!
Sep 07Reply

@2love2upcycle we are originally from CT so we totally understand!!
Sep 07Reply

@kimmycub618 🇺🇸🇺🇸
Sep 07Reply

Repeat customer here. Ive had a few people close to me ask for masks so could y’all make me an offer on 7 or 10 please?
Sep 07Reply

@exlux21 I’ll make you a bundle now! Thanks you for shipping again with us!!
Sep 07Reply

i only need 2 of them will you sell me two trump 2020 mask ty
Sep 10Reply

@whodat4life yes we can! I just sent you a bundle
Sep 10Reply

top one and bottom one
Sep 10Reply

@maddmadd27 would you say the same for people who sell biden masks?
Sep 13Reply

@mleighjones1996 Everyone...I am the person who said this lovely seller can sell any masks she likes. I also defended her against creeps who were using foul language toward this seller. I am all for selling and saying what you want - to each his own. I never said anything negative. ☹️
Sep 13Reply

@maddmadd27 agreed!!! And we appreciate all your kind words!!!! THANK YOU :)
Sep 13Reply

@bb_boutique2 oh, I’m sorry. Wasn’t looking for “props” - another Posher thought I was one of the Nasty commenters,” so I was setting the record straight. But you are welcome!!! Keep on selling!
Sep 13Reply

Will you do 1 dollar
Sep 13Reply

@liltroyy_ yes $1 23 times
Sep 13Reply

@maddmadd27 😂 she can’t list something because you don’t like the name on it ??
Sep 15Reply

👌♥️ my husband has one of these
Sep 15Reply

@sns_b omg. Everyone - I was defending this seller, not bashing her. If you read back all the comments, you will see that. For the record, I strongly feel like anyone can sell anything they like - I have no issue with that, no stance on Trump or Biden (that I will ever post) and was not bashing the seller. Please read the comments - I wish I had never commented because I’m getting a lot of backlash - undeserved. 🙁
Sep 15Reply

These are COOL!!! 👍🏻
Sep 15Reply

@tonygilberti thank you :)
Sep 15Reply

@maddmadd27 oops I’m sorry , read it wrong 😩
Sep 15Reply

@wheels can we sell Joe Biden Masks? BLM masks? We have them both for sale if they are less offensive for you. Just an FYI, these trump masks are one of Poshmarks #1 sellers right now. Trust us, 100’s have threatened the same as you, however Poshmark continues to allow us to sell them. Have a wonderful, Blessed evening and let us know if you would like us to send you an offer on any of our masks!!!!!!
Sep 15Reply

@maddmadd27 the other girl got deleted so it looks like you’re the one saying it’s horrible lol I see now how it got messed up . My apologies
Sep 15Reply

@sns_b it’s okay! Just wanted to clarify! 😊
Sep 15Reply

@bb_boutique2 👍👍👍 Amen!!
Sep 15Reply

@maddmadd27 thank you for your continued support!!!!!! You are the best!!!!!
Sep 15Reply

@wheels of business where you can sell whatever you want, whether it’s Trunp masks, Biden masks or whatever. Freedom of Speech!
Sep 15Reply

@bb_boutique2 You got it! I can’t believe how offended everyone gets!
Sep 15Reply

@wheels we aren’t advertising. We are selling a product. Just like we sell Biden masks, just like we sell BLM masks. Just like we sell shoes. Just like we sell shirts. Just like we sell socks. The only one making this political is you by bringing up politics in the first place. It’s like someone going in your closet and flipping out because you are selling snake skin shoes!!!!!!! And that person hates snakes!!!
Sep 15Reply

@wheels trust us when we say, we wouldn’t sell anything to you, or anyone who comes in our closet attempting to create problems. We wouldn’t want to accept money from folks that bring such hate and anger to this happy site. Have a blessed evening :)
Sep 15Reply

President Trump is supporting us here who are independent contractors and have small businesses here on this platform and in the rest of the country.
So in support of this posher/seller and for Trump, I am purchasing these masks!!
Sep 17Reply

Sep 17Reply

@turpins hey this is what makes America so great not just one side has an opinion.. We all have the GOD given right to make and choose what is best for us, and our family.. some People on posh sells witchcraft books and satanic things which I don’t like , but hey that’s there right and freedom to choose those things.without me tossing my opinions . Stop the shaming this is not the place.
Sep 17Reply

I will be taking you up on your offer TY!
Sep 17Reply

These comments made me lose brain cells
Sep 17Reply

What is going on with you people...let it be and be happy life is too short to argue, we need to respect opinions 🇺🇸 MAGA!!!!!!!
Sep 17Reply

@samiwella No kidding! My fire fighter husband hates to wear these masks when they actually do not keep you from getting the virus...So when people tell him to wear a masks while in line at the stores, he puts on the Trump 2020 mask and then they give him a dirty look! He’s a big guy so they don’t mess with him! 😷😂😂😂😂
Sep 17Reply

I am sorry you are getting so much hate from this. I would like to buy these. Are they $23 for the whole bunch or $23 each? Also, where are they made?
Sep 17Reply

@noblecherished1 yes!!!! You will receive 5 masks!!! All of our masks available are made here in the US. Thank you so much and for your support of our president!!!!
Sep 17Reply

Yay!! You are so strong AND SOOOO SMART!!!!! I think the Prez would be proud of your business savvy!!!! Despite all the hate, what you did is SO genius! Don’t listen to the negative voices - we are the majority. I am black living in Los Angeles (former Democrat) and there is a massive awakening happening here just in Los Angeles alone.
Sep 17Reply

@noblecherished1 I am so happy to hear!!!!! You made my night!!!!! I was a democrat my entire life until trump. We thank you so much for voicing your opinion and are so happy to hear folks in California are supporting our great president!!!!!
Sep 18Reply

@ap129 👌🏾😂🤣🤣🤣🤣. Love it
Sep 18Reply

Love that you're making $$ on an oxymoron! Kudos to your marketing brilliance! :)
Sep 18Reply

@tiny1021 never a dull moment in this comment section :) thanks for visiting!!!!!
Sep 18Reply

@tiny1021 haha haha
Sep 18Reply

@free2beyou 🤑👍
Sep 18Reply

@maddmadd27 amen!
Sep 18Reply

@maddmadd27 Totally agree. Also, a little ironic that they’re face masks considering the dude named on them refuses to wear one.
Sep 18Reply

@hollyannagellar Good job Holly I totally agree! I can't stand him, but Poshmark is not the place to debate or put others down regardless of their political stance.
Sep 18Reply

@laylamae1982845 I couldn’t agree more - so ironic. I also wonder where these masks are made 💁♀️
Sep 18Reply

No Thank you!! If you had one that said Dump Trump, I’d buy it!😂😂
Sep 18Reply

@purpleguppy thank you for the question. The masks are made in the USA 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸
Sep 18Reply

@bb_boutique2 are you sure - is there a tag?
Sep 18Reply

@purpleguppy I make them with my own 2 hands. But if you purchase, I’ll putt a beautiful big tag on them just for you :)!!!!!!
Sep 18Reply

@bb_boutique2 do you only make Trump ones?
Sep 18Reply

@purpleguppy we did make BLM masks, however we were getting death threats because apparently if you make BLM masks, you are not allowed to make trump masks as well. Sad but true reality of today’s society.
Sep 18Reply

@bb_boutique2 Yikes
Sep 18Reply

@kat7914 They changed the rules. You can sell "fashion" masks but not medical grade masks on Poshmark :)
Sep 18Reply

@bb_boutique2 That's insane! Wow! But it also says something about the difference in response from folks who support one over the other. I say you need to pay your bills & should be able to sell whatever is allowed on Poshmark. The people prostituting on here (literally setting up offline hookups) & the genuine pedophiles (asking for kid photos) aren't even getting kicked off never mind death threats! Interesting world we're living in & Poshmark, like so many other places is a microcosm.
Sep 18Reply

@free2beyou I thought you were doing a good job of keeping politics off of here this but Trump seems to attract crazies. Nice one - good luck.
Sep 18Reply

@purpleguppy Did you read any of these comments? Clearly not as my comments weren't political at all. I'm not a "Trump" person. You don't know anything about me. I believe that people should do what they feel they need to do with selling. She should absolutely be able to sell Trump gear or Black Lives Matter gear without getting death threats. The fact that she's getting death threats from Trump supporters for selling BLM but not for selling her Trump masks is self-explanatory not political.
Sep 18Reply

@free2beyou I’m sorry. Late night, I must has misinterpreted your post. There are so many fake Qanon pedophile theories out there, that’s what I thought you were referring to. The people asking for photos on here - even from adults - I find extra creepy.
Sep 18Reply

@purpleguppy Thanks for our clarifying together :) Yeah, those folks are whackos! But I have found myself by sharing closets that there are a lot of folks on Posh that should not be on here. One woman had a guy ask how old her brother was if she had socks of his, used he could buy. Lots of foot fetish folks, used panties, etc., & lots of women & men on here saying they can send videos, to message them for "extras" & "special requests". Lots of subcultures on here not all innocent either. Creepy!
Sep 18Reply

@therapistkay yeah. Thanks. 😌
Sep 18Reply

These are great. Keep doing what you do. Happy Poshing everyone❤️🇺🇸💙
Sep 18Reply

Sep 28Reply

LOVE these!!! But I don’t see how to mix and match them with the socks. Can you please send me offer so I can purchase them a ASAP!!! I believe it says mix and match 7.
Sep 28Reply

@foxxxybrown I guess us adopting 2 black children still makes a prejudice. You should be ashamed of yourself for making such judgement. How embarrassing!!!!
Sep 29Reply

I bought these masks and some socks too for gifts. My friends loved them. Very nice quality. Great gifts!
Sep 29Reply

@tonygilberti thank you for the kind words and feedback!!!!! 🇺🇸
Sep 29Reply

didn't I just buy some from you?
Oct 01Reply

‘Scuse me, please. Y’all got a return policy on these if’n I was to buy one and it don’t work?? I seen today the best president in the whole world tested positive for dang corona! I thought this was all a George Soros conspiracy, like Jade Helm, but now I’m not sure!
Oct 02Reply

Are these flammable?
Oct 03Reply

Trump 2020!!! I already have a Trump mask otherwise I would buy these.
Oct 03Reply

@jenniferadowner I truly feel for you. I live in small town Texas and my yard looks like campaign headquarters, we have Trump bumper stickers on our cars, and my husband has been wearing a MAGA hat for three years. Of course, I bought him these masks, too!
Oct 04Reply

@bambizzz That’s awesome! Texas is a great place to live, if you support our president! I live in Southern California, which is known for being very liberal, but we saw on TV, a wonderful Trump rally in Beverly Hills. Some people were resistant, but it was peaceful. My husband says that the only safe way to show support for Trump is to fly our American Flag, which has been up for almost a year now! Happy poshing and God bless you! 🇺🇸❤️🙏🏻
Oct 04Reply

@jenniferadowner I practiced law in CA (Redding) for 14 years. I certainly wouldn’t put a Trump bumper sticker on my car there!
Oct 04Reply

@bambizzz True, but I heard that Redding is more conservative than other parts of the state. I thought they were known for voting Republican. Maybe I’m wrong... They also have that big church Bethel, so lots of Christians, I assume.
Oct 04Reply

Do these come in rolls like regular TP? What ply are they? Thanks!
Oct 05Reply

Totally honest question: are these made in the USA?! I can’t find ANY Trump gear made in America. It’s all made in JCHINA. Biden official stuff Made in USA, often with Union Labor. Please tell me where these were made.
Oct 05Reply

@anilakevani made in the US. Our socks are made in China. Thank you so much for the question
Oct 05Reply

blocking you
Oct 05Reply

Why are we wearing a Mask representing someone that Doesn't Wear A Mask? Just asking
Oct 05Reply

Why trump supporters wear a mask lol?
Oct 07Reply

Oct 12Reply

@anilakevani Love this comment!!
Oct 21Reply

@sfybes TY for catching it! 🤣
Oct 21Reply

Congrats on co-hosting your Posh party! I would be honored if you would consider something from my closet as a host pick!! Wishing you lots of sales and follows!! ♥️🛍 ✨
Sep 27Reply
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