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Updated Mar 07
Updated Mar 07

Meet your Posher, Charles

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Hi! I'm Charles. I have worked in manufacturing of denim jeans for 35, hence the closet name bluejeans4life. Have a blessed day. Charles
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electric_dingo what a wonderful thing you are doing. I love the jewelry.
Aug 07Reply
bluejeans4life @ectradingco Thank you for your kind words. I was truly blessed in living in Kenya and getting to know these wonderful people. Have a blessed Sunday, Charles
Aug 09Reply
glorydayvintage So amazing!! Keep doing great things!!
Aug 13Reply
bluejeans4life @glorydayvintage Thank you. As I tell everyone, I was truly blessed in living in Kenya and getting to know these wonderful people. Have a blessed day, Charles
Aug 13Reply
lara2000850 Thank you for sharing on Twitter 😊
Aug 15Reply
retailless Wow ! What a wonderful testimony. Thank you for sharing .
Aug 16Reply
bluejeans4life @retailless Thank you for your kind words. As I tell everyone, I was truly blessed by living in Kenya. Have a blessed Sunday, Charles
Aug 16Reply
annaconda Love love this..
Aug 20Reply
bluejeans4life @annaconda Thank you, it was a true blessing to have lived in Kenya. Have a blessed day. Charles
Aug 20Reply
shoptasticdiva Thank you for the share on twitter. I am hoping to also set up a social media for my closet. When I do, I will return the favor and post your closet. I really appreciate it the help! Happy Poshing!
Aug 22Reply
jl1018mm Thank you for the kind work! My church had a mission trip to kenya couple years ago as well. currently i m selling to help fund supports those who needed help during this very trying time esp educators and elderlies. i might not be able to spend financially but i would love to help sharing your items. do u also have instagram or facebyoafe that i can help to share? God bless
Aug 22Reply
bluejeans4life @ktam1018 Hi, thanks for all the shares, I am on Instagram as atouchofkenya, I don't use it much but need to improve my social media skills. It is wonderful what you are doing. we all need to help those that are less fortunate than us. Have a blessed day, Charles
Aug 22Reply
jl1018mm @bluejeans4life thx for the info! will look for u there too! Blessed day to u as well :)
Aug 22Reply
herofthesweater Hi Charles! I’m wondering if you have connections with Kenyan bead makers. I would love to buy handmade beads. Have you ever sold unstrung beads, or might you in the future? Thanks so much!!
Aug 23Reply
bluejeans4life @lgedlinske Hi Lauren, the best bead maker in Kenya is Kazuri Beads. They are absolutely gorgeous. I know you can buy them loose on Amazon and eBay, but I would check out their website, they may have a local (USA) supplier. Plus this really helps the women in Kenya. I lived about 2 miles from where they were made when I lived in Kenya. I have never sold loose beads myself but have sold the Kazuri Beaded necklaces and bracelets. I hope this helps. Charles is the website
Aug 23Reply
pacificwinds Hi! It's me Tanya 😊 Your "Share 10 Group" & "Just In" Pop-Up host. I live in the now famous for its riots, Portland, Oregon. I have 2 grown daughters in their 30's who gave me the greatest (one of each) grandson & granddaughter 💓 And, my pittie, Champagne 🐕 Stopping by to say "Hi" & to wish you a great week🎈And, thank you for participating in my groups. I run the Share 10 Group Thursday -Sunday & the "Just In" Pop-Up just like it says, it's a Pop-Up so like my Q&A & get notified by PRICE drops🎈
Aug 24Reply
herofthesweater @bluejeans4life thank you!! I looked forward to supporting them!
Aug 24Reply
jorihleeb that's amazing. i got to see Massi wedding. the jewelry is INCREDIBLE for the bride and her ladies. considering they cannot just order from Michael's Craft, it is impressive.
Aug 26Reply
lvsmoothjzz Wow, I love this. Prop to you my man. Someone that is not just talking, someone with action! 💜💜💜
Aug 27Reply
marina5555 Incredible! So impressed with your story and the gorgeous jewelry :)
Aug 27Reply
bluejeans4life @lvsmoothjzz Thank you for your kind words. I was truly blessed by living in Kenya and getting to know the people.
Aug 27Reply
bluejeans4life @marina5555 Thank you for your kind words. The Kenyan artisans are truly extraordinary in their work.
Aug 27Reply
crystalco @bluejeans4life Hi! I love your jewelry and I think you’re such a compassionate person. Have a wonderful day! Patricia
Aug 28Reply
shadow_wings Holding you and A Touch of Kenya up in prayer. This is truly an amazing collaboration.
Sep 05Reply
bluejeans4life @shadow_wings Thank you for your kind words. I was truly blessed by living in Kenya and getting to know the people. Have a blessed Sunday, Charles
Sep 06Reply
karenholmes77 Hi Charles! Thank you for your kind heart! ❤️ Your work is so much needed and under appreciated by so many. My godfather is from Kenya however not of African American decent more English has taught me through my childhood of the suffering that they endure! Iam a FAN ! THANK YOU 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏❤️
Sep 08Reply
bluejeans4life @karenholmes77 Hi Karen, Thank you for your kind words. I was reminded of the British influence in Kenya and how they could not understand my Southern American English when you mentioned your Godfather. It was a wonderful experience living there and getting to know these wonderful people. Have a blessed day, Charles
Sep 09Reply
maplebetsy Great story and great pictures!!
Sep 10Reply
bluejeans4life @maplebetsy Thank you. I was truly blessed living in Kenya. So many memories that I will never forget. I am really thankful for digital photos, I probably have over 20,000. Have a blessed day
Sep 10Reply
jbiz84 The world needs more Charles’s 🙏🏻🙏🏽🙏🏿
Sep 13Reply
piccicu Great photos and wonderful opportunities for all!
Sep 14Reply
bluejeans4life @jbiz84 Thank you for your kind words Jason. Have a blessed week. Charles
Sep 15Reply
bluejeans4life @piccicu Thank you. Have a blessed week. Charles
Sep 15Reply
tbunnyb So how does the money made from these products make it back to the people of Kenya?
Oct 09Reply
bluejeans4life @tbunnyb Hi, the money is sent back to Kenya in 2 ways. I pay school fees for children that have no means of paying for their school and the balance of profit is sent to the artisans. Have a great day. Charles
Oct 09Reply
tbunnyb @bluejeans4life oh okay, so you dont make any of the money off of it, all of it goes back to Kenya?
Oct 09Reply
bluejeans4life @tbunnyb I use some of the profits for expenses etc.
Oct 10Reply
tbunnyb @bluejeans4life oh okay, and can I just ask, why are the prices so cheap? Like how is that much profit for those things made if the prices are so low? Genuinely curious.
Oct 10Reply
bluejeans4life @tbunnyb It is true, profit margins are very low. Unfortunately with current economic conditions around the globe, and with so many people unemployed the prices have been driven down. I used to be able to get almost double the current prices which really helped the Kenyan artisans.
Oct 10Reply
tbunnyb @bluejeans4life I definitely feel like they could still be sold for more (esp masks) on a different market, but i get covid took a huge toll. I hope you will be able to raise them again to help soon!
Oct 10Reply
luvmyqh6 @bluejeans4life Hi, Charles! I have seen you in some of our share groups! Welcome to the wonderful world of Posh, These pieces are amazing! I keep looking tru them all, to find one for me. I have had 5 heart surgeries and 4 port implants just this last year. The Incisions are touchie still, but would love to get some of the items you sell that are not toheavy and can cover my tons of scars! Lol they say I take a kicking and keep on ticking! Keep on Poshing! 🙋‍♀️❤️🐴
Oct 10Reply
_jumpinjudy @bluejeans4life I loved everything! Thank you so much!
Nov 23Reply
bluejeans4life @_jumpinjudy I am happy that you are enjoying the items. Thank you for the order. Happy Thanksgiving 🦃
Nov 23Reply
rubyv_sells Charles, thank you for showcasing these treasures on poshmark.🛍💎📿
Dec 28Reply
rubyv_sells Charles, thank you for showcasing these treasures on poshmark.🛍💎📿
Dec 28Reply
jensworld27 Hi Charles, love your story, the photos and the hand crafted items
Jan 03Reply
bluejeans4life @jensworld27 Thank you Jennifer for your kind words. I always tell everyone that I have had a blessed life. Have a wonderful Sunday, Charles
Jan 03Reply
frankiemall Dope tie dye on my page, feel free to shoot me a low offer or bundle! Or just repost! Thank you for the follow again :) 🖖🏼🙏
Jan 04Reply
annieotx 🎼 Happy Birthday 🎉 to you 🎵 Happy Birthday 🎂 to you 🎶 Happy Birthday 🎈 PFF Charles 🎵 Happy Birthday 🎊 to you 👯‍♂️👯‍♂️👯‍♂️ No share backs today!
Jan 09Reply
bluejeans4life @annieotx Thank you🎊🎉🎈🎈🎉🎊
Jan 09Reply
maplebetsy Happy birthday 🎁!
Jan 10Reply
bluejeans4life @maplebetsy Thank you 🎊🎉🎈🎊🎉🎈
Jan 10Reply
jensworld27 Happy Birthday Charles 🍾🎊🎉😎🎂
Jan 10Reply
bluejeans4life @jensworld27 Thank you 😊 🎊🎉🥳
Jan 10Reply
spgrn1281 Good luck and may God bless all of your endeavors. Thank you, Charles, for sharing my closet. Peace and many blessings for 2021, Shannon 🙏🏼☮️
Jan 14Reply
bluejeans4life @spgrn1281 Thank you Shannon for your kind words, may 2021 bless you abundantly 🙏🙏 Charles
Jan 14Reply
uwhohali Happy New Year my friend! I hope it brings you more people who appreciate the uniqueness and that all are HANDMADE at such a low price and the good that a purchase brings! ❤️
Jan 19Reply
yuhaftasell Thank you so much for the Twitter share. I don’t have an account, but I will gladly give you some posh love! Also thank you for all your shares. Appreciate it so much as my hubby got laid off yesterday, which brought me a little sunshine, 🥰🌞
Jan 21Reply
bluejeans4life @yuhaftasell You are welcome 😊
Jan 21Reply
bluejeans4life @uwhohali Thank you for all the shares and the continued support of my closet ❤
Jan 21Reply
joshua_katz Hey Charles, first off, I would like to congratulate you on your success! Second, thank you so much for helping those in need, I have been trying to raise awareness for those in need for a long time now on my Instagram account and it is difficult so I applaud your success and effort! I myself have recently started buying more jeans and now I am selling them, please feel free to check out my closet, I have lots of jeans for sale and would be honored to make a deal with you! Happy shopping!
Jan 25Reply
boutiquegabby So happy to have virtually met you! It is wonderful work you are doing and I will promote your closet. Have a blessed day!
Jan 25Reply
bluejeans4life @joshua_katz Thank you for your kind words. I am truly blessed having lived and worked in Kenya. The Kenyan artisans are extremely talented. Charles
Jan 25Reply
bluejeans4life @boutiquegabby Thank you for the supportive of my closet. It is greatly appreciated. Have a blessed day, Charles
Jan 25Reply
acuteguynyc You’re a very handsome man! ❤️
Feb 02Reply
uwhohali You are very welcome! Purchases from your closet benefit others as well! Not to mention handmade and unique! I will continue to share and support such a beautiful cause and closet my friend ❤️
Feb 03Reply
lipeche_armoire reading your bio was so uplifting. just curious here, you worked in denim manufacturing and your name is jeans4life but you're not wearing jeans in any of your photos 😊! Take care!!!
Feb 23Reply
bluejeans4life @lipeche_armoire I had never really thought about what you said, I made blu jeans for nearly 40 years but rarely wore them. I just never could find a good fit. Have a great day. Charles
Feb 23Reply
luluslatenight What a great thing to do. The pics are amazing, it must have been an incredible experience. Thank you for sharing my item to Twitter. I don’t Tweet but I’m happy to share some of your things here. Linda💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻
Mar 28Reply
letgololo @bluejeans4life Wow! I've shared your closet a billion times, never really pausing to look at your wares or read your bio! WOW! How spectacular! You have so many beautiful items! I want them all :) Continue with your good deeds. You outshine us all! God Bless! :)
Apr 11Reply
bluejeans4life @letgololo Good Morning, Thank you so much for your kind words. It was truly a blessing for me to live and work in Kenya. It was an amazing experience. We as Americans do not really understand how blessed we are by living in the USA. When I lived in Kenya the minimum wage was $120 per month with 40% unemployment rate. The artisans are dependent on tourism which is non existent now because of Covid. Hopefully, this will end soon and life will get back to normal. Have a blessed day, Charles
Apr 11Reply
shelynlucy Love your closet!!! I make jewelry also ❤️❤️
Apr 22Reply
bluejeans4life @shelynlucy Thank you, the Kenyan artisans are truly extraordinary in their work. Have a blessed day, Charles
Apr 22Reply
monicicle Beautiful work!!! 💗😍
Apr 30Reply
bluejeans4life @monicicle Thank you. I was truly blessed by living in Kenya and getting to know these beautiful people. Have a great day. Charles
Apr 30Reply
estela_55 thanks for sharing my closet on Twitter
Jun 06Reply
barbiekakez Thanks for the shares 🤗
Jun 27Reply
bluejeans4life @barbiekakez You are very welcome 😊
Jun 27Reply
barbiekakez 🤗🤗🤗
Jun 27Reply
yuhaftasell Thanks so much for all your generous shares! I can only share so many at a time, otherwise my iPad shuts down! 🙃
Jul 29Reply
bluejeans4life @yuhaftasell You are very welcome, thanks for your sales. Have a blessed day
Jul 29Reply
phaedramcallan This is beyond amazing!!!! Bless you and everything you are doing ♥️🙏♥️
Dec 15Reply
bluejeans4life @phaedramcallan Thank you so much for these kind words and your order. I have been truly blessed over the years having had the opportunity to live and work in Kenya. The people are so very special and hopefully my small efforts help them.
Dec 15Reply
rad0529 Hello Charles, my new friend, I pray your day was truly blessed as well as all your tomorrows, God Bless always, Rhonda
Mar 12Reply
sambrosiano @bluejeans4life thank you for the shares!! Love your cause and your heart❣️ Wishing you many blessings!
Jul 09Reply
aniagftsandmore Thanks for the follow. I shared some of your items. I have womens, mens, kids in my closet. I'm always listing more always welcome offers. If interested in LIVE shows. I do shows Mondays- women's S-4x lots unlisted nwt, and nwot, like new, $15& under. tuesdays- kids share show train& pop-ups too. each purchase gets you an entry into my monthly giveaway. in LIVES you only pay 1 shipping. I pay anything over 5 lb you also get rewards- spend $100 with me get $10 off next purchase Thanks -Ania
Nov 10Reply
tootsiedog1 I was just in S Africa and Tanzania and Zimbabwe and Zanzibar and Botswana and Namibia 🇳🇦 if you go down to where the sign in my closet sat “everything sold from here down” you will see some of my African videos did you stay at giraffe manor in Nairobi?
Mar 06Reply
tootsiedog1 I love to give to everyone and everything when I’m there I always pack a huge suitcase of food and toys when I go, it’s the most beautiful continent on this planet 🌎
Mar 06Reply
bluejeans4life @tootsiedog1 Hi, When I lived in Nairobi, I lived in Karen which is named after Karen Blixen from Out of Africa. My house was actually on the land that was part of her farm there, truly amazing. watching your videos brought back many fond memories. I have still shots of the male lion having sex. What an experience.
Mar 07Reply
bluejeans4life @tootsiedog1 I agree with you. I tell people all the time to save their money and make a trip to Africa. It is something that they would never forget. I was so blessed in living there for 3 years and the best part was that I worked and got paid for the experience of a lifetime. Thanks so much for your orders.
Mar 07Reply
tootsiedog1 I’ve been to Karen’s house I was probably there when you lived there 🙃
Mar 07Reply

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