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Updated 5 hours ago

BOOKMARK MY CLOSET! Gold ⭐️ Ambassador/ Top Seller / Heart & Hustle Winner

Hand Crafted


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Hi! Please LIKE this listing LIKE my closet FYI: ⭐️ Gold Star Ambassador 🎉15x Party Host ❤️ Heart & Hustle Winner (3rd quarter) 💰Over 4600 sales ⭐️ five star seller 🐶 Frenchie Mom 💍 Jewelry Share Host 👶 Kids Share Host ✅ Just In Share Host I took a break from a stressful job to explore my “creative” side. Thanks for supporting my art! POSHMARK IS MY FULL TIME JOB ☺️ Thank you for supporting my closet!
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tdayton34 Do you have pajamas????
Aug 18Reply
maplebetsy @tdayton34 hmm 🤔 I haven’t done them but would be open to the idea! What kind? You can message me via bundle if you want ❤️
Aug 18Reply
lattebill you rock! i know your fun!🍒🌼🌷🌺🤗
Aug 21Reply
alhopki Hi there love your tie dyed item great work
Sep 12Reply
maplebetsy @alhopki thank you so much ☺️ you just made my day 🌈
Sep 12Reply
coppergirl101 Your rye dye art is beautiful. Very creative! Wishing you many sales. 🌷💕🌺💜🌷🌺💕💜🌷🌺💕💜🌷🌺💕🌷 Arlene
Sep 13Reply
maplebetsy @coppergirl101 Arlene, you just made my day 🌈 I appreciate that so much! I see you are moving - I hope it goes well! 💖💖💖 -Betsy
Sep 13Reply
coppergirl101 @maplebetsy Thank you Betsey🌷 You deserve the compliment.
Sep 13Reply
nyfashionstore Can you check out my closet when you have time :)))
Sep 14Reply
maplebetsy @ldadamo123 hi 👋 the best way for me to check out your closet is to share some of my closet ❤️
Sep 14Reply
hexeandcandy I love your closet! Tie-dying is such a talented thing to be able to do! ❤️💜
Sep 15Reply
maplebetsy @hexeandcandy thank you 😊 that is so kind of you to say! I really enjoy it and I wanted to art school but decided it wasn’t “practical” and here I am doing art lol
Sep 15Reply
hexeandcandy @maplebetsy You do beautiful work!
Sep 15Reply
jetermiah Hi! Thank you for following 😊
Sep 26Reply
honeybeeworksca Hi! Thanks for the follow 🥰 your closet is amazing 🤩 please check mine out too if you get a chance 🥳 have a great day ☀️ 💞
Oct 02Reply
maplebetsy @honeybeeworksca Thank you! I just shared five of your listings in posh gratitude
Oct 02Reply
maplebetsy @jetermiah you are welcome - shared 5 in posh love
Oct 02Reply
maplebetsy @hexeandcandy Thank you! I’m sorry for the delayed reply!
Oct 02Reply
ephemeraaz I love tie dye. I always dressed my kids in tie dye tshirts when we’d travel or go to an amusement park. Never lost them.😉 🎡Welcome to Poshmark🎡 Hello! I’m Jennifer and a fellow Posher. ✨You will find that this a great community. Lots of ideas, cool items to wear & for home decor. ✨There’s good support for opening up/running your shop. ✨If you have any questions- feel free to reach out. ✨Happy Shopping and Sharing.✨The Poshabilities are endless.🎠🤹‍♀️
Oct 06Reply
maplebetsy @ephemeraaz thank you! It is my job to make tie dye and not only create something beautiful but also save an article of clothing from a landfill 🌈❤️ win/win!
Oct 06Reply
issabeaujewelry OMG I LOVE THE COW!! 😁🎰🙌
Oct 07Reply
maplebetsy @issabeaujewelry I love the cow 🐄 one also - the back of the shirt sort of explains it (maybe if you are from Pittsburgh it makes more sense)?! I wish it wasn’t a size small tho!
Oct 07Reply
poshymelissa Betsy, you are so talented! Your tie-dye designs are beautiful! 😍😍
Oct 08Reply
maplebetsy @poshymelissa oh my goodness ☺️ thank you! You are one of my most favorite and most respected closets so this is so meaningful to me! ❤️ TYSM
Oct 08Reply
poshymelissa @maplebetsy ❤️💕❤️💕❤️
Oct 08Reply
spreadlove HI, I’m Melissa! I wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I’m always looking for new posh friends to shop, share and invite to my closet- so I wanted to say hello! Have great day! @spreadlove
Oct 10Reply
luluslatenight Hey girl! I wanted to thank you for giving me more share love. 💜💜💜 I did the same for you both in my closet and to the new party. Thanks again, Linda💜💜💜
Oct 12Reply
maplebetsy @earthsong69 hi Linda! Today is my mad listing day so I’m in and out of messages! I hope you got my ideas 💡 on your bundle and let’s keep sharing and in touch! I have more ideas as well for new poshers!!
Oct 12Reply
luluslatenight @maplebetsy No problem. I’ve been in and out of messages today too because I was at a posh party. I’m not sure if I got the suggestions, I’ll look and see if I did after while. I have to go to my moms house here in a minute. I would like to stay in touch. Thanks again, Linda 💜💜💜
Oct 12Reply
chrissyvscloset 🥂🥂Congrats on being one of today's featured closets 🥰🥰
Oct 16Reply
lovelysambo25 Thanks for the follow!!☺I will kick off my follow with 10 shares!!!🙋🏽‍♀️💰 If you have any particular listing you want shared simply tag me in it & I will pump with shares!! ✔💰🤞🏽HAPPY POSHING!!💌 #SHARESFORSHARES #SHARESFORSHARES #SHARESFORSHARES
Oct 31Reply
maplebetsy @lovelysambo25 nice to meet you! thank you for the shares!! I have a shars-for-share listing I'll tag you in!! 🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃
Oct 31Reply
kreativekristen @maplebetsy ok ,I’ll be sharing the handcrafted artists listing tomorrow morning ( I’m west coast) , FYI- I’m adding something new for the featured listings ;)
Nov 06Reply
co_spgs_closet Great pics. I could spend the rest of the day just admiring your artistic pictures. 😉
Nov 08Reply
maplebetsy @co_spgs_closet aww 😊 that is so kind of you to say! I really appreciate that ❤️
Nov 08Reply
co_spgs_closet Any particular camera and/or app you use that you can share? Any other recommendations would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. 😉
Nov 08Reply
maplebetsy @co_spgs_closet I just use my iPhone but then for the clear sharp white background (I do photograph most items on a white tablecloth) I export the photo to the app PhotoRoom and it makes the items really “pop”! The app is free and i am hooked on it!
Nov 08Reply
co_spgs_closet @maplebetsy I'll try it. Thank you.
Nov 09Reply
yogijennypenny @maplebetsy I love your creations! We are kindred artistic spirits! I have a pile of tie dye clothing for fun I wanted to do this summer but the supplies were sold out at Hobby Lobby. I’m such a newb (and haven’t utilized Pinterest as much as I should) that I never considered how I could do it with the Rit dye. That’s so smart! It’s cold here now but I’ll look into this method still. 🙌🙏
Nov 14Reply
maplebetsy @yogijennypenny yay that’s so awesome! I wasn’t sure I would be good at it but I’m super happy with my results and wish i could make a living doing this full time! The RIT dyes are great and hobby lobby sells them! Tag me when you make one! I want to see it!
Nov 14Reply
yogijennypenny @maplebetsy absolutely! I will put them on my Insta as well, under the same name. Keep making beautiful things! Bless your beautiful soul for creating fun things for the elder folks as well. I deeply respect those who are involved with assisting the aging population to enjoy their final chapters with dignity and compassion. ♥️
Nov 14Reply
rockinfrocks413 @maplebetsy Your Awesome 😊❤️ Thank you for sharing me & my closet w your story xxoo Posh On my PFF ❤️
Nov 17Reply
maplebetsy @rockinfrocks413 I love your closet! All the owls and foxes and cool stuff 😊❤️ you’re welcome and I hope it brings you a sale!
Nov 17Reply
daisymaeacres Gee I really wish we lived closer... we’d have So Much FUN! I Love your closet!!!
Nov 22Reply
maplebetsy @daisymaeacres awww 😌 thank you! I wish we did, too! Believe it or not I’m quite lonely here - my kids live abroad and I don’t know too many people!
Nov 22Reply
daisymaeacres @maplebetsy My youngest & his family (1 boy & one on the way!) are moving in w/ me & “Dementia Dad”. About to get Crazy up here! My door is always open if you find yourself up in these parts!
Nov 22Reply
jaqsjunq Hey! Thank you so much for the invite to the hand made share group. What an awesome group! I'm so in! Just have to get used to how it works. Plus, I'm so glad I found you because I'm an art instructor and CRAZY about tie dye! Will be following! Thanks again. 😁
Nov 23Reply
maplebetsy @jaqsjunq you are welcome - I’m all about the posh community and helping each other out. The share group is easy - sign in each day with your name, number (sequential order) and if you can, answer the daily question. Check back at 6pm and share 8 hand crafted items from all who have “signed in”! Also TY for the compliment on my tie dye! For Black Friday my closet is all 3/$20 (items $20 or less can be bundled) so if you see any tie dye you like: buy away! 😊✅🎉🙏
Nov 23Reply
tecopefinds @maplebetsy TYSM for the shout out in your posh story!! That warmer was sold just a couple of hours after I got the notification! Really appreciate ya❣️
Nov 24Reply
maplebetsy @tecopefinds fabulous! So glad to hear that! I love making stories.
Nov 24Reply
roseamethyst I missed your story!!!! 😢😘
Dec 28Reply
maplebetsy @roseamethyst what story? 🤔🤔
Dec 28Reply
roseamethyst @maplebetsy you posted a story the other day oh well we both missed
Dec 28Reply
maplebetsy @roseamethyst oh ok! I post at least 5 stories a day! I’ll tag you again soon ❤️✅
Dec 28Reply
colorplay Thank you so very much for the mention in your story!!! Also, for the correction in in kreativekristens monthly share group. Happy New Year!
Jan 01Reply
accountdt9 Thank you for your purchase and for the rating and nice comment. I’m glad you like the pin. Happy New Year. Delores The Dee Hive 🐝🐝🐝
Jan 01Reply
cjsilcox 💕💖 That is so cool n crafty! Tie dye is one of my favorites. On another note, I’m an essential worker too & 2020 was definitely a challenge. Thank you for bringing joy to your job. I think that is one of the most important things we can do right now. And congrats on your engagement! Yeah!!! Hopeful that 2021 is a much better year for everyone. Happy Poshing! 💖💕
Jan 02Reply
maplebetsy @cjsilcox thank you for stopping by my closet, the shares and the nice compliment on my tie dye items 🌈👕👚 (and in my engagement 💍) I’m excited for 2021. what do you do an an essential worker? Happy new year! 🎉❤️
Jan 02Reply
unbridledhippy @maplebetsy thank you so much for the story shout out!! ❤️❤️❤️✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻
Jan 02Reply
maplebetsy @unbridledgypsy no problem! I love your closet ❤️
Jan 02Reply
3blessings4us @maplebetsy Great pic! ❤️ your closet!! 🌈❤️💥
Jan 02Reply
hourglassplus This is dangerous. I adore tie-dye 🤭🤭
Jan 03Reply
maplebetsy @hourglassplus well I won’t tell you then that I have tons of them listed under the brand “hand crafted” and that I would love to give you an amazing deal on 1 or 2 ☺️🌈👚🥳
Jan 03Reply
hourglassplus @maplebetsy I plan to use my stimulus on startup costs and supporting other small businesses so I will definitely keep you in mind!
Jan 03Reply
maplebetsy @3blessings4us thank you! I love ❤️ your closet too!
Jan 03Reply
maplebetsy @hourglassplus that is a very sweet idea 💡 I have $400 of car 🚘 repairs (flat tire and exploded rear window all in a 10 day span) but I may do the same ✅ every week or 2 if my sales are good, I try to bless another posher with a purchase for good karma
Jan 03Reply
hourglassplus @maplebetsy I understand, I don’t technically own a vehicle at the moment. My husband and I share his late grandfather’s 2-seater truck due to the fact that our family vehicle died this past summer, right after our daughter was born. I know absolutely everyone has stories like this from 2020 and I refuse to give my money to big business if I can actually help others while getting beautiful pieces!
Jan 03Reply
_trendykidz Love the work. Happy and successful New Year.
Jan 04Reply
sassyandobscene @maplebetsy 💓Congrats on your Engagement!! 💓 Super exciting!! I 💘💘💘 tye dying too... lol!! Its definitely addicting... my daughter & I tye dyed everything this summer from tees to hand towels to the curtains!!! Your Closet is Awesome... great variety!! Ill tag you on one of my listing so I can pop back to share!! Happy New Year!!! 😉💋💋
Jan 05Reply
maplebetsy @_trendykidz thank you for your kind words! Happy New Year to you, also! 🎉
Jan 05Reply
maplebetsy @sassyandobscene it was my daughter and her partner who inspired me to tie dye 🌈 as they bought me dyes as a gift! We had fun doing it together but then they had to go to their summer jobs and I decided to carry on and experiment without them and they continue to encourage me! 🙏 I should try towels and venture out! I did socks 🧦 and they were so cute! ❤️☺️ have a great day!
Jan 05Reply
proverbs2323 “She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come.” ‭‭ 🌸 ❤️🌸 Proverbs‬ ‭31:25‬ ‭NIV‬‬ 🌸 ❤️🌸 🎉Congratulations on Party Hosting! 🎉 ❤️God bless❤️ ~ @proverbs2323
Jan 18Reply
piccicu Wishing you lots of success with your Party! Congratulations on co hosting. I’ll be there sharing as much as I can. Much success and good vibes coming your way. Have FUN.....Stephanie 🌻
Jan 18Reply
nicole_parr Congratulations on hosting!!!!! I’d be so grateful if you considered one of my listings for a host pick 💖🦋🥳
Jan 18Reply
fourlimes Congrats on hosting today! Great theme! 👗 See you there!
Jan 18Reply
wishuponastyle CONGRATULATIONS on your party‼️🥳💞🎉🎈🌸🤩💖 💫💐🎊❣️🤗 I would greatly appreciate if you would consider featuring my closet @ms_ari for a 💖Host Pick!💖 Sending you lots of love 💓and wishing you a Successful and Spectacular party full of Sales!! 🎉💗🛍💐💚🌼💜🥰🌸✨❣️🛍🌈🌹💙💥🤗🧡💕
Jan 18Reply
elazarus Congrats on hosting! 🎉 I would really appreciate you considering my closet for HP ❤️
Jan 18Reply
passporttoindia @maplebetsy Congrats on hosting! I would love a host pick. Happy hosting!!!
Jan 18Reply
mangoann Awesome!!!!
Jan 18Reply
berlin54 Hello😁👏👏Congratulations on hosting today’s posh party. 👔👕👚Could you kindly check out my closet for a host pic consideration? I would be very grateful! 😊🙏💕💕💕Thank you so much.
Jan 18Reply
forestthrutrees Thank you for what you do. It is a very important part for seniors to have fun and enjoy where they are. I admire you for that. Again, thank you.
Jan 22Reply
maplebetsy @forestthrutrees thank you for the encouragement ❤️ I had to resign last week due to stress. Tired of everyone yelling at me 😕 it’s a tough gig
Jan 25Reply
forestthrutrees @maplebetsy Oh yeah I know that LOL
Jan 25Reply
zapandzam Thanks so much Betsy for including our shop in your story!! 💖💕🎨🐾😍 I didn't sign in today for the Creative Hands share group...just need a day off to get some other stuff done today!! But I'll be back soon!!😁🎨💗💕🐾🐶🐱🎨
Jan 26Reply
etoba @maplebetsy hi Betsy. Stopping by to say hello 😊😷
Jan 28Reply
randeescloset 🌸🌼🌷🌻🌸🌼🌷🌻 Love it all😍😍😍 You Rock Betsy 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳
Feb 09Reply
maplebetsy @randeescloset if only the stories would translate into sales!! I always hope 🤞
Feb 09Reply
randeescloset Yes for sure🌷 Add to that the hundreds of hours it takes you to make these gorgeous and one of a kind items🌸
Feb 09Reply
maplebetsy @etoba Hi Eileen! Hope you have a happy day ❤️☺️
Feb 09Reply
etoba @maplebetsy thanks Betsy. Backatcha😊😷
Feb 09Reply
sunshinedeals 🙋🏻‍♀️Hi neighbor! I live in this wonderful sunshine 🌞 state too in Bradenton 😎 Nice to meet you! 👍You have a beautiful closet ❤️ Happy Poshing! 🌴
Feb 13Reply
maplebetsy @sunshinedeals Hi 👋! That is so cool! It’s great to meet another Bradentonian 🏝🏖 !! Maybe we need to host a posh and sip together when we can do one at a Starbucks again!!
Feb 13Reply
mommamo17 Great closet!! 👏🏻👍🏻
Feb 17Reply
maplebetsy @molnar417 thank you 😊 yours, too!
Feb 17Reply
kreativekristen @maplebetsy I’m interested in something for each of my grand daughters... size 12 girls likes yellow and pink ( into faires and butterflies) , size 6 girls likes blue and pink ( into mermaids and dragonflies) maybe we can get together a plan and price ... ponder it for a while ...posh on girlfriend
Mar 05Reply
maplebetsy @kreativekristen yes I would be happy to help! Will ponder on it !!
Mar 05Reply
stellasparkle You are a wonderful artist! So glad you are doing what you love!
Mar 11Reply
elenaplusmasha Hi! Amazing art work!! 👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽😊😊 Good job! Your story is very interesting. Thanks for sharing. I enjoy looking on your beautiful pieces that you are making! I am “in a team” with you because I make merino wool sock-slippers for babies and I have them in my closet. I’ll be glad seeing you passing by. GOOD LUCK! 🇺🇸 Best to you and your family🙏
Mar 20Reply
maplebetsy @elenaplusmasha check out our hand crafted group at @peatandrepeat page ❤️ also @kreativekristen page (first Friday of the month hand crafted artist share day)
Mar 20Reply
rockermia @maplebetsy Hi Darling 💝You have a GORGEOUS ✨✨✨✨✨✨closet!!🤩Thanks for following, visiting and sharing my closet! the best hits for your closet and many sales. Blessings!
Mar 22Reply
tinkmyass Hi do you have any 2XL v neck tee shirts ?
Apr 06Reply
maplebetsy @tinkmyass right now I do not have any V necks - just crew necks in that size ❤️
Apr 06Reply
maplebetsy @tinkmyass I tagged you in the 4 plus size shirts I have for sale
Apr 06Reply
johemian21 Thanks for the follow! You're a fantastic artist!! Cheers!! 💜 - Jodi
Apr 11Reply
maplebetsy @johemian21 aww ☺️ thank you for the compliment! Come back and share anytime and I’ll return the shares ❤️ -Betsy
Apr 11Reply
maplebetsy @beautifynails hi and yes I have checked out your closet and I share you whenever I see you share me! Have a great day.
Apr 14Reply
luneleanoreve I think these paintings of your pup are fantastic!!! 🤩🤩🤩 I wish I had your skills and talent! 🥰😍🥰
Apr 20Reply
tiff101809 @maplebetsy Feel free to check out my modest closet
Apr 21Reply
maplebetsy @tiff101809 I sure did and I appreciate that you shared my closet before asking that! If you have posh goals let me know maybe I can help you ❤️
Apr 21Reply
tiff101809 @maplebetsy ok. thank you 😊
Apr 21Reply
tiff101809 @maplebetsy thank you for all of the shares
Apr 21Reply
maplebetsy @murdock880 click here and let me know what you see
Apr 23Reply
maplebetsy @adoringstyles you must have me confused with another posher. I checked your share feed and none of your shares are for my items.
Apr 30Reply
fineash I don't know how to private message you but I just wanted to say thank you for getting back with me about the shirt I liked and tie dying it for me.. I'm excited to see it and look forward to seeing more things you make & post for sale! You're really cool!
May 12Reply
maplebetsy @ashx777x this way of communicating is fine but I will create a bundle for you and you can use the bundle feature for chatting back and forth. My next message to you will come from the bundle. Hopefully that will make sense to you! ☺️👍❤️
May 12Reply
prettypuddles hi! love your creations! beautiful! you look really happy doing this,we're glad for you! keep up the awesome! work :-) love how each piece is one of a kind, it!!! thank you so much for following us! we are adding more, lots more soon :-) hope you come back and check it out! wish you lots of sales :-) oh and cute fur baby!
May 26Reply
maplebetsy @prettypuddles thank you 🙏 ❤️
May 26Reply
prettypuddles you're more than welcome :-) you are appreciated! :-)
May 26Reply
musemax Do you ever tie dye any 3X shirts? Would you for the right price?
Jun 02Reply
maplebetsy @musemax I definitely would - currently I just tie dye shirts I pick up at thrift shops and therefore I am limited to what I can find.
Jun 02Reply
musemax Please let me know when you add that 3XL tie dye shirt. Thanks
Jun 12Reply
maplebetsy @musemax I’ll make it today!
Jun 12Reply
musemax @maplebetsy Eagerly anticipating it!
Jun 12Reply
maplebetsy @musemax it’s all done - I will tag you and today is 50% off day!
Jun 13Reply
maplebetsy @craftycraftsinc check out @peatandrepeat closet for a fun daily share group for those of us who sell hand crafted good ❤️🙏☺️
Jun 14Reply
craftsnboutique @maplebetsy thank you for the recommendation!
Jun 14Reply
maplebetsy @craftycraftsinc I participate a few times a week and have really enjoyed it! Tell Johnna I sent you over 😊❤️
Jun 14Reply
chiquitasells Wow, you’re super talented 😇
Jun 15Reply
maplebetsy @chiquitasells aww ☺️ you just made my day
Jun 15Reply
vanessa_3117 🌜Hey there! Cool closet, I’d really appreciate it if you’d check out my closet! Thanks take care!🌛 Beautiful paintings of your dog😍
Jun 21Reply
macysfunfinds Hi! Would Monday be a good day for me to feature your closet on the Color Share Group I am starting?❤ Since you were the first liker I would like to feature you on the first day! I just want to make sure your closet won't be on vacation or anything.😊
Jun 25Reply
maplebetsy @jaymelachelle absolutely! Thank you so much! Yes Monday is fine ❤️☺️👍
Jun 25Reply
maplebetsy @jaymelachelle I didn’t know what you meant by “feature me” I thought just say a few words of introduction 🙈 to the other participants, I’m sorry I have to bow out - my apologies
Jun 26Reply
macysfunfinds @maplebetsy No big deal! Kinda my fault for not posting the guidelines first. I was considering many different ways to do the game. Wishing you many sales this weekend!💖 I will make sure to let you know if I start any other share games that are more your style!😊
Jun 26Reply
maplebetsy @jaymelachelle thank you! I hope it goes well for you! Have a nice weekend ❤️
Jun 26Reply
flowerleilani thank you for your sweet messages and the connection. I am still super new and could use some pointers/advice. I have a few questions. thank you <3
Jun 30Reply
maplebetsy @glandtcorbin such a rebel!! Don’t let her find our or you’ll have to wear the dunce hat 🧢 and have a time out!!
Jul 03Reply
zepigrl @maplebetsy Happy 😃! Happy 😃! Happy 😃! Birthday 🎉 🎂 🥳 🎈🍭.
Jul 17Reply
maplebetsy @zepigrl thank you so much pff 🎉🥳❤️🙏
Jul 17Reply
groovyglam Happy belated 🎂 Birthday!
Jul 18Reply
onesiesfunssies @maplebetsy All done plus shared 8 of your items. Hope your Sunday is going well. 7/18
Jul 18Reply
maplebetsy @kalfinito thanks 🙏 shares returned ❤️
Jul 18Reply
beetlegoose Hey girl, thanks for throwing a Saturday party. I have a question I’ve been on a few sites and I haven’t shared yet because I want to make sure with you is it toys and clothing for kids because on the two I’ve been on I have not seen any toys I’ve only seen clothing and I’ll share the clothing for the kids I have no problem I just wanted To make sure with you thank you so much have a great weekend Stacy
Jul 24Reply
maplebetsy @beetlegoose my kids share 8 is for any item under the kids category! You are fine. Most of us just share the “top 8” or “random kids” (so the top 8 doesn’t get “over-shared” and perhaps lost in the feed, but it was fine to request toys as that is very easy to filter in the kids category ❤️
Jul 24Reply
sparklebymelbtq omg are those acrylic resin pours!!! I do resin art too ♡
Aug 04Reply
maplebetsy @sparklebymelbtq they are acrylic paint 🎨 pours - I would like to try resin someday
Aug 04Reply
lucylakes You’re definitely a creative! Congrats on saying no to the cube😵‍💫 my question is why “Maple Betty”?
Aug 25Reply
maplebetsy @lucylakes aww thanks! I will have to go back to the cube eventually lol as there are no 401k plans for freelancers! My name Maplebetsy is from a Mary Engelbreit share group I was in. Oddly there were 3 Betsy’s! They named me maple Betsy since I was from Canada 🇨🇦
Aug 25Reply
lucylakes @maplebetsy The best syrup in the world!
Aug 25Reply
lillygi You're so talented, I'm loving it.
Sep 08Reply
maplebetsy @lillygi thank you 🙏 I appreciate the kind words! I am planning on making some miniature paintings as Christmas ornaments later this week so stay tuned ❤️
Sep 08Reply
maplebetsy @corbryt like this listing to find me ❤️☺️
Sep 11Reply
maplebetsy @hotposhmygosh ❤️ most people put a like on this to bookmark my closet!
Sep 21Reply
shopbeautyhype Adorable pup 💕
Oct 01Reply
emmanuellilah33 Hi 😊 Welcome to Poshmark & my closet I offer fast shipping & friendly service on new & preloved items & offer discounts on bundles. "Like" something, feel free to make an offer. Reasonable offers always appreciated 😉 I accept or slightly counter. Please check back often for sales & new items ❣️ Best of luck to you with your closet Have fun & Happy Poshing! 💕
Oct 03Reply
maplebetsy @emmanuellilah33 I never check out a closet that leaves a note like this if they haven’t shared my closet ❤️
Oct 03Reply
tracey112770 Thank you soooo much for the referral to the 🥳 kids party 🥳 Hope we all will get a Host Pick for the party!!
Oct 30Reply
xtinamtfer WOO HOO 🎉 Congratulations PFF on Love or List It Winnings!!
Oct 31Reply
born2dazzle Thank you for sharing snd the compliment 😁 I love your artwork! Sharing for you in hopes of quick sales too!
Nov 07Reply
hallmark26 Love your tie dye!!
Nov 10Reply
maplebetsy @hallmark26 Thank you very much 🙏❤️ I have a big pile yet to do! 🌈
Nov 10Reply
shst3b1 Hi dear! Welcome to Poshmark! Feel free to check my closet
Nov 25Reply
karinlouise Great closet love the handmade crafted items !! Merry Christmas
Dec 16Reply
maplebetsy @karinlouise thank you so much! I was so happy when posh added a “hand crafted” brand! I also left a stressful job and had to reinvent myself so I just tried my hand at art 🖼 and I hope people like it! (And tie dye shirts)
Dec 16Reply
joanieonie Hi, Betsy. CONGRATULATIONS on your Heart & Hustle grant. Yay!
Dec 16Reply
karinlouise @maplebetsy impressive! I’ll keep sharing for ya
Dec 17Reply
maplebetsy @joanieonie thank you so much pff 🎉❤️🏕☺️ it was very exciting to win!
Dec 17Reply
joanieonie @maplebetsy I'm sure u were even more excited than me! 🎉🎊 Hmmm 🤔 maybe I should enter the next one 🤗
Dec 17Reply
maplebetsy @joanieonie you should! Why wouldn’t you? I bet you could win the big one.
Dec 17Reply
beadsnbangles Hi! You can have any 3 of my $15-$18 stretch bracelets for $25. Not sure how to offer you a bundle!
Jan 01Reply
maplebetsy @martie83 aww thanks! This is a good learning lesson for you! Pick a couple bracelets and hit the arrow thing to “share” and then type in my name @maplebetsy and it will share that item to my bundle!!
Jan 01Reply
beadsnbangles @maplebetsy I’m learning so much! Ok, here goes…
Jan 01Reply
honeyyy7 You’re so talented and gorgeous 🥰 Thank you for sharing my host pick! Happy poshing!
Jan 22Reply
maplebetsy @honeyyy7 oh thank you 🙏 ☺️❤️
Jan 22Reply
lisasdeals337 hi @maplebetsy I would like to join your kids sharing group, but can't locate the post to like it.
Feb 08Reply
maplebetsy @lisasdeals337 awesome! Do you know how to use the posh filter button? Can you filter for “kids” as the listing is there !
Feb 08Reply
graceandcoffee 10 more shares ☺️
Feb 18Reply
helloamykat Love your tie dye art 🌈
Feb 19Reply
maplebetsy @helloamykat thank you! I have a sale this weekend on clothing: buy 1 get 2 free! I would be honored if you purchased one and got some freebies!!
Feb 19Reply
newbuckeye19 Hello! You've got a really great closet...and wonderful handmade items. Blessings to you for continuing success!!
Feb 26Reply
maplebetsy @premiumlife like this listing and contact me any time! ❤️
Mar 13Reply
maplebetsy @reinclothed this is the idea!
Apr 19Reply
kinbea Hi there! I found your lovely closet on the wandering gypsies share group and thought to say hello 👋 💃🏻 Best of luck selling and happy poshing! 🥳 👯‍♀️
Apr 20Reply
maplebetsy @niccipn this is what people “like” to bookmark my closet
May 06Reply
maplebetsy @glassoutloud like this ✅😃
May 08Reply
draper_lamb Betsy I did the same thing, left a stressful job & dedicated myself to exploring creativity & alternate, independent income streams. One year in & I’m happy I did! 💕
Jun 08Reply
tonistwinkles @maplebetsy Hi Betsy - did you get your credit from S t o r e y? I haven't either.
Jun 11Reply
piranhawench 😃😃😃🎉🎉🎉🌸🌸🌸🌸🌼🌼🌼💐💐💐💐 CONGRATULATIONS ON AMBASSADOR II!!!!!!😃😃😃🎉🎉🎉🌸🌸🌸🌸🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼 I LOVE your artwork & Tire dyes!!! 💕💕💕💕☮️💟💜🦋
Jun 18Reply
maplebetsy @piranhawench thank you so much for your kind words ❤️❤️
Jun 18Reply
piranhawench 💕💜💞
Jun 18Reply
lisah723 Hey! Had a seller question...have you had anyone request to do sales off of poshmark? Like, ask to send a check to you via mail?
Jul 14Reply
maplebetsy @lisah723 that is not permitted and is a scammer so I would flag the comment as spam and block that posher
Jul 14Reply
lisah723 ok...thank you
Jul 14Reply
missink3383 Such a STUNNING closet😍 Wishin u $peedy $ales🍀💕😊 if u get a chance stop by Miss-Ink's 💕your posh friend Serah🦋🌸🌺
Aug 10Reply
bailysmemaw I love your energy and you inspire many I am sure. ❤️🤩🌹🌸💐🌻
Aug 20Reply
susiedotperson Hey Betsy! Sorry to be out of touch. I am still waiting on my friend to come through—truly embarrassed to make you wait this long. I see you are offering the plaque at a last chance price, but I can’t find out what that is bc when I click on your note, it won’t open up into the page for some reason. Anyway. I only have $22.55 in my payment account, so it is not enough. I’m so sorry. Hope things are going well for you!
Sep 16Reply
lj_cook How long did it take you to get the gold badge? Also do u have a boutique?? One more question lol Do u do well poshing full time ❤️? Thank you Lori
Nov 03Reply
maplebetsy @lj_cook I will send you a private bundle message with my answers!
Nov 04Reply
maplebetsy @marleymaggiemae this is how to find me ❤️ all the items I have made myself I list under the posh brand “hand crafted“ and items I have purchase and am re-selling from other artists is under the brand “artisan”
Dec 04Reply
marleymaggiemae @maplebetsy Awesome! Thank you for letting me know! I try to especially share closets with handmade art as often as I can 🎨🖌️🧶🖼️
Dec 04Reply
maplebetsy @marleymaggiemae I try to share fellow artists as well ❤️
Dec 04Reply
sunnytee28 Hi Maple. I just followed you. I am also in Bradenton. Looking for a buddy to talk reselling with. My husband and mom are over it! Lol Care to chat sometime?
May 19Reply
beccaturner512 Love the cool canvases! Beautiful 🤩
Jun 07Reply
mare91866 Hi! I’m fairly new to Poshmark as far as selling. I’m looking to collaborate with another posher and was wondering if you have done that; and how did you communicate with other posters ie chatting? Thanks 😊
Jul 10Reply
corin1965 @maplebetsy hey PFF, how's everything? Good to see you!😽💕
Jan 27Reply
maplebetsy @corin1965 thank you ☺️ I am working full-time as activity director at an assisted living home but I still love my poshing 🩷 hope you are doing great!
Jan 27Reply
tarius27 I would love to know how to “bookmark” a closet 😀
Mar 17Reply
maplebetsy @tarius27 just “like” any listing (give it a heart) and it will be saved (bookmarked is his shorthand meaning you can find it quickly) because you can find all your items with hearts in your “likes” 👍
Mar 17Reply
tarius27 @maplebetsy thanks so much!
Mar 17Reply
fossefashion Just opened your closet. Before I look I just have to say your photo is so cute it made me like you!
Jun 05Reply
maplebetsy @fossefashion thank you 😊
Jun 05Reply
a4mills Looking forward to getting the party 🥳 🎉 started tomorrow!!!! I'm co-hosting too 🫶🤩 - See you Rockstars 🤩 tomorrow.
Aug 31Reply
christineznyc Thank you for everything this weekend
Sep 07Reply
sonnyandcher Hi, thank you so much , I’ve been a part time posher for 12 years , just last month got my gold ambassador, nice to meet you, Stac
Sep 21Reply
susiedotperson Betsy,nim concerned about you. hoping you and yours are getting to safety. glad to see you are closed for a few days. much love and big hugs, Susie 🪷
Oct 09Reply
maplebetsy @omgitsmarytza hi share this listing before you start the kids share group and then again. When you are done sharing the last item
Jan 17Reply
omgitsmarytza I clicked share did it work?
Jan 17Reply
maplebetsy @omgitsmarytza look in your shares and see - if you don’t see it, then no. you didn’t do it correctly- you share this listing to your followers like you share the kids items - exactly the same - hit the arrows and click “to followers”
Jan 17Reply
maplebetsy @aimeebeu put a like here to bookmark my closet ❤️ I do a lot of sales
4 days agoReply

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