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Updated Jan 01
Updated Jan 01

Meet your posher, EZ Lawrence - Please follow, share, & ❤️ BACK. Thank U

Meet the Posher



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Hi - so nice to see you! There's a lot I'd like to say - as we all have a story, but no time. Stay tuned though...for more will be revealed. For now, just know that I'm strictly shopping (not selling), love the variety I have to choose from here on Poshmark, & I've met some very lovely sellers as well! I love to share your gorgeous items - those I already have & ❤️, those that are not my size, those that are out of my💲range, & those which for whatever reason...I can't purchase for myself. I've been working on something very special & entirely UNIVERSAL (4 every man, woman, child, & pet) - for the past 2.5 years & it's the equiv. of my life's masterwork. Currently getting it ready for presentation & can't wait to drop it out into THE WORLD! If you follow, ❤️, & share me & my profile w/ your followers I would DEEPLY APPRECIATE it, & will plug & promote you & your closet in all of my free time. I'm an artist & a designer, & was in the entertainment industry for years. However, I'm low tech & all photos featured here, are taken from my FLIP PHONE, which has no editing tools except light/dark, tone, & crop. If you ever wanted me to post "real photos" taken w/ camera - of me wearing YOUR MERCH & YOUR CLOSET tagged/highlighted - I'd be happy to do so! The more you share me, the more I look, love, buy, & promote...& I LOVE TO HELP YOU SELL! Win - win. Thanks so much & may you have a prosperous day here on "The Posh"! With ❤️, E.Z. Lawrence I SUPPORT OTHER ARTISTS TOO!
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andrealucas245 Hi Lawrence! Welcome to Poshmark!!💕
Sep 17Reply
ashleywhite8 Thank you for all of the likes 💕
Sep 22Reply
alicekleiner Thank you for visiting my closet and for the like!  I have a 5 star rating, Welcome offers and I ship within 24hrs.  Check out my Posh Stats; Ratings and Posh notes to shop with confidence. Thank you again and Happy Poshing =)
Sep 24Reply
cwishrn I’m stopping by to say Hello! ✨ I invite you to check out my closet @cwishrn and maybe you’ll find something just right for you. 🛍 Brands I have include Vera Bradley, kate spade & Coach. 🛍 I’m a Posh Ambassador who is available for questions, support, anything you may need...I’m here! ❄️Happy Poshing ⛄️
Feb 11Reply
mkhayes7 @ezlawrence Hi and thank you for your interest in the ring! I just lowered the listing price today and the counter-offer I made is the lowest I can go with a shipping discount, otherwise I’ll be heading into the negative.
Aug 01Reply
beautystylist13 Hello😊 happy poshing!!! Welcome to my closet 🤗if you see something you like you can always send me an offer💐and if you have any question please don’t hesitate to ask❤️thank you🌹
Sep 04Reply
floridagirl99 @ezlawrence Hi and welcome to Poshmark. We are a community here and we support each other. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask me. I am trying to add more items every day. Happy poshing!😊🎃🏖🎊🎉☀️👻🌼🍭🌸🍒👙👠🦄💗💓👄👗💞💄🌈🎀🐢
Oct 02Reply
ezlawrence @floridagirl99 thank you - I signed up a year ago just to buy a wallet, I am getting all involved and really enjoying it. I love an atmosphere where women help each other and there is no arguing or gossip like on social media sites!!! I love sharing while I'm browsing and meeting great ladies (and sometimes gents, I guess?) I also find some lovely things for excellent prices! But - yes, this is cool! Happy poshing to you as well!!! xoxo
Oct 02Reply
manorly Thanks so much for browsing and sharing Lawrence 😊💕
Oct 03Reply
suzeeq73 @manorly 🌸🌸🌸
Oct 03Reply
artisticat Hi, thank you for sharing items from my closet. I really appreciate it!
Oct 03Reply
imagerai249 Welcome to Poshmark and Happy Poshing to you!
Oct 03Reply
shebasplace Hello E.Z Lawrence thanks for visiting my closet and for sharing items from my closet. I look forward to seeing what you have been working on.😊
Oct 04Reply
mtn_boho 🌻🌲🌞✌
Oct 04Reply
ezlawrence @shebasplace - Thank you so much!!! You have a beautiful closet btw and after "what I have been working on" comes out and gets established (hopefully all over the world ???!!!) - I look forward to being able to support and take care of my sick husband (and myself), be able to buy some more of the things I love too! Thank you so much for taking interest - it means everything to me!!! XOXO
Oct 04Reply
ezlawrence @imagerai249 Thank you!!! Thank you for stopping by and saying hello! I really appreciate it and look forward to shopping your wonderful closet! Happy Poshing to you as well - hope you are having a great streak of prosperity and feelin' the love!!! XOXO
Oct 04Reply
ezlawrence @mtn_boho - Hello, so nice to see you! I'm not really well versed in the use of the emojis yet but I send you DOUBLE the sunflowers, Christmas trees, Happy Faces, and Peace Signs right back atcha!!! I know how to do this: XOXO (so Old School am I!!!)
Oct 04Reply
imagerai249 What a nice reply! Wishing you many blessings and prosperous sales!11😊🥰
Oct 04Reply
ezlawrence @shebasplace - Thank you so much for sharing my profile!!! I so appreciate that. I am having "A DAY" where I am having fear & doubt & anxiety about the thing we were discussing, so I really appreciate your participation in me growing a following. For the past 2 years it has been like that though: One minute thrilled & excited & full of faith - & the next, questioning my own sanity for believing my masterwork will be well received or get anywhere. It's tough stuff & I'm in it all alone.
Oct 04Reply
ezlawrence @artisticat thank you for stopping by and saying hello, and for sharing my profile!!! I hope you are having an amazing day full of peace, prosperity, and the pursuit of happiness!!! XOXO
Oct 04Reply
ezlawrence @suzeeq73 Thank you for stopping by and taking an interest! I truly appreciate that! Us Posh SHOPPERS ....need Posh Love too sometimes!!! :) XOXO
Oct 04Reply
shebasplace @ezlawrence Its normal to be nervous when you're doing something for the first time. However, you're not alone. You have the support of your husband, but most of all God. God understand you're doing this to support your family. If you put God first in your life you will reap many benefits.😊
Oct 04Reply
ezlawrence @manorly no problem - I LOVE your closet!!! Lots of things in there that I loved! I will definitely be slipping back in there to have a look-see at all your amazing treasures!!! XOXO
Oct 04Reply
suzeeq73 @ezlawrence 🌸🌸🌸
Oct 04Reply
manorly @ezlawrence Thanks so much 😊
Oct 04Reply
mtn_boho @ezlawrence haha yes !! hehe emojis are kinda fun - great connecting with you !!'s more flowers and trees for you :) 🌻🌻🌲🌲
Oct 04Reply
ezlawrence @shebasplace I DO!!! God is the one who actually sent me the entire idea - TEN DAYS before my husband's condition got to crisis point which led to us finding out that there was something wrong. God sent it to me in advance, as an answer apparently, and I ran with it and have been working on it ever since!!! The whole thing has been divine...the journey as well. My husband can't help me due to what is wrong with him.
Oct 04Reply
ezlawrence @mtn_boho THANK YOU!!! I love as many flowers and trees as I can get! Bring on the flowers and trees,..,just bring 'em on!!! I am SO READY fo those. I have waited my WHOLE LIFE to immerse myself in flowers, trees, puppies, kitties, butterflies (I am super big on those), and tubs full of warm, newly born bunnies. :) I love it!!! Such joyful thoughts actually, are you looking to adopt a middle aged child who just can't get it together? Will you adopt me?
Oct 04Reply
shebasplace @ezlawrence I'm sorry to hear about your husband. Things will work out. Just stay positive and focused.
Oct 04Reply
ezlawrence @shebasplace Thank you. He has a special kind of dementia called FTD & it's nothing like Alzheimer's Disease, except for the fact that they both change what the person is like. But this kind of dementia affects the part of the brain that has to do with behavior, judgement, & values. It's Frontotemporal Dementia and it affects the frontal lobe of the brain. He is super articulate and looks exactly the same, but he went from being a thoughtful, grown, adult, man - to being a teenage boy.
Oct 04Reply
ezlawrence @tinapinkvs - thank you for sharing this!!! Love your closet and will be back to browse and share real soon!!!
Oct 05Reply
rolnick Hello Lawrence and thank you for your very nice compliments about my “killer closet” as you describe it! I am intrigued about your project and wishing you all the best!! Beth
Oct 05Reply
ezlawrence @rolnick I REMEMBER your closet from a coupla days ago and YES - it is KILLER!!!I wanted like ...everything.... in there! I will continue to share your items (even though I want them all, for ME) and am happy that you said hello!!! XOXO P.S. "my project" drives me nuts sometimes but it really IS a GIFT!!!
Oct 05Reply
alternaangel Thanks for the share 🥰
Oct 07Reply
monikens Welcome to Poshmark
Oct 07Reply
ezlawrence @monikens Thank you!!! Nice of you to stop by and reach out. I hope you're havin' a great day on Poshmark!!!XOXO E.Z. Lawrence
Oct 07Reply
ezlawrence @makeup543 Thank you so much for sharing my listing!!! Hope you make tons of sales today!!! XOXO @ezlawrence
Oct 08Reply
kritterglitter love, love, love the updated profile!!! 😍🤩😍🤩
Oct 13Reply
ezlawrence @kritterglitter Thank you! You are THE SWEETEST!!! I think YOUR profile is amazing and intriguing as well with the beautiful photos of you, your interior, your closet which is packed full of really nice clothing, shoes, and accessories, the sparkly little girl, and those GORGEOUS black kitties!!! I love those cats. They have absolutely sweet-n-stunning faces and such rich, shining, coats!!! XOXO
Oct 13Reply
yourmodernbabe Hey there gorgeous! I wanted to stop by and say hi! If you get a chance come by and have a look at my closet. A lot of my items have barely been worn or have tags attached. Brands such as D&G, Gucci, Moschino, Aritiza, Lululemon, Free People, Spanx, Victoria’s Secret, and so much more! So come take a look, if there is something you like, but not the price, make an offer. Love giving discounts! Xoxo, B.
Oct 14Reply
ezlawrence @yourmodernbabe Oh Hey!!! So sorry...haven't checked in on The Posh 'til just now - so I just got your lovely message. Thank you for stopping by & personally inviting me to your closet! I love the brands you listed & am looking forward to checking out your stuff. Sounds DANGEROUS!!! But I AM always psyched to find beautiful things & it's good to know that you're open to offers, during these grueling times. I'll definitely be checkin' you out this weekend!!! Hope you had a great day!!! XOXO, E
Oct 15Reply
josiekaye17 Thank you for the shares!! 😊
Oct 16Reply
ezlawrence @josiekaye17 No problem! You have some lovely things and people need to see them. I used to sell on Etsy and I am an artist, and honestly - no one ever saw my stuff because it was in a sea of millions of other sellers. It cost .30 every time I went to "relist" which only meant getting my stuff to appear on the front page for a total of a whopping 5 seconds! So, I like that it is free on here and all it takes is for someone to share it for free!!! XoXo Eileen (@ezlawrence)
Oct 16Reply
josiekaye17 @ezlawrence Thank you very much! That’s so kind of you 💛. How cool that you’re an artist, I love anything handmade 😊! I sell on Etsy so I complete understand what you’re saying! It’s tough to get a new shop going amongst all of the others. (I just started it in August) It’s also very difficult to be found without running ads, so selling here on Posh is much nicer in that sense. You have a fair shot of being found as long as you share often!! 💛
Oct 16Reply
josiekaye17 Thank you again for the kind words, I hope you have a lovely day ☀️❤️
Oct 16Reply
ezlawrence @josiekaye17 Oh - you are too sweet! I wanna adopt you!!! XOXO, Eileen
Oct 16Reply
josiekaye17 @ezlawrence So are YOU 😊💛!! *hugs*
Oct 16Reply
ezlawrence @bonniemorgan88 Thank you SO MUCH for sharing my profile!!! I am strictly a shopper (and a sharer and a "lover") at this time, a coupla months I have something very special which I will be releasing to the shopping, sharing, and loving - WORLD! My heart and soul have gone into this and I really want to reach as many people as possible when I am free to reveal it, and to offer it and its beautiful philosophy to everyONE and all. XoXo @ezlawrence
Oct 19Reply
kdluedke 🙂 I noticed you liked a few items from my closet. Bundle them up & I can offer you a wonderful deal. uh... not the puggies though.. 😏☺
Oct 19Reply
ezlawrence @kdluedke AWwww!! They are too cute! My life, my heart, and my soul belong to my one and only pup (a Cocker Spaniel), who is no longer with us. But, I had 16 years with her and I find that I simply can't "move on and love another", for I think of her daily and she inspires me like no other! I will think about a bundle and I thank you for your offer and for reaching out to me! XoXo
Oct 19Reply
kdluedke @ezlawrence 🐕 I soo totally get it. we had to put down our 15 year old, Buster a couple weeks ago. It looks like Pinto, the one who started this pugamania, who's just a few month younger is on his way to that rainbow bridge. I may wait awhile to change out some of my 'bundle' pictures. Hugs.
Oct 19Reply
sandydallison Thanks for checking out my closet
Oct 20Reply
ezlawrence @sandydallison Your closet has really interesting and amazing things!!! Wow! Were you a flight attendant or did you just travel the world on your own accord? That's pretty fascinating and not something I run into often in one's profile or story. Thank you for reaching out in that cool way that you did!!! I love you did that! It's a very cool move - XoXo @ezlawrence
Oct 20Reply
sandydallison Welcome to postmark enjoy buying and selling with postmark as wonderful people
Oct 20Reply
ezlawrence Hat by @penprofitt - Check out her closet as she has an amazing selection of cool hats, but also tons of other great things!!!
Oct 21Reply
emily_marie94 Welcome!
Oct 21Reply
ezlawrence @emily_marie94 Thank you!!! Very nice of you to reach out and I hope you're having a great time of it!!! XoXo @ezlawrence
Oct 21Reply
ezlawrence @luckyluka - thanks so much for sharing my profile!!! Hope you're having a great night!! XoXo @ezlawrence
Oct 21Reply
luckyluka @ezlawrence My pleasure…love your photos ❣️
Oct 21Reply
luckyluka Thanks for the shares and likes 😻❣️
Oct 21Reply
ezlawrence @kdluedke - I'm very sorry for your loss of Buster, & also sorry to hear that Pinto is not doing so well. What you said about your photos I completely understand it. My girl, LolaJeanne left us (in the physical sense) on 5/19/2017 & on the facebook page which my husband & I share - she had been up as our profile pic. It's been over 4 years now & neither of us can bear to change that photo. The masterwork I speak of in my profile, was actually sent to me from God & that Dog! It was DIVINE!!!
Oct 21Reply
agooddeal27 thank you for sharing my item💕many blessings to a safe and amazing rest of your weekend
Oct 22Reply
pixihollow Tnx 4 the share appreciate it
Oct 23Reply
lux125 Hi Thanks for taking time to visit my closet and for like ❤️ let me know if you are interested! Make me offer we work together for your items bundled them and save🥰 Infinity is symbol of Love And Peace I have More collection bundle it and save Happy poshing !!
Oct 23Reply
ezlawrence @agooddeal27 Same to you! Thank you for stopping by - I hope you have a prosperous weekend and that something happens to fill you with joy!!!
Oct 23Reply
ezlawrence @pixihollow Thank you for saying that! I'm wishing you love, joy, and a sense of safety that we all need so badly nowadays!!! XoXo
Oct 23Reply
ezlawrence @lux125 Thank you!!! Love and Peace to you and your loved ones!!! XoXo
Oct 23Reply
pixihollow @ezlawrence Aw Thank u sooooo much and likewise & ur so right I agree. Sigh been a horrible year/month ect for so many ppl 😪. I cant wait 4 it to be over. I forgot 2 follow u but going to now =) XoXo.
Oct 24Reply
tapqueen1957 Thank you for your shares and likes ❤️❤️❤️🥰
Oct 24Reply
ezlawrence @tapqueen1957 I love your closet & thank you for the follow!!! I know that buyers don't usually want to get a following, but I have something coming out in a few months (hopefully by Valentine's Day) that I am hoping to share with all of you!!! Until then, I "like", share, & buy ,& I'm on here most of the time as I dislike other social media forums. I LOVE P.M. though & the sellers I've met are really very sweet! Love to you & your dear ones!!!! XoXo
Oct 24Reply
tapqueen1957 @ezlawrence thank you so much🤗❤️❤️❤️you’re very kind. Valentine’s Day is around the corner, looking forward to it! ❤️❤️❤️Take care and greatly appreciated 🍁🎃
Oct 24Reply
jewelry_junky 😀Thank you for sharing my closet. It is very much appreciated. 🛍🛍Happy Poshing !
Oct 25Reply
ezlawrence @jewelry_junky Thanks for reaching out and sharing some gratitude!!! I hope you have an especially prosperous week ahead & that some unexpected "good thing" happens for you! Thank YOU so much for sharing my profile and for the follow!!! XoXo Eileen (@ezlawrence)
Oct 25Reply
atl14420 @ezlawrence 🍃🍁Happy Fall🍃🍁Stop by my closet for $10 SALE🍃🍁 Name Brands 🍃🍁 Offers Accepted 🍃🍁Happy Poshing 🍃🍁
Oct 27Reply
ezlawrence @atl14420 Thank you for stopping by to say hello and spread some joy!! Happy Fall to you as well - it's so nice to see such a friendly person!!! I stopped into your closet for one second and saw some things I love so I am going to revisit very soon. There were some glasses that struck me. I didn't have time just yet to get as serious as I'd like, so I am going back in soon - to give it the attention and concentration it deserves!!! Til then - all best wishes of love and blessings to you!!! XoXo
Oct 27Reply
saunacain Hi, Welcome to POSHMARK!
Oct 27Reply
ezlawrence Hello @saunacain ! Well isn't that nice - thank you for reaching out!!! I will be checking out you closet out when I am on here later today! Until then I'll just tell you how beautiful you look in your profile picture and wish you a day filled with prosperity, love, and joy!!! XoXo Eileen (@ezlawrence)
Oct 27Reply
saunacain @ezlawrence Thank you very much!!
Oct 27Reply
ezlawrence @saunacain ❤️❤️❤️
Oct 27Reply
artisticat Thank you so very much for the shares. It is very much appreciated! 😁🎃
Oct 27Reply
manorly Thank you for sharing EZ❣
Oct 27Reply
imagerai249 Welcome to Poshmark and enjoy shopping! Everyone here are so kind and helpful🥰
Oct 27Reply
ezlawrence @artisticat ❤️🦋☮️🌠⚜️💝
Oct 27Reply
ezlawrence @manorly Nice to see you!!! Hope things are going well! 💝😌
Oct 27Reply
ezlawrence @imagerai249 Thank you for saying hello and for sharing my profile!!! I truly appreciate that as I am trying to get a following of wonderful, real friends to buy from and whose items I spend my time sharing and promoting!!! I hope you're having an especially great day full of joy and prosperity!!! XoXo Eileen (@ezlawrence)💝💝💝
Oct 27Reply
ezlawrence @mtn_boho HEY!!!! How are you? Look what I learned how to do: 🦋✌️⚜️☠️👁👻!!! I can't find the trees or sunflowers yet, but it's a start that I wanted to share with you!!! XoXo Eileen
Oct 27Reply
imagerai249 @ezlawrence You have an amazing spirt of kindness and joy🥰Thanks for being part on this wonderful community 🥳Stay safe in these trying times with the latest Covid-19 environmental ❤️
Oct 27Reply
manorly @ezlawrence Likewise dear friend❣🦋
Oct 27Reply
ezlawrence @imagerai249 You as well!!! You are very kind yourself!!! I think we are all so tired of this virus and it's variants and it has really tapped into everyone's sense of vulnerability and fear, thus making many of us in touch with what is most important in life. It's been a long, long, haul - and human spirits get lonely in so much isolation. Poshmark is a nice place for people to connect over beautiful wares and good people!!! XoXo
Oct 27Reply
imagerai249 @ezlawrence Indeed! 💜🥰
Oct 27Reply
shebasplace Hello Lawrence G. I hope you much success in your upcoming adventure. I have 19K followers and I shared your profile with all of them. Thanks for visiting my closet and for your many shares.😊😊
Oct 28Reply
ezlawrence @shebasplace Hi! How are you doing? My name's actually, Eileen - but I signed up on Poshmark last year under my husband's name because I was using the credit card with his name on it, when I first came on here just to buy a wallet. I 'm so happy to see you again - what a nice surprise! You've really got a lot of beautiful new listings in your closet & I can't wait to pick something out soon. God Bless you & thank you for everything!!! We'll talk soon I hope! Love, Peace, Joy, & Prosperity XoXo
Oct 28Reply
curlygirlyx3 Thank you for the shares. Hope you have a great rest of the night 💖 Happy Poshing 😊
Oct 29Reply
ezlawrence @curlygirlyx3 Thank you so much!!! You don't know what it means to me to meet nice people on here & to share back & forth, & have people reach out! You never know what people are going through - & on here the socializing is manageable & stays in a civilized lane. I genuinely care about people I've met, or who's tiny little pictures I see on the feed! I begin to recognize the faces after seeing people day after day. I hope you are havin' your best life & will see you again!!! XoXo Eileen
Oct 30Reply
monikens Thanks for the shares 🌺
Oct 30Reply
ezlawrence @monikens Thank you for stopping by and reaching out! I hope you're having a healthy, happy, & prosperous weekend! I have sold online, used to have a shop - & I know how hard it is to be seen in a sea of millions. If no one sees you, it's as good as having nothing to sell. So I try very hard to share the S*@T outta people's closets & I try to get to as many as possible, during the parties, especially. I'll see you again i hope!!! XoXo Eileen
Oct 30Reply
shebasplace Hello thanks for returning to my closet and for the many shares.😊
Oct 31Reply
fashionistafair HI....thanks for sharing my vintage Chinese jacket!. I'm a new posher (4 wks)...
Oct 31Reply
faberooz You're hysterical ~ Love your shots🤣 Thanks so much for the share... 💟Carrie
Oct 31Reply
monikens @ezlawrence you’re wonderful. Thanks again.
Oct 31Reply
skiprincss Thanks so much for the shares!! Like your pics. You have stunning hair! 💗
Oct 31Reply
debbiedenn @ezlawrence thank you so much for all the shares! I truly appreciate it ! Have a great day!
Oct 31Reply
amarciascloset Hello & thanks for the shares & your story….hopefully your dreams will become reality soon! I’m impressed that you still have a flip phone that works😁! Enjoy your journey here on Poshmark & wherever life takes you……👣🌈
Oct 31Reply
ezlawrence @amarciascloset Oh Thank you SOoooo much! I'm truly giving it (that project) 500% & it gets tough at times where I think I don't have what it takes & am gonna fall flat on my face. I've had the flip phone 'cause I had no choice, but ironically it's how the whole idea arrived to me...from having lack of instant emoji's & answers. That old adage about "necessity being the mother of invention" is true. Poverty, also brings unexpected gifts and messages that one just has to notice!!!
Oct 31Reply
tangotoes Thanks so much for all the shares❤️
Oct 31Reply
amarciascloset @ezlawrence in the end the journey & perseverance will be well worth it! I do believe you are correct that at times the universe puts things in front of us that are what we need & its up to us to pay attention & take heed! I wish you that continued perseverance, grace & peace!
Oct 31Reply
ezlawrence @monikens - I don't know how wonderful I am, but thanks for sayin' it! I don't feel very wonderful at all, but I'm just trying to do something towards the good of "all good". I hope I get to FEEL wonderful someday - or even just "decent" & well rested!!! XoXo I hope YOU get to feel wonderful too!!!
Oct 31Reply
monikens @ezlawrence 😂 for sure.
Oct 31Reply
ezlawrence @shebasplace YOU...became a special posh friend right from the beginning! You are someone who I think of & I always try to find the time to see what is going on in that closet of your's - so I can see what beautiful things need to be shared to the world!!! Blessings & XoXo, Eileen
Oct 31Reply
ezlawrence @fashionistafair New Posher??? Only 4 weeks??? Well WELCOME then, & I love your jacket, hope it is going really well for you thus far, & I hope to be able to give you some business soon too!!! Love, peace, safety, good health, & much prosperity to YOU!!! XoXo, Eileen
Oct 31Reply
ezlawrence @faberooz - Oooh boy..."hysterical" may just be the most apt word yet. You have NO IDEA!!! Almost catatonic. The pics are like so low fi, low tech, but they are very representative of who I am in my better moments... of my current moments. Thank you for stopping by, reaching out, and saying "sweet somethings" to me! I appreciate that very much. I will revisit you & your intriguing closet - very soon! Until then - May You Rock The Posh World like never before!!! Xoxo, Eileen
Oct 31Reply
ezlawrence @skiprincss - Well thank you for stopping by & expressing hair love n appreciation!!! I haven't had that in awhile. I forgot how much I love it!!! I think I was one who got very used to it, took it for granted, got old....and now you've come along and reminded me of who I always was -"Hairwise". I was. I was a "Hair Star" no matter what else I was doin'. Thanks for that!!! I wish you all the best things - & the blessings, & I will see you again!!! XoXo, Eileen
Oct 31Reply
ezlawrence @debd380 Aw - You are a total sweetheart for taking the time to stop by, say what you said, and I truly appreciate YOU!!! I hope you have a very prosperous weekend & that you find yourself surrounded by love, peace, joy, good health, and people & animals who bring it all to you!!! XoXo, see you again - Eileen
Oct 31Reply
ezlawrence @tangotoes Hi!!! I remember you - the dancing queen!!! Also - Nashville (and Memphis), places I've worked in, a coupla times!!! Thank you for stopping by. I remember looking at your pics late last night & thinking how much you look like the beautiful Ms. Shirley Jones aka "Mom" on The Partridge Family, star of Broadway musicals, & stepmom to the gorgeous n lovable, late (sadly) - David Cassidy. I hope you are loving Nashville & that your Poshmark life is booming too!!! Blessings - XoXo Eileen
Oct 31Reply
ezlawrence @amarciascloset God - I hope you are right!!! You're very kind and encouraging!!! Going to the metal casting place tomorrow for the very first time. It's the final leg of finding out the cost (& choice of materials) of one of the 2 products I will hopefully be debuting soon!!! XoXo, Love & blessings to you Marcia!!! XoXo - Eileen
Oct 31Reply
ezlawrence @peaceluvandcats - She WAS the most precious child to me, & not a day goes by where I don't think about her!!! We were together for 16yrs & WE are still so connected to a point where this whole thing - the "life project" is in memory of, inspired by, and was actually SENT by that precious girl - for me to work on and hone to purr-fection!!! Her name was/is Lola Jeanne & she was my magical, storybook, pup!!! 4EVER! Love & Blessings to you & all the other kitties!!! XoXo, Eileen
Oct 31Reply
amarciascloset @ezlawrence I wish you a successful visit & all good energy for your wishes to come true✨🌟. Put it out to the world & let it come back 10 fold💫
Oct 31Reply
faberooz Eileen, You're a breath of fresh your attitude. We've all been many places in life & learn to use what we got from it... I'm also on Instagram, if you should happen by there! 👍💚😎🤟🍕💟Carrie
Oct 31Reply
ezlawrence @faberooz ❤️❤️❤️ - Oh Thank you!!! I have an account there, haven't gotten even a moment to get to it yet - to build it up, & I think my name is Lolaflowerhouse on there??? Everything is usually "Lola" something or other!!! When I sign back in I will request you!!!❤️❤️❤️
Oct 31Reply
ezlawrence @amarciascloset Thank you!!! I get so nervous - so I really appreciate that vote of confidence & the moral support. I don't have much of it around me these days, so some of the wonderful ladies on here (of which you are now one) have been like a vital source of love and kindness, which gives positive energy to my soul. As an artist, my soul really needs that because I'm one who suffers over my art!!! I'll keep you posted!!!
Oct 31Reply
shebasplace @ezlawrence Thanks again. I'm looking forward to see what you have in the works. Keep me posted.😂
Oct 31Reply
amarciascloset @ezlawrence please do! I’m excited for you, whatever the end result is….it’s most important to follow your heart & dreams. If not, how will you ever know? Life is the journey & how we travel….with a positive outlook & confidence, I’m sure you’ll succeed, even if it takes a while. Baby steps……lead to…..⚡️🥇
Nov 01Reply
ageless1 Thank you for all your likes🌸may God bless you🌺
Nov 01Reply
zebra37577 Hello! Thank you for all of the likes. Please feel free to make an offer on anything or create and submit a bundle and I will make you a great deal with discounted shipping.
Nov 01Reply
ezlawrence @ageless1 You have some beautiful things in there with beautiful messages!!! I appreciate running into things like this in the middle of "the struggle" and "the hustle" and being reminded that God is there to keep me calm and grounded. Thank you and may God bless you too!!! XoXo, Eileen
Nov 01Reply
ezlawrence @zebra37577 - as I think I tried to tell you (I may've typed it wrong under the listing) - I live in The Land Of The Pez Factory!!!! You have a listing for all those PEZ Dispensers and I wrote to you to let you know my big "claim to fame" - is being from the land of PEZ!!! XoXo, Eileen
Nov 01Reply
ageless1 🌸💕thank you very much dear friend😘🍀our God is a positive God always🌺❤️
Nov 01Reply
jojo1922 Hello Lawrence, Thanks for visiting and liking my closet!🦋
Nov 02Reply
ezlawrence @jojo1922 You have a very nice closet!!! Thank you for reaching out and saying hello!!! Wishing you all good things and blessings!!! XoXo Eileen
Nov 02Reply
jojo1922 @ezlawrence Thank you for the kind words Eileen!🦋
Nov 03Reply
fancyivanoff Hi Lawrence, welcome to Poshmark dear! Please feel free to check out my closet dear! Thank you!
Nov 03Reply
pursenurse Thanks for sharing my closet. I give bundle discounts and I also accept offers.POSHLOVE YOUR WAY AND ENJOY EACH DAY.. Pursenurse Alicia
Nov 03Reply
ezlawrence To anyone who stops by - I didn't forget about anything or anyone - & @rolnick , I didn't forget about the top. I have only 1 laptop as a computer that I share w/ a sick husband, so when I'm on here chatting, following, ❤️ing, buying, & sharing - I'm buckled down doing all of that on the laptop, when I can get my hands on it. I don't have a smartphone w/ the app. Sometimes I can't get access to this laptop to keep the continuum which I wanna keep going, going. C U soon tho - Love XoXo, Eileen
Nov 03Reply
ezlawrence @fancyivanoff Thank you so much for stopping by & reaching out. I will definitely check out your closet - can't wait!!! Love & Blessings to you!!! XoXo Eileen
Nov 03Reply
fancyivanoff @ezlawrence Thanks dear! Blessing to you too!
Nov 03Reply
ezlawrence @pursenurse My pleasure!!! Thanks so much for taking the time to stop by & reach out!!! It means a lot to me!!! I wish I could $$ more, & someday I WILL be able to - but I try very hard to help with the ❤️ing & sharing because I have sold online & know how important it is to be seen. The algorithms respond & show your stuff more often when others ❤️ your items. So, I just try to help, even if or when I don't have $$ to buy. See you again - love & blessings, XoXo Eileen
Nov 03Reply
rolnick Don’t worry. I will hold black top with the gold toggles for you. And I appreciate your communication so I know what’s going on. Rolnick
Nov 03Reply
ezlawrence I am NOT supposed do this but I'm so excited about this artist who is very talented & making these magical little glitterati wares @josiekaye17 !!! She is young & just so cute & sweet, but her stuff is just so cool and no one else is doing it!!! Like you don't see it every day, or everywhere. Who among us, does not LOVE glitter and iridescence? As an artist I'm really so enchanted with what she's making!! OK - sorry, I'll stop..,but I just LOVE HER & HER THING!!!
Nov 03Reply
ezlawrence @rolnick - Thank you my friend! I better get it now as this is "one of those months" that we all run into, where extra things are due all at once!!! So let's roll L'il Rolnick - let's do business, whenever you're ready!!!
Nov 03Reply
tannerlc60 Hi😊, Hope you get a chance to check out my closet and I Welcome Offers and Bundle Discounts Daily 💕
Nov 03Reply
ezlawrence @tannerlc60 Hi!!! I will DEFINITELY check out your closet - I'll try to get there tonight!!! Thank you for stopping by & reaching out, & for letting me know about you & your closet!!! I wish you love, peace, good health, safety, & all the prosperity in this world!!! XoXo Eileen - see you soon!!!
Nov 03Reply
josiekaye17 @ezlawrence You’re just too amazing 🤗💛! You don’t even know how much your kindness has impacted my day (on multiple occasions)! You’re such a sweet human being, and it is truly MY pleasure to create beautiful things for you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your appreciation in my work and for your kind words, it means the world to me ❤️
Nov 03Reply
ezlawrence @josiekaye17 I'm just so glad I FOUND you!!! I hope I don't get in trouble for trying to let the ladies & gents on here know about your amazing art!!! I'm an old lady who has seen & done a lot - so I get very psyched when I run into that rare young person who is doing something magically artistic and individualistic during these times, & who is just as perfectionistic as I am!!! I just know those feelings so well - a little too well?!? I love that you take such care in explaining what goes in!!!
Nov 03Reply
rolnick You can just go ahead and purchase it for $11 because I have already reduced it and it it is well worth the price, and if you change your mind, just let me know because I am going to raise it up a few more dollars, but I will honor you the sale price.
Nov 03Reply
ezlawrence @rolnick I was going to but it says "not for sale" & wouldn't let me.
Nov 03Reply
josiekaye17 @ezlawrence Thank you 💛 I’m very happy we have found each other as well, your kindness has such a beautiful impact 😊! I appreciate you so much! It means a lot that you enjoy my creations, and I hope that you love them just as much in person! I prepped and packed up your order! It’s ready to go for tomorrow 👍✌️ I hope it brightens your day like you have mine!! ☀️😊
Nov 03Reply
ezlawrence @rolnick Thank you very much for holding it for me!!!
Nov 03Reply
rolnick I forgot I put It is not available —I will switch it right now!!
Nov 03Reply
alternaangel Thanks for all of the shares! 🥰
Nov 04Reply
ezlawrence @alternaangel I TRY to hit 20-30 followers & then to share 10 of their items each, in the 2 hour party slots. I am chained to a laptop (only), have a compromised arm & hand that is getting worse, so I don't always meet my goal...BUT....I TRY!!! Thank you for appreciating it. You're a good person to stop & say hello like you did. Love & Blessings to you, your loved ones, & your small business!!! XoXo Eileen
Nov 04Reply
alternaangel @ezlawrence 🥰 thank you! wishing you all the best! 😊
Nov 04Reply
ezlawrence @alternaangel Nice to see you again!!! Hope all is going well for you & that your closet is seeing a lot of action too!!! Love + all the rest of the good things one needs to make it through!!! XoXo Eileen
Nov 05Reply
ashopingfool Hello Thanks For All Your Return Shares To My Closet I Appreciate Your Kindness So Much Have Awesome Weekend 🌴😎🌴😎🌴😎🌴😎🌴😎🌴
Nov 06Reply
chicandsleekct Thank you so much for all the posh ❤️. And OmG I’m in Fairfield. I have worked in orange for the last 20 years lol. Small world
Nov 06Reply
ashopingfool Thanks So So Much For All Your Return Shares To My Closet You Rock 💃💃💃💃💃👍👍👍👍💃💃💃💃💃 Wishing You Love ❤️ & Peace ✌️ in Your Life Your Posh Friend Stephanie 🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺
Nov 07Reply
ezlawrence @ashopingfool - You are DARLING & AMAZING, & I THANK YOU for following me & sharing my profile! I'm so sorry it took me this long to get back to you - don't have a smartphone & I share 1 laptop w/ my husband, so I don't always get to use it when I want to 👁, ❤️, share, & 💲. You have such a VARIETY OF STYLES & SIZES in your closet & I CAN NOT BELIEVE your GENEROUS & AFFORDABLE PRICES!! I wish you nothing but ❤️, ☮️, good health, safety, major prosperity, and ALL God's blessings!!! XoXo Eileen
Nov 07Reply
ashopingfool @ezlawrence 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
Nov 07Reply
ezlawrence @ashopingfool Right back atcha!!!
Nov 07Reply
ezlawrence @chicandsleekct So sorry it took a little time to get back to you. Only have 1 laptop I share w/ husband (no smartphone) & can't always get hands on it! Hi, THANK YOU - & SO nice to meet you!!! I LOVE your closet & will continue to share. I've been here in PEZ Dispenser Land on & off for what will be (5 x 10) + 6....yrs, in 3 weeks. Oh God - I can't bring myself to just say that #. It's not vanity - it's because of where I'm @ in life vs. where I should be. Please, tell me more about YOU? Eileen
Nov 07Reply
imagerai249 Thank you for all your generous shares😊
Nov 07Reply
ezlawrence @imagerai249 ❤️🦋🐇
Nov 07Reply
shebasplace Hello thanks for sharing so many of my items. I hope all is well. Look forward to sharing your new adventures.😊
Nov 07Reply
ezlawrence @shebasplace Hi - I hope you're having a good weekend!!! Thank you for always stopping & saying hello. It means a lot to me & I just hope that the sharing actually HELPS & causes things to sell every once in awhile. You're lovely, because you realize what a miracle it is to even be seen in a sea of 30 million other sellers, & for people to choose to spend their💲 with you during this inflation & economy!!! You don't take those things for granted - and neither do I!!! God bless YOU!!! XoXo Eileen
Nov 08Reply
kdluedke You my dear are on a roll! ❤❤❤ Your shoes will be going out first thing in the morning. I did notice all your ❤'s. Anything you might be interested in, start a bundle. I'm sure we can work something out. Have a lovely evening. 🙂
Nov 08Reply
ezlawrence @kdluedke - I was reading what you wrote to someone about how the best way of saying "thank you for the shares" is to share or follow back...& you are so right!!! Yes, I want a following for the future - but I have no idea when that future will be, or IF...there will even BE ONE! I am FOR REAL - I do this for real, to try to help other people & to get my mind off of my own "stuff" too!!! I enjoy helping & meeting the "good ones", & exchanging a chat once in awhile. YOU...are a good one ❤️
Nov 08Reply
amarciascloset Thanks again for the shares!! How did your visit go? Will you be fulfilling your dreams?
Nov 08Reply
hislove4you @ezlawrence AWE, Thank you!!! I'm so glad you are happy! God bless you🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻❤❤❤❤❤
Nov 08Reply
chicandsleekct @ezlawrence hi! Thanks so much for the note! I took my boys to PEZ when they were really young. I think it first opened. I taught in orange for 20 years. I just stopped teaching 2 years ago. I have so many friends that I worked with that live in orange.
Nov 08Reply
ezlawrence @chicandsleekct At which of the schools did you teach? I did a brief stint teaching art at both the Amity Junior High Schools (Orange & Bethany, long term sub situation). I don't know if you ever used to go out to see bands, but if may've seen me! I DID that for 12 years of my adult life (stupidly) and had an original band, put 5 records out, toured, places in U.S. and Spain, and got fairly well known - & then it came to a stop. Around here, I mostly played in New Haven county.
Nov 08Reply
chicandsleekct @ezlawrence I was at Turkey Hill! Prekids we used to go out and do happy hour all the time. My friend John K had a local band with a bunch of others from Orange too. So we did that circuit a lot. What was your band?
Nov 08Reply
ezlawrence @chicandsleekct The band was called The Botswanas & it was a combination of pop, 60's garage, 70's punk, glam, and classic rock n roll. I did some shows at Toads with Joan Jett, & Dave Davies (The Kinks), & others I can't even remember. I WANTEF that Rolling Stones show so badly!!!
Nov 08Reply
ezlawrence @chicandsleekct *WANTED I mean.
Nov 08Reply
chicandsleekct @ezlawrence that is unbelievable!! God I used to love Toads back in the early 90’s.
Nov 09Reply
ashopingfool Once Again Thanks From My Heart ❤️❤️❤️❤️ I Just Appreciate All Your Shares To My Closet The World Needs More Thoughtful Kind People Like You 👍👍👍 Have Awesome Week Fondly Your Posh Friend Stephanie 🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺
Nov 10Reply
hislove4you @ezlawrence Thank you so much for the shares my luv!!! 💕
Nov 11Reply
rolnick Thank you thank you thank you!! You are so skilled as a descriptive writer Xoxo Beth.
Nov 11Reply
hollyog13 thank you SO much for all the shares! if you’re interested in the brass horse, feel free to make an offer. i’m moving soon so trying to offload :)
Nov 11Reply
faberooz 🧡💚♥️🤍🤟
Nov 11Reply
ashopingfool Thanks So So So Much For All Your Return Shares To My Closet Words can not describe how Thankful I am —-Having You Be So Kind to Me 😘 Stay As Caring & Thoughtful As You Are Always 😇 Fondly Your Posh Friend Stephanie 🌺
Nov 12Reply
ezlawrence @ashopingfool - I will certainly try Stephanie!!! I only have 1 laptop (that I have to share) & no smartphone w/ app, & I have a few neuro & ortho issues where I get a little crippled with use of even my hands. That makes it so I can't even put my own seatbelt on. But as long as I can, I will keep doing it. If I ever disappear for a few days, hopefully people will know why!!! But - Thank you for appreciating it like you do, because it shows me what kind of person YOU are!!! XoXo Eileen
Nov 12Reply
ashopingfool Dear Eileen God Bless You & I Hope You Are Feeling Better Very Soon Prayers 🙏🙏🙏🙏Coming Your Way Daily 😇😇😇😇 Your Posh Friend Stephanie 🌹
Nov 12Reply
ezlawrence @ashopingfool ❤️🦋❤️ For you as well!!! I hope to maybe be able to purchase a coupla things from your closet soon! You have so much & something for EVERYONE... & THOSE PRICES!!! Wonderful closet!!! Soon, very soon!!!
Nov 12Reply
ashopingfool @ezlawrence Eileen When Ever You Are Ready to Bundle I Will Make You a Very Very Special Killer Deal 👍👍👍😎😎😎👍👍👍 To Help Thank You For All Your Kindness 😘
Nov 12Reply
ezlawrence @ashopingfool - Thank you! Sounds AMAZING!!! You don't have to do that, but I will definitely let you know. I just enjoy knowing how much you appreciate it - showing up with your adorable Labradoodle avatar each time!!! Is that the kind of dog you have, or am I off with that? Do you think the sharing ever actually helps make sales for anyone? I mean that's why I do it (to help) - but have you known that to make a difference in sales?
Nov 12Reply
shebasplace Hello again thanks for visiting and sharing. I hope all is well.😊
Nov 12Reply
littlepeachxo hi ! ^^ i have a variety of listings & all earnings from my closet go to a child abuse survivor to help them heal. -peach ♡.
Nov 12Reply
ashopingfool Yes Eileen Sharing Helps Get Word Out About Items in Our Closets Great Exposure Thanks So Much Again For All Your Return Shares To My Closet 👍 Greatly Appreciated 🌻 Yes My Labradoodle “ Duffy “ is my Buddy 🐕 But Gotta Watch Him because He Always Wants to Get in Pictures I Take to Post on Posh 😊 He’s So Smart that He Knows Once I Start Posting No More Play Time After I Am Done With Posh Posts take Duffy Dog for Long Walk Have Awesome Weekend EIleen Stephanie 🌺
Nov 12Reply
ashopingfool Eileen Hope You Are Feeling Better & Get to Enjoy the Weekend 🌴😎🌴 Your Posh Friend Stephanie 🌺🌺🌺
Nov 14Reply
ezlawrence @shebasplace ❤️ Thank you for being such a supportive friend from day one!!! A friend who shows up & cares about others, & cares about my project !!! I hope you are doing OK yourself...& that adorable pup I see, too!!! Hope you're making lots of sales - you have such beautiful offerings in your closet & it is all so beautifully presented!!! XoXo Eileen
Nov 14Reply
ezlawrence @ashopingfool - Thank you Stephanie, I hope you & Duffy Dog are enjoying the weekend! I LOVE Duffy Dog very much!!! One of my favorite breeds as they are like real ANGELS.. under the guise of being cute, rag doll looking stuffed animals!!! They are very gentle & often bred & trained to help those of us who get filled with anxiety & things like that!!! XoXo Eileen
Nov 14Reply
ezlawrence @littlepeachxo - Hi! Sure... will definitely take a look at your closet very soon!!! If I miss that or forget for some reason, just remind me by following me or sharing me, or I see your face on the news feed & that will make me remember!!! I am trying to remember & come through for as many as I can!!! Blessings!!! XoXo Eileen
Nov 14Reply
davidlouisklein how intriguing! i look forward to seeing your creative work. hope you like mine too and good luck to you!
Nov 14Reply
ezlawrence @davidlouisklein Thank you for stopping by & I went to your website & read & saw exactly what you're about & what you are doing!!! That's brilliant - really it is!!! This way every woman truly has a custom made, one of a kind piece of clothing. I LOVE IT & I love that it is coming out of your own artwork via your photos. I love color, light, & the speed of colors, & from what you describe you are making all of that move with your camera!!! Loved your Deco photo shoots too!!! XoXo Eileen
Nov 14Reply
indigo_jazz Hi @ezlawrence, I wanted to let you know that I just marked that stone necklace down again and it's got reduced shipping for the next 6 hours, in case you're interested :-) I would have told you in your bundle but for some reason it has disappeared and I cannot locate it 🙄
Nov 14Reply
ezlawrence @aaustin99 - Aw - thank you!!! I will check it out as soon as I can but I'm so tapped right now. I WILL however do my best to share you and your closet as much as I can!!! Do not feel badly about not being able to find the bundle. I get hundreds of offers & bundles per day & can not find many if them myself!!! Love, peace, great health & safety, prosperity, & all of God';s blessings to you & your loved ones!!! XoXo Eileen
Nov 14Reply
ezlawrence @amarciascloset - Oh God - THANK YOU for asking & for caring & so sorry that I've fallen behind in my responses & reviews. No smartphone. My dreams? A 2 hour ride to a neighboring state & the guy was on the phone most of the time & I was shaking, nervous, & kind of tearful when trying to squeeze in what I had to say about how the mold needed to look. My handmade prototype for the pendants is made of a metal that would melt if used. The result? He sent me a CAD image of a hideous mold that was
Nov 14Reply
ezlawrence @amarciascloset all wrong! Nearly had a stroke over what I was looking at! This project is my Heaven - that often gets "Hellized" during the steps of this journey. I've been working on nothing but a BED for 2.5 yrs. No table, no chair, no studio, NOTHING except my hands working on the graphic version w/ NO tools, & the metal version w/ pliers & wire cutters. All by eye & no help from ANYONE! Love to you & thanks for asking!!! Peace, great health n safety, prosperity, & blessings 2 u!!! XoXo EZ
Nov 14Reply
ezlawrence @chicandsleekct - So sorry for the late response! I take my review writing very seriously & it has to flow exactly right so I can say things just the way I intend to! I wanted to release the funds ASAP & at least give the 5 star rating ASAP. I LOVE the belt so much, but it's too small (my frame). It gives me something to aspire to get even thinner for though & the surprise belt you sent me, DOES fit!!! So that was such an amazing gift from you!!! Your beautiful note meant the most to me of all &
Nov 14Reply
ezlawrence @chicandsleekct - I feel the same way!!! Like I made a new friend in you Jen, & a close by neighbor!!! You are very sweet & kind & the return address (the name) I think it's a friend of mine who lives in that town. Does the C. stand for Colleen? Maybe I'm wrong. Let me know!!! XoXo Eileen
Nov 14Reply
chicandsleekct @ezlawrence hi!! I’m so happy you like both of the belts. I had a stalker crazy buyer not too long ago. It was a nightmare. I changed the name of my closet and put the account in my husbands name- hence the C since she went looking for na all over social media. So lol- no Colleen, just Jen
Nov 14Reply
amarciascloset @ezlawrence I’m sorry to hear it didn’t go well & your talent was missed by someone who took up your time & energy. I will pray for you to meet up with the right person so understands your journey & skill & is a perfectionist! It sounds like you’ve put so much into this, but you also have to take care of yourself to stay strong & resilient!
Nov 14Reply
ezlawrence @chicandsleekct OH - Ok - I just thought it might've been a room mate or something with the C. combined with the last name on envelope. I know & am friends with a whole family in that town with the same surname (in real life) & one of the sister's names is Colleen!!! Funny (not funny) stalkers are so scary - ughh!!!
Nov 14Reply
ezlawrence @chicandsleekct - I also started my account under my husband's name on here. So even though I let people in (once we start chatting) and sign my notes "Eileen" - people still call me Lawrence. It's actually kind of a cool name for a girl, once faced with thinking about it!!!
Nov 14Reply
chicandsleekct @ezlawrence yes there are a lot of Roche’s in Fairfield and Bridgeport. My dads name is Lawrence too lol. Do you know the Wildes?
Nov 14Reply
ezlawrence @amarciascloset You are right & I am REALLY BAD AT THAT!!! I am the kind who suffers over whatever I write (in songwriting or ANY writing) or whatever I make. I wish I was that kind that just whipped stuff out & sold it - but I've always been this way - can't get outta my own way to let people love (or hate) it. Whatever it is. Very observant of you!!! I am under some serious, urgent, pressure to have this out there & hit, to support my husband (he's sick) and myself, so gotta do it!!!
Nov 14Reply
ezlawrence @chicandsleekct I don't know the Wildes. My husband grew up in Stratfield section of Fairfield & we lived there for over 2 yrs caregiving 24/7 to his sick, elderly parents so that they wouldn't have to be separated & go into nursing homes. I have a clothing designer friend in Fairfield, who is also named Jennifer.
Nov 14Reply
chicandsleekct @ezlawrence I live in Stratfield too. Such a small world
Nov 14Reply
ezlawrence @chicandsleekct We lived basically on the corner of Wilson & Valley - across the street from Buena Vista I think it was called. Way up on a cliff looking lot - bluish gray house.
Nov 14Reply
ezlawrence @chicandsleekct Maione's is excellent - or it was!!!
Nov 14Reply
ezlawrence @amarciascloset - Oh yeah, & I am determined to have this made in America which will cost me more, but I'll keep my price "ungreedy" - & it will just take a little longer for me to get secure. I don't have the heart to have it made elsewhere where the people who'd be making it are kept & treated terribly. I just can't do it.
Nov 14Reply
triciafs Thank you kindly for the shares! You are truly appreciated! 💖
Nov 14Reply
vagabondhouse @ezlawrence hello 👋 thanks for the likes and shares! I'm having a buy 2 get 1 FREE sale on $10 items right now. If you add three $10 items to a bundle, you'll get combined shipping, and I'll send you an offer for $20 on the whole bundle. Of course you are welcome to add other items of any price to your bundle too and I'll send an even better combined deal. The more you bundle the more you save! Have a great day 💕
Nov 15Reply
hislove4you @ezlawrence THANK YOU luvie! Appreciate all the shares xo xoxo ❤❤❤❤🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻😘😘😘😘😘😘 God bless you!
Nov 15Reply
jewelry_junky 😀Thank you for sharing my closet again . 💝I truly do appreciate it. Hope you had a great weekend.
Nov 15Reply
ezlawrence @jewelry_junky I'm so sorry I spaced out about your closet for a coupla weeks!!! I suddenly saw your smiling little icon up above & remembered how sweet & happy you were last time, & I said :"Oh YEAH - How could I forget @jewelry_junky? She was so appreciative & kind!" & then...I just HAD it again!!! XoXo Eileen
Nov 15Reply
vintagebitchaz ‼️BUY 1 GET 1 FREE ON ALL ITEMS Hi there babe! Thank you so much for the likes and checking out my closet! Its my Birthday Month & I’m offering a buy one get one free sale on just say ❤️LIKE❤️ 2 items in my closet and I’ll send you an offer!
Nov 15Reply
shebasplace Thanks for your recent post. Everyone is well. I hope the same is with your family. Thanks for your continuous support.
Nov 15Reply
amarciascloset @ezlawrence good for you! I think it’s about time that we all start to understand how important that is for our bigger picture too! If we all supported more made in America we would produce more & not rely on other countries, politics, etc. Maybe we would even be nicer to each other🙃. Again, GOOD LUCK‼️
Nov 15Reply
ezlawrence @triciafs Thank you for being so appreciative!!! You're such a "good kid" as we used to say, ha ha!!! Seriously though, thank you for the follow & for stopping by to spread gratitude - I LOVE THAT!!! God bless you & your loved ones - stay safe!!! XoXo Eileen
Nov 15Reply
ezlawrence @shebasplace - My beautiful friend Lisa...You will ALWAYS have my support as long as I am on Posh & can get hands on this computer!!! You are a real GEM of a girl/lady & I have a loyalty thing - I'm very big on that. I think about the small circle of my first Posh friends, even when I'm not on here. You all are very REAL to me as human beings, & my life is such, where those souls who reach out to me like you did...really leave a mark on my heart & my own soul!!! Nothing but love & gratitude for
Nov 15Reply
ezlawrence @shebasplace YOU!!! You're a GIFT to me. You are all different from each other, all unique, but you & a hand full of others I've met here, mean the world to me & knowing you are all out there trying & spreading goodness, gives me great comfort! Thank you SO MUCH for that!!! Love, Eileen
Nov 15Reply
ezlawrence @shebasplace - aside from all of that, I want you to know what a truly beautiful closet you have, how nicely you keep it & present it, & that you have such amazing taste - along with your amazing GRACE!!! Your items are super nice & I just love that I can speak with you deeply and with meaning!!! YOU - made it that way by being such a real & true person!!! XoXo, Eileen
Nov 15Reply
shebasplace That means alot to me. When you get your upcoming adventure aboard I would like to return the favor and show you much support.
Nov 15Reply
ezlawrence @rolnick - I consider you one of my original Posh friends & I LOVE my top!!! Yes..descriptive writer (was a songwriter), & it's very important to me to never write anything generic or cliche. So, I try to my best, to get across what makes someone's closet great & also uniquely hers or his when writing a heartfelt review. I enjoy writing, but I find that I have to wait until it comes to me, with just what I want to say!! XoXo Beth - hope you're well, ❤️ Eileen
Nov 15Reply
ezlawrence @shebasplace Thank you!!! It will be so much appreciated - believe me (If I can EVER get it done & out there! ARGHHH!!!) I am having it made in America, so it will cost more to produce - but I am already planning on pricing it as low as possible so that people can afford to get it. This means, I will not make much💲at all, in the beginning (I'm disabled & dirt poor) - but my heart will know that it wasn't made by people who are kept in netted buildings 24/7 & treated as slaves. It's a spiritual
Nov 15Reply
ezlawrence @shebasplace project, & I can not have THAT badness attached to it. I just hope people will understand that my lowest price (which may look like a high price), is because of this crisis of conscience over who makes this.
Nov 15Reply
shebasplace Things will be fine.
Nov 15Reply
ezlawrence For ANYONE who is interested & stops by, & has the time to read comments...I wanna let people know about this artist @davidlouisklein who I'm really excited about & for whom I have major respect!!! This guy is an artist, & a photographer who makes customized, HAUTE COUTURE CLOTHING out of his original artwork. It's brilliant, what he is doing.. as THE BUYER gets to pick her own design & have made an entirely customized dress or piece of clothing, that no one else will have!!! LOVE IT!!!
Nov 15Reply
ezlawrence @shebasplace I hope you're right. I am going to put that faith into it!!! Thank you once again.
Nov 15Reply
ezlawrence @amarciascloset - Thanks for your support about that part. So many people don't even know the truth about what goes on & how things really ARE, & they either never hear about it, hear about it & deny it, know about it & excuse it in favor of making MASSIVE profit, or don't even care enough to learn or hear about it at all. I have an engineer friend who had to go on a business trip to the "manufacturing capital", & he SAW IT for himself. He told me about the netted buildings & WHY they are netted
Nov 15Reply
ezlawrence @amarciascloset - & I've never been able to get that outta my head!!! So, I am a lone soul up against 99% of people, designers (the famous ones & the unknown), corporations, big box store, small businesses, MOSTLY EVERYONE...who has a tiny voice & will not be manifesting my dream through the same inexpensive means that they all are. I must be crazy!!!
Nov 15Reply
chicandsleekct @ezlawrence I am going to check it out right now
Nov 15Reply
chicandsleekct @ezlawrence thank you so very much for the amaxing love note. That is the nicest most thoughtful one I have ever received. I know exactly where you lived in stratfield too. Know many people on Buenavista. We are down off of stratfield road closer to assumption. Maiones is still good! ❤️😘❤️😘
Nov 15Reply
ezlawrence @hislove4you - I am happy to do it Angelica. Truly, whenever I can! It helps me keep my mind off certain things & it lets me be a part of something good, productive, & helpful for people I care about. Right now, my own project is at a standstill, which tortures me, makes me feel helpless, hopeless, & just drives me nuts. So throwing myself into sharing friends' closets & items helps numb me up & relieves my mind of thinking about something that is out of my control for the moment. 🦋XoXo🦋
Nov 15Reply
kaystar3 @ezlawrence … Hi & thank you for all the shares! Beautiful pup! 🙂
Nov 16Reply
ezlawrence @kaystar3 - Thank you for stopping by!!! I appreciate it very much & hope you're experiencing much prosperity!!! See you again soon - XoXo Eileen
Nov 16Reply
tapqueen1957 Thank you for stopping by🥰🎊❤️have a great day!
Nov 16Reply
atl14420 @ezlawrence HI there ! I noticed you keep liking the same item in my closet. Are you interested in the blue light glasses ? I have sent you several offers and you never respond. Just wondering if you have any questions.
Nov 16Reply
tapqueen1957 Thank you for your shares 🎉🎉🎉❤️
Nov 16Reply
hislove4you @ezlawrence so sorry to hear this my friend. But glad you have an outlet on Posh, hopefully that helps ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Nov 16Reply
ezlawrence @hislove4you - It DOES!!! Trying to build a following too, but the looking, ❤️ing, sharing & even occasional buying (only things under a certain number, due to circumstances I can't get into) meeting good people like YOU...along the way, is the real gift - in it!!!
Nov 16Reply
shebasplace 🥰HELLO 🥰
Nov 16Reply
ezlawrence @tapqueen1957 🌠🌠🌠💝
Nov 16Reply
ezlawrence @peaceluvandcats - Nice to see you & I hope you & all the kitties are as warm-n-cozy as possible!!! XoXo Eileen
Nov 17Reply
stainedglassoul your amazing 💜 thank you for alllllll the shares sweetie. I wish you had some to share so I can return it. Have an amazing week 🌻
Nov 17Reply
laurafay Thanks for the share- your dog is so cute!!!
Nov 17Reply
ashopingfool Hello Eileen 🌻 You Made Me Smile When I Came Back Home to See All the Shares you Sent to My Closet WOW !!!!! You Are Awesome 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍 Thanks Thanks Thanks Again For All Your Support You Are So Nice 😘 Hope You Are Feeling Better Daily We have been having Weather in 70s Here So Duffy Dog 🐕 is Loving the Cooler Weather After Our Very Hot Summer it’s Pleasant Surprise 😎 Duffy Wants to Play Outside All Day He Loves ❤️Cooler Weather With His Long Hair
Nov 17Reply
davidlouisklein you are so kind!!! thank you so much. yes i can make one of a kind pieces! i hope to see your art work
Nov 17Reply
ezlawrence @ashopingfool Duffy Dog Is a total DOLL DOG...So glad you 2 have each other!!! I miss the little girl in my pictures, (parti colored Cocker Spaniel who I was with for 16 plus years) my Lola crazy!!! I think of her all day, EVERY THIS day, & she left this earth 4.5 yrs ago. She is with me all the time though. I have not "moved on" & I don't wanna "move on", as she truly was the closest thing to my child, that I ever had in this world. She is the entity that brought about
Nov 17Reply
ezlawrence @ashopingfool the project mentioned in my profile!!! Best friend & family member I've EVER, EVER, had!!!
Nov 17Reply
zardiva1 Here are some *huggies* for losing your sweetie little girl: 🤗🤗🤗 And a *kissie* for her: 😘🐕‍🦺
Nov 17Reply
ezlawrence @zardiva1 Oh my - you are too sweet!!! I appreciate that you stopped by & read my comments!!! I write my heart & details of my life, & my journey in some of these comments on here, because I was told that people online never stop to read anything through (so I figure I'm safe being real), as the attention span of people now, is like 5 seconds tops!!! YOU...have proved differently & are more like me, where I like get to know about people if I can, by reading their comments & convos with others
Nov 17Reply
ezlawrence @zardiva1 - Thank you for caring about me & my sweet Little Lola. She is still with me & I would have it no other way!!! That animal sends me so many signs & messages, & she (along with The Good Lord), has put so many lessons, gifts, & suggestions on my path, in my daily walk of life - I can't even quantify it. I'm sure I sound crazy to people who've never had (or noticed) that kind of divine experience...but I don't care because I know it's all been real!! You are a special person to reach out
Nov 17Reply
ezlawrence @zardiva1 to me, & to understand the deeper things. Just THANK YOU so much for being that way!!! A NEW friend on Poshmark - wow. Some of the souls I've met here truly blow me away...I mean they really, really DO!!!! ❤️ & blessings to you my friend - please come by again!!! I will look at your closet as well ..XoXo, Eileen
Nov 17Reply
zardiva1 @ezlawrence Awww, you’re welcome 🤗 and thanks! 👍😃😘 I know what it’s like to lose a beloved fur sweetie, too; I had to have my 🐈‍⬛ escorted over the 🌈 🌁 2 years ago because of kidney failure, after having him for 16 years, plus my 🐕 crossed the 🌁 on his own back in 2003, after being with us for 15 years, since I was a kid. (We got him when I was 10 years old.) 😔😢😭
Nov 17Reply
ezlawrence @zardiva1 Wow - I just LOVE you!!! Lola Jeanne was 15 yrs old when is was discovered she was in total liver failure. I had to race in the middle of a blizzard to a sub-par animal hospital on a Saturday after hearing of the liver counts. it was eerie & empty w/ no real surgeons or anyone there & they wanted me to let her have the final shot. However SHE was begging my husband & me NOT to give up on her. So we drove home in the blizzard & I couldn't even look at her & was calling Dr.s to come to
Nov 17Reply
ezlawrence @zardiva1 where she lived, in order to do that. By the end of the day, someone who isn't very nice to us actually started screaming at me to call hospitals that could do the surgery & when I said that there was no point as it costs a massive amount, they screamed that they would lend the money if I found a hospital that could save her. She had her gallbladder & her spleen removed & lived through the entire surgery which was amazing!!! It cost 10k & it gave me 4.5 more months with her & she was
Nov 17Reply
ezlawrence @zardiva1 So THRILLED after she came home. Unfortunately, the anesthesia must've then pushed her kidney counts way up because that is what wound up causing "no chance". We were giving her subcutaneous hydration several times a day, special meds, & home cooked food for lack of gallbladder. Caring for her 24/7!!! I was so honored to do so. I would do it again as SHE was genuinely my child, & the most important little being in my life!!! I haven't gotten another animal, & am not permitted to do so
Nov 17Reply
ezlawrence @zardiva1 where we currently reside. But..after the serious grieving period, I realized I still have her & can never replace her, nor can I bear to try. at this juncture. We still have very much of a connection which I am so grateful for & can't wait to see her again!!!
Nov 17Reply
zardiva1 @ezlawrence Awwwww! 🤗😘
Nov 17Reply
ezlawrence @zardiva1 It's trademarked, but I want to drop it all together with story & product.
Nov 17Reply
zardiva1 @ezlawrence Awww, my sweeties also became inappetent towards the end - about 3 days for my 🐕 (he crossed over on a Friday night; the last meal he would eat was that Tuesday evening, if I recall correctly - he didn’t touch Wednesday’s meal or any thereafter) and I think 🤔 3-4 days for my 🐈‍⬛, who also quit drinking 💦, became super dehydrated, and had dropped to 7 pounds by the time I took him in for that final appointment 😔
Nov 17Reply
chicandsleekct Thank you so much my friend for all the posh ❤️
Nov 17Reply
ezlawrence @chicandsleekct ❤️ Jen, my husband is pretty sure he knows your husband and/or his family!!! He grew up with them!!! I was looking for address & I try to save addresses because I WANT to send notes or gifts sometimes but I think he threw out my envelope or box that had your's on it. When I told him about you he said he knows "Timmy" & an older brother of his. He went to Assumption for k-8 & then to Andrew Ward!!! Is he onto something with thinking he knows your in-laws???
Nov 17Reply
chicandsleekct @ezlawrence nope lol….. my husband grew up on Long Island. Moved here after college lol. Lots of Roches in this area
Nov 17Reply
ezlawrence @chicandsleekct - OK!!! My husband is the type that hears the name "Smith" & think he knows who it is!!! I go through this with him ALL....the time!!! Xo
Nov 17Reply
ezlawrence @chicandsleekct - I know, right? Husbands can be funny with those thins they just insist on for as long as you know them. Hey, it's somethin' to count on, with which they stay very consistent - forevermore.
Nov 17Reply
peachesnpookie Thank you for all the shares very much appreciated as Christmas is coming near helping me sale my closet is more of a blessing then you know! Much love god bless!!! 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
Nov 17Reply
mckenziejruud hey there. I'm in some major need of closet space so I have posted a variety of sizes, brands, and styles and will continue to post more over the next few days all for $10 or under. So make sure to scroll all the way down. I ship same or next day depending on the time. if you have some time check it out and see if you can help me clear out my closet. 😊 Happy Poshing
Nov 18Reply
calibarxx Hi! Thank you so much for the love.💓💓
Nov 18Reply
ezlawrence @peachesnpookie - Thanks for stopping by! Much love back to you!!! & of course God Bless YOU & your loved ones, as well!!! See you & your closet again soon!!! XoXo, Eileen
Nov 18Reply
ezlawrence @calibarxx - Love is GOOD & we all need it more than ever lately!!! I'm happy to meet you & VERY HAPPY to help!!! I'll see you again when I make the rounds!!! XoXo, Eileen
Nov 18Reply
kdluedke Eileen, Thank you soo much for the kind words. ❤ I noticed you tagged quite a few items. 😊 Anything you're really interested, bundle them up & leave me a note. I'm sure we can work something out 😉
Nov 18Reply
ashopingfool Hello Eileen Thanks Again for All Your Return Shares To My Closet Your Kindness Is Overwhelming You Rock 👍👍👍👍👍👍
Nov 18Reply
ezlawrence @ashopingfool I hope you are good Stephanie!!! Give sweet Duffy Dog a big kiss from me - he's the best pup & I love him!!!
Nov 18Reply
tawnyareber thank you for all the shares!
Nov 18Reply
calibarxx Have a wonderful day!!!💜💜💜
Nov 18Reply
ezlawrence @tawnyareber - ❤️ to you, your loved ones, & your small business.closet!!! XoXo, Eileen
Nov 18Reply
jeweldr Holy Smokes, thanks for all the shares! Have a great evening. Julie
Nov 18Reply
pattimaz How amazing you are Elizabeth 💐💐💐💐I am so touched that you took the time to share so many of my items!!!! I wish for you only all good things now and always . 🦋🌠🦋🌠🦋🌠🦋🌠🦋🌠🦋🌠💋
Nov 19Reply
sunsetseaside Thanks so much for taking the time to write the feedback on the Frye boots. It made my day to know you will enjoy them. The best to you and your family♡♡♡
Nov 19Reply
ezlawrence @pattimaz - HI! Thanks for stopping by & sharing your feelings!!! You seem like a very nice person. Something just happened with a seller who's items I share, that upset me & hurt my feelings so it's nice to hear from you. In order to share to posh parties, I have to "un❤️" & then "re❤️" to get items & sellers back up to top of "my likes" so I can locate & share quickly. This seller blocked me for that. I wish for you, all of the same great things!!! God bless & Happy Holidays!!! XoXo, Eileen
Nov 19Reply
ezlawrence ATTN: SELLERS (who are confused) - I try to keep my word & 👁, ❤️, share, & 💲 (if I can). As a shopper, I 've ❤️'ed MANY ITEMS while browsing. Of course I love the items I ❤️ & WANT to get them. However, sometimes I can't & I still TRY to help give y'all exposure by sharing. In order to share closets/items/sellers to P. Parties, I continually have to "un❤️" & then "re❤️" to get all of the above, back up to the top of "my likes" in order to share quickly. Same w/ items I can't stop thinking of!
Nov 19Reply
ezlawrence So PLEASE don't block me/disown me... for merely trying to keep track of my VERY favorite items, and/or my sellers (maybe YOU) whom I am merely trying to help. It's creepy, mean, presumptuous, & "above it" - & it makes me never wanna come on here ...again!!!
Nov 19Reply
ezlawrence @sunsetseaside - Hi! Thank you - I truly do LOVE the boots & even though I'm fretting over 💲, for "normal people" your price was excellent, very rare, & almost unheard of. I TOTALLY APPRECIATE it though & my transaction with you has been a pleasure!!! I will absolutely buy from you (in better times) in the future, & will share (read my profile) you, & your items .. as often as I can!!! Thanks again...XoXo, Eileen
Nov 19Reply
kathysingz Happy Poshing 💖 Let me know if you ever consider selling. I'm happy to help.
Nov 20Reply
modnaya_koshka Hello! Hope you have a min. to check my Artisan Treasures Closet 🙏 Amazing deal for the great quality items! 3 for $25. PERFECT GIFTS! Thank you for looking 🌿 Albina
Nov 21Reply
ashopingfool Hello Eileen Hope You & Your Family Had Happy Thanksgiving Holiday Weekend 👍🦃🍁👍🦃😎👍🦃🍁👍🦃😎🍁👍🦃😎🍁 Hope Love ❤️ & Much Happiness Fulls Your Life You Deserve Good Things For Being So Awesome 😘 Your Posh Friend Stephanie & Duffy Dog ❤️🐕❤️ 🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺
Nov 29Reply
ezlawrence @ashopingfool - Hi St💎phanie & Duffy🐕Dog! I've not been around at my laptop that I have to share (no smartphone or app) for about a week. Then & wound up coming down sick, really fast & really hard - with breathing & drowning issues. I'm on 5 medications now for being this sick. One steroid, Prednisone so that I can breathe& nit DROWN! I miss you guys & will be back at it really soon!!! Hope you had a Beautiful Thanksgiving!!! 😷🥴😧🌫🤧🤒🌪🤕🥱 ...❤️😘Eileen
Dec 02Reply
ashopingfool Dear Eileen Please Rest Up & Get Better Soon ok Prayers 🙏🙏🙏😇😇🙏🙏🙏Coming Your Way For a Speedy Recovery 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 We Had Awesome Thanksgiving Weekend Thanks For Asking Dear Posh Friend Remember That Rest is Always The Best Medicine 🙏😘🙏 Fondly Stephanie & Duffy Dog ❤️🐕❤️
Dec 02Reply
ezlawrence @88deana88 - Hi!!! Thank you for posh loving & reciprocating, & being so lovely!!! Beautiful closet too!!! XoXo Eileen
Dec 02Reply
jenniferpet113 Thank you so much for the shares! ♥️ much success to you! I loved and shared your profile 😊! Have a great day!
Dec 03Reply
sbw1252 I’m looking forward to your reveal of the universal project you’re working on!!! Sounds like you’ve had amazing experiences in the entertainment industry and from your photos. Keep me posted😃😃😀
Dec 03Reply
spudbabe55 Thank you for all your shares! Greatly appreciated!😊
Dec 03Reply
ashopingfool Hello Eileen Hope You Are Feeling 100% Better 🙏😇🙏 Eileen Thanks So Very Much For all your Shares to My Closet 😘 Prayers Coming Your Way & My Strength Guides You to Speedy Recovery Your Posh Friend Stephanie & Duffy Dog ❤️🐕❤️
Dec 04Reply
ezlawrence @jenniferpet113 - Thank you for sharing & liking & following!! I truly appreciate it & I remember that I really LOVED your closet while I was there sharing!!! I will be back in there as soon as I have some time!! Happy Holidays to you & wishing you all the blessings that make it all doable....XoXo, Eileen
Dec 05Reply
ezlawrence @sbw1252 - The upcoming project is very special & something my heart & soul are 500% proud of & behind, but the entertainment industry...not so much. This is much more meaningful to me & hopefully will be to everyone!!! Thank you for taking such a sweet & sincere interest in what I had to say, & what I have planned!!! Love & Peace to you & your loved ones!!! XoXo, Eileen (@EzLawrence)
Dec 05Reply
faberooz ⚘You're a good soul, my friend... Carrie💟
Dec 08Reply
ashopingfool Hello Eileen I Have Also been Sick Hopefully We Both Will Be Feeling Much Better Real Soon 👍😇🙏👍😇😅🙏 Take Care Your Posh Friend Stephanie 😘& Duffy 🐕 Dog ❤️
Dec 08Reply
ashopingfool Eileen Thanks So Very Much For All Your Return Shares To My Closet I Appreciate you so much 😘👍😘
Dec 08Reply
ezlawrence @faberooz - Thanks Carrie! You know, I'm sure I have not always behaved as such a "good soul" along my life's journey - as we all fall short sometimes, & hopefully we learn & grow. But, I am at a point where I just feel that life & the world, & all that is going on - is deeply hurting people. Quite frankly, it helps my heart & keeps me a little less upset over all of it, to help people or extend some love to others because you learn that literally ANYTHING could be going on in someone's life,
Dec 08Reply
ezlawrence @faberooz unbeknownst to me (or any of us). I've gotten humble with age & through no credit of my own - like I had no choice. People like YOU, who are so open, honest, & kind...really let me know that if we can, we've gotta think of other people, & we've gotta spread hope & extend some gestures of love & encouragement to people, because EVERYONE needs this!!! You are my friend & I'm very grateful for & glad about that!!! XoXo, Eileen
Dec 08Reply
ezlawrence @ashopingfool - Stephanie, I'm so sorry to hear that you came down sick yourself. I felt really badly (was telling another posh friend this last night) that I got sick, & like abandoned my little circle of people who I've come to know, & whose closets I'd gotten into the. habit of sharing. People who REALLY appreciate it & who are such kind, gracious, appreciative - people. People who I now THINK OF in my life, & care about, & who I am so grateful to have met on here. some of us are battling
Dec 08Reply
ezlawrence @ashopingfool real things that others don't know about, & couldn't imagine. In fact, I'm at a point where I ASSUME that most people have something of great challenge going on, that they are dealing with! So, I try to always remember that (it's what my grandfather taught me at a very young age, & I've revisited those thoughts in the last coupla years & take them seriously now). I love you & Duffy Dog (you are my special friends in St. Augustine) & I'm sending hugs & prayers for you to get better
Dec 08Reply
ezlawrence @ashopingfool - & then for the both of you to have a smashing season of profits/prosperity - & peace, safety, & joy as well!!! XoXo, your friend, Eileen
Dec 08Reply
faberooz @ezlawrence Eileen, you have really hit it on the has changed for most of us.Whatever we were or did in life is so inconsequential at this point.Using Poshmark as a tool for connecting has been an unexpected joy for me. Most ppl have a good attitude & real warmth. Have a healthy & happy holiday season... 💟Carrie
Dec 08Reply
shebasplace Hey there👋 Hope all is well.
Dec 08Reply
ezlawrence @shebasplace - Hello Lisa!!! I had gotten unexpectedly pretty sick right after Thanksgiving & it rendered me running to a breathing machine (nebulizer) over getting a chance to get on the laptop & do my usual rounds here on Poshmark!!! They put me on 5 meds & I'm a little better & I felt really badly - like I abandoned my Posh friends who I got into such a joyful habit of sharing for. Last night, I quickly tried to round up my "regulars" so that I'd be ready to go & return to my sharing when
Dec 08Reply
ezlawrence @shebasplace - I can restart! I do not have a smartphone, so unless I physically grab this computer I can't "POSH Proper" I LOVE to!!! I hope you are doing well & I missed you & my handful of truly lovely Posh friends with whom who I was genuinely enjoying chatting , sharing, & once in awhile even buying!!! Much love & thoughts being sent your way...I unliked & reliked you last night to get you back up to the top of my faves!!!! XoXo Eileen
Dec 08Reply
ezlawrence @faberooz - You as well....and I HOPE to be seein' you around here during this season!!! You're a really good kid yourself there !!! You are no slouch at being a good soul & I can tell by some of the items in your closet, you've done some serious living & considering along the way!!! I wound up getting pretty sick so I wasn't around & lapsed in my sharing but I'm gonna be picking that back up (to the best of my ability w/ only having this laptop) real soon cuz TIZ the season... to be SEEN!!! ❤️
Dec 08Reply
shebasplace I'm so sorry to hear that you've been sick. I hope the medicine works and that you get back to your bubbly self soon. Don't forget to get plenty of rest. Unfortunately, stress is a common factor in our lives. So rest is important.😊
Dec 08Reply
stainedglassoul thank you again as always you made my night sharing my closet😘
Dec 08Reply
ezlawrence @stainedglassoul - YOU...I noticed last night, are a neighbor of mine here in the same state!!! I'm in the New Haven county area. I'm glad to help & hope it actually does help people get seen & make sales. XoXo, Eileen
Dec 09Reply
stainedglassoul @ezlawrence wow!!!! talk about a small world!💜💜💜💜 it surely does help💜 and I big time appreciate it ☺️
Dec 09Reply
dannyzm Hi Eileen. I double checked my closet and yes, the loafers did sell last year. I am sorry. The listing was marked Not For Sale at one time, I am not sure how it became unmarked. I a few other pairs of loafers (*listed on my page) I would be happy to send to you. I will also look for more pairs to list. I hear about the shipping! Please let me know if you are interested in others. Stay well.
Dec 09Reply
ezlawrence @dannyzm - You are VERY LOVELY & I truly appreciate you!!! I was reading your feedback left for others & I totally relate to your heart!!! Thank you for wanting to do something nice & for being such a loving & caring person who treats people with such kindness, grace, & appreciation!!!! XoXo, Eileen P.S. I LOVE so many of the people I meet on here - they are each like a miracle who you want to do something nice for!!! I know that YOU KNOW...exactly what I mean!!!
Dec 09Reply
atl14420 @ezlawrence Awww Eileen ! Thanks for the wonderful rating and kind words ! You are the sweetest ! 😊💛
Dec 11Reply
shebasplace Good evening Welcome back. I hope you and your husband are well. Thanks for your shares.😊
Dec 11Reply
ezlawrence @shebasplace - SO grateful to feel better enough to be "back in action"!!! Love to you - hope you are well too!!!❤️🥰
Dec 11Reply
ezlawrence @atl14420 - I LOVE them! See picture #4. I have are more photos of me in them, but just threw this 1 up & swapped it out with one of me wearing a hat I had bought from another seller, just for now. So you could see. At some point I'll start another thread because I have tons of stuff I'd like to share with all my friends on here, not to mention my masterwork that (mentioned in profile) I am TRYING to get out! But THANK YOU so much for convincing me to get these! They REALLY WORK!
Dec 12Reply
atl14420 @ezlawrence They look great on you and yes they work ! 🥰
Dec 12Reply
straycatstitch @ezlawrence Hi Eileen, Thank you so much for your lovely thank you note. So pleased you are pleased! I welcome you back anytime you want to browse or shop. Happy holidays!
Dec 12Reply
faberooz 🤶Hi Eileen ~ Merry Chicmas!🌲 hope you jingle all your bells & have a rockin' 2022🎊 deserve it... I'm here for ya sista🥰Carrie
Dec 13Reply
bestdressed995 🙋‍♀️Hi 🧤It’s nice to meet you🧤 🛍Hope you find everything you are looking 👀 for on Poshmark. 💎There are so many great closets on Posh💎 I’d love 💕 if you would stop by my closet and follow me. And, I’ll do the same. 💫Wishing you all the best of luck 🍀💫
Dec 14Reply
ashopingfool Hello Eileen Just Waited To Give You My Thanks Once Again For All Your Return Shares To My Closet 👍💃👍💃👍💃👍💃 Have Not Been Sleeping So Good but That’s Ok because I Can Feel That My Body is Healing 👍😇🙏😇🙏👍 Woke Up To Check My Posh Closet & Saw All Your Shares Boy You Were Busy Sharing THANK YOU SO MUCH 😘😘😘😘😘 Eileen God is Watching Over Us Both 🙏🙏😇😇🙏🙏 Eileen Hope Your Health is Good & You Are Also Getting Stronger Everyday 👍👍👍👍 Best Wishes Your Posh Friend Stephanie 👍💃👍💃👍💃👍
Dec 14Reply
eschellapurvis warm beautiful welcome to poshmark
Dec 14Reply
ezlawrence @faberooz - Thank you so much Carrie!!! I wish the same for you! Sorry it took me so long to respond to your very kind message - I am in a situation that no one would be able to imagine, where my life & my time are entirely ....not my own! EVER!!!!! Trying desperately to get out of at least one part of it. Much love to you my friend!!! XoXo, Eileen
Dec 14Reply
ezlawrence @eschellapurvis - Thank you!!! Same to you! I went to your closet & shared what I could at the moment!! I wish the same for you & I also am so sorry about your family history regarding WW2. Thankfully, I do not have any relatives (that I KNOW OF) who experienced that awful fate. Thank you for giving to that cause, as it is very close to my heart & I have no idea how the survivors, even survived after such a thing. God Bless your Day, ALWAYS!!! XoXo, Eileen
Dec 14Reply
ezlawrence @eschellapurvis - * I meant your Dad - not your Day.
Dec 14Reply
ezlawrence @faberooz - I was rushing before & didn't get to say these real words: I'm here for YOU...TOO! Anytime!!! ❤️🦋🥰
Dec 14Reply
stainedglassoul thank you hon for sharing 💜💜💜
Dec 15Reply
kdluedke ❤❤❤ You are sooo sweet! Thank you for all the shares! 😘
Dec 15Reply
hislove4you @ezlawrence Thank you so much luvie!!! ❤ 🥰🥰🥰😘😘😘😘
Dec 15Reply
imagerai249 Merry Christmas to you and your love ones🎄🎁Stay safe and have fun!
Dec 15Reply
jewelry_junky 😀💖Thank you again for all the shares.
Dec 15Reply
fashionistafair Hello ez! Thank you so very much for sharing so many of my closet items!! Happy Holidays and best wishes for a wonderful new year....!
Dec 15Reply
artisticat Thank you for being YOU! 💞
Dec 15Reply
zardiva1 @aaustin99 I know this is an old conversation that has nothing to do with me, haha ☺️ but for future reference, the easiest way to access someone’s bundle is to click on the little image in the upper-right-hand corner of their page that has their avatar with a 👜 symbol next to it. Nothing needs to be added to the bundle in order to put a comment. I hope this helps 👍🙂
Dec 15Reply
ezlawrence @zardiva1 - You are too sweet & adorable!!! I just love you!!! Merry Christmas - Love, Eileen
Dec 15Reply
zardiva1 @ezlawrence Awww, thanks so much, hehe! 😁☺️🥰🤗😘 Merry Christmas to you, too! 😃🎄
Dec 15Reply
hislove4you @ezlawrence Thank you again dollie!! Very grateful for the shares xo!
Dec 15Reply
shebasplace As always thanks for sharing items from my closet. I'm glad you're back and that you are well.🥰
Dec 15Reply
ezlawrence @stainedglassoul - 🥰❤️❤️ Merry Christmas Neighbor!!!
Dec 16Reply
ezlawrence @ashopingfool - I hope you are feeling better soon!!! I put the push on as A Christmas present to my most special Posh friends to share as much as possible before shipping deadline!!! Hopefully YOU are very, very, busy w/ tons of stuff to send out - but DON'T OVERDO gotta get better!!! Love, Eileen
Dec 16Reply
ezlawrence @kdluedke - Merry Christmas my Dear Poshpal!!! Hope you & the pug-pups are doing OK!!! XoXo, Eileen
Dec 16Reply
ezlawrence @artisticat - And Thank You for being YOU!!! Wonderful people on here of which you are one!!! Happy Holidays!!! XoXo, Eileen
Dec 16Reply
ezlawrence @hislove4you - Merry Christmas Angelica!!! Let's hope for wonderfully better times ahead!!! XoXo, Eileen
Dec 16Reply
ezlawrence @shebasplace - Thanks Sweetie!!! I was putting one last big push on with the sharing before the "guaranteed delivery" shipping deadline. I hope it helped SOMEONE!!! XoXo, Eileen
Dec 16Reply
stainedglassoul Merry Christmas neighbor! find me on Face book Arlene Cormier Sargent
Dec 16Reply
artisticat @ezlawrence 🎄⛄️Happy Holidays to you my Poshpal.
Dec 16Reply
ezlawrence @imagerai249 - You too My Friend!!! Merry Christmas!!! XoXo, Eileen
Dec 16Reply
ezlawrence @jewelry_junky - Merry Christmas My Friend!!! XoXo, Eileen
Dec 16Reply
jewelry_junky @ezlawrence 🎄Happy Holidays to you and your family. Thank you for all the shares. It is always appreciated.
Dec 16Reply
ezlawrence @fashionistafair - It was MY way of wishing all of YOU...Happy Holidays & A Wonderful Year Ahead!!! I wanted to put one last "Posh Push"...on with the sharing, before the shipping deadline. Hope it helped boost this most important season of selling. I've been a seller so I know!!! XoXo, Eileen
Dec 16Reply
fashionistafair Hi Eileen....I started selling on Poshmark this past SEptember. I have, what I thought, a nice, interesting closet but I have hardly sold anything since the first week I was on when I sold 3 of the 4 items that have been purchased. I don't know what I am doing wrong. This, I thought, would be a busy selling time but no. Any thoughts or help regarding my closet would be much appreciated! So many wonderful experienced poshers have shared from my closet since I started but hardly anyone is buying.
Dec 16Reply
ezlawrence @fashionistafair Are a lot of people sharing for you?
Dec 16Reply
ezlawrence @fashionistafair You DO have a wonderful closet!!! I will buy very soon. I am in a situation where & only get $$ at beginning of month, pay bills, & get a couple of super sale items (which I SHOULD NOT be doing but...there has to be SOME joy). I lost an alarming amount of lbs during covid & all my clothing from being that size is in storage & I can't get to it.
Dec 16Reply
ezlawrence @fashionistafair - Well what I know to be the very best sharing time, is during Posh Parties. I try to fit people in during them because that is when to be seen where people are looking for certain specialties. I am not selling yet on here, but the parties happen every week in different time slots of 2 hour intervals. Many Posh sellers, line up their items at the top of the page in advance of the parties, so that us sharers (who are rushing) can come along & quickly share to the party. Do you
Dec 16Reply
ezlawrence @fashionistafair know about that?
Dec 16Reply
fashionistafair HI Eileen..yes, I try and join as many of t the posh parties as I can. I have also been picked by the hosts a couple of times, too but no buyers. You are very sweet to like my closet! Thanks for your support my posher pal!
Dec 16Reply
ezlawrence @fashionistafair - I GENUINELY love your closet!!! I love that crochet piece & the beautiful black vintage dress was such a great price! Whoever got that one is a lucky, lucky, lady!!! You have super cool & elegant pieces & my 2 very favorites happen to be WAY OUT of MY range (but that is just me). Your stuff is very, very, well priced! Truly. I continue to share & try to turn people onto your amazing stuff!!
Dec 16Reply
fashionistafair So encouraging to hear.... Any suggestions as to what I might do to accelerate buying? Is it common to have such a nice closet and have it just sit there and have me wait? thank you!
Dec 16Reply
ezlawrence @fashionistafair - there are 30 million closets to be seen. The trick is to be seen so when other people share your stuff ...particularly to the parties, ex: "Best in Skirts & Dresses" it truly helps from what I hear. If you look at the parties coming up, & organize your items ahead of time of whatever the specialty is, that helps people come in when they do their list of sellers they want to help. Also, I was just looking for your "Meet Your Posher" page & there isn't one that I could find.
Dec 16Reply
ezlawrence @fashionistafair - If you can, go into your settings & put up a little bit about yourself & some pics of something that relates to you & your favorite things & whatever it is that you want to say, People are very loving & kind on here & they respond in a human way, much better than on forums like FB & Twitter!!!
Dec 16Reply
ezlawrence @fashionistafair - Once you open up a little on here, the very best people that are also on here...they love to be friends & help each other. We love to know about each other's animals, families, whatever & it's a bit more of a social-capitalism environment than other selling venues. I LOVE the people I've bonded with on here. There is never talking about the same stuff that people talk about on social media. Never arguing or much of that narcissism. It's just true & I LOVE that about it!
Dec 16Reply
kdluedke Thank you ❤ Merry Christmas 🎅 too you too!
Dec 16Reply
ezlawrence @fashionistafair - Oh yeah & sharing other people is truly the Posh way I have shared 40k plus times & people are very reciprocal on here. I'm not saying EVERYONE, but the BEST PEOPLE are very receptive to helping EACH OTHER as much s possible, because we all realize that when we ALL help each other, it is truly best for everyone. It's not a cult - it's sincere & Golden Rule based which I love!!!
Dec 16Reply
ezlawrence @kdluedke - You're a Dear Lady & a good kid!!!
Dec 16Reply
fashionistafair THANK YOU!!!
Dec 16Reply
ashopingfool Hello Eileen Thanks Once Again For All Your Return Shares To My Closet 🌹 Can’t StopThanking You Eileen 😘 I Was at Drs Appointments yesterday long day 🙏 WOW !!! Holidays Right Around the Conor Will be shipping Out All My Packages in Morning 👍 Hope Everything’s Good By You Eileen 😘 Just Taking Advice that Slow & Steady Wins the Race Duffys All Excited About Holidays Hes a Social Kind of Dog Loves ❤️To Be Around People ❤️ Eileen May You & Your Family Enjoy This Holiday Season Stephanie
Dec 16Reply
ezlawrence @ashopingfool - Duffy Dog...He's THE BEST!!! Yes take the Dr.s advice Stephanie!!! You HAVE TO...All these people LOVE you on here - I saw some of your amazing feedback & you're a POSH STAR!!!! I was doing research observing a "Share The Magic" Posh Party & 7 million plus listings went up! I've never paid attn to that as I am busy sharing, but THAT is a lot & I hope it's just cuz it's the selling/shipping deadline!!! XoXo Talk to you soon - GET REST!!!!! 🥱
Dec 16Reply
amarciascloset Hello again & thanks for your shares! I hope you’re gaining ground in your journey! Happy, joyous & safe holiday season to you‼️
Dec 16Reply
ezlawrence @amarciascloset - Hey! How are you? I hope you're feeling well & having a bang up season of selling!!! Due to the time of year it is, my project is kind of hanging - just until the kind people who are so graciously helping me sort out the metal casting situation - are free from their holiday commitments. Thanks SO MUCH ...for asking though! I think of you often & I wish you very Happy Holidays, w/ much love, serenity, joy, great health, & prosperity ahead - in the coming year!!! XoXo, Eileen
Dec 16Reply
ladestiny29 Thsnk you lots for all the shares. I greatly appreciate it.🙂 Working on something that will benefit the whole family including pets sounds very interesting and has my full attentiion. Looking forward! Enjoy the rest of weekend and stay safe.👍
Dec 18Reply
ezlawrence @alonso68 THANK YOU!!!! You are my 8,000th follower!!! Merry Christmas to you!!! XoXo, Eileen (@ezlawrence)
Dec 18Reply
ezlawrence @ladestiny29 - Nice to meet you!!! Thank you for following & sharing!!! I hope that you enjoy your weekend as well & that you stay safe. Wishing you Happy Holidays & lots of sales!!! Will see you again soon - so glad you said hello!!! XoXo, Eileen
Dec 18Reply
candy258 Hi 🙋🏽‍♀️Happy Poshing‼️🛍
Dec 21Reply
lalato4 Hi! Welcome to My Closet ! Don't forget if you Bundle 3 or more items from my closet you get 5% off , and all your items are shipped for the same shipping cost so it's like your getting free shipping for 2 items. It's FUN TO BUNDLE!!! Give it a try! Just push down on your phone screen and click add to Bundle!! I am a Posh Mentor and a Top Rated Seller so let me know if I can help you in any way .I hope you have much success here on Posh! 💄👠👙👛👒👜🧣👚👕👞👖👗🧥👡
Dec 22Reply
spreadlove Hi!! Im Melissa! I wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I am always looking for new posh friends to shop, share and invite to my closet - so I wanted to say hello. If you're in the mood to shop , please check out my items! Have a great day!! ☀️🙏✌️🙏✌️☀️
Dec 29Reply
luckyluka @ezlawrence I wish you much love, peace, joy, health and prosperity in 2022😻😻😻
Dec 30Reply
ezlawrence @luckyluka - Aw!!! Thank you so much, my beautiful Posh friend!!! I'm a little tearful to see this, as It is so nice to run into a message like this right have no idea!!! I totally wish all of those things for you too Luka, & your furry friends & human loved the coming year & all the time!!! XoXo, Eileen
Dec 30Reply
ezlawrence @spreadlove - Hi Melissa & thanks so much for extending yourself & your ❤️ to me, by saying hi & reaching out!!! So nice to meet someone like you. I am not selling yet but I'm entirely immersed in 👀ing, ❤️ing, sharing, helping, buying (when I can) - & making wonderful posh friends as well. This is a wonderful place where there are many especially kind people who all want to see each other do well. I will definitely look in your closet!!! ❤️&✌️to you as well & Happy New Year!!!XoXo, Eileen
Dec 30Reply
ezlawrence @lalato4 - Thanks, but I don't have a smartphone. I physically come to 1 (shared) laptop to do my poshing!!! I was only able to bundle 1 time (recently) for my Christmas shopping, in my entire history of shopping on Poshmark, & tend to be a 1 item shopper as a rule! I will keep you in mind 4 future. Thanks for extending yourself & offers of guidance to me! Best of everything to you & Happy New Year!!! XoXo, Eileen
Dec 30Reply
mycreationsplus Thanks for the like on the Villager blouse.
Jan 01Reply
Jan 02Reply
ezlawrence @faberooz CARRIE!!! Happy New Year to you my DEAR FRIEND!!! I was thinking about you & went to your closet last night to re-favorite some stuff I hope to purchase in coming year. My computer has been having service interruptions - going in & out while using, making it hard to posh & share in the usual way. Was going to respond on YOUR profile for a change to bring the convo your way, but the connection cut out 😕 so I hope it'll let me post. YES!!! I wish only wonderful things for you as well &
Jan 02Reply
ezlawrence @faberooz hope that great health & much happiness comes your way! I don't make "resolutions" per se, but there are things I've got to change - in order to remain healthy/alive. I hope that we both, have a great fresh start & that this is THEE YEAR ...for all good things!!! Sending love & all positive thoughts & wishes your way, & THANK YOU so much... for thinking of me!!! XoXo, Eileen
Jan 02Reply
faberooz @ezlawrence Eileen, I am very intuitive - through the magic of the internet😉, I feel your will succeed in 2022. You display such positive energy - what you put out into the Universe will eventually come back to you. Stay proactive & embrace the moment. All we really have is today, use it well...BIG virtual hug😍Carrie
Jan 02Reply
mycreationsplus Thank you for sharing my closet.😍
Jan 02Reply
ritzysrags Hi. Thanks for the kind words about my closet and for sharing. It is developing friendly relationships thru Poshmark that makes it all very interesting and fun. I look forward to seeing your masterpiece. Good luck and many blessings! Vicki
Jan 03Reply
ezlawrence @ritzysrags - I know!!! I LOVE that the most too on here, the making friends. It's sincere & spiritually uplifting & unifying - which is all great stuff!!! Yes, I love your closet & was deeply involved in a faux snakeskin number, after contemplating the details of a butterfly scarf...when I left to see your comment!!! Thank you so much for saying hi Vicki - we will talk again for sure!!! Many blessings wished back to you...XoXo, Eileen (@ezlawrence)
Jan 03Reply
ezlawrence @mycreationsplus - Thanks for your kindness w/ sharing my profile & following me!!! Happy New Year to you - I will see you for sure in the coming year, & will continue to share your items!!! Wishing you love, peace, great health, & much prosperity... in 2022!!! XoXo, Eileen (@ezlawrence)
Jan 03Reply
spudbabe55 Items under $100 in my closet are 50% off until Tuesday evening at 8 p.m. Now is a great time to get a terrific deal!
Jan 04Reply
ezlawrence @spudbabe55 - Thanks for stopping by & letting me know! I was actually visiting your closet & reading some of what you had to say & you seem like a lovely lady, & you are such a gorgeous, sparkly, beauty - in your photo! Love your pair of white Limoges doves , but at present don't have a home to keep them in, otherwise I would've jumped on those! All of my furniture & collectibles are currently in storage. I wish you a very Happy New Year w/ the best of health!!! XoXo, Eileen (@ezlawrence)
Jan 04Reply
spudbabe55 Bless your heart for such kind words. I hope all your dreams come true this year! Take care😊
Jan 04Reply
shebasplace 👋HELLO👋
Jan 04Reply
anitracarter I’m Anitra & I would like to welcome you to check out my closet. If you ❤️ like anything I’ll send you a special offer or you can send me one. Thanks & Happy New Year 😉 Posh Ambassador
Jan 04Reply
nylifeaccess Hi gorgeous , how are you? We are doing BUNDLE and get “Buy 4 get 1 FREE”, Bundle 2 items will get 10% off. Here I would like to invite and welcome you to stop by at our store and check out our Accessories. Wish you have a wonderful day :)
Jan 04Reply
ezlawrence @shebasplace - Hi Lisa!! Happy New Year to you!!! I haven't been around on here too much lately (I only have a lap top & have been stopping on for very quick check ins) so I haven't gotten to do my usual sharing to the posh parties of my loved ones items. I have had an acute injury since September where my entire right side (from shoulder to fingertips, & upper right torso) have these flare ups where I get excruciating pain & immobility. I finally got an MRI & there are a coupla tears in my
Jan 05Reply
ezlawrence @shebasplace right rotator cuff, & damage to the humerus & the bicep, & like 4 other parts in there. I'm right handed & when it acts up I can't brush my own hair, put a seatbelt on, do my artwork, text, type, ...basically I get little to no use of my entire right side. I hope that YOU are doing well?! I never forget about you, or any of my wonderful Posh friends & hope to be back in action, really soon!!! Sending love, thoughts & prayers your way. Thank you for saying hello!!! C u soon! ❤️Eileen
Jan 05Reply
shebasplace I'm so sorry you're not feeling well. Try not to overdo things and take care of yourself. Hopefully in time you will feel much better. I'm glad to hear from you. Stay safe😊
Jan 06Reply
deli126 Hi there, 💕Welcome to Poshmark. Stop by anytime and check out my closet. I have so many items to chose from. Open to Reasonable offers, also bundle and save and shipping too. 🛍😊
Jan 06Reply
shebasplace 👋It's good to hear from you. I hope all is well.😊
Jan 14Reply
mycreationsplus Thanks for the like.
Jan 14Reply
ezlawrence @shebasplace - Lisa, HI! I was re-rounding up "my people" & putting you all back up at the top of my faves again, so that I can have quick & easy access - to resume sharing all of you, as soon as possible!!!! Been away from laptop for awhile (injury) & hope to be starting back up, over the weekend or at least early next week. I sometimes have to compete w/ my husband for access to the laptop too! You are all back "in position" now, to be shared properly. I hope you are doing great! XoXo, Eileen
Jan 15Reply
ezlawrence @mycreationsplus - Hi! Thanks for stopping by. You have a really unique closet, nice mix of lovely clothing & your handmade stuff... & I like how you combine your beads - nice, free, sense of color combining! See you soon - XoXo, Eileen (@ezlawrence)
Jan 15Reply
mycreationsplus @ezlawrence Thanks for stopping by and for the nice comments. Making jewelry is my favorite pastime now.
Jan 15Reply
itsyagirlkays hello i'm Kaelyn. i hope you're enjoying poshmark as much as i am! check out my closet for cheap items & there is discounted shipping for all of my items! can't purchase anything, that's fine. you can share some of my items to your followers 🤍.
Jan 16Reply
luckyluka @ezlawrence Hello, my dear sweet pm friend. I hope you’re having a lovely day. I’m enjoying the sounds of two snoring kitties. 😻😻😻🕊🕊🕊❤️❤️❤️
Jan 16Reply
ldmtreasures Hey Welcome I’m Linda Let Your Style Be Uniquely Yours💋 Buy Made in America One Of A Kind Jewelry
Jan 27Reply
rolnick Hello EZ. I just wanted to wish you a very happy Valentines Day and let you know how much I appreciate all of your kind words in the past. Beth 🥰 Hope all is well with you.
Feb 14Reply
jewelsbysara Hi🌸 I would love for you to stop by my closet for amazing deals ! If you have any questions feel free to ask. Happy Poshing ❤️
Feb 15Reply
jennifereveart Dear EZ, I love what you wrote and your pictures are so interesting.. Please come and visit my closet. I hope that you find something that you Love & want to make your own. 💎💜💎 I have a large selection for Women, men, kids, one of a kind artwork (mine!) and classic, vintage treasures you will LOVE! Have a lovely and safe week and Pease reach out with any questions, or offers🌷 Jennifer Eve ps. this is my art website if you want to take a look!
Feb 16Reply
jamproductions Thank you for your like. Keep promoting 😎🎶💃
Feb 19Reply
ashopingfool Hello Hope Things Are A-OK by you 😘 Been Busy Which is Always Good Thing 👍 We Have Had Colder Weather Which my Doggy Duffy Loves ❤️ Just Checking in On You Drop me Line when you have extra Minute Your Posh Friend Stephanie 😍& Duffy Dog 🐶
Feb 22Reply
fancymsnancy @ezlawrence unfortunately those straps sold just before your like
Feb 25Reply
kletlaw Hello beautiful. I love your style and what you do! Thanks for the like and stopping by my closet. Feel free to ask questions and I am always open to offers and offer bundle discounts. Blessings, Lori
Mar 07Reply
zebra37577 Hello! Thank you for the like on the Art Deco Geisha Girls in Japan glass serving tray. Please feel free to make an offer on it. Any decent offer will be gladly accepted.
Mar 09Reply
hillhouseshop Hi there, I'm Sherri. I would love for you to visit my closet! We have handmade gemstone and sea glass jewelry my husband and I make and other fun stuff too. Happy Shopping!
Mar 13Reply
bellaissac Hi 💕. I see you like that beautiful Coldwater Creek lavender suede jacket… I can’t lower the price anymore just because I listed it as low as I could go, I could give you free shipping if you’re interested but that would be the best I’m able to do… Many blessings and stay safe💕
Mar 25Reply
eryn_ray Sending ALL my good vibes to you and your life's masterwork 💖🙌😊 Can't wait for its reveal!!
Apr 01Reply
kimesmith What a nice post, glad you checked out my closet. Have a wonderful day.
Apr 05Reply
lapatatedouce @ezlawrence Hi, hope you are having a nice day.🤗 💐Please come and visit my closet & if your total purchase is $50 or more or if you like 3 items or more ,I will put them in a bundle and I send you a special discounted offer of 20% off on your total plus discounted shipping & I will give you free gift 🎁 🤗💐🌺💕🎁
Apr 07Reply
sspitery @ezlawrence Wow! Just read your bio for the first time! I’m very intrigued . Will definitely follow and BTW you gave me the best review ever!!! Definitely more important than the $$$. Thank you a million!
Apr 07Reply
bestdressed995 🙋‍♀️Hi 🥳 It’s nice to meet you💫 🛍 I hope you find everything you 💕 love here🛍. 💎 There are so many beautiful closets here 💎 I’d love 💕 if you would consider stopping by my closet and following me. 💫Wishing you all the best of luck 🍀
Apr 15Reply
go4gina Thank You for the like. So glad to meet you here!
Apr 22Reply
marilynjackson hello. thank you for visiting. please let me know if you have any questions.
Apr 25Reply
cutehosiery Hey,there. You bring sunshine to the Poshmark Family. I like men's style jewelry. Because they bring me good luck. I hope the luck will always be with you. Happy Poshing.
May 23Reply
urownbeautiful Hello Gorgeous! I’m Jaime. Dreamer, Fashion and Travel lover. Just stopping by to introduce myself, say hi, and invite you to visit my closet. 🤗🦋Happy poshing, and remember to always Embrace Your Own Beautiful! 💫 Stay dreamy💫 xo 💙Jaime
Jun 28Reply
hollyog13 so happy to see you active again!! how have you been?
Jul 26Reply
ezlawrence @hollyog13 - Hi Holly! I was looking for you & almost couldn't find you & I panicked! Then...I found you so I could share your stuff to the party. I had a torn rotator cuff & injuries all the way up & down my arm where I could barely use my hand at all, & some other stuff going on (still do) & I don't have a smartphone so any activities that I do on here require me to have my hands firmly on the laptop & my concentration too. I live in a very tiny room w/ a sick husband & things just get hard
Jul 26Reply
hollyog13 @ezlawrence i am so sorry to hear that, i think of you often and send my love
Jul 26Reply
ezlawrence @hollyog13 sometimes. But - yes, I miss my Posh people who I genuinely love & tried to get some sharing in today for as many as I could. I've thought of you a lot - how are you doing? How is your baby? I do really miss you!!!
Jul 26Reply
ezlawrence @hollyog13 - OH, I'm OK though. Just get swept away at times around here. But how are YOU? Are you getting good health reports I hope?
Jul 26Reply
hollyog13 @ezlawrence aw i’ve been doing well!! my next scans are in a couple weeks, but i’ve been in the clear for almost a year so i’m hoping it holds out!
Jul 26Reply
ezlawrence @hollyog13 - Oh wow...that is SUCH GOOD NEWS!!! So glad to hear that. It really IS so nice see my Posh Pals. I don't know if I'll be on as much as I was before just yet - but I was dyin' to at least check in and do some sharing & spread some love, & see how you & a few others have been!!!
Jul 26Reply
shebasplace Hi there. It's really nice to finally hear from you. I hope all in well with your family. Have a great evening.🤤
Jul 26Reply
ezlawrence @shebasplace Hi my Lisa!!! I've missed you my friend. I hope you are doing OK & I am very glad to see you. XoXo, Eileen
Jul 26Reply
faberooz Hi Eileen...Thanks for all of your shares!! I hope you've been doing well & hopefully getting around...We've had a strange few years which we can't seem to totally put behind us. I'm one of the few "no-covids" & working hard to keep it that way. Hope you're enjoying the summer...would love to hear from you anytime...💟Carrie
Jul 27Reply
ldmtreasures Hey Welcome I’m Linda Let Your Style Be Uniquely Yours💋 Buy Made in America “One” Of A Kind Jewelry
Sep 04Reply
luckyluka @ezlawrence Happy Halloween 🎃 👻❤️
Oct 31Reply
natsantangelo Just popped in to say hello. Have a great day and happy poshing. Why not check out my closet too? I'm looking forward to see what you're working on.
Jul 04Reply
poshnchiill Hello! thanks so much for liking one of my items. I sent you an offer ❤️ Please feel free to let me know what your comfortable with and i’m happy to make a deal. Best wishes!
Aug 07Reply
candy258 Hi🙋🏽‍♀️Happy Poshing‼️🛍
Feb 10Reply
hdlady7120 Hello! While you’re out browsing all the amazing closets looking for treasures, I hope you’ll stop into mine too! You’ll probably find some awesome things you gotta have, want, need or to give as a gift. Reasonable offers are encouraged! You will not be disappointed purchasing anything from my store…check out the Love Notes from some happy customers😃! Enjoy your journey!
May 08Reply
cathyanner Thanks for browsing my closet! I made an offer on the item you liked. If you have any questions please message me. 💥💫Have a good day!💫💥
Jun 10Reply
merriflelds Thank you for the 🤍 of the Winter coat from my closet. A reminder - all offers are accepted or countered. Make it yours! Items can be shipped same or next day. 🌻
Jan 22Reply

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