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Updated Aug 27
Updated Aug 27

Welcome loves🌹 new clothes every week!

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Sarah. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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jedtalks Hi Sarah, welcome to Poshmark! Thanks for joining a community that cares about sustainable shopping and thrifting! Feel free to check out my closet and make an offer on any items you see or like. Happy poshing✨
May 03Reply
closet_jamboree Hello! Thank you for the follow! Feel free to stop by my closet and find something you love! I’m happy to bundle and I accept most offers!
May 21Reply
nv89 hi!! come check out my closet, happy poshing ♡
May 21Reply
eblboutique48 Hi beautiful I just like for you to come check out my closet.
May 22Reply
dorothy_wirth Thank you for viewing my closet it is greatly appreciated. Be safe.......Dorothy 💜
May 24Reply
v_land Welcome
May 24Reply
paulstewart995 HOW MUCH ? LOL NOT FOR SALE.. LOL.Thank U for following me
May 25Reply
saunacain Welcome to POSHMARK!!
May 25Reply
suhaytie Hello! 🙋🏻‍♀️ As a Poshmark Ambassador, I want to welcome you to the wonderful world of Poshmark! 😊 Here you’ll find amazing treasures for way below retail prices 👍🏼 You’ll also be able to get rid of some of the extra stuff you might have around the house- while scoring some extra cash 💵👏🏻 Feel free to check out my closet any time at all 🤗 Happy Poshing! 💕 🛍 🎉 👠 👗
May 25Reply
partofjcloset Hey Hey, welcome to poshmark. Feel free to check out my closet doll 💕. I have a 24hrs sale going on 💃🏾💃🏾💃🏾
May 27Reply
jacquee59 Welcome to Poshmark and happy shopping 🛍
May 31Reply
sehenkel Hi, welcome to Poshmark! If you have any questions feel free to contact me. Happy Poshing! 👗Stephanie👗 Posh Ambassador
May 31Reply
sbto Welcome to Poshmark! Feel free to pop over to my closet and check it out, all items are open to offers and bundles to save even more! Simply like an Item and I’ll send you an even better price! Happy Poshing :)
Jun 01Reply
meralylaralb83 hello, welcome to poshmark! hop on over if you have any questions or if you just want to check out my closet. HAPPY POSHING!😁
Jun 04Reply
thaliabroughton hey sarah! just letting you know that i did ship your purchase 2 days ago, but it hasn’t been scanned by the post office yet. hopefully it will be scanned tomorrow morning, just wanted to update you though! :)
Jun 06Reply
hanmegan42 Welcome to Poshmark, can’t wait to see your stuff 🤩😍
Jun 07Reply
crafteelinda490 Thanks for following my closet. I have shared some of yours. Stay safe and God bless.
Jun 11Reply
creolelady314 Welcome to Poshmark check out my closet
Jun 14Reply
jms1265 welcome to poshmark!!
Jun 16Reply
grace_kalmin Hi come buy some stuff happy poshing
Jun 19Reply
nancy4221 Hi beautiful lady. Please check my closet and if you like any items feel free to make an offer or create a bundle to get a reasonable and cheaper price… 🤗🤗🤗
Jun 20Reply
missmoly Hi my name is Selma and I am a Poshmark Ambassador! ❤️ Please check out my closet for name brand clothing! I take many pictures to make sure you see all details. If you need additional information please always ask me! Please follow my closet @Missmoly. Share my items and I will share yours! It’s a fun way to meet each other! I sell Torrid, Lane Bryant in plus sizes, Victoria’s Secret, children’s boutique and regular nice brands and much more.
Jun 23Reply
leoswife No pressure, just a pleasure to welcome your time available to visit.. New POSHERs get special discounts from me! Willy.
Jun 23Reply
jonaho457 Hello Sarah, it’s nice to meet you. I hope that you can visit my closet.
Jun 24Reply
sprinklesbaker Hey thanks for following! I’m Emily😊 if you like any of my items feel free to send an offer or create a bundle for a Sweet Deal! Happy Poshing🎉🎊
Jun 25Reply
rileyswinford Thanks for the follow! Any tips? @sarahproulxx
Jul 12Reply
nysurf9 Thanks for adding me🤙🏻🤙🏻🤙🏻
Jul 12Reply
jenn123456 Thanks for following me. Hopefully really soon you will buy something from me!
Jul 19Reply
circus007 Ohhhh so nice seriously 👍🔥
Aug 14Reply
yourmailman74 @sarahproulxx you’re absolutely breathtaking
Aug 27Reply
charliengav I mailed the return blouse back to you on Sunday- the post office has it tracking that you will receive it on Thursday! Have a great day!
Aug 31Reply
tarverrl Hi! Check out my closet 😊💗 happy poshing!
Sep 14Reply
1drnana Thank you for following my CLOSET. My goal is to keep prices as low as I can. I have recently reduced prices on more than half of my CLOSET and some are as low as $5-$10 on name brand items - CRAZY I KNOW!!!! But time to reduce inventory and make way for new items. And even crazier is that if you bundle 3 or more items, you will get an additional 10% off the already ridiculously low prices plus you only pay 1 shipping price so even MORE SAVINGS!! Sounds like a WIN WIN situation to me.
Sep 15Reply
peggybrucks Hello Sarah, you have a very nice closet!! But not my size 😔
Sep 15Reply
mtlstyle Heyyy :-) welcome ;) please come and check out my closet, i have added plenty of new items, hopefully you can find something you like, share the love or if you can make an offer in this time of crisis anything would help xx cheerss, stay safe and blessed :)! Dont miss out on the BOGO 😍
Sep 16Reply
puckie12 Have a bless day and stay safe.
Sep 17Reply
vivsecklectics Welcome to Poshmark! Check out my closet. Good Luck!
Sep 20Reply
amazing_alesha Hello! 🌹 Welcome to Poshmark! ✨ My name is Alesha, & I’m a Poshmark ambassador. ★ We are happy to have you here! 😊 Please let me know if you have any questions, or need any help. Happy poshing! ♡ ◡̈
Sep 20Reply
galsport Hey, checkout my closet if you get a moment. Thanks. Rock on.
Oct 01Reply
dsextonmarie Hi Sarah! Thanks for joining Poshmark! Hope you are enjoying the process of buying and selling amazing thrifty clothes. Feel free to check out my closet. Any questions I would be happy to help!
Oct 10Reply
shopvvf Welcome to Poshmark. Feel free to check out our closet. New uploads everyday!
Oct 13Reply
luxe_to_love Thank you for checking out my closet and following me. I am happy to follow you back checking out your offers as well 😍😊
Oct 18Reply
tatnaples Hi Sarah! Thank you for your follow and support, happy Poshing 💜 Tamala
Oct 19Reply
saamaanthaa939 Hi Sarah! Thanks for the shares, I've followed you to thank you. I also just wanted to share that I give discounts and/or a FREE gift when you purchase 2+ items from my closet!🤑 I hope you get to treat yourself to something this new season for a great price!💛
Oct 22Reply
chassitycravens Hi! Feel free to check out my closet I do take offers.
Oct 23Reply
rollyderby hi u r hot
Oct 25Reply
sydney1969 Hey Sarah, I’m Ann Marie. Thank you for the follow!❤️ Come by and browse my closet. If you see anything you like please feel free to make me an offer. ❤️❤️
Nov 19Reply
spudbabe55 Welcome to Poshmark!
Nov 26Reply
jkez36m Hi Sarah my name is Angela Welcome to Poshmark
Nov 29Reply
sandydallison Thanks for checking out my closet
Dec 03Reply
pratrat I have a wide variety of selection!🌹 Check out my closet when you have the time! Have a Happy holiday!
Dec 22Reply
samaerose Hello!! Welcome to Poshmark!! Please check out my closet :))
Jan 11Reply
enlovegy I'm just buzzing around and wanted to say 🙋‍♀️, also please have a wonderful poshmark day and keep 🐝ing awesome.... 🤗
Jan 29Reply
enlovegy I'm just buzzing around and wanted to say 🙋‍♀️, also please have a wonderful poshmark day and keep 🐝ing awesome.... 🤗
Jan 30Reply
imeldaroche2020 Sweet pictures! Thank you for sharing my closet 🥰
Apr 03Reply
truemh Sending good vibes from CA…thanks for the follow!!
Apr 04Reply
halawilson Hiiii, Thanks for fellowing Please check out my closet Feel free to ask any questions or make offers I have 20% off two items. Thank you
Apr 06Reply
hayyrae Cool last name 😉. Wonder if we’re related some how 💁🏻‍♀️
Apr 16Reply
nadiamakita Did I mention I ♡your closet 👏👌👍 Very good style & variety
Apr 24Reply
dinos43 WELCOME!! 👋🏼
May 17Reply
tachallmark Welcome please feel free to visit my closet I carry men's and women's and children's thank you 😊
May 23Reply
rad0529 Hello Sarah, my new friend, such a beautiful smile you have, I pray you have had a wonderful day as well as all your tomorrows, God Bless always, Rhonda
Jun 15Reply
tabbytink63 Hi🙋🏻‍♀️nice to meet you and thank you for visiting 🐦 🐶 🐎 🐈 🎨💐
Jun 17Reply
ajooj Hello Hope you’re doing well. Everything in my closet $30 and under is buy one get one free of equal or lesser value. Take advantage today sale ends Sunday at midnight👍😊
Jun 25Reply
asavage01 Thanks for stopping by my closet ❣️
Jul 20Reply
blazinasian215 Hello, welcome to my closet and feel free to make me an offer I can’t refuse. 😊
Aug 13Reply
lamarquez16 Hello, Sarah I appreciate the follow. I'm new to selling but not new to buying on Poshmark. I started this adventure with my daughter as a means to spend quality time together. We have a variety of clothes for women, men, and youth boys. Use code LAMARQUEZ16 for a $10 discount on your first Poshmark purchase (in any closet).If you purchase from my closet, I give bundle discounts and a free gift. Once you set up your closet, I can help with questions you may have. Welcome to Poshmark!
Oct 09Reply
sageguitarhero Thank you so much for following me! I guess my closet is interesting and attractive right? Merci!
Nov 19Reply
valdezarm1974 Thank You for following sweetheart’😋
Mar 26Reply
324starr Welcome to Poshmark!!! If I can assist in anyway, please let me know. When you have time checkout my closet @324starr. If you see something you like, let me know. The key words for Poshmark is share, share, share and follow. Good luck and have a great day.
Mar 29Reply
funplace2shop Hello! Welcome to Poshmark! Hope you have a Wonderful Experience! Peace & Blessings 💕 @FUNSHOPPLACE
Nov 16Reply
s_h_y_n_e Hey!!!! You have some great items I’m following now on here and lnsta for more upcoming fire ! Ps that snap on coat is pure 🔥 🥶
Nov 23Reply
driftywood Hi, welcome to Poshmark. Looks like you’ve been here awhile. 😊Please take a look at my closet, I have many sales right now, a BOGO on anything with a snowflake on the title. A 4 for $20 sale on anything with the git 🎁. I just added new items that aren’t on sale, but make me an offer. I wish you great success! 🌸♻️
Dec 11Reply
catsrule242424 Hi, Welcome when you have time please check my closet...different sizes ( due to different size family)...all offers considered...bundle 2 or more items/listings and theres another 20% off
Dec 13Reply
krystalmcc1621 👋Thank you for following me. I just visited your 👜 closet👖 to follow you and share some of your 👚items 👟 with my followers. Have a wonderful day ☀️ and many 🧾sales 🎉!!
Feb 05Reply
posh_lover_ Hello, thank you very much for sharing my closet, very much appreciated!💝🌸💝🌸💝🌸
Mar 15Reply
classyboutique1 Happy poshing!
May 02Reply
ahuot Hello 😊 I’m trying to close up shop and running stellar deals❣️Please help me purge by SHOPPING MY CLOSET TODAY😉 I always offer a 10% Bundle Discount, Discount Shipping and I ship next day. I have truly one of a kind and unique items! I’d truly appreciate you checking me out. ✌️💛
May 24Reply
dolphinbay3 Warm wishes and peaceful breezes 🥳 I hope you love it here 💕
Jun 16Reply
projectluxe Thank you for the follow! If you see anything of interest please make me an offer. I'm very flexible.
Aug 19Reply
norieee26 Hey there 👋🤗 Stopping by to let you know today I’ll be having a sale in my closet buy 4 items for only $25!!! 🩷🙌 See you soon !! ⭐️
Aug 25Reply
getyaguapup shgood fam man's seen you out here man's needa Hollar at you💯
Oct 14Reply
jpleo70 hello. I made a bundle, but I had some measurements I needed before accepting. I believe u did reply but not on all of the measurements. I like the items..
Oct 21Reply
nedyalkoketev Pretty little angel
Oct 25Reply
adrinajohnson Thank you for following me and checking out my closet 🎃 I am currently having a 3/$25 sale! 👻 Stop over and let’s start you a bundle 💃🏼💃🏼
Nov 01Reply
Nov 14Reply
Nov 14Reply
4bobbie Thanks for following my closet! Feel free to make an offer on anything you like! Discount given on bundles!
Jan 01Reply
jeffreyreed911 👍🏼
Jan 06Reply

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Last Active: 2 hours ago

Deux-Montagnes, QC
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Last Active: 2 hours ago

Deux-Montagnes, QC
View Closet




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