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Updated Feb 07
Updated Feb 07

Meet your Posher, Renett

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Renett. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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myangel1679 Hey there 🥰 As a Posh Ambassador, my warmest WELCOME TO POSHMARK!!! I wish you good luck on your sales. Feel free to check out my closet. For ALL NEW Unique items, such as Planners, Home decor and Vegan Leather classy handbags!!🤩Happy poshing💝
Nov 14Reply
dorothy_wirth Thank you for viewing my closet! Be safe.....Dorothy
Nov 14Reply
yay_ashley hi there! welcome to poshmark!❤
Nov 14Reply
precioushyre Hello Love 💖 As a Poshmark Ambassador I would like to welcome you to Poshmark✨Feel free to take a look at my closet. I am moving soon & all must go. I have many items for low prices 💖✨ Happy Poshing ✨
Nov 14Reply
kimmiss Hi, Welcome to Poshmark 🎉🎉🎉 A fun and friendly community for buying and selling all types of merchandise. 👛👗💍👡👜🧥👢👒🧤👝🩱🕶👙🧳👔🌂👖🎒👕🩳👟🧢💼 I’m a Posh Ambassador, if you have any questions I’d be happy to help. 😊 Thank you for visiting my closet, filled with beautiful authentic designer handbags. 👜🎒🧳👝💼👛 I offer discounts on most of the items in my closet.💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻 Good luck with your closet and may you have huge success. 🍀🍀🍀 Sharing helps increase sales 💰💰💰 so share away!! Enjoy and Happy Poshing 💰🍀💃🏻🎉🥰🎊🛍🎁
Nov 14Reply
jacydesignart Hello Rennet, welcome to Poshmark, have fun! It's a community of helpful, friendly people. If you have PM questions, I can help.Thank you for all the shares. Happy poshing. 😀😃😄😁
Nov 14Reply
wendidee Welcome to Poshmark! I hope you enjoy poshing as much as I do! It’s a fun way to shop, find some great deals, and sell all from the comfort of your couch. Please feel free to check out my closet. It looks like we’re fans of similar brands. Cheers. Happy poshing!!! 🌟
Nov 17Reply
dianejohnson707 Hi welcome to posh happy poshing happy shopping and many sales enjoy 😊
Nov 20Reply
steve4art Hi Renett, you have gorgeous pieces in your closet! Have a safe Thanksgiving. I am quarantined because at my school someone has Covid. Be safe. I followed back
Nov 21Reply
lakedwellerhb Hi Renett, thank you for following us!👍 We are Jimbo & G.🤠🐗🙋🐗 I hope you have many sales & find tons of bargains! Happy Posh'ing & we hope you have a SAFE & prosperous 2020!😷💳📈 Be kind & have a blessed day! 🙏✝️💞
Nov 22Reply
sprinklesbaker Hey thanks for following me I’m Emily if you like any of my things create a bundle for a great deal! Have. Happy and Safe Holiday Season😊☃️❄️
Nov 24Reply
jcjones46 Welcome to the Poshmark community, and thank you for visiting my closet. I wish you much success and fun, whether you sell, or shop. May you feel the Lord's presence near you always, comforting your heart and giving you strength during this difficult time. Stay safe and God bless. 🌻🌞🌼
Nov 27Reply
t6363b BUNDLE ANY 5 ITEMS FOR $25 ITEMS MUST BE $40 OR LESS;))) Bundle Multiples & Save $$$$$ Accepting All Offers Thank you for your interest;)Come back and your next purchase can be 50% off or more if u bundle multiples ;))) SALE ENDS JANUARY 2 2021
Dec 06Reply
allisonmarsh165 Thanks for the follow!! I just wanted to let you know that I am having a huge holiday sale! All items with a 🌸 in the title are 3 for $13. All items with ❤️ in the title are 3 for $20. All items with 💥 in the title are 3 for $33 and Rae Dunn is 35% off when you purchase 2+ items! New items will be added every day. I also have plenty of items new with tags and mystery boxes! Let me know if you have any questions and happy poshing:)
Dec 08Reply
ltbbalance What an amazing much variety and style...something for everyone...💫💞🎀🌻 I have shared Posh love by sharing items from your closet to my followers and to any active Posh party that applies...I hope you will do me the honor of visiting my closet and if you are so inclined, sharing mine too🥰🌷.. Happy Poshing!!💕⚘🎁💥
Dec 12Reply
koolkel2000 Welcome to poshmark.   Just wanted to say have a great experience with posh.   If you have any questions about Poshing let me know.   And when you get a chance,  check out my closet.   Happy Poshing.
Dec 12Reply
lillievonstoop1 Hi! Thank you for the follow 🐧 Happy Poshing ⛄!
Dec 12Reply
kaysuniverse welcome 2 Poshmark... thanks 4 following my closet. i carry mostly Michael Kors, Calvin Klein, WHBM, Ralph Lauren, and Banana Republic. im always flexible on pricing so if u see sumthin u like feel free 2 Make me an OFFER anytime 🤓 happy poshing!
Dec 18Reply
inuyasha18 Hi! Thank you for your offers but please note that offering below half price on a brand new authentic brand name purse is called low balling. I would not do something like this to anyone. And this is why other sellers as well as myself ignore or simply reject/decline such offers. Nevertheless, thanks but no thanks. Happy Holidays! Blessings and prosperity to you...🙏
Dec 21Reply
renett_duck @inuyasha18 I just purchased the exact same Purse from another seller for $45. It just depends on the person
Dec 21Reply
renett_duck @inuyasha18 And yes it was a brand New Purse that I purchased
Dec 21Reply
inuyasha18 @renett_duck That's great! Good deal! But, I'm not them....
Dec 21Reply
renett_duck @txshopper13 They probably have block me to. Just sad that People are like this
Jan 27Reply
renett_duck @txshopper13 I don't understand why poshmark want delete them off poshmark.....They will not do it tho
Jan 27Reply
sunshinemedley @renett_duck charitylynn120 And they're back!
Jan 28Reply
elainesapitan Thank you for the support on my closet. I hope you have some time to go through it as I am trying to get rid of many items, as well I have some items listed / marked as “FREE with ANY purchase” throughout my closet which can be added into any BUNDLE. Hope you find something you like! Feel free to send me any offers and I’d be happy to make business with you. Happy Poshing and safe during this quarantine! 🦋
Feb 01Reply
alpowell714 Hi how r u
Feb 13Reply
curatedcleverly Thanks for the follow 😁
Feb 14Reply
kaybizzel Just had to let you know, that your beauty is breathtaking....😍😍⚘⚘
Feb 16Reply
rhonda_anne Hello...welcome to Poshmark!
Feb 17Reply
kooks509 Thanks for the follow!
Feb 23Reply
japerry73 Thank you for the follow Gorgeous.
Feb 24Reply
fredcat23 You are adorable!
Feb 26Reply
crafteelinda490 Thanks for following my closet. I have shared some of yours. Stay safe and God bless.
Mar 01Reply
duckieone Hi and thank you for following me. I appreciate it and will follow you. I like your closet and will share some of your items. Please know that if you like anything in my closet I will give you a discount. Thank you.
Mar 01Reply
joshuaangel1 Hi 🤗
Apr 07Reply
brian2nv Hey! Thanks for the follow sweetie!
Apr 12Reply
bytheseaside114 If you see anything please make me an offer
Apr 20Reply
hannahhanson01 Hey! Check out my closet!! I currently have my bundle offer set at Buy 3 or more items, get 20% off!! I’m also willing to negotiate on anything if you don’t want 3 or more items!
Apr 23Reply
swinehartmike1 i love your style and I want to know if you would teach me how to pick out some colors
May 07Reply
martinbd6029 Hi. I hope that you will check out my closet
May 08Reply
sandydallison Thanks for checking out my closet
May 10Reply
callme4biz Extremely gorgeous
May 19Reply
jenn123456 Thanks for following me. Hopefully really soon you will buy something from me!
May 20Reply
renett_duck @jenn123456 Hopefully really soon you will buy something from me
May 20Reply
jenn123456 @renett_duck Sorry I am really looking to sell not buy but I will look.
May 20Reply
renett_duck @jenn123456 Sorry I am looking to sell not buy also
May 20Reply
renett_duck @jenn123456👌👍
May 20Reply
truckerpete38 Thanks for the follow
Jun 15Reply
lauracieslak Hey there thanks for the follow! Please come by and check out my closet any time, I’m very accepting to offers and all prices are negotiable! Happy Poshing:)
Jun 24Reply
ln2309 Thank you for sharing my listings. Anything helps, good luck in your sales.
Jul 07Reply
dulciesdelites Thank you for following me 🙏
Jul 25Reply
renett_duck @christinaortizm Hello Thank you so much....Happy Poshing
Aug 15Reply
lasvegasyvonne Thank you for sharing my closet! I appreciate it so much! ❤️ Happy weekend to you. 😊
Aug 20Reply
yizzie74 Thanks for following 👍🏽
Aug 20Reply
sboyce140 Thanks for the follow sweetie 😘
Aug 31Reply
jayextra187 you is so fine
Sep 07Reply
marit156 Hi, I had to cancel the order Due to a tech error. I am sorry if I could see how to fix this I’ll give you the same price. Im sorry doll… I’ll see and let you know ASAP. Blessings
Sep 13Reply
renett_duck @marit156 I am trying to understand your tech error. Is this a poshmark tech error or some type of error with your device....I sell a lot of poshmark stuff and once a item is purchased, its never a problem
Sep 13Reply
marit156 @renett_duck the purse is in my stolen car which hopefully is still there when it’s found. I’m sorry bit I’m trying to deal with all this I’ll go hartando see how they can cancel this order so you get your money back but Poshmark is not much help, I’m trying to do this since I lay wrote to you at 4 am… I’ll keep you informed and thank you for your understanding 🙏
Sep 13Reply
claudiamata567 Be careful with the seller ,check my story.
Sep 13Reply
mklewis1989 Thanks for following me I’m goin make sure I check out your closet 💖
Sep 13Reply
nizzyfizzy thank you!
Sep 18Reply
renett_duck @nizzyfizzy You are very much welcome
Sep 18Reply
kyngz01 Happy posting. Thx for following. :)
Sep 19Reply
renett_duck @kyngz01 You are welcome Handsome 💕
Sep 19Reply
bria__posh Thanks for the follow! My entire closet is BOGO free and 4 or more items gets discount shipping! 💌💕🛍
Oct 10Reply
anand_17 hello @renett_duck tnx for following. lots of love from India.
Oct 28Reply
renett_duck @anand_17 Hey handsome. I would love to visit India
Oct 28Reply
anand_17 @renett_duck When you come to India, I will definitely tell you, I will take you all over India. I want to say one thing, don't feel bad, you are more beautiful than an angel.
Oct 29Reply
stevenb712 Hello.....Godspeed to you and happy poshing indeed .....
Nov 25Reply
aimshub 🛍Posh with AimsHub home of America's favorite Sauce 'Thugolicoius Sauce' Purchase your 12oz bottle of Thugolicoius Sauce immediately!! It is America's newest favorite food topping. Plz Shop, Download, Follow, Subscribe to & Follow our Brand on all social-media platforms.(Thugod)(Thugolicoius Sauce) Plz leave links to your Brand or just some positive energy in the comments section at AimsHub💯% Thx for following AimsHub on Poshmark🤝🏾
Nov 25Reply
kellyjp1973 Hi my name is Kelly and you bought the nike jacket from me it will ship out tomorrow ,I dedicate my time to my kids on the weekends ,thank u for your patience.
Dec 05Reply
renett_duck @kellyjp1973 Hello....I totally understand.....Tomorrow will be fine....Thank you so much. Happy Poshing 💕💕
Dec 05Reply
aamcclain I just purchased a bundle but then noticed that on of the items had already sold. so there is only two thing in bundle. I no longer want the bundle. how do I cancel?
Dec 12Reply
jr7720091 Good morning Gorgeous 🌹Have a wonderful day ♥️ thank you for the Adidas’s hat ! 🌹♥️😍😘
Dec 17Reply
jr7720091 @inuyasha18 What kind of person are you ! The is not the way to Treat another person You think you’re so perfect ! (Saying I wouldn’t do that to anybody ! )
Dec 23Reply
jr7720091 But then again you want to make people feel bad Because they ask for a better price ! There’s nothing Wrong with that ! All your comments were unnecessary ! I can tell you’re a very arrogant person Obviously your mother didn’t show you any manners ! And which God are you using to bless people ? The only God did EXIST teaches us to be humble and to love one another ! Not to act like we’re better than somebody ! And yes obviously you are a hypocrite and Crook !
Dec 23Reply
jr7720091 @inuyasha18 But then again you want to make people feel bad Because they ask for a better price ! There’s nothing Wrong with that ! All your comments were unnecessary ! I can tell you’re a very arrogant person Obviously your mother didn’t show you any manners ! And which God are you using to bless people ? The only God did EXIST teaches us to be humble and to love one another ! Not to act like we’re better than somebody ! And yes obviously you are a hypocrite and Crook !
Dec 23Reply
renett_duck @jr7720091 Man Bye....get off my page....Blocked
Dec 23Reply
renett_duck @jr7720091 I am reporting you for harrassment and talking like this on my page....I haven't done nothing to you, you mad because of something you read....That's just stupid
Dec 23Reply
alexisgreen893 welcome. you are very beautiful.
Dec 26Reply
fabianregio thankyouforfollowingme😘
Dec 29Reply
renett_duck @fabianregio You welcome handsome. Check out my closet...Lots of nice men ties
Dec 29Reply
fabianregio @renett_duck thank you, I'll check your closet 😉
Dec 29Reply
sanhale2002 Hey beautiful, thanks for following! 💙
Dec 29Reply
renett_duck @sanhale2002 Hey Handsome....You are very much welcome....Check out my closet I have lots of nice men ties
Dec 29Reply
sanhale2002 @renett_duck Ok, much love & I will
Dec 29Reply
hectorhex hello pretty lady thanks for adding me. Happy new year.. hope it goes really good for you here on your sales. see you around sweetie 😊
Jan 05Reply
mystyledit Hi there ...thanks for visiting my posh closet and sharing ur likes❤. Feel free to ask any questions u may have regarding merchandise that caught ur interest😊....put in an offer which i can consider or better yet start a bundle 👚👜👠with all ur likes and we can workout a reasonable offer for sure👍🏻. Meanwhile happy poshing🛍!!
Jan 14Reply
aizadhere Hi !!! you are very beautiful😍
Jan 15Reply
underdog7171 gorgeous lady
Jan 22Reply
renett_duck @underdog7171 Thanks so much. Check out my closet. I have lots of like New and some New men Dress ties. Tell a friend about my page. Thanks so much
Jan 22Reply
sjhaughty Hey, there! Thanks for the follow. I'm trying to clear out my closet ASAP, so make me an offer if you see anything you like. Happy Poshing! -SJ
Jan 30Reply
albertksyn Mahalo for the follow handsome 😜 sending you prosperous poshing vibes from Hawaii 🤙🏽
Feb 01Reply
eddie_charette i kno its poshmart but ur like my dream girl
Feb 10Reply
renett_duck @eddie_charette Hey Handsome....Check out my closet. I got a lot of like New and some are New men Dress ties.
Feb 11Reply
eddie_charette I know this isn't a date site but I'd love to get to know you is it possible...if not sorry to bother you.i had to try tho
Feb 20Reply
chutanchi282 hi there it's my pleasure to say hi to you
Mar 12Reply
johnsonbig458 thank you for the follow and check out my closet
Mar 13Reply
christibritt Thank you for following my closet!! I can’t wait to look at yours!! Please feel free to make me an offer on anything you like, plus I offer discounts for bundling. Hope you’re loving Poshmark as much as I do. Have a wonderful day!!! ❤️
Mar 14Reply
christibritt Thank you for following my closet!! I can’t wait to look at yours!! Please feel free to make me an offer on anything you like, plus I offer discounts for bundling. Hope you’re loving Poshmark as much as I do. Have a wonderful day!!! ❤️
Mar 14Reply
duanedjxplicit Hey there! Just wanted to tell ya your absolutely Beautiful! 💜 I just shared ur closet with my followers. hope it helps ya out some!
Mar 15Reply
renett_duck @duanedjxplicit Thank you so much....Did you Check out my men Dress ties? I have lots of nice men ties
Mar 15Reply
duanedjxplicit @renett_duck Yeah and they're really nice! only problem is I have nothing to wear one too. No Lady to take out and my job is a Mechanical Technician. I work on fix/repair The presses that make tires. so all the ties I have sit in my closet and in a bag cause they never get used. Come to S. IL sometime, then, I'd have a reason to wear one. lol JK. There's a nice restaurant here I'd love to take someone too but ppl around here are lame n don't wanna dress up to go like I like to.
Mar 15Reply
renett_duck @duanedjxplicit No way you can make me believe that you don't have a lady....You are wayyyyy to handsome to not have anyone special in your life
Mar 15Reply
duanedjxplicit @renett_duck Lol, thanks! But, yep! More single than a 1$ bill! 😂 when u have a big heart, girls are very good at appearing to be sweethearts to get what they want and in my area it seems to be all they want is ur money and what u can get them. When women hear ur a Mechanical Technician at Continental Tire around here all they see is 💰💰💰! 😂 Jus looking for that special someone and hopefully one day I'll find her. maybe...
Mar 15Reply
renett_duck @duanedjxplicit I am in IL about 2 a year. I will let you know when I am there again and maybe we can do lunch
Mar 15Reply
duanedjxplicit @renett_duck I'm in Southern IL by Mt. Vernon. and yeah for sure I'd like that! I'll have to get a tie to take ya out then ☺️ what part are u in? look at my profile and shoot me an email real quick and we can chat there instead of publicly on here. my email is on there.
Mar 15Reply
sawchops Welcome!!! Make that loot my friend💵💰💵💰💵💰💰💵💰💵💰💵💰💵💰💵💰💵💰💵💰💵💰💵
Mar 15Reply
duanedjxplicit @renett_duck Hope u had a wonderful day! Deff a long one over here and I have to stay up late to get used to this 3rd shift that starts this weekend. fun fun!
Mar 16Reply
jimmystrickl475 your hot ma.
Mar 30Reply
basementfashion 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹
Mar 30Reply
cgerald584 u look amazing! have a good night
Apr 08Reply
garyred23 You’re gorgeous Rennet
Apr 10Reply
jxssixan15 Hey there gorgeous! I just wanted to stop by and say hi. I am a new Posher and if you get a chance I would love it if you could come by and check out my closet. I have lots of barely worn clothes and I am flexible with prices because I want them all gone. So come take a look and leave me a comment if there’s something you like! Xoxo Jessica<3.
Apr 13Reply
kweasel Hey girl, thanks for the follow! I also own my own skincare business. If your interested I can send you my page to look at ☺️
Apr 29Reply
redeemedone9 Are you in California?
May 03Reply
resalemonkey Hi Renett 👋 Thank you for following ResaleMonkey 🙉 🍌 I’m new to Poshmark 🌟 💫 and I’m so excited to learn about this platform 👽 Because I’m new here, I tried to list my items on a huge discount 🍌 🙊 if you haven’t checked out my page yet I’d highly recommend doing it If you have any questions, offers or anything you want to ask please don’t hesitate 🥰🥰
May 08Reply
aarinsimon What’s your instagram ?
May 12Reply
123morningstar Thank you for following my closet. I provide 20% off when you bundle three or more items from my closet. Please feel free to make offers on all my listings. I ship fast, daily. All my listings are stored in excellent condition for fast, easy transactions and come from a smoke/pet free environment. Please feel free to message me with any questions you may have. Enjoy, wishing you have lots of fun as I have a large selection to choose from. Again, thank you and welcome to my closet!
May 25Reply
emmanuelsimmons I love your page what other items you have
May 29Reply
renett_duck @emmanuelsimmons Thank You....Did you see all the men dress ties I have? They are new and like new Condition. Check them out
May 29Reply
emmanuelsimmons @renett_duck ok great. I love your profile pic. Extremely beautiful
May 29Reply
aikenouye Welcome to Poshmark!! Best of luck on your poshing endeavours 😘😘
Jun 04Reply
nickrocks711 Hey check out mine, Thankyou for the follow !
Jun 15Reply
michael00113 Hi there, um i just wanted to say that you're hella frikkin cute! 😊
Jun 16Reply
hijabiessential Hi Renett!
Jun 23Reply
ghill36 Thanks for the follow. You Poshers are so positive to be around. Appreciate the support.
Jun 25Reply
renett_duck @girlygirlh Yes I will send out first thing in the morning....Thanks so much. Happy Poshing 💕💕💕
Jul 10Reply
renett_duck @girlygirlh You do the same
Jul 10Reply
noonysr greetings, download noony Nasiha ebook on
Jul 26Reply
s_i_designs 🙌 stunning!
Aug 23Reply
jayyrallo @renett_duck lol tell him then
Aug 24Reply
candy258 Hi 🙋🏽‍♀️Happy Poshing‼️🛍
Sep 07Reply
cutehosiery @renett_duck Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Sep 18Reply
ldionne1974 Thanks for Following Renett happy poshing 😊
Sep 24Reply
josephheffron Hi you should add me on another platform @joe_heff7
Sep 30Reply
bobbyd464 Hello there renett_duck, thank you so much for following me.
Oct 14Reply
elliottc1963 Hello, just a note I think you got your labels mixed up. I ordered dnky shirt but received boots. I alerted poshmark to get a return label.
Nov 10Reply
renett_duck @elliottc1963 OH no....I am so sorry about that....Yes I got my labels mixed up. I will ship to you as soon as I get it straight. again I am so sorry
Nov 10Reply
elliottc1963 @renett_duck no worries, I've done the same thing
Nov 11Reply
renett_duck @elliottc1963 I don't feel bad now. I thought I was the only one
Nov 11Reply
elliottc1963 Thanks for visiting my closet and liking the grinch socks. These are a BUNDLE ONLY 2or more items. I have a wide variety of items to view. Make a bundle and save. Happy Holidays 🌲
Nov 15Reply
elliottc1963 OK they sent return label, I will mail tomorrow (thursday)
Nov 17Reply
fashionisto2 My goodness you are beautiful ..
Dec 03Reply
jaredguardia0 Appreciate the follow, happy listing cutie
Dec 27Reply
happyday111960 Hi there and thank you for the "follow"! As a Posh Ambassador I have a little wiggle room on a lot of things so feel free to make any offer. Take a look and see if there’s anything you like. Hopefully you’ll find something you love. Have a “Poshing” kind of day! L.
Jan 08Reply
abro6043 Nice closet
Feb 17Reply
searching4glass Saw your sweatshirt while I was sharing several of your listings. Nice of you to notice the 'Like' and make an offer...Wish you had noticed the 'Shares' :(
Mar 02Reply
officialgear23 thanks for following me please feel free to check out my closet.. sincerely official gear 23
Mar 23Reply
rickycashonly Let’s Posh!!
Apr 22Reply
wideglide70 Damn girl you’re definitely beautiful 😘❤️‍🔥😍💋🥵
May 06Reply
abro6043 Hey how you doing. Nice swag. Lets touch base. I'm in the Chi
Sep 20Reply
le_stage Hi! Just wanted to say thank you so much for your warm welcome! Look forward to poshing with you! 🌺 MelissaL
Nov 03Reply
michael_ted Good evening! Beautiful photo!
Nov 21Reply
jewelsbysara Hi lovely 🥰 I would love for you to stop by my closet for amazing new year deals! Bundle up and save more🎉🎉 Happy Poshing❤️
Jan 16Reply
det2972 Did u like anything? Maybe work together to get u a great deal of
Feb 29Reply
sandyallison957 Thanks for checking out my closet
Mar 29Reply
gojcajentllc I would love for you to check out my closet!
Apr 06Reply
codywallick Thanks for the follow l, beautiful! 😉
May 06Reply
codywallick @renett_duck sorry for the typo. Didn’t mean to put the “I” in there because I meant to just say “ thank you for the follow, beautiful!”
May 06Reply
internetlaunch Hey you are incredibly attractive
Jan 29Reply
dylantcuevas92 hi there this Dylan cuevas you are following me
Feb 09Reply
jiben122 Thanks for sharing so much of my closet!
Feb 19Reply
rgfashionista Hi. Thank you for liking my DKNY Jacket. I tried to make a private offer for 20 percent off or $32.00. The offer would not go thru. If you are interested in the offer, let me know. I will reduce the price for you. Thank you for your interest in my closet. -
Mar 08Reply
poeticwriter11 I got 2 coach tote $185 a piece I drop price $185 takes them
Mar 13Reply

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Last Active: 4 hours ago

Dallas, TX
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Last Active: 4 hours ago

Dallas, TX
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