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luvkitty As some of you know, I’ve been dealing with some pretty bad depression and anxiety. I’m already a sensitive person, always have been, but for many different reasons, I’m extremely easily triggered by things I read, see or hear. Even when my mind gets over it, due to the way my chronic pain affects my various systems, it takes a long time for my body to not feel the effects of these triggers.
Dec 07Reply
luvkitty PART TWO: I do my best to hide my depression and anxiety from most people, both to protect them and because it’s just not a fun thing to talk about. Speaking of talking, for over a month now, I’ve been dealing with a severe flare-up of my TMD/TMJ which means I’m supposed to do little to no talking.
Dec 07Reply
luvkitty PART THREE: When you’ve been socially isolated for nine months to protect yourself and your loved-ones from a deadly pandemic that can cause long-term health consequences and talking was a way to connect, well, let’s just say it’s been a really difficult time, as it has for so many of us. Anyway, I was not looking forward to my birthday this year because I would be alone and missing celebrating with my family and friends.
Dec 07Reply
luvkitty PART FOUR: Well, I just wanted to first thank my mom and dad and then my other family members and friends who made the day extra special. It started at midnight when Cookie (my sister, for those who don’t know) stayed up until midnight to be the first person to text me a happy birthday message. That was followed by a texting chat at 7-something in the morning from my best friend in the whole wide world.
Dec 07Reply
luvkitty PART FIVE: At 9AM, I received the photos above of my Mom, Dad, and me with the following message, “Good Morning ,🎂BIRTHDAY GIRL🎂, Fifty one years ago at this time in the morning, Dad and I were crammed into the pay phone booth in the waiting room of the maternity ward at County Hospital in Detroit. We were letting Grandma and Grandpa and Nana and Papa, back in California, know that you were definitely on your way!!
Dec 07Reply
luvkitty PART SIX: I was allowed to walk around in the waiting room with Dad, and in between labor pains, we would correct Dad’s papers. In another hour or so, as the pains started to come closer together and intensify, I was popped into bed to await your arrival. We remember hearing ‘Michele, My Belle’ on the car radio, while driving thru the light falling snow at about five that morning, but your name had been chosen months before, even though we didn’t know if we were having a girl or boy.
Dec 07Reply
luvkitty PART SEVEN: AND NO, YOUR NAME WAS NOT CHOSEN BECAUSE OF THE SONG, but to honor Dad’s Grandpa Morris. You were a beautiful baby, with the best disposition ever!!! You have brightened our lives, every day since then. We love you with all of our hearts, MOM & DAD”
Dec 07Reply
luvkitty PART EIGHT: The whole day, I was flooded with the kindest and sweetest voicemails, texts, emails, Facebook messages, Poshmark messages, birthday cards, a surprise cookie delivery, and homemade noodle kugel by Mom & homemade apple pie by Dad (soft enough to chew with my jaw pain) delivered to my apartment. Then, I got to “SEE” Mom, Dad, Amanda, Cameron, Ellen, Ricky, Cookie, and Bryan on Zoom where they all sang to me!
Dec 07Reply
luvkitty PART NINE: After some chatting, where I did my best, not too successfully, to not talk too much. Then we finished up with a game that Mom created. We all wrote, “Detroit, Michigan” at the top of a piece of paper (that’s where I was born), and then we had three minutes to come up with as many words from those letters as we could for cash prizes! It was really fun!
Dec 07Reply
luvkitty PART TEN: The birthday night ended with the most beautiful message on Facebook and some pictures from my amazing niece, Amanda! “Before the day is over I want to wish the happiest of birthdays to my auntie Michele Rice!! I hope I grow to half the woman she is! I wish we could be together on your birthday, but I know when all this craziness clears we’ll all be together again! Love and miss you; a thousand happy birthdays to you!”
Dec 07Reply
luvkitty PART ELEVEN: In conclusion, I have to say that I’m truly blessed. For all the reasons I have to be depressed, many of which were not mentioned here, I have many more reasons to be grateful! So, for all the friends, family, and acquaintances that reached out yesterday, from the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU!! You made a day that could’ve been kind of sad, extra special instead. Therefore, I felt extra special!
Dec 07Reply
luvkitty PART TWELVE: Just as my birthday was very different this year, the holidays will be different for most of us, too. So, my advice is to remember that different doesn’t have to be bad. In my mind, the best gift I can give my loved-ones is to keep them safe and healthy and not put them at risk for Covid just because I desperately want to be with them and hug them.
Dec 07Reply
luvkitty PART THIRTEEN: I remind myself that I’m giving up one year of being together to celebrate in order to have more years together in the future. With some creativity, the holidays can still be special. Love & Hugs, Michele
Dec 07Reply
loridgiam @luvkitty Wow Michele what a beautiful message and the fact you’ve allowed us to understand what you’re going through emotionally and physically took a lot of courage. Too many people are afraid to admit they don’t feel well. It’s my prayer your TMJ issue leaves you and some of the other health challenges you have as well! I’m so glad you had a wonderful birthday full of surprises because YOU ARE SPECIAL! ❤️
Dec 07Reply
karensecor @luvkitty I know first hand what depression feels like and how alone you feel when you are depressed. As I told you before, please, please contact me and we can chat about it. It is an isolating feeling that you feel noone gets it. I know and I also know with help, you can get to the other side of this. I hurt because you are hurting and I am going to start reaching more out to you. You are NOT alone. Much love!!❤❤❤
Dec 08Reply
frenchfri06 @luvkitty I seriously teared up reading ‘all of your parts’. (Sorry I was trying to make a funny...🤣🤪😁❤️❤️). That is a lot to put out there and honestly with you so strong enough to put it all out there you are helpin others while they read all of that. We are ALL in this quarantine situation together. Some havin to do more than others. And some are struggling with this more than others too. And you my friend ARE a STRONG AND BEAUTIFUL LADY.
Dec 08Reply
frenchfri06 @luvkitty and you are right about giving up this one year inorder to have many more years to come. Much love to you PFF. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁
Dec 08Reply
lenoregarnhum @luvkitty (Wiping the tears) Michele, you are a sweetheart & I’m glad that people went out of their way to make you feel special l! You deserve it! I’m so glad that we’ve met & became friends! Sending hugs & positive vibes your way! ♥️😊🥰😘
Dec 08Reply
mvanderlip1 @luvkitty 💖 gosh this just absolutely touched my heart and soul. I teared up reading it. So thankful your birthday turned out to be more than you could imagine. You certainly deserve it and are loved by so many people. You are such an amazing person. I truly feel so blessed our paths crossed. Sending lots of love and hugs your way🥰❤️🥳❤️🤗
Dec 08Reply
bluecoastmarket Wow, I happened across this touching note as I was sharing your closet. What an incredible human being you are and stronger than you know. I’m very happy that you are in the world and is an inspiration. even though you have had to protect yourself these months, you are not alone with that much love being poured on you from family and friends. Wishing you an amazing and healthy year ahead. Continue to stay safe.
Dec 08Reply
grace4d @luvkitty beautiful! I am so glad you shared this. Happy birthday to you beautiful soul!🎉💃🏼🎉💃🏼if u ever need to text/talk lmk I are in similar situation. Not exact but I feel you! Love & hugs! 🌻🌻🌻Dee
Dec 10Reply
bell1971 @luvkitty Wow. Tears came to my eyes. I know the feeling all to well. I appreciate you sharing your story. I send you love and many prayers ♥️🙏🏼♥️. Bless you xo
Dec 11Reply
faithoverfear07 @luvkitty Wow tears flowing here 😭. Thank you for sharing I hope your TMJ gets better and your other health problems. I suffer from depression also but my sons is bad mines mild compared to yours and his. I’ll be praying for you and please pray for my son to he’s not doing good with his depression atm. Many blessings I hope you and your family Merry Christmas 🙏🏻😘
Dec 12Reply
sinsofcyn 💪 Thanx for Sharing your Weakness, it proves you’re STRONGER than You Realize......Numerous times thrown into bouts of Depression, that felt like they’d never end. Prayers from Family & Friends & time spent w/GOD are Much More helpful than any pills 💊, ATLEAST in my case 🌲🌲🦌 FRESH AIRE WALKS too 🙏 Wishing you Safe, Sane🥴& Health
Dec 13Reply
painteddesert Oh I just love this old photo (I love looking at old family pictures!)- your dad looks so handsome. Mental health is such a hurdle right now...this time of year on top of 2020 and then all you have been through. You’re not alone in the struggle. But it can get better ❤️ Happy Hanukkah and Merry Christmas! 🎄❄️🕎✡️
Dec 14Reply
frock_n_fashion Wishing you a year filled with love and happiness.
Dec 14Reply
hulagirls14 @luvkitty Happy Belated Birthday.❤ Huge hug sent your way today and always.🌺 I've been off Posh for A few months. I'm here for you. You are the sweetest.❤ Merry Christmas and Happy New year. Love your pictures.🌺
Dec 18Reply
myfurryfamily Not to sound repetitive but I teared up also while reading your comments. You are so thoughtful & brave to protect your loved ones and to write about your experience and feelings. I miss hugs with family and friends too. Hang in there Michele. You're a beautiful woman doing great things. Wish I could've shared that Kugel 💕
Dec 20Reply
preppyshoppe_4u @luvkitty 🎄Good morning Michele❣Thank you for sharing this, very touching 😘❣ Wishing you many blessings 🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️ and sales from your beautiful closet❣Have a very Merry Christmas and may 2021 be a magical 🎉 Happy New Year 🎉 for you😉❣ See you when I return from vacay❣🎄 ~ Kat ❤☃️🧣🎁
Dec 22Reply
luluslatenight Michele, what a great & beautiful expression of your feelings. I too suffer from mental illness & the holidays are really hard since my husband died a few years ago.I’ll be thinking about you & please reach out to me anytime. That’s a beautiful picture of the three of you. Thanks for complementing my family. I love those kids so much, being a grandmother is the best. You can tell it was just too difficult to pick one picture.
Dec 23Reply
luluslatenight Part 2 Please remember that there are many people here who care for you. Happy belated birthday! I’m sending you positive vibes hoping you’ll find joy this holiday season.
Dec 23Reply
soartsy @luvkitty Hi, Happy late Birthday! Very courageous of you to share... but brings you compassion and encouragement! Praying for you... God is close to the broken hearted. Yes, a difficult year, but it helps when we focus more on our blessings than our hardships. May many blessings come your way... God has a plan. :)
Dec 27Reply
smileyjo2 @luvkitty Michele, I'm late to your party but I wanted you to know that this post was absolutely beautiful. Your message of hope and love brought tears to my eyes. I appreciate you sharing your story and reminding me to be aware and grateful for my blessings even when the can'ts try to overwhelm me. Wishing you peace in 2021!~Susan
Dec 30Reply

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