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Updated 10 mins ago
Updated 10 mins ago

Meet your posher! Caroline




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Hello! I am Caroline I live in Texas with my wonderful husband Mike, I love all things vintage with history, I have a passion for decorating, some of my hobbies are Gardening, painting, wood working and cooking. My very favorite people in the whole wide world call me Nana!!! I try to add new items every day! I have very eclectic taste! from Frida Kahlo to the queen of England! and everything in between! enjoy! and most of all have FUN!!! and Thank you for stopping by!
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onegirlforever Hey Caroline!
Jan 05Reply
ebmcdermo Hi - your page is updated ! 2021 post Christmas style?? Thanks for the nice words and for all the shares - you are amazing!!!!!
Jan 07Reply
caroline_mroz @ebmcdermo you are so welcome! And thank you!! Yes I did update, I accidentally deleted my meet the posher 🙄 bit a a bummer I had so many people following, but oh well upward and onward!
Jan 07Reply
hyflex @caroline_mroz Good afternoon sweetness! Thank you for sharing!!🙏💕 I will most definitely return the favor!😉🛍👭😘
Jan 10Reply
caroline_mroz @marsgems thanks any friend of Laurens is a friend of mine!!! thank you
Jan 10Reply
hyflex @caroline_mroz ☺☺☺☺☺☺ aw☺☺☺☺ you are so heartful! I will share you on a weekly basis darling!😘🛍🛍🛍🛍🛍🛍🛍😘👭
Jan 10Reply
caroline_mroz @marsgems my grandson says sharing is caring!!!! thank you I will too!
Jan 10Reply
hyflex @caroline_mroz that's adorable! A little one with with a big heart❤ it's so nice to connect with new people and to make such a nice mutual friendship of support and love!!🙏👭🙏 I treasure every little tiny thing there is in this world not that I didn't before the covid-19, but I do more so now than ever!
Jan 10Reply
caroline_mroz @marsgems yes I soooooo agree!!!!!
Jan 10Reply
hyflex @caroline_mroz 😁💕.... I have never used the word hope and hopeful so much in my life in the last 6 months!🤦😷❌
Jan 10Reply
caroline_mroz @marsgems I sure know what you mean!!!
Jan 10Reply
melaniegreycat OMGosh, look at all that snow!?!?!
Jan 10Reply
caroline_mroz @melaniegreycat Crazy!!!! we are just like what??? this is Texas!!!
Jan 10Reply
melaniegreycat @caroline_mroz I know the feeling...we had 4" on October 27th and we're 30 minutes from the border!
Jan 10Reply
melaniegreycat @caroline_mroz OK, I think I just uploaded a pic for you!
Jan 10Reply
loveprelovedco Beautiful Ma’am Carolina ❤️
Jan 10Reply
caroline_mroz @loveprelovedco oh man its crazy snowing now!!!!!
Jan 10Reply
loveprelovedco @caroline_mroz yah .. saw ur update profile photos with hubby n snow .. slight here Texas too ❄️🍾❄️🍾
Jan 10Reply
bagbeautician So beautiful!!
Jan 11Reply
bagbeautician especially that adorable couple in the pictures! 😘🥰😍🤗🍹❤🎊🎉💃🌠
Jan 11Reply
caroline_mroz @tinkertowntreas you are too sweet!!!!!!!
Jan 11Reply
bagbeautician @caroline_mroz 😘😘🥰🥰😍😍💃💃
Jan 11Reply
caroline_mroz @tinkertowntreas 😊😊🤗🤗🥰🥰😘🥰😍
Jan 11Reply
bagbeautician @caroline_mroz hubby made homemade white pizza for dinner, omg over eating 😂😂😂🤣
Jan 11Reply
bagbeautician @caroline_mroz and of course he and I are both working at dinner, rofl 😂🤣💃🍹🥳
Jan 11Reply
caroline_mroz @feeneysfinest you are so welcome! I love peeking into your closet!! 🙏🏻❤️ and thank you
Jan 12Reply
ebmcdermo I didn’t realize Poshmark was going public!! Big leagues now. May we all benefit 🥰
Jan 14Reply
caroline_mroz @ebmcdermo Yes!!! I got an email from PM a while back about it!!! YES I hope we all do!!! Hope you are having a nice calm and quiet break!!
Jan 14Reply
ebmcdermo @caroline_mroz hmm I missed that email. Wasn’t paying enough attention !! Yes a little break but I’m back !!!
Jan 15Reply
vintage_country @caroline_mroz, Hi there, Caroline! You have a lovely closet! I enjoyed browsing through, we share the same love of vintage stuff and England. Happy Poshing! ~Kim
Jan 16Reply
repopmarket Hi! Thanks so much for visiting my closet and sharing my items. As I look through your closet, I think I found a kindred soul. I really love all those teddy bears!
Jan 17Reply
caroline_mroz @repopmarket thank you so much! Teddy people just know! love your closet and so thankful that @melaniegreycat hooked us up!
Jan 17Reply
caroline_mroz @repopmarket I have so many more!!!
Jan 17Reply
repopmarket @caroline_mroz When I was a little girl, I didn’t have any baby dolls, they scared me a little. I had teddy bears. And one point I had over 100 stuffed bears. Good times!
Jan 17Reply
caroline_mroz @repopmarket oh my gosh me too! still have over a 100!
Jan 17Reply
repopmarket @caroline_mroz 🐻🐼🐻‍❄️🐨❤️❤️❤️🐻😃
Jan 17Reply
rosell15 If you’re really interested in the item, please make reasonable offer, Ciao!
Jan 17Reply
onegirlforever 👍😘👏👏👏👏👏
Jan 18Reply
caroline_mroz @onegirlforever you are too sweet!!!
Jan 18Reply
ebmcdermo Your mantel looks fantastic!!!! Thanks you for letting me know that the Blackpool tin was an inspiration! You and Melanie are very talented decorators. I am in awe of your talents!!!! xoxo
Jan 18Reply
caroline_mroz @ebmcdermo aw thanks so much!!
Jan 18Reply
lisa_catlin I LOVE LOVE LOVE your closet!
Jan 19Reply
caroline_mroz @lisa_catlin thank you!!! Appreciate that so much!
Jan 19Reply
lexcha99 I love you closet!!
Jan 19Reply
caroline_mroz @lexcha99 thanks!!!! I try to put new items on every couple of days!
Jan 19Reply
ebmcdermo Hi - just noticed the books tied up with the old key. So pretty! I have a question - posh sends little messages all day long. They display only for seconds and then they are gone. Do you know where the come from? A place to look them up? I’d love to write them down 💕 thanks 🙏🏻
Jan 21Reply
caroline_mroz @ebmcdermo thanks!! When I first started poshing I got so many messages, I’m not sure which messages you get, but I went to my posh settings and turned off most of them. I hope that helps, you might start there 😊
Jan 21Reply
ebmcdermo Good morning early bird!!! How are you? Thanks for the shares!! I see you are an Ambassador! Thanks to your help I am too 💕
Jan 21Reply
caroline_mroz @ebmcdermo thanks! yes am up very early for me! I am good thanks, and you?
Jan 21Reply
caroline_mroz @ebmcdermo P.s Melanie added pics to her Christmas display!
Jan 21Reply
ebmcdermo @caroline_mroz great! I’ll check on Melanie - thanks!
Jan 21Reply
melaniegreycat @ebmcdermo Thanks Elizabeth! You 2 gals are hard to keep up with! 😘
Jan 21Reply
melaniegreycat Love your new decor pix Caroline. You are so clever!!
Jan 21Reply
caroline_mroz @melaniegreycat thank you! I LOVE to decorate!
Jan 21Reply
caroline_mroz @melaniegreycat and you know us Texans always go BIG!
Jan 21Reply
melaniegreycat @caroline_mroz That's an understatement 🤠😸
Jan 21Reply
ebmcdermo @caroline_mroz @melaniegreycat Hi ladies - I've been followed today by what looks like hackers or spammers. Names are just a bunch of letters and their posh start is Jan 2021. Can't imagine what they will do but I blocked the two that just popped upin my feed. Be careful out there ladies!
Jan 22Reply
caroline_mroz @ebmcdermo oh that's awful so sorry! how crazy!
Jan 22Reply
melaniegreycat @ebmcdermo @caroline_mroz That happened to me within the 1st 10 minutes of joining PM. It's weird. I think they want you to respond directly to them in hopes of eventually getting your email for a phish scam, but IDK. So yah, thanks for the APB and be careful out there!
Jan 22Reply
caroline_mroz @melaniegreycat yes! I think you are spot on!
Jan 22Reply
ebmcdermo @caroline_mroz @melaniegreycat I had a few of them too. this one just showed up as a follower tfyftfyuyuyuy77. But I discovered yesterday that you can read a lot of private comments in other people's closets so something I thought was out of the public eye is not at all. Don't share any key personal info :-( I did send the two accounts to support to look into.
Jan 22Reply
caroline_mroz @ebmcdermo yes that is good, yes if you want to have a private conversation put it in a bundle, that way no one else can see it !
Jan 22Reply
melaniegreycat @caroline_mroz @ebmcdermo Yes, good advice from Caroline! Twice, I have contacted PM about a difficulty or problem and was very disappointed in the lack of appropriate response. I hope you get a better response.
Jan 22Reply
appyluv2 Hi Caroline, I love your closet..I too love anything vintage. I like to shop at the vendor malls or little antique malls. Hope you are having a great day, and you stop by to see my closet too..
Jan 24Reply
caroline_mroz @appyluv2 thanks you so much! I am a collector at heart!!! Love the thrill of the hunt!! I will check your closet out!!! Have a great evening!
Jan 24Reply
appyluv2 yes I truly love animals! 😊 Aussies are very loyal and sweet..they like to be right with matter where you They love the farm life too..Can't wait for spring to ride my horse..😊
Jan 24Reply
caroline_mroz @appyluv2 sound wonderful!!
Jan 24Reply
ebmcdermo @caroline_mroz that is so sweet! I love that it belonged to the tooth fairy :-)
Jan 25Reply
lisa_catlin Thank you for all the shares!!!
Jan 28Reply
caroline_mroz @lisa_catlin you are welcome!! And thank you!!!!
Jan 28Reply
jcjones46 Thank you for visiting my closet. Whether you sell, or shop, I wish you much success, and fun. May you feel the Lord's presence near you always, comforting your heart, giving you strength during these difficult times, and bringing you and your family hope, health and happiness every day of the new year. Stay safe and God bless. 🌻🌞🌼
Jan 28Reply
caroline_mroz @jcjones46 Thank you so much! a very heart warming message! I wish the same for you too!
Jan 28Reply
trishaloa Hello!! I love your closet as well!! Looks like we have a lot of similar interests and much fun to browse through your things 🌸😃 we are expecting cicadas this year, maybe I should encase some of those in glass?!
Jan 28Reply
caroline_mroz @trishaloa Thanks! I agree similar taste for sure! that is hilarious!!! yes I wander around my house looking for items to sell, but now I may just be looking for insects!!! I have got frames!
Jan 28Reply
trishaloa @caroline_mroz Oh my goodness!!! 😁 that’s too funny because I will wander around my house and look for things to sell too 😂 !! My husband thinks I’m crazy, but it’s in a good way 😍 I’ve actually made a few projects out of bugs before, but only if I find them already dead 😜 (I mounted and dressed a praying mantis in a skirt with a flower crown and titled it Queen Bee ?!), keep in touch! It sounds as though we’d enjoy hobbies together if closer!!
Jan 28Reply
caroline_mroz @trishaloa oh yes!!!! I wish I could see a pic of that!!! My husband says don’t go into my closet!!! 🤣 you have got my mind working!!!! Hmmmm
Jan 28Reply
trishaloa @caroline_mroz oh keep me updated, seriously! My next project is dollhouse furniture 🤞 I always have some kind of project going! Keep me posted!! I have some great bug ideas myself... Let me know what you come up with ❤️
Jan 28Reply
caroline_mroz @trishaloa we were separated at birth!!! Oh I will and you do the same!!! Oh how I love doll house furniture!!!! Ooohhhhh great sounding project!!
Jan 28Reply
trishaloa @caroline_mroz your home is lovely and photos beautiful...does it snow in Texas?! It’s 16 degrees here today...🥶
Jan 29Reply
caroline_mroz @trishaloa yikes! Where are you?? I am in east Texas about 70 miles east of Dallas. About every other year it snows!
Jan 29Reply
caroline_mroz I see it NJ ! Cool
Jan 29Reply
caroline_mroz I just added a pic on my meet the posher! About spiders!
Jan 29Reply
trishaloa @caroline_mroz yes, northern NJ so mountains and bears, not ocean and sand...let’s keep in touch 😊
Jan 29Reply
doreenadecker Thank you for sharing,, home decor is amazing !!
Jan 29Reply
caroline_mroz @doreenadecker thank you! I appreciate that! I love decorating!!
Jan 29Reply
agronomicgal You have such a gift for decor! Love everything!
Jan 30Reply
vintagetrouble Caroline thanks for accepting my offer and sharing my closet! I love your sense of style. One day I aspire to curate the decor in my home as you have in yours.❤️
Jan 30Reply
caroline_mroz @vintagetrouble you are very welcome! and thank you! how sweet of you!
Jan 30Reply
onegirlforever I love Union Jack too OMG🙃
Jan 30Reply
caroline_mroz @onegirlforever you are so kind!!! I made that it’s supposed to be a rug, but after 11,700 pieces of yarn! I threaten anyone who dare walk on it! So it ended up on the ottoman ❤️ and thank you for always being a generous sharer!!!
Jan 30Reply
412_attire Thanks for being my 10K follower! 😄 happy poshing! 🥂 🎊 🎉
Jan 31Reply
caroline_mroz @jakefierle1 wow whoo hoo!!!!! congratulations!!! happy poshing to you too!!!
Jan 31Reply
ephemeraaz I love your closet! Kindred spirit, indeed!
Feb 01Reply
caroline_mroz @ephemeraaz thank you!!! Yours is really cool too! Love the red lamp! Really cool!
Feb 01Reply
jennyknox608 Hi Caroline! I'm Jenny, I love your page. I'm going vintage! I too am from Texas. I lived in Lindale. I was thinking about maybe getting involved in a PM vintage party. Do you know of any?
Feb 01Reply
caroline_mroz @jennyknox608 thank you Jenny! awesome Lindale is a hop skip and a jump from me! I have a friend there! I don't know of any but I like your thinking ! great idea, I will let you know if I find one! and let me know if you do!
Feb 01Reply
jennyknox608 I will get on the case! Maybe down the line I will start one. if you are so close to Lindale, the you probably know of Van, TX. I lived there and my sister lives in Garden Valley. But, she works in Lindale. I miss Texas! Everyone is so nice. I will keep in touch with you! Jenny
Feb 01Reply
caroline_mroz @jennyknox608 my kids went to van!
Feb 01Reply
jennyknox608 What! No way! When? I taught school at a small Christian school in Canton, so my boys went there. But, all their friends were in Van, so I eventually let them go to the middle school and High school!! How funny, how old are your kids?
Feb 01Reply
caroline_mroz @jennyknox608 daughter is 37 son 36
Feb 01Reply
jennyknox608 Mine are 30 and 33!
Feb 01Reply
lovinresale Super fab photos!
Feb 02Reply
caroline_mroz @lovinresale thanks you too!
Feb 02Reply
wagonblasy Great closet!
Feb 03Reply
caroline_mroz @wagonblasy you too!!! thank you!
Feb 03Reply
susieq345 i see lots of treasures in your closet also!
Feb 04Reply
caroline_mroz @susieq345 thanks! I have a vintage soul!
Feb 04Reply
whimsicalbeast That box is *amazing!!* thank you so much for making my small contribution feel so special ❤️
Feb 05Reply
caroline_mroz @whimsicalbeast you are so welcome! I love them!!
Feb 05Reply
wildbluemontana I love your photos and cool stuff!
Feb 06Reply
rebeccahayes606 your house is gorgeous... we have the same taste loli have the exact same cowhide rug☮️♥️😃
Feb 06Reply
caroline_mroz @rebeccahayes606 thanks!!! I love to decorate!!
Feb 06Reply
melaniegreycat WHOA! That is soooo clever, and pro-level artistic! Love your new head shot, too, so cute! You're a grandmother!?!?!? You look like someone I'd like to know in real life.😎
Feb 07Reply
caroline_mroz @melaniegreycat yes they call me Nana!!! aw thanks I feel the same think we would have a hoot!
Feb 07Reply
caroline_mroz @rebeccahayes606 thank you 🥰🥰❤️
Feb 07Reply
dianneclary Hi Caroline! Thank you for continuing to share my closet. I really do appreciate it!! I haven’t been as active on Poshmark lately because I’ve been busy painting greeting cards. The past three weeks I received orders for 65 cards and yesterday another 10 cards were ordered. If it slows down, I’ll try to list some in my closet!! Until then, if you would have an interest please email at Thanks again for sharing!!🥰
Feb 08Reply
caroline_mroz @dianneclary you are very welcome! I always like looking at your work! wow that is great! good for you! don't worry about sharing, some times I can't share either! you are rocking it!!!
Feb 08Reply
dianneclary @caroline_mroz Thank you! ❤️
Feb 08Reply
caroline_mroz @billrunion you are so welcome!!! I think you are right!! I think it was waiting for me too!!! My husbands name is Mroz he was from Mi. so no relation.
Feb 09Reply
caroline_mroz @billrunion I saw that!! thanks it's sooo cute! and thanks for your shares!!!
Feb 11Reply
ebmcdermo Good morning sunshine! Thanks for keeping my closet active xoxo!!!
Feb 12Reply
lisa_catlin Hi Caroline. Thank you for all the shares! Have a great day and weekend.
Feb 12Reply
caroline_mroz @feeneysfinest good luck! we are getting ready for crazy wintery weather here in Texas! have a great weekend Amy!
Feb 12Reply
caroline_mroz @billrunion you are very welcome! I agree ! I love Texas I was born in Houston, my Husband used to live in Dixon Tn. !! and thank you again!!
Feb 13Reply
tootzsweet I see that you sold the “bookend” and the Catmopolitan magazine. Congrats-and thanks for all the shares! 💞
Feb 14Reply
caroline_mroz @tootzsweet thanks! And thank you! Wishing you a happy Valentine’s Day and successful sales 😊
Feb 14Reply
wrforrest Love your warm cozy place.. Do you have a room for rent?
Feb 14Reply
caroline_mroz @wrforrest aw you are sweet! thank you and I love all your listings!
Feb 14Reply
larrykirk Happy Valentine Day💝.Thank You For Sharing!
Feb 14Reply
caroline_mroz @larrykirk to too!!! And thank you!💕
Feb 14Reply
trishaloa Hi Caroline!! Who is in the last picture in your post?? She has such flair ! 😍🌸
Feb 15Reply
caroline_mroz @trishaloa aw that is a pic of my mum she designed the silver belt buckles and some jewelry that I have had, she also designed clothes for rock and roll groups like journey, cheep trick, Jefferson starship, her jacket was worn by Marty balin on the cover of rolling stone! She had a lot of flair!!! I lost my mum 3 years ago😢
Feb 15Reply
trishaloa @caroline_mroz oh Caroline I’m soooo sooooo sorry for you loosing your mom!!!! 😕💔 She looks and sounds like SUCH an interesting AND TALENTED person... you’ve definitely inherited a lot of her traits!! ❤️❤️❤️ I feel like you and I have become friends, and I’m so sorry
Feb 15Reply
caroline_mroz @trishaloa aw that is so sweet of you and thank you, I feel the same! I bet we would have a hoot together!
Feb 15Reply
melaniegreycat Oh, just saw you added a pic of your mum! What beautiful lady. She just oozes creativity! It seems you got her genes in spades! It's coming up on 3 years without my mum, too. She visits me in my dreams, tho. I'm sure yours does too.
Feb 15Reply
caroline_mroz @melaniegreycat aw sweet friend you are so sweet and thank you! I bet your mum was pretty creative to have a daughter like you!!! We are too dang young to no have our mommies!!!
Feb 15Reply
melaniegreycat @caroline_mroz We'll never be old enough to be without them. 👩‍👧💕
Feb 16Reply
finnwendy Wow!! Your home is gorgeous!! Texas!! 🤔 It looks like a home up north!! Do you have power?? Stay safe!! Thanks for your most appreciated shares sweetie!! Wendy 🤗💐🇫🇮🙏👌
Feb 16Reply
caroline_mroz @finnwendy thank you Wendy!!! We still have power🤞🏻 but another storm is heading right at us! And I fear we will loose power! 🥶 crazy for Texas! I feel like I’m in Alaska! And thank you too! I appreciate it so much!
Feb 16Reply
finnwendy Its crazy!! My daughter is in Nashville and its bad there , it has missed us thus far here in Knoxville Tennessee!! Love your closet!! Its fun to share and look at all of your cool things. Stay warm and keep your fireplace going!! It is freezing here but no snow yet. Wendy 🥶😱🍷❄⛈☃️⛄🌡
Feb 16Reply
caroline_mroz @finnwendy 🥰👍👍❤️💕☺️🙏🏻
Feb 16Reply
caroline_mroz @feeneysfinest it just finished snowing again! I think it's the last of the snow, thanks Amy for checking in! we holding on ! TEXAS STRONG!
Feb 17Reply
melaniegreycat You OK? Texas looks awful on the news. Hope you've got heat and water!
Feb 18Reply
caroline_mroz @melaniegreycat oh Melanie! Thank you ! We do ! We lost hot water but got it back🙏🏻my daughter is close to Austin and has been on rolling black outs! We have been blessed! Everyone we know has lost water or power or both! Our post office is closed along with everything else 🥶
Feb 18Reply
caroline_mroz @melaniegreycat we have a fire place! Saving us!
Feb 18Reply
melaniegreycat @caroline_mroz looks like you're in far enough east Texas so that at least you don't have to deal with the major Texas utilities nightmares. Austin is in deep kimchi! Thinking about moving to Hill Country, consider a private well, dual gas capacity (natural & propane) and a generator in your plans!
Feb 18Reply
caroline_mroz @melaniegreycat yes my daughter has all that! Still they are in a nightmare 😭 we live on a hill with 28 other homes! Everyone else we know has no power even down the road! We have been very lucky!we still are stranded up here, but doing ok, it’s cold even with a fire going! Ready for tornado season 😂
Feb 18Reply
melaniegreycat @caroline_mroz Maybe you should consider a 2nd/escape home in New Mexico... 😉
Feb 18Reply
caroline_mroz @melaniegreycat 😀my husband says Hawaii!
Feb 18Reply
caroline_mroz @melaniegreycat I like your thinking 🤨
Feb 18Reply
melaniegreycat @caroline_mroz after Texas, you might get island fever in Hawaii 😎
Feb 18Reply
mazyodc Hi, I’m Marianne Cummins, a Poshmark Ambassador. Some of you are long time poshers and some are new. I will do my best to assist you if you are new to Poshmark and have any questions about buying or selling. If you’ve been selling for some time I might ask you for some tips. 😄I hope you’ll visit my closet. I have a number of unique items and many vintage items. If you find anything that interests you please let me know and I’ll be happy to offer you a discount.
Feb 18Reply
hyflex Ugh!!🤣🤣🤦 you changed your first cover pic and I went to go find you in my likes and I thought oh my God I lost you🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😶👭
Feb 19Reply
caroline_mroz @marsgems hahahaha that is so funny!!! Thank you so much for your generous shares!!!
Feb 19Reply
hyflex @caroline_mroz I went through my like/friend list three times and I'm like wtf is she?????🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣💤💤💤💤💤🤷 love that i met you!! everyday!!! ALWAYS!! my beautiful share friend but so much more!!! 🙌👭❤
Feb 19Reply
caroline_mroz @marsgems 🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂👍👍😊👏👏👏👏you are so sweet!!! Thank you!!! And me too!!
Feb 19Reply
janfast Hi Caroline! Thanks for following my closet and sharing my listings! 🌸
Feb 20Reply
caroline_mroz @janfast you are welcome! and thank you too! :))
Feb 20Reply
menageatrice AWESOME closet, Caroline! I was fascinated! I'll be back --
Feb 20Reply
caroline_mroz @jonun thanks Jack!!
Feb 20Reply
dianneclary Hi Caroline! How are you weathering the terrible ice/snow? I hope you didn’t lose power. 🥶❄️💡🔌
Feb 21Reply
caroline_mroz @dianneclary we are thawing out !!! Yippee 🙌🏻 and thank you finally warning up!
Feb 21Reply
dianneclary @caroline_mroz Good news!! ❤️
Feb 21Reply
boromaca Hi Carolyn! Thank you for stopping by my closet and sharing! I returned the “favor” of sharing something of yours! Take care! Bobbi 😊
Feb 23Reply
caroline_mroz @boromaca thank you much!
Feb 23Reply
t6363b BUNDLE ANY 5 ITEMS FOR $25 Items must be listed $40 or less;)) ACCEPTING ALL OFFERS Thank you for your interest:)))
Feb 23Reply
vayl65 Beautiful closet! 🤩
Feb 26Reply
caroline_mroz @vayl65 thank you very much!
Feb 26Reply
onegirlforever Wouldn’t ya just know, I’m part Irish, no wonder you like me so much! 😆
Feb 26Reply
caroline_mroz @onegirlforever you are the best! thank you for your generous support!!!!
Feb 26Reply
onegirlforever @caroline_mroz 💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋🍗
Feb 26Reply
ebmcdermo Looks like St. Patrick's Day is on the way!!!! You are amazing with your decorating :-)
Feb 27Reply
caroline_mroz @ebmcdermo aw thanks friend! 🍀
Feb 27Reply
closet4crystals ✨ thanks for the follow!! 💖 i hope you’re enjoying the new year & hope you’re enjoying your time on poshmark as well!!!!!! ✨ ✨ wishing you health, happiness, & as always happy poshing!! ✨
Feb 27Reply
caroline_mroz @closet4crystals aw you are so sweet!!💕🥰thank you so much! And ditto!
Feb 27Reply
caroline_mroz @jeremyc1983 ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Feb 27Reply
janeann3797 Caroline! You are exactly as I pictured you would be!😍 I do love your closet, and hope the weather is behaving itself?
Feb 27Reply
caroline_mroz @janeann3797 aw you are too sweet! thank you so much! weather is muggy today! with a chance of severe storms!!! dang Texas weather! :))
Feb 27Reply
jeremyc1983 Thank you! 😁
Feb 28Reply
stellasparkle Your house is GORGEOUS!
Feb 28Reply
caroline_mroz @stellasparkle thank you!!!! and thanks for your most generous shares!! :)))
Feb 28Reply
ebmcdermo Hello there! Just heard Texas is eliminating the mask mandate. Please be careful. Good friends recently came down with the virus and are so very sick. xoxo
Mar 03Reply
caroline_mroz @ebmcdermo Thank you!! yes we really are!
Mar 03Reply
bytheseaside114 If you see anything please make me an offer
Mar 03Reply
lbt1207 @caroline_mroz hi! Please be sure to check out my closet, open to offers! For instance, I’d take a $16 offer for my lucky brand booties! Fast shipping 🥰🥰
Mar 04Reply
caroline_mroz @lbt1207 will do thank you!
Mar 04Reply
ebmcdermo @caroline_mroz @melaniegreycat Hello ladies! Caroline, sorry to disturb your vacay! Just wondered what you might think - I have two items stuck at the post office in two separate states due to buyers not being available. One individual knew they wouldn't be home and purchased item anyway. The other is a mystery - post office posted Delivery Attempt: Action Needed. Do you think an additional fee should be charged if item is undeliverable after a certain number of days? Support is aware.
Mar 05Reply
melaniegreycat @ebmcdermo hmmmm....thats a new one to me. I have no idea how that should be handled. let me think on that and get back to you tomorrow. maybe Caroline has some experience here?
Mar 05Reply
hyflex Vacation?!😄 have a good time off hun!! wanna still share sweets?!
Mar 05Reply
caroline_mroz @ebmcdermo good morning! I would not worry about the one package that the person is unavailable, PM will pay you after 3 days if they don’t except. I did have one time the PO was in able to deliver but they kept trying and finally it did get delivered, come to find out it was due to the person being snowed in. I hope this helps😊
Mar 05Reply
ebmcdermo @caroline_mroz GM- well that is the problem. When the customer puts all their mail on hold, the item stays in "shipped" status and the three day rule doesn't count. So I'm at 7 days now and Posh said to let them know today if item wasn't delivered. Not sure why someone would make a purchase when they know they're not going to collect it for possibly weeks. It isn't much money but it is inconsiderate. Can you tell I didn't take my 2 day vacay this week? LOL
Mar 05Reply
caroline_mroz @ebmcdermo lol! Well that really is just plain inconsiderate! You will like this, I am making my grand babies boiled eggs and soldiers 😊
Mar 05Reply
ebmcdermo @caroline_mroz with some Marmite???? Thx - you grounded me with this sweet comment 💕💕💕
Mar 05Reply
caroline_mroz @ebmcdermo oh good💕 not yet with the marmite 😂
Mar 05Reply
jeweldr Stop sharing my stuff and enjoy your vacation lol 😂. I’ll keep sharing yours in hopes you’ll have lots of likes❤️ and bundles to pursue when you return. I’ll see you when you get back! Julie
Mar 05Reply
caroline_mroz @jeweldr 😂😂😂👍👍thank you so much!!!
Mar 05Reply
boromaca Thanks again! 💜😊
Mar 08Reply
caroline_mroz @boromaca you are welcome ! thank you!
Mar 08Reply
polkadotvintage The books finally made it! Thanks again!🤣😊
Mar 09Reply
caroline_mroz @polkadotvintage you bet!!! I think it took a while because of when I ordered! Being in Texas during our crazy weather event!! All good! You shipped fast ! It was the PO!
Mar 09Reply
polkadotvintage @caroline_mroz I figured as much 😄😉❤️
Mar 09Reply
stormtreasures @caroline_mroz Hi, thanks for acknowledging the shares. It was a joy to share your top-drawer, high-quality merchandise with those who follow us. We wish you and yours all the best of health during this difficult time. Stay blessed always, Deacon Ricky and Storm.
Mar 09Reply
caroline_mroz @stormtreasures I wish the same for you, and thank you
Mar 09Reply
ebmcdermo @melaniegreycat @caroline_mroz Beautiful photo Caroline! Ladies -for an interesting bit of research and a few chuckles check out the reviews given by yummyvintage. I waited to see what she said about her purchase from me because she holds no punches!!! But she has some interesting comments on packaging, condition, overall experience. So if you have the time and inclination....some good tips.
Mar 11Reply
caroline_mroz @ebmcdermo ooh I am on it
Mar 11Reply
caroline_mroz @ebmcdermo what a fabulous review! How wonderful! Sure makes you feel good after all the effort you put in! I know because I have received your beautiful packages 😊
Mar 11Reply
ebmcdermo @caroline_mroz oh Caroline - you are so kind 🥰. I did hold my breath - keep reading if so inclined...
Mar 11Reply
stylesbysam728 Hi! I’d love for you to checkout my closet. I carry lots of brands like Aritzia, LF, Aviator Nation, Brandy Melville, Planet Blue, etc. I try to post a new piece at least once a day, so def follow to keep updated. I am also very open to all offers and if you make a bundle ill give you a great discount and ship same day! Also I am a posh ambassador so if you have any questions let me know :)
Mar 11Reply
caroline_mroz @stylesbysam728 well thank you very much appreciated!!!
Mar 11Reply
melaniegreycat Hi friend - been busy on other things lately and just got back on board to see you've added a new cute the two of you are! What a great shot! Thank you for all your sharing while I've been away! Your closet has been busy!!! 🤠
Mar 11Reply
caroline_mroz @melaniegreycat hi there!! It has ! I try to stay at 57 so when something sells I list another item! And thank you for your generous shares, we are busy in the garden today pulling out all the mess the snow left us! That pic was taken at the Dallas museum of art, we went to see the Christian Dior exhibit 🤗
Mar 11Reply
melaniegreycat @caroline_mroz Do I spy you wearing some Dior competition in that pic 😉 Have fun getting dirty in the garden!
Mar 11Reply
hyflex oh aren't you a cute little thing!!!😍👭🤗💞
Mar 12Reply
caroline_mroz @marsgems aw thanks doll 🥰🤗🤓
Mar 12Reply
hyflex @caroline_mroz ☺you're welcome love😘
Mar 12Reply
julietkaneyuki Thank You so much for all the shares! I was away babysitting my boyfriends 2 month niece and 2+ yr nephew. it means the world to me!!
Mar 13Reply
caroline_mroz @julietkaneyuki you are welcome!!! I just recently realized that sharing, while on vacation still puts you out there!!! Thank you!!! I am laying low tonight not sharing too much cause it’s my birthday 🤗 and hubby making me a great dinner! I will catch up 🍷
Mar 13Reply
julietkaneyuki Happy Birthday!! Wishing you a year filled with happiness, love and laughter!
Mar 13Reply
caroline_mroz @julietkaneyuki thank you🤗💕🥰
Mar 13Reply
colleenbelknap Have a fantastic day 😀😊!
Mar 13Reply
bytheseaside114 I’m taking all reasonable offers
Mar 13Reply
trishaloa Happy Birthday 🤗🌸✌️
Mar 14Reply
georgie1967 It’s so nice to wake up to your shares! Puts a smile on my face! 🎉💜
Mar 14Reply
caroline_mroz @georgie1967 how sweet, it is cool how we are all in different time zones and share at different times! Have a great day!
Mar 14Reply
janeann3797 Love your pictures! them!
Mar 14Reply
caroline_mroz @janeann3797 aw thank you!! I am so happy you are getting the crochet blanket!!! It’s so sweet! Yay I’ll ship tomorrow 😊 have a wonderful rest of your day!
Mar 14Reply
caroline_mroz @janeann3797 is this for a grand baby? how many do you have? I have two! they are the best!
Mar 14Reply
janeann3797 @caroline_mroz No, Caroline, my Grandchildren are 11 and 18!! This is for a dear young lady I met last year and kept in touch with who recently shared she is expecting in July, a little boy whom she'll name Liam! and even though she may not need a baby blanket at that time of year it's always a wonderful keepsake, and fall is just a few months away! 🥰
Mar 14Reply
caroline_mroz @janeann3797 oh that is so sweet, you never know it could end up being Liams security blanket🥰 what a sweet name!
Mar 14Reply
janeann3797 @caroline_mroz I believe Liam is an Irish name and I agree, a very sweet name. I would love him to get attached to the blanket!! and btw, there is no hurry at all to receive it, please take your time.
Mar 14Reply
caroline_mroz @janeann3797 aw sweet of you!
Mar 14Reply
julietkaneyuki laughter must fill your home, you, your mom, and family are bee you tea full!!
Mar 15Reply
caroline_mroz @julietkaneyuki aw thank you! actually that pic is me and my Granny!
Mar 15Reply
nautinayscloset Hello from OH! Thank you for all the shares. 🥰🥰
Mar 15Reply
nautinayscloset Welcome! 😊
Mar 15Reply
masala_mama 😍😍😍🤩🤩🤩😍😍😍!!!! Such class and out of this 🌎 perfectly placed and styled!!!! Thank you for giving us a peek of you gorgeous home!!! It’s absolutely fabulous, luvs!!!🥰😘💕
Mar 17Reply
caroline_mroz @msaishablake you are simply precious! Thank you 💕💕💕😊😊😘🥰🥰❤️🤗🤗🤗
Mar 17Reply
caroline_mroz If you like my decor... I can thank @melaniesandf953 @billrunion @polkadotvintage
Mar 18Reply
caroline_mroz Oops and a great closet @marilen52
Mar 18Reply
marilen52 @caroline_mroz I see the cauldron! Great work ! It has traveled a long way!
Mar 18Reply
caroline_mroz @marilen52 thank my husband and I love it!
Mar 18Reply
caroline_mroz @marilen52 thank you we love it
Mar 18Reply
masala_mama @caroline_mroz You’re the bestest evs!!!!! Simply love you & your style!!!🥰😘💕
Mar 18Reply
caroline_mroz @billrunion thank you Bill !!
Mar 18Reply
ebmcdermo Nice decor! Always love to see how you change for each holiday!
Mar 19Reply
caroline_mroz @ebmcdermo thank you! I guess I am a true Texan! go BIG or go home! :))
Mar 19Reply
masala_mama @caroline_mroz Always, luvs!!!🥰💕😘
Mar 19Reply
caroline_mroz @msaishablake you are a doll!
Mar 19Reply
masala_mama 🥰🥰So are you, luvs!!!🥰😘
Mar 19Reply
melaniegreycat Methinks somebody has a thing for bunnies!🐰🐇 What fun you must have doing all that decorating!!!
Mar 19Reply
melaniegreycat After staging and uploading all your gorgeous pix, then doing your daily 2 million shares, how do you find the time to do all you holiday decor? You are a ball of energy!
Mar 19Reply
caroline_mroz @melaniegreycat it's a TEXAS thanng! I love spring! I am over the top! every season! GO BIG OR GO HOME :)))
Mar 19Reply
caroline_mroz @melaniegreycat Busy thumbs never sleeps! GO GO GO !!! I broke my rule I have 58 items available !!! and a ton more to put on!
Mar 19Reply
caroline_mroz @melaniegreycat did you see the Georg Jenson votives I just put them on! I thought of you for some reason! I felt they are very architectural
Mar 19Reply
onegirlforever 😘👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
Mar 21Reply
ebmcdermo I so love your style! And I appreciate all your support. Your shares are so appreciated xo ebm
Mar 21Reply
caroline_mroz @ebmcdermo aw you are too sweet! I appreciate yours!! I just posted another pic on here, it's a pic of the table I bought from you! I painted it and distressed it to match a bench! My grand daughter will have an awesome doll house one day!!
Mar 21Reply
ebmcdermo @caroline_mroz omgoodness - that is so awesome! love the bench and the dollhouse sized items. Looks fantastic! She is lucky to have such a wonderful grandmother!
Mar 21Reply
ebmcdermo Hello! Thought of you as soon as I saw all your decorations for Easter. If you would be okay paying the shipping you can have it. Not sure how that works. Xoxo
Mar 22Reply
caroline_mroz @ebmcdermo you are too kind!!!! how about I make you an offer!
Mar 22Reply
ebmcdermo @caroline_mroz posh wouldn't let me counter with a lower offer. Sorry xoxo
Mar 22Reply
caroline_mroz @ebmcdermo OH GOSH DON'T BE I AM THRILLED!! thank you sweet friend!
Mar 22Reply
djsleepyeye hey, thanks for all your shares! 👍🏽😁💣❤🔥💸🙏🏽🙌💪🏽💗happy poshing!
Mar 24Reply
caroline_mroz @djsleepyeye you too thank you!!!! 👍👍👍🤗🥰😎😢👍
Mar 24Reply
ebmcdermo Thank you for your beautiful review xo 💕🥰🌹💐🌻🌼
Mar 25Reply
caroline_mroz @ebmcdermo you are very welcome! You deserve it!! 🤗🥰I just added a couple of pics!! Thanks again
Mar 25Reply
ebmcdermo @caroline_mroz wow ! Looks great! You are the holiday queen!!! Super amazing - my hat is off to you 💕
Mar 25Reply
caroline_mroz @ebmcdermo 🤗🤗🤗💕💕💕🙏🏻
Mar 25Reply
lisetteashley Your closet is so interesting! Love all the cute and unique items! 🙌🏼👠🎁💕🧵⛰🐆
Mar 28Reply
caroline_mroz @lisetteashley thank you so much!! I add new items almost every day!
Mar 28Reply
boromaca Thanks again for the shares!! Bobbi 😊
Mar 29Reply
caroline_mroz @feeneysfinest hey there! thanks I am always over the top when it comes to Decor!! I would take that one pic, or... you could convert the DM to us currency ?
Mar 31Reply
caroline_mroz I would know, but some people might not, and think that was US dollars
Mar 31Reply
caroline_mroz @feeneysfinest you bet, probably easiest!
Mar 31Reply
janeann3797 @feeneysfinest lol, never? over the top? had to laugh at my darling Jane Caroline's own comment of self. Adorable to me and now we all know, in part, why.
Apr 03Reply
boromaca Thanks again for your shares! I LOVE YOUR CLOSET!!!! You have a frame that you sold and if you ever come across anymore like it, I’d love to know! I’ll go to the item and make a comment there! Bobbi😊😊😊
Apr 05Reply
caroline_mroz @boromaca you are very welcome! And thank you!! And thanks for your shares!!
Apr 05Reply
caroline_mroz @ebmcdermo @melaniegreycat wanted to show you too some of my art work, the last 3 paintings are mine, the cow, my mum’s dog named sally and my mum!
Apr 06Reply
ebmcdermo @caroline_mroz your mom looks very elegant!!! The shape of the first two paintings are so unique! And that cow !!! Wow! You are so talented. And the paintings in the background????
Apr 06Reply
melaniegreycat @caroline_mroz I remember seeing the 2 with the pup before...didn't know that was your mum. Nice to you re-posted them! I just simply ADORE that cow! You are so authentic & talented, my friend!
Apr 06Reply
caroline_mroz @melaniegreycat aw thanks! The first painting is of me and my husband, he had that done for an anniversary 😊
Apr 06Reply
caroline_mroz @melaniegreycat aw sweet thank you 😊
Apr 06Reply
melaniegreycat @caroline_mroz That painting of you and Mike makes my heart smile 😊
Apr 06Reply
caroline_mroz @melaniegreycat 😊😊👍🤠thanks it was such a surprise! Me too😍
Apr 07Reply
masala_mama Love your wedding pic!!!! You both are a gorgeous couple with a beautifully styled home!!!!🤩😘🥰💞💕
Apr 08Reply
caroline_mroz @msaishablake aw you are such a doll!!
Apr 08Reply
spreadlove Hi!! Im Melissa! I wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I am always looking for new posh friends to shop, share and invite to my closet - so I wanted to say hello. If you're in the mood to shop , please check out my items! Have a great day!! ☀️❤😍
Apr 08Reply
caroline_mroz @spreadlove thanks!! will do!
Apr 08Reply
ebmcdermo such a great photo!!!!!!!
Apr 08Reply
caroline_mroz @ebmcdermo thanks friend!
Apr 08Reply
alycerancour So cute!!!
Apr 08Reply
masala_mama @caroline_mroz So are you, luvs!!!!✨💕😘🥰
Apr 09Reply
caroline_mroz @msaishablake well thank you beautiful!!! That was 15 years ago😬 got married in driftwood Texas ! I love him more today !!!!❤️😍😍
Apr 09Reply
janeann3797 My goodness! Everytime I go to share your closet there are new and delectable items. You could've opened an antique store! But I read in the comments that you want to move near your grands! A fabulous goal and I wish you all the very best in sales and stamina for what you will agree is called, "stick to it-ive-ness". You can do it! When do you plan to move?
Apr 09Reply
jewelsbysara Hi lovely I would love for you to stop by my closet. For amazing deals❤️ if you have any questions please feel free to ask. Happy Poshing 🎉🎉🤗
Apr 09Reply
masala_mama @caroline_mroz No ways!!!! You both look even more aaahhhhmazing & in love now!!!! I’m obsessed with you guys!!!! I’m sooo happy for the love that you both share!!! That’s why you are such a wonderful being!!!!🤩💞✨😘🥰
Apr 10Reply
caroline_mroz @msaishablake you are too dang cute for words!
Apr 10Reply
masala_mama @caroline_mroz 🥰🥰Frigging love you!!!✨💕😘
Apr 10Reply
caroline_mroz @msaishablake back at ya sweet girl!
Apr 10Reply
caroline_mroz @janeann3797 just saw this sweet friend! How do I miss so many comments 😘 you are dear and hope you are feeling well this evening ❤️ I would love to meet you here or there💐💐💐💖💖💖🌸🌸🌸🌺
Apr 10Reply
janeann3797 @caroline_mroz I am addicted to our notes! LOL!! I look for them every day! You have become a very dear inspiration to me and I appreciate you. I hope someday to be with a final partner, a man who will love me back for who I am! And just to remind you, I work overnights Fridays and Saturdays...thanks for all the shares!
Apr 11Reply
caroline_mroz @janeann3797 you are precious! 🥰 and thank you ! I never keep count of sharing, I just do what feeLs good! And I enjoy looking through your closet! Especially at your items you made!! Dear dear friend ❤️
Apr 11Reply
nautinayscloset Love this 💕💕
Apr 11Reply
caroline_mroz @thingsoldnnew thanks! and thank you so much for your shares!!!
Apr 11Reply
nautinayscloset @caroline_mroz You’re very welcome! Sharing is caring. 😊🥰
Apr 11Reply
janeann3797 @caroline_mroz I love hearing from you! And I love this is your wedding day? I am surrounded by piles of stuff that needs to be posted and every week after the 2 days of work is over I hope to feel like doing it! At least some of it! Usually the best I can do is check for likes and make offers or follow through on occasional sales. A great day is catching up on shares!! LOL xoxoxo
Apr 12Reply
janeann3797 @caroline_mroz That chain alone is worth more, a literal steal, and I will need it as I post more from my jewelry box, thank you! I will reposh the rest, or put the charm with my bracelet when I post it. I am excited and looking forward to the future. My grandson tried to reach me yesterday; I feel inspired and ambitious. It's wonderful to have you right there under the Comments column to share *whatever* with. Thanks, Caroline! Have a bee-yoo-tee-full day, okay?
Apr 12Reply
caroline_mroz @janeann3797 oh well now we are both happy! Yay and thank you sweet friend! I am glad to here how strong you feel 🥰
Apr 12Reply
janeann3797 @caroline_mroz Thanks, Caroline, I hope you don't mind that I'm going to reposh the chain, it was rude of me to say so. But thank you for mailing it out so quickly. As usual it is never necessary. Two things I'm sorry I didn't snag from you right away: that big ball of rope and those wooden hangers! You come up with the coolest stuff. But I'm moving too so I have to be practical. Much as I hate to be. 😍
Apr 13Reply
lovinresale Your cow paintings are great. I had to have her!
Apr 13Reply
caroline_mroz @lovinresale I am thrilled! My husband is always telling me to paint! and that I should sell my own paintings, so I said I will put one on! and we will see! now he will say I told you!! thanks I will put it in the mail today!
Apr 13Reply
caroline_mroz @janeann3797 Jane! not at all! and thank you I try to keep it interesting! :))) yes the hangers were very cool! and the rope, I bet you could have done something great with that! have a wonderful day Jane!
Apr 13Reply
poshapc Thanks for the shares - much appreciated from your fellow Texan! 🇨🇱
Apr 15Reply
caroline_mroz @poshapc thank you too! always happy to meet a fellow Texan!!
Apr 15Reply
caroline_mroz @feeneysfinest that’s very cool! I love it there too! We went to a Michigan game there a coyote years ago! Had a great time! So glad you love the frame!! Thanks again
Apr 15Reply
bytheseaside114 I’m still taking all reasonable offers
Apr 15Reply
dcnp58 Hello Caroline! Love all your Texas related photos! You have a beautiful family. I love Texas, especially the New Braunfels & River Road areas! I am Darlee C, a Poshmark Ambassador & sending you greetings from along Florida's Nature Coast.🦩🐊 I would like to thank you for the follow & invite you to revisit my closet again for some sweet finds 😊. I love 💘 shopping for bargains on Poshmark & meeting Posh shop owners like you 💕. So wishing you happy shopping, sharing & a super time Poshing 🥰.
Apr 16Reply
caroline_mroz @dcnp58 you are so sweet and thank you for all the shares!!, I love that area too! My Daughter graduated with her Masters at Texas state! we used to go to grist mill! I will check your closet out! and share! have a great weekend!
Apr 16Reply
ebmcdermo I love visiting your closet each day to see what’s new!!!!!!!! You challenge all of us to up our game 💕🥰🌷
Apr 16Reply
caroline_mroz @ebmcdermo aww thank you! fun to add new stuff trying to keep it interesting! :)))
Apr 16Reply
crafteelinda490 Thanks for following my closet. I have shared some of yours. Stay safe and God bless.
Apr 17Reply
caroline_mroz @crafteelinda490 you are very welcome! Have a blessed evening 🤠
Apr 17Reply
lisa_catlin Hi Caroline! I have been so busy with school and am so glad you still share my closet. I shared your's and you have some really cool new items!!
Apr 18Reply
caroline_mroz @lisa_catlin aww thank you! Hope school is going good!
Apr 18Reply
terri_wowk Thanks for sharing Caroline, I appreciate that! Let’s both hope for lots of sales!! Make sure you smile today! 😁😁
Apr 19Reply
caroline_mroz @terri_wowk thank you too!!! I just did smile! such a nice comment! have a wonderful evening!
Apr 19Reply
pugsinparadise Love your photos and closet! Amazing vintage treasures! ❤❤❤
Apr 22Reply
caroline_mroz @pugsinparadise thank you so much! I truly appreciate that 🤗
Apr 22Reply
bagbeautician @caroline_mroz Morning dear! Sorry I didn't share back with poshingfourpaws yesterday, we got 1st vaccine and I lost interest in working for the day lol! Hope you are doing well! 💞💞💃💃🌹🌹🥳🥳❤️❤️💐💐🌼❣️
Apr 23Reply
caroline_mroz @tinkertowntreas no worries at all! glad you got your first shot!!!
Apr 23Reply
bagbeautician @caroline_mroz 💞💞💞🥰🥰🥰💪😂😎🌻
Apr 23Reply
ventobunny @caroline_mroz Hi Caroline! 👋 I hope you have a beautiful and successful 2021!! Best wishes and many blessings 🙂 Much 💞 love and light 💫 from your Poshmark friend in PA, 💖Lindsey
Apr 23Reply
caroline_mroz @ventobunny Lindsey!! you are so sweet! I wish all the same for you as well!
Apr 23Reply
ventobunny @caroline_mroz Thank you 😊
Apr 23Reply
boromaca Hi! Thank you AGAIN for sharing! I ALWAYS love to see what’s in your closet 💕 Bobbi 😊
Apr 24Reply
caroline_mroz @boromaca thanks Bobbi!! I have another cute mini chair!
Apr 25Reply
boromaca @caroline_mroz I saw that! Thanks but I think she’s overrun with these now! She’s way more of a minimalist than I am! But with 4 kids (3 little girls 4 & 1/2; 3; & 20 months... she almost has to be!!) plus she’s got 9 baby goat kids just born! Busy girl! Bobbi 😊
Apr 25Reply
caroline_mroz @boromaca my goodness she is a busy girl! How fun!!
Apr 25Reply
ebmcdermo @melaniegreycat @caroline_mroz Hello ladies - live and learn!!! Have you all been happy with the shipping discount? I've discovered that it stays in place even after someone makes a low offer AND also in a bundle. So I offer a 20% discount on bundles. Sometimes I also offer shipping discount. But I've just discovered that it applies automatically. So if one of your items has a discount, it gets deducted from the already discounted bundle. FYI
Apr 27Reply
melaniegreycat @ebmcdermo Yes, I did notice that but didn't actually process it. Thanks for waking me up!
Apr 27Reply
ebmcdermo @melaniegreycat $67.00 Less: Poshmark fee - $10.72 Less: Your shipping discount -$7.45 Your earnings$35.43 This is from my latest sale - it doesnt even add up. the 20% discount doesnt show. but was calculated. I used to be a programmer and system tester. I think someone put this into production without user testing!!!!!
Apr 27Reply
melaniegreycat @ebmcdermo I'm confused......a $67 sale would be $13.40 to PM and $53.60 you, right? Less a free shipping discount of $7.45 leaves you with $46.15, yes?
Apr 27Reply
ebmcdermo @melaniegreycat lol I just offered them my testing services!!! What is missing is the 20% discount I give on bundles. So effectively take 40% off then 7.45 on top of that. 67 - 13.40 - 10.72 - 7.45 = 35.43
Apr 27Reply
melaniegreycat @ebmcdermo OMG. THAT is crazy. Am going to redo few listings, pronto!
Apr 27Reply
caroline_mroz @melaniegreycat @ebmcdermo sorry I am just joining this party! I am listing a couple of items! I do not give shipping discounts on anything unless bundled :))
Apr 27Reply
ebmcdermo @melaniegreycat I know! I don't have time just now but later I'm going to remove all discounts. I will be interested to see what Posh Support says.
Apr 27Reply
caroline_mroz @melaniegreycat @ebmcdermo ok another problem! don't understand, but you know when you share your own closet you can put stuff where you want.... well I just this minute listed some French Concreta Molinard, and it not the first listing???? weird and it wont let me put it there??? help
Apr 27Reply
melaniegreycat @caroline_mroz I am not a power-user like you gals.....I've never shared my closet cuz I'm not on any social media. No problems!
Apr 27Reply
caroline_mroz @melaniegreycat I am not on any social media either, I just mean when you are rearranging your closet, you do it by “sharing “ and my stuff is not going where I want it to go???
Apr 27Reply
melaniegreycat @caroline_mroz Oh. That is odd. I just finished rearranging my closet and had no issues.
Apr 27Reply
caroline_mroz @melaniegreycat 😭I guess I will contact posh support tomorrow! It is frustrating for sure! Love that story of your mum! How sweet what an imagination! Sounds like my mum!
Apr 27Reply
melaniegreycat @caroline_mroz I think our mums would've enjoyed each other's company. Like us!
Apr 27Reply
caroline_mroz @melaniegreycat I agree 💯 percent!🤗
Apr 27Reply
melaniegreycat @caroline_mroz Your new listing (something red) is not showing up. 😕
Apr 27Reply
caroline_mroz @melaniegreycat ok ! Thanks that helps!!
Apr 27Reply
lcrotta40 Beautiful vintage closet!!
Apr 28Reply
caroline_mroz @lcrotta40 thank you so much!
Apr 28Reply
ebmcdermo @melaniegreycat so my support response came from Jessica Redwood City, California Fitness Fanatic. Wellness Warrior. Self Development Junkie. And the response was not helpful. Maybe my description was rushed....anyway my first line of attack is to decrease my bundle discount as that is one place one change. Going through and removing all the shipping discounts will take time.
Apr 28Reply
ebmcdermo caroline_mroz I'm not sure I understand your issue. But remember I have two items that never appear at the top of my closet unless I edit and save them? Sharing doesn't work. Maybe the problem is related???? I couldn't find the item you mentioned.
Apr 28Reply
caroline_mroz @ebmcdermo same! I have to edit it to move it! what is your item? I deleted mine I will try again some time when I am not so frigging frustrated!
Apr 28Reply
ebmcdermo @caroline_mroz two items / the Queen on the marmalade jar and the Pope John Paul trinket container (St Peters on top). Must edit and save m, even if I change nothing. Then it goes to the top. Otherwise they sit down with sold items and no one sees them
Apr 28Reply
caroline_mroz @ebmcdermo well that is interesting! I just went through your whole closet and did not see either of those! And Melanie said she did not see my listing ☹️
Apr 28Reply
ebmcdermo @caroline_mroz no wonder there are no likes!!!! I guess I’ll change the category and see what happens. Hmm I have Home Accents Baskets and Bins. I’ve used that for other things
Apr 28Reply
caroline_mroz @ebmcdermo or maybe copy the listing and fix it, then delete the original ????
Apr 28Reply
ebmcdermo I've updated. If you wouldnt mind looking to see if it's visible I'd appreciate it! xoxoxoxoxo
Apr 28Reply
melaniegreycat @ebmcdermo Try just sitting back until after midnight when the system auto refreshes? maybe PM has gotten a bit too big for their britches
Apr 28Reply
caroline_mroz @ebmcdermo not there! weird, I listed my item 4 times! and doing the same as yours!
Apr 28Reply
caroline_mroz yes I am done for the night!
Apr 28Reply
ebmcdermo @caroline_mroz All this time I’ve been thinking I’m getting it to the top of the closet !!!! Lol. A problem for another day. (They’ve been out there about 8 mos)
Apr 28Reply
caroline_mroz @ebmcdermo that is pretty funny! No wonder they had no likes! No one saw them!
Apr 28Reply
ebmcdermo @caroline_mroz @melaniegreycat Sigh - if it weren't for the help of friends these things would never be discovered. By the way, I reread the msg from support about the shipping discount and it appears to be working as expected. Except the part about the order not showing all the discounts - I think they missed that. Anyway - back to the drawing board. No more automatic "free shipping" from me.
Apr 28Reply
fashion_deity Aww! loving your closet
Apr 28Reply
caroline_mroz @fashion_deity wow thanks!!! Appreciate it!
Apr 28Reply
ebmcdermo @caroline_mroz @melaniegreycat I do believe you've solved it!!!! I mentioned perfume in the trinket box description (small stain) and I mentioned nail polish remover in the marmalade description as a possible product to remove a sticky label!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope now you can see these items!!!!! Cheers!
Apr 28Reply
ebmcdermo Nope - trinket box still stuck. Hmmmmmmmmm
Apr 28Reply
caroline_mroz @ebmcdermo so funny but one of my favorite games as a child was Clue!!! I love solving problems! As long as they are not my own 😂 cheers
Apr 28Reply
caroline_mroz @ebmcdermo maybe delete and put on in a few days?
Apr 28Reply
ebmcdermo @caroline_mroz I think it is resolved. I removed the description tag ceramic?? I dunno. But definitely perfume and nail polish remover didn't help.
Apr 28Reply
melaniegreycat @ebmcdermo I have no idea what you're talking about....I don't see either of the items you mention. 😳
Apr 28Reply
caroline_mroz @melaniegreycat I don’t see them either just looked through your closet!
Apr 28Reply
ebmcdermo @caroline_mroz @melaniegreycat Oh!!!! silly me! I see them jump to the top and I think"solved". Still a mystery then. Guess I will delete them. thanks again for helping me out!!!
Apr 28Reply
melaniegreycat @ebmcdermo I'd do what Caroline suggested....create a copy of the listing and relist, then delete the original listing - don't forget to delete the word "COPY" from the title. Also, you have a hot pink Clinique purse buried down in your sold items.....
Apr 28Reply
caroline_mroz @melaniegreycat @ebmcdermo crazy who knows !! I just know this caused me to have a glass of wine 🤗
Apr 29Reply
melaniegreycat @caroline_mroz Yesh 🍷🍷🍷
Apr 29Reply
onegirlforever 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏😘
Apr 30Reply
caroline_mroz @feeneysfinest I am confused myself ! I do not understand!
May 02Reply
caroline_mroz I see you have canceled it< so no worries! have no idea why that happend
May 02Reply
caroline_mroz @feeneysfinest no problem at all so weird!! just make am offer and i will except! its already boxed up ! crazy!
May 02Reply
janeann3797 My, my but you have been busy! Your husband must be proud of you (if you are sharing your stash, LOL). Anyway, get to gardening, don't hurt yourself! I am off to another run of errands, then paperwork. Still haven't done taxes. Biden has been doing alot to win us over. Be well. Love, Jane
May 04Reply
ebmcdermo @caroline_mroz @melaniegreycat Happy Mother's Day ladies!!!!!
May 09Reply
caroline_mroz @ebmcdermo @melaniegreycat you too!!! Driving back from daughters now, poshing while husband drives 😂
May 09Reply
ebmcdermo @caroline_mroz Successful team!!!!
May 09Reply
melaniegreycat @ebmcdermo And Happy Day of the Mommas to all y'all, too! Missing mine today🥰
May 09Reply
juancaescobar79 Thank you for sharing my listing
May 15Reply
caroline_mroz @juancaescobar79 thank you! And you are welcome!
May 15Reply
fancycandy007 Good Morning Caroline! Thank you for all the amazing shares! You Rock! Don't feel obligated to share when you are on vacation. Rest and enjoy your time away! Sending positive vibes your way! Cheers to beautiful life!
May 17Reply
fancycandy007 I made up for yesterday! xoxo
May 17Reply
caroline_mroz @fancycandy007 aww thank you so much! You are so sweet to take your time to message me and for your shares!!!
May 17Reply
unclaimed Caroline beautiful pictures .Enjoy a 50% discount on your next purchase of $50 or more from this closet.(Free shipping on $25 purchase). l also wholesale purchase any item from my closet priced $19 or less for $5 with a minimum purchase of $100. Start your closet or replenish your inventory.
May 23Reply
caroline_mroz Thanks! I will take a look!
May 23Reply
melaniegreycat Hey Friend - thanks for all your sharing and suggesting me to the Posh Party! Have a great Memorial day weekend, too!!! Hugs 🥰
May 27Reply
caroline_mroz @melaniegreycat back at cha! Well it’s easy to share a pretty closet💐
May 27Reply
melaniegreycat @caroline_mroz're a schweetie! Your closet is an inspiration!
May 27Reply
caroline_mroz @melaniegreycat thanks friend!! I certainly do put work into it! And today I Amin my garden!!! And it feels so good to be outside! We have had soooo much rain!
May 27Reply
melaniegreycat @caroline_mroz rain? what is this thing you call rain?
May 27Reply
caroline_mroz @melaniegreycat hahahahha p 🌧 💃🏻
May 27Reply
rosierecycles L~O~V~E your closet!! 🙀😻❤️🌹♻️
May 30Reply
caroline_mroz @rosierecycles omg thank you so much!!!!!I appreciate that so much 💞👏👏💐💐🤗😊
May 30Reply
caroline_mroz @rosierecycles hello you closet is .....AWESOME!
May 30Reply
rosierecycles @caroline_mroz TRUTH! You look like so much FUN!!😄😻❤️
May 30Reply
rosierecycles @caroline_mroz thank you!😍😅🌹♻️
May 30Reply
rosierecycles And thank you for all those shares!! 😁👏🏽👍🏽😸❤️😻🌹♻️
May 30Reply
caroline_mroz @rosierecycles omg gurl!!! You are da bomb!💋👏👏👏🤗❤️👍👍👍👍💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻‼️‼️thank you!!!!
May 31Reply
rosierecycles @caroline_mroz haha!! 😂😂😂🤪💣, ... dat’s me!!!😝😛😜😘😘😘💋💋💋👍🏽❤️🌹♻️
May 31Reply
caroline_mroz @rosierecycles ❤️❤️❤️💋💋💋🥳🎈👍😊😊💋💋💋👏👏👏🤗🤗‼️💞🥰💐❤️💋
May 31Reply
rosierecycles @caroline_mroz you are a very sweet southern gal!! 🌸😉🎀😁💕🍑🍰☺️🥰 xoxo
May 31Reply
caroline_mroz @rosierecycles so sweet of you thank you doll!
May 31Reply
rosierecycles @caroline_mroz just heard myself laugh out loud!😍😂🥰👍🏽❤️💋🌹♻️
May 31Reply
caroline_mroz @rosierecycles that’s the best!!!
May 31Reply
rosierecycles @caroline_mroz 😉😁🥰❤️
May 31Reply
caroline_mroz @rosierecycles I went as Rosie the riveter for Halloween 4 years ago! Won a costume contest!!!
May 31Reply
rosierecycles @caroline_mroz woohoo!! 😆🎉💪🏽👏🏽👏🏽🌹👍🏽👍🏽!!
May 31Reply
melaniegreycat Hey there - what happened to the cute kitty trinket box? How you doing? Happy Father's Day to the Mr. Oz 😸
Jun 20Reply
caroline_mroz @melaniegreycat aw sweet of you!!! I will tell him! And happy Fathers Day to your sweetie! well I have been taking some things off that haven't sold, so I can list new items, you know my rule 57, actually its NO more than 63! It just works for me :) shall I put it back on? I think it was down to 14
Jun 20Reply
melaniegreycat @caroline_mroz Wait a little while, then put it back on - for more than $14!!! It's way too cute and there's a lot of cat lovers out there.
Jun 20Reply
hyflex have a good time away love!😘👭🌹
Jun 23Reply
annegyurisin Absolutely love scrolling through your closet since I find so much I'd like to buy!!! The eclectic collections & vintage pieces catch my interest & esp the lovely vignettes you use for background that enhance it all. Wonderful job! Please come & check us out as well! Anne @littlebirdsnest
Jun 30Reply
caroline_mroz @annegyurisin wow made my day! thank you so much!!! I will check you out:))))
Jun 30Reply
mazyodc Hi, My name is Marianne. a Poshmark Ambassador. I would like to invite you to visit my closet. I have many vintage and unique items, including china, books, clothing, DVD’s, video games, jewelry, and religious objects. I am happy to consider all reasonable offers. Hope you’ll drop by (and I’ll visit your closet too.)
Jul 01Reply
georgie1967 Hola’! Boy oh boy. Touchy subject BUT do you ever find yourself with a sale being opened with a “ case” when you know you’re being jerked around? Just curious how you deal. 💜
Jul 05Reply
rosierecycles 🙀🥰❤️💋❤️🌹💪🏽♻️
Jul 06Reply
caroline_mroz @rosierecycles gee thanks🙌🙌
Jul 06Reply
rosierecycles @caroline_mroz 😉 thank you back! 😉❤️
Jul 06Reply
melissajdimitt you have such an amazing closet! you and I have the same taste!! we could go flea marketing together!!
Jul 14Reply
caroline_mroz @melissajdimitt you are too sweet!!! I like your closet too! yes we could go flea marketing together.... but..... we might fight over stuff :))))))))
Jul 14Reply
melissajdimitt love it!! I am taking a mirror apart to paint the frame and found this awesome advertisement underneath, I will try to send a picture
Jul 14Reply
caroline_mroz @melissajdimitt oh please do! I love uncovering the true treasure!!! you sound like me! paining redoing etc...
Jul 14Reply
lisa_catlin Hi Caroline! I've been on vacation and see you have some new super cool stuff!
Jul 18Reply
terri_wowk I appreciate you sharing Caroline! Thank you! You have beautiful styling in your photos!! Good luck to us both for great sales. Hope your day is terrific and you find lots of reasons to smile! 😁😁
Jul 19Reply
caroline_mroz @terri_wowk thank you so much!! and thank you for your shares!! you have a great closet too! here's to many sales!!!
Jul 19Reply
bamfshades whatup posh fam! happy friday!!
Jul 23Reply
caroline_mroz @bamfshades whoot whoot!!! Happy Friday to you 🤠🤠🤠🙌🙌🙌
Jul 23Reply
luv_to_posh Hi doll! Just wanted to check in on you. I hope that all is well & sales are off the charts! 🥰
Jul 26Reply
caroline_mroz @luv_to_posh yay so glad to see you again! Doing well thank you!!! Hope you are too!!
Jul 26Reply
ebmcdermo GM! Darling photo!!! Did I use the wrong words in my comments yesterday? xoxoxo Have a great day!!
Jul 27Reply
caroline_mroz @ebmcdermo never! you have a great day too!!! and thank you! xoxox
Jul 27Reply
caroline_mroz @ebmcdermo now I know what you mean! no not at all! I added a snuff jar to the listing so now there are 2 instead of one, I had like 12 likes on it, but then I upped the price, I confused people, so I just copied the listing and deleated the other xooxox
Jul 27Reply
ebmcdermo XO ok. Would never want throw a spanner in the works
Jul 27Reply
caroline_mroz @ebmcdermo feel free to comment!! you always have something interesting to say!!! xoxoxo
Jul 27Reply
ebmcdermo @caroline_mroz thx xoxo - I enjoy seeing your items and imagining their history/provenance. Always love to find out more about them!!!
Jul 27Reply
caroline_mroz @ebmcdermo aw thank you! I enjoy yours too!
Jul 28Reply
ebmcdermo Eek!!! I love the magazine “In Her Studio”. The latest issue has a great photo of an artist in her studio with a wall of vintage tins behind her. My dream! So I started reading the article - and she cuts up the tins to make jewelry!! Lol 😂 I cut up books and that offends some people - but TINS????????? Never 😆
Aug 04Reply
caroline_mroz @ebmcdermo I agree NEVER!!! I have seen a wall of tins! It’s amazing so much depth! I will have to look into that magazine!
Aug 04Reply
lilyrose220 Hi Caroline, Thank you so much for sharing my closet! I really appreciate all the shares! I have returned the shares! You have a great closet! Hope you get sales soon! Have a great week!
Aug 10Reply
caroline_mroz @lilyrose220 you bet and thank you!!!! I appreciate you too!! blessings and sales to you!!!!!!! and you have a great week too!!!!! :))))))
Aug 10Reply
magikal66glo You have beautiful stuff. Love it.
Aug 15Reply
caroline_mroz @magikal66glo thank you so much!!!
Aug 15Reply
oliviaami Dear @caroline_mroz , happy to see that you are following our closet 💗
Aug 17Reply
ebmcdermo Hello and welcome back!!! Did you find it hard to get back into Posh groove? Last month I struggled. Maybe because of the summer slows.......xoxo
Aug 20Reply
caroline_mroz @ebmcdermo thankyou, actually I took off 3 days twice in the last two weeks, and was a bit slow getting back into it ,but I have learned that if I add new items before I go on vacay it seems to help when I get back, not sure why, I do think it will pick up in the fall, I have heard summer is always slow. I have figured out "closet clear out" so now I never drop prices unless it is closet clear out, last weekend I sold 12 items during closet clear out!
Aug 20Reply
ebmcdermo @caroline_mroz interesting! I have been doing closet clear out all along and never sold anything. Nor won anything. I decided though that dropping prices is the only way to move things so I have been methodically going through and sending offers and trying to make bundles really affordable. I have noticed you are doing something similar as I see a lot of sold items! GFY!
Aug 20Reply
caroline_mroz @ebmcdermo thanks! I have never won anything either!
Aug 20Reply
hillmill61 Fabulous your wedding attire!!💎
Aug 21Reply
caroline_mroz @hillmill61 thank you so much!!
Aug 21Reply
dianacarroyave Hey Caroline! Adorable vintage closet! Thank you for the shares and the love!!!! Sending light and the best wishes for a successful week
Aug 23Reply
caroline_mroz @dianacarroyave Thank you so much!!! sending the same too you!!!!
Aug 23Reply
spiderwebcloset Thank you for all your many shares. I have taken some time off from Poshmark. I have been dizzy and light headed. I think it is from working sooo many hours each day sharing . I'm going to start sharing only 10 per closet and see if it helps me get my life back. Hope you understand.
Aug 25Reply
caroline_mroz @spiderwebcloset I 💯 percent support you!! I understand completely!!! I thank you for you very generous sharing!!! Let’s do 10!!! More time for us!! Thank you 🥰
Aug 25Reply
boromaca Thanks for the shares!! Bobbi. 😊
Aug 31Reply
caroline_mroz @boromaca Thank you Bobbi!!!!
Aug 31Reply
georgie1967 Just now?! 😂😂💜
Sep 01Reply
caroline_mroz @georgie1967 right I pushing all kinds of buttons here 🤣🤣🤣
Sep 01Reply
bteapot Thank you for accepting the offer! Really love your items.
Sep 02Reply
caroline_mroz @bteapot you are very welcome! and thank you! I will get it the post today! did you happen to see the Victorian baby shoe? it is free if you like it!
Sep 02Reply
bteapot @caroline_mroz oh wow!!! It’s very cool and strange, but I think someone else can work it into their decor better than I can. Thank you for the offer!
Sep 02Reply
caroline_mroz @bteapot sweet! thank you!
Sep 02Reply
sspitery I love your pictures and all the goodies in your closet!!!! Best of luck!!!
Sep 03Reply
caroline_mroz @sspitery Thank you so much!!!! you as well!
Sep 03Reply
icatl Hi Caroline. You have such interesting and unique items! I really enjoyed viewing your closet.
Sep 03Reply
caroline_mroz @icatl thank you much appreciated!
Sep 03Reply
kamo74 Hi thanks for the shares! Have a great weekend! 🦋Kam
Sep 03Reply
caroline_mroz @kamo74 thank you!!! You as well 🤠
Sep 03Reply
jhatt3268 Love your Vintage Closet!! Great items!
Sep 04Reply
caroline_mroz @jhatt3268 thank you!!! Much appreciated 😊
Sep 04Reply
sprinklesbaker Hey thanks for the follow! I’m Emily😊 if you like any of my items please don’t hesitate to send an offer or better yet please please create a bundle I’ll be moving soon so I’ll gladly accept anything
Sep 05Reply
jeweldr Caroline, Thanks for continuing to share my closet while I took a couple days off, very much appreciated! Hope you’re having a wonderful day. And, oh yeah, Happy 1 year Posh Anniversary 👏. Julie
Sep 06Reply
caroline_mroz @jeweldr you are very welcome Julie! and thank you!
Sep 06Reply
xtd I love your closet! I want everything 😂
Sep 08Reply
caroline_mroz @xtd yours is great too!! love the circles! really stands out! ok so.... back your truck up to my house!!!!
Sep 08Reply
randomstylist I love your closet! I am a vintage enthusiast with eclectic taste, too!
Sep 09Reply
caroline_mroz @randomstylist thank you so much! I really like yours as well!
Sep 09Reply
rhonda_anne Have a blessed year!
Sep 09Reply
caroline_mroz @rhonda_anne you too!!!! thank you
Sep 09Reply
rhonda_anne Congratulations to you and your husband.....I am happy for you! I have a wonderful husband too! I liked your photos!
Sep 09Reply
rosierecycles Hope you are well‼️❤️💋🌹💪🏽♻️
Sep 13Reply
caroline_mroz @rosierecycles i am!! thanks! I hope you are too!
Sep 13Reply
rosierecycles @caroline_mroz 👍🏽👍🏽😉😁🌹
Sep 13Reply
tatnaples Hi! Thanks bunches for the follow, happy Poshing 💜Tamala
Sep 14Reply
caroline_mroz @tatnaples and thank you !!! Happy Poshing to you!!!
Sep 14Reply
tatnaples @caroline_mroz Wowzers, I appreciate all the shares, thank you so much!🙇‍♀️
Sep 14Reply
jeweldr Caroline, Is that gorgeous guy next to you George Strait or your hubby!? If only I knew how to spell a whistle - the closest I’m getting is ‘whit whew’ :)😉. Hope you’re having a wonderful day. Thanks for the shares. Julie
Sep 15Reply
caroline_mroz @jeweldr lol!!!!!! yep my hubby! you made his day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! as always thank you for the shares!!!! have a great day!
Sep 15Reply
betty_sosebee 🥰🤗💖
Sep 18Reply
caroline_mroz @betty_sosebee 💖🤠🙌💋thank you! Hope you have a bunch of sales this weekend!!!
Sep 18Reply
betty_sosebee @caroline_mroz thanks girl, you too, good vibes to you 🤟
Sep 18Reply
caroline_mroz @betty_sosebee 🙌🥰💋😊💖😂👍👍👍
Sep 18Reply
betty_sosebee If I haven't told you, you're awesome 🥰
Sep 27Reply
caroline_mroz @betty_sosebee thanks! you are too!!!! :)))
Sep 27Reply
pdkpt99 “Adorable! Love them boots.”
Sep 28Reply
caroline_mroz @pdkpt99 thanks! I still have the same figure LOL!!! my aunt still has my boots!
Sep 28Reply
edwardgreen801 Hi NANA great bundle.
Sep 28Reply
edwardgreen801 HI AGAIN
Sep 28Reply
ebmcdermo Love the new photos!!! Who is the cutie in boots??
Sep 28Reply
georgie1967 I LOVE the chubby legs in the boots! 💜💜
Sep 28Reply
caroline_mroz @georgie1967 It is me!!! Houston, Texas 1964
Sep 28Reply
caroline_mroz @georgie1967 Thank you! I still have them :)
Sep 28Reply
georgie1967 @caroline_mroz it’s precious ❤️❤️
Sep 28Reply
mackcarringer Hey there, just had to stop in & compliment you on your FABULOUS closet‼️ You have got some absolutely beautiful, amazing pieces💫💗
Sep 30Reply
caroline_mroz @mackcarringer wow!!! You have 💯 made my day/evening!!!🤠🙌🎉💯🙏🏻🍷❤️🙌🙌🤠thank you I put in the time, and I always appreciate a compliment ❤️
Sep 30Reply
mackcarringer @caroline_mroz 💕 you’re so welcome
Sep 30Reply

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