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Atlanta Gem & Mineral Show


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I’m willing to part with this amazing 19 gram double pointed genuine Herkimer Diamond. It’s a beautiful piece to display or have made into an amazing custom piece of jewelry. These nice ones are difficult to find.
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tenmil01 It should have two points , one on opposite sides of its longest ends and 18 sides ! Does it have that ? 🧐🧐🧐🤔🤔🤔🤨🤨🤨❤️❤️❤️🌹🌹🌹🌸🌸🌸
Jul 12Reply
pralinequeen @tenmil01 A perfect specimen like the one you describe would cost a lot more than this one. This one is a genuine Herkimer Diamond and has the double termination points and natural facets. Depending on the way it was mined and formation, no two are identical. This may not be the perfect specimen you described but it is genuine and a beautiful specimen for those that appreciate gems & minerals and their unique properties
Jul 12Reply
pralinequeen @tenmil01 All my authentic gemstones have money back guarantees. 🤗
Jul 12Reply
tenmil01 The reason I asked is because I brought my first one in 1976 after I had done extensive research on them ! They grow in clusters and in different sizes but they are unique in that even when they grow in clusters or independent they still have 18 sides and 2 points and that is how they are identified as quartz ! They are not real diamonds ! When first discovered , because of their hardness and shine people called them diamonds and thousands thought they were getting the real thing !
Jul 12Reply
tenmil01 @pralinequeen As a student in college I met a professor who invited me to a showing and there was one that was going for 2,275 dollars and he told me buy it ! I couldn’t afford that , I barely made enough to even eat so he brought it for me and guaranteed me I would pay him back double and have enough for college and my own private home ! Remember I was a student still learning so back in his office he
Jul 12Reply
pralinequeen @tenmil01 I realize they are not genuine diamonds but they are unique and gorgeous genuine gemstones. Just Saturday I was at the Georgia Mineral Society Show and the cost seems to have gone way up since pre Covid. They are beautifully unique and they were all sizes and shapes available naturally the cost was less on those that had broken off points Etc. I had a big one for myself wire wrapped and I love mine. I consider gemstones a treasure from God for us to appreciate the wide variety 🤗
Jul 12Reply
pralinequeen @tenmil01 Yes the nicest ones available are thousands of dollars, I’m glad there are still affordable ways to get some specimens but not museum quality ones.🤗
Jul 12Reply
tenmil01 @pralinequeen told me to look at it very carefully from all 18 sides and on the sharpness of its points and I saw NOTHING ! He then handed me the eye piece and said Put it on and LOOK again and after this you will never need anything but your own eyes , so go ahead and look Again , and I did , and there it was ! The impossible ! It contained water ! No bubbles but the waves of the water were vivid as I turned the quartz round and round ! No
Jul 12Reply
tenmil01 @pralinequeen no need to tell you the end results ! That is why I asked you about the quartz ! I have found 7 more since then ! One was micro drilled and examined with only a micro drop of water and resealed ! THAT WATER IS 2 MILLION YEARS OLD ! I’m not Cinderella but I did marry my professor and changed my profession and went into Cancer Research ! I still buy them but I need to know that the seller knows
Jul 12Reply
tenmil01 @pralinequeen what they are doing ! The strength of its points and the shine glow and clarity of each of its 18 sides ! Does it contain bugs or parts of bugs ? It’s basically as worthless as Amber ! But if you happen upon an Amber in the mountains of Venezuela that has parts of an insect it’s worth some money but an Amber will a complete engulfed bug can bring you millions at an auction ! That’s how I fund people who cannot affordable
Jul 12Reply
pralinequeen @tenmil01 Wow, it’s great to hear your intelligence on the subject, you sound like a professor yourself. What a sweet love story that involves the Herkimer Diamond. It’s an amazing wonder about the water too, I’ve learned a lot from you and appreciate the time you took to let me experience this through your eyes in a wonderful way. I think your husband is probably the most romantic man around too ! 🤗
Jul 12Reply
tenmil01 @pralinequeen to pay for bone marrow transplants as part of their Cancer care ! Be well ! I meant no insult and no disrespect ! May you and your loved ones live long healthy happy prosperous lives !!! ❤️❤️❤️👍👍👍♥️♥️♥️🌺🌺🌺🌸🌸🌸🌹🌹🌹🌷🌷🌷😊😊😊 Peace ☮️ ☮️ ☮️
Jul 12Reply
pralinequeen @tenmil01 You have a big heart, the many wonders of nature are a way to see Gods hand in the creative process. We just need to work on humankind to remember we are only temporary residents, only implementing kindness, could we reverse some of the damage mankind has done in the name of violence and war. It’s really a simple premise..l Love thy neighbor, you seem to embrace this way of life and I commend you for it. We can count on God in his wisdom to intervene to reverse the damage done.
Jul 12Reply
pralinequeen @tenmil01 I’m your new fan, I think you are a kind, caring person. In this upside down culture if ever you need encouragement go to May God bless all your endeavors🥰
Jul 12Reply
tenmil01 I’m sorry but I just read your wonderful words ! I am An Atheist ! I do not believe in any god nor demons ghosts spirits devils angels nor reincarnation ! I could call it poetic justice but my husband died of Cancer himself ! We were both from Cuba and educated in Cuba ! College and University education free for everyone but most people chose not to attend ! I saw the damage that America had done to Cuba with the hotels and casinos , prostitution drugs alcohol and the things I heard as
Jul 12Reply
tenmil01 as I got older from men and women who has been sold for sex with the rich White men when they were children ! Fidel and the Federales fought and won and threw them all out or be be shot ! Not tomorrow nor next week , but right now ! The planes ✈️ were waiting and barely any one got a chance to gather their suitcases ! JFK was furious because those hotel owners were the ones who had helped JFK win the election on
Jul 12Reply
pralinequeen @tenmil01 I can understand why you are an atheist, there is so much injustice, suffering and evil in this world. I think of the good people who die young, there is something bigger going on, we all have free will, but with mankind ruling it has been catastrophic and has brought much war and greed. The challenge is , who has the right to rule, obviously man has not brought about peace. The opposite seems to be happening. It is a challenge to Gods sovereignty, so we see what happens without God.
Jul 12Reply
tenmil01 a promise that he would get everything back for them ! The bad Cubans that were selling drugs and prostituting women and children rebelled then came the bay of pigs and that failed ! JFK failed and failed so he lied about Fidel Castro and his brother Raul ! He put sanctions on Cuba but JFK only hurt the good people not Fidel ! We received help from Columbia Russia Brazil Spain
Jul 12Reply
pralinequeen Satan has challenged Gods right to rule, but Jesus promised us a time when a resurrection of our loved ones to a cleansed earth would become a reality. Unfortunately religion has been polluted with pagan traditions and watered down to please the people rather than God. The whole world is laying in the power of the wicked one, First John 5:19. It is, we see atrocities, death, disease on a global level within the last 100 years. We live in un precedented times
Jul 12Reply
tenmil01 Venezuela ! We survived but egotistical arrogant JFK did not ! My point being that I have lived through and seen and heard so much horror that I said one day if there is a god any god he is a sociopath and psychopath and narcissistic ! He gives us life and loves us only to kill us with earthquakes tornadoes hurricanes tsunamis landslides wars ! I couldn’t believe that any god would allow people from other parts of the world to
Jul 12Reply
pralinequeen @tenmil01 I’ve seen many religions involvement in wars and political affairs, sending and blessing troops off to war, Catholics to kill Catholics and Lutheran against Lutheran as an example. This is not from God but evil, to detract people away from God using religion to blame God, bringing reproach upon him. I finally read the Bible for myself and start to see the hypocrisy of religions and see idolatry such as money, sex, power and other things as the new idols
Jul 12Reply
tenmil01 To find this part of the world then make slaves of African people and force them to work the farms and how Natives were slaughtered and their land stolen and the Natives put in reservations ! Yes we were very well educated in Cuba ! I learned about gems quartz diamonds, how to know if a crystal was real or just rhinestone made with plastic and sooo much more ! But my husband developed Cancer so I changed my profession and became
Jul 12Reply
pralinequeen I just hope you see Gods beautiful qualities manifested in nature, the universe, a child’s smile and other wonders. Our God is just, not cruel, hellfire and damnation was a way religion used to control the people. Please give Gods promise of a cleansed earth in the near future a chance and to build faith and hope instead of sorrow, He said he will wipe out every tear from our eyes and death will be no more only a beautiful future on this earth for good people. Revelation 21:4 Your friend Debbie
Jul 12Reply
tenmil01 A Cancer Researcher and both my son and I became Atheist ! We traveled to Africa to the diamond mines and the horrible conditions the workers have to work in ! We brought diamonds very cheap with good clarity and practically no carbon in them from approximately
Jul 12Reply
tenmil01 4 to 6 Karats raw for 500 USD and go to Israel and sell them to the competitors ! We would buy 24k gold from India dirt cheap and sell it to companies in America for huge profits we visited the Jungle of Peru Venezuela Brazil in search for Amber and often we found the Amber
Jul 12Reply
pralinequeen @tenmil01 all governments try to appear as a lamb but send young men as modern day sacrifices to the god of war. Pornography is set up as an idol, governments are mostly under a guise of peace but are always finding newer ways to kill people. This is not from God but Satan, we are laying down our swords, pursuing peace and being imprisoned in many countries for our stance on neutrality. Every empire in history has tried to bring about justice and peace, this last empire is failing fast.
Jul 12Reply
tenmil01 With intact spiders or beetles etc ! We made Millions which we sent back home to Fidel excellent for a large sum I use to help the needy and poor who cannot afford chemotherapy radiation surgery bone marrow transplants ! Puerto Rico is where we settled in because it is actually very poor ! Imagine ,
Jul 12Reply
tenmil01 It is a common wealth of America yet America does nothing to stop the squandering of billions of dollars it gives Puerto Rico for better roads and electricity and water pipes and medical care ! No one here can afford college so they get tricked into getting loans the lenders know
Jul 12Reply
tenmil01 These people will not be able to pay back then they are kicked out of the college as soon as they miss 2 payments and they STILL have to pay that money back ! The worst thing about Puerto Rico is that only 53 percent of the people work because there aren’t any jobs available ! My son met his wife here and I own a farm with fruits vegetables grains cows and horses we are vegetarian so we only have the cows to make different cheeses and bread for the poor
Jul 12Reply
tenmil01 The great USA wants the world to know how Great it Is while in America there is poverty homelessness drug addicts and alcoholics and criminals and greedy landlords who are allowed to charge ridiculous high rents ! There are home invasions and drive by shootings and rapes and murders
Jul 12Reply
pralinequeen @tenmil01 you’ve seen the greed and injustice up close and personal, it is as the Bible says, For men will become lovers of themselves, lovers of money rather than God, haughty, unthankful, disloyal, , having a form of religion but proving false…2nd Timothy 3:2-5. When under trial let no man say I’m being tried by God for with evil things God cannot be tried nor does he himself try anyone. James 1:13. Satan is angry knowing he has a short time left, he is behind all destruction
Jul 12Reply
tenmil01 And peaceful protesters who turned violent and destroy innocent peoples businesses and disrespect the police 👮 🚔 ! You do not see that in Cuba ! Also Cubans speak English ! Here in Puerto Rico when I was in San Juan on a Cancer Research Study I ACTUALLY met TWO surgeons who literally did not speak English and in the main hospital the nurses who spoke English are I out of every 12 but America doesn’t say the truth !
Jul 12Reply
pralinequeen @tenmil01 Yes, you see how true that scripture is, The whole world is in the control of the wicked one. My son is a cop in a dangerous area of Atlanta and has almost been killed twice in the last few weeks, I know the lawlessness has increased as well as poverty and all things detrimental to human life. He may not live long so I pray for him, things are about out of control leading into the great tribulation, well it’s late I must go to bed, I’ll send some prayers for you. Debbie
Jul 12Reply
tenmil01 So I have workers on my farm who get paid plus free room and all the food they can eat but no meat ! I value all lives ! From the air the ground , inside the ground and in the waters ! Through it all I still answer calls where I have to drop everything and go help a Cancer victim !
Jul 12Reply
tenmil01 I make time now but more via internet to still buy and trade so we can continue to send money back home to Cuba and to help the people here in Puerto Rico ! I don’t believe in god but I believe in Buddhism where the universe is in tune with us if we are in tune with other people and animals ! A Buddhist in Tibet once told me that the universe had chosen me to help the less fortunate because I was a vegetarian so the universe p
Jul 12Reply
pralinequeen @tenmil01 even our food chain is corrupted with carcinogens for greed. We need God more than ever now that the bottom is falling out of everything. Your kind heart alleviates the suffering of many I’m sure but soon God will set matters straight. I’m mostly vegan now too, animals need not suffer under corrupt greedy corporations.
Jul 12Reply
tenmil01 Put the study of Gems and minerals etc in my path so I would have the financial ability to help the less fortunate ! So that is what I believe in ! A universe of positive and negative energy in a constant struggle for balance ! The negative energy out in the universe comes from the wickedness of mankind !
Jul 12Reply
pralinequeen @tenmil01 I understand why you would look for answers in other places but please be aware the Dali Llama was involved with political controversies and prayer wheels are just repetitions, we are not to worship idols with eyes that cannot see and lips that cannot speak. I just wish you would go to, you seem like such an intelligent woman and I know you will weigh the matters we discuss with an open mind searching for the truth. I know you have seen so much injustice
Jul 12Reply
pralinequeen @tenmil01 Mankind is under the influence of Satan and he keeps transforming himself into an Angel of light. We are not easily fooled by his manipulation of mankind. We search for truth for ourselves.
Jul 12Reply
tenmil01 So I will leave you now as I have taken much of your time but I wanted to say something earlier , and please do not take this wrong ! You put your quartz up at 175 dollars and a sudden drop to 125 means a 50 dollar loss for you ! You are setting yourself up for a charlatan to take advantage of you because that is a steep drop and lost of 50 dollars and they might think you don’t know what you are doing !
Jul 12Reply
pralinequeen @tenmil01 times are tough for everybody, I have a large inventory of rings so I mainly sell rings. I’m thankful I sell enough to live a life on my own. Thank you for your advice, I’ve been taken by thieves more than a few times but I trust in God to straighten things out for me.
Jul 12Reply
tenmil01 Remember that wicked people come from the poor homeless to high politicians ! Love every one and care for people and animals but always do as the Buddhist say SLEEP WITH ONE EYE OPEN AND THE OTHER EYE OPEN TOO ! I’m going to say this from my heart and I mean it , if ever you find yourself in need please feel free to contact me ! Live lone and prosper and enjoy every moment of every
Jul 12Reply
pralinequeen @tenmil01 Thank you for talking with me and being kind. Same here, if ever you need someone to talk to I’m usually here on and off throughout the day. We are living in dangerous times for sure, my son wants to give me a gun but I said I count on God to help me now, or if I sleep in death he will bring me back when the time is right.
Jul 12Reply
tenmil01 day because I’m the span of space and time we are actually here on earth for just several days or maybe even minutes ! The Buddhist priest told me it’s like when you sleep and you dream that you are somewhere for several days or weeks and you wake up and only 45 minutes have gone by ! Well
Jul 12Reply
tenmil01 I believe it and I understand now what Einstein was trying to say about space and time ! We probably really are only here for just minutes or days but it feels like decades ! I’m 68 years old and I look old but I have the same energy I had when I was 25 years old ! But if I follow what the Buddhist priest told me I’ve probably been on earth 68 minutes or 68 days ! Well whatever ! Remember
Jul 12Reply
tenmil01 That you have a friend in me and let me know if you ever need anything and I will help you ! You are my new friend ! Rosemarie @tenmil01 or EMAIL ❤️❤️❤️👍👍👍♥️♥️♥️🌹🌹🌹🌷🌷🌷🌺🌺🌺🌸🌸🌸☮️☮️☮️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Jul 12Reply
pralinequeen @tenmil01 Thanks Rosemarie, My email is It was a nice discussion with you, we have a lot in common. I’m here if ever you need someone to talk to, like you say our concept of time is much different than that of Gods. We are here such a short time it’s good to encourage each other in the strange times ahead. Good night 🤗
Jul 12Reply
tenmil01 Good morning ! I just finished the mozzarellas for the people who will arrive at noon so I have to rush this to you ? It is such a coincidence that your name is Debbie because my cousins have arrived from Cuba to help build and earthquake proof museum in honor of a Poshmark Ambassador The sign is if I can remember correctly 12 ft long 4 feet High and has already been painted
Jul 12Reply
tenmil01 And water proved ! It’s titled Debbie Closet and Other Things Museum ! She can be found @blessingsup ! In all my travels it was wheeling and dealing with competitors and smugglers and experimenting with what could possibly cure cancer so I never saw beautiful things in my life especially with every free chance I studied more and more
Jul 12Reply
pralinequeen @tenmil01 Good to hear from you, hope you have a good time with your cousins today and it’s nice to see your great energy in getting things ready to do some good. I’m glad you’re making the building safer and prepared for emergencies that can happen without warning. This is a way to protect lives, we had that hi rise collapse in Miami due to inadequate maintenance and greed of the owners refusing to make repairs, many died. So you’re doing good deeds ahead of time.
Jul 12Reply
tenmil01 Then I visited St Petersburg to compare conference minutes but in Russia I saw such beautiful things that I wanted to live there ! On a stop off in New York City I visited Macy’s on 34th street and Herald Square and I felt like Alice in wonderland and in the museum in Puerto Rico in San Juan there are many Artifacts from when the Spaniards ruled !
Jul 12Reply
tenmil01 Then I join Poshmark to see what interesting things I could find and aft several months I was about to give up but I ran into @blessingsup and I was amazed ! It’s almost noon and I already hear the horses and cars so I have to run ! I’ll finish the story later but if you get a chance look her up ! ❤️❤️❤️👍👍👍♥️♥️♥️🌺🌺🌺🌸🌸🌸🌹🌹🌹🌷🌷🌷😊😊😊
Jul 12Reply
pralinequeen @tenmil01 Great name ! I’m glad you get to enjoy life more with this project to do some good and enjoy life. I’m sure you dedicated many hours to studies and self sacrifice. As for the prolific cancer, I’m sure good nutrition can help in the fight against cancer. More knowledge is needed for the public to eat anti oxidants in their diet and unfortunately some do not have access to good nutrition. You do good by feeding the poor, it a good example to others
Jul 12Reply
pralinequeen @tenmil01 I did go visit the closet of blessingsup an shared her listings so she could get more exposure. I’ll do it again now🤗
Jul 16Reply
tenmil01 You are an A — ONE person !!! Your friend Rosemarie @tenmil01 ❤️❤️❤️👍👍👍♥️♥️♥️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️🌹🌹🌹🌷🌷🌷🌺🌺🌺🌸🌸🌸😊😊😊
Jul 16Reply
pralinequeen @tenmil01 you, my friend are special and your kind, good intentions are an example to all. I like pit bulls too, as a matter of fact I’m a big animal over. I guess I saw so much cruelty in mankind, I gravitated towards animals at an early age. There are still good people out there… like you and others that encourage me to know there are others that truly care. Goodnight my friend🤗
Jul 16Reply
jillene002 @pralinequeen Hi there I’m serious how many carrots is this
May 20Reply
pralinequeen @jillene002 I love Herkimer Diamonds, I made that showpiece necklace with a large one that I got wire wrapped
May 20Reply
jillene002 @pralinequeen Oh you’ll have to show it to me and yes I’m a Herkimer freak
May 20Reply

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