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Restocked Large catnip “sushi” rolls


Updated Nov 13
Updated Nov 13

Restocked Large catnip “sushi” rolls




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$16 each or pick 2 for $20 🐾Let me know if you want multiples~ I will need to make you a personal listing.🐾 Large catnip toy with rattle bell inside Choose from Shrimp sushi, Salmon Sushi or Arctic shellfish Pick your type of sushi under sizes. Listing is for 1 piece of sushi. Pick shrimp 🍤 salmon 🍣 or tuna 🍣
  • Seller Discount: 15% off 3+ Bundle

  • Ships to: United States

  • $7.97 Expedited (1-3 day) Shipping on all orders

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delmarvadesigns @flannzk If you tell me which “sushi” you like, I’ll send you an offer for the dishes and the sushi.
Apr 15Reply
delmarvadesigns @aprilluvshoes These are sooo cute! I can’t discount anything under $15 because my prices are set very low. If you’d like to bundle with 2 other small items it will get an automatic 30% off til the end of the month. Be sure to pick which sushi you like.
Apr 15Reply
delmarvadesigns @poshami_ 🌻Congrats on hosting the Everything Pets party!!Please consider @mtcloset88 for a possible host pick🌻🤗TY
Apr 18Reply
delmarvadesigns @brickhousedames This item has been picked by another hostess for tonight’s party.
Apr 19Reply
brickhousedames @mtcloset88 Thanks for letting me know love. Happy sales.
Apr 19Reply
delmarvadesigns @brickhousedames I hate when a pick gets wasted. I think I have 3 in this party. Spread the wealth.
Apr 19Reply
delmarvadesigns @vanpaepeghems Yes, unless you bundle. They’re huge- very cute. Any 3 items bundled = 30% off.
Apr 19Reply
deals2adore Congrats on your host pick. Sharing with my followers and wishing you many sales 🎈✨🎈⭐💜🐶😸💜⭐🎈✨🎈
Apr 19Reply
poshkimmie83 🐶🐱🐭🐹🐰CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR EVERYTHING PETS HOST PICK, PFF! I hope it sells fast. Shared!🐷🐸🐣🦞🐠
Apr 20Reply
katt_sweeter 🐱🐶🐱🐶 🐈YaY You!!🐈 🐈💥🐈💥🐈💥🐈💥🐈💥🐈💥🐈💥 💫🌺💫🌺💫🌺💫🌺💫🌺💫🌺💫🌺 😻🐈CONGRATS on your host pic!🐈😻 🐈😻SHARING FOR SPEEDY SALE!😻🐈 🌺💫🌺💫🌺💫🌺💫🌺💫🌺💫🌺💫 💥🐈💥🐈💥🐈💥🐈💥🐈💥🐈💥🐈 🐈💋💕~KATT~💕💋🐈 🐱💕🐶 🐱💕🐶 💕🐱💕🐶 🐱💕🐶💕 🐱💕🐶💕🐱💕🐶💕 💕🐱💕🐶💕🐱 🐶💕🐱💕🐶 🐱💕🐶 🐱
Apr 20Reply
g8queenbee Meow-za and arrrrffff-rific!!!!! Happy Pet Posh Party Pick!!!! 🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌Congratulations on your Host Pick this evening! Wishing you many sales and success! Happy Poshing!🐶🐱🐭🐷🦁🦊🐻🐵🐯🐶🐱🐮🐭🐻‍❄️🐹🐼🐹🐨🙊🐤🐒🐶🦊🐱
Apr 20Reply
808dragonheart 🐾🐩🐾 WOW! Congratulations on your Fabulous Host Pick “EVERYTHING PETS Posh Party” 🐾🦮🐾🐕🐾 Have a Wonderful Day with many Sales💲 🍃🐱🍃Sharing your Awesome Host Pick with hopes for a quick sale! 💜💟💜 🐶🐾🐱🦴🐕🐾🐩🦴🦮🐾🐕‍🦺🦴🐈 Pets are humanizing. They remind us we have an obligation and responsibility to preserve and nurture and care for life! They will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of their Heart ♥️! Aloha🌺Happy Poshing, Trude 💜
Apr 20Reply
delmarvadesigns @808dragonheart 🐾Thanks for all the shares🐶
Apr 20Reply
808dragonheart @mtcloset88 🌿❤️🌿You’re very welcomed! 🌿💛🌿Happy Tuesday! 04.20.21 🌟😇🌟 Have a Fantastic Day and a Fabulous Week with lots of Success and Sales! 🍃❤️🍃 🍃🌹Wishing you a terrific Tuesday! Laugh when you can. Apologize when you should and Let Go of what you can’t change! May God Bless You with peace in your home and Joy in your Heart! ♥️ Happy April 🌷May all your days in this month be Extraordinary! 🌷 Aloha🌺Happy Poshing, Trude 💜
Apr 20Reply
delmarvadesigns @chromatophilia - if interested, pick the style you like and add that style and the other cat toys to a bundle. It will give you a buy joe price b/c I’m going 15% off- just make an offer for the $12 and I’ll accept it.
May 02Reply
delmarvadesigns @detroitlook If interested in these items please pick which “sushi” and make a bundle so you get the discount. If you want more than one type of “sushi” let me know so I can create a private listing for you.
May 09Reply
hannahpea Congratulations!  I have picked this lovely item as a host pick for the "Everything Pets" Party 🦮🐈  .  I wish you many quick sales! 🍈
May 19Reply
delmarvadesigns @hannahpea 🐾Thank you! Sending one way shares now.
May 19Reply
carling_miller 🎉💎CONGRATS💎🎉 on your ✨FABULOUS✨HOST✨ PICK✨🎉⏰Time to Celebrate🎉⏰ Wishing you SPEEDY⚡️SALES!! 💗🌸🌹💋
May 20Reply
redmermaid_cove 🌈🧜‍♀️🏖🌞⛱🐚🌊🐬🧜‍♀️🌈 🥳🐾🐈🎉Congratulations 🎉🐾🐶🥳 🌞🧜‍♀️🌊🐬Happy Poshing 🌞🧜‍♀️🌊🐬 🐾 🐰🐡 🐕🐈🦮🐱🐕‍🦺🦜🐇🐾
May 20Reply
delmarvadesigns @carling_miller 🐾Thank you for sharing my host picks! Sending posh 💕💙💕your way🐾
May 20Reply
ms_leand_3 🎊 🎉💖💥🤪Woo-hoo!!💥💖🤪🎊Congratulations on your host pick! 💥🎊🎉🤪 I'll definitely share your HP with my followers in hopes of a speedy sale! 🎉🎊💥 🤪Best, Tiny !!💖🎉🎊
May 20Reply
808dragonheart 🐾🐩🐾 WOW! Congratulations on your Fabulous Host Pick “EVERYTHING PETS Posh Party” 05.19.21 🐾🦮🐾🐕🐾 Have a Wonderful Day with many Sales💲 🍃🐱🍃Sharing your Awesome Host Pick with hopes for a quick sale! 💜💟💜 🐶🐾🐱🦴🐕🐾🐩🦴🦮🐾🐕‍🦺🦴🐈 Pets are humanizing. They remind us we have an obligation and responsibility to preserve and nurture and care for life! They will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of their Heart ♥️! Aloha🌺Happy Poshing, Trude 💜
May 20Reply
delmarvadesigns @808dragonheart 🌻Thanks for sharing my host picks! Once again, I didn’t make it far into the party before falling asleep. Only 3 more weeks of school so I won’t be getting up so early in the morning. Sending posh 💙💕💙 your way.🌻
May 20Reply
808dragonheart @mtcloset88 🌿💖🌿You’re very welcomed! 🍃💙🍃Happy Thursday! 05.20.21 🍃🧡🍃Have a Fantastic Day and a Fabulous Week with lots of Sales💲💜💟💜 🍃🧡May your Thursday be a garden of wonderful blessings & your life blossom with every dream and wishes that is close to your heart...Keep safe always.🧡🍃 Aloha 🌺Happy Poshing, Trude 💜
May 20Reply
delmarvadesigns @nkmiller1990 I only have the “tuna” left. This is a firm price item unless bundled~ then 15% off.
May 23Reply
delmarvadesigns @jdmclark07 The only one left is tuna. The price is firm on this item unless bundled.
May 24Reply
delmarvadesigns @jennyrandall There is just one left. Bundle with other another item for 15% off.
May 28Reply
delmarvadesigns @itsmichelleg66 there are 3 different versions. The price is firm on these unless bundled. I’m doing a make your own mystery box sale - today only- 5 items $10 and under for $25. I’d allow you to add one of these to that box even though they’re $12. I need to reduce some listings- too many to handle.
May 31Reply
srosborough13 🐶 🐱 🐹🐰🐠 Until one has loved an animal a part of one's soul remains unawakened. 🐶 🐱 🐹🐰🐠 I’ve chosen your item as a host pick in the June 8th Everything Pets Posh Party! ❤️ @srosborough13
Jun 08Reply
808dragonheart 🐾🐩🐾 WOW! Congratulations on your Fabulous Host Pick “EVERYTHING PETS Posh Party” 06.08.21 🐾🦮🐾🐕🐾 Have a Wonderful Day with many Sales💲 🍃🐱🍃Sharing your Awesome Host Pick with hopes for a quick sale! 💜💟💜 🐶🐾🐱🦴🐕🐾🐩🦴🦮🐾🐕‍🦺🦴🐈 Pets are humanizing. They remind us we have an obligation and responsibility to preserve and nurture and care for life! They will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of their Heart ♥️! Aloha🌺Happy Poshing, Trude 💜
Jun 09Reply
delmarvadesigns @808dragonheart 🐾Thank you so much for sharing! Posh 💙💕💙coming your way🐾
Jun 09Reply
delmarvadesigns @johnna_justine if interested pick the one(s) you want and add to a bundle. 20% off everything thru Sunday.
Jun 16Reply
delmarvadesigns @mid410 if interested, pick your sushi & add to a bundle.
Jun 17Reply
delmarvadesigns @ultrasassybeast Please pick your sushi style(s) and add to a bundle. I’ll send you a 20% discount. There are 3 styles to chose from.
Jun 17Reply
delmarvadesigns @karinajoy if interested, please pick your sushi. There are 3 different types.
Jun 18Reply
delmarvadesigns @rlutz01 If interested, pick you sushi choice & add to a bundle. There are 3 types. If you want more than one let me know and I’ll make you a special listing. 20% off today.
Jun 19Reply
thriftylane_289 Congratulations! this item is Purrfect and I have chosen this as a HP!🥳🥳 Wishing you many sales.
Jun 28Reply
delmarvadesigns @thriftylane_289 🐾TYSM~ sending one way shares now 🐾
Jun 28Reply
delmarvadesigns @katlapointe 3 styles- if interested, add one to a bundle. Get any item $10 or under free with a purchase over $10.
Jun 28Reply
katt_sweeter 🐈YaY You!!🐈 🐈🌞🐈🌞🐈🌞🐈🌞🐈🌞🐈🌞🐈🌞 🌞🌺💫🌺💫🌺💫🌺💫🌺💫🌺💫🐈 🐈💫𝗖𝗢𝗡𝗚𝗥𝗔𝗧𝗦 on 𝗛𝗢𝗦𝗧 𝗣𝗜𝗖𝗞! 🌺🌞 🌞🌺SHARING FOR SPEEDY SALE!💫🐈 🐈💫🌺💫🌺💫🌺💫🌺💫🌺💫🌺🌞 🌞🐈🌞🐈🌞🐈🌞🐈🌞🐈🌞🐈🌞🐈 🐈💋💕~KATT~💕💋🐈 ꧁@katt_sweeter꧂
Jun 29Reply
delmarvadesigns @katt_sweeter 🐾TYSM for sharing my host picks. Sending posh 💙💕💙your way🐾
Jun 29Reply
bwood8 🎉💫🛍🎩Congratulations on your host pick!!!! 🎉💫🛍🎩wishing you a fast, successful sale!💥👍📦📬
Jun 29Reply
delmarvadesigns @bwood8 🐾TYSM for sharing my host picks. Sending posh 💙💕💙your way🐾
Jun 29Reply
delmarvadesigns @justjessi629 3 styles- if interested, pick your style and add to a bundle. For every item over$10, pick one under $10 for free. Can’t exceed 5 lbs.
Jun 29Reply
808dragonheart 🐾🐩🐾 WOW! Congratulations on your Fabulous Host Pick “EVERYTHING PETS Posh Party” 06.28.21 🐾🦮🐾🐕🐾 Have a Wonderful Day with many Sales💲 🍃🐱🍃Sharing your Awesome Host Pick with hopes for a quick sale! 💜💟💜 🐶🐾🐱🦴🐕🐾🐩🦴🦮🐾🐕‍🦺🦴🐈 Pets are humanizing. They remind us we have an obligation and responsibility to preserve and nurture and care for life! They will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of their Heart ♥️! Aloha🌺Happy Poshing, Trude 💜
Jun 29Reply
808dragonheart @mtcloset88 🌿💖🌿You’re very welcomed! 🌿💖🌿 Wishing you a Fabulous day with lots of success and sales💲 06.28.21 🍃🌸🍃 🍃❤️🍃 HAPPY MONDAY 🍃❤️🍃 A new day, a new week, a new sunrise, a new blessing. Make the most of it and ENJOY YOUR DAY and WEEK! Happy June 🌻🍃🌻May all your days this month be Extraordinary! 🌻🍃🌻 Aloha🌺Happy Poshing, Trude 💜
Jun 29Reply
mattietee Congratulations on your Host Pick. I am hoping you sell this perfect item soon 🎉❤️🎉❤️🎉❤️🎉❤️🎉
Jul 08Reply
trahan_trends 🎈🎉🎊 Congratulations 🎈🎉🎊 on HP! I’ll share with my followers and hope for a speedy sell. 💲🤑 GL 🍀🙏🏼
Jul 09Reply
delmarvadesigns @jazlynpeeler If interested, pick your sushi. Get any item $10 and under with a purchase of anything over $10.
Jul 09Reply
delmarvadesigns @vdoolity420 If interested, pick your sushi. Get any item $10 or under for free with this purchase.
Jul 09Reply
seansanburn 🎉🎉🎉Congratulations On Your Host Pick🎉🎉🎉Seanie
Jul 09Reply
duganfamily 🥳🎉🛍And again🎉🛍🥳
Jul 09Reply
delmarvadesigns @seansanburn 🐾TYSM- did you pick this item? I didn’t get a lot of messages re: who picked which items.
Jul 09Reply
seansanburn @mtcloset88 Hey, no I didn’t I Co-Host 7/18 ❤️ I got my pick to and I’m happy I was in my phone, well I’m always on it, on posh lol 😉 and my pick didn’t leave a comment also, so I saw and was able to thank her!!!
Jul 09Reply
seansanburn Just FYI, I will be ❤️ing, and doing congratulations soon! So you will know it’s me! Plus I’ll keep my eye out but if you add new just tag me, thank you! Seanie
Jul 09Reply
delmarvadesigns @seansanburn I can’t keep track! Thanks for sharing🐾
Jul 09Reply
delmarvadesigns @seansanburn I just added insect repelling bandanas & tee shirts🐾
Jul 09Reply
seansanburn @mtcloset88 Girl I know sometimes it’s just impossible to keep track, of course and thank you for always sharing and congratulations, much ❤️!!! Yes I did see those!!!!❤️
Jul 09Reply
808dragonheart 🐾🐩🐾 WOW! Congratulations on your Fabulous Host Pick “EVERYTHING PETS Posh Party” 07.08.21 🐾🦮🐾🐕🐾 Have a Wonderful Day with many Sales💲 🍃🐱🍃Sharing your Awesome Host Pick with hopes for a quick sale! 💜💟💜 🐶🐾🐱🦴🐕🐾🐩🦴🦮🐾🐕‍🦺🦴🐈 Pets are humanizing. They remind us we have an obligation and responsibility to preserve and nurture and care for life! They will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of their Heart ♥️! Aloha🌺Happy Poshing, Trude 💜
Jul 09Reply
delmarvadesigns @shaheen_j there are 3 different styles. If you bundle with another item I’ll send you a discount.
Jul 17Reply
fancycandy007 ⭐️🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿⭐️ 5 Bags of Popcorn Sweeet !!!⭐️🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿⭐️ Congratulations on your Host Pick! 📷 🤩⭐️ Sharing your awesome Host Pick with all my amazing followers!☮☮☮ Sending Positive Vibes your way!🛒💵💰💳💸💲Wishing you lots of closet traffic & sales 🛒🤩! 💗 @FancyCandy007 🍬🧁🍭
Jul 18Reply
808dragonheart 🐾🐩🐾 WOW! Congratulations on your Fabulous Host Pick “EVERYTHING PETS Posh Party” 07.18.21 🐾🦮🐾🐕🐾 Have a Wonderful Day with many Sales💲 🍃🐱🍃Sharing your Awesome Host Pick with hopes for a quick sale! 💜💟💜 🐶🐾🐱🦴🐕🐾🐩🦴🦮🐾🐕‍🦺🦴🐈 Pets are humanizing. They remind us we have an obligation and responsibility to preserve and nurture and care for life! They will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of their Heart ♥️! Aloha🌺Happy Poshing, Trude 💜
Jul 19Reply
delmarvadesigns @tripletjlm There are 3 different sushi to choose from.
Jul 26Reply
g8queenbee Seriously spectacular pet party host pick!🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌Sharing with my followers in hopes you have a quick sale tonight!!🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Jul 28Reply
luvkitty 🦋🌸🦋🌸🦋🌸🦋🌸🦋🌸🦋🌸🦋🌸🦋🌸🦋🌸🦋🌸🦋🌸🦋🌸🦋🌸🦋🌸🦋 🎉🎉🎉Congratulations on your amazing host pick! I’m sharing with my followers, and I’m wishing you a super speedy sale!🎉🎉🎉 🦋🌸🦋🌸🦋🌸🦋🌸🦋🌸🦋🌸🦋🌸🦋🌸🦋🌸🦋🌸🦋🌸🦋🌸🦋🌸🦋🌸🦋🌸🦋🌸 💖Michele
Jul 29Reply
delmarvadesigns @rachael13613 buy one get one 50% off sale- higher price prevails. Just add to bundle.
Jul 29Reply
delmarvadesigns @wineykristin There are 3 to choose from. The price is firm for 1 but 2 will be $18. If you want 2 let me know and I can make you a special listing.
Aug 12Reply
delmarvadesigns @emmy_schmidt There are 3 to choose from. If you bundle 2 or more items I’ll send you an offer.
Aug 18Reply
maplebetsy Woo hoo! 🎉🎉 Congratulations on your HOST PICK! 🐶🐩🐱 🐾 It’s awesome! I shared it with my followers and am hoping for speedy sales for you 👍🎉🤞-Betsy
Aug 27Reply
visaisa Congratulations! 🎉I have also selected this amazing item as a host pick for the Everything Pets Posh Party🐾🐾Wishing you many sales!💲-Isabella
Sep 27Reply
delmarvadesigns @visaisa 🐾TYSM~ sending one way shares 🐾
Sep 27Reply
gogogiglio 🌟🌟CONGRATS🌟🌟🌟 🎁🌷🥰FAB SELECTION 🥰🌷🎁 💕✨🎉FOR HOST PICK🎉✨💕 ⏰⏰⏰⏰⏰⏰⏰⏰⏰⏰⏰⏰ 🗣🗣🗣Time to SHARE 🗣🗣🗣 into POSH UNIVERSE 🌎🪐🌎🪐🌎🪐🌎🪐🌎🪐🌎🪐
Sep 28Reply
maplebetsy Woo hoo! 🎉🎉 Congratulations on your HOST PICK! ⭐️🎉⭐️🎉It’s awesome! I shared it with my followers and am hoping for speedy sales for you 👍🎉🤞-Betsy
Sep 28Reply
delmarvadesigns @patriciatatenco Which one do you like? There are 3.
Oct 05Reply
stabogs1969 🐶🐰🐹🐱Congratulations On your Host Pick🐶🐱🐭🐹Sharing with my followers in hopes for a quick sale🐰🐹🐭🐱Stacey
Oct 07Reply
delmarvadesigns @debrasabol Which one(s) do you like? There are 3 different styles.
Oct 27Reply
delmarvadesigns @smelloftoast Which one(s) do you like? There are 3 different styles.
Oct 27Reply
bonniekam Congratulations on your host pick 🎊 - sharing and wishing you many happy sales!
Oct 28Reply
delmarvadesigns @bonniekam 🐾TYSM~ sending one way shares of appreciation🐾
Oct 28Reply
beloved_one Congratulations on your host pick🥰 Happy selling🦋 Sharing with my followers 🤗🌺
Oct 28Reply
delmarvadesigns @beloved_one 🐾TYSM~ sending one way shares of appreciation🐾
Oct 28Reply
debrasabol I like the shrimp roll. thanks
Oct 28Reply
delmarvadesigns @debrasabol I just sent you an offer. Shipping is a lot on single items so if you’d like to combine that with 4 other items $10 or under I will do the 5 for $25.
Oct 28Reply
debrasabol @mtcloset88 ok, so do u have other cat/kitten toys or just these?
Oct 28Reply
delmarvadesigns @debrasabol I have hand knit mice- different colors. I also have scratchers. I’ll tag you.
Oct 28Reply
delmarvadesigns @seashelbybtq Which one(s) do you like. There are 3. If you are interested in more than one I can make a private listing.
Nov 06Reply
live_tolaugh HOST PICK!! 🥳🥳
Nov 07Reply
delmarvadesigns @live_tolaugh 🐾Congrats on your host pick! I’m sharing with my followers ~ wishing you speedy sales 🐾
Nov 07Reply
delmarvadesigns @krobinsonnyc If you are interested in any of the cat toys let me know style & color and I’ll send you a discount. There are 3 different “sushi” and several colors of the mice.
Nov 10Reply
krobinsonnyc @mtcloset88 Please send me a bundle! Thanks!!
Nov 10Reply
delmarvadesigns @krobinsonnyc Which sushi(s) do you want? Shrimp, Salmon or tuna? Also, what color mice? I don’t remember what’s left. I think multi colored, maybe red. The colors are listed in the listing. I’ll probably need to make you a private listing b/c I can’t do multiples of the same item.
Nov 10Reply
krobinsonnyc @mtcloset88 I would be interested in all of them
Nov 10Reply
delmarvadesigns @krobinsonnyc Any knit mice? I’ll make up a private listing soon. I’ll send it to you in a bundle.
Nov 10Reply
demonhunters 🌟🏆🌟 Congratulations on your Awesome🍃Fantastic🍃Fabulous🍃Amazing🍃Host Pick “Everything Pets 🐶Posh Party” 🍃🌷🍃Wishing you lots and lots of Success and Sales! Take Care, Stay Safe and have a Marvelous Day! 🍃🌸🍃 Sharing your Host Pick with hopes for a speedy sale! 🍃🦋🍃 🍃🌹Happy Poshing Rhonda 🌹🍃
Nov 17Reply
delmarvadesigns @demonhunters 🐾 TYSM~ sending one way shares of appreciation 🐾
Nov 17Reply

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