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Updated Mar 13
Updated Mar 13

Meet your Posher, Harley

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Harley. I’m a 15 year old rescue pup. I love my mom and my best friend is a cool cat we rescued last year. We are cleaning out the house to help with my veterinarian bills and gain some free space for me to run around, I may be old but I love to play! ALL Offers are welcome! 25% off any 5 items! Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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zardiva1 Hi and welcome! 👋😃 And “😘🐕” to this sweetie, haha! 😀
May 19Reply
tootie2258 Welcome
May 19Reply
harleyshouse @zardiva1 thank you @tootie2258 thank you Sorry about Kitty Kitty my condolences Nice to meet you both Glad to be here!
May 19Reply
zardiva1 @harleyshouse Thanks so much 🤗😘
May 19Reply
peace_wanda Welcome to Posh Mark 👋So happy to have you here. If you have any questions- please let me know. Great place to share, buy and share. Also feel free to stop by my closet anytime as well. Happy Poshing😊 and hope to see you around soon!!
May 20Reply
pbandjcloset 🎉🎉🎉Welcome to Poshmark!!!🎉🎉🎉
May 25Reply
harleyshouse @peace_wanda thank you, you too!
May 25Reply
peace_wanda @harleyshouse You’re most welcome
May 25Reply
shoeshoed Hi🙋‍♀️Harley & welcome to Poshmark!😊 Bless you for rescuing these beautiful, innocent babies!❤ I too am a huge animal lover.🥰 Great start on your beautiful closet! If you have any questions, please feel free to ask & stop by my closet as I have a variety of Women's clothing, bags, shoes, jewelry, Home decor, & kid stuff and am currently running a sale of 🌞3/$30🌞 on marked items. I also offer 20% off bundles of 3 & normally accept reasonable offers.😉 Stay safe & have a Blessed week!🙂
May 27Reply
ggblanca Hi nice to meet you, my name is Tracy. I enjoy making soap. It's nice to be part of this community, thanks for adding me Harley, beautiful dog!! 💕🧼
May 29Reply
hi666666 Thanks for the follow welcome I’m trying to get rid of stuff so if there’s anything you like let me know
Jun 10Reply
moonlitbev93 Super cute! ❤ 💕
Jun 11Reply
moonlitbev93 @harleyshouse You're welcome.
Jun 11Reply
ggblanca welcome
Jun 11Reply
ggblanca welcome
Jun 11Reply
justgivemeone Hey Harley!! Such a cool dude❤️
Jun 24Reply
kattanucci Great closet❣️
Sep 27Reply
harleyshouse @kattanucci thank you for the shares! Appreciated!
Sep 27Reply
jenn123456 Thanks for following me. Hopefully really soon you will buy something from me! Also selling dog toy! Cute Dog 🥰🐶🐾 Everything need to sell fast, Please!
Sep 27Reply
harleyshouse @jenn123456 thank you I will check out your closet!
Sep 27Reply
sspitery I love your closet! I will be back!
Sep 29Reply
harleyshouse Hello @sspitery thank you! Over the next few weeks I am adding about 50 items per day for $8 each no matter the item! There are so many really nice things! So please take a peek! I have a giant closet and a room that is being repurposed from storage space to pup play area! So all the contents are going up for sale to make room for and help with the cost to get new toys, carpet and a new dog bed cushion.
Sep 29Reply
lakesidetrades 🐾😊
Sep 29Reply
jackiesthreads1 Hello and t. Thank you for following my closet. Enjoy and much success to you!💓
Sep 29Reply
reneelily @harleyshouse I had a lab named Lady Harley :o) Love your shepard!
Sep 30Reply
harleyshouse @jackiesthreads1 thank you You too
Sep 30Reply
harleyshouse @reneelily thank you I love that name
Sep 30Reply
tatnaples Hi baby Harley, glad you're feeling better! Thanks bunches for the follow and support, happy Poshing 💜Tamala
Oct 01Reply
scarlett_reign Hi Harley! 🐶 Thank you for the follow 🧜‍♀️🛍
Oct 02Reply
bonamis Hello Harley, Thanks a bunch for the mass sharing my closet, greatly appreciated. Your closet is great has lots of beautiful pieces, I love it.💘 Wishing you an abundance of sales.
Oct 02Reply
harleyshouse @bonamis thank you! You too!
Oct 02Reply
bonamis You're most welcome, have a fabulous weekend.😀
Oct 02Reply
amazonian786 Harley is the good boy ❤️ love GSD!! Have had a couple growing up best pals ever happy poshing tothis handsome guy
Oct 02Reply
pjhb Good Morning! I think I’ll take the owl and Pearl necklace. Have a great day!
Oct 03Reply
harleyshouse @pjhb good morning I sent you the discount offer in the bundle Thank you have a great Sunday!
Oct 03Reply
harleyshouse @mirkhan88 they are the greatest very loyal! She’s a good girl, her name was Harley when we rescued her so we kept the name, not very girly but it definitely fits her!
Oct 03Reply
amazonian786 @harleyshouse 🥰❤️ they are so loyal and worthy of royalty I named my last guy we lost a few years ago to age Cyrus now Ive moved over to parrots that will outlive me because they lost is very hard such a gorgeous girl you have reminds me of my guy ❤️
Oct 03Reply
harleyshouse @mirkhan88 yes I totally understand loss is so devastating in every way! My gramma has an African grey parrot, they live till forever it seems! Parrots live 90 years sometimes! And they have the funniest personalities and voices
Oct 03Reply
aryanks71’re a sweet boy!
Oct 05Reply
dancingqueen50 Welcome to Poshmark!💃🏻
Oct 07Reply
luxs4luv @harleyshouse Awwwe Love This, my fur-babies are all rescues to ❤️❤️🐶🐾😻! Thank you for the Follow I am following and sharing your closet now 🥂.
Oct 07Reply
harleyshouse @luxs4luv ♥️ rescues are the best!
Oct 07Reply
luxs4luv @harleyshouse They Really Are! If you get the chance I just Shared a Thank You to Poshers in my Closet, if you click that NFS listing you will see 2 of my Rescues 🐕😻!
Oct 07Reply
msthibault Hi Haley! We have a Corgi, four rescue kitties and five rescue guinea pigs. Love hearing stories about animals finding their forever homes.
Oct 25Reply
corprofessional Hello! My doggies name is also Harley. Nice to meet you.
Oct 27Reply
lschotsal Hi Harley! My pup and kitty are rescues too! 🐾 they are best buds 🐶 🐱 🥰
Nov 03Reply
harleyshouse As my thank you for your encouragement and support in my posh journey I am offering a 50% off ❤️ special discount to all my pff that liked this post! This offer is good until November 30! Any item $8 up of your choice in my closet *Excludes pandora* Add any listing to a bundle and comment 50% off ❤️ on bundle An offer for 50% off the item will be sent (You can add 4 + items with additional 25 % off)
Nov 04Reply
harleyshouse As my thank you for your encouragement and support in my posh journey I am offering a 50% off ❤️ special discount to all my pff that liked this post! This offer is good until November 30! Any item $8 up of your choice in my closet *Excludes pandora* Add any listing to a bundle and comment 50% off ❤️ on bundle An offer for 50% off the item will be sent (You can add 4 + items with additional 25 % off)
Nov 04Reply
harleyshouse As my thank you for your encouragement and support in my posh journey I am offering a 50% off ❤️ special discount to all my pff that liked this post! This offer is good until November 30! Any item $8 up of your choice in my closet *Excludes pandora* Add any listing to a bundle and comment 50% off ❤️ on bundle An offer for 50% off the item will be sent (You can add 4 + items with additional 25 % off)
Nov 04Reply
harleyshouse As my thank you for your encouragement and support in my posh journey I am offering a 50% off ❤️ special discount to all my pff that liked this post! This offer is good until November 30! Any item $8 up of your choice in my closet *Excludes pandora* Add any listing to a bundle and comment 50% off ❤️ on bundle An offer for 50% off the item will be sent (You can add 4 + items with additional 25 % off)
Nov 04Reply
harleyshouse As my thank you for your encouragement and support in my posh journey I am offering a 50% off ❤️ special discount to all my pff that liked this post! This offer is good until November 30! Any item $8 up of your choice in my closet *Excludes pandora* Add any listing to a bundle and comment 50% off ❤️ on bundle An offer for 50% off the item will be sent (You can add 4 + items with additional 25 % off)
Nov 04Reply
nolagirl14 @harleyshouse Harley, you are beautiful, and I’m glad you are feeling better now❣️😍 Thank you so much for your generous discount offer! It is greatly appreciated and will be of much help this holiday season.🥰❤️🐾🐾
Nov 04Reply
harleyshouse Hello posh friends and family! TO ALL THAT I TAGGED IN COMMENTS There was some confusion with the offer SPECIAL 50 % off❤️ DISCOUNT EACH AND EVERYONE tagged will receive one item 50% off Any item $8 up All items included *excludes pandora* Any item in my closet priced $8 and up is eligible for the 50% off discount Offer is good until November 30, can be used twice!
Nov 04Reply
smartstyle009 Good morning- no need to measure, I changed the bundle…please see and advise. Thank you very much
Nov 07Reply
o0y4kw3rvu7x 💥🎭👣
Nov 15Reply
piranhawench Hi Harley & Harley’s Mom & Harley’s New Friend! I’m glad you’re doing better! Oh my gosh! I just read about Lyme disease in dogs! If you had these symptoms, you had a very hard life. Prayers that you are healthy now! Harley you are a beautiful dog! You& Mom have a very nice closet! I hope you clear out lots of room! 🥰💕💕 ☮️💟💜🦋
Dec 04Reply
lmoore840 Heeey, I am happy to say, I am having a HOLIDAY SALE on my page, come check it out, won’t be doing these sells for long, get things low while you can!!!I have great Christmas presentsss😃😃!!YAAAAY! 🎁🎁,Merry Christmas and Happy New Years!!!!🤩🤩🤩!!!
Dec 05Reply
42luvall Harley is so handsome. Hope he feeling better!
Mar 02Reply
sprinklesbaker Hey thanks for the follow! I’m Emily😊 if you like any of my items please don’t hesitate to create a bundle for a great deal I’ll accept anything!
Apr 01Reply
lnr829 Hi Harley, and thanks for following When you have a chance, visit my closet and let me know if you have any questions. I price my items fairly and if there is room for discount, I’ll consider offers. Thanks and good day!
Apr 02Reply
spreadlove Hi! I’m Melissa, just stopping in to say hello! Please check out my closet if you’re in the mood to shop! 💛🌻
Apr 19Reply
nyfashionstore Can you check out my closet I am accepting every offer today ! :)
Jun 03Reply
nyfashionstore Hi! Can you check out my closet if you have any time! I am accepting offers :) selling out quick
Jun 12Reply
4_good_stuff Hi! Totally changed your closet! Or did I imagine what was in it yesterday?
Jul 18Reply
4_good_stuff Harley, I’m so glad you found your mom. She sounds like the best. Hope you have many more years to run around. 🥰🥰🥰
Jul 18Reply
harleyshouse @4_good_stuff no you are right! 💕 That’s my mom she is helping doing a share live. My first live will be soon, I work a lot of hours hoping to do it my next day off! 🥰🥰
Jul 18Reply
4_good_stuff @harleyshouse Ah! Got it. I thought the Twilight Zone was back. 😵‍💫😂 Ok. I understand. Still curious about the turtle bracelet when you can help. Thanks, Holly
Jul 18Reply
cutehosiery @harleyshouse Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Sep 09Reply
resale4you Gorgeous pup! ❤️ We have a shepherd / husky rescue mix; her pic is in my Meet the Posher photos. We lost the lab and German Shepherd (also pictured) within 3 months of each other. Cancer. 🥲 I was “just looking” at rescues and 2 weeks later, Zany Zoe joined us! Rescues Rock! 🤗💕
Mar 11Reply

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Last Active: Mar 14

Bristol, RI
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Last Active: Mar 14

Bristol, RI
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