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Updated Jul 28
Updated Jul 28

Meet your Posher, David

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm David. Some of my favorite brands are Gucci, Polo by Ralph Lauren, and Burberry. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
  • Seller Discount: 20% off 3+ Bundle

  • Ships to: United States

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t6363b BUNDLE ANY 5 ITEMS FOR $25 Items must be listed $40 or less;)) ACCEPTING ALL OFFERS Thank you for your interest
Sep 24Reply
mmimmalove Hi. Welcome to Poshmark. Hope you are enjoy the experience at Poshmark. Just Open your closet and sell al items you actually not use. Have a good luck and best wishes!!!
Sep 24Reply
fremont1969 @mmimmalove thank you. im loving poshmark
Sep 24Reply
melinferno Thanks for sharing my listings... Mel
Sep 26Reply
smcuster Hello, Shawn Marie here. After getting notification you began following my Poshmark Closet, I want to welcome and thank you for visiting. I appreciate you for connecting and giving the opportunity to read and learn a little bit about you. Great closet also! Don’t forget to find and follow me on Instagram @shawnmariescloset where we can get to know one another better with a fun introduction game I created. My closet is your closet. Glad to meet you. ~Shawn Marie
Sep 27Reply
fremont1969 @smcuster awwww ty. so very sweet. have an awesome day. smiles frim California
Sep 27Reply
smcuster @fremont1969 Hello David. I appreciate you for taking the time writing back and sharing kind words. I welcome you to visit anytime. My closet is your closet Shawn Marie
Sep 27Reply
oliviaami Dear @fremont1969 , happy to see that you are following our closet 💗
Oct 09Reply
theedysue Thx so much for the follow n shares David! I will do same for your beautiful jewels❤️🖤💛🧡💚 P S , I love your fur babies 🦊🐶❣️
Oct 31Reply
zardiva1 😃😘🐕‍🦺🐕 (Your profile pic)
Oct 31Reply
fremont1969 @theedysue aww ty. our fur babies are our world.
Oct 31Reply
fremont1969 @zardiva1 our spoiled fur babies are our world.
Oct 31Reply
theedysue @fremont1969 🧡🖤❤️❣️
Oct 31Reply
zardiva1 @fremont1969 Awwwww 🤗
Oct 31Reply
lynnbeckylynn Hello and thanks for the follow. We're having an overstock sale and accepting offers at 20% less than our listing price on most items.  😍
Nov 05Reply
dogtownusa your pups
Nov 13Reply
dogtownusa your pups are adorable...
Nov 13Reply
fremont1969 @dogtownusa ty. are spoiled babies. lol
Nov 13Reply
diavonscloset Such a fun closet! Will be back by again
Nov 18Reply
robino98 Thanks for sharing!
Nov 18Reply
robino98 Nice closet!
Nov 18Reply
fremont1969 @robino98 ty for sharing.
Nov 18Reply
cindizayas3 Hi there! Just wanted to thank you for the shares, and wish you Happy Holidays! 🦃🍁
Nov 25Reply
coolgrey123 ❤️BLACK FRIDAY SALE❤️ 20% to 50% of all bundles and items maybe even more depending! Im INVITING you to this EXTRAVAGANZA SALE! Search my closet and create a gbundle, LETS MAKE IT HAPPEN! GUARANTEED SOMETHING FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY:) Thanks and happy happy HOLIDAYS!!!🙌🏼🔥🙏🏼
Nov 25Reply
cindizayas3 Thank you so much for shares! I appreciate so much, and wish you much success, happy holidays, but most of all, blessings and joy! 🥰
Dec 05Reply
fremont1969 @cindizayas3 your welcome. happy holidays
Dec 05Reply
shimstylz Hi 🙋‍♀️ Hope you shop my closet soon🥂✨ All offers accepted (or countered ☺️😉). See you! ShimStylz
Dec 17Reply
mcdonaldbycarin Cute babies
Dec 17Reply
mcdonaldbycarin Your welcome
Dec 17Reply
riverkimmy Hi, good looking dogs! My 2 dogs make me so happy every day.
Dec 17Reply
fremont1969 @riverkimmy ty. they are our spoiled rotten babies. lol
Dec 17Reply
sandydallison Thanks for checking out my closet
Dec 18Reply
2girls2122 Love your dogs beautiful many hugs them 🤗🙋‍♀️Hi! Thanks for following our closet.. Wishing you many sales💰and buys📦..Happy Poshing 😊. Happy Holidays ☮
Dec 22Reply
fremont1969 @2girls2122 awww ty. Happy Holidays
Dec 22Reply
kids_poshshop Hello. Nice closet! You have so many pretty things. If you like any of my items and want to buy build a bundle. 3 or more items gets you a 15% discount and combined shipping. Most of my items are Final Priced so I won’t be sending offers, but reasonable offers are always welcomed! I have another closet for adult clothes and other things. It’s called richmondsrelics.
Dec 22Reply
iskandr_123 Thanks for the follow 👍😁
Dec 24Reply
digitalsandy New Year Poshmania! Posh is all about sharing items from your closet & from the closets of others. Tip: At bottom R of About on landing page, click `See all closets.` Touch ea. blue 🔤 bar. It changes to white, meaning U are now following that closet. Share 5-6 items👚👖from it. A large number of Poshers U follow👣 will follow you BACK & share items from YOUR💃Closet. ❣ Posh Ambassador, Saundra
Dec 28Reply
nicholepruitt73 hi sweetie, pic any 2 items tonight and only pay for the higher price one, 2nd item is completely FREE... FOR A LIMITED TIME U WILL GET CHOICE OF A SANITARY PACKAGE 1 2 PK MASK AND BOTTLE OF SANITIZER OR A STICKER BUNDLE (15 HIGH QUALITY VINYL STICKERS EITHER RIP/DIP, VANS,ETC MY CHOICE
Jan 03Reply
sprinklesbaker Hey thanks for the follow! I’m Emily😊 if you like any of my items please don’t hesitate to create a bundle or send an offer I’ll accept anything and Happy New Year🎉🎊
Jan 05Reply
fremont1969 @sprinklesbaker awesome. Happy New Year
Jan 05Reply
bestdressed995 🙋‍♀️Hi 🧤 Thank you for stopping 🛑 by my closet and following me. Wishing you a healthy, New Year🥳
Jan 06Reply
docspot I must say you have a very nice looking closet. please take a moment and look at mine and tell me what you think. I also have a YouTube channel that I'm very proud of. please take a moment and look at it and subscribe. thank you
Jan 27Reply
mshotstep @fremont1969 thank you for the shares, nice closet and happy Poshing
Feb 02Reply
sweetpeacin Hi David. Thank you for the follow and all of the shares. I really appreciate it. Happy Poshing! 🙂
Feb 04Reply
fremont1969 @sweetpeacin yw and ty. have an awesome poshing day.
Feb 04Reply
rmmaygrace hello. I was looking through your closet, and was wondering, do you make your own jewelry?
Feb 06Reply
fremont1969 @rmmaygrace most of we do. we create and make jewelry here in san jose. our sea glass we get from the beaches in half moon bay.
Feb 06Reply
rmmaygrace @fremont1969 thats really neat. I a tyally make my own jewelry. if you would like to check out my closet i would love it! I use resin, and real stones Like malachite, Lapis Lazuli, and amethyst and. bunch more!
Feb 06Reply
fremont1969 @rmmaygrace thats awesome. homemade jewelry is the best. we do alot of custom orders for customers in the San Francisco bay area.
Feb 06Reply
rmmaygrace @fremont1969 As do I! I've got a deal going on, from now until Valentine's day, anything $25 or more is with free shipping
Feb 06Reply
fremont1969 @rmmaygrace thats also. we just have valentine's earrings.
Feb 06Reply
rmmaygrace @fremont1969 if you see anything you like in my closet, please do let me know! I would love to sell tonyou!
Feb 06Reply
melissatorres31 Love your pups! Cute closet! Thank you so much for all the shares 🌸🐶 🌈 💖 really appreciate it and wishing you Poshing success!
Feb 06Reply
fremont1969 @melissatorres31 awww ty. and ty for your shares. happy poshing
Feb 06Reply
fremont1969 @mford945 also thank you as well
Feb 11Reply
kreatedbykarea Hey! Please support my small business and follow me on Instagram @kreatedbykarea💕💕
Feb 21Reply
eatplaylove Hi David, love your closet. If you add what you are selling to the title with $5 clearance as you post it, it would really help people find your great items!
Feb 28Reply
fremont1969 @eatplaylove thank you. i shall update
Feb 28Reply
pjhb Hi David.. Thanks so much for sharing my jewelry and handbag. The jewelry is handcrafted with quality! The purse is brand new! Thanks for visiting my closet! I do take reasonable offers! Check out my closet for more treasures and deals in the future! I’m an Ambassador 11 and 5 star ⭐️ seller!
Mar 28Reply
cashback7 Hello, please check out my closet. This month we have a “Blouse Bundle Sale. Pick 5, $5.00 tops for $20.00 +$4.99 shipping. You can pick the 5 tops you live, or choose from the 5 top bundles already listed. Happy Shopping 😎
Apr 04Reply
lisamoskal Hi! Thanks for the follow! If I can ever help you, please let me know… It's best to face the world armed with kindness and support. Best Wishes to you. 😊 ...Lisa
Apr 14Reply
fremont1969 @lisamoskal awwww. thank you. best wishes to you. have an amazing day
Apr 14Reply
mariaspiz Thank you for sharing my closet!!
Apr 24Reply
angelamongiello Thanks David for all the shares of my closet items. I started selling just last year so I appreciate any of the help from someone with your experience and large amount of followers!
May 19Reply
fremont1969 no problem. love selling here. we are an online business based in San Jose California. you will do well here. happy poshing
May 19Reply
perlerbeads Hey thanks for the follow! Congrats on the ambassador rank and having such a beautiful closet. Just so you know, my closet is very diverse to where requests are always welcome and I have never turned down one. If there is something that doesn’t peak your interest, just let me know and we can work on getting something you enjoy. Have a wonderful day!
Jun 13Reply
fremont1969 @perlerbeads ty so much. we try to always change and update. happy poshing
Jun 13Reply
perlerbeads @fremont1969 To you as well, any recommendations or requests for my closet?
Jun 13Reply
ghill36 Thank you for the shares. I have looked throughout closet and shared a few for you! So appreciate the support! Have a great week, stay out of the heat
Jul 11Reply
sagegodess1313 Beautiful Jewerly!! Do u make it your self? I like so much of the different peices you have!❤❤❤Do u offer a discount on a large bundle & maybe a lower shipping ? Let me know! Thanks! Stunning closet!!😊❤🦋🐠
Jul 15Reply
fremont1969 @sagegodess1313 gm. yes we do make alot of jewelry ourselves. we have a design studio here in San Jose California. I do over big discounts on large orders. possible free shipping depending on order size.
Jul 15Reply
4pudgygirl Do you have anymore crosses
Jul 26Reply
missamyrogers Thank 🌼 you for following & sharing my closet 🌷
Jul 29Reply
kaseyscloset904 Hello David, Wow you have some beautiful jewelry. Are they hand made? One of my favorite closets, definitely! You are from San Jose, I'm from Pleasant Hill! Bay Area!🎉🎉🎉🎉
Jul 29Reply
fremont1969 @saramlesage21 thank you so much. most of the Jewelry is made by us. yes are in San Jose. it's our home and we love it. hoping to open a store next year. always have new stuff coming.
Jul 30Reply
cleopatra_vault Hi, thanks for following! 🐆🌿🥂
Aug 29Reply
jujuhar99 Thank you for following! I share for shares! If you like something in my closet please make me an offer!❤️
Sep 10Reply
fishin406gurl Thanks for the follow! 🙃Shared and liked some items from your closet to show some love! Feel free to check out my closet as well, Happy Poshing🤩 🥳
Jul 25Reply
fremont1969 @staciedillon thank you. I'll have all the Christmas out soon.
Sep 06Reply
mf1070 Hi!!! I’m sooooo impressed with your profile: listings WOW, following and followers as well
Sep 18Reply
mf1070 When you have a moment ..I have a question/advice to ask if it’s okay with you, just let me know if it’s possible THANK YOU!!!!
Sep 18Reply
fremont1969 @mf1070 hi there. how can I help you
Sep 19Reply
mf1070 @fremont1969 I just posted my first item to sell and immediately had an offer from 2 people and asked to text them to a phone number…. And both even offered more than my selling price…. Well needless to say I was first excited then was hesitant, is this normal ?
Sep 19Reply
mf1070 It was never done through the Poshmark/platform (stupid me kept texting with them (cellphone) and then noticed that they have no listings at all
Sep 19Reply
mf1070 They also were very persistent in me purchasing a gift car (American Express) of $500 and add it to my Poshmark acct as credit and to please let them know immediately after it was done, offered more money again to take care of it ASAP 🤷🏻‍♀️😳
Sep 19Reply
fremont1969 @mf1070 that's awesome
Sep 19Reply
fremont1969 @mf1070 it's a scam. never give out your cell number on here. it's against Poshmark rules.
Sep 19Reply
mf1070 @fremont1969 well they didn’t sell :( it was a scam
Sep 19Reply
mf1070 @fremont1969 I’m disappointed 😔 I feel stupid, but the whole thing about having credit in the Poshmark acct in order to sell an item that’s more than $200, is that true ?
Sep 19Reply
fremont1969 @mf1070 not true. please dont ever give information out like cell # so many scam going around. it's getting bad.
Sep 19Reply
mf1070 @fremont1969 Thank you so much for taking the time, advice and sharing your wisdom ! THANK YOU 😊
Sep 19Reply
alexishajjar Hey! Thank you for the follow! I’ll be in Fremont soon. How funny!
Oct 15Reply
fremont1969 @alexishajjar nice. I live in San Jose.
Oct 15Reply
le_stage Hi! Just wanted to say thank you so much for your warm welcome! Look forward to poshing with another fur baby lover! 🌺 MelissaL
Nov 05Reply
fremont1969 @le_stage awww ty. our babies are our world
Nov 05Reply
smilez22222 Hello and Thank You for Following my Closet! 🦋🙂🦋
Feb 13Reply
melinferno Thanks for sharing my closet... Mel
Mar 17Reply
melinferno Thanks for sharing my closet... Mel
Mar 17Reply
crazyhorse21 Hi!! Thanks so much for choosing to follow me!! I wanted to let you know that I am having a BOGO 1/2 off sale through until Sunday at midnight in honor of Fall!! I also have tons of items listed 5/$30!! I'm always open to reasonable offers and will counter if it's something I can't do!! You can bundle as many items as you'd like for the BOGO!! I hope you find something you like in my closet!! I'm going to look at your's now!! Happy Poshing!!! 🙏🏻🫶🏻
Sep 26Reply

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Last Active: 11 hours ago

San Jose, CA
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Last Active: 11 hours ago

San Jose, CA
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