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Updated 10 hours ago

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Hello. My name is Carol M. I live in beautiful North Carolina. I reside in a small town called Fuquay-Varina. I have been making beaded jewelry for 30 years. I thought it was time to share my work. Most of what you see here is one of a kind. Hope you enjoy your visit to my closet. Be Inspired. ❤️
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classtiques Thanks for all the shares, you sweet Posher!! Happy Poshing!! 😙 @classtiques 🦋
Aug 22Reply
mybeademporium @classtiques Thank you so much.❤️❤️
Aug 30Reply
cbumpkins Thank you!!
Sep 05Reply
karin_heffner hi Carol, you have a lovely closet and lovely items. I assume you make them yourself. I used to own a business by the name of Beads4Eyes, just making eyeglass chains. now my eyes are failing because of macular degeneration and I am selling the business. I have a LOT of unopened bags of beads I purchased from Beadswreck. I was wondering if you might be interested in some of them. I am selling way below market price. Karin
Sep 05Reply
mybeademporium @karin_heffner Hello Karin, Thank you for the lovely words. I am so sorry to hear about your failing eye sight. I have had very poor vision all my life also. Hopefully you will have many more years of sight. Thank you for the offer but at this time I am not able to take them off your hands. Best wishes, Carol 💕
Sep 05Reply
karin_heffner @mybeademporium thank you very much for your quick reply. good luck poshing, Karin
Sep 05Reply
tkr023504 I can’t thank you enough for all the shares. I really appreciate it 😊❤️
Sep 08Reply
abeclothing Hi, Thank you for all the shares and happy poshing 🙂
Sep 13Reply
madebymyhands Hello my name is Vernette I live in California I would just like to say that your jewelry is beautiful! Your very talented thank you for sharing
Sep 14Reply
sprinklesbaker Hey thanks for the follow! I’m Emily😊 if you like any of my items please don’t hesitate to send an offer or better yet please please create a bundle I’ll be moving soon so I’ll gladly work on a good deal with you
Sep 16Reply
christy_hardy Your Awesome Carol Thank You for all the shares it amazing! Happy Poshing Ambassador Christy
Sep 18Reply
atreasuretrove Thanks for all of the shares - much appreciated! 😊
Sep 21Reply
nmontalvo1220 thanks for all the shares🌹 happy poshing 🙂!!!
Sep 21Reply
colrkittns Thank you for sharing my closet! I love the work you do. Very pretty pieces. Thanks for the enjoyment.
Sep 21Reply
1msgg Hi Carol. love the hat. thank you so much for sharing. Wishing you lots of sales.
Sep 21Reply
misstessa5000 Hi Carol, I really appreciate you sharing my closet and it’s my pleasure to spread posh 💕💕💕
Sep 22Reply
elianascloset18 Hi....thank you so much for all of the shares....xoxo ❤🥰
Sep 23Reply
mybeademporium @elianascloset18 you are very welcome❣️
Sep 23Reply
fattybow1 Thanks for sharing!🥰
Sep 23Reply
mrsmwr1ght Hi Carol, thank you so much for sharing my closet 💜
Sep 23Reply
cwolfio Hi Carol, thanks for all your shares. Love your closet!
Sep 25Reply
kimberlyann39 Well thank you for all the shares !!!! I did the same and you have beautiful jewelry !!! Love your closet !!!! I will be back for the holidays !!!
Sep 25Reply
valcg18 Thank you so much for sharing my closet Carol dear. You are the best, May the blessings continue be yours & your loved ones. Namaste, Val ❤️🙏🏼
Sep 26Reply
davidlouisklein thank for all the shares and good luck to you!
Sep 28Reply
urstyl Hi Gorgeous 😘 Thank you so much for all the Posh love 💖🌻 Wishing you lots speedy sales and many blessings 🙏 Happy Poshing 👗👠👒💋 - Carmen
Sep 28Reply
ladyevfashion Hello Lovely Lady 💋 I wanted to thank you for Sharing so many things in my closet. I really appreciate that.❤️ you have a beautiful selection and you are very talented, I hope your business goes far. I rarely get to go on Poshmark but I will keep you in mind. Good luck and happy Poshing. 🤗
Sep 29Reply
christy_hardy Awesome you got 12 sold they are super pretty you do a great Job on them! Happy Poshing Ambassador Christy
Oct 01Reply
tatnaples Hi Carol! Thank you for the follow and support, happy Poshing 💜Tamala
Oct 04Reply
urstyl Your work is absolutely gorgeous 🥰 It's so pleasantly fun looking through all your amazing listings 🤩 Keep up the beautiful work 👍😘
Oct 05Reply
jewelryexprezz I want to take the time to say thank YOU for sharing! I appreciate that. I will happily share back! You have a great closet 💜
Oct 06Reply
mybeademporium @jewelryexprezz you as well. Happy poshing. All the best. Carol ❤️❤️
Oct 06Reply
valcg18 Many thanks for sharing my listing dear ❤️🙏🏻
Oct 07Reply
mybeademporium @tatnaples Hi I’m Carol of mybeademporium you are very welcome sorry it took me so long to answer you but sharing consumes my days. The list gets longer & longer but the time I can find to dedicate to it is the same. I’m usually 3 days behind! You have a great closet& it’s a pleasure to share it with my followers! Wishing you the best of luck this holiday season, let’s keep sharing and Happy Poshing!
Oct 07Reply
tatnaples @mybeademporium Hi Carol, you're a sweetie, thank you! I hear you...I spend hours daily trying to catch up, too🦸‍♀️ It's so worth it tho just to meet wonderful people like you!!! Sending positive vibes into the universe that we'll have much success💜🤞💜Hugs, Tami
Oct 07Reply
coopee03 Welcome to Poshmark!Check out my Meet your Posher listing for helpful tips for sellers and visit my closet for a listing with tips for anyone new to Poshmark. Your closet is beautiful. Best of luck! And thanks for the shares.
Oct 10Reply
mybeademporium @coopee03 Hello I’m Carol of mybeademporium and I want to say Thank You for the Welcome! I have had a couple but people seem to notice me more for all the sharing and boy do I get comments and a ton of Thanks! There are a lot of really nice people here!
Oct 11Reply
mybeademporium I will definitely check out the Meet your Posher listing for the sellers tips. While I’m there I hope you won’t mind if I share your closet with my followers too! Again Thank you and Happy Poshing❣️
Oct 11Reply
robino98 Thanks for sharing my items! Love your beaded jewelry! Cute Halloween bracelets!
Oct 12Reply
jeanjohnson5085 Hi Carol thank you for coming to my closet and sharing my goodies, I really appreciate you
Oct 12Reply
mybeademporium @jeanjohnson5085 You’re very welcome.
Oct 12Reply
mybeademporium @robino98 Hi this Carol of mybeademporium you are very welcome! Thank you for visiting my closet I love the Halloween bracelets too! They are lots of fun real attention getters!
Oct 13Reply
misstessa5000 Thank you for sharing including Twitter ❗️🌸💖😘✨
Oct 13Reply
mybeademporium @misstessa5000 Hi I’m Carol of mybeademporium you are so very welcome! Thank you too! Happy Poshing❣️
Oct 15Reply
mybeademporium @robino98 Hi I’m Carol from mybeademporium Thank you for the compliment on the Halloween bracelets. I just wanted to tell you they will be going on sale soon so pick out the one you love & I will give you a great offer on it! Wishing you a great day Poshing make lots of money❣️
Oct 15Reply
robino98 @mybeademporium Thanks! Will look!
Oct 15Reply
mybeademporium @jeanjohnson5085 your welcome & Thank you too!
Oct 15Reply
francinepr1 Hello Miss Carol, Thank you so much for sharing my closet!! I really appreciate that!!! I just shared your closet with feiends back east also my friends down here in Murrells Inlet, SC . We are kind of neighbors your in NC and Im in SC. Pleased to meet you and thank you again! Ill share you again on my Pinterest again! Best Regards! Francine
Oct 15Reply
mybeademporium @francinepr1 your welcome and Thank you too! Yes we are neighbors very nice to meet you. Happy Poshing make lots of sales and money honey❣️
Oct 15Reply
jeanjohnson5085 Thank you so again Carol for sharing my closet
Oct 15Reply
francinepr1 @mybeademporium Thank you!! Im in 👍👊😜 Happy Poshing!! Cheers!!!! 🥂🌹🌹🌹
Oct 15Reply
vi34cyb Hi Carol, thank you for so many shares! You have beautiful closet. Happy Poshing!
Oct 15Reply
misstessa5000 @mybeademporium I’m Tessa, thank you for your sharing of my listings, highly appreciated 🌸🙏🌸🙏🌸
Oct 16Reply
mybeademporium @vi34cyb you are most welcome and Thank you too! Happy Poshing😊 Carol of mybeademporium
Oct 16Reply
smcuster Hello, Shawn Marie here. After getting notification you began following my Poshmark Closet, I want to welcome you, thank you for choosing Poshmark and send an invite to join me on Instagram. As a fellow Stylemate, I appreciate the opportunity to work with you. Consider connecting with me on Instagram @shawnmariescloset where we can get to know one another better. My closet is your closet. Shawn Marie
Oct 16Reply
mybeademporium @vi34cyb you are very welcome! Thank you for all sharing as well! Wishing you a great Holiday season make a lot of sales & money! Happy Poshing💕
Oct 17Reply
mybeademporium @misstessa5000 Ho this is Carol you are so welcome & Thank you for all your sharing too! Happy Poshing💕
Oct 17Reply
mybeademporium Type o I meant Hi not ho I’m not Santa!
Oct 17Reply
mybeademporium @smcuster Hi Shawn Marie this is Carol of mybeademporium Thank you for the Welcome, the shares, & the invite❣️I will definitely take you up on that just as soon as I get a chance, I’m a little behind in returning shares & I must make news designs for the holidays but I would love to visit with you & hope to be able to soon!
Oct 17Reply
smcuster @mybeademporium Hello Carol and thank you for taking time writing back. Glad to hear you’re considering connecting further on social media. I spend allotted time brainstorming and creating a consistent content schedule, branding several hashtags for a greater good. So glad you want to join the efforts. I welcome you to visit anytime. Kick your shoes off, hang your coat in the closet and stay awhile. My closet is your closet Shawn Marie
Oct 17Reply
smcuster On a quick side note I call on my fellow Poshmark Stylemates to participate in the content I share. So periodically I may choose to share Poshmark stories, IG posts and also feature your closet in some fashion. Let me know your thought about all that. Best regards Shawn Marie
Oct 17Reply
hooliganhyde111 Thank you ❤
Oct 19Reply
jewelryexprezz Thank you for being a generous Posh sharer 💜
Oct 19Reply
mybeademporium @hooliganhyde111 Hi I’m Carol of mybeademporium you are so very welcome❣️
Oct 19Reply
mybeademporium @jewelryexprezz Hi I’m Carol of mybeademporium just wanted to let you in a secret I not only share I browse & shop while sharing! It’s my R&R after designing for several hours❣️I kick back & window shop I love seeing all the beautiful items in your closet. Sometimes I learn things because I’ve never seen that item before so I read the description. I have a blast spend too much money but I really love it❣️ Happy Poshing wishing you a very successful Holiday Season Make Lots Of Money & have Fun💕
Oct 19Reply
jewelryexprezz @mybeademporium You like to window shop too! Well I admire your craft and anyone who makes their own arts and crafts. What a beautiful thing! Thank you for window shopping for the encouragement! Happy Poshing💜
Oct 19Reply
mybeademporium @jewelryexprezz your welcome 💕
Oct 20Reply
katie661 hi Carol and thank you so much for all the shares. You don't need to share quite so many as I realized it is very time-consuming and it's hard to keep up with you. wishing you all the best and many sales
Oct 20Reply
najeku Thank you so much for all the shares!!! 😊 So kind!
Oct 20Reply
mybeademporium @katie661 Hi Katie no problem I love to share & generally I share more than most. But I use it as R&R I browse closets shop or make notes of something I want to remember for later it’s a kind of window shopping for me. Please don’t feel obligated to keep up with me I’m retired with lots of time on my hands. Thank you though for your thoughtfulness I’m not counting so please don’t worry yourself about it. I wish you much success this Holiday Season make lots of money & have fun Poshing💕
Oct 20Reply
mybeademporium @najeku Hi I’m Carol of mybeademporium you are very welcome! I share a lot it’s good for all of us the more eyes on our closets the better the chances to increase our sales! I design most of the jewelry I sell so it’s a break from work for me. I’m retired and have the time on my hands plus I enjoy browsing the different closets Thank you so much for your comment I love knowing people notice!Wishing lots of luck, make many sales & have fun Poshing💕
Oct 20Reply
katie661 @mybeademporium I think you must be the sweetest person on the planet. Thank you
Oct 20Reply
mybeademporium @katie661 You are too kind, 😊 Thank you!
Oct 20Reply
laura_shook Thank you so much for all the shares! I love your closet. 💜🥰
Oct 21Reply
mybeademporium @laura_shook Hi I’m Carol of mybeademporium Thank you for your lovely comment on my closet. I design most of the jewelry I sell so I can take the credit! You are so very welcome I truly enjoy sharing it’s my window shopping! I browse shop sometimes I make notes of things I want to go back to later on. I love Poshing & hope you do to! Wishing you much success this Holiday season, make lots of money & have fun 💕
Oct 22Reply
lateralbee Hello! I just wanted to let you know that I must have accidentally added the Halloween bracelet to a bundle when I was sharing things the other day. I'm not interested in the bracelet but I am happy to share your items bc I think you have some cute things. Sorry about the confusion on my part. Happy Poshing!
Oct 22Reply
mybeademporium @lateralbee no worries. Happy poshing!! 😁
Oct 22Reply
christy_hardy Carol I hope I dont get in trouble for saying this! You should put your items on Etsy to it's for handmade items! Your work is just beautiful I think you would do good on Etsy too! Happy Poshing Ambassador Christy Thank You for all the shares!
Oct 24Reply
mybeademporium @christy_hardy Hi, we are on 6 other platforms and that is one of them, but my heart belongs to Posh❣️ I love sharing & meeting wonderful people like you, Thank you for caring❣️💕
Oct 24Reply
katie661 Thank you, Thank you, sweetheart
Oct 29Reply
mybeademporium @katie661 You are so very Welcome❣️Happy Poshing💕
Oct 29Reply
mybeademporium @misstessa5000 Hi Tessa just wanted to wish you lots of this Halloween 🎃👻
Oct 31Reply
christy_hardy @mybeademporium Thank You wonderful meeting you to Happy Halloween to you and yours I got candy to so far no one not even my grandkids lol they went to private parties! Not like the good old days so fun seeing the little ones dressed up oh well! Happy Poshing Ambassador Christy
Nov 01Reply
mybeademporium @christy_hardy I was just commenting the same thing to my Goddaughter❣️We bought all this candy & not a single child or family knocked on our door. I usually sit outside to see the little ones I love them their pumpkins are bigger than they are! But after a couple of hours I was frozen & came inside. Oh well maybe next year ❣️❣️
Nov 01Reply
misstessa5000 Big thank you for your generous sharing of my listings including Twitter 💝🙏💝🙏💝
Nov 01Reply
mybeademporium @misstessa5000 Oh you are so welcome I love the beautiful things in your closet so it’s easy to share actually it’s a pleasure. Thank you as well you are extremely generous sharing as well💕
Nov 01Reply
misstessa5000 @mybeademporium 💖💖💖💖💖💖
Nov 01Reply
dolphinity 🤩Woo-Hoo! Thanks for the shares! That is a great help for me😄🌟
Nov 02Reply
classtiques Hi Carol! Thanks for all the shares, you sweet Posher!! Happy Poshing!! 😙 @classtiques 🦋
Nov 02Reply
mybeademporium @dolphinity Good morning, no problem you are so very Welcome! Happy Poshing💕
Nov 02Reply
mybeademporium @classtiques Good morning, you’re welcome & Thank you too! Keep Poshing & have fun💕
Nov 02Reply
fancybronze Thanks for sharing. 😊
Nov 05Reply
mybeademporium @fancybronze Hi I’m Carol of mybeademporium you are so very welcome❣️Happy Poshing💕
Nov 05Reply
lohanpeiris Hello Carol. Wow!! Talk about Psh ❤️❤️❤️. Thank you so much. TC🥰
Nov 07Reply
mybeademporium @lohanpeiris You are so very Welcome❣️Happy Poshing share the Love💕
Nov 07Reply
classtiques You’re the best PFF ever Carol!! Thanks for being so generous with sharing my closet!! 😍😘😍♥️
Nov 11Reply
mybeademporium @classtiques you are so very welcome. Thank you so much for sharing mine as well❣️ Happy Poshing 💕
Nov 11Reply
mybeademporium @lohanpeiris Thank you that is so kind of you😊Thank you for sharing my closet as well!
Nov 12Reply
cindykaypusch OMGoodness, I'm So Sorry, I Hit The ❤️ Key By Accident When Sharing Earlier. I'm Excited My Torquoise Bracelet Is Expected Monday According To The USPS. Please Forgive The Accidental ❤️. Warm Wishes For A Wonderful Weekend. CindyP ❤️
Nov 13Reply
mybeademporium @cindykaypusch Good afternoon or should say evening, anyway I wanted to tell you I took the box to the post office the next morning, but it was closed for Veterans Day! I have always been in retail so I guess I never noticed it’s a federal holiday. I never just leave the box in the bin I always have the clerk scan the box into the system.
Nov 13Reply
mybeademporium @cindykaypusch I want to apologize for the delay I know you are anxious to receive your bracelets! I love your closet the notes are so inspirational, you are awesome. I love the family photos! You have a very good looking family, even your doggies❣️
Nov 13Reply
mybeademporium @cindykaypusch As for the ❤️don’t worry a bit, I unfortunately do that myself too often while sharing! I call them my oops & most of the I don’t realize I did it. When I do I leave a note to apologize before they send me an offer. I hate having to decline because of an oops❣️so don’t worry about that at all!💕
Nov 13Reply
cindykaypusch @mybeademporium ... I Must Say Thank You So Much, For So Many Thing, Your Faithful Sharing, Getting My Bracelet Mailed So Quickly and Your Kind Words About My Family and My Furbabies, Thank You, Thank You, Thank You. One Of The Photos Was My Momma and Me, Taken A While Back, I Lost My Beautiful ❤️ Momma Last October 2020 and This Past Year Of 2021 Has Been Difficult As I Miss Her So Much.... My Son's Are All Raised and Have Families Of Their
Nov 14Reply
cindykaypusch Own, I'm A Proud Momma and Grandma. You Are So Gracious, Thank You For Allowing Me To Share. I'll Be Shutting My Closet Down Next Friday The 19th Thru December 3rd As My Youngest Son and Family Live In Nashville and My Husband and I Are Flying Down For The Thanksgiving Holiday, I, Indeed Have A Lot To Be Thankful For. Be Blessed, I'll Let You Know When I Get My Beautiful ❤️ Bracelet On Monday, Thank You Again!! CindyP ❤️
Nov 14Reply
mybeademporium @cindykaypusch Oh please, I feel so Blessed to have met you via Poshmark texts. It’s been my honor you are a lovely person, & I’m so thankful our paths crossed. Enjoy your trip & family wishing you & yours a wonderful Thanksgiving. It’s my husband’s favorite Holiday, great food family friends & football❣️We will be happy Poshing when you return.💕
Nov 14Reply
moxierae13 HI Carol, thank you for all your shares,🥰☺️. I enjoy sharing your closet, you do just beautiful bead work! 😍 . wishing you many sales thru the holiday season and beyond! I have a feeling I'll be treating myself to one of your bracelets in the near future. 😊. Happy Poshing!
Nov 14Reply
mybeademporium @moxierae13 Hi Darci, I love your closet it’s a perfect blend of past & present you have done a great job with your listings❣️I love sharing so you are so very Welcome & Thank you for all your shares as well. I love window shopping too, while sharing if there’s something that catches my eye I jot it down to back to when I’m shopping❣️Thank you for the compliment it would be my honor to have you wear one of mine! Happy Poshing 💕
Nov 14Reply
mybeademporium @cindykaypusch Hi Cindy, I’m so excited you received your bracelet before you left! Thank you for the fabulous rating you made me blush. Enjoy your vacation have fun with your family especially the little one. I’ll be here hopefully Happily Poshing waiting to hear all about your trip. Safe travels my friend❣️😊
Nov 16Reply
lilybethduran Thank you for all the shares!!! 😍 I love your closet!!! Gorgeous bracelets🥰Happy poshing!!!
Nov 16Reply
mybeademporium @lilybethduran Hi Lilybeth, I’m Carol of mybeademporium Thank you for all the shares as well as the compliment! Your closet is very nice I shared a lot of it I know. I especially like your logo for Balika it’s awesome. Wishing you a great Holiday Season make many sales & have fun Poshing💕
Nov 16Reply
moxierae13 Hi Carol, I got notification that my package arrived yesterday to my PO Box. I wanted you to know I am not able to get there to pick up items until tomorrow (Fri) and as soon as I do I will accept delivery and no doubt give you the 5 stars you'll deserve. I am so excited to get my bracelets tomorrow 😍😊
Nov 18Reply
mybeademporium @moxierae13 Hi Darci, how are today? I’m so excited to hear your package has arrived. No problem you do what you have to do, Friday, Saturday whenever it’s convenient for you. I was concerned over the delays, but as long as you get your bracelets I’m happy. I know it sounds silly but until I know the box has arrived & you like my work I stress, I can’t help it. Hope you have a great day & a wonderful weekend, wear them in good health!💕
Nov 18Reply
christy_hardy You go girl awesome Happy Holidays to You and Thank You always for all the shares! Happy Poshing Ambassador Christy
Nov 20Reply
mybeademporium @christy_hardy Hello, it’s no problem I love sharing, Thank you as well for all your sharing❣️Hope 🎅🏼is very good to you this Holiday Season❣️
Nov 20Reply
streetleader Thank you so much for all the awesome shares! You’ve made this old mans day!
Nov 24Reply
mybeademporium @streetleader Hi Mark, I’m Carol of mybeademporium I am so very happy that I made your day! It’s entirely my pleasure I love to share I believe in networking it works for all our benefits! The more sharing the more eyes on our closets, the greater the chances are we make sales! Wishing you a wonderful Holiday make lots of sales❣️Happy Poshing💕
Nov 24Reply
katie661 Have a wonderful Thanksgiving
Nov 24Reply
mybeademporium @katie661 Hi Katie, thank you❣️Pleas do the same, enjoy your Thanksgiving day, dinner & family & friends❣️🦃🥂🍽🍠🍗
Nov 25Reply
mybeademporium @streetleader Hi Mark just wanted to wish you & yours a Happy Thanksgiving Day 🦃enjoy your holiday dinner❣️
Nov 25Reply
mybeademporium @lilybethduran Hi Lilybeth just wanted to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving 🦃 hope you enjoyed a great dinner with family & friends. I’m wishing you a great Black Friday, make lots of sales! Happy Poshing💕
Nov 26Reply
lilybethduran @mybeademporium you are so sweet!! Same to you!!!
Nov 26Reply
streetleader Hope you all had a great holiday!
Nov 28Reply
mybeademporium @streetleader Yes Mark we did, hope your weekend was wonderful too❣️Happy Poshing 💕
Nov 28Reply
mybeademporium @classtiques Hi C, no problem at all❣️Happy Poshing 💕
Nov 28Reply
valcg18 Thank you so much for sharing my listing dear 😻Happy Holidays 🌲❤️🙏🏻
Dec 01Reply
mybeademporium @valcg18 Hi Valerie, I’m Carol of mybeademporium you are so welcome. I love to share because the more we share the larger the network, more eyes on our closets equals more sales! Sharing benefits us all! You can share other Poshers closets, as well as self shares to followers or Posh parties❣️Sharing is Caring Happy Poshing💕
Dec 01Reply
misstessa5000 Thank you so much for all the sharing including Twitter. Wishing you wonderful week with many sales 🤞💝💝💝🤞
Dec 07Reply
cindykaypusch Hi Miss Carol, I Wanted To Write and Tell You How Very Much I Appreciate You and ALL The Shares You So Gracefully Shared From My PM Closet. More Importantly I Wanted To Apologize For Not Being Able to Keep Up Before I Went Out On Vacation. I Was Admitted To The Hospital A Week Before I Went Out On Vacation
Dec 07Reply
cindykaypusch From PM, But Was Too Sick To Even Log On. Your Shares Did Not Go Unnoticed Or Unappreciated, You Are A Blessing!! I Had A Viral Infection That Lingered Over Two Weeks. With Great Hesitancy My Husband and I Traveled To Nashville To Spend The Thanksgiving
Dec 07Reply
cindykaypusch Holiday With My Youngest Son, My Daughter n Love and Three Grandchildren. We Were Down In TN For 7 Days and I Have To Tell You While We Had A Lovely Time, I Was So Happy To Return Home. Yesterday Was My First Day Back To PM and You Can Imagine How Behind I Was. I Wanted To
Dec 07Reply
cindykaypusch Share Your Closet As A Token Of My Appreciation Of Your Faithful Shares. I Hope Your Thanksgiving Was Wonderful, I Have A Lot To Be Thankful For, Especially Good Friends Like Yourself. Oh My, I've Keep You Long Enough, I'll Close, Again, I Just Wanted To Thank You So Very Much For ALL of Your Posh Love and Shares. Be Blessed and Happy Tuesday!! Hugs ~ CindyP ❤️
Dec 07Reply
mybeademporium @misstessa5000 Miss Tessa you are so welcome it’s my pleasure to share your beautiful things with my followers. You have a wonderful day, I’m wishing you a spectacular Holiday Season with tons of sales❣️💕
Dec 07Reply
misstessa5000 @mybeademporium Carol, thank you so much and wishing you the same from the bottom of my heart ❤️♥️💙💜
Dec 07Reply
mybeademporium @misstessa5000 Thank you so much for everything, the shares, for noticing what I continually do & most of all for acknowledging my efforts with your lovely comments. They always make my day, so thank you my friend for all the Posh Love 💕
Dec 08Reply
mybeademporium @cindykaypusch Hi Cindy, Welcome home! I’m so sorry to hear you were so sick, please don’t feel you need to make up anything. I do believe I’m addicted to sharing. The hours fly by for me when I’m sharing, plus I enjoy window shopping❣️I am so grateful to have you back, & I know exactly what you mean!
Dec 08Reply
misstessa5000 @mybeademporium Hi Carol, I’m very lucky to have here, your posh love sharing and your amazing comments help to charge my “batteries” and keep going. Big thank you and all the best💖💕💖💕💖
Dec 08Reply
mybeademporium @cindykaypusch Its great to go on vacation oh but it’s so much better to come home! It happens to me all the time we go away. I’m so pleased you got to enjoy the Holiday with your family, those are the memories we never forget. Please start fresh don’t burden yourself trying to make up, just be well stay healthy & make lots of sales!
Dec 08Reply
mybeademporium @cindykaypusch I’m wishing you a banner Christmas Season, break all the records & have fun Poshing 💕my friend❣️
Dec 08Reply
mybeademporium @misstessa5000 Thank you for all the sharing too! May your words go straight to Gods ears for both of us my friend ❣️
Dec 08Reply
cindykaypusch Hi Sweetie!! Just Wanted To Drop In and Tell You How Very Much I Enjoy Chatting With You. I Took A Bit Of A Hiatus From PM Yesterday With Exception Of Logging On a Couple Times To Share To Posh Parties. I've Got So Much To Do... Like Wrap A Lot of Christmas Presents Then Get Everything In Shipping Box To
Dec 10Reply
cindykaypusch Go To Nashville Not To Mention Wrap Things For Family Here. I Hope All Is Well, That You're Ready For The Holiday Season and Selling Lots Here On Poshmark!! Today Is "Closet Clearout", I'm Going To Try and Clear Some Of My Closet!! Warmest Thoughts and Wishes For a Happy Friday and Weekend!! Hugs ~ CindyP ❤️
Dec 10Reply
mybeademporium @cindykaypusch I don’t envy you your chore, I’m almost finished & I am alone here in N.C. I know about mailing presents back home to my family & friends back home. Here I only have my husband, neighbors children, & a few girls I used to work with at Target. So I’m pretty much done except for my Goddaughter, I’m mailing her the stocking stuffers but
Dec 10Reply
mybeademporium @cindykaypusch but she comes down in January for her Godfather’s Birthday. So we decided not to mail her Apple Watch, that way we get to see her facial expressions! She has always wanted one so Santa said why not! I also have taken time off of Poshmark, this time of year is rough. I bake goodies and make my rounds to all who assist me all year, especially my acquaintances at the Post Office! Good luck today make lots of sales & stay healthy so you can enjoy the holiday too, my friend❣️
Dec 10Reply
tulipfashions @mybeademporium hi thanks for all the shares. Hope ur getting ready for a great holiday!
Dec 17Reply
mybeademporium @tulipfashions Hi Dee, you are so very welcome, and yes I’m excited about the Holiday. I hope it will be amazing! How about you are you ready for a great Holiday? I wish you a wonderful Holiday celebrate with your family & friends. Make spectacular memories, and have a very lucrative season here at Poshmark as well💕
Dec 17Reply
cindykaypusch Hi Sweetie!! I Had To Remove Some Bracelets From The Bundle Created For Me. Please Send Me a New Offer When You Have A Few Moments. I So Appreciate You and Your Faithfulness Sharing From My Closet!! Are You All Ready For Christmas? I Finished Up Yesterday Picking Up The Last Few Things On My List. Now I've Got To Wrap and Do Some Gift Bags. Thanks So Much!! Hugs ~ Cindy ❤️
Dec 19Reply
oohoney Hi Carol... thanks for sharing my page. I will get back to listing items after the holidays. By the way, I have family and property in your town. My package should be here in a day or so. Enjoy the holidays.
Dec 20Reply
mybeademporium @oohoney oh my then I guess we are neighbors by proxy. I don’t know many people who live here in Fuquay-Varina, all the Carolinians I know are transplants from other parts of the country. Most live in Apex, Holly Springs, or Cary. I would love to meet you & your family the next time you visit them. Let’s make it happen okay! As for sharing I love to share, the more eyes on our stuff the better more chances of making a sale! Happy Poshing 💕
Dec 20Reply
katie661 Merry Christmas , with any luck and a neg. covid test, I will be off to N.J. to be with my grandchildren
Dec 20Reply
mybeademporium @katie661 Merry Christmas to you Kathy❣️Enjoy your trip to NJ to spend the holidays with your Grandchildren! Time flies so give them oodles & oodles of hugs & kisses! Stay healthy, relax & play hard. I hear kudos are due you Congratulations on winning the contest, spend your grant well! See you next year💕
Dec 21Reply
oohoney If all goes as planned, we should be that way this coming summer... we will make it happen to meet. Thank you so very much for my beautiful bracelets.
Dec 22Reply
mybeademporium @oohoney Hi Linda, I’m so excited to hear we’ll be seeing you this summer if all goes well. I can’t wait to see a fellow Posher in person! As for your bracelets I made them with love, beading is a passion of mine. I’m so glad you are loving them it makes my heart leap with joy when someone tells me they love them. Thank you, wear them in good health always❣️
Dec 22Reply
mybeademporium @mamacas102w Hi Katherine, Merry Christmas my friend, no worries you enjoy the Holiday with your family & friends. We start fresh after the holidays Family comes first! Have fun and stay safe!🤶🏻🎅🏻🎄🎁
Dec 25Reply
okiesales2 Thanks for all the shares and follow. Merry Christmas to you 💝
Dec 25Reply
mybeademporium @okiesales2 Hi Susan, I’m Carol of mybeademporium Thank you so much. I’m wishing you lots of success this weekend. Hope you have a very Merry Christmas as well 🎅🏼🤶🎄🎁☃️
Dec 25Reply
pepepizzazz you are a sharing maniac!!! lol I can't keep up with you!! 😄 thank you!! 🥰
Jan 16Reply
mybeademporium @pepepizzazz Hi Wendy, yes I am a maniac, I love Poshing💕 I am retired & have the time, so many women have so much on their plates & can’t, so I do a little more than others. It doesn’t matter me I don’t count. Networking helps us all the more on our closets more possibilities for sales❣️It’s a win win in my book❣️Don’t worry or feel bad I love doing it, you do what you can, it all helps! Happy Poshing 💕
Jan 16Reply
mybeademporium I love window shopping, so as I share if there’s something want to revisit I make a note of it & keep on sharing. I shop a lot, not just for myself, my sister, my Goddaughter, her mom etc. it’s always if you find let me know so I do. It’s cheaper than therapy❣️LOL
Jan 16Reply
pepepizzazz @mybeademporium you are really a sweetheart. thank you so much! 💓
Jan 16Reply
mybeademporium @pepepizzazz You’re so welcome, it’s truly my pleasure❣️
Jan 16Reply
ltbbalance What an amazing much variety and style...something for everyone...💫💞🎀🌻 I have shared Posh love by sharing items from your closet to my followers and to any active Posh party that applies...I hope you will do me the honor of visiting my closet and if you are so inclined, sharing mine too🥰🌷.. Happy Poshing!!💕⚘🎁💥
Jan 29Reply
mybeademporium @ltbbalance Hi Laura, I’m Carol of mybeademporium first Thank you so much for your kind words about my closet. I design jewelry, most of the items I sell are my creations. I do however when I come across a great product with great workmanship I will add it to the closet. I thoroughly believe in sharing & expanding the network. It benefits us all, more eyes on our closets amounts to more sales.
Jan 29Reply
mybeademporium @ltbbalance So absolutely I will share your closet, but I must apologize ahead of time I usually run a few days behind, because I’m it chief bottle washer! But I keep the lists & I promise I do get to everyone on the list. But please be patient with me, when I’m slow I Posh into the wee hours & have been accused of over sharing. When I’m busy as I have been this week getting Valentines Day work out I fall behind on sharing. I would be delighted to share your closet.
Jan 29Reply
mybeademporium @ltbbalance Laura Thanks again for the beautiful comments. Remember sharing is caring! Have fun & enjoy Poshing, keep spreading the Posh Love 💕
Jan 29Reply
mybeademporium @cindykaypusch Hi Cindy, hope you are feeling a little better. I wanted to Thank you for all the shares ❤️ I pray your trip to see your friend helps relieve the blahs. Just wanted to check in with you, have a Blessed weekend. Big Hugs 🤗
Feb 10Reply
mybeademporium @mamacas102w Hi, I’m stopping by today just to wish you a very Happy Valentines Day❣️
Feb 14Reply
mybeademporium @mamacas102w Yes. Thank you Katherine I hope your day has been good, too. 💕
Feb 14Reply
miriam1149 Thank you Carol ❤️👍 for all the sharing , you are really a sweet heart 💜 blesses to you 😘
Feb 23Reply
mybeademporium @miriam1149 Hi, you’re so welcome❣️ I would share more but I’ve been accused of being an over sharer, so now I try to browse more & share less. But it’s very difficult when I’m in such a beautiful closet as yours. Happy Poshing 💕
Feb 23Reply
miriam1149 @mybeademporium 😘❤️😘❤️😘❤️
Mar 02Reply
mybeademporium @miriam1149 😘❤️💕the same to you my friend❣️
Mar 02Reply
tulipfashions Hi there! Glad to see u are back. Your closet is beautiful as always. Thx for all the shares!
Mar 06Reply
mybeademporium @tulipfashions Hi Dee, I’ve been busy designing new pieces for my closet. I’m chief bottle washer if I’m making jewelry, I can’t share as much, & I’m real slow on the computer with listing items for the closet. So I’m so sorry you missed me but I think I’m good now until Easter 🐣❣️ Thanks for the compliment I work hard to keep it beautiful, Lord knows I love my Bling❣️❣️Happy Poshing 💕
Mar 06Reply
michelleadam506 @miriam1149 Miriam, I agree!! Thank you Carol for all the shares you do for me, it is very appreciated.😊😊😊
Mar 10Reply
mybeademporium @michelleadam506 Hi, you are so very Welcome! I love sharing, it’s my window shopping! When I find something that I like I make a note of it & get back to it when I’m not sharing. When I’m sharing I’m single minded it’s almost a mission to share as much & as many closets as I can. Sharing is caring, Remember to have Fun Poshing💕
Mar 10Reply
creativeone1033 Thank you so much for the shares.
Mar 12Reply
mybeademporium @creativeone1033 Hi Ms., I’m Carol of mybeademporium just wanted to say you are most welcome. Thank you for the shares as well as for your lovely note of appreciation! Happy Poshing💕
Mar 13Reply
christy_hardy Hi Carol I have had the week from Hell! ha ha First my washer broke! then my phone broke then my computer ate my hard drive erased everything I had saved on it! I am back Thank you for all the shares will get you back! 😂❤️🤩
Mar 14Reply
mybeademporium @christy_hardy Hi Christy, I’m so sorry you really have had a Terrible week. Please don’t worry about sharing, we are fine. Consider it the silver lining after the storm, just take a couple of deep breaths & begin again. Leave the bad in the rear view mirror❣️Not necessary to catch up do what you can when you can we’re fine💕
Mar 14Reply
poshpineapple62 @mybeademporium Hi Carol, I first want to say a huge THANK YOU to you for constantly sharing my items. I very much appreciate you🤗 Today I returned the favor, as I have in the past. I also wanted to take the time to let you know I am grateful to you. I will always do my best to return the shares and the posh love💕 Your handmade jewelry is amazing!!! I wish you every success with sales, it's just gorgeous! Happy Poshing to you🤗 Kristee
Mar 22Reply
mybeademporium @poshpineapple62 Hi, Thank you so much, I wish you the same, lots of sales❣️ I know that sharing really works, & the more we do the better for everyone! The bigger the network the more eyes on our closet, the greater the Chance of making sales. It’s a win win! Remember to have fun Poshing💕
Mar 24Reply
faithsuccess @mybeademporium Thanks for being such a constant with sharing. It keeps me active! 👩🏽‍💻🤣Praying your business continues to grow as big as your heart. Have a wonderfully blessed remainder of the weekend!
Mar 27Reply
mybeademporium @faithsuccess Hi Sheryl, I just love sharing the bigger the network we create the more eyes on our closets. More visitors the more possibilities for sales, not just for me but for us all. So every chance I get I share so you’re more than welcome sweetie let’s make this month coming up the best one yet❣️Happy Poshing💕
Mar 27Reply
mybeademporium @mamacas102w Hi Katherine, no magic just lack of sleep! Every time my Dr changes my dosage on my thyroid meds I become a night owl can’t sleep. But I know what Cancer is Katherine I had first hand experience, please don’t worry about my closet. You need to help your sister, the disease is a monster but the cure is just as bad in my opinion. God willing she will beat this & live for a long time to come.
Apr 02Reply
mybeademporium @mamacas102w Remember, I’m one of the crazy people who actually likes to share😊 You will never hear me complain about doing it. I truly never count or keep track of anyone else’s work. So please don’t worry about my closet I share a ton & my fellow Poshers share back as well. Take all the time you need, she needs you now. And please take care of yourself, too. Stress is a terrible thing for the human body❣️My prayers are with you both🙏🏻
Apr 02Reply
pepepizzazz @mamacas102w maybe!! lol.
Apr 02Reply
mybeademporium @mamacas102w No magic button either, just wait when my levels square up, I will fall behind again because I’m a sleepy head normally 8 to 10 hours a day. This is a fluke I’m running days into nights, & sleep very little. Not good. But I’m very productive for now!!! Soon I will be writing apology notes for falling behind!!! Lol
Apr 02Reply
mybeademporium @pepepizzazz Hi, I have to say you are up crazy hours too! I’m always amazed at whatever time I’m sharing in the wee hours you share back too! You burn the candle at both ends as well my friend❣️Remember I’m having fun, it’s amazing all the things I never knew existed until I see them in someone’s closet💕 I do a lot of giggling in the wee hours perhaps I’m just punch drunk from lack of sleep! Lol
Apr 02Reply
pepepizzazz @mybeademporium you're right. ya got me. I'm a posh addict. 😎
Apr 02Reply
mybeademporium @pepepizzazz yes we are 😂
Apr 02Reply
mybeademporium @beautifynails Hi, I’m Carol of mybeademporium Thank you for the compliment & yes please share my closet as much as you like. I love to share especially from beautiful closets like yours. I believe in sharing building a bigger network helps us all. More eyes on our closets equals more sales. Happy Poshing & remember to have fun💕
Apr 04Reply
lwbp1 Love, love, love your designs!
May 11Reply
mybeademporium @lwbp1 Hi Linda, I’m Carol of mybeademporium I just wanted to Thank you for the compliment. I love what I do & so it’s never like work, it’s playing. I love to play with beads! I’m just so grateful others like my crazy designs, too. Thanks for taking the time to leave the comment you made my day❣️ Happy Poshing 💕
May 11Reply
hectorflores33 ❤️❤️❤️❤️
May 13Reply
mybeademporium @hectorflores33 Hi Hector, I’m Carol of mybeademporium I had to thank you for the compliment! I love hearing from fellow Poshers. I must say you have a very nifty closet as well. I just started sharing it with my followers. Thanks for taking the time to spread Posh love 💕 You are greatly appreciated❣️
May 13Reply
hectorflores33 @mybeademporium thanks :) I appreciate it. Take care miss 💘
May 14Reply
clpink2 Thanks for the shares!
May 25Reply
mybeademporium @clpink2 Hi Connie, I’m Carol of mybeademporium you are so very Welcome. I love to share it helps us all the larger our network the more eyes on our closets, the better the chances for a sale! So I’m happy to Posh, plus I have fun. I love to window shop. Some closets are absolutely gorgeous. My wish list keeps growing❣️Happy Poshing💕
May 26Reply
oohoney Hi Carol.... hoping all is well... thanks bunches for all of the shares. I have only posted the shoes. So many people without, I have just been donating items I would sell. Have a great summer if I don't get over there. I still plan to visit......
May 31Reply
mybeademporium @oohoney Hi Linda, hope you’re doing fine. Hope your job is going well. I hope you get to visit, so much new construction you won’t recognize the old town. I love it here but it has changed drastically since I bought my home. There are no farms anymore, I used to love to drive with the windows open to smell the strawberries. Now if you open your window all you get is dust from all the construction. Lol
May 31Reply
lynnbeckylynn Hello and thanks for the follow. We're having an overstock sale and accepting offers at 20% less than our listing price on most items.  😍
Jun 02Reply
mybeademporium @lynnbeckylynn Hi, thank you for the invite I will be sure to drop by tomorrow to check out your sale. Wishing you a ton of sales❣️
Jun 02Reply
misstessa5000 Hi Carol, thank you from bottom of my heart💓 for all the shares including Twitter. All the best and have a wonderful weekend!💕💖🥰
Jun 10Reply
mybeademporium @misstessa5000 Aww you’re so welcome I love to share from your closet! I have always been a big girl nothing from your closet would fit me but it doesn’t stop me from admiring your great taste & workmanship. You are an artist my friend I so enjoy your closet it’s like a fashion show each listing nicer than the last. Thank you you have a wonderful weekend as well. I’m planning to do some designing I purchased a lot of new beads❣️
Jun 10Reply
misstessa5000 @mybeademporium thank you Carol, I used to knit, sew, crochet, interior designing, gardening etc. Not anymore, posh takes all my free time, plus I became Poshmark addict. I didn’t know that you design and make your beautiful jewellery. You are talented too and I think this job requires a lot of patience and time. Enjoy your amazing beads creations and have wonderful weekend! Cheers!!
Jun 11Reply
mybeademporium @misstessa5000 I have to admit I’m a Posh addict too! I get up it’s to the phone to see if I have orders to pack to take to the post office! I spend my day Poshing, answering questions, returning Emails, shopping for beads, designing pieces to sell on Poshmark! All day long I’m glued to one device or another share the parties, etc. I’m really hooked, I used to read, listen to music, shop in stores not on line, have lunch with friends even watch TV now all I do is Poshmark & I’m very happy.
Jun 11Reply
misstessa5000 Lol, exactly like me. I’m Poshmark crackhead and I’m happy too!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Jun 11Reply
mybeademporium @misstessa5000 Yup, yup, yup! 😊 that’s me too! 😂 Lol.
Jun 11Reply
fashiongirl2375 Thank you, thank you for all the shared from my closet. I really appreciate it! 😊
Jun 11Reply
mybeademporium @fashiongirl2375 Hi, you are so Welcome, I love to share so it’s my pleasure! Thank you for your interest in my closet. Remember to have fun Poshing 💕
Jun 11Reply
misstessa5000 Good morning Carol, as always thank for sharing Posh-love and have a beautiful weekend with a lot of sales!💕💖
Jun 18Reply
sb_speed82 Hi Ms. Carol 👋. I love all of your stuff, but I also need to pay the bills 😉. Thank you for sharing my stuff. I share yours so everyone gets a chance to see your talented work! Take care my fellow North Carolinian!
Jun 24Reply
mybeademporium @sb_speed82 Aww Thank you so much, you are too kind! I understand having to pay the bills all too well. Thank you for all the shares! I truly believe the more we share the more eyes on closets the more chances of sales. Sharing helps us all, but I really enjoy doing it! It’s my form of window shopping, I love sharing❣️
Jun 24Reply
miriam1149 Hi Carol 🌹 , thank you for sharing on Twitter 👍 . Can’t return the favor😃 I have no Twitter account 😏 . Have a wonderful blessed day ❤️🌺🌹
Jun 29Reply
mybeademporium @miriam1149 Hi Miriam, no worries I do it to give my fellow Poshers a wider audience for their wonderful work. It brings more eyes to our closets & more possibilities for sales. I understand not many people have twitter accounts but it’s fine to me. I have never really been a 1 to 1 kinda gal, I love doing more when I can. Happy Poshing 💕
Jun 30Reply
wesleyistricky @mybeademporium hi Carol sorry to bother can i send my rose quartz ,hematite back for repair it broken in pieces this am I really lived that necklace but wire is not string enough .If you could use a stronger gauge wire I'd really appreciate it and I'll buy another but this one is in pieces all I did was jog lightly to my car that's it.
Jul 07Reply
katie661 thank you
Jul 09Reply
cutehosiery @mybeademporium Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Jul 11Reply
misstessa5000 Hi Carol, Thank you, thank you and endless thank you for all your posh-love spreading and support!💗Have a wonderful weekend and abundance of sales!💕💗🥰
Jul 15Reply
mybeademporium @misstessa5000 my dear Miss Tessa, you are so Welcome, & I have to Thank you for all your sharing of my closet too! I wish you a weekend full of sales, & remember to have fun💕
Jul 15Reply
misstessa5000 Hi Carol, as always many many thanks for all the Twitter sharing and generous spreading of Posh-love! Wishing you many sales of your one of the kind handmade jewellery!✨❤️
Aug 11Reply
cecygardel Carol, thank you for your lovely shares. You have a great 👍 looking 👌 closet. I wish you much continued success and many sales. Happy Poshing 🏷 📬 📦 ‼️
Aug 11Reply
mybeademporium @cecygardel Hi Cecy, Thank you for the compliment! You’re so Welcome I love sharing so it’s my pleasure to share your closet. It’s my window shopping, but the more eyes on our closets the better for us all. I hope you have very successful end of year of business. Make lots of sales & remember to have fun Poshing💕
Aug 11Reply
mybeademporium @misstessa5000 Hi Misstessa, as always you are so Welcome, it’s my pleasure to share your closet. I love doing it & you have so many beautiful listings! I truly enjoy doing it. Wishing you continued success, make lots of sales & have fun Poshing 💕
Aug 11Reply
christy_hardy Thank You ❤️❤️ Ambassador Christy
Aug 27Reply
mybeademporium @christy_hardy You’re so very Welcome. Have a great weekend! Happy Poshing💕
Aug 27Reply
lamarquez16 Hello, I appreciate the follow. I'm new to selling but not new to buying on Poshmark. I started this adventure with my daughter as a means to spend quality time together. We have a variety of clothes for women, men, and youth boys. We shared some items from your closet and we hope you can do the same Happy Poshing
Aug 29Reply
mybeademporium @lamarquez16 Hi Lisa, of course I’ll share from your closet! I love sharing, it’s my window shopping❣️Thank you for sharing from my closet as well. I’m glad to hear you & your daughter can do this together it’s much more fun that way. Happy Poshing 💕
Aug 30Reply
bigsteppers Welcome to Poshmark 😀 Be sure to check out our current sales closet @topsteppers
Aug 30Reply
2girls2122 Hi Carol M...Wishing you many sales and buys..We hope you love it here as much as we do..Happy Poshing⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Sep 06Reply
mybeademporium @2girls2122 Hi Two Girls, Thank you for the well wishes, & after my 1st year here I can honestly say I love it here. I wish you you a banner weekend sale, & remember to have fun Poshing💕
Sep 06Reply
2girls2122 @mybeademporium Thank you 😊.
Sep 06Reply
mybeademporium @2girls2122 You’re so Welcome❣️
Sep 06Reply
polka5dots Thank you for your generous shares. Happy Poshing!
Sep 06Reply
mybeademporium @polka5dots Hi Carol Ann, I’m Carol of mybeademporium I just wanted to tell you you are most Welcome. I love to share, it’s my new form of window shopping❣️ I love doing it, remember to have fun Poshing 💕
Sep 06Reply
poshmom12345 Thank you so much for the many shares!😊
Sep 08Reply
mybeademporium @poshmom12345 Hi Sue, you are very Welcome. I love sharing, it’s my new window shopping❣️
Sep 08Reply
mybeademporium @wendyrhodes607 Hi Wendy, I’m Carol of mybeademporium you’re very Welcome. I love to share from beautiful closets, you have lovely things. Thank you so much for the compliment❣️
Sep 14Reply
laylasteelman Wanna create a bundle? You can save a bundle!!!
Sep 20Reply
mybeademporium @laylasteelman Hi Layla, I’m Carol of mybeademporium I just wanted to Thank you for the invite. You have a very eclectic closet full of very interesting & beautiful things. I will share your closet happily. Thanks again❣️
Sep 21Reply
laylasteelman Dear Carol, What a beautiful person you seem to be!!! Thank-you for sharing my closet! I am not able to purchase any new items as funds are tight at the moment.However, I will negotiate any items for you(if you like) Stay healthy! Love,Layla
Sep 22Reply
mybeademporium @laylasteelman Hi Layla, Thank you for the compliment. It’s fine I love to share from beautiful closets, it’s my new form of window shopping. I practically became a recluse during the Pandemic because I check all the boxes for high risk. As a result I started Poshing, I love it, I think I may even be addicted to it at this point! But I love sharing & meeting new friends even if it’s only virtually. Funds being tight is a boat many of us are on, it’s not a
Sep 22Reply
mybeademporium Problem my friend, this too shall pass. I wish you loads of success this upcoming Holiday Season, make record sales & be Healthy to enjoy it all❣️ Happy Poshing💕
Sep 22Reply
karin_heffner Hi Carol, just sending greetings from Naples, Florida. We are expecting a little storm named Ian. I usually wake up around 7 am and open my tablet before I get out of bed. I am always amazed to see that you shared my closet 3 to 4 hours prior. And I also notice that you do some sharing late in the evening. I have a question: do you ever sleep? Thank you for all your shares. I appreciate it very much.
Sep 28Reply
mybeademporium @karin_heffner Hi Karin, I pray you will be safe, your little storm is a full category 4 Hurricane, boasting 16-20 foot surges, 120+ mph winds, torrential rains & flooding. Not exactly a little storm, I have many family members in Florida. I’m always aware of the storms, many hard headed relatives that never want to evacuate. Ugh. Anyway I’m tickled that you notice how hard I work! It’s true, I’m up into the wee hours Poshing
Sep 29Reply
mybeademporium But really I’m waiting for my husband to get up at 4:00 to go to work. I can’t get accustomed to his going to work without having coffee with him. I pack him a lunch & kiss him goodbye as well as wish him a great day at work. I have a hard time rising that early no matter how early I go to bed so I stay up Poshing. Once he leaves I go to sleep but I’m usually up by 9:00, I’ve become a bit of an insomniac. I rarely take naps, so I fill my long hours with Poshmark.
Sep 29Reply
mybeademporium But that’s not to say I don’t do my chores. You are so very Welcome, I love sharing it’s my new window shopping. But I’ve become a bit of an insomniac lately I think my meds need adjusting, I’ll find out soon my appointment is October 3rd, so we’ll see what’s up. I love all the new listings in your closet, it looks beautiful. I truly appreciate you my friend. Have a great week, stay safe & make lots of sales❣️
Sep 29Reply
kattbox Hi thanks for following my closet. I am building a network of dedicated followers who are serious about making money. The only way we can do this is to support one another by being dedicated sharers. Unfortunately some poshers don’t share. Share three for me and I will share three for you. Then I will follow you. I share three items per sharer.
Oct 09Reply
mybeademporium @kattbox Hi Caren, I’m Carol of mybeademporium Thank you for the offer to follow me. I share constantly, you can see on my header I have 1.9 million shares of other Poshers closets! I have only 125,000 self shares. I truly believe in sharing, it helps us all. It’s my understanding that is how the algorithm works. The more we share the more eyes on our closets, more potential sales for us all. It’s a win win in my book❣️
Oct 10Reply
mybeademporium @kattbox Plus I have so much fun sharing it’s my new window shopping! I love meeting people & making friends. I hsve several Posh Friends Forever (PFF’s) I’ve become very close with. Several live in Florida when Ian hit, I reached out to my friends to see how they were & if I could help them in anyway. It’s a community I’m so happy to be a part of. We help each other, can’t tell you how many wonderful ladies offered me help when I first started.
Oct 10Reply
mybeademporium Absolutely share & remember to have fun sharing. Make friendships as well as money. Poshmark creates a friendly atmosphere for us, it’s not as competitive as so many other platforms. Generally, most people I’ve met are happy for your success & offer advice or help if you should need it. We feed off each other’s energy & motivation! Wishing you an incredible Holiday Season break records, Happy Poshing💕
Oct 10Reply
rafaelguzm77 Hi! Thank you for the follow! I will be sure to share! 😊
Oct 14Reply
vintagesweetpea Thank you so very much for all the shares and posting my little closet on social media.😀Wishing you a blessed weekend and many sales!🙏💕~Star~
Oct 22Reply
mybeademporium @vintagesweetpea Hi Star, you’re very Welcome! I loved your creativity, the displays of your earrings on photos of Marilyn caught my imagination. I love to share, it’s my new “window shopping” I loved seeing your closet so I had to share your inspiration with my followers. Thank you & remember to have fun Poshing & make new friends along the way❣️💕
Oct 22Reply
karin_heffner good morning Carol, thank you for your many shares. I really appreciate it. my husband had a triple stroke last week. he can walk and talk but lost peripheral vision in both eyes. poor guy, kidney cancer at the start of the year and now this. I will be a little preoccupied in the future but please keep sharing. I will do the same when I can. Karin
Oct 26Reply
mybeademporium @karin_heffner Good Evening Karin, I’m so sorry to hear about your poor husband’s health issues. Don’t worry about sharing my closet, you have too much on your plate already to worry about. I will of course share your closet as often as I can. I love sharing, you know but lately the share requests have increased dramatically, it’s hard keeping up with them. I have found I have to do my regulars, those closets I have shared & they share back since the
Oct 27Reply
mybeademporium Beginning, then I start the list. There are times I can’t get through it in one day. I mark off where I left off & pick it up again the next day after I do my regulars, they are my friends who got me here I won’t leave them behind. I remember when I first started many big successful closets wouldn’t even let me into their closets because I was a “newby” without enough sales or at least a 4.5 ⭐️ average. I tend
Oct 27Reply
mybeademporium To be very loyal, those who helped me I will always help all I can. I can’t believe how worried you must be over your husbands health. You take care of him & yourself Poshmark isn’t going anywhere. I will continue sharing your closet as always. I will also pray for you & your husband. Cancer is a scary disease, & the cure is as tough on you as the disease. Don’t let him give up hope everyday science gets closer to eradicating more & more types. God Bless both of you❣️
Oct 27Reply
bodywearformen Hi and thank you for following liking my closet! I carry a large selection of new men's intimate apparel and new men's swimsuits. Stop by frequently as I add new items on a regular basis! Feel free to ask me any questions. I hope you find fun exciting items! Enjoy and Have Fun!
Oct 29Reply
mybeademporium @bodywearformen Hi James, you’re Welcome! I love sharing so yes I will visit your closet to share often. Wishing you a record breaking Holiday Season, Happy Poshing 💕
Oct 29Reply
mybeademporium @tutuwig Hi Tutu wigs, I’m Carol of mybeademporium I just wanted to Thank you for the compliment, as well as to welcome you & your closet to Poshmark! Absolutely you can share my closet whenever you want, I will share yours as well. I love sharing its like window shopping to me, I love it. Wishing you much success, sharing is Poshmarks way of caring! Have fun Poshing & remember to make friends along the way💕
Oct 30Reply
cindykaypusch Hi My Lil Darlin', Believe Or Not You Have Been On My Heart For Days Now! I Just Came To Rest My Back On Heating Pad, But, I Want To Write You When I Have More Time, I Trust All Is Well, My World Is A Bit Upside Down With My Son, But I'm Trusting and Believing He's Going To Come Through All Of This Stronger Than Ever. I Will Write More When I'm Feeling Somewhat Better. In The Meantime, I'm Sending Huge Hugs and Lots Of Love To You My Dear Friend!! Cindy ❤️
Oct 30Reply
mybeademporium @cindykaypusch Oh Cindy, I’m so glad to hear from you! They say no news is good news, but I have found it isn’t necessarily so. I’m very pleased you are doing better & that your son is doing his part to fully recuperate too. You guys are always in our prayers. Keep working at feeling better, please don’t overdo! Sending hugs & kisses too my dear friend❣️🤗😘❤️
Oct 30Reply
coracoller Just wanted to thank you for following me. I shared.some awesome closet ☀️
Nov 09Reply
mybeademporium @coracoller Hi Cora, I’m Carol of mybeademporium you’re very Welcome! Thank you for sharing my closet as well. Wishing you a very successful Christmas Season, break records❣️🦃🎄⛄️🥂🍾🎩
Nov 09Reply
3honeybees_me Hi!! Thanks for the follow! Please feel free to checkout my closet. If you have any questions, let me know. I’m open to any offer, so don’t hesitate to ask! I hope you and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving!!
Nov 23Reply
mybeademporium @knoepsn Hi Shawn, Thank you so much for the invite & warm wishes! I’m playing hooky from Poshmark today! Lots of cooking to do. I’m wishing you a wonderful day with your family, eat a lot but leave room for dessert that’s the best part❣️🦃🙏🏻🌻🍁🏈🍽🥂🍾🦃🍁🌻🙏🏻🍽🦃🌻🙏🏻
Nov 24Reply
christy_hardy Wow don't know about these auctions have not sold a thing on here sense they started them Sold stuff on Etsy and Offer up but nothing on here in a while! Sad Anyways Happy Holidays to you and yours and Thank You for all the shares! Ambassador Christy ❤️❤️🧑‍🎄⛄🎄
Dec 21Reply
mybeademporium @christy_hardy Hi Christy, I agree with you. Lately the bottom has fallen out I’m hoping it’s just a phase. Wishing you & yours a very Happy Holiday Season stay Healthy & enjoy them all❣️
Dec 22Reply
mostore I just have to tell you that your beads/jewelry are absolutely gorgeous! And so unique! You have an amazing talent. Don’t ever take it for granted. Have a safe and happy holiday season! Mona
Dec 23Reply
mybeademporium @mostore Hi Mona, Thank you so much for the lovely compliment❣️ Wishing you & yours a wonderful Holiday Season!
Dec 24Reply
mostore @mybeademporium You are so welcome-well deserved. And thanks for the shares!
Dec 24Reply
mybeademporium @mostore Hi Mona, you are very Welcome❣️ Wishing you a very Merry Christmas 🎄🎁🎅🏼🤶⛪️🙏🏻⭐️
Dec 25Reply
mostore Merry Christmas to you! And a happy new year!
Dec 25Reply
lunafunk greetings Carol, I don't usually do this but I have a very unusual second closet. I am selling off 30 years worth of vintage jewelry supplies which includes a lot of interesting beads. it's called Luna function. I thought you might want to know
Feb 22Reply
mybeademporium @lunafunk Hi, Thanks for the info. I’m always looking for interesting beads, it’s what I mostly buy, as I design most of the jewelry in my closet. Please send me the exact name of the closet so I can browse, shop, & share. Thank you so much❣️
Feb 23Reply
lunafunk @mybeademporium LunaFunctionVintage. And thank you for the shares . Returning favor.
Feb 23Reply
mybeademporium @lunafunk Hi, yes I found it! Great closet! Had to share it, love sharing beautiful things. Thank you for the shares as well! I will be back after I get a chance to check my bead boxes, to see what I can use. Haven’t made much lately, all my time I’m using to share lately. But I will get back to designing soon. Thank you again for the invite & sharing your lovely closet with me❣️
Feb 23Reply
mybeademporium @lunafunction Yes, I love Asheville too! It’s a fun & beautiful area. I especially love visiting in the fall, mother nature’s best show of autumn 🍂! But I fell in love with Fuquay-Varina❣️ Small town feel, we had farms locally & our town paper reported about drunk & disorderly, or whose mailbox was got hit with firecrackers! Of course that was twenty years ago, today it’s under massive construction, every piece of farmland is being built on! rebuilt. This town does a lot for our children, the
Feb 23Reply
mybeademporium Schools have been rebuilt, we have two Main Streets with shops from before, the two small towns merged into Fuquay - Varina, lots of parks! I love it here, we call it home, but all Progress isn’t necessarily for the better, we are becoming a City! I loved the old country town better❣️
Feb 23Reply
lunafunk @mybeademporium You def are a get sharer. I try to return but I sell on 4 venues so I'm usually busy with them. I still have a lot of my old jewelry designs left and I'm now listing some on LunkFunk. The dried flower rings and so far one pair of earrings and one bracelet. Some are leftover stock so old that they are now vintage, since I started in 1991. I admit I've been lazy listing at LunaFunction. I'm starting to hit bottom, but I have things left, mostly odd rhinestones...
Feb 23Reply
mybeademporium @lunafunk Hi, don’t worry l share from time to time. I love to see new items in closets❣️ it may have been my first visit, but not my last! I tend to keep track of closets I like! Happy Poshing 💕
Feb 23Reply
scarletsisland Hi I am loving all your jewellery pieces, but I’m in Australia and fairly new to Poshmark, we can’t ship between the USA and Australia can we ? Warm regards Jo
Mar 01Reply
mybeademporium @scarletsisland Hi Jo, I’m Carol of mybeademporium I wanted to Thank you for the compliment. According to Poshmark rules we can only ship to USA & territories for now. It took me longer than usual to answer you because I wanted to verify with Poshmark support. For now, no I can’t shop to Australia, or internationally really. I hope that changes soon, again Thanks for interest in my closet! Happy Poshing 💕
Mar 01Reply
mybeademporium Ship not shop. Sorry for the type O❣️
Mar 01Reply
c_weigandii Hi Carol! Thank you for the follow and all of the shares! I really appreciate your support and help!
Mar 04Reply
mybeademporium @c_weigandii Hi Courtney, you are so Welcome, i share a lot because I love doing it! It’s like window shopping for me! Plus I get to show my fellow Poshers I care! The more we share the more eyes on our closets & the greater the possibility of making sales! We all help each other by networking & in my book it’s a win win❣️Thank You as well wishing you a great weekend full of sales! Happy Poshing 💕🤗
Mar 04Reply
yore_and_before You have beautiful jewelry — every piece is an absolute stunner! I think I’m in love. 🥰 Best, Angela
Mar 19Reply
mybeademporium @anhjkh74 Hi Angela, Thank you so much for the compliment! I design most of the jewelry I sell. Plus when I find something I fall in love with I purchase it add to my closet if it’s well made & beautiful. Thanks for your interest in my closet❣️
Mar 19Reply
kimmyq1969 I was trying to bid on your amethyst ring and then you skipped it in the auction so I'm going to go to bed I guess
Apr 11Reply
katie661 Hi Carol, I am doing my first live and share tomorrow at 9 est. Stop in if u can as I would love to share your items. The shows Ive seen have made many sales
May 16Reply
mybeademporium @katie661 Hi Kathy, Thanks for the invite, but I’ve never even seen a live show. I’m very behind on these new tools. I had company coming down so I spent a ton of time cleaning the house, inside & out. They were here for 10 days, now I’m going away for an extended weekend, out of town & closing my closet for vacation. I will learn about all these new tools once I’m home again & Poshing. I will let you know when I feel confident enough in what I learned & we can do your show then. Again Thank you
May 17Reply
mybeademporium & I’m wishing you much success & many sales from your show. Happy Poshing💕
May 17Reply
katie661 @mybeademporium Enjoy your family. I almost had an anxiety attack on my 1st show and exited early. But pash is very smart. you can join a show Tap a button and share your items in someone else's live show. I'll see how it goes tomorrow but all I know is they're selling the crap out of their items in these live shows
May 17Reply
dreamzcatcher Thank you so much for sharing my closet!
Jun 04Reply
mybeademporium @dreamzcatcher Hi, you’re so very Welcome! I love sharing, it’s my form of window shopping! Happy Poshing 💕
Jun 05Reply
karen_alkemeyer Thank you so much Carol for all of your shares from my closet! That means so much
Jun 06Reply
mybeademporium @karen_alkemeyer Hi Karen, you are very Welcome! I love sharing, it’s my way of window shopping. Posh says sharing is caring, it’s our way of showing love. Happy Poshing💕
Jun 07Reply
inspira_create Hi Carol, Thank you for the shares! Your closet and items are exquisite! You are so very talented ❤️❤️
Jun 18Reply
mybeademporium @inspira_create Hi Yary, Thank You so much for the compliment! I try hard to keep adding new & different pieces to my shop. I love designing jewelry, a girl has got to have her Bling! Wishing you much success & remember to have fun & make friends along the way! Happy Poshing 💕
Jun 18Reply
ptuck065 Hi Carol, thanks for the following. I checked out your awesome closet and shared with my followers 😀. If you get a chance I'd love for you to check out my closet. If you see anything that interests you send me an offer. Happy poshing and happy life 😊
Jun 19Reply
mybeademporium @ptuck065 Hi Patricia, you’re more than Welcome. I love sharing it’s my window shopping. I have shared your closet as well with my followers, you are very talented. I wish you lots of success❣️
Jun 19Reply
ptuck065 Holy cow Carol. Thank you soooo much for all of the shares. You are awesome. God speed. As soon as I make some more money I will be shopping your closet. Thanks again. Have a great day and happy life 😊
Jun 19Reply
julissazelaya Welcome to Poshmark! I’m Lissa, and I invite you to check out my closet.❤️ I have a lot of beautifuls and cutes charms for your bracelets and necklaces.🍸 🌟 I am available If you have any questions feel free to ask me! ❤️ ❤️ Happy Poshing! 🌺🌺
Jun 20Reply
mybeademporium @julissazelaya Hi Julissa, I’m Carol of mybeademporium I just wanted to Thank you for the invite to check out your closet. You do have beautiful charms & I will share with my followers. Wishing you many sales & your continued success! Happy Poshing💕
Jun 21Reply
missink3383 🥰🏖️Happy🌞Summer⛱️🥰 Hi Darling 😊 Such a Unique & Fun Closet ✨🫶✨ 🌠Wishing u many speedy $ales🌠 🌧️☀️🌈🌱🌼🦋 💟🥰 Thank u for Follow 💕 5⭐Miss-Ink's cordially invites u to🛍️ Shop w/Confidence Posh Ambas/ 2➕Posh Mentor 💌Bundle 2+ $ave on shipping📬 📏 Many brands & sizes to choose from.💝 Giving unbeatable deals~ 🪷Thank you🪷💕 🪷SerahLyn🪷
Jun 24Reply
gojnybliss Hi! Thanks so much for visiting my closet and for the shares... Your support & kindness is greatly appreciated! 🙏🏼 Wishing you the best and success with your sales... Happy poshing! ☺️🌿
Jul 06Reply
mybeademporium @gojnybliss Hi, you’re more than Welcome, I love sharing! It’s my form of window shopping, here at Poshmark Sharing is Caring! Thanks for taking the time to send a message! I love making new friends along the way! Wishing you many sales & much success here with us! Happy Poshing 💕
Jul 06Reply
chevrierfred Thank you for sharing! 🖤👋
Jul 10Reply
mybeademporium @chevrierfred Hi Fred, no problem, I love sharing it’s my window shopping! Thank you for the time to write me a comment, I truly appreciate it! Happy Poshing💕
Jul 10Reply
mybeademporium @sully301 Thank you so much for the invite!
Aug 19Reply
dulciesdelites Thank you for following me 🥰
Aug 29Reply
mybeademporium @dulciesdelites Hi, you’re Welcome! Happy Poshing💕
Aug 29Reply
cindykaypusch Hello Sweetie, I Wanted To Drop In and See How You're Doing and Let You Know The Items In Your Closet Are Fabulous and Beautiful!! How Are You Feeling? I Think I Told You I Was Having Right Hip Replacement in September But It Was Canceled as I Contracted An Infection In My Small Intestine. I'm Fine Now, I'm Rescheduled for The Hip
Oct 09Reply
cindykaypusch Replacement Jan 5th. Ugh!! Please When You Have A Moment Let Me Know How Both You and Hubby Are Doing. As Per Usual, Thanks So Much For Sharing From My Closet. My Best, Cindy ❤️
Oct 09Reply
mybeademporium @cindykaypusch Hi Cindy, I’m so sorry your surgery got postponed! I have been recuperating from my 2nd eye surgery, this one was not so easy, I have had a really bad time with this one. Sorry for the delay in answering you but I was in a lot of discomfort & pain. I have been very lazy with my closet, first because of eye strain & now because I’m hurting. I hope to get back to work soon! Thanks for the compliment, but it’s been all Tony lately!
Oct 15Reply
mybeademporium @cindykaypusch oh my goodness however did you catch that infection, but better to postpone than add more unnecessary risk. Please take care of yourself, good friends are hard to find! I have my post op appointment on the 18th, hopefully 🤞 I can have my new glasses made & get back to work, I really miss designing! Tony has purchased a lot of new beads for me to play with once I’m ok, can’t wait to get my hands on them!
Oct 15Reply
mybeademporium I hope all of you are fine, & that both boys have recuperated well. I keep you & yours in our prayers as always. I will pass the compliment onto Tony as he has been so good, taking on my closet while I’m getting tuned up! He’s been awesome, working hard & even cooking! I’ll have to come up with a special Thank You for all his help❣️Well my dear that’s all for now, sending you a huge hug🤗🙏🏻🌻❣️
Oct 15Reply
sonja1234 @mybeademporium Hello Carol. Thank you for sharing my listing. I have shared some of your items too. I love to see that the art of hand making jewelry is still being done locally. I love your NC state. We visit Topsail Beach 3 x a year. Been going there since 1998.
Oct 26Reply
mybeademporium @sonja1234 Hi, i love it too, however I’m a transplant, here about 12 years. Before moving permanently we vacationed here as well for about 9 years prior to our relocating. I’m sorry to say I have not been to Topsail Beach, but we will definitely make it a place to visit next summer! Thanks for the tip!
Oct 26Reply
sonja1234 @mybeademporium if you like a quite beach, it’s for you. We go in May and September - less people there at that time.
Oct 26Reply
mybeademporium @sonja1234 We do! Thank you❣️
Oct 26Reply
sonja1234 @mybeademporium then you will definitely like Topsail Beach. 🤗
Oct 26Reply
dillaroo Thank you for sharing my closet. I am a new Posher and appreciate it. Have a great day!
Oct 26Reply
mybeademporium @dillaroo Hi Ellie, I’m Carol of mybeademporium you’re very Welcome. Here at Poshmark there’s a saying sharing is caring. The more we share the more eyes on our closets, the better the chances for making sales! It really works& it’s our way of helping each other succeed. I also love sharing it’s my window shopping! Wishing you lots of success! Happy Poshing 💕
Oct 26Reply
showroom_318 Thank you for sharing items in my closet!
Oct 31Reply
mybeademporium @showroom_318 Hi Leticia, you’re so very Welcome! I love to share beautiful things with my followers. It’s my form of window shopping! Thank you for sharing as well! Sharing is Caring, remember the more eyes on our closets the better the chances of sales. Networking really works! Happy Poshing💕
Oct 31Reply
le_stage Hi! Just wanted to say thank you so much for your warm welcome! Look forward to poshing with you! 🌺 MelissaL
Nov 04Reply
mybeademporium @le_stage Hi Melissa, you are so very Welcome! Happy Poshing 💕
Nov 05Reply
wifeyscloset445 Thank you for sharing items from my closet. Your support is very appreciated. Name your price sale going on through Saturday send me an offer and as long as I’m not loosing $$ it’s yours for your price. Please be reasonable. Feel free to bundle up to 5lbs. Happy poshing. My closet has outgrown its current space so it’s moving. I’d like to downsize some of my current inventory so it’s less for me to move.
Nov 08Reply
steeler4ever Thank you for sharing my items. I really appreciate it!
Nov 26Reply
mybeademporium @steeler4ever Hi, I’m Carol of mybeademporium you’re very Welcome. I love to share beautiful things with my followers, not to mention it’s my window shopping these days! Thanks for the note, wishing much success this Holiday Season! Happy Poshing💕
Nov 26Reply
miriam1149 Hi Carol 🌺 thank you for all the sharing ❤️ . Lol since I became ambassador I have hundreds of followers but no sales 😅 . Very weird . And with all the show’s people have no time to look for anything. Do you feel the change ? For now I feel like a waist of time to be on …My best wishes , Miriam
Dec 07Reply
mybeademporium @miriam1149 Hi Miriam, Yes I agree! Since they can do videos, my sales have dropped drastically. I don’t do videos, I dislike being in front of a camera, but the strange thing is I have friends doing them& they say they only move cheap stuff, their regular priced items aren’t moving the way they should be. So who knows, is it the change or just the economy! I know this isn’t working like before!
Dec 07Reply
miriam1149 @mybeademporium unfortunately it doesn’t work 🙁 period . Wish you Happy Holidays 🎄
Dec 07Reply
mybeademporium @miriam1149 Oh yes, I’m Sorry, I wish you a very Happy Holiday Season❣️ Wishing you a lot of sales & Happy Poshing💕
Dec 07Reply
christy_hardy Hello Thank You for your shares 😊 was a little under the weather for a while there doing better now! Happy Holidays to you and yours! Happy Poshing ❤️❤️🎄🎄Christy
Dec 08Reply
mybeademporium @christy_hardy Hi Christy, I’m so sorry to hear you were under the weather, & it’s good to hear you’re doing better. I had eye surgeries & have been a little rough around the edges myself, but Thank God I’m doing better myself. I have been doing much less on Poshmark as a result, but the eye strain & tearing are dissipating. I will be back again full time shortly I’m sure. My Big
Dec 09Reply
mybeademporium @christy_hardy miracle, I can see again! You’re more than Welcome, you know I love to share & Hope to be able to do more in time. Wishing you & yours a very Happy & Healthy Holiday Season! Wishing you lots of sales & Happy Poshing💕
Dec 09Reply
co_spgs_closet Have a Blessed and Happy New Year wishing you along the way a lot of sales 😘💖
Jan 01Reply
mybeademporium @co_spgs_closet Thank you so very much Adriana❣️ I hope you had a Blessed Christmas & a lovely New Years Eve as well. Wishing you Health, Love & Happiness in 2024❣️ May you Blessed with many, many more years to come. Sending you a huge 🤗.
Jan 02Reply
purplehairchick Thank you for all the shares! 💜
Jan 16Reply
mybeademporium @purplehairchick Hi Pamela, you are so welcome, I enjoy sharing from beautiful closets to my followers. It’s my new window shopping! Truly here at Poshmark sharing is caring, it’s our way to spread some Posh Love! More eyes on our closets helps generate more sales. So if you can pay it forward, share new closets with your followers. Happy Poshing💕
Jan 17Reply
misstessa5000 Dear Carol, My apologies, being busy with my moving and Poshing the same time. You're my only US Posh friend! It's been a pleasure knowing and having you here throughout my Posh journey, dough we've never met in person. I will surely miss you forever in my heart. ♥️This is why I might not close permanently my Posh account, just to keep contact with you and other members of Posh family. All the best, take care my Posh friend! 🥰Best of luck with your beautiful beads! 💎Cheers!🥂💖💐Tessa
Mar 01Reply
mybeademporium @misstessa5000 My dear friend Miss Tessa, I’m so sorry I haven’t been able to message you sooner. I went on vacation & came home very sick. The Dr. put me on bedrest after X-rays & antibiotics, he was worried I was dying on him. I kept telling him I wasn’t going to die yet, but he was very upset. I haven’t done much on Poshmark because it seems all I want to do is sleep. I’m so excited for you & your new life ahead of you, I wish you only the very best life has to offer!
Mar 03Reply
mybeademporium I am equally excited over your not closing your Posh account, because we can still chit chat from time to time. I was so sad to lose your friendship, now I won’t have to! Thank you for all your help, all the shares & all the knowledge you shared with me about Poshmark. I may not have met you in person, but I considered you my very dear friend. May God Bless you in all your
Mar 03Reply
mybeademporium new endeavors, know you will be in my prayers always. Wishing you much happiness, & success in all you do. Please take care of yourself❣️I’m sending you a huge hug 🤗 fondly, Carol 🥂 Cheers to you too🌺🌷🌸🌹💕
Mar 03Reply
blessing1960 Thank you for sharing my closet
Mar 05Reply
mybeademporium @blessing1960 Hi Debra, you’re very Welcome. I love sharing beautiful things from other closets with my followers! It’s my new form of window shopping! Besides here at Poshmark sharing is caring, it’s our form of sharing a little love with fellow Poshers. Wishing all the Best, Happy Poshing💕
Mar 06Reply
candelewter Hello my friend! You have so many beautiful things. I think they will love them all! I’ve been kinda busy here in Oklahoma. Dr. , vet, mowing. So much still to list. Takes so long. I’ve still not sold anything. I keep dropping prices. Still no sales. I’m active and pretty much healthy (sometimes except in my mind) 😂😂😂 Sometimes I wonder🤫! Well gf thinking after mowing and 🚿 I’m tired. TTY later sweetie. Hope you have a great week and lots of sales! Nite nite! 👍🏻😊
Mar 26Reply
julieh28_1984 Hi there, I just wanted to stop in and say thank you for all your likes and for visiting my closet. I greatly appreciate it. Please let me know if your interested in anything.
Mar 27Reply
mybeademporium @julieh28_1984 Hi Julie, I shall don’t worry : )
Mar 28Reply
ericdelice Thanks soooo much for the shares I greatly appreciate your time. I’m very very new to this but I again I greatly appreciate your assist!!!!
May 01Reply
mybeademporium @ericdelice Hi Eric, I’m Carol of mybeademporium, I just wanted to say you’re Welcome. Here at Poshmark we show our fellow Poshers a little love by sharing from their closet! “Sharing is caring” you will hear that a lot. We also make friends along the way, we call them “Posh Friends Forever”. Over time I have made several very good PFF’s along the way. Remember to have fun, make some money, spend a little money, & make friends! It’s very rewarding.
May 02Reply
loyalmeech Thats for the shares u Beautiful Soul!
May 10Reply
rogevazquez375 hi.thank u for the shares
May 11Reply
mybeademporium @rogevazquez375 Hi Luis, you are so very Welcome! I love to share it’s my new window shopping!
May 11Reply
loyalmeech Appreciate you, I gotta Posh Mom!!☺️ You are truly talented. Elephant chain is🔥🔥 Gift is PERFECTO, Fits me
May 14Reply
mybeademporium @loyalmeech Hi, I’m so thrilled that you love your purchase! Thank you for letting me know your gift fits. I often wonder if it fits or if it’s liked, you my friend are the first to tell me that it does! I am so glad I was able to make your shopping experience with me a pleasant one. I love Happy Poshers💕
May 16Reply
bearmountain8 Hi, thank you so much for sharing ❣️❣️🦋🌹
Jun 16Reply
mybeademporium @bearmountain8 Hi Shelley, not a problem, I love to share! It’s my new form of window shopping. Sharing is caring, just spreading a little Posh Love to my fellow Poshers! Wishing you a great week, Happy Poshing💕
Jun 17Reply
rmorton553 Thank you so much for sharing my items. I am trying to get started and hopefully go live soon. I have soooooo much inventory. Thanks again, that was really kind of you!
Aug 13Reply
rmorton553 Carol. I used to live in Selma and worked in Raleigh for ten years before coming to California with my daughter. Long story, but we are going back. We all just love North Carolina. I went to a show in your town F. Vereena (can't spell) lol. Anyway, I just noticed where you are from and had to say hello, and thanks again for sharing my items!!! Can't wait to get back to N.C.
Aug 13Reply
baron126 Hellooooooo & thanks for following my closet❣️My closet is always buy one get half off the lower price item! Bundle & Save more with one shipping fee!! 5⭐️rated seller & FAST shipper!!! Happy Poshing!!!!
Aug 25Reply
Aug 25Reply
mybeademporium @baron126 Hi Denise, you’re very Welcome! I love to share, it’s my new form of window shopping! Wishing you all the best, Happy Poshing💕
Aug 26Reply
smilez22222 Hello and Thank You for Following my Closet! 🦋🙂🦋
Sep 26Reply
mybeademporium @smilez22222 Hi Jeane, You’re very Welcome! I love to follow & share with my followers from beautiful closets like yours! Happy Poshing💕
Sep 26Reply
smilez22222 @mybeademporium Awe, Thank You! You are so sweet to say that. 🙂💚
Sep 26Reply
mybeademporium @smilez22222 No my dear just truthful! Wishing you a wonderful weekend with many sales❣️
Sep 26Reply
vilmaleal15 Hello, how are you? Thanks for all the shares.
Oct 11Reply
mybeademporium @vilmaleal15 Hi Vilma, you are so very Welcome! Just doing what I love to do, sharing! It’s my new window shopping & I’m showing my fellow Poshers a little love❣️
Oct 11Reply
cindykaypusch Hello My Sweet Carol, I Just Wanted To Reach Out Before I Log Out and Let You Know I Haven't Forgotten About You, I'm Playing Catch Up and Losing.... I WILL Do Return Shares From Your Closet Tomorrow If I Can Still Use My Stiff Fingers. I'm Sending You Huge Hugs and Wishes For A Peaceful and Restful Evening. CindyKay ❤️
Nov 05Reply
mybeademporium @cindykaypusch Hi Cindy, Please don’t stress over playing catch up with me! Totally not necessary. I’m told I always overdo, so I always say to my fellow Poshers, do what you can when you can. If you can’t catch up don’t. It’s perfectly ok with me. I never keep tabs, I don’t count, I know I have so much more time on my hands than most… I am retired, I love to Posh, sharing is my new form of window shopping. I love it❣️
Nov 05Reply
mybeademporium @cindykaypusch so Please my friend, worry about others not me. I do it to keep my brain from becoming mush, my Mom had Alzheimer’s so it helps keep my brain functioning a lot better to be busy, if I just watch TV all day I won’t even know my name within a year. My making jewelry is my physical therapy for my arthritic hands trust me it benefits me more than you know! I don’t want to stress anyone out, let alone my friends! Please don’t worry about out it. I don’t need catch ups, just do what
Nov 05Reply
mybeademporium You can when you can. No catch ups, no stress, easy peasy. It means I can spend what I make & I love to shop! This is fun & therapeutic for me I won’t have any of my friends worry over sharing my closet that’s not necessary! You must be getting excited to go visit with your family for Thanksgiving & your Christmas holiday. Have fun, make great memories, work will be here when you get & are able to do it❣️🤗💝😘
Nov 05Reply
stewardcindy1 Thank you for all the shares of my items. Not too many people doing that anymore.💕
Nov 13Reply
mybeademporium @stewardcindy1 You’re Welcome! I love sharing, it’s my window shopping! Happy Poshing💕
Nov 13Reply
cindykaypusch Hi Miss Carol, I Am So Sorry I Got So Far Behind Sharing Back!! I Wanted To Drop In and See How You're Doing and Ask What Your Plans Are For The Upcoming Thanksgiving Holiday. I Reached A Breaking Point and Decided To Close My Posh Closet For A While. I've Got So Much Inventory To Photograph and Get Listed That I'm Overwhelmed!! How Are You My Sweet and
Nov 16Reply
cindykaypusch Patient Friend? I Hope With The Time I'm Taking Away From Selling Will Allow Me To Do A Lot Of Sharing Back To Ones I Have Fell Behind On. I Won't Keep You, Just Wanted To Apologize!! Please Don't Ever Think I Would Ever Ignore Your Shares, I Appreciate Them So Much!! How's Hubby Doing? OMWord, Were You Affected My The Hurricanes? I Pray All Is Well and You Weren't In The Path Of Either Of The Two Hurricanes. Please Let Me Know. I'm Sending Hugs and Love, Cindy ❤️
Nov 16Reply
mybeademporium @cindykaypusch Hi Cindy, No we were not impacted by the either hurricane. We are fine, we live 2hours from the outer banks (shore). And about 2 1/2 hours from the Mountains (Asheville). The storms devastated our state but we were fine, rain & wind. As for sharing my friend, I am retired & have lots of free time while my husband works, but truly it’s more of a therapy for me. Poshing keeps my mind active, making jewelry is a life long passion, running my platforms is my soul’s medicine.
Nov 18Reply
mybeademporium I have always been an entrepreneur, from a long line of them. It’s in my genes I do it because I love what I do, & can no longer do what I did. Which is why I don’t really do 1 for 1 shares, I always tell my friends I love sharing it’s my new form of window shopping. My Mom had Alzheimer’s, and I am on the merry road of dementia. I am a Cancer survivor, so I am not a whimp but I know I can’t beat dementia. But I can keep using my brain as much as I can to try to slow down the process.
Nov 18Reply
mybeademporium I Thank God daily for Poshmark and all the lovely people I have meet virtually, that I now call friends. You & your family are an included in that list. Please don’t stress over work, it will wait for you, that I can promise you! You are Blessed enjoy your Christmas/Thanksgiving vacation with your family, make as many memories for your little ones as possible, I adored my great grandmother, & my gems are all the memories I have of her. She taught me to cook, crochet & my faith in God was her
Nov 18Reply
mybeademporium Greatest gift to me. I was saddened by the devastation, homes on stilts swallowed up by the ocean again tragic, I couldn’t believe the roads that were closed due to the concrete & earth falling away from the roadway making them look like bridges. The damage done to the dam, stresses on it causing it to become even more dangerous than the storms. Hundreds of displaced people who lost their homes, but still had their families grateful they survived the storms.
Nov 18Reply
mybeademporium I Thank God the death toll was as low as it was, but those people who lost loved ones will never be the same. Oh my goodness I have gone on to long my friend I’m so sorry, Thank you for your concern but Thank God we are fine. The boss lady is here, so I had better get back to work Lol! Sending you huge hugs! This year I will count you as one of my many Blessings my friend❣️
Nov 18Reply
closet2nv Thanks for sharing practically my entire closet! ❤️
Nov 25Reply
mybeademporium @closet2nv Hi Nancy, your Welcome❣️ I love to share, it’s my new form of window shopping. The more eyes on our closets the higher the chance of sales, so sharing is caring. I like giving my fellow Poshers a little love by sharing their closets with my followers. You can too, pay it forward. Happy Poshing💕
Nov 26Reply
sunnysidejohn You have an amazing closet. Happy Poshing. ☀️👍☀️
Dec 17Reply
mybeademporium @sunnysidejohn Hi John, Thank you so much for the compliment of my closet! I love designing jewelry, and the majority of my closet are my designs. Thanks again, Happy Poshing 💕
Dec 17Reply
cookannaka Hi Carol, thank you so much for sharing my closet. It has given me a chance to see yours and your jewelry is so beautiful. You have such a talent - thank you for sharing your gift and creations with all of us. You have a beautiful smile and you look like you enjoy life to the fullest! Thank you so much 💕
Jan 29Reply
mybeademporium @cookannaka Hi Annaka, I love to share, it’s my new window shopping! Thank you for the wonderful compliment. I hope you live your life to the fullest as well. Happy Poshing💕
Jan 29Reply
mrs_copley Thank you so much for all the shares ♥️ I just started poshing, recently. I created the account in 2019 but got distracted. Lol 😂
Feb 06Reply
mybeademporium @mrs_copley Hi Erin, you’re Welcome, I love to share, it’s my new form of window shopping! I totally understand the distraction element, happens quite frequently to me😊Anyway let me officially Welcome you to Poshmark! You will find we are a friendly bunch here, so if you ever need help or an answer to a question Please don’t hesitate to ask. You’d be surprised at all the help you’ll receive. Wishing you the very Best of Luck, Happy Poshing💕
Feb 07Reply
cols14closet Thank you for all the shares today, Carol!
Feb 24Reply
mybeademporium @cols14closet Hi Colleen, you’re Welcome❣️
Feb 24Reply
callmemoni Thank you for all the closet shares! So kind and generous of you! 💗
Mar 04Reply
mybeademporium @callmemoni Hi Moni, your Welcome! Just showing my fellow Poshers some Posh Love. I really love to share, it’s my new form of window shopping! Happy Poshing💕
Mar 05Reply
christyrap @mybeademporium Hi Beautiful! Thank you the warm welcome! I LOVE N.C my dearest family live’s in Rockingham! This is my first time on a platform form like this, Im have lots to learn! You are true inspiration beautiful LADY! Continue your success! xo-C
Mar 17Reply
mybeademporium @christyrap Hi Christy, Thank you for the compliment! Wishing you the very Best of Luck here at Poshmark. You’ll find we are a friendly bunch here. I haven’t gotten to visit Rockingham yet, but we are determined to get to know the state!
Mar 18Reply
christyrap @mybeademporium Hi Beautiful! Thank you again! You sure know how to make someone’s day! You fit perfectly in N.C…kind hearted people! If you if have a moment please read “about me”…it’s my truth! Talk soon! xo-C
6 days agoReply

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Fuquay Varina, NC
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