Meet your Posher, Tara
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Hi! I'm Tara. Some of my favorite brands are kate spade, Michael Kors, and Gucci. Thanks for stopping by!
Iam super open to offers and great bundle discounts
I don’t over price and I give great value and service !
Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)

146 others
like this

Hello Tara. Welcome to Poshmark!
Nov 15Reply

@amarciascloset thanks !!!
Nov 21Reply

@1tibet you’re quite welcome🥰. Enjoy‼️
Nov 21Reply

welcome to posh! please feel free to come check out my closet at your earliest convenience thank you and have a great evening!
Nov 23Reply

🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋Welcome to Poshmark 🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋 have fun shopping and selling 🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋 I wish you luck 🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋
Dec 20Reply

Hello! You have a very nice closet! Please feel 🧚🏻 free to check mine out this Sunday. Have a great evening! :-)
Dec 20Reply

@joyandsugar thanks !!!
Dec 20Reply

Hi 🙋🏽♀️Happy Poshing‼️🛍
Dec 21Reply

Hi there welcome to the world of poshing! thank you for the follow I am very pleased to invite you to check out my closet and if you are interested in one of the item in my closet just like the item I will send you an offer of 10% off or if more in bundle items 15% or 20% off and shipping discount if you have any questions please let me know I'll be happy to help enjoy poshing happy holidays take care stay safe.👍
Dec 21Reply

Hi Tara, Welcome to Poshmark 🎉💲😃 I am quit impressed how quickly you filled your closet 💥 I wish you much success ❗
Hopefully my shares bring you many SALES 🛍️
I invite you to checkout my closet too 🤩 I offer private discounts on bundles of 2 💞 or more listings and give discounted shipping which saves you even more money.
Let me know if I can assist you in any way ❣️
Dec 21Reply

Welcome to the Poshmark community where there is a spirit of togetherness and friendship that is unlike anything else that you will ever experience! Here’s to lots of sales for you!👋🏻🎉
Dec 22Reply

hi Tara. happy holidays and safe wonderful New Year to you and your family
Dec 23Reply

Welcome Tara to the POSHMARK Family. My name is Leslie and I am a Posh Ambassador with a 5*** rating... I am here if you have any questions or concerns... Just reach out and I will do my best to help you
Have Fun Poshing!!! Have A Happy Holiday Season😀👜💼👖🎽👠👚💙😀
Dec 23Reply

Hi, Welcome to my closet I always consider reasonable offers and I am currently having a sale Buy one Get one Half off of equal our lesser value check it out there might be something you like ♥️, Thank you!
Dec 24Reply

Welcome to Poshmark. I'll be happy to help you with any questions you may have to grow your business. Poshmark is a great place to earn a second income.
Dec 24Reply

hi, thank you for the share and visiting my closet!❤
Dec 24Reply

Dec 25Reply

Tara, welcome to Poshmark! When your closet is ready I’ll share with my followers.
Dec 26Reply

Hi Tara! Thank you for following my closet! When you are ready, post some items so that I can see what you have and buy from you too! You got some nice feedbacks! If you have any questions please let me know and I will try my best to help you! Happy poshing!
Dec 28Reply

Dec 28Reply

Welcome to Poshmark and Happy Poshing to you 😎
Dec 28Reply

Hey thanks for the follow! I’m Emily😊 if you like any of my items please don’t hesitate to create a bundle or send an offer I recently moved so I’ll accept anything and Happy Holidays☃️❄️
Dec 28Reply

✨ Happy Holidays✨ & welcome to Poshmark! Feel free to reach out while you navigate things. You are more than welcome to stop by my closet anytime to pick up some 🛍 Poshing tips 🛍 while you learn a little about me & my sense of style. 💃🏻
Dec 29Reply

Welcome! Happy New Year!
Jan 01Reply

Hi! I was looking over your closet and I love your items. If you could look through my closet and share some of my items that would be greatly appreciated, I’ll do the same for you ofc. If you are interested in anything, lmk! Happy Shopping ❤️
Jan 02Reply

@k4i0 ok - thanks so much !
Happy new year !
Jan 02Reply

@1tibet I appreciate it!! Happy new year(:
Jan 02Reply

Thanks for checking out my closet
Jan 03Reply

Thanks for checking out my closet
Jan 03Reply

Greetings! Thank you for the follow. 🤗 When you have a moment, please check out my closet. I’m constantly adding new items and I’m sure you will find something that you love! ❤️ Happy shopping!! 🛍
Jan 03Reply

Welcome to Poshmark and happy shopping 🛍
Jan 03Reply

Welcome to Poshmark!! Your “closet” has some amazing items 👌Great pieces. Happy selling 💰😃
Jan 06Reply

Love your closet! Nice to meet you. I used to live right near Regina. 😃
Jan 06Reply

@meesh_43 thanks very much - Regina is not for the faint of heart is one thing I’ll say. In the winter anyway. Minus 50 today with wind and so yes - living here makes a gal tough !
Jan 06Reply

You have an incredible closet! So many fabulous vintage items in great condition. I’ll have to come back to my favourites after I’ve made some more sales and hope they are still there!
Jan 10Reply

@staciegartly thanks - lots from
My mom and grandma and I loooove vintage !!!
Take care and see you soon 🥰
Jan 10Reply

Hi Tara, Thank you for the follow and share.✨💖
Jan 12Reply

🌿Welcome to my Closet ⭐️
Enjoy shopping & receive 30% off Bundles of 3+ items ♥️ Remember to Share some of your items with me! 😎Kristina
Jan 16Reply

Hi Tara my name is Angela. Nice to meet you.
Jan 25Reply

Thanks 😊
Feb 05Reply

Pleasure meeting you on Poshmark.
Thanks for sharing
Stay safe and healthy
Kathleen from icy snowy Rhode Island
Feb 06Reply

Have a bless and safe Valentine.
Feb 14Reply

Welcome to Poshmark, my name is Christel and I am a Poshmark Ambassador. Please let me know if you have any questions. I wish you lots of success with your new Poshmark Closet.
Feb 15Reply

Hi Tara! Nice to see someone from Canada. I have been there a number of times and found it to be beautiful in most areas. I live in Northern Wisconsin. Cold and snowy for awhile yet.
Enjoy your spring!
Feb 16Reply

Welcome to Posh!
Feb 21Reply

Hi. Thanks for the follow 🛍
Feb 26Reply

Welcome to Posh!! Feel free to check out my page if you’d like and make an offer if you don’t like the prices!
Mar 04Reply

Hi! 👋 My name is Salinda, and I wanted to stop by and say hello and invite you to take a look at my closet. Thank you for reading this, and I am sending lots of good vibes ✨️ and positive energy your way!! ✨️ Happy Poshing!! 😊
Mar 28Reply

Thank you so much for sharing my closet!🎈🎈 Could you help to share more items of my closet. Really appreciate 🙏🙏🥺🥺
Mar 28Reply

Welcome to PoshMark! A great place to buy and sell some great fashion! One tip for success here is to have a lot of followers. If someone follows you, you can follow them back. Another tip would be to share your closet a couple times a day. Sharing items in your closet and things in the closet of followers gives the items more exposure. Which leads to sales. Sharing + following helps with buying as well. You can see a lot of fun things! As an Ambassador. I can answer your ?🛍🛍🛍🎉🎉😊
Mar 28Reply

Welcome to Poshmark! I hope you have an amazing shopping experience! Please check out my closet for bundle discounts of 2 or more 25% off or make me an offer. HAPPY POSHING! 🤗💕🛍️
Apr 09Reply

Hello🖐 Thank you for Following My Closet. Feel Free to Shop or leave comment in my Closet. If you see anything you want but don't ❤ the price make an Offer. Most Offers 💰 accepted! Thank You!
🌝Happy Poshing!!
Apr 10Reply

Apr 17Reply

Welcome to poshmark. Just wanted to say have a great experience with posh. If you have any questions about Poshing let me know. And when you get a chance, check out my closet. Happy Poshing.
Apr 17Reply

Welcome! Thanks for visiting my closet & for following me! I apply a 15% discount on bundles of 3 or more items as well as discounted shipping. I am also a Poshmark ambassador and happy to help if you have any questions at all! Happy Poshing 🙂
Apr 23Reply

Thank you for following 😊👍
Apr 30Reply

Thanks for the follow! 😘
May 01Reply

Doing a closet clear out if u wanna make me an offer or make a bundle and offer for All of it I will either accept or decline depending on the offer
May 23Reply

Hello and welcome to Poshmark please feel free to check out my closet and let me know if anything there can be an extension of your beauty. Happy Poshing!
May 27Reply

Hello and nice to meet you. Thank you for the follow. God bless.
Jun 16Reply

Hi there 👋 I'm having a 50% all bundles sale. Just add 2 or more items to a bundle and I will send you an offer for 50% off your entire purchase. Send me your offers. A couple items are excluded, you will see in the description. Happy Shopping!
Aug 18Reply

Good morning thank you for the
follow 🤗 see something you'd like to call yours
but don't like the 💲send me your offer and
let's make a deal 🤝 so it can be yours✨
Sep 02Reply

Hi Beautiful! Check out my 5 star closet! Please feel free to send and OFFER or BUNDLE items for an amazing deal :) let me know if you have any questions 💕
Sep 16Reply

How does it work to buy in Canada? Does Poshmark convert $ for us?
Sep 17Reply

Hi. I tried to send the bag today but the post office was closed for reconciliation day. I will send next week.
Sep 30Reply

Thank you for shopping Poshmark. :)
Oct 03Reply

Hello Tara, I’m interested in 2 bangle bracelets and I left 2 messages on my bundle, I hope at your convenience you can message me back, thankyou and looking forward to your response 😃 Adele 💜
Oct 12Reply

Hi, would you be able to ship a dress right away? I’m hoping I can receive it before next weekend. Tx!
Dec 17Reply

@paolahuizar him yes I can ship today - post office closes at 5 so as long f as you buy by 430
Dec 17Reply

Tara I'm going to decline your offer right now on that stunning bag that you redid it's absolutely gorgeous I commend you onto it
because it's not jacket the coat that has the Fur on it that really have me intrigued and that I'm really debating on hopefully do not be insulted that I decline your offer I think I'm debating over that vintage coat with the Fur collar you cuffs OK the bag I made you later
Dec 24Reply

@shirlyscloset no problem at at all
Merry Christmas
Dec 24Reply

@1tibet Merry Chrstmas to you as well. but tge day is not over 😉 its one of pieces that you can either make it work or it sits in the closet 🤔
Dec 24Reply

Hi Tara! I love your store. Poshmark Support is supposed to give me free shipping for my very 1st purchase, so as soon as they correct my profile, I will be buying your bundle :-)
Jul 01Reply

@badass_diane thanks so much !
Jul 01Reply

Hi Dianne
If you enter this code at checkout - you will get 15 dollars off your first purchase 8RENDON
Which is free shipping
Jul 01Reply

@1tibet when I accept your offer it automatically calculates the shipping and taxes. I don't see anywhere where it would allow me to enter a discount code
Jul 01Reply

@1tibet thanks Tara. actually what I did just now was I hit "buy now". I didn't hit buy now earlier, because I was afraid it wouldn't give me a chance to ensure that the amounts were correct as far as free shipping -- I thought it would automatically submit my order, but it was there :) as mentioned earlier, I was just accepting your offer... anyway - everything's all good. thank you!
Jul 01Reply

Hi! I would like to accept your offer for the French cuff shirt. I will buy the Robert Graham shirt I liked as well, if the price is lowered and I still get discounted shipping.
What do you think?
Aug 04Reply

@ymls sure if you add them to a bundle I’ll send you additional discount
Aug 04Reply

Hey there, thank you for the offer on the pants. My apologies for my delayed response. What is the length of the pants please?
Nov 07Reply

Your closet is amazing 🤩
Mar 13Reply

love love love all your vintage items, so many amazing pieces 😍
Apr 12Reply

@mishypoppins thanks so much - Iam a lifetime collector 🥰
Apr 12Reply

hi regarding the Prada 2way brown bag, as you can see it was not declared "authentic". I got it as a gift as not guaranteed , and also you got it for $100 in great condition.. ty
Jul 18Reply

hello just wanted to ask if when are you going to send back my purse ty (prada)
Jul 20Reply

Love your closet. I live in Stoughton
Nov 13Reply

Could you please send the height, length, and width of the three bags you sent offers on ? Tia
Dec 26Reply

You state in your bio that you offer great service, however if a customer is concerned about a lost item and you tell them to contact Canada post without making a single effort on your end, then no that doesn’t qualify as great service.
Wouldn’t recommend buying from this sellers closet, folks!
Jan 22Reply

@s_davreux I was asking Poshmark support to contact customer post - not you
Sorry . There is nothing I can do if something gets lost
Jan 22Reply

hi I liked a bunch of items. but there's a couple I'm not sure will fit. any way you could pull them out so I can see them in person since I'm here. I'm quite excited to find a great posher so close by! 309.0299
Mar 02Reply

@zdb2010 sure - can you add them to a bundle so I know which ones ?
Mar 02Reply
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