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Updated Oct 27
Updated Oct 27

MOMENT OF SILENCE Ukraine and Russian Anti-War Protestors ☮️🌍 Do Not Buy

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Civilians of Ukraine and Russia do not want war. Many Russian soldiers are being forced to fight against their will via draft. Footage shows that they are young and scared. Please hold a moment of silence for people on both sides of the border who never wanted war. Keep in mind: Russian civilians face the same tyranny that Ukraine faces- the Russian peace protestors will all be arrested, tortured and jailed. They are also sacrificing themselves in the name of peace. Peaceful Protestors in Russia love and stand with Ukraine. Ukrainian civilians are thankful for their Russian supporters for peace. Please support by sharing and turning your profile picture to the Ukrainian Flag. Let’s turn Posh Blue and Yellow. Step 1 Like this post Step 2 Screen Shot the Heart and make it your Profile Pic for Posh Step 3 Comment and Confirm = it will give strength to those stateside who are worried for their families. Step 4 Share this post. I have Slovak & Ukrainian family members :) TYSM ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ If you feel called to attend a peace march, please do. If you feel called to display the Ukrainian flag on your home, your person, or your social media, please do. There is not a second to lose as Ukrainian civilians fall as they take up defense of their capital. Spreading US awareness is our #1 goal. Pls see worldwide protests in the name of peace and join if you can. 🌍☮️🕊 #StandWithUkraine #StandWithRussianProPeaceDemonstrators #Posh4Peace #weR1
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channeling @alwaysprada I have been praying for peace for this to stop I feel this is ridiculous there’s no sense in us and yes there are human beings that are sacrificing their self for the country that is so sad all because one leader wants that country so all I can do is continue to pray and I am really glad that you posted this because this is very important‼️🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🥰
Feb 27Reply
sarahs567 My prayers and heart goes out to you and your family and my friends 🙏🙏
Feb 28Reply
alwaysprada Thank you for your support everyone. It means so much to me, my family, and our friends who are both in Ukraine right now and pace-keepers we know both *in Russia and *from Russia. Many people are going by foot since trains and cars are backed up. They will have miles and miles to go.
Mar 01Reply
alwaysprada I am working with a verified company that my friend owns in Europe that is raising relief funds for people who've made it across a border into a safer region but that's all I can disclose. If anyone is interested in finding a way to get funding to European border-supply relief convoys, please let me know. I will set up a donation campaign on my page and the company I'm working with will match dollar for dollar. We have raised 3k so far. Refugees need clothes, food, water, shelter/med supplies.
Mar 01Reply
alwaysprada UPDT: We will run this campaign for Ukraine in this closet and share everyday until Ukraine is victorious. <3 TY everyone for following!
Mar 02Reply
tmh234 Thank you for this. I have family in Lviv, Ukraine. Had the pleasure of visiting for a month as well.... beautiful country. I cannot even watch the news without breaking down in tears. Doing what we can here to help out, but to see support around the world means so much. 💗 🇺🇦
Mar 03Reply
alwaysprada @tmh234 I am so so sorry to hear that. I hope they can get across the nearest border asap or if they stay to defend their sovereign land, that their defense is successful. Please know that your family is in our thoughts. I also am crying daily. We are witnessing a mass trauma and I can not imagine what people are going through right now. :( I hope that someone will help Ukraine. I wonder which nation will step up and it must be soon ❤️❤️❤️❤️🤞🤞🤞🤞🌍☮️🌍☮️🌍☮️🌍☮️🌍☮️
Mar 03Reply
bebe15905 My heritage is Ukrainian. My grandmother came to the US as a teenager in the early 1900s, leaving her family forever. She didn't speak the language. She had sponsors in Western Pennsylvania where she settled. Watching the recent reports, her life became so real to me. It's heartbreaking for all innocent people caught in government tyranny. I sincerely hope that your family is ok. #StandWithUkrainianAndRussianPEOPLE
Mar 05Reply
alwaysprada @bebe15905 TY for sharing your story. My Ukrainian family escaped while getting shot in the legs while boarding a train. The matriarch got every single last child on the train (5 of them) and even the baby. My Slovak ancestors escaped Slovakia during communism in 1890, came through Chicago with sponsors and settled in Cleveland. We still use old Slovak (not modern Slovak) in our home on a daily basis, though my grandmother was fluent as a first gen. American with a Slovak accent
Mar 05Reply
alwaysprada @bebe15905 I am so so happy to support you and I super love your hashtag. I have tons of European friends and Russian friends who want peace. I believe that the world wants peace. But I also fear that no one will stop Putin. Whatever political agenda is behind not giving aid to Ukraine is very upsetting- I don't care which party they're with. Not acceptable. If we all stand together, no one can stop liberty for humanity. <3 TY for your support and I embrace your heritage! :) #Ukraine #Peace
Mar 05Reply
andreamcclanaha Ana . . . your heart of gold is so very contageous (as well as your hubby, I'm sure)! It's an Ohio thing, I bet! You are an amazing extrovert (awesome leader)! I am a self-proclaimed introvert (awesome follower)! I'd like to donate so let me know how! Every little bit will count!!!
Mar 07Reply
alwaysprada @andreamcclanaha I think that's why we get along. We have a unique combination of NY business-style with a midwest caring nature <3 Guess what?! I'm actually a hardcore introvert! I've taken the test about 15 times and my whole staff is also introverted except my budget manager haha! And TY for your unfailing support. I know that we will do abs everything in our power to raise awareness for the people of both Ukraine and Russia. What's your nationality? My mom is 100% Slovak. :)
Mar 07Reply
alwaysprada @coco_sands Tysm for your support ❤️❤️❤️🌍☮️
Mar 15Reply
bebe15905 @tmh234 How is your family doing? I'm 2nd generation Ukrainian born in the US and this is all heartbreaking. Now, there seems to be more hatred toward or between the Russian and Ukrainian people in the US. I am in Las Vegas which has a surprisingly large Ukrainian and Russian community (many performers). Originally from Pennsylvania. I hope that your family and all innocent people of Eastern Europe stay safe and this madness ends soon. 💛🇺🇦💙
Mar 18Reply
bebe15905 @alwaysprada I just saw your response. It feels like the last few weeks have been months long. I don't understand the political agendas or lack of action to stop this madness OR the US not accepting Ukrainian refugees. They probably want to stay in or near their home, I understand. Are you in Parma? I have family & friends there & worked @ Cedar Point in college. I'm Midwestern @ heart!
Mar 18Reply
bebe15905 @alwaysprada I just realized that you are in Hawaii. Beautiful pics! I've been to Maui several times and a good friend grew up on the main island. Honolulu.I get confused about main v big island!
Mar 18Reply
alwaysprada @bebe15905 hi friend! I’m thinking on why Ukraine is unassisted. There’s NATO- main excuse for the invasion: Poo-tin (😅💩) prob has 1 job: bait our military as a distraction. Prob have not put troops there bc US eyes are on Taiwan. Ukraine? 😭 a case study for CCP- says they will take Taiwan no matter what- if Poo-tin succeeds or fails- CCP can see how we react. -that doesn’t excuse the rest of the world’s military. Smthg fishy going on. I bet they’re reserving our military for a Taiwan response.
Mar 19Reply
alwaysprada @bebe15905 sorry- had to edit a bunch to fit the character limit lol 😂 I’m actually from Cleveland in OH and I know Parma very well! Wonderful to hear abt your friend! I’ve never been to Maui but I hear that each island is pretty epic! I’d like to go to all of them! What did you think of Maui? :)
Mar 19Reply
tmh234 @bebe15905 thank you for your thoughts and kind words. I do not have a way to get in touch with my family right now so I do not know. But did hear from a friend and she is ok. I am 2nd generation living in PA w many Ukrainian American organizations local to me. They are all working hard to send and do what they can to aid the people of Ukraine. It is all heart breaking and am just praying for a positive outcome for Ukraine especially knowing what my grandparents have fought for in the past.
Mar 19Reply
margarita3va 🙏💙💛🇺🇦
Mar 22Reply
tmh234 I just found out today... one of our cousins didn't make it. He passed around 10 days ago, but his wife and son did make it out. 😥🙏 🇺🇦
Mar 22Reply
alwaysprada @tmh234 oh this just breaks my heart to hear this. Please accept our deepest condolences from our family to yours. I can not imagine how you must be feeling right now. I feel at a loss for words to express my sadness and the confusion you all must feel because this happened so so quickly in a matter of weeks. Your cousin protected the world from a monster, in the best way he knew how. His life had meaning, honor, and we send our gratitude. 🦋 Pls let us know how we can help. ❤️
Mar 22Reply
alwaysprada @margarita3va Tysm for your moment of silence. It came at the perfect time. ❤️🦋❤️
Mar 22Reply
kira812 Thanks for posting this. I’m Ukrainian and was born in Kherson, one of the cities bombed. I also have family living in Moscow at this moment as well Wishing peace to all soon 🙏🙏🙏
Mar 26Reply
alwaysprada @kira812 oh dear, I’m so sorry to hear abt what’s happening to your homeland. Please accept our deepest condolences, support and solidarity. I will be holding a moment of silence for you and your family. 💖💖💖 Многая літа 🎶🎶🎶 We are sending wishes of safety and prosperity from our family to yours 💖
Mar 26Reply
vikalue @alwaysprada I’m from Ukraine myself and I got my US citizen shop in July of 2021. My heart breaks for my country and for my people! I and people of Ukraine truly do appreciate all of your support. Thank you very much and please keep us all the whole world and the leaders of the world in your prayers! Thank you 🙏 🇺🇦
Apr 12Reply
alwaysprada @vikalue congratulations on achieving your citizenship, it’s wonderful to have you here sister 💝💝💝 I have no words for the amount of grief my heart is heavily weighed down with, for you, and your family and the beautiful people of your home country. You have our unfailing solidarity’s I’m happy you’re safe today. United for Ukraine ✊ 🇺🇦✊🇺🇦✊
Apr 12Reply
alwaysprada @vikalue thank you so much for your comment. It means everything to us that this effort means something special to you 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦
Apr 12Reply
vikalue @alwaysprada thank you very much. It means a lot to me! I stand with Ukraine 🇺🇦 Ukraine strong 💪🏼 🇺🇦
Apr 12Reply
stella_n_bubba Confirmed and praying for all that have family/friends there and praying for all that are being affected by these horrific crimes that are taking place in our world today 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦
Apr 18Reply
alwaysprada @laurabartlet862 I was so excited to see your #ukraine heart!!! Tysm!!! I show my Ukrainian and Russian clients my Posh and they all swell with appreciation! This has a bigger effect than most could know since it reaches those who are meant to see it 💙💛💙💛💙💛💙💛 I will read your comment to my next client who needs to hear it 💙💙💙💛💛💛 TY friend for turning Posh Yellow and Blue! :) ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ May the PoshGods smile upon your good heart!!! 🥰🥰🥰🥰
Apr 18Reply
stella_n_bubba @alwaysprada 😭😭😭😭😭This will actually been seen by people in the Ukrainian people?!? I am not very knowledgeable about the terrible things going on there,sadly. Leave it to say that I do know it’s not right or ok on so many different levels and that innocent people are being killed. Thank you for your kind words and if this tiny little gesture can make one person there feel a hug or a tiny bit of peace in their hearts then I know I’ve at least tried to do something 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦
Apr 18Reply
alwaysprada @laurabartlet862 really really, Tysm. These words mean everything to the people who need them 💛💙💛 I normally show the pictures and the number of likes and comments and will read a message of hope to them after I turn off the screen share ❤️ When the arial sirens are going off in real time, these are the things that give strength. And that’s something that #putinwarcriminal can never take away ❤️❤️❤️ We appreciate you and your love as we try to bring a little kindness to #ukraine ❤️❤️❤️
Apr 18Reply
phoenix_55 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦💙💛🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Apr 27Reply
alwaysprada @phoenix_55 Thank you for your support as we volunteer virtually in Ukraine. Every comment helps. I show my Ukrainian not-for-profit clients all of these comments and it brings tears to their eys. Thank you again. Just saw this now :) #eternalgloryforUkraine
Sep 01Reply
texmarine Marine vet who just spent 8 months fighting on frontline in Ukraine 8 months till wounded in Bakhmut Aug 8th and coming to surprise mom end of Aug and rehab my leg, return next month. LOVE this! Check out my “about me”, lots of photos. Beautiful land, Beautiful people
Jan 21Reply

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