Vintage 80’s, Native American Apache seed beaded necklace. NWOT
US$52 US$777
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Gorgeous, Native American Apache star medallion necklace. Handmade with navy, light blue and white seed beads. Back of medallion is buckskin. Purchased from the artist on the White Mountain Apache reservation in Arizona. New, never worn. Matches men’s bolo tie also listed.

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Aha so holdin out are y’all? Lol hi Sheri hope you are well!😘
Apr 23Reply

@moon1feather I want to hug you and hug you and hug you until it’s all OK! The officers are right, it is a civil matter SO they should have told him the same thing! Take her to civil court to take the car. Colorado Springs is like 40 minutes from my house! I wish you lived there. I would come and sit with you and we would make a plan.
Apr 23Reply

I’m in Santa Fe right now and about to board a plane so I’ll be out of touch until later but wanted to touch base so you’d know I’m listening. We’ll think of something! 🥰
Apr 23Reply

@warnocks Sheri I love you . You keep me calm. Hey Remember I said I was gonna help sell your bowls? I did sell one to a mutual posh friend . She received the share . We have hit it off. She loves you as well. I have so much to tell you. The Moon and Cactus Photograph she has posted , came to life when I visited her closet. OMG
Apr 27Reply

It was calling me and winking at me. She had no clue her photo has such a beautiful face. Go see. Sheri she has invited me to come to Az I am ecstatic I’m shaking all over ! I’ll tell ya tomorrow. Thanks Sheri for holding my hand . You don’t know how badly I need that . Someone I can trust and confide in. 🌹
Apr 27Reply

I had no clue you were In Santa Fe’ lucky duck. I have so much to tell you!💋
Apr 27Reply

And I wish I lived in Colorado Springs also!
Apr 27Reply

@moon1feather Who!! Who has invited you to Arizona?!! I can’t wait until tomorrow!!! See, the Lord is putting things in place for you! He knows you. Knows all your worries and concerns and He LOVES you and will move Heaven and Earth to help you! Remember “even in the darkest corners of Hell, He is there!”❤️🌺❤️
Apr 27Reply

Bet you couldn’t guess … well I bet you can, Heather, the girl that purchased your bowl. Talk about kindred spirits , she and I are. It is meant to be . It was so strange when I was looking at your bowls , Her closet kept flashing through my mind. I had shared your goodies the day before to her closet. I knew she was going to purchase one of your bowls. Throughout that day I got on posh.
Apr 27Reply

I had read all your messages and took your advice and stayed still and listened all day. Searching for answers. I was laying in bed browsing through some of my likes. And came to her closet. So I opened it and was just intrigued with the crips classy feeling everything she offered felt.
Apr 27Reply

I went on and looked and picked a few of her items and bundled them. Knowing it was just a means to basically bookmark them. As I was browsing a notification from posh flashed in the top of my screen. It said one of your bowls had sold and wanted to show me similar bowls. So I wert to your closet to see which one sold . I was so happy for you. I’m not sure but kinda sure just prior to the news I had shared your entire closet. She was one of closets I shared with.
Apr 27Reply

So I was ecstatic , it made me feel so good to have helped sell your beauties. (If I did, I like to think I did lol) so I dropped you a line. I was reading your messages that you had sent me . I began balling. I was feeling you were so right , the first thing I had to do was be still and listen, and I already knew I had to Stop rehashing all the nightmares I’d been put through, or I’d never get over things. Ya know God stayed with me all day yesterday.
Apr 27Reply

@moon1feather I love Heather! She lives where my other son lives, in Tuscan. I’m meeting up with her next month when I’m there for my granddaughter’s high school graduation. She saw that we knew each other and asked how she could help you. She’s the nicest person. She said the same about you! She has been so good to me since joining PM. Much like you!! So you’re going to Arizona?!!!
Apr 27Reply

@moon1feather I DO think you helped sell my bowl and I appreciate it so much! I need to pack it and send it but because I made it I’m afraid when she sees it in person it won’t be good enough. Have a hard time with that! I prayed so hard yesterday that God would be with you and that you would feel His presence. ❤️
Apr 27Reply

I’m going to make you a cowgirl, Texas, horse and men butts in Lee’s jeans bowl. 😁
Apr 27Reply

He stayed close and a constant reminder he was there and he kept telling me he would ever forsake me. He reassured my every tear my every thought but more importantly he gave me breath. He reminded throughout the day when it was time to stop and take my treatments. Which is something I am not good at. 😬 that medicine thing was not meant for me. And with 19 scripts you’d think I’d remember to take them . I don’t, but he sure did.
Apr 27Reply

I prayed a lot yesterday, started out without understanding and ended with the things I’ve lost are material, and I must let them go. Then I started feeling horrible grief for my husband which I do daily, but the day in and out guilt feeling and down on me thoughts were Killing me and robing me of any self esteem, self worth and have drained me of my self preservation. I
Apr 27Reply

kept hearing Lauren Moon saying Mom you don’t deserve any recognition for the person I am today, I raised myself. I was sobbing so hard I couldn’t breathe. Meanwhile your bowls kept flashing back in my head. And I was determined to seek out the reason for that….
Apr 27Reply

I had so many issues flashing in my head until I was exhausted and fell asleep crying. While I was asleep I dreamt of my sister and her husband , my husband , my mother and my child. And low and behold your bowls. After two hours of a pretty restless nap I woke up and just laid still . Which is something I don’t know. I am always busy alway fixing or cleaning or doing for my neighbors. I realized what you said to me was right on. You said be still Moon and listen. So I did just that….
Apr 27Reply

I started reading my bible. And of course turned directly to Psalms 69 I was convinced at that point His love for me is so real.
Apr 27Reply

Once my calm gave me my breath and I felt safe, I wandered back the posh. As I was admiring Heathers closet I opens up her Welcome sign. When I did and as I scrolled through her beautiful photos , the photo of the Cactus and the moon overlooking Arizona , literally came to life.
Apr 27Reply

I thought ok Moon you really have lost it. The Moon was moving like it was breathing, at first I went to the next photo. But something strange was happening. The moon was calling my name . I was a little apprehensive but made myself click , open and zoom in on the Moon. When I did this I was welcomed with open arms by the most beautiful face and it was winking at me.
Apr 27Reply

I began laughing recalling my Dr asking me if I thought I might have chemo brain. Because at that point I was convinced I did. I bet I went back to that photo 50 times. Just to double check to see if just maybe what I was seeing was being created by a twitch in my eye from all the crying and tears I released throughout the day. But it wasn’t at all. I even got up took my contacts out washed them throughly
Apr 27Reply

Put them back in so maybe I’d see more clearly. She was still dancing to the beat of distance drums and winking at me. So I bravely asked Heather did you take the photos on your welcome page? Without waiting for her answer , I eagerly said have your ever zoomed in on the moon in the photo with the Man Cactus? ( that’s what I call the cactus ) I said it has a face , then I began trying to convince her I wasn’t seeing things , it was real…..
Apr 27Reply

I said that moon is winking at me, it is alive , it is a spirit from heaven . I told her I had a gift that wasn’t a gift , the gift of intuition. When she replied she said something like No I’ve not noticed that , she wrote LOL, she said yes I took those photos. That is from my home overlooking East Tucson. So She said when I get home I’m going to go look at it.
Apr 27Reply

So she did and messaged me. She was floored at what she saw. She saw what I saw . She and her daughter asked , Moon what do you see ? I told her I saw a beautiful female face and stranger than that she was winking at me. Well she said what does this mean? My reply was . That Living Moon is such a powerful thing, she was reaching out trying to gather my attention, is why she was winking at me . I said and man o man she did get me my attention.
Apr 27Reply

She told me you were desperately in need of my strength…..and that You were seeking out a spirit with similar features to mine….
Apr 27Reply

Sheri it is not farce it was all too real. My native spirit opened up to her and her daughter. Without any lapse she said if you are ever in Arizona you are welcome in my home . Please stay with us.
Apr 27Reply

We began grasping for reason as to what had just transpired, what really was happening between the three of us .? Our souls like lost ones seeking out one another but not looking. It was so strange . But not strange Sheri not strange at all , meant to be!😊 That woman picked me up or was it the moon? She replenished my self preservation, the moon was the introductory to a forever friendship. She needs me likewise me in her and her child . She needs us both.
Apr 27Reply

I am in shock over what has occurred. I am meeting her after 3 today via phone to begin learning of one another. I am so excited.
Apr 27Reply

I’m going now to shower and dress my best , first impression is forever lasting. ❤️I can’t wait to hear from you Sheri. I want to read you thoughts on this one🌼
Apr 27Reply

Btw she briefly mentioned the horrifying tragedy, that has been placed on them. Let me know your thoughts . love you Sheri
Apr 27Reply

One more thing to give input on, her child has that gift I have…the gift of intuition….
Apr 27Reply

And lose that dear she won’t like that bowl! That is absolutely perfect for them! That bowl is such a beautiful piece of art work. I promise you they will adore it! Guarantee!
Apr 27Reply

He answered your prayers ! He was within and still here! Thank you for being my friend! I mean that Sheri ! I have never felt the way I do about anyone , like I do you! Take that to the bank!
Apr 27Reply

Girl I’m going to Arizona even if I have to hitch hike! I will find my way! 😉 somehow!
Apr 27Reply

@moon1feather Moon, I can hear the happiness in your voice and feel your happy spirit! So much better than the other day. I know that Heather is getting divorced and that her son must have died because I saw the shrine to him in her pics but that’s all I know.
Apr 27Reply

I can’t find the picture of the cactus and moon that you’re referring to but having spent so much time on reservations with my in-laws I don’t doubt for a second that you’ve had an extraordinary spiritual experience. Native Americans are very close to spiritual feelings. When you say you have the gift of intuition I believe you are absolutely right! I call it the Gift of Spiritual Enlightenment or revelation from God.
Apr 27Reply

I also believe God puts us on paths that allow us to meet others who truly are our kindred spirits and when we meet it’s like we’ve known them forever! I’ve had the experience with people I’ve met in person but I have never felt this connected to people I’ve met on line. In fact, I’ve never really met anyone on line before. This is a first for me.
Apr 27Reply

But I just know we’ll be friends forever! You, me, Heather, Amelia and Julie. There is no limit to what God can do!
Apr 27Reply

@warnocks Amen Sister Amen. I’ve always said that gift isn’t a gift, but it really is. I say that because it hurts to know what people are thinking and feeling. It hurts to my core to know someone that doesn’t even know me could judge me . I had my day Sheri , I’m not sure if I’ve mentioned my past or not the good parts. I don’t think I have , well the Horse’s in Santa Fey I did , but there is so much more. I
Apr 27Reply

was in my day pre cancer a woman who had it all. I had to work at it to get it but my accomplishment in all Were conquered. I’ll post more photographs on my page for you to see. I haven’t done that because I’m not a bragger. But Not all of my past was ugly. When I was young I was an ugly duckling, in my mind. Rightfully so. That was instilled in it anyway. So I pulled up my boot straps and showed the world who I really was. That time in my life is when all my healing happened.
Apr 27Reply

When that was ripped away from me I became a loner . In fact I’ve been alone now for nearly 8 years . And I mean alone . No friends no intervention no life. I think when you see my pictures you’ll figure it all out. I’m off to dry my hair and cover some of this ugly, I’ve got a very important date!
Lol. Stay tuned for the rest of the story. 😊 God Bless
Apr 27Reply

Oh go back to her photos . The photo with the huge cactus in the front line, one on the left and another in the right in the distance , the Moon off in the distance , overlooking the city. That is her back yard. Tap on that one and zoom in on the Moon. Let me know what you see?!!!
Apr 27Reply

Sheri it’s eclectic she’s eclectic, she and her daughter will live your bowl . I know they will!
Apr 28Reply

@moon1feather Moon! I can’t find the pic you’re talking about! The only night sky I see is them on the beach. Am I looking in the wrong place? It’s driving me nuts now! 😜
Apr 28Reply

Hey My friend!! How did your intro meeting with Heather go? I’m dying to hear!!🥰
Apr 28Reply

@warnocks it went great we have so much in common. I may be moving to Az. She has extended welcome to her upstairs. Wow I am so excited about meeting her. I think with the issues she and I both have we’d be great medicine for one another. We were on the phone for nearly five hours. She is really excited about meeting you in person. She is a doll. We really clicked.
Apr 29Reply

Now the moon photo doesn’t look like it is night fall , in fact you may have mistaken it for the sun. It’s got sarape’ cactus “ and mountains in the photo. It looks like a post card
Apr 29Reply

I’ll go count down how many photos itt try s until you reach the correct one.
Apr 29Reply

@moon1feather Oh my goodness!!! That is so exciting, amazing, and awesome all in one!! I am so happy for you!! I want to hug you both!! Moon, this is a miracle! Nobody just says “come and live here”! It’s God opening up a way for you to get back on your feet and heal and be the woman you used to be! This is a miracle!! I’m jumping up and down and screaming and my cat, Oscar, is looking at me like I’ve lost my mind!
Apr 29Reply

I love two women I have never even met but feel like I’ve known forever! God did that! 🥰
Apr 29Reply

Moon! I found the picture! It’s beautiful and yes the moon has a face and I can see it winking!!! I see it! So excited!!🥰
Apr 29Reply

@warnocks OMG Sheri she is such a beautiful person. I am so happy to have met her. You will love her . She has a full plate but she is working through things. She will give details. She is looking forward to meeting you n person. Now tell me your thoughts on that moon
Apr 29Reply

Yes God did do this! He is Great!
Apr 29Reply

Careful with Oscar now youll make him take more of that activia… 🐱
Apr 29Reply

@warnocks talk about meant to be. That Moon is what drew me in to her closet. She hadn’t ever seen that. And she took that from her back porch. 🌹love you Sheri! Sweet dreams!
Apr 29Reply

Awesome Craftsmanship! And Great Price! 👍👍😉😉
May 11Reply

Hi Congratulations!! 🎉I have chosen this item as a Host Pick for Today's "Together We Posh Party". Happy Poshing! 😊
Dec 09Reply

@chai_t_ Thank you so much!!!! 🧑🏻🎄🧑🏻🎄🧑🏻🎄🧑🏻🎄
Dec 09Reply
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