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Updated Mar 25
Updated Mar 25


Moon Goddess Boutique

US$3 US$3


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I will explain what is going on after tomorrow's visit to the fun ER again. ♡ I need to unload inventory, make bundles, I will accept Reasonable Offers Always! ♡ ☆ Know that once I have moved everything, I have No problem to combine orders if things are in different closets to save on shipping 🚢 ☆ Thank you pffs. ☆ Also if you haven't already please check out my book I wrote. it's for sale on A zon as a paperback for $12.99 or ebook for $2.99. It's listed under my "Pen" name (Luna Goddess) I'm in need of reviews. ☆ love you guys, ~Moon Update: I added a photo of what it looks like, it's so much better but it's trying to make it's way around her bone so they have to stop that from happening or she would need a hip replacement WTF?
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triciamariets @moongoddess7 So sorry to hear about your sweet daughter and you! You both will definitely be in my thoughts & prayers! 🙏🏻 I hope things get better for you both soon! Lots of hugs & love to you both! 🤗🤗💕💕
Jun 06Reply
moongoddess7 @triciamariets Thank you so much, that means a lot to me ♡
Jun 06Reply
lynda721 Oh No! Believe it or not my daughter (the Nurse) is crazy for tattoos. It started with her first tattoo that she got when she was just shy of 18. I went through the whole process with her. We went to the Best Rated Shop in our Area and the owner shut down the shop while he did it. It was extremely expensive because we paid for the artwork he drew and many other fees. But, it was the right thing to do. It came out beautiful.
Jun 06Reply
lynda721 My daughter is also an artist (Drawing, Painting and her favorite medium, photography. A few years ago she asked for a tattoo gun for her birthday. I was worried she was going to end up with infections and/or tattoos all over her body. She has done small tattoos on her friends and they came out pretty good. Being a nurse helped her learn the do’s and don’t’s; she has not given anyone a tattoo in which resulted in any kind of infection or issue.
Jun 06Reply
lynda721 I purchased a kit which included the tattoo gun, a book on learning to do tattoos, and what they called fake “skins” to practice on. They also suggested using an orange to practice on. But, no matter who is doing the tattoo, how sterile the equipment is, and making sure that the inks were not “old”, anyone can have a reaction to a tattoo. You did the right thing Mama! You caught it early and when it wasn’t responding to the first treatment you wasted no time getting her back to the Dr.
Jun 06Reply
lynda721 So give yourself a pass on this one. You had no idea that the tattoo could possibly cause problems such as hers. One of the reasons getting a tattoo is so expensive is that it takes years to hone the skills needed to prevent any problems. I’m so glad you realized quickly and got her treated ASAP.
Jun 06Reply
peacegoddess Sending love and light sister🤗🤗🤗🤗❤️
Jun 06Reply
lynda721 Let me know if I can do anything to help you with you renovating your closets. As you complete portions of the work you want to do, I can help share the items you have ready to go. You have been pushing yourself so hard on Poshmark for so long! And then you took on even more when you opened @poshfriends4eva.
Jun 06Reply
lynda721 @moongoddess7 Whoops! I tagged “@poshfriends4eva” at the end instead off your closet name. I was going back and forth between your closets. I mistakenly copied and pasted the wrong closet name. I must have forgotten to go copy and paste Moon’s Closet name. When I get migraines, it’s hard to think clearly. So sorry!
Jun 06Reply
mrsmcrz Most defiantly sharing ! I truly am glad you caught it. Wishing many healing thoughts and posistive vibez.💟
Jun 06Reply
delmarvadesigns Thinking about you and your daughter. Take care of yourselves.
Jun 06Reply
adriennebebow I’m so sorry to hear this. I had an infection from a tattoo, and then cellulitis there. So, I know the pain she’s dealing with. It took almost a year to heal without pain. Of course, half my tattoo was gone, and 5 years after that, I did get the other area fixed, and I don’t think I’ll get another one. The pain was awful, my husband had to change the wound daily. I am sending hugs and prayers. Thank you for sharing.
Jun 15Reply
luturnbull @moongoddess7 Oh punkin. 😔 I’m so, so sorry this is happening. If there’s anything I can do for you, say the word. I got you. Whatever I can do to help you out, I’m there. Love you. ❤️❤️
Jun 15Reply
more_and_more I didn’t see this until just now. I was looking for the information about your book. I want to read it. I am so very sorry about what you and your daughter are both going through. I will keep both of you in my thoughts and prayers. 🙏❤️🙏 I’m ordering your book now.
Jun 16Reply
mandajane223 @moongoddess7 Congratulations on your book PFF what an accomplishment! 💕 And my prayers will be your daughter...poor thing how terrible 😔
Jun 16Reply
annasposhalley Oh wow! That is crazy. Aww honey i am so sorry for your precious girl. Life is rough right now for young people. i dont think any really understands or even takes the time to try. I am sending prayers, love & good juju for you my sweet friend. 😘🙏❤
Jun 17Reply
dressinglauren @moongoddess7 oh my goodness! How painfully difficult for both of you. Hoping she's on a path to recovery & feeling better. Looks like you have many PFF's here who love you & want to help. let us know if you're out and need shares. I know you've got parties you're hosting too! lmk how I can help 💕
Jun 17Reply
letgololo So sorry to hear this Moon. Hang in there...Momma's are strong but need to be extra strong for their babies. Be proud she came to you-that's one great kid you have!!! Being a mom of 3 and an educator for 35+ years I'd have to say the tweens and teen years have to be the worst of all; such trying times for these youth. Know she's a great kid, she's yours she has to be!! Blessings all works out just fine! Stopping by your other closet-I am not judgmental--and giving you some poshlove. xoxoxo
Jun 18Reply
diannemessina Sending love ❤️❤️❤️
Jun 20Reply
toughluck00 So sorry to hear about your daughter's painful experience. Prayers and blessings for quick recovery💝💕
Jun 20Reply
jessica_markey Really kind of you to share your story. I hope things are going well. Sending love and healing vibes your way. congratulations on hosting a Poshmark party! Please check out my closet and see if you’re interested in anything! I would be honored for a host pick! XOXO 😘
Jun 20Reply
phoenix_55 Sending good thoughts and positive vibes to you and your family as you get through this difficult situation 💕🙏🏻🙏🏻💕 Best of luck to your daughter in the days and weeks ahead. Keep us updated, please 💙♥️💜💛
Jun 20Reply
kristinb911 I’m so sorry to read this, I hope she responds well and heals up quickly. I will go follow your other page and support! Good luck to you both 💕
Jun 20Reply
tough2sweet My Thoughts and Prayers are with you Both!❤❤❤❤
Jun 21Reply
adele2030 Sending love and prayers your way. Peace ☮️ love ❤️. Hugs 🤗
Jun 21Reply
passporttoindia Congrats on hosting! I would love a host pick. Happy hosting!!! @moongoddess7
Jun 22Reply
cakegma @moongoddess7 I am so sorry to hear this new problem in your life. You have had so many over the years I have known you. I just know that when your child hurts you hurt even worse because to watch your child suffer is gut wrenching. I pray this ordeal will end soon in a positive way. If I can do anything to help you please reach out to me. All my love ~Donna~
Jun 27Reply
franboucher Sending healing vibrations
Jul 30Reply
moongoddess7 @franboucher Thank you doll, I appreciate it ~ Moon
Jul 30Reply
kmori23 @moongoddess7 Oh my goodness, So sorry to hear about this. Sending hugs & healing vibes to both of you. 😔🤗❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
Aug 07Reply
daintress Very sorry to hear of your daughter’s HS diagnosis. I have it also. I hope they can teach her the autoimmune protocol diet or at least prescribe a good nutrition plan for her that will help her heal!
Sep 07Reply
moongoddess7 @daintress Thank you so much, I have a lot of medical issues and now she is just getting them. She's being really strong 💪 I'm proud of her! ♡♡♡
Sep 07Reply
posh_winnie Sending Love, Light and Healing to both you and your beautiful baby girl. BB Sister🌹🕯
Nov 26Reply
pshmrkbaby18 @moongoddess7 Sending, love, light, and healing your way.
Dec 02Reply
plussizepretty1 @moongoddess7 sending you and your daughter ALL MY LOVE!! And that’s a lot. Seriously we’ve never met in person but I truly love you both so much my eyes are filled with tears. But I’ll be strong since you both are going through so much. Please reach out if you ever want to chat, cry, scream. I’m here. Always, Denise Michelle ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Dec 25Reply
ar0413 OMG Moon 🥲🥲🥲🥲I’m so sorry!!!🫶🫶🫶🫶I am sending love, light, and positive energy your way❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️Please know that people care🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶Stay strong…it’s a rough time for you, and your daughter and if u need anything just say the word🫶xoxo April
Mar 18Reply
harleychic965 @moongoddess7 I’m just meeting you for the first time today and read your story…I cried. I can’t imagine the pain you both went through on this life threatening journey together! Holy crap! My personal story is scary but a word we all know Cancer. The problem for me is that everyone always immediately assumes I have/had breast cancer.
Apr 15Reply
harleychic965 Mine is genetic. Cancer of various types runs in my family & I’ve now lost most. I have Vulvar cancer…most woman have never heard of. It attacks your lymph nodes on the inside of your vulva and for me began with a tiny pea size spot of melanoma. I’m fortunate to have an amazing Oncology Surgeon who actually made me look “normal” even after 2 radical Vulvectomies!
Apr 15Reply
harleychic965 My personal nightmare began in 2012 and continues to creep back every 3 yrs. The only reason I even have a Posh Closet is to pay for medical not covered by Ins. I love your fighting spirit. Positive energy is what it’s all about…along with a lot of prayers.
Apr 15Reply
harleychic965 I’m a Sag, and love people. Cancer has tried its best to break me - only 92lbs now and have a really difficult time riding my Harley …can’t ride anything like I used to, but damn this isn’t taking me down! I’m a fighter! BTW… I love your closet too 💕💕💕
Apr 15Reply
delmarvadesigns I hope your daughter is improving. Scary stuff.
Apr 25Reply
alexaeshop Sending positive energy for complete healing
Jun 25Reply
poshrae1 Sending you lots of love. Being a mom is tough, but being a kid right now is ridiculous. I know what judgement feels like, so you won’t get that from me. Hope everything is going better for your family.
Aug 28Reply
moongoddess7 @poshrae1 Thank you for your kind words! it's so hard for kids, it's nice to know I'm not the only adult who sees it! I feel like we are going to be OK, I am launching my own online store this week & I have a good feeling it's going to change our financial problems!! agothicuniverse .com I'm super excited!!
Aug 28Reply
poshrae1 @moongoddess7 Trust me, I see it..maybe a little too much. Focus on the things that are going good and everything else will in turn get better. I’m proud of you! Congrats on the launch of your site. Big moves equal big changes. Seems like the timing is finally right. Big thumbs up!
Aug 28Reply
poshstreetluxe @moongoddess7 Always sending love. It’s sad to me that we still say things like “ please, no judgement” anymore- but I digress. No judgement from me whatsoever about you or your daughter and a horrible situation. Being a teenager is f- ing brutal. I send love, light and support to both of you today and beyond. I’m also Looking forward to seeing your new endeavors as well!
Sep 01Reply
moongoddess7 @harleychic965 I can't believe I'm just seeing this!! it's heart breaking what you are going through!! I have also beat 4 different types of cancer! Skin, Bladder, Cervical & Breast. I can't imagine the pain you have to go through with the type you have. 💔 I will be sending you lots of love & light! we are fighters, and as long as we keep fighting we can over come 💪!
Sep 02Reply
moongoddess7 @harleychic965 I will be adding you to my list tonight as I send out to the universe & the beautiful Super Full Moon my healing intentions 💜 If you ever need to talk please reach out!! 🫶
Sep 02Reply
moongoddess7 @poshstreetluxe Hi beautiful! Thank you for the smile! I definitely needed it today. I've been pretty ill the last 3 weeks, I feel like my body likes to attack itself often. I have a compromised immune system so it tries to wear me down often! But then when I get messages like yours it gives me a boost of beautiful energy! It is sad that I feel the need to ask people to not judge, but sadly I'm still judged everyday.
Sep 02Reply
moongoddess7 @poshstreetluxe However, I've stopped allowing it to bother me anymore. I feel that if people don't like my style that's on them not me! my daughter is like my twin, we don't have family & don't know many people out here in CA. But we are Safe now & that's what counts 🫶💜😘
Sep 02Reply
moongoddess7 @poshstreetluxe Wow!! I really love your closet!!
Sep 02Reply
tdmbg 🙏🏻🙏🏻💝💝
Sep 14Reply
nereichek Please know you will both be in my prayers. My daughter also had a similar situation with a wound that got infected when she went kayaking. Stay strong it’s going to heal. Nancy
Sep 20Reply
amoc2001 Oh my gosh I am just seeing this now?!?! How is your daughter doing?! I am so so sorry for your entire family! And yes, let no one judge bc they haven’t spent a minute in her life. Thinking of you and everyone there. Xoxo Ann
Nov 26Reply

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