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Updated an hour ago

🚨🚨 LAUREN LYNX is LIVE!!! 🚨🚨 Like this notification for live shows! 💖✨


US$2,024 US$100,000

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Like this listing for notifications on upcoming live shows!! @laurenlynx_ (formerly @laurenchar27 ) PALLET PULLS Perfectly Plus Sterling Silver Disney Kate Spade Coach …and more!
  • Price Dropped: 10%

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starchdesigns Hi Lauren! I love you youtube video!!! Thank you for the great tips🧡🤎💕
Oct 30Reply
smadrigal1976 Love the new pic. Hope you are selling a lot in your shows.
Oct 30Reply
laurenlynx_ @smadrigal1976 Hi!! Thank you so much!! I had a long show last night and looking forward to the next one!! xx :)
Oct 30Reply
laurenlynx_ @starchdesigns Thank you!!! Appreciate the kind words! :)
Oct 30Reply
smadrigal1976 @laurenchar27 That is really awesome!! So sorry I missed your show. I have been going crazy trying to get a lot posted for my 1st show. Please, let me know when your next show is scheduled.
Oct 30Reply
laurenlynx_ @smadrigal1976 OMG!! When is your first show???!!! 😍💕
Oct 31Reply
smadrigal1976 @laurenchar27 Nov. 5th 2:11 pm
Oct 31Reply
laurenlynx_ @smadrigal1976 ahhh okay I’ll be there!! Marking it now! 😄😍💕
Oct 31Reply
smadrigal1976 @laurenchar27 Woot!! Woot! 😘
Oct 31Reply
meceebug @laurenchar27 Hi Lauren, I received the Kate Spade bag, I love it 💖 Thank you! Please let me know when you have your next live show, I definitely want to be there! Happy Halloween 🎃 👻
Nov 01Reply
laurenlynx_ @meceebug absolutely! And so glad you love it!!! 🤗💕
Nov 01Reply
flavias_finds Hey 👋🏻 Lauren when is your next live show?
Nov 10Reply
laurenlynx_ @flaviad82 Hi, Flavia! I will be doing shows this next week. Coming up, I will have my "Perfectly Plus" show, a "Torrid - Size 2" show, "Perfectly Plus - All Denim", a Disney pop up at some point, and getting inventory ready for some other random pop ups! :D
Nov 10Reply
flavias_finds @laurenchar27 Okay sounds good! I'll be on the lookout.
Nov 10Reply
smadrigal1976 @laurenchar27 Hey chick, miss your face, haven't seen you online in so long. Hope you are okay and family is okay. Talk to you later 😘
Nov 10Reply
jfone8 Just got notifications from sign but I don’t see show in the show’s lineup? I’m so confused 🤔
Nov 18Reply
dianadykhoff Hi Lauren. Was on your live last night. Could you bundle my 2 items please? Thank you.
Nov 18Reply
sapphire115 Hi Lauren…when is your next live show?
Nov 22Reply
laurenlynx_ @sapphire115 hi!! I was thinking about doing an easy hangout show today during the day and maybe one late late tonight :)
Nov 22Reply
sapphire115 @laurenchar27 Great! I’ll watch for it. Happy Thanksgiving to you🦃🦃
Nov 22Reply
shelbssells96 @flaviad82 she’s got lots of 22 and 24 denim in this show if you are still looking🤩
Nov 23Reply
flavias_finds @shelbssells96 Thank you! Joining the live now 🙂
Nov 23Reply
fashns2go Watched your show for the first time and shared with you. I was so excited that it sold! Greatly appreciate what you do for others. Keep up the great work!
Nov 25Reply
flavias_finds Can't wait for another live! 😍
Nov 26Reply
laurenlynx_ @fashns2go oh of course!! so glad you joined and we were able to showcase your closet! :)
Nov 26Reply
laurenlynx_ @flaviad82 hiii!! I'm debating on doing a live today at some point. If not today, definitely tomorrow though!! :D
Nov 26Reply
flavias_finds @laurenchar27 Sounds great! I need to take pictures and post away! BUT I keep my eye out for your show.
Nov 26Reply
craftsncritters @laurenchar27 awww I was staying up waiting hoping tonight lol
Nov 27Reply
laurenlynx_ @craftsncritters ahh I’m sorry!! I was so close to doing a late night show, but still so fatigued from being sick for a couple weeks. So I ended up sleeping. A show will be happening today though! I’m interested how it’ll go if I go on a little earlier than normal 🤷🏼‍♀️😂
Nov 27Reply
laurenlynx_ Hi, friends!! I’ve created this listing for my live shows. If you like this listing, you will receive a notification when I go live ~ Always love your support and our chats during the show! Snaps! xo 💖😊 @lolaleeamber @rebeccastokes7 @nisetin97 @hatchimom @angie_beyer @arlenev7 @joanneross825 @mariewallace224 @cynthiasmelia @gardenia951 @roarwoman @dianadykhoff @stephhickman @laforce6907 @gferr25 **this is not a tag list**
Nov 27Reply
laurenlynx_ Hi, friends!! I’ve created this listing for my live shows. If you like this listing, you will receive a notification when I go live ~ Always love your support and our chats during the show! Snaps! xo 💖😊 @kmclean0305 @jparker520 @mercybatiste @kross6788 @wkdwtch @turtlelover77 @gracedznrdlz @llovgaryo @stacyve29 @abbystmu @heidi_wu @perlaforlove @donellajane @isabellceleste @courtneydid @elecollective **this is not a tag list**
Nov 27Reply
gferr25 @laurenchar27 Yay!! I see you might be doing a show today..looking forward to it!!
Nov 27Reply
mercybatiste Love your shoes! Can’t wait for the next 💖
Nov 27Reply
angie_beyer Hi Lauren - I would love to be able to join a couple of your parties. Help out and put some of my stuff online so I can tell some stuff as well. I need to start going through my closet and shoes and purses what are you planning on having this show Hun. Please let me know thanks much. The only problem that I have is I've never ran an auction before. Thank you for thinking of me I really appreciate it. Angie Beyer
Nov 27Reply
angie_beyer Hi Lauren - I would love to be able to join a couple of your parties. Help out and put some of my stuff online so I can tell some stuff as well. I need to start going through my closet and shoes and purses what are you planning on having this show Hun. Please let me know thanks much. The only problem that I have is I've never ran an auction before. Thank you for thinking of me I really appreciate it. Angie Beyer
Nov 27Reply
e_l_e_a_n_o_r @laurenchar27 are you on tonight?
Dec 02Reply
laurenlynx_ @elecollective apologies, just seeing this. I can’t go on until at least Sunday. I’m traveling to Cleveland early Sat AM, so won’t have time to bundle/ship everything. But a few more days and I can! 😊😊😊😊
Dec 02Reply
e_l_e_a_n_o_r Be there or be square!
Dec 10Reply
laurenlynx_ @elecollective 😂😂😂 11:35p ET tonight 👏
Dec 10Reply
e_l_e_a_n_o_r Come join the Curvy Community w @laurenchar27 ‘s live tonight!!! @breannaroyce @laurabug65 @suzeeq73 @auntbshopping @rayyvanbbwinlv @lilalasagna @poshpowpow @nuggetchicky @genxcloset @kristine1232 @chrissylgk @atl14420 @loshell @hairdoer27 @zanesposhshop @rebeccastokes7 @purselover2809 @lovedogss @nisetin97 @mssgabby101 @sash0011 @kathyswish2003 @skegerreis
Dec 10Reply
e_l_e_a_n_o_r Come join the Curvy Community w @laurenchar27 ‘s live tonight!!! @sapphoeros @friendly_deals @unusualvintage @jopared05 @donellajane @eehasenoehrl @jojonoble22 @wildivey @chrissyleclaire @shirlscreations @faithfaith212 @talltxteacher @txladyluv @boutiqueability @fidgetwidget8 @styled_lette @shefindsfashion @aubabi @cutecaseresale @puppilydoggily
Dec 10Reply
e_l_e_a_n_o_r Come join the Curvy Community w @laurenchar27 ‘s live tonight!!! @ashleyssclosett @olapowell123 @happy_posh_life @silvermoonbay @jparker520 @mnieves003 @crystalmoving @paigemacdona948 @laurenchar27 @dianas___closet @alwaysposhible @koveygirl @lovelacy
Dec 10Reply
e_l_e_a_n_o_r @laurenchar27 yay someone to be here!!!! @curvyconsign poor pup and I both trying to recover!!! We need some curve gathererings!!!
Dec 11Reply
e_l_e_a_n_o_r Your invited to come hang out with the crew tonight! @breannaroyce @laurabug65 @suzeeq73 @auntbshopping @rayyvanbbwinlv @lilalasagna @poshpowpow @nuggetchicky @genxcloset @kristine1232 @chrissylgk @atl14420 @loshell @hairdoer27 @zanesposhshop @rebeccastokes7 @purselover2809 @lovedogss @nisetin97 @mssgabby101 @sash0011 @kathyswish2003 @skegerreis
Dec 11Reply
e_l_e_a_n_o_r Your invited to come hang out with the crew tonight! @sapphoeros @friendly_deals @unusualvintage @jopared05 @donellajane @eehasenoehrl @jojonoble22 @wildivey @chrissyleclaire @shirlscreations @faithfaith212 @talltxteacher @txladyluv @boutiqueability @fidgetwidget8 @styled_lette @shefindsfashion @aubabi @cutecaseresale @puppilydoggily
Dec 11Reply
e_l_e_a_n_o_r Your invited to come hang out with the crew tonight! @ashleyssclosett @olapowell123 @happy_posh_life @silvermoonbay @jparker520 @mnieves003 @crystalmoving @paigemacdona948 @laurenchar27 @dianas___closet @alwaysposhible @koveygirl @lovelacy @jp238n @firemannbenton @sapphire115 @curvyconsign
Dec 11Reply
erinluxdesigns Hey Lauren! When’s the next show? 😍❤️💕
Dec 13Reply
shelbssells96 @carolbarto like this listing to get notified of future shows. 🫰🏼💞
Dec 16Reply
shelbssells96 @bmbrown5 like this listing to be notified when Lauren goes live again 🙂
Dec 16Reply
owlshop_4u_lola Lauren, This is Lolaleeamber. I have a question about this new bundling process. If I’m understanding it, the 1st 5lb bundle is free shipping and if I have more than 5lbs I have to pay shipping. What I’m not sure about is, does the first bundle get shipped without me doing anything, because I’m assuming that they take the charges from my payment method while I’m winning bids up to the 5lb. then I have to pay for the 2nd bundle like it used to be done, or am o misunderstanding.
Dec 17Reply
laurenlynx_ @lolaleeamber hii!! So they have no idea how heavy each item is because there’s no spot for us to input weight. So essentially, you could win 100 auction items and it’d still be charged as one shipping fee. It’s basically the same as before where I have to weigh everything after, but the buyer doesn’t get charged shipping for every single item which is incredibly helpful for it all being under one transaction.
Dec 17Reply
laurenlynx_ @lolaleeamber So as in your case, 2 bundles were created. After both are purchased, I can then cancel your “auto bundle” generated during the show. I hope this helps! 😊💕
Dec 17Reply
owlshop_4u_lola @laurenchar27 so, is one free shipping if it’s 5lbs or less?
Dec 17Reply
owlshop_4u_lola Never mind, I just read your other post. This helps me.
Dec 17Reply
e_l_e_a_n_o_r @laurenchar27 I wanted to follow @ (humble kind) lady but I can’t find her user name— could you help me?
Dec 23Reply
sapphire115 @e_l_e_a_n_o_r Try @humblekindgifts???
Dec 23Reply
e_l_e_a_n_o_r @sapphire115 are you sure that’s it? @laurenchar27
Dec 23Reply
sapphire115 @e_l_e_a_n_o_r Not sure - sorry.
Dec 23Reply
e_l_e_a_n_o_r @sapphire115 she was super kind last night @laurenchar27
Dec 23Reply
jordet Lauren want to hear more about your work sounds interesting. Tomorrow pretty busy but I will message you one day soon!
Dec 26Reply
isabellceleste it's not allowing me to pay for my bundle
Jan 08Reply
locan @laurenchar27 Hello! This photo looks so much like Keira Knightley. ❤️ happy new year :-)
Jan 08Reply
pwallace7545 I told my family what you were saying last night about pwallace7545 Wallaby Way, Sydney. Thank you for that. They've been saying it all day, then we had to watch it. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Jan 09Reply
laurenlynx_ @locan happy new year!! 🎆
Jan 09Reply
laurenlynx_ @pwallace7545 😂😂😂 omg this makes me so happy 😍😂🤣💖💖💖💖🤗🤗🤗
Jan 09Reply
jodeejeans I want to send you and your mom pics of my kitties too...can we text. 330 880 6020 joDy
Jan 09Reply
lattac37 Hi Lauren I love your posh shows!! Could you please help me lol, I haven't been on poshmark very long. How would I send a comment to all my followers, like a sale on my closet??? Thank you in advance ☺ Carla
Jan 11Reply
laurenlynx_ @lattac37 hiii Carla! So you would create a new listing explaining your sale and make sure to share the listing several times a day so it stays in the “feed” for your followers. You could create a few sale listings if you’d like and share throughout the day :)
Jan 11Reply
lattac37 @laurenchar27 Awe ok. Thank you so much. I really appreciate you ❤!!!
Jan 11Reply
laurenlynx_ @lattac37 🤗🤗🤗🤗
Jan 11Reply
laurenlynx_ @munchkinannie I’ll be doing an all sterling silver show tonight around 8pm ET - I’ll be dropping the price later this afternoon, so a notification should be sent out, and you should see it in your Poshmark feed since you like this listing. Also try bookmarking the show tonight, and a push notification should go to your phone if you have the settings turned on to allow that. Let me know if that helps at all! 💖 xx -L
Jan 22Reply
jodeejeans Lauren for some reason I can't get to my purchase to pay for it...ill keep trying
Jan 23Reply
coracaruthers Will you be doing a gold jewelry show in the future?
Jan 24Reply
laurenlynx_ @coracaruthers there’s a possibility! For now, I have a ton of sterling silver so I’ll most likely be sticking to that for a bit. But I do have access to gold pieces, so may try it out in the future! :)
Jan 24Reply
jenmuniz75 @laurenchar27 Lauren, just checking in to see how you are feeling. I know you didn’t feel well on Saturday 🤗 I hope you’re ok and feeling better ♥️
Jan 30Reply
alwaysposhible @laurenchar27 I’ve been thinking about you & praying for healing. I’m sad to know you’re sick. It’s a good thing you’ve got your amazing mom to take care of you 💕! Get lots of rest & drink plenty of water. Hugs 🤗! ~ ⭐️𝓐𝓵𝔀𝓪𝔂𝓼𝓟𝓸𝓼𝓱𝓲𝓫𝓵𝓮❤️
Jan 31Reply
laurenlynx_ @jenmuniz75 hi :) thank you! been getting lots of rest and taking it easy. Will be back to normal soon! I appreciate you checking in! 🤗
Jan 31Reply
jenmuniz75 @laurenchar27 I’m glad you are resting. Don’t rush it. Just take care of you. We are all thinking about you. ♥️♥️
Jan 31Reply
laurenlynx_ @jenmuniz75 thank you so much, you’re so sweet 💖 will continue resting and the only thing have to do today is join Shelby’s first live! ☺️🥰💖💖💖
Jan 31Reply
lisafeb14 hello.. when will your next live show be? couldn't find it
Feb 01Reply
laurenlynx_ @lisafeb14 Hi, Lisa! I will be doing a show on Saturday evening and Sunday evening. Time may vary, but it will be evening eastern time. Thanks! :)
Feb 01Reply
ttifany09 Hi Lauren ! I have a bling key chain in your name free w. Any purchase ❤️💕💕💕
Feb 03Reply
adele2030 Hi Lauren I just watched old utube video on live shows you did and saw you selling last night. Can you help an old dog Learn the tech set up of doing live shows. I would so appreciate you connecting with me Please let me know. You are so kind to do the utube video You rock
Feb 12Reply
adele2030 Also wanted to know how you sold items last night with them not in your Poshmark closet you said on the live show .? As I thought they had to have a tray Anyway very sim-le that we can talk ? Loved your show Thanks again
Feb 12Reply
laurenlynx_ @adele2030 thank you so much for hanging out! I’ll be putting up a new YT video here soon, where I’ll explain how I do things now versus when I first started. You can make generic listings for your show or quick listings and use those for items unlisted. Or you can make one listing, multiple quantity and use only that one. You’ll just need to write down and keep track of who bought what. This is why I take pictures of each winning bid holding the item in frame :)
Feb 16Reply
adele2030 @laurenchar27 thank you You are so kind
Feb 16Reply
laurenlynx_ @helloimjen7 as an example 😊 you were great today!! xx -L
Mar 01Reply
helloimjen7 @laurenchar27 Thank you so much!!! 💕💕
Mar 01Reply
jodeejeans Hey Lauren I went in to unblock my card and it's telling me that An error has occurred so I guess you have to resend the bundle to me I don't know
Mar 04Reply
singsnsmiles @divinedesi follow and bookmark @laurenchar27 shows, she does wonderful with jewelry shows!
Mar 04Reply
hatchimom I have items I need to sell is there a theme?
Mar 05Reply
akhaake Oh my gosh I absolutely loved my order and so happy with each piece. Haven’t watched a live since. I can’t wait till you’re back on. Till then enjoy your trip and safe travels doll!!
Mar 10Reply
jparker520 I sure miss seeing you and your lives. I’m trying to get my health back so I can continue doing this stuff.
Mar 12Reply
laurenlynx_ @akhaake thank you so much!! I’m so glad you loved everything!! 💖💖💖
Mar 13Reply
laurenlynx_ @jparker520 I’m glad you’re focusing on what’s most important. We’ll all be here when you get back. Sending positive healing energy your way 😊🤗
Mar 13Reply
Mar 19Reply
kellerocky miss your face and voice! 💛 I hope the move is going smoothly. “Hi” to Holly!
Apr 22Reply
laurenlynx_ @kellerocky thank you!!!! Still unpacking a ton and trying to get organized, but hoping to do a show either Sunday (4/30) or early next week! Miss seeing everyone!! (...and Holly says hi!!) <3 <3 xoxo -L
Apr 27Reply
rebeccastokes7 I keep looking in the schedule for you. From your comment above it looks like you are getting settled. Can't wait to see you and Holly's smiling faces again.
May 03Reply
laurenlynx_ @rebeccastokes7 hiii hiiii!!! I miss you!! We’re planning on finally doing a show this Friday, Sat, and Sunday! 😊 we’re so excited to finally be back!! xoxo 🤗💕
May 03Reply
cheerbear79 @laurenchar27 WOOHOO! Welcome Back!!!! ❤️🤗
May 03Reply
stylebright @laurenchar27 So exciting! We've missed you two and hope everything went well and looking forward to your next Shows! 💚💜💛 XXO Jen
May 03Reply
breannaroyce @laurenchar27 yay yay yay yay!!!
May 04Reply
kchiz1 Yay!!!!!
May 04Reply
gferr25 Sooooooooo glad to see you booked shows!!! I've missed seeing you & your mom!! Looking forward to your shows 😊
May 04Reply
flavias_finds Awesome! see you soon!! Welcome Back 🙂
May 04Reply
a_kingdom_diva Awe yay. I am so glad you and Ms. Holly are back. Missed you both. I definitely will be tuned in.
May 04Reply
meceebug Hi Lauren, welcome back, I’m looking forward to your auction 💕🦋🌸✨ I love your live shows!
May 04Reply
rebeccastokes7 WOOT WOOT! Winston is SOOO excited to see ya'll tomorrow night! And so am I.
May 04Reply
laurenlynx_ Ahh so happy to be back!! Can't wait for tonight!!! <3 <3 <3 @cheerbear79 @stylebright @breannaroyce @kchiz1 @gferr25 @friendly_deals @a_kingdom_diva @kellerocky @meceebug @rebeccastokes7
May 05Reply
singsnsmiles @laurenchar27 So happy you are back! You were missed!! I hope you had a restful break sweetie! 🥰
May 05Reply
savedone6 @laurenchar27 hi! I watched one of your videos as well. Thank you! My sales have been sucking here ever since the Posh shows started so I need to figure out how to put some of my goodies into someone else’s show. I’ve had a couple invitations but wasn’t sure what to do. 😊 Good ol’ YouTube. Lol
May 14Reply
alixgolobish hey something was wrong with my payment. I think I fixed it. but now it won't let me see my bundle anymore. so please let me know what I need to do to fix this. I'm very sorry
Jun 06Reply
laurenlynx_ @alixgolobish no worries! I’ll create a bundle for you in a little bit, so you can purchase the listing :) xx -L
Jun 06Reply
laurenlynx_ @justaseason here’s the example :)
Jul 08Reply
laurenlynx_ @asmoran here’s the live show listing for notifications when I go live :)
Jul 13Reply
laurenlynx_ @innerbeauty1968 here's the live show listing! I'll be using this to notify about my Christmas show on Sunday! :)
Jul 14Reply
silvia8296 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕
Aug 12Reply
dawnsdelights Hi. I am so sorry I had to leave your show before I could purchase the earrings. My husband walked in grumpy and hungry after work. 🥴 Do you want me to pay for them now or at your next show? I didn’t mean to cause you a hassle/inconvenience. 😔
Sep 04Reply
laurenlynx_ @yycc here's the live show listing to like to get notified when I go live! :)
Oct 12Reply
laurenlynx_ @lqqknup so happy you’re able to be back!!! 💖💖💖
Nov 22Reply
laurenlynx_ @xtinechic hi!! Here’s my live show notification listing. Once you like this, you’ll get notified when I go live :)
Dec 12Reply
blcnmjr let me know if I need another label for tonight. thanks for the deals.
Feb 05Reply
novanannies55 hey I got your offer but I want to wait until your live I may want more
Feb 08Reply
laurenlynx_ @blcnmjr thank you!!! 💕
Feb 09Reply
laurenlynx_ @novanannies55 of course! I can bundle from my closet during the live :)
Feb 09Reply
laurenlynx_ @angelmylove hi! Here’s the live show listing you can “like” to get notified when we go live ~
Apr 26Reply
ouchica405 @starchdesigns What is her youtube channel? I would love to see it.
Jul 01Reply
jodichavez You were very busy last night and you asked me to comment. I might need the Med. instead could you please measure? Thanks
Dec 02Reply
laurenlynx_ @jodichavez hi! I shipped out the medium, since that was what was requested in the live instead of the large. Order went out next day! :)
Dec 05Reply
jroseremegi123 @laurenlynx_ I didn’t get notified !!!!! You still have the skirt for me to bundle ? What time and day is your next show ? I joined the text notification to make sure I don’t miss it !!!!!!
Jan 14Reply
sapphire115 Hey girl..haven’t received any notifications of your live shows for a month or more. When’s the next one? Hope you & Holly are both well & happy.
Feb 08Reply

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Cleveland, OH
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