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Updated Nov 10
Updated Nov 10


Free People

US$6 US$999


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💛Send me two items through the blue plus sign in the tray! 💛Be here to run your items! 💛$10 and below 60 sec starts! Anything above 30 sec starts please! 💛Share out what doesn’t sell! 💛Like this listing! 💛Save my upcoming shows!! 💛If you have a live listing tag me and I’ll put it in the tray for people to like it! 💛If you like anything from my closet I’ll immediately add it to the tray! 💛If you’re confused or have any questions just ask me! 💛Be kind and supportive to our posh community and friends!
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magrathea @billiesnyder @biscloset24 @bkrace34 @blessed2posh @blessed4351 @blondiemom11 @bra_lover @broketeacher7 @brooklyncato3 @bsprettythings @cakegma @caligur|1975 @carolineofparis @carpediem1430 @casadaly @catchinzs @cathykasi @catwoodcock @cdrbop
May 18Reply
magrathea @peacegoddess @peachyparsimony @petals_n_thorns @photography11 @plj32915 @posh_fever @poshbritknee @poshclark449 @poshkimmie83 @poshmel888 @princesspicks @prissymissyson @prttysmrtlady @qkagir 0367 @queenposhnb @radiant_waves @radley761 @reck007 @reesbrown56 @retiredgal56
May 18Reply
sparkie24 @magrathea I just saw your message about what you said and no that's not true sweetie and I couldn't even answer you where the question was cuz Poshmark marked it as harassment or something and if I wanted to report somebody and of course I said no because I love you
May 21Reply
sparkie24 and I think you adorable I'm so sorry that this happened to you because this has happened to me a couple of times before also and there's a lot of other people on here that help charities it's a good thing to help I send them money every single month every two weeks when it's more I've been doing it since 1990 since I've had bladder cancer three times and my dad and my mom both died from cancer and so many of my family members
May 21Reply
magrathea @sparkie24 Okay, I’m so sorry I just had to check. Thank you for all you do ❤️
May 21Reply
sparkie24 I had to send this message in a few messages because you can only have a certain amount of characters I'm trying to send you my number but it's not letting me so you can call me I tried to email and it won't let me put that either because we really can't talk about this in the chat it's not good like I said they ask if I wanted to report to say harassment like I said I'm 60-year-old grown grandmother been helping Saint Jude's since 1990
May 21Reply
sparkie24 I'm not a child I'm an adult as I said and these people talking this kind of stuff I think are young girls that have nothing better to do I don't know but don't get yourself mixed up in it okay and anything that anybody says about anybody because my dad used to tell me believe only 50% of what you see in your eyes and believe nothing of what you hear I love you sweetie and you're doing a great job and I'm so proud of you like I'm your mom thank you so much
May 21Reply
sparkie24 almost forgot hope you had a really nice dinner with your family you're so wonderful you get off exactly and take care of your family also your mom and dad must be so proud of you bless you sweetheart Donna
May 21Reply
sparkie24 you can actually message me back right on these messages just press reply and you can talk to me there and then this is private okay don't let any of these people in the chat get you in any kind of trouble or bring you down or anything like that cuz they're just jealous of what you're doing believe me words between me and you like I said I'm old enough to be your grandmother bless you again sweetheart
May 21Reply
magrathea @sparkie24 Yes, I completely under. I’m super sorry, I just wanted to clear things up. Thank you for everything that you’re doing. You so kind and I will be happy to keep running your things. I’m sorry for the confusion ❤️
May 21Reply
sparkie24 sweetie don't even be sorry but just don't fall into the people's gullible traps okay because you're going to start selling your items really good and you're going to make a lot of money . and you're so good at it you're like born to do this it's wonderful don't let anybody put words in your mouth and words in your ears or bring you down ignore everybody and do your thing girl like I said I could be your grandma I'm not a young girl playing games bless you sweetie
May 21Reply
magrathea @sparkie24 Thank you 🥰
May 21Reply
jenalto1971 Signing in
May 24Reply
sintarsia I will come up with a different jewelry item for your show. Hopefully they will like the next item better.❤️💋
May 24Reply
magrathea &eveladeeve
May 31Reply
yokhaver I lost you in that chat you were asking me where I lived in Florida. actually next to Wildwood Leesburg if you've ever heard of those two towns.
Jun 07Reply
magrathea You’re good lol! Oh okay cool! I don’t think I have… I live in Tallahassee :)
Jun 07Reply
rockinroxy Hi sweetie! I believe you are my “good luck charm”! Out of all the lives I’ve attended, yours is the only one I’ve made sales on😊💜
Jun 11Reply
melgorga @fancymsnancy I was here! It was a jewelry show!
Jun 11Reply
magrathea @rockinroxy Oh my goodness!! I’m so glad I’ve helped you make sales 🥰 thank you for always being in my lives, I appreciate you❤️❤️
Jun 14Reply
rockinroxy @magrathea I soooo appreciate you luv!🥰
Jun 14Reply
jamiew62 I have missed your shows
Jul 08Reply
magrathea @jamiew62 Aww you’re so sweet thank you! I’ve missed doing them also :( I’ve been out of the country and I just got back so I hope to do one within the next couple of days ❤️
Jul 08Reply
candy258 Hi 🙋🏽‍♀️Happy Poshing‼️🛍
Sep 30Reply
prettybirdshop Thanks for adding me! I'll come back when u start show.
Jan 13Reply
magrathea @prettybirdshop Of course! Awesome see you then!!
Jan 13Reply
cutehosiery @magrathea Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
May 01Reply
magrathea @cutehosiery aww thank you!! 💖
May 01Reply
magrathea @tutuwig Thank you!!!
May 10Reply
roni_friedman Hey gorgeous, congrats on hosting today’s posh party. All the items you are picking are absolutely incredible ✨✨✨ . I am reaching out to see if you might be able to help me out. It would be mean the world to me to get one of my items selected as a host pick. I would appreciate any help as sales are slowing down. Thank you ❤️🥰❤️🥰❤️🥰❤️🥰
Jul 05Reply
nadiadelsonno Heyyy !! huge congrats on becoming a host for the “Best in Shoes Posh Party” I have some listings I think you and others might enjoy. I would LOVEE if you would consider them for Host Picks. Health and Happiness to you and yours. Wishing you so many sales!!!! :) Let me know if I should tag you in any of my eligible listings.
Jul 05Reply
magrathea @roni_friedman I’m so sorry I didn’t see your comment until now!! Definitely let me know next time I’m a host ❤️❤️❤️
Jul 06Reply
magrathea @nadiadelsonno Thank you so much!! I’m so sorry but I just saw your comment! I hope you had a great party still!! 💗💗💗
Jul 06Reply
mncohen Hi!Thanks again for running my item..I shared 10 of your items !Have a great day!
Oct 17Reply
annyroonie Congrats on being a party host! I would love for you to stop by my closet and take a peek. You might find something that fits your theme. Thanks and enjoy!
Oct 20Reply
jenny5914 Congratulations on being picked to be a party host for the Free People party. I would love it if you would consider taking a peek at my closet I have a lot of FP – thank you so much and wishing you many many sales 💕
Nov 08Reply
carguia GM. Please check out my closet. It's filled with cute items. Maybe for a Host Pick? 😊😉😊💜❤️👯‍♂️🕺💗💚
Nov 10Reply

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Last Active: 19 hours ago

Tallahassee, FL
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Last Active: 19 hours ago

Tallahassee, FL
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