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Updated Apr 03
Updated Apr 03

Meet your Posher, Chelsea

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Chelsea. Some of my favorite brands are UGG, Nike, and Gucci. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
  • Seller Discount: 15% off 3+ Bundle

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highwaygirl77 welcome!
Apr 03Reply
carlo_gon Welcome To Poshmark. There's a lot of great merchandise. We all have the same goal: Keep items in circulation and out of the landfill. Have fun 😊 Keep on Poshing!
May 07Reply
dshanno Hi! Welcome to Poshmark! I am a Posh Ambassador let me know if you have any questions I would be happy to help you. I hope you have a wonderful week! Wishing you many happy purchases & Sales my friend !😊 
May 20Reply
julieh28_1984 Hi, I noticed that you shared/liked some items from my closet, so I wanted to stop by and say hello 👋 and please let me know if your intrested in anything or have an offer or any other questions please do not hesitate to contact me. Happy Poshing! ❤️
May 20Reply
mcvintagebauble Hi! I'm MCVintageBauble, a k.a Mary. Come on over to my closet & find some bling for your closet!   Feel free to share the items you like with your followers. Don’t be afraid to use the bundle function to make an offer, or just click the  ❤️ on any item & I’ll send you an offer.  Happy Poshing 😊
May 24Reply
effiedattilo Hi, welcome to poshmark! I have been buying and selling here for around 2 years, and sold around 200 otems make close to $2000. I am downsizing to move, so accepting most offers.
May 24Reply
thecampaign19 thx for the follow I appreciate you sis stay blessed 🙌
May 26Reply
lillymum77 Hi. Welcome to Poshmark. I know you will enjoy your experience here. It’s a great place to sell and make friends. If I can help you please let me know. Again, Welcome.
May 26Reply
kimsung Hi! Chelsea, thank you for the share.
Jun 06Reply
rad0529 Hello Chelsea, my new friend, I pray your day has been truly blessed as well as all your tomorrows, God Bless always, Rhonda
Jun 09Reply
mirandaseegers Great closet🤗 I’m a tall posher! Check out my closet for lots of LTS!
Jun 11Reply
bluerop Hi Chelsea, This is Jean. I'm just stopping by to say hello and welcome to Poshmark. Thanks for following! I appreciate you!! Please check out my closet. Stop by often and say hello. Best wishes to you and all you do here! Most of all just have fun and Happy Poshing 🥰❣️
Jun 13Reply
computershoptx Welcome to Poshmark and Thank you for sharing from my closet! I hope you have a great week and successful Poshing!😊
Jun 18Reply
hdda Welcome to poshmark
Jun 26Reply
driftywood Hi, welcome to Poshmark! I think you’ll like shopping and selling here. Great people, unique shops and super deals. Thanks for checking out my closet, everything is on sale, but feel free to make ma an offer! Have fun! 😊♻️🌸
Jul 18Reply
queenblues4luv Welcome to Poshmark! Best place to buy & sell. Thank you for the share. Checkout my closet and feel free to send me an offer on anything you like. I look forward to poshing with you. Have a beautiful evening & happy poshing.
Aug 04Reply
lynnbeckylynn Hi! Thanks for the follow. We're Posh Ambassadors and would be happy to answer any questions you may have. We welcome you to check out our closet. We offer a 20% discount on bundles of 2 or more items. Happy Poshing 😍
Aug 10Reply
oliviaami Hi @660cbd34af7f474957af3613 , thanks for following us! 💗 Like or comment our items to get great offers😊
Aug 16Reply
oliviaami Dear @660cbd34af7f474957af3613 , happy to see that you are following our closet 💗
Aug 16Reply
rmey233 Your closet is so cool!! I wish I could buy it all😁 Queens see queens. 👸
Sep 13Reply
csawy516 @rmey233 omg I just checked out your closet AGAiN I am in love!!!!!!
Sep 13Reply
rmey233 @csawy516 pop by again! I give great bundle discounts and love getting to know fellow posh queens! Happy poshing😁
Sep 13Reply
csawy516 @rmey233 ohhhh myyyyy Gawwwwwww I just made a 14 item bundle!!! And whoa- I could add another 412 more items!!! Soooooo much LOVE ❤️❤️❤️❤️ I might just only shop your closet/ no mall’s so online no other poshers… only you!! Yazzzzzzzzzzzzz! I just live for your pieces!! And what a great deal!!!!
Sep 13Reply
rmey233 @csawy516 Thank you so much❤️ Tou picked some amazing items, and they all wash really well ( so important!)
Sep 13Reply
csawy516 @rmey233 you just get me….WOW. Posh friends 4 life 4 eva’ 💁😳🤡🥰❤️😾🤒✊🏿🤟🏿🫁
Sep 13Reply
rmey233 @csawy516 you know it girl! 🛍🛒🥰🙈🙉😻💯👏💅🖖
Sep 13Reply
csawy516 @rmey233 loves them!!! You got some posh flair grllllllllllllll! Such fancy flair!
Sep 13Reply
rmey233 hi posh sister! your closet has so much funky flair!
Sep 15Reply
csawy516 @rmey233 seeeestaaaahhh!!!! Your clozzzz is jammin’ with the mega flarezzzzzz
Sep 15Reply
csawy516 @rmey233 your clozzzzz is bumpin!! And it’s sumptin’ 😾😳❤️☠️🧐
Sep 15Reply
rmey233 Thanks for the share! It would be imposhible to find a better posh pal!
Sep 15Reply
csawy516 @rmey233 you are quit poshibly the funniest posh grllllll in the world
Sep 15Reply
csawy516 @rmey233 ❤️❤️❤️💕💕 loves it!
Sep 16Reply
rmey233 your shoes are so awesome! would you ever do a live show?
Sep 24Reply
csawy516 @rmey233 ohhhh myyyy gawwwww what city are you in??? What if we did one together??
Sep 24Reply
rmey233 @csawy516 I see you have some New England Patriots gear! are you a fan? Goooo Pats!
Oct 06Reply
csawy516 @rmey233 nooooo I am sure you love the same team I do… go Chiefs and I know you’re a “Swiftie” I can just tell and that Travis Kelce is sooooo fun and smart and dreamy.. I can tell you LOVE them!! Chiefs nation- I knew it about you, I could just tell!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️💕💕💕💕🫁🫁🧬😾😾😾
Oct 06Reply
k99fashionsense Hi Chelsea.Thank you for visiting my closet and your shares. It's very much appreciated. Have a nice day.
Nov 25Reply
fashion_at_lj sorry 😔 I was just sharing you closet and my fat finger went sideways 🤗and thank you for sharing my closet 😀 lj
Dec 19Reply
cleopatra_vault Hi, thanks for following 🐆🌿👸🏻 And finding my closet. Appreciate it ☺️ Best of luck with sales 🥂 Nice to meet you. 💙✨️ Happy 🌹 Poshing!!! ✨️💙
Jan 05Reply
fatma47 welcome to all new posmark ambassadors🙏i wanted to say hello to everyone 🙋‍♀️, please feel free to visit my closet. 😊i am open to new offers and offer serious discounts on my products. I definitely recommend you to take a look.🌸
Mar 18Reply

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Calgary, AB
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Last Active: hours ago

Calgary, AB
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